Claude Moore Health Sciences Library 1300 Jefferson Park Avenue P.O. Box 800722 Charlottesville, Virginia 22908-0722 URL:
Rufus Ivory Cole was born in Rowsburg, Ohio, on April 30, 1872. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1896 and attended
the Johns Hopkins Medical School, graduating in 1899. At Hopkins he came under the influence of faculty members such as William
Osler, William H. Welch, and Lewellys Barker. As a resident at Hopkins, Cole was in charge of a biological laboratory where
he studied typhoid fever. He married Annie Hegeler in 1908, the same year he was appointed the Director of the Hospital of
the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the first hospital in the U.S. devoted primarily to the investigation of disease.
The Hospital itself opened in October 1910 with 50 beds. Cole remained at the Hospital until 1937. His medical research centered
on problems relating to immunity to diseases of the respiratory system, particularly pneumonia. In retirement he wrote a two
volume work titled Human History: The Seventeenth Century and the Stuart Family. Cole died on April 20, 1966.
Cole's collection contains correspondence, including several postcards from his grandsons and one with "Mrs. Rufus Cole" printed
on it; reprints of journal articles, mainly ones written by Cole; and biographical memoirs and honorary programs related to
Sir William Osler, William H. Welch, William Stewart Halstead, Samuel James Meltzer, Harvey Cushing, William George MacCallum,
Oswald Theodore Avery, Simon Flexner, Thomas Milton Rivers, Max Broedel, and Allen O. Whipple.
Letter from William E. MacCallum to Rufus Ivory Cole
June 6, 1916
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Letter from Frederick F. Russell to Rufus Ivory Cole
January 20, 1930
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Letter from C.B. Farrar to Rufus Ivory Cole
July 16, 1959
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Letter from Eric A. Linnel to Rufus Ivory Cole
August 7, 1959
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Letter from Eric A. Linnel to Rufus Ivory Cole
June 6, 1961, [n.d.]
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Letter from Cecile Desbarats [Librarian at the Osler Library, McGill University, Montreal, Canada]to Rufus Ivory Cole
September 3, 1959
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Postal card from Rufus [Botzow] to Grandpa [Rufus Ivory Cole]
September 4, 1963
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Postal card from Bill [Botzow] to Grandpa [Rufus Ivory Cole]
September 4, 1963
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Postal card from Jose [s.n.] to Rufus Ivory Cole
September 4, 1963
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Letter from Cecile Desbarats [Librarian at the Osler Library, McGill University, Montreal, Canada] to Rufus Ivory Cole
October 7, 1963
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Letter from Rufus Ivory Cole to Cecile Desbarats [Librarian at the Osler Library, McGill University, Montreal, Canada]
November 4, 1963
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Letter from Cecile Desbarats [Librarian at the Osler Library, McGill University, Montreal, Canada] to Rufus Ivory Cole
December 24, 1963
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Letter from Wilburt C. Davison to Rufus Ivory Cole
November 14, 1949
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The Papers of Rufus Cole 1904-1960
November 4, 1963
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Selected Papers by Dr. Cole
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Journal reprint from American Medicine , "Pneumococcus Arthritis" by Rufus I. Cole
May 31, 1902
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Journal reprint from Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin , "Blood Cultures in Pneumonia" by Rufus I. Cole
June 1902
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 018
Journal reprint from Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin , "Note on the case of Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus, in which the organism was demonstrated in the circulating blood during
life" by Rufus I. Cole
October 1902
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 019
Journal reprint from Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports , "Typhoid meningitis" by Rufus I. Cole
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 020
Journal reprint from Journal of Infectious Diseases , "Experimental Streptococcus Arthritis in relation to the etiology of acute articular rheumatism" by Rufus I. Cole
November 5, 1904
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Journal reprint from New York Medical Journal , "Aetiology of Acute Articular Rheumatism" by Rufus I. Cole
March 17, 1906
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Journal reprint from Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin , "Note on the Production of an Agglutinating Serum for Blood Platelets" by Rufus I. Cole
June-July 1907
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Journal reprint from International Clinics , "Vaccine Treatment of Infectious Diseases" by Rufus I. Cole
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 024
Journal reprint from Archives of Internal Medicine , "Pneumococcus Infection and Lumbar Pneumonia" by Rufus I. Cole
July 1914
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Journal reprint from New York Medical Journal , "Pneumococcus Infection and Immunity" by Rufus I. Cole
January 2 and 9 1915
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Journal reprint from New York State Medical Journal , "Present Status of Serum Therapy" by Rufus I. Cole
August 1917
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Journal reprint from Science , "The Modern Hospital and Medical Progress" by Rufus Cole
August 6, 1926
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 028
Journal reprint from the Annals of Medical History , "Francesco Redi (1626-1697) Physician, Naturalist, Poet" by Rufus Cole; tear sheets from the Annals of Medical History , "Francesco Redi (1626-1697) Physician, Naturalist, Poet" by Rufus Cole
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 029
Journal reprint from Bulletin of Johns Hopkins Hospital , "Special Meeting of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Historical Club. Presentation to the hospital of Memorial Plaque of Sir William
Osler-Teacher and Student"
September, 1927
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 030
Journal reprint from Sir William Osler Memorial Volume, "Sir William Osler-Teacher and Student" by Rufus Cole
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 031
Lecture reprint from De Lamar Lectures 1927-28, "Acute Pulmonary Infections" by Rufus I. Cole
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 032
Journal reprint from Science , "Progress of Medicine during the Past Twenty-five Years as Exemplified by the Harvard Society Lectures" by Rufus Cole
June 20, 1930
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 033
Journal reprint from Proceedings from the Institute of Medicine , "The Nature of Pneumonia" by Rufus Cole
November 27, 1931
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 034
Journal reprint from Transactions of the Association of American Physicians , "The President's Address" by Rufus Cole
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 035
Journal reprint from Annals of Internal Medicine , "The Treatment of Pneumonia" by Rufus Cole
July 1936
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Journal reprint from The Military Surgeon , "Possibilities for Pneumonia Control as Indicated by Present Scientific Knowledge" by Rufus Cole
October 1937
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 037
Journal reprint from Science , "The Practice of Medicine" by Rufus Cole
October 7, 1938
Mixed Materials box: 001 folder: 038
Journal reprint from the Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society , "Medical Societies and Medical Progress" by Rufus Cole
January 1941
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Journal reprint from the Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital , "Perfectionism in Medicine" by Rufus Cole
August 1946
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Journal reprint from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin , by Rufus Ivory Cole and J.C. Meakins, "The Treatment of Gonorrhoeal Arthritis by Vaccines"
June-July 1907
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Journal reprint from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin , by Rufus Ivory Cole and M.R.Smirnov, "The Pro-infective ('Aggressive') Action of Normal Blood-serum"
September 1908
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Journal reprint from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin , by Rufus Ivory Cole and Arthur Bond Cecil, "The Axillary Diastolic Murmur in Aortic Insufficiency"
December 1908
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Journal reprint from the Transactions of the Association of American Physicians , by Rufus Ivory Cole and A.R. Dochez, "Report of Studies on Pneumonia"
Mixed Materials box: 002 folder: 005
Journal reprint from the Transactions of the Association of American Physicians , by Rufus Ivory Cole and W.G. MacCallum, "Pneumonia at a Base Hospital"
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Program in honor of William H. Welch Belvedere Hotel, Baltimore, Md.
April 2, 1910
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Journal reprint from the Transactions of the Association of American Physicians , "Program of the Presentation of the Kober Medal of the Association of American Physicians to William H. Welch"
May 4, 1927
Mixed Materials box: 002 folder: 008
Milbank Memorial Fund for the Committee on the Celebration of the Eightieth Birthday of Doctor William Henry Welch, "The Eightieth
Birthday of William Henry Welch"
Mixed Materials box: 002 folder: 009
Memorial Meeting in honor of William H. Welch, delivered at the University Club, Baltimore, May 22, 1934
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Dust Jacket, William H. Welch and the Heroic Age of American Medicine, by Simon Flexner and James Thomas Flexner
Mixed Materials box: 002 folder: 011
News clipping, New York Times Book Review , July 4, 1954, "The Growing Up of American Medicine," a review of books re: William H. Welch and others
July 4, 1954
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"Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences: Samuel James Meltzer, 1851-1920" by William H. Howell
Mixed Materials box: 002 folder: 013
Journal Supplement to the Bulletin of Johns Hopkins Hospital , "Dr. Halsted" by George W. Heuer
February 1952
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 001
Menu, Dinner in honor of William Osler, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City
May 2, 1905
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Journal Reprint from Baltimore Evening Sun , "Sir William Osler" by Lewellys F. Barker
December 1919
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Journal Reprint from The Nation , "Osler" by William S. Thayer
January 24, 1920
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Journal Reprint from the Canadian Journal Of Medicine and Surgery , "Osler at Johns Hopkins" by Lewellys F. Barker
March 1920
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Journal from the Canadian Medical Association , "Sir William Osler Memorial Number"
July 1920
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 006
Journal Reprint from the Transactions of the Association of American Physicians , "Influence of Dr. William Osler on American Medicine" by George Martin Kober
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 007
Journal Reprint from the Transactions of the Association of American Physicians , "Dr. William Osler as a Book Reviewer; his attitude towards hospitals"
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 008
Journal Reprint from the Bulletin of Johns Hopkins Hospital , "Presentation of Hospital Memorial Plaque of Sir William Osler," at a special meeting of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Historical
January 19, 1925
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 009
Pamphlet, International Association of Medical Museums, "Memorial Number in Memoriam: Personal Reminiscences of Sir William
Osler" by S. Adolphus Knopf
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 010
Journal Reprint from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal , "The Influence of Osler on the Practice of Medicine" by Joseph H. Pratt
January 20, 1927
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 011
Journal Reprint from the Academy of Medicine Bulletin , Silver Jubilee Number, "William Osler" by Archibald Malloch
May 1932
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 012
Journal Reprint from the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association , "The President's Address: at Osler's Shrine" by W.W. Francis
October 1937
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 013
Program, Canadian Medical Association, "The Fifth Osler Memorial Oration" by Charles D. Darfitt
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 014
Journal, Archives of Internal Medicine , Sir William Osler Memorial Number
July 1949
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 015
Journal Reprint from the Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago , "William Osler, the Humanist," by John F. Fulton
October 15, 1949
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 016
Journal Reprint from the Archives of Internal Medicine , "Excerpts from Osler, a Mosaic of Bedside Aphorisms and Writings" by William Bennett Bean
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 017
Journal Reprint from the Journal of the Association American of Medical Colleges , "Osler's Influence," by Wilburt C. Davison
May 1950
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 018
Pamphlet from the National Academy of Sciences, "Biographical Memoir of Harvey Cushing, 1869-1939" by William George MacCallum
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 019
Pamphlet from the National Academy of Sciences, "Biographical Memoir of William George MacCallum, 1874-1944" by W.T. Longcope
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 020
Oswald T. Avery, Selections from the Bibliography of 1909-1932
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 021
Journal Reprint, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, the Royal Society, "Oswald Theodore Avery 1877-1955" by R.J. Durbos
November 1956
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 022
Journal Reprint from the Journal of General Microbiology, "Obituary Notice, Oswald Theodore Avery, 1877-1955" by Colin MacLeod
December 1957
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 023
Journal Reprint from Perspectives in Biology and Medicine , "Oswald Theodore Avery and DNA" by Alvin F. Coburn
Summer 1969
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 024
Journal Reprint, Occasional Papers by the Faculty and Friends of The Rockefeller Institute , "The Johns Hopkins University and The Rockefeller Institute Allies in the March of Science," address delivered at the Rockefeller
Institute April 3, 1959 by George W. Corner
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 025
Journal Reprint from the Monographs of the Rockefeller Institute ,"Acute Lobar Pneumonia, Prevention of Serum Treatment" by Oswald T. Avery, H.T. Chickering, Rufus Cole and A.R. Dochez
October 16, 1917
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 026
Journal Reprint from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin ,"Amboceptors and Complement in Typhoid Sera" by Henry S. Denison
September 1908
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 027
Journal Reprint from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin ,"The Opsonins in Typhoid Immunity" by H. Klein, Leipzig
June-July 1907
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 028
Journal Reprint from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin ,"Tuberculo-opsonic Index and Treatment by Tuberculin" by P.C. Jeans and A.W. Sellands
June-July 1907
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 029
Journal Reprint from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin ,"The Method of 'Fixation of Complement' in the Diagnosis of Meningococcus and gonococcus Infection" by J.C. Meakins
June-July 1907
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 030
1.Journal Reprint from Archives of Pathology , "Obituary-- Simon Flexner, 1863-1946" by Eugene L. Opie; 2. Journal Reprint from the Royal Society, Obituary Notices of Fellows of , "Simon Flexner 1863-1946" by Peyton Rous The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, June 12, 1946
1946, 1949
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 031
Journal Reprint from National Academy of Science Biographical Memoirs , "Thomas Milton Rivers, 1888-1962" by Frank L. Horsfall, Jr.
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 032
Journal Reprint from the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association , "Max Broedel, 1870-1941, Director of the First Department of Art as Applied to Medicine in the World" by Thomas S. Cullen
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 033
Proceedings of the Allen O. Whipple Portrait Presentation Dinner, "In Honor of Allen O. Whipple, M.D." Hotel Plaza, New York
September 22, 1952
Mixed Materials box: 003 folder: 034
Journal Reprint from Virginia Medical Monthly , "Steriod Hormones and Rheumatism" by John Staige Davis, Jr. and Harry Bartfield