Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434) 560 Drillfield Drive Newman Library, Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Business Number: 540-231-6308 specref@vt.edu URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu
Christine Thompson
Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
J. Paxton Marshall Papers, 1967-1996
1 Cubic Feet, 1 box
Marshall, J. Paxton, 1922-2000
The J. Paxton Marshall Papers collection contains papers, reports and publications on land use issues in Virginia and surrounding
states, as well as a small amount of biographical material. The documents included relate to Marshall's tenure in the Department
of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Virginia Tech (1967-1995), as well as his work with various committees and as a technical
representative for the General Assembly of Virginia.
Permission to publish material from J. Paxton Marshall papers must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: J. Paxton Marshall papers, Ms 2012-074,
Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Acquisition Information
The J. Paxton Marshall Papers were donated to Special Collections in November 2001.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the J. Paxton Marshall Papers was completed in November 2012.
J. Paxton Marshall was born in Akron, Ohio on July 31, 1922. He attended the University of Kentucky as an undergraduate, and
pursued his M.A. and PhD. at Michigan State University. He began his teaching career in 1961, first at the University of Maryland
(1961-1964) and then moving on to Virginia Tech. He was a faculty member in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
for nearly 30 years (1967-1995). Over the course of his career, Marshall participated on numerous regional and national committees,
most notably: Tobacco Marking Cost Study Committee (1989-1995), American Agricultural Economics Association Professional Activities
Committee (1976-1978), Southern Extension Public Affairs Committee (1967-1987), and National Public Policy Education Committee
(1962-1987). Marshall also served as a Technical Representative for the General Assembly of Virginia. Upon his retirement
in 1995 Marshall was granted the title of Professor Emeritus by the Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University. He died June 16, 2000.
The J. Paxton Marshall Papers collection contains papers, reports and publications on land use issues (primarily in Virginia),
as well as a small amount of biographical materials. The documents included relate to Marshall's tenure in the Department
of Agricultural and Applied Economics at Virginia Tech (1967-1995), as well as his work with regional and national committees,
and as a technical representative for the General Assembly of Virginia.
"In the Thirties, We Were Prisoners of Our Illusions, Are We Prisoners in the Sixties?"
September 1968
box-folder 1 folder: 4
"Receive the Sanction"
October 1968
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"A Report to The Rural Affairs Study Commission"
November 13, 1968
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"Table -- Public Assistance: Federal, and state, and local payment and administrative costs for public assistant 1935-66"
January 1969
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Correspondence with Extension Agents concerning the National Farmers Organization
January 7, 1969
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"1969 Food Grain Program"
February 1969
box-folder 1 folder: 5
"Outlook in Agricultural Policy," presented to the 24th Annual Virginia Bankers Farm Credit Conference
March 3, 1969
box-folder 1 folder: 5
Land Use-Value Assessment , article by A. Travis Poole, Jr.
Summer 1969
box-folder 1 folder: 5
"A Heuristic Analysis of Agricultural Policy Influences Upon People -- The Flue-Cured Tobacco Program in Retrospect"
box-folder 1 folder: 5
Commentary on "Campus Riots and the U.S. Government", shared with VPI Extension Staff
August 29, 1969
box-folder 1 folder: 5
"Table: Tobacco sales charges based on data from a sample of farmer warehouse sales tickets, 1968 sales season, flue-cured
and barley"
September 19,1969
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"Urban Design and National Policy for Urban Growth," pamphlet produced by the American Institute of Architects
October 1969
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"Analysis of Current National Welfare Program Alternatives," presented before the National Agricultural Policy Committee
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"1970 Session of the General Assembly"
box-folder 1 folder: 6
"The Quality of Living in Rural Virginia"
box-folder 1 folder: 6
"Burley and Flue-Cured Tobacco: Report of the Commission to Study Matters Relating To Flue-Cured and Burley Tobacco"
January 7, 1970
box-folder 1 folder: 6
"Pursuant to F.R. Docket 69-14712, Submitted relative to Type 31 (Burley) Tobacco"
January 9, 1970
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"Senate Bill No. 93"
January 19, 1970
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"Problems with the Old Welfare Programs and Some New Proposals," talk given at the National Agricultural Outlook Conference
February 19, 1970
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"1971 Farm Bill Options Exist," prepared for publication in Virginia Agricultural Economics
March 1970
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"Virginia Agriculture in the '70's," revised edition of a paper presented at the 25th Annual Virginia Bankers Farm Credit
March 9, 1970
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"Burley Tobacco Soil Bank Programs"
March 18, 1970
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"Virginia Agricultural Economics"
January - March 1970
box-folder 1 folder: 7
Voting and Elections in Virginia: A 4-H Citizenship Program Resource
May 1970
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Commentary on "Student Unrest: Sources and Consequences," "Heaven is a Lonely Place," and "Campus Riots and the U.S. Government",
shared with VPI Extension Staff
May 15, 1970
box-folder 1 folder: 7
"New approaches and Alternative Plans for Resource Management," presented before the TVA Project Update Conference
May 31, 1970
box-folder 1 folder: 7
United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Services, F.R. Docket 70-5463: Proposed
Rule Making Flue-Cured Tobacco
June 5, 1970
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"Amending Virginia's Constitution: Questions and Answer"
September 1970
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Our Poor Neighbors: What are we doing to help? What could we do?
September 1970
box-folder 1 folder: 7
Commentary on "The Lessons of Isla Vista," shared with VPI Extension Staff
October 1, 1970
box-folder 1 folder: 7
"Manpower Productivity - Who's Responsibility?" presented before the Agribusiness Conference
November 23, 1970
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"An article on the Agricultural Act of 1970", shared with Agricultural and Farm Management Agents
December 18, 1970
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"Assessment of Agricultural, Horticultural, Forest and Open Space Lands As Provided in House Bill 99"
October 1971
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"Boards of Assessors and Boards of Equalization Study Report"
December 3, 1971
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The Flue-Cured Tobacco Farmer
December 1971
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"Problems and Alternatives with Collective Marketing Approaches," presented before the Workshop on Pricing Agriculture
January 5-7, 1972
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Agricultural Economics Research Report: Title Examination in Virginia
July 1972
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"Zoning in the Long-Run," presented before the Extension Division In-Service Training Session on Land-Use Planning
January 29-31, 1973
box-folder 1 folder: 8
"Virginia Housing: Some Items," prepared for presentation before the Extension Division In-Service Training Session 'Human
Needs in Housing'
April 19, 1973
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"Some Questions and Answers on a Proposed Zoning Ordinance for Warren County"
April 1973
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"Use-Value Assessment Legislation, as Amended"
June 1973
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"Health and Your Community: A Problem in Community Organization," prepared for Family Resources Conference
July 17-19 1973
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Minutes of Southern Public Affairs Committee Meeting
September 20, 1973
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"Use-Value Assessment in Virginia: Some Questions and Answers"
October 1973
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"The Alternative Forms of County Government in Virginia"
November 1973
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"Determining Locations for Rural Medical Clinics: A Model and Its Use," Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics
December 1973
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"The Peanut Program: Some Issues, Some Choices," presented at the Virginia-North Carolina Peanut Research Review
December 17-18 1973
box-folder 1 folder: 9
Virginia Agricultural Economics , newsletter, Nos. 245, 254-264
box-folder 1 folder: 9
Progressive Farmer's Peanut Profit Guide
February 1974
box-folder 1 folder: 9
"You Are Both In and Of Your Community: You're Important!" prepared for presentation to Southeast Virginia Extension Technician
April 25, 1974
box-folder 1 folder: 9
Land-Use Issues: Proceedings of a Conference
November 1974
box-folder 1 folder: 10
"Health Education Spans Outreach Clinics: A Concept to Consider," Health Education Monograph , vol. 3., no. 1
Spring 1975
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Papers on Agricultural Policy
February 1977
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1978 Forum on the Future of Virginia Agriculture: Papers on Energy Policy
May 1978
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Current Land And Water Resources Issues in Virginia: Proceeds of a Conference
September 1979
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"Provisions of the Current Tobacco Program," from Tobacco Marketing Policy Alternatives
September 1979
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The Virginia Assembly on Land Use Policies: Issues for the Commonwealth: Final Statement
June 18-20, 1982
box-folder 1 folder: 11
Conference on the Reclamation of Surface-Mined Land by use of Grasses, Legumes, and Forest Trees , pamphlet
May 9, 1984
box-folder 1 folder: 11
Land Use and The Cheapeake Bay , pamphlet
May 15-17, 1984
box-folder 1 folder: 11
The Regional Assemblies of the Virginia Assembly on Future Policy for Elementary and Secondary Education in the Commonwealth , pamphlet
box-folder 1 folder: 11
A Series of Five Regional Conferences on Agricultural Policy: Issues in the 1985 Farm Bill , pamphlet
box-folder 1 folder: 12
"Information about the Virginia Rural Leadership Development Program," pamphlet
February 1984
box-folder 1 folder: 12
"Questions and Answers to Provide More Information About the Virginia Rural Leadership Development Program"
November 1984
box-folder 1 folder: 12
Restructuring Policy for Agriculture: Some Alternatives, Papers from a Symposium
May 1984
box-folder 1 folder: 13
The Virginia Assembly On Policy for Elementary and Secondary Education in Virginia: Issues for the Commonwealth
June 1984
box-folder 1 folder: 13
"Issues in Tobacco Policy: A Collapsed Cartel, Decreasing Demand, Excess Supply And A No-Net-Cost Program"
box-folder 1 folder: 13
Papers on Issues in Agricultural Trade Policy: The United States, Japan, and the European Communities
September 1984
box-folder 1 folder: 14
Procedure Employed to Determine Use-Value of Agricultural Land in Virginia with Estimated Use-Values for 77 Jurisdictions
Authorizing Use-Value Taxation
September 1984
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Papers on Issues in Policy for Agriculture: The 1985 Farm Bill
December 1984
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Reluctant Ratifiers: Virginia Considers the Federal Constitution , program from an exhibition hosted by The Virginia Historical Society
June 2 - December 15, 1988
box-folder 1 folder: 15
Land Use and the Chesapeake Bay , manuscript draft
December 1985
box-folder 1 folder: 16
"The Near-Perfect Information Tobacco Marketing System: A Proposal," Tobacco Marketing Systems
box-folder 1 folder: 17
"Focusing the Question 'What is Our Product?' Upon an Institution: The Cooperative Extension," presented at a seminar held
at the University of Missouri
May 1994
box-folder 1 folder: 17
Robeson County Rules to Determine If Intensive Livestock Operation is Public Health Nuisance
September 28, 1995
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"Swine Enterpirse Records Average Operations", from Iowa State University
December 14, 1995
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Editorial from The Courier-Journal , "Improved Ethics"
August 19, 1996
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Correspondence regarding proposed floodplain ordinance,Oral Statement of Tom FitzGerald