A Guide to the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance records, 1972-2006 M 432
A Collection in Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library Collection number M 432.
VCU James Branch Cabell Library
Special Collections and Archives 901 Park AvenueRichmond, Virginia 23284
Business Number: (804) 828-1108
URL: https://www.library.vcu.edu/research-teaching/special-collections-and-archives/locations/#cabell
Leila Prasertwaitaya, revised by Laura Muskavitch
Administrative Information
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to research.
Preferred Citation
Box/folder, Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance records, M 432, Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
Acquisition Information
Gift of the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance in 2007.
Historical Information
The Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance (VSDVAA) is a nonprofit agency committed to advocacy for victims of sexual and domestic abuse. Staff and volunteers collaborate with health professionals, law enforcement officers, and legislators, among other partners, in an effort to prevent and assist survivors of sexual and domestic violence. They produce a wide variety of publications, develop outreach programs, and provide training sessions to promote public awareness. Their goal is to prevent sexual and domestic violence by advancing social justice and providing individuals with the knowledge and tools to pursue healthy relationships.
The alliance was formed on October 1, 2004, when the nonprofit agencies Virginians Against Domestic Violence (VADV), founded in 1979 in Williamsburg, and Virginians Aligned Against Sexual Assault (VAASA), founded in 1980 in Charlottesville, joined together as a unified entity. The two organizations had worked together on various initiatives since the 1990s, including the VAdata Sexual and Domestic Violence Collection System created in 1996 and the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline established in 1997. Their consolidation in 2004 was led by co-directors of VADV, Kristi Van Audenhove and Ruth Micklem, and the director of VAASA, Jeanine Bieber.
Scope and Content
The Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Alliance records primarily consist of materials generated and collected by its predecessor organization, VADV. These records document the VADV's and VSDVAA's day-to-day operations, public programs, and advocacy activities, and research on the issues of domestic and sexual violence and related topics.
Series 1: Administrative Files, 1981-2006. This series contains records created by VADV and VSDVAA that document the operational functions of the organizations. Materials include bylaws, mission statements, reports, plans, correspondence, financial documents, job descriptions, and materials documenting the organization's history.
Series 2: Project Files, 1985-2005. This series consists of materials generated by VADV and VSDVAA in the course of completing various projects, including creating and administering public programs and outreach activities. Materials found in this series include brochures, fact sheets, guides, newsletters, fliers, reports, notes, programs, and invitations.
Series 3: Reference Files, 1972-2005. The materials in this series consist of brochures, booklets, guides, reports, newsletters, articles, notes, and advertising materials collected by VADV and VSDVAA, many published by other agencies. These materials address domestic and sexual violence and a wide variety of related topics including emotional abuse, substance abuse, child care, available resources, legislation, victim's rights, household management, and personal finance.
Series 4: Press Files, 1979-2004. This series contains newspaper clippings of articles concerning domestic and sexual violence, particularly in Virginia, as well as a scrapbook of clippings, photographs, and other materials documenting the activities of VADV from 1979 to 1988. Also found in this series are a certificate and proclamation announcing observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1992 and 1998, respectively, and a program for the YWCA Outstanding Women Awards at which a member of the VADV board was recognized.
Series 5: Photographic Materials, circa 1983-2001. Materials in this series included photographic prints, negatives, and inkjet-printed photographs that document major events, conferences, training sessions, retreats, and special projects.
This collection is divided into five series: Series 1: Administrative Files, 1981-2006; Series 2: Project Files, 1985-2005; Series 3: Reference Files, 1972-2005; Series 4: Press Files, 1979-2004; and Series 5: Photographic Materials, circa 1983-2001.
Files are arranged alphabetically by subject.
Container List
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:1
Ad Hoc Committee Reports and Meeting Minutes, 1987-1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:2
Annual Reports, 1993, 2002-2003
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:3
Board of Directors Legal Responsibilities and Statement of Understanding, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:4
Bylaws, Mission Statement, and Policy Statements, 1988-1989, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:5
Correspondence, 1986-1999, 2006, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:6
Financial Documents, 1981, 1994-2002
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:7
Governor's Task Force on Coordinating Preventative Health, Education, and Social Program Meeting Agenda, 1986
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:8
History of Virginians Against Domestic Violence - Drafts and Timeline, 1985, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:8
History of VADV - Drafts and Timeline, 1985, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:9
Job Descriptions, 1994-1995, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:10
Lobbyist Forms, 1983-1988
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:11
Logo and Branded Materials, 1985, undated
- Mixed Materials box: 14
Member Index Cards, 1985-1991, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:12
Safe Deposit Box, 2003
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:13
Solicitation Letters and Membership Information, 1988-1990, 1999, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:14
Strategic Plans and Informational Handout, 1995-2002
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:15
Tax Exempt Status Files, 1981-1990
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:16
Activist Toolkit and Desk Calendar, 2003-2004
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 1:17
Advocacy Day Coalition Resource Team Sketch Script and Props, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:1
Advocate Newsletter, 2002
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:2
Batterer Intervention Programs Fact Sheet, circa 1999
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:3
Break the Silence Flier and Packet, circa 2003
- Mixed Materials Drawer: W1
Calendar, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:4
Christmas Cards, circa 1988
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:5
Completed "Batterer's Treatment Programs" Surveys, 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:6
Domestic Violence and Services in Virginia Fact Sheet, 1998-2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:7
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Invitations, 1988-1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:8
Domestic Violence Brochures, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:9
Emotional Abuse Brochures, 1998
- Mixed Materials box: 14
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline - Ephemera, circa 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:10
Family Violence and Sexual Assault in Virginia Hotline - Information Sheets and Cards, circa 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:11
Gospel Sing Service Program, 1994
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:12
In Our Vision Newsletter, 2000-2002
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:13
Law Student Program - Administrative Notes and Training Materials, 1985-1987
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:13
Law Student Program - Administrative Notes and Training Materials, 1985-1987
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:14
Law Student Program - Handbook and Notes, 1986
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:15
Lesbian Battering Brochure and Ad, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:15
Lesbian Battering Brochure and Ad, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:16-2:17
Lesbian Caucus of the Virginias Binder, 1995-1998
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 2:18
Lesbian Caucus Retreat Flier, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:1
Magistrates Training, 1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:2
Marital Sexual Assault Brochure, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 12:1
Media Watch Map, 1998
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:3
Media Watch Report, 2002
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:4
Resource Library Brochure, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:5
Safety Planning Brochures, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:6
Sexual Assault Brochure, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:7
Sexual Assault Survival Guide, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:8
Substance Abuse Brochures, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:9
Sunset on the James Benefit Invitation and Program, 1988
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:10
Taking Action Newsletter, 1992-1993
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:11
Training Catalogs, 1999-2005
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:12
Training Needs Assessment Form Report, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:13
VAdata Information Sheet and Reports, 2000-2001, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:14-3:15
VADV Lesbian Caucus, 1995-1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:16
Voter Registration Guide for Virginia Women, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:17
Worship Service Program with Domestic Violence Informational Insert, 1988
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:18
Abuse Brochure, 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:19
Acquaintance Rape Packet, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:20
"Arrest in Domestic Violence Cases: A State by State Summary," 1987
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:21
Child Care Materials, 1974-19827
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:22
Childhood Materials, 1968-1979
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:23
Communication Guides and Empathy Training Manual, 1974, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 3:24
Consciousness Raising Handout, 1976
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:1
Consumer Affairs Materials, 1977-1979, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:2
Credit Materials, 1976-1981, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:3
Crime Prevention Materials, 1977-1978
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:4
Discrimination and Education Materials, 1973-1980, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:5
Discrimination and Employment Materials, 1979-1981
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:6
Domestic and Family Violence Materials, 1977-1980
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:7
Domestic Relations Rights in Virginia Brochure, 2002
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:8
Domestic Violence Booklet, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:9
Domestic Violence Legal Process Guide, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:10
Domestic Violence Safety Brochure, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:11
Drugs and Drug Abuse Materials, 1972, 1977
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:12
Emergencies Materials, 1978, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 4:13
Emergency Housing for Battered Women and Their Children - Map, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:1
Energy Conservation Bibliography, circa 1980
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:2
Family Abuse Protective Orders Chart, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:3
Family and Intimate Partner Violence Homicide: Virginia 2000 - Report, 2002
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:4
Family Violence Brochure, circa 1992
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:5
Financial Assistance Materials, 1999-2000, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:6
Fundraising Materials, 1977-1985, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:7
"Hard Facts About Spouse Abuse," 1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:8
"Into the Light: A Guide for Battered Women," 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:9
Men Against Violence Against Women Packet, 1988
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:10
"Men Who Batter: A Resource Collection," circa 1984
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:11
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Fact Sheet, circa 1994
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:12
Response Newsletter - Assorted Topics, 1982-1986
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:13
Response Newsletter - Funding, 1979-1983
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:14
Response Newsletter - Legislation, 1979-1983, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:15
Response Newsletter - Shelters, 1979-1983
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 13:1-13:5
Sojourner , 1988-1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:16
Spousal Violence Against Women in Kentucky Report, 1979
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:17
"Stalking: A Guide for Victims," undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:18
Stop Abuse Fliers, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:19
Sweet Honey in the Rock Brochure and Information Sheet, 1990
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:20
Vanity Fair containing "What Lisa Knew," 1988
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:21
"Violence and the Masculine Mystique," undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 12:2
Virginia Family Violence Hotline Posters, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:22
Virginia Crime Victim and Witness Rights Act Brochures, 1997, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:23
Virginia Legislator Directory, 2005
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:24
"Will He Ever Change?: Treatment for Abusers," 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:25
Women and Stress Workshop, circa 1980
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:26
Women's Organizations Directory, 1980
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:27
"Working with Abusers: A Resource Handbook," 1982
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:28
Working with Police, 1986
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 13:5
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation, 1998
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 12:3-12:4
Newspaper Clippings, 1980-2004, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 13:6
Newspaper Sections - Richmond-Times Dispatch, 2003-2004
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 13:7
Newspaper Special Advertising Section - Virginia Family Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 12:5
Scrapbook, 1979-1988
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:29
Scrapbook Duplicates, 1982-1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:30
Virginia Domestic Violence Awareness Month Certificate, 1992
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:31
YWCA Outstanding Women Awards Program, 2004
- Subseries A: Events, 1984-2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:1
Advancing Peace, Ensuring Justice Conference, 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:2
Benefit Auction, 1985
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:3
Blue Light Campaign, Family and Children's Trust Fund, 1996
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:4
Clothesline Project, 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:5
Conference, circa 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:6
Conference at the Jefferson in Richmond, Virginia, 1993
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:7
Conference on Spouse Abuse, circa 1984
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:8
Conference with Governor Chuck Robb, 1985
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:9
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation Signing, 1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:10
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation Signing with Governor L. Douglas Wilder, 1992
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:11
Gospel Sing by Women of Color Caucus, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:12
Hotline Mall Display, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:13
Hotline Opening, 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:14
K-mart Event, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:15
Musical Performance with Candace Feathers, 1992
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:16
Musicians for "Voices of Freedom" Fundraiser, 1994
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:17
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1994
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:18
Office Holiday Party, 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:1
Office Holiday Party, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:2
Peace Awards, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:3
Peace Awards, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:4
Project Hope, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:5
Statewide Domestic Violence Memorial Service, 1987
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:6
Stop Violence Against Women, Hillary Clinton Visit, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:7
Washington, D.C. Trip, 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 6:1
- Subseries B: People, circa 1983-2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:8
Board Members, circa 1999
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:9
Hien, Patricia, 1993
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:10
Hien, Patricia and Robin Thomas, 1990
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:11
Lamm, Cindy, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:12
Micklem, Ruth and Debra Simmons, 1990
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:13
Office Staff, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:14
Office Staff, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:15
Reuss, Pat, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:1
Staff, 1999-2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:2
Staff Member - Monica, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:3
Steinem, Gloria, circa 1983
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:4
Van Audenhove, Kristi, 1993
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 7:8
- Subseries C: Retreats and Training, 1986-2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:5
Culture and International Domestic Violence Awareness Training in Alexandria, Virginia, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:6
Finding Time Folds Training Retreat at Radford University, 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:7
Men Stopping Violence: Building Bridges Training, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:8
Planet Fun VADV / VAASA Retreat and Advanced Training, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:9
Retreat, 1986
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:10
Retreat, 1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:11
Retreat, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:12
Retreat, 1999
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 9:1
Retreat for VADV / VAASA, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 9:2
Retreat for VADV / VAASA at Hampton University, 1996
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 9:3
Retreat for VADV / VAASA at Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, 1998
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 9:4
Retreat for VADV / VAASA in Appomattox, Virginia, 1994
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:1
Retreat for VADV in Front Royal, Virginia, 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:2
Retreat in Wakefield, Virginia, 1993
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:3
Retreat Musicians, 1995
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:4
Staff Retreat at Camp Chance, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:5
Training, 2000
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:6
Training for Social Change, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:7
Training for Trainers, 1996
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:8
Training for Trainers, 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:9
Training for Trainers, 1998
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 10:10
Training for Trainers, 1999
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:1
Training for Trainers and Advanced Training for Trainers, 2001
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:2
Training Session in Wimby, Virginia with Ellen Pence and Others, 1997
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 8:5
- Subseries D: Miscellaneous, 1986-1999
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:3
Flier for VADV, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:4
House Photographs for Membership Brochure, circa 1990s
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 5:32
Unidentified Ink Jet Prints, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:5
Unidentified Negatives, 1995-1999
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:6
Unidentified Photographs, 1986-1988, undated
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:7
Unidentified Photographs of Animals, 1986, 1989
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:8
Virginia General Assembly Photographs for VADV Newsletter Courtesy of Project Horizon, 1991
- Mixed Materials Box-folder: 11:3