Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
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John M. Jackson, Archivist
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The collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Dayton M. Kohler Papers, Ms1971-002, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The Dayton M. Kohler Papers were donated to Special Collections in several separate accruals in 1971 and 1972.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the Dayton M. Kohler Papers commenced and was completed in July 2011.
Biographical Note
Dayton McCue Kohler, son of Edwin and Bertha Kohler, was born in Pennsylvania on September 24, 1906. The 1910 and 1920 censuses list the family living in Wormleysburg (Cumberland County), Pennsylvania. The younger Kohler graduated from Gettysburg College with a bachelor's degree in 1928 and obtained his master's degree at the University of Virginia in 1929. That same year, Kohler was hired by Virginia Tech as an instructor of English. By 1932, Kohler had been promoted to assistant professor. The 1946 university academic catalog lists him as an associate professor beginning in 1946, and professor in 1957. Kohler retired in 1970 and was named professor emeritus of English.
Kohler married Jean Stewart Ogden in 1937, and they had two children Peter and Stewart, before divorcing in 1956. At the time of his death, on February 1, 1972, he was a resident of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
External sources:
U.S. Federal Censuses, 1910-1950
"Dayton McCue Kohler" in the Virginia, U.S., Divorce Records, 1918-2014, Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestrylibrary.com/discoveryui-content/view/77631:9280 , accessed Feb. 27, 2024.
"Dayton Mccue Kohler" in the Virginia, U.S., Death Records, 1912-2014, Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestrylibrary.com/discoveryui-content/view/1362045:9278 , accessed Feb. 27, 2024.
"Dayton M Kohler", Findagrave.com, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/167613611/dayton-m-kohler , accessed Feb. 27, 2024.
Scope and Content
This collection contains the papers of Dayton M. Kohler, a professor of English at Virginia Tech (1929-1970) and an authority on modern American literature. The collection contains correspondence, drafts and galley proofs of literary essay-reviews for publications edited by Kohler, manuscript drafts for articles written by Kohler, and a collection of materials relating to various authors. Among the noted authors most prominently featured in the collection are Willa Cather, Conrad Richter, Carl Sandburg, James Still, and Jesse Stuart. Within the correspondence are single letters from a number of other noted authors, including Sherwood Anderson, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Katherine Anne Porter.
The collection is arranged in six series:
Series I. Correspondence, 1927-1972. This series contains letters to Kohler, the overwhelming majority being from various authors. Much of the correspondence is routine in nature, relating to literary essay-reviews. Among the letters, however, are a number from noted authors, including Sherwood Anderson, Willa Cather, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Earl Hamner Jr., MacKinlay Kantor, Archibald MacLeish, Joyce Carol Oates, Katherine Anne Porter, Reynolds Price, Conrad Richter, Carl Sandburg (and his daughter, Helga Sandburg Golby), James Still, and Eudora Welty. (Still and Stuart seem to have been among Kohler's more frequent correspondents, each represented by substantial letters.) While many of the letters in this series are brief and businesslike, a few are more personal in nature. The letter from Porter, for example, offers a lengthy assessment of critical reviews of her Ship of Fools . Likewise, a pair of letters by Mildred Bennett, an authority on Willa Cather, provide personal insights on Cather and her family. Among the other correspondents in the series are artists Archer Lawrie and Dale Nichols. The series is arranged by correspondent name. Series II. Essays, [1931]-1952. This brief series contains a selection Kohler's manuscript drafts of articles on various literary subjects. Many of the drafts include notes on where and when the piece was eventually published. Included in the series is a draft of Kohler's introduction to the 1965 Harper & Row edition of Lord Jim . The series is arranged chronologically.
Series III, Essay-Review Drafts, 1967-1971. Included in this series are drafts (mostly typescripts) of essay-reviews submitted by various reviewers for literary publications edited by Kohler, mostly for the series Masterplots . The drafts include manuscript revisions. The series is arranged by title and date of publication, then alphabetically by title of work reviewed. (The essays for the 1968-1970 editions of Masterplots had been split by Kohler into two separate sets per year, each arranged alphabetically within the set. The order in which Kohler separated and arranged the sets has been maintained.)
Series IV. Galley Proofs, 1966-[1969]. This series contains galley proofs received from the publisher for two editions of Masterplots . The proofs include manuscript revisions. The series is arranged by publication title.
Series V. Authors, 1889-1967. Found in this series is a collection of materials relating to various authors. The series includes such items as ephemera, printed material, autographs, and photographs. Many authors are represented by nothing more than notices that accompanied books sent to Kohler as review copies. Among the more significant items in the series, however, are such materials as an advance preview of Donald Barthelme's Come Back, Doctor Caligari , radio-play scripts for "Moses" by Walter D. Edmonds and "Rifles for Washington" by Elsie Singmaster, printed and other publicity materials relating to Robert Frost, an envelope purportedly addressed by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a letter written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, photographs of Kohler with James Still at Morehead University Library, autographs of Archibald MacLeish and Thomas Nast, and printed material and autographed notes from Carl Sandburg. The largest set of materials in the series relates to Jesse Stuart and includes several pieces of printed material, many including personal notes from Stuart to Kohler. Also included is a photograph of Stuart by photographer Earl Palmer. The series is arranged alphabetically by name.
Series VI. Books and Publishing, 1955-1971. The materials in this small series relate to Kohler's general interest in literature and consist largely of printed materials. Included is a copy of Kohler's own booklet, Books and Reading and several issues of The Hollins Critic , published by Hollins University. The series also contains working lists of books reviewed in some editions of Masterplots . The series is arranged by item type.
Related Material
A keyword search on Dayton M. Kohler's name in the library's online catalog will provide the titles of works the library purchased from his personal book collection in 1971.
Separated Material
The following books were removed from the collection and cataloged for the Rare Book Collection:
The Henry D. Thoreau Letter, Ms1955-003, was also removed and processed separately. See the finding aid at
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- American Literature -- Virginia
- Authors, American -- 20th century
- Authors, English -- 20th century
- Faculty and staff
- University History
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1944-1970)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1970-)
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the Dayton M. Kohler Papers by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Container List
- box-folder 1 folder: 1
Allen, Gay Wilson1957
Allen, Walter1957
Anderson, Sherwoodca. 1928
Apple, Max1970
Arnow, Harriette1961
Atchison, Ray M.1967
Auld, Louis1966
Barney, Stephen1965
Batson, Eric J.1957-1958
Baumbach, Jonathan1964
Beard, James F. Jr.1956-1957
Bender, Todd K.1965
Bennett, Mildred R.1951
Bentley, Eric1957
Berman, Ron1966-1969
Betts, Doris1971, n.d.
Bingham, Mary1966
Binkley, William O.1962
Blotner, Joseph L.1958-1962
Booth, Philip1962
Borck, Jim Springer1970
Bowen, Elizabeth1956
Bowling, Lawrence E.1962-1971
Brand, John M.1970, n.d.
Bravo Villarroel, Roberto1957-1965
Bruccoli, Matthew J.1957
- box-folder 1 folder: 2
Cadle, Dean1960-1961
Cameron, Kenneth W.1957
Cannaday, Robert W. Jr.1957
Cather, Willa1939
Cecil, Lord David1956
Champion, Larry S.1966
Chase, Richard1956-1958
Clifford, James L.1956
Cochran, Perry1964
Corrington, John William1970
Darrow, Diane M.1966
Davis, H. C.1936
Deal, N. Harvey1963
Derleth, August1959
Deutsch, Babette1955
Dillard, Richard1966, n.d.
DiStasi, Lawrence W.1970
Duerksen, Roland A.n.d.
Dunn, Charles W.1956
Dupee, Frederick W.1956-1957
Eaton, Evelyn1957
Edmonds, Walter D.1937
Ellis-Fermor, Una1956
Eyster, Warren1970
- box-folder 1 folder: 3
Field, Bradford S. Jr.1962
Fitzgerald, F. Scott1932
Francis, Robert1962
Garrett, George1964-1968
Gehle, Quentin1970
Geismer, Maxwell1970-1972
Gibson, Frank K. Jr.1963
Goldby, Helga Sandburg1959
Grebstein, Sheldon1965
Green, James L.1970
Green, Julian1940
Gregson, David E.1971
Gries, Judy1965
Gwynn, Frederick L.1957
- box-folder 1 folder: 4
Hadas, Moses1956
Halperin, Irving1970
Hamilton, Edith1956
Hamner, Earl Jr.1970
Hart, Dabney1964-1965
Hartley, Lodwick1957
Haskin, W.n.d.
Hazel, Robert1961-1970
Heffernan, James A.1965
Henley, Elton F.1962
Herlihy, James Leo1967
Hester, Erwin1965
Hogue, L. Lynn1971
- box-folder 1 folder: 5
Johnson, Richard A.1966
Johnson, Thomas H.1957
Jones, Willis K.1971
Kahn, Sy M.1970
Kantor, MacKinlay1938
Karchmer, S. N.1965
Keller, Abraham C.1956-1957
Kent, [Carl?]1940
Kent, Rockwell1943
Kermode, Frank1956-1958
Kieffer, John S.1957
Kincheloe, Henderson1971
Knowles, Sidney1966
- box-folder 1 folder: 6
Landon, Luann1965
Lasseter, Rollin A.1971
Lavrin, Janko1956-1958
Lawrie, Archer1970
Lee, C. P.1970
Lewars, Elsie Singmaster1939
Lindberg, Gary H.1968
Lindley, Hilda L.1970
Livesay, Dorothy1965
Locklin, Gerry1970, n.d.
Lytle, Andrew1964
- box-folder 1 folder: 7
Mackey, Howard1961-1964
MacLeish, Archibald1932-1939
Macklin, F. Anthony1965
Madden, David1964-1969
Madden, Roberta1965-1971
Matson, Elizabeth1965
Matthews, Jack1968-1970
Matthieson, Peter1962
Mazzaro, Jerome1970
Mayhall, Jane1966
Meacham, Harry M.1969
Minton, M. Cronan1971
Mitchell, Edward1968
Moore, Don1959-1970
Mueller, Lavonne1970
Muir, Kenneth1956
Murphy, Robertn.d.
Myers, Margaret1971
- box-folder 1 folder: 8
Nichols, Dale1943
Nosworthy, J. M.1956-1958
Oates, Joyce Carol1966
Owen, Guy1968, n.d.
Pinsker, Sanford1970
Plumly, Stanley1970-1971
Porter, Katherine Anne1966
Price, Reynolds1968
Prokosch, Fredericn.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 9
Ratchford, Fannie1958
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan1944
Richardson, H. E.1969-1971
Richter, Conrad1947-1967, n.d.
Roberts, Kennethn.d.
Robinson, W. R.1966
Roby, Norman S.1971
Rodenbeck, John1969
Rothschild, Herbert B. Jr.1970
Rovit, Earl1965-1968, n.d.
Rueckert, Carla1963
- box-folder 1 folder: 10
Salisbury, Ralph J.1970
Sandburg, Carl1951-1953
Schulman, Grace1970
See, Carolyn1966-1971
Shannon, Edgar F. Jr.1957
Simpson, Lewis P.1971
Slonim, Marc1956-1957
Smith, Marcus1970
Spiller, Robert E.1956
- box-folder 1 folder: 11
Stein, Allen F.1969-1971
Stetler, Charlesn.d.
Stewart, Albert F.1961-1966
Stewart, Randall1956-1957
Still, James1941-1971, n.d.
Stocker, Arthur F.1963
- box-folder 1 folder: 12
Stu-Stz[2 folders]
Stuart, Jesse1955-1970, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 13
Sultan, Stanley1970
Summers, Hollis1968
Sutcliff, Priscilla1965
- box-folder 1 folder: 14
Taylor, Henry1967-1970
Taylor, Peter1965
Turnbull, Andrew1965
Tyre, Nedra1967
Vandersee, Chuck1965-1968
White, Robert B. Jr.1970
Wagenknecht, Edward1956
Warfel, Harry R.1957
Weber, Carl J.1956-1958
Webster, Harvey Curtis1966
Welty, Eudora1963-1964
Wescott, Glenway1962
White, Robert B. Jr.1971
Wilder, Thornton1948
Williams, William Carlosn.d.
Wilson, James Southall1956
Wylie, Elinor1927
Wright, Charles David1970
Yarmolinsky, Avrahm1956
Zabel, Morton Dauwen1956-1957
- box-folder 1 folder: 15 [1931]-1952
- box-folder 1 folder: 16 n.d.
[2 folders]
- box-folder 2 folder: 1-6
Masterplots Annual1967
- box-folder 2 folder: 7-11
Masterplots Annual [set 1]1968
- box-folder 2 folder: 12-14
Masterplots Annual [set 2]1968
- box-folder 3 folder: 1-5
Masterplots Annual [set 1]1969
- box-folder 3 folder: 6-8
Masterplots Annual [set 2]1969
- box-folder 3 folder: 9-13
Masterplots Annual [set 1]1970
- box-folder 4 folder: 1-4
Masterplots Annual [set 2]1970
- box-folder 4 folder: 5-14 box-folder 5 folder: 1-2
Masterplots Annual1971
- box-folder 5 folder: 3-14 box-folder 6 folder: 1-10 box-folder 7 folder: 1-8
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form (4th series)[1969]
- box-folder 7 folder: 9-15 box-folder 8 folder: 1-5
Unidentified publicationn.d.
- box-folder 8 folder: 6
Fragmentsn.d.[2 folders]
- box-folder 8 folder: 7
Masterplots Annual1966[2 folders]
- box-folder 8 folder: 8
Masterplots (4th series)[1969][3 folders]
- box-folder 9 folder: 1
Barth, John1966-1967
Barthelme, Donald1964
Berry, Wendell1964
Bowles, Jane1966
- box-folder 9 folder: 2
Carter, John Stewart1965
Cather, Willa1948-1967
Chappell, Fred1965
Connell, Evan S. Jr.1963
Cowley, Malcolm1966
Crane, Stephen1930
Cummings, E. E.1963
Dickey, James1962, n.d.
Edmonds, Walter D.n.d.
Eliot, T. S.1963, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 3
Faulkner, William[1962]
Francis, Robertn.d.
Friedman, Bruce Jay1966
Frost, Robert1932-1962, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 4
Garrigue, Jeann.d.
Guthrie, A. B. Jr.n.d.
Hall, Donald1955-1964
Hawkes, John1967
Hawthorne, Nathanieln.d.
Hemingway, Ernest1964
Holmes, Oliver Wendell1889
Kinsey, Ralph L.n.d.
Kohler, Dayton with James Still[1961?]
Lehan, Richard1966
Lowell, Robert1965
MacLeish, Archibaldn.d.
Mayhall, Janen.d.
Nast, Thomasn.d.
Oates, Joyce Carol1964-1966
Porter, Katherine Anne1965, n.d.
Price, Reynolds1963
Purdy, James1967, n.d.
Richter, Conrad1962-1966, n.d.
Roberts, Elizabeth Madoxn.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 5
Salisbury, Ralph J.n.d.
Sandburg, Carl[1949-1953], n.d.
Singmaster, Elsie[1939]
- box-folder 9 folder: 6
St[2 folders]
Stuart, Jesse1953-1968, n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 7
Taylor, Eleanor Rossn.d.
Thompson, Lawrence S.1967
Updike, John1959-1966
Van Doren, Markn.d.
Welty, Eudoran.d.
Williams, William Carlosn.d.
Wilson, James Southall1959
Wolfe, Thomas1941-1956
Yoder, Joseph W.n.d.
- box-folder 9 folder: 8
Books and Reading by Dayton Kohler (New York: Salem Press)1955
- box-folder 9 folder: 9
Literary Landmarks of Princeton (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Library)1968
- box-folder 9 folder: 10
The Hollins Critic1965-1971
- box-folder 9 folder: 11
Masterplots book listsn.d.