Evans, James and Rosa Store Ledgers James and Rosa Evans Store Ledgers, 1919-1934 Ms.2015.009

James and Rosa Evans Store Ledgers, 1919-1934 Ms.2015.009


Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech

Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)
560 Drillfield Drive
Newman Library, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Business Number: 540-231-6308
URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu

Carolyn Meier and Kira A. Dietz

Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
James and Rosa Evans Store Ledgers, 1919-1934
0.2 Cubic Feet, 1 box
Evans, Rosa Belle Kirk, 1879-1970
Evans, James Ransom, 1874-1952
English .
This collection consists of 2 ledgers, one from 1919-1920 and the other from 1932-1934. The ledgers contain purchases and payments from the patrons of a general store owned by James and Rosa Evans in the Pennington Gap--St. Charles area of Virginia.

Administrative Information

Use Restrictions

Permission to publish material from James and Rosa Evans Store Ledgers must be obtained from Special Collections, Virginia Tech.

Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: James and Rosa Evans Store Ledgers, Ms2015-009, Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.

Acquisition Information

The collection was donated to Special Collections in 2014.

Processing Information

The processing, arrangement, and description of the James and Rosa Evans Store Ledgers was completed in March 2015.

Biographical Note

James Ransom Evans was born in November 1874 in Lee County, Virginia. In 1900, he married Rosa Belle Kirk (also born in Lee County, in 1879. By 1919, the couple owned a general store in the Pennington Gap, Virginia, area, that they ran in to the 1930s. James died in 1952; Rosa died in 1970. Both James and Rosa are buried in Pennington Gap, Virginia.

Scope and Content

This collection consists of 2 ledgers, one from 1919-1920 and the other from 1932-1934. The ledgers contain purchases and payments from the patrons of a general store owned by James and Rosa Evans in the Pennington Gap--St. Charles area of Virginia. A receipt from the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company was found in the 1919 ledger detailing the purchase of 15 boxes of tobacco including Yellow Jackets and Camels. Most debts were paid in cash with only a very few paying with checks. The 1932 ledger contained notes from patrons asking for the Evans to send them certain items, including a note from Pearl Haynes asking for "5 pairs of overhalls....and she would pay in a week or two." Products during this time were mainly necessities with fewer luxury items such as candy as opposed to the 1919 ledger.


The ledgers are arranged chronologically.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

  • Evans, James Ransom, 1874-1952
  • Evans, Rosa Belle Kirk, 1879-1970
  • Lee County (Va.)
  • Local/Regional History and Appalachian South
  • Virginia -- History

Significant Persons Associated With the Collection

  • Evans, James Ransom, 1874-1952
  • Evans, Rosa Belle Kirk, 1879-1970

Container List

box 1
box 1