Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Business Number: 540-231-6308
URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu
Kira A. Dietz, Archivist
Administrative Information
Use Restrictions
Permission to publish material from the State/Regional Home and Agricultural Publications must be obtained from publishers of individual pamphlets.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [individual item], State/Regional Home and Agricultural Publications, M2012-040, Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Acquisition Information
Materials making up the original core of the collection were donated to Special Collections prior to 2009. Additional publications were donated in 2010 and 2012. Future donations will be incorporated as they are accrued.
Processing Information
The original donations prompting this collection were removed from a previously created collection. The processing, arrangement, and description of the collection was completed in August 2012. Additional description is expected as future donations are accrued.
Scope and Content
The collection contains publications on topics including, but not limited to: war-time food use and victory gardens, home planning and organization, food and cooking, home demonstration, and household management. Although the emphasis in on Virginia state and local agencies, materials may also originate from around the United States.
The State/Regional Home and Agricultural Publications are arranged by state. Within each state, publications are arranged alphabetically by organization and chronologically within each organization. Each state or region has a bibliography of holdings.
Related Material
Ms2001-004, Ann A. Hertzler Collection. Finding aid available online.
Ms2011-021, Janet L. Cameron Collection. Finding aid available online.
Ms2011-022, National Agricultural Publications. Finding aid available online.
RG 26/2, Agricultural Extension Service (now Virginia Cooperative Extension Service) Records. A brief description of the materials in this University Archives record group is available online: http://spec.lib.vt.edu/archives/guide/rg26.htm .
Special Collections houses more than 300 publications by the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. Publications may be found by searching the library's catalog, Addison , for author: Virginia Cooperative Extension Service.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Agricultural extension work
- Agriculture
- Culinary pamphlets
- Food Technology and Production
- History of Food and Drink
- Home economics
- Virginia Cooperative Extension (1995-)
- Virginia Cooperative Extension Service
Container List
- University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignBibliography
- McCullough, Helen E. Laundry Areas Space Requirements and Location. Urbana, Ill: Small Homes Council-Building Research Council, University of Illinois, 1957.
- Portland Cement AssociationBibliography
- Portland Cement Association. Cement Products Bureau. "Arched Roof Underground Storage Cellar for Vegetables, Fruit or Eggs." No. CP 56. June 1942.
- Portland Cement Association. Cement Products Bureau. "Basement Fruit and Vegetable Storage for Victory Gardens." No. CP 53. October 1942.
- Georgia Peanut CommissionBibliography
- Peanut Pointers: Home Economics Demonstration Guide. Tifton: Georgia Peanut Commission.
- University of Georgia Cooperative Extension ServiceBibliography
- Lanier, Katherine. "Recipes Using Georgia Sorghum Syrup." Athens: Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia College of Agriculture & USDA, n.d.
- New York State College of Home EconomicsBibliography
- Masterman, Nancy K., and Frank A. Lee. The Home Freezing of Farm Products. Bulletin 611. Ithaca, NY: New York State College of Home Economics at Cornell University, 1944.
- Downey, Irene. Pastry: Basics for Beginners. 4-H Bulletin M-20-3. Ithaca, NY: New York State College of Human Ecology, A Statutory College of the State University, Cornell University, 1972.
- Ericson, Myrtle., and Dunn, Mildred. Family Meal Service. Ithaca, NY: New York State College of Home Economics at Cornell University.
- New York State Department of Agriculture and MarketsBibliography
- New York State. New York State Cabbage and Cauliflower. It's a Natural Choice. Albany: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 1981.
- New York State. New York State Cheese. It's a Natural Choice. Albany: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 1981.
- New York State. New York State Honey. It's a Natural Choice. Albany: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 1981.
- New York State. New York State Maple Syrup. It's a Natural Choice. Albany: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 1981.
- New York State. New York State Potatoes. It's a Natural Choice. Albany: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 1981.
- New York State. New York State Wine. It's a Natural Choice. Albany: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, 1981. (2 copies)
- box-folder 1 folder: 6-8
Virginia Cooperative ExtensionScope and ContentBibliography
This group includes materials created by previous agencies: V.P.I. Agricultural Extension Service; Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Extension Division; Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Agricultural Extension Service; Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Cooperative Extension Service; Virginia Cooperative Extension Service.
- Cameron, Janet L. Money! Save by Living at Home. E-298. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1932. (2 copies)
- Cameron, Janet L. Canning for the Home: Plan, Plant, Preserve, Prosper. Bulletin 128. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1932.
- Make the Farm Make the Living. Bulletin 145. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1940.
- Grow Your Own Food for Freedom. E-3351. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1942.
- Dietrick, L. B., and L. C. Beamer. Vegetable Garden Suggestions for Virginia Farmers. E-263. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1942.
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Agricultural Extension Service. Household Equipment - Its Care and Simple Repair. Bulletin 156. June 1943.
- How to Store Your Victory Garden Products. E-363. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1943.
- Fleshman, C. L., W. D. Saunders, and C. C. Flora. "A Method for Making American Cheese in the Home." Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1943.
- "1944 Home Garden Program Prepared for Leaders of Home Demonstration Clubs." MH-S3. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & Poly. Inst. & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1944.
- "1945 Home Garden Program Prepared for Leaders of Home Demonstration Clubs." MH-B15. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & Poly. Inst. & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1945.
- "1948 Home Garden Program Prepared for Leaders of Home Demonstration Clubs." Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & Poly. Inst. & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, 1948. (2 copies)
- Cameron, Janet L., and Mary L. Thompson. Apples Around the Clock. Bulletin 231. Blacksburg, Va: V.P.I. Agricultural Extension Service, 1955.
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Agricultural Extension Service. First Aid For Electrical Appliances. Circular 606. January 1958.
- Cameron, Janet L., and Mary L. Thompson. Apples Around the Clock. Bulletin 231. Blacksburg, Va: V.P.I. Agricultural Extension Service, 1962.
- Recipes Featuring Cheese. Circular 741. Blacksburg, Va: Cooperative Extension Service, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1966.
- Smith, Helen W. "Apples..." Blacksburg, Va: Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, Virginia Tech and Virginia State, 1990.
- Smith, Helen W. "Applesauce..." Blacksburg, Va: Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, Virginia Tech and Virginia State, 1990.
- Smith, Helen W. "Apple Cider..." Blacksburg, Va: Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, Virginia Tech and Virginia State, 1990. (2 copies)
- Smith, Helen W. "Microwave an Apple Harvest..." Blacksburg, Va: Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, Virginia Tech and Virginia State, 1990.
- Smith, Helen W. "Mock-Cocktails" Blacksburg, Va: Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, 1994.
- Cameron, Janet L. Can and Dry Your Garden Products: Directions for Emergency Canning. Circular E-307. Blacksburg, Va: Va. A. & M. College & U.S.D.A. Cooperating Extension Service, [1940s?].
- "Fruits of Rappahannock County." Rappahannock County, Va: Rappahannock Extension Office, n.d.
- Barlow, Leona K. "Recipes to Use Commodity Foods." Blacksburg, Va: V.P.I. Agricultural Extension Service, n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 9
Virginia Home Demonstration PamphletsBibliography
- Grim, Noll. "Sugarless Desserts." n.d.
- "Canning Demonstration--Apples." n.d.
- "Recommended Virginia Varieties for Freezing." MH-B21 (revised). n.d.
- "Virginia Apples in Any Meal." Number 19, 844. n.d.
- box-folder 1 folder: 10
Virginia Emergency Relief AdministrationBibliography
- Ellis, Sarah Porter. Canning and Drying: Subsistence Gardens Project. Bulletin 38. Richmond, Va: Virginia Emergency Relief Administration, 1934.