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Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [identification of item], [box], [folder], Records of the Office of the President, John McLaren McBryde, RG 2/5, Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
Source of Acquisition
The Records of the Office of the President, John McLaren McBryde materials were transferred to Special Collections and University Archives in May 1960, January 1973, and April 1973.
Processing Information
The processing, arrangement, and description of the Records of the Office of the President, John McLaren McBryde was completed prior to 1997.
Please note: There is no Box 5, Folder 164.
Biographical Note
Known as the "father of VPI," John McLaren McBryde (January 1, 1841-March 20, 1923) was the fifth president of Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (VPI, or Virginia Tech). McBryde was the first president to have a relatively free hand in developing the academic program, selecting associates, formulating policies, and planning the physical plant of the College.
Major accomplishments of his administration included: establishing position of Dean in 1903-04 to aid in administration duties; reorganizing the curriculum and creating seven new 4- year courses leading to Bachelor of Science degrees; introducing a program of graduate study in 1891 and establishing a Graduate Department, with its own Dean, in 1907; starting the summer school program in 1904. Also during his tenure, McBryde improved and expanded the physical plant, with six buildings being renovated and sixty-seven new buildings constructed. The faculty increased from nine in 1891 to forty-eight in 1907 and enrollment rose from one hundred and thirty-five in 1891 to a peak of seven hundred and twenty-eight in 1904/05. McBryde was also the first president to encourage student activities, as witnessed by the beginning of an athletic program and resumption of publication of the Gray Jacket, as well as the adoption of school colors.
Hazing controversies plagued McBryde's administration, but his handling of the early cases tended to enhance his prestige as well as strengthen the College's image.
Because of declining health, McBryde was granted a six months leave of absence for rest and recuperation from January to June 1906. During this interval, the Board appointed Ellison Smyth and Theodore Campbell to serve jointly as president of the Campus and designated the Rector, J. Thompson Brown, as official head of the College. McBryde returned to his duties as president, but since his health did not improve, he resigned effective 1 July 1907.
Scope and Content
This collection is primarily correspondence (1900-1907), both incoming and outgoing, dealing with pertinent subjects of McBryde's administration, including: Christian case and other hazing problems; Junior class uprising (1904); Jamestown Exposition (1907); fire of 1905; McBryde's refusal of University of Virginia presidency. There is also much routine correspondence including requests for catalogs, letters from concerned parents, and business letters. Included with the 1903 correspondence are letters concerning a typhoid epidemic.
Thirteen volumes of letter books (1900-1906) contain copies of outgoing correspondence from McBryde and other members of his administration: C.D. Taliaferro (Secretary to President, Registrar, Acting Treasurer, Superintendent of Book Department); Charles I. Wade (Treasurer, Registrar); Ellison Smyth (Dean). Volume I (14 February 1900 - 5 March 1900) includes some letters signed by McBryde as Director of Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station. Much of 1901-02 correspondence consists of requests and orders for catalogs and books to replenish the library after the Administration Building fire. Volume 7 (19 April 1901 - 23 February 1903) contains two reports from McBryde to Board of Visitors, 1901 and 1902, and a report from McBryde to Joseph W. Southall, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Volume 12 (15 July 1904 - 23 September 1905) contains twenty-eight letters from McBryde to Board of Visitors and others. Volume 13 (25 July 1904-28 September 1905) contains correspondence concerning Sweet Briar Institute and signed by McBryde as Chairman of Executive Committee, Sweet Briar Institute. Most volumes are indexed by recipients of correspondence.
The collection also includes: bibliography of McBryde's writings (1841-1923); annual reports of the president (1891, 1892/93); applications for employment of students (1900/01); bids and contracts (1900-07); correspondence of William Alwood, Professor of Horticulture, Entomology, and Mycology (1901-1904); reports to the president and board of visitors (1902-1907); shops department records (1902-1907); Agriculture Hall material (1905-1906); correspondence of Theodore Campbell, first Dean of Academic Department (1905-1906); requisitions and orders (1905, 1907/08); fire loss records (1905-1907); reports of absentism, tardiness, delinquency, or unsatisfactory work of students (1906/07, 1907/08); Proceedings Had Before the Committee Appointed to Investigate Charges Against the Virginia Polytechnic Institute (23-28 July 1906); and biographical information on McBryde, including newspaper clippings.
The collection is arranged by subject.
Boxes 6-9 contain oversized material removed from boxes 1-5. The folder descriptions for boxes 6-9 indicate the folders from which the material was removed.
Related Material
See also the following related collections at Virginia Tech Special Collections and University Archives:
J. Bolton McBryde Collection, Ms1992-059
McBryde House Specification Records, Ms1999-010
Larry McBryde Collection on the John McLaren McBryde Family, Ms2013-024
Janet Barnhill Collection on Cora Bolton McBryde, Ms2016-019
Polly Ashelman Collection on the John McLaren McBryde Family, Ms2019-017
John M. and Cora Bolton McBryde Family Papers, Ms2023-069
Midhurst, J.M. McBryde Estate, Blacksburg, Va., Map-0276
Photographs of John M. McBryde are in the Faculty/Staff Photograph Collection
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Faculty and staff
- McBryde, John McLaren, 1841-1923
- Record Group 2
- University Archives
- University History
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College (1872-1896)
- Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (1896-1944)
Rights Statement for Archival Description
The guide to the Records of the Office of the President, John McLaren McBryde by Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech, is licensed under a CC0 ( https://creativecommons.org/share-your- work/public-domain/cc0/ ).
Container List
a: Letter from McBryde appointing a "Committee on publication"n.d.Scope and Contents
This is a letter from McBryde appointing a "Committee on publication" consisting of 3 faculty members - Campbell, Williams, and Newman - due to the lack of enforcement of the by-law requiring that all speeches and paper prepared by students for public delivery or college publication must be read and revised by the president.
b: Copy of R.H. Jenell's college account, including specific fees1891-03-31
- box-folder 6 folder: 187
McBryde, John, PresidentEnglish.
a: Review of the University. History, makeup and letters commending the university for its turn out of good workers
a: Letter to Mr Brown from Dr. McBryde concerning an architectural argument between Professors Patton and Randolph about Science Hall1905-03-04
b: Resolution that a salary of $1,000 be assigned to the office of Commandant of Cadets in recognition of the major duties of the position
c: Letter to Dr. Barringer regarding his request to McBryde and concerning Mr. Jarnagin and his position at V.P.I.1907-07-02
d: Letter to Dr. Barringer concerning the payment of the Adams Fund and McBryde's request for executive council meeting immediately1907-07-31
- box-folder 6 folder: 188
a: Overview of the Department of Agriculture and Immigration
b: Copy of the V.P.I. statistics of attendance, etc.
c: Copy of four documents with the requirements for B.S. degrees in General Science, Agriculture, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
d: Manufacturers recordJanuary 23, 1902
e: Schedule of final examinations session1903-1904
f: Article written about the University for an article in Scientific American Encyclopedia
g: Memorandum of Working Agreement Between the State Board of Control of Virginia and the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Control of Southern Cattle and the Eradication of Ticks Which Transmit Southern Cattle Fever
h: Article on the "Programme" for the farmers' institute
i: Petition signed by the school trustees of the public school on Albemarle County, their statement on the boundary changes proposal
j: Paper on the establishment and the history of the veterinary departmentEnglish.
k: A bill to apply a portion of public money to the betterment of college programs
- box 9
Oversize Untitled.
a: Statistics of Attendance for V.P.I.
b: Four Check off lists for a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, Agriculture, Electrical Engineering and General Science.
c: Advertisement with sample work from Sanders Engraving Co.1900
a: Photocopies of the original Christian Case documents in the file
a: Letter referring to the establishment of Pittsburgh Club of V.P.I. - from W.B. Moffett, class of 1901
b: Negotiation of the Hampton Hodge Property1902English.
c: Correspondence between Dr. True and Dr. McBryde concerning unexplained expenditures of the Agriculture Experiment Station
d: Letters of recommendation from Dr. J.B. Alwood, W.M. Scottand Meade Ferguson, for Dr. Ferguson as director of the Experiment Station
e: Negotiations of the Camper Property
f: Correspondence on the Coulter Affair, trouble with the Junior class1904-12-1905-01
g: Letters from Dr. Henderson concerning the Typhoid epidemic1903
h: Correspondence concerning the dismissal of Dr. Eley by McBryde
- box-folder 6 folder: 189
Correspondence (t. McBryde)1902-1907
a: Synopsis of the experiment work outlined for a three year span at the experiment station
a: History of financial improvement of V.P.I.
b: Letters concerning the selection of Professor A.M. Soule as head of the Agriculture School
c: Statements in regard to Mr. C. Binau's proposal to make uniforms for V.P.I., includes costs and numbers of uniforms
d: Letter concerning the past financial history of V.P.I.1891
e: Letters from Dr. Robert C. Price regarding his resignation
f: Deed of lease and conditions for extension of the lease of V.P.I. on "Smithfield"
g: Letter containing statements dealing with the investigation of the dining hall and heating of the barracks1905-01-14
h: Letters from McBryde's brother, Bob
i: Brief financial statement for garden department by H.F. Price1906-06-22
j: Notable letterhead from the University of State of Florida, including a picture of the Department of Agriculture
k: Report of the operations of Department of Mechanical Engineering, with recommendations for further development of Mechanical Engineering department, submitted by Dr. Randolph
l: 3 awarded diplomas of a gold medal at the James Town Exhibition for "Method and Illustrations of Instruction in Dairying and Economic Entomology," "Equipment and Instruction in Technical Education," and "Method of Producing, Transporting and Distributing Pure Milk"
m: Newspaper article, "Metallurgy as a Study and as a Profession," Times Dispatch, Richmond Virginia, Sunday paper1906-09-09
n: Two Publications by the Virginia Experiment Station, "Soil Inoculation with Artificial Cultures," by Meade Furgeson, and "The Inoculation and Cultivation of Alfalfa," by Andrew m. Soule and Meade Furgeson
o: Quick list of recommendations in the President's reportEnglish.
- box-folder 6 folder: 190
Oversize Correspondence1902-1907
a: Statements with regard to the investigation of the dining hall and the heating of the barracks
b: Letter from W.E. Barlow, head of the Metallurgy and Industrial Chemistry department, to the Board of Visitors asking for full professor status, ability to make additions to his equipment, and request for a laboratory assistant
c: Annual report of the department of Metallurgy and MetallographyMay 1907
a: Copy of the actual petition signed by the Junior class resigning from the school
b: Testimony regarding the speech Mr. Tinsley, president of the Junior class, made before the day they resigned from the school
c: Petition of the Senior class to uphold the Junior class decision to resign
- box-folder 6 folder: 191
Oversize Junior Class ResignationDecember 1904-January 1905
a: Original Petition signed by the Junior class resigning from the institution
a: Resolution and report re: the Brooke investigation
b: Typhoid epidemic, reports and questions
c: Notable letterhead from Camp Manufacturing Company1904
d: Letter from headquarters of the Corps of Cadets concerning the disorder in the dormitories1900-06-01
e: Gary Case
f: Petition for extended Christmas break
- box-folder 6 folder: 192
Oversize Faculty-Student matters
a: An answer to the petition of the Senior class asking for certain privileges
a: Correspondence between J.M. Alwood and Dr. McBryde concerning the Directors changes
b: Letter to McBryde concerning the department of Entomology and Mycology from Alwood1902-05
c: Submitted statement concerning the finances of the Department of Horticulture, Entomology and Mycology1902-09-24
a: Report on the Book Department1902-12-02
b: Report on the "Book and Uniforms Department"1902-06-12
c: Annual report of the Department mathematics and Physics by C.E. Vawter1902-06
d: "Report of the work of the colleges of Agriculture for 1904-05 with recommendations"
e: Report of the work and expenditures of the experiment station for 1904-05 with proposed budget and recommendations1905-1906
f: Report of the work and expenditures of the college farm for 1904-1905 with proposed budget for 1905-06
g: Statistical forms for the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education for the school year of 1902-1908
- box-folder 6 folder: 193
Reports on School - addressed to BOV1902-1908
a: Individual reports from various departments of the Scientific Department and summation
b: Three reports of the Treasurer: July 1898, July 1902 and July 1904
c: Letter of statements of the financial transactions of the Institute from June 10, 1901 to June 10, 1902
d: Specifications for the experimental barn for the Virginia Polytechnic Institute
e: Two reports of the Treasurer: July 1901 and July 1903
f: Report of the Associate Professor of Metallurgy, Metallography and Industrial Chemistry, for the academic year 1905-1906
a: Financial statement of V.P.I. college account
b: Statements of financial transactions of V.P.I.1899-06-10-1900-06-10
c: Statements of financial transactions of V.P.I.1904-06-1905-06
d: List of Faculty and Officers for 1903-04 with salaries listed
e: Financial transactions1901-06-1902-06
f: Year end reports written by the department heads1906
a: Case of J.L. Nester, statements of punishment1907-03-20
b: Request for a Faculty Executive Committee, and Semester general report on School Activity
c: Proposal for organization of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Alwood
d: Professors reports on the Academic year of 1902-1903
e: Letter of recommendation of Dr. Harris Hancock for President of UVa
f: Holdaway's resignation letter from the Dairy Division
g: Semester report 1904 from McBryde to the Board of Visitors
h: Rebuttal and explanations to Dr. Trues criticisms of financial transactions from Dr. McBryde
i: Monthly reports by Mary Lacy librarian1905-11-1906-06
j: Annual Report, Handwritten 1902-1903
- box-folder 6 folder: 194
Oversize Reports
a: Miscellaneous correspondence
a: Inspection report from Hartford steam boiler
b: Annual report for 1901-1902
c: Annual report for 1904-1905
d: Annual report for 1905-1906
- box-folder 6 folder: 195
Oversize Annual Reports
a: Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance
b: Report to the Board of Visitors of the work in Theoretic Kinematics, Valve and Mechanical Laboratory through Professor Randolph
- box-folder 6 folder: 196
Oversize Fire Losses / Barringer letter1905-1907
a: Department of Physics, list of items and prices lost in the fire
b: Department of Metallurgy, estimated loss from the fire
a: Floor plans and a sketch of Ag Building at University of Illinois and University of Ohio
b: Booklet of layout and description (with pictures) of Townshend Hall Ohio State University1896
c: Sketched Plans for Ag. Hall, Soil Physics lab
- box-folder 6 folder: 197
Oversize Boiler-Ag Hall (Plans for)1905-1906
a: Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance and Inspection July and December of 1906
a: Specifications for a chimney for V.P.I.1906-09-12English.
b: Letter referring to an attorney for V.P.I. had been called upon due to problems that had arisen about the construction of the chimney
c: Card for Weber-Steel Concrete Chimney Co., ChicagoEnglish.
d: Letter addressed to Weber-Steel Concrete Chimney Co. from the Engineer in charge of the project, R. Allan, in reference to the problems with the construction of the chimneyEnglish.
- box-folder 6 folder: 198
Chimney Company, Ag Hall1905-1906
a: Weber Steel-Concrete Chimney Company Specifications and Proposal
b: Blue Print of chimney
c: Weber Chimneys partial list of customers
a: Plans and Specifications for fermentation cellars
b: Request for $2,000 worth of furniture for Agriculture Hall from the Dean and Director of the Department of Agriculture A. Soule1907-01-01
a: Letter with suggestion to change in specifications of Agriculture Hall made by A.M. Soule to professor Randolph
b: Pamphlet on ice machine supplies and pumps: Ice Machine Co., New York
c: Specifications for refrigeration and Ice making plant proposed for V.P.I. by the Carbondale Machine Company1906-09-20
d: Proposal for 10 ton refrigerating plant Ice Machine Supply Co
e: Copy of 3 advertisement pamphlets: 1: Carey Machinery and Supply Company, Power Transmission Machinery, 2: Bookcases from g/w Libraries and 3: Portland Sectional Conduit, H.W. Johns-Manville Co
f: Pamphlet advertising the Heim Auto Cordless Steam Dampener
g: Pamphlet advertising the Martin Anti-Friction Rocking Grates
h: Pamphlet advertising the Heim Machine Co., Heim automatic fold collar Shaping machine
i: Refrigerating Machine plans and 20 ton ice plant elevations
j: Information questionnaire for the Triumph Ice Machine Co
k: Tables containing the Statistics for the years 1905-1906 from Alabama to Wyoming, collected by National Association of State Universities: Table no. 1: Students, Institutional Valuation, Max Salaries, Houses in Addition to salary, Teaching Force. Table no. 2: Valuation, Support, Buildings and Income
l: Advertisement for reliance, safety water columns, The Reliance Gauge Column Co
m: Card with diagram on The Squires Steam Trap by Carey Machinery and Supply Co
- box-folder 6 folder: 199
Oversize Plumbing Specs- Ag Hall
a: Proposal for an automatic ice and refrigerating machinery, Ice Machine Supply Co.
b: Specifications for refrigerating and ice making plant, The Carbondale Machine Company
c: Information sheet to the Ruemmeli-Dawley Mfg. Co.
- box 9
Oversize Plumbing Specs., Ag. Hall.
a: Pamphlet on The Martin Anti-Friction Rocking Grates. Stockham Pipe & Fittings Company.
a: Approved Act, March 3, 1898 for enforced rules and regulations about the sale of intoxicating liquors to minors or certain students
b: Summary of Alwood's accomplishments as director of Virginia Experiment Station, Names of publications and bulletins
c: Senate Bill no. 308. to amend and re-enact the act to create and maintain a state board of crop and pest commissioners and to define its duties and powers, approved March 5, 1900
d: Certificate from Governor Montague stating that Dr. McBryde appointed delegate to the State Good Roads Convention held in Richmond the 20-21 of March, 1902
e: A request for Dr. McBryde to attend Jefferson Memorial and Interstate Good Roads Convention in Charlottesville1902-04
f: Report from Mr. Scott, from the Committee on Mines and Mining, submitted the following "Endowment, Etc., of certain schools for benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic arts, Etc"
g: House of Representatives report #604, "Bill to apply a portion of proceeds of sale of public lands to the endowment of schools or departments of mining and metallurgy and so forth"
h: Letter from Martin Dodge, Director of the United States Department of Agriculture Office of Public Road Inquiries1902-03-03
i: Circular from the United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Chemistry, "A plan for cooperating in the study of available plant food"
j: Correspondence from Norfolk and Western Railway regarding the Experiment station1902-10
k: Sketch of proposed sewer line1902-10-29
l: Petition protesting the inclusion of Fluvanna Co. in the quarantine district from Splenetic Fever, signed by stock owners, cattle dealers and citizens of Fluvanna Co
m: Letter concerning corps trip to the South Carolina, Inter-State and West Indian Exposition in Charleston
- box-folder 6 folder: 200
Oversize Government Correspondence
a: Petition from Hatton Ferry and depot asking for special privilege of crossing the James River with ox teams to haul produce to the depot
b: An Act approved by the State Assembly of Virginia to regulate the sale of "Spirituous of intoxicating or malt liquors to minors and students"
a: Letter to Amy Murray from Dr. W.H. Drummond supporting her work
b: Advertisements for Miss Amy Murray (Scottish Song and Story)
c: Letter to Dr. McBryde from Amy Murray
d: Report from McBryde as Chair of executive committee about his work at Sweet Briar
- box-folder 6 folder: 201
Oversize Miscellaneous- McBryde's Interest
a: Baltimore paper review of Scottish song and story of Miss Amy Murray
b: Copy of fold out brochure on Miss Amy Murray, with photo on the front
- box 9
Oversize Miscellaneous-McBryde's Interests.
a: Fold out advertisement and review with photograph of Miss Amy Murray's lecture recitals of old Scottish songs and Ballads.
a: Catalogues and Advertisements from the following companies:English.
Gunn Sectional Book CasesEnglish.
Globe-Wernicke Co. Cabinet Supplies1907-01English.
Southern Stamp and Stationary Co.1907-04English.
The Optics of the Field Glass, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co.1907-05-15English.
1904-1905 Everette Waddey Co. Stationary and Office AppliancesEnglish.
Moore's loose leaf record books and cabinets1905English.
J.M. Hanson's Newspaper and Magazine Agency1907-1908English.
J.M. Hanson's Newspaper and Magazine Agency1906-1907English.
Office devices- Aids for the systematic manager, J.P. Bell CompanyEnglish.
Tatum loose leaf books, J.P. Bell CompanyEnglish.
Mittag and Volger Manufacturer of ribbons and carbon papersEnglish.
Columbia Typewriter paper, The Columbia Typewriter Mfg. Co.English.
b: Smith's enameled steel signals and alphabets, Charles C. Smith ManufacturersEnglish.
c: Defiance Company advertisements sent to McBryde:English.
Pocket Poker Chips
Draft and Check Protector, new steel matrix model
Payroll Machine
Wage calculator
Dividend check writer
Initial press
d: J.P. Bell Co. Automatic numbering machine, writing fluid, and ink stand1903
a: Entomological News. Includes plate of Butterfly, By Ellison Smyth Jr.1903-03English.
b: A Chance to Advance Southern Technical Training1903-01-23
c: Letter from New Hampshire college of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts concerning the Government money and experiment stations
d: Check from the Bank of Blacksburg
e: Qualifications for degrees for Electrical Engineering, General Engineering, Agriculture and Mechanical Engineering
f: Statistics of Attendance1903-11-12
g: Department of Agriculture and Immigration literature defining the powers and duties of the board of Agriculture
h: Comparison of cost of buildings erected in 1900 by contract and in 1904 by the college itself
i: Schedule of final examinations for the 1903-1904 session
j: Telegram from Norfolk and Western Railway Co
k: Regulations drawn up by Board of Visitors for general scholarships
l: Article in Encyclopedia Americana about V.P.I., history and statistics etc.1904-05-11
m: Letter concerning the amendment to the mining bill H.R. 8868 as proposed by the National Association of State Mining Schools and Invitation to their convention of Association of American Agricultural colleges and Experimental Stations
n: Notable letterhead from the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission with a pamphlet of editorials from newspapers on the undertaking of a Virginia building at St. Louis
a: Letter to Virginia State Board of Crop and Pest Commissioners regarding experimental work and funding, written by J.L. Phillips, State Entomologist
b: Letter to Dr. Campbell from William Thorton Office of the dean on how the University of Virginia deals with delinquent students
c: Notable letterhead from Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company Ltd.
d: Document calculating out deficits of the school
e: Letter to Vawter from the Board of Visitors in response to his resignation
f: "Memorandum of working agreement between the State Board of Control of Virginia and the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Control of Southern Cattle and the eradication of Ticks which transmit Southern Cattle Fever"
g: Article titled "Farmers Arrange for Institute." discussion of the program for the Ninth annual Farmers' Institute
h: Comparison of Cost of Work provided for in Bill reorganizing the Department of Agriculture, when work is done be the Department of Agriculture and when it is done by the Agricultural Experiment Station
i: "An agreement between the State board of Agriculture and the board of control of the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station and the Southern Produce Co., Representing the Truckers of Virginia, for the establishment and management of a station in the trucking section"
j: Letter from McBryde, reasons for asking for increase of 10,000 dollars in annual appropriations
k: Review of the history and standing of the V.P.I. Veterinary department
l: In depth notes on a visit to V.P.I. including corps, barns and buildings, unknown author
m: Direct appropriation since 1891, Exclusive of 60,000 last granted
n: A bill to apply a portion of proceeds of sale of the public lands to the endowment support and maintenance of schools or departments of mining and metallurgy in the several states and territories in connection with the colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts established in accordance with the provisions of an act of congress approved July 2, 1862
a: General correspondence from parents and relatives asking for information
b: Notable letterhead from the State Board of Agriculture
c: Notable letterhead from David M. Lea and Co
a: Notable letterhead from Anderson & Co.1900
b: Notable letterhead from Central Mfg. Co.1904
c: Flyer for a book for students of the Drill Regulations of Infantry Drill including interpretations of the drill by Lieut. John T. French, Army & Navy Journal
d: Notable letterhead of Aspinwall Manufacturing Co. Potato Machinery
e: Notable letterhead for the Iowa Homestead, a western farm journal
f: Announcement of participation in inter-state travel for Cornell Universities Sports teams1901
g: Manual of the rules of guidance for students1901-09
h: Notable letterhead for Wingo, Ellett & Crump Shoe Co.
- box-folder 6 folder: 202
Oversize Ambrose-N.W. Ayer & Son Advertising1900-1904
a: One letter from parent of a student
a: Notable letterhead from Baldwin's Deteribes1902
b: Pamphlet and price list advertising the Klip Binder by the H.H. Ballard Co.
c: Notable letterhead Barnes-Crosby Co.
d: Notable letterhead from James S. Barron and Company
a: Notable letterhead from Quinn-Marshall Co.
b: Advertisement for Photo-negative album and everyday file
c: Advertisement for fine toilet papers with price list for J.P. Bell Co.1901
d: Notable letterhead from The Bain Peanut Co.1901
e: Correspondence from Norfolk and Western Railway Co. from a potential student, Frank Bell
f: Notable letter from Confederate soldier, H.R. Berkeley, wanting to send his boy to V.P.I. for electrical engineering1902
a: Notable letterhead from J.C. Blair Co.1902
b: Notable letter and letterhead from the manager for Frieda Siemens a well renowned German Pianist1903
c: Pamphlet advertisement of Uncle Sam's Favorite, (Mailboxes)
d: Notable letterhead from Baugh and Sons Co.1903
a: Notable letterhead from Royalton Woolen Co.1903
b: Letter from the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, requesting the University to see if there were any summer positions for open for work during the summer, mainly in Mattress making and mattress repairing1902
c: Notable letterhead from Norfolk and Western Railway Co.1903
d: Notable letterhead from Braddock and Co. on the back of the letterhead is the explanation of the Braddock System and how it works. "The best, safest, least expensive and most accurate system for conducting a Credit or Company Store Business."
a: Notable letterhead from Blue Ridge Springs Va.
b: Notable letterhead from J. Thompson Brown & Co.
c: Notable letterhead from Maryland Trust Co.1902
d: Notable letterhead from Buena Vista Plaster and Mining Co.1901
e: Notable letterhead from J. Bumgardner Distilling Co.1902
f: Notable letterhead from The Orton1901
a: Notable letterhead for the Orange Judd Co.1904
b: Letter from A.S. Capehart regarding sending a copy of the Paris Exposition of 1900 to V.P.I. (Explains what the exhibition was and the what the report includes.)1901
c: Letter in Spanish from El Presidente de la Audencia de la Habana, Fardieras1900
d: Series of 28 letters in Spanish to McBryde and Tagliafero from Buenos Aires, Castro family. Additional letters in English from Peter Castro to his brother, sent from V.P.I. and from Julio de Cardenas to McBryde
a: Notable letterhead from Riter-Conley Manufacturing Co.1902
b: Notable letterheads from Central Manufacturing Co.1901-1902
c: Notable letterhead from A.J. Chewning Co.
d: Notable letterhead from Chicago House Wrecking Co.1902
e: Notable letterhead from Thomas L. Cleaton1904
f: Notable letterhead for Columbia Typewriter Manufacturing Co.
g: Agreement to furnish coal to V.P.I. Institution from July 1903-July 1904, Contract made in writing between Plunket and V.P.I.1903-07
h: Notable letterhead for Pocahontas Coke and Coal Co.
a: Notable J.H. Collinson XC'LENT, Baltimore Oysters1902
b: Notable letterhead from Columbia Shade Cloth Co.1904
c: Notable letterhead from Corbin Cabinet Lock Co.1902
d: Cortwright Metal Roofing Co. order form1900English.
- box-folder 6 folder: 203
Oversize Coken-Coutuery1901-1904
a: Letter form the Republic of Argentina
a: Notable letterhead from Hotel Stratford1902
b: Notable letterhead from The Craig Art Co.1903
a: Notable letterhead from Geo. D. Witt Shoe Company1900
b: Letter from a parent with child being harassed at V.P.I.
a: Notable letterhead from Pentagraph Printing and Stationery Co.1900
b: Dow Wire Works Co., advertisement for tinned wire carriers for wheels1900
c: Notable letterhead from Drewery, Hughes Co. Importers of dry goods1900
a: Notable letterhead from Royalton Woolen Company
b: Notable letterhead from Murphy's Hotel1903
c: Notable letterhead from Elmer & Amend Importers & Manufacturers of chemicals1902
d: Notable letterhead from The Letterman Company Department Store1901
e: Notable letterhead from Electrical World & Engineering1901
a: Sample of engraving for College Publications
b: Notable letterhead from August Gast Bank Notes & Lithographing Co.
c: Series of letters from various engraving companies for diplomas etc. with price ranges and other company information included
d: Notable letterhead from Electric City Engraving Co.1900
a: Notable letterhead from D.M. Osborne & Co.1903
b: Notable letterhead from Crucible Steel Co. of America1903
c: Notable letterhead from Griffith & Griffith original Stereoscopic Views1902
a: Notable letterhead from the State of New York Department of Agriculture1903
b: Notable letterhead from Fox Typewriter Co. Ltd.1902
c: Notable letterhead from "The Commercial"1904
d: 5 Southern Express Co. Tickets with rates on back, from Boston to Christiansburg for Cargo
e: Postcard Advertising "The Columbian Cyclopedia Annual for 1900"English.
a: Notable letterhead from New York Steam Packing Co.
b: Notable letterhead from The Orton
c: Notable letterhead from Trenton Rubber Mfg. Co.
d: Notable letterhead from Aldophus Blair and Sons1903
e: Notable letterhead from Camp Manufacturing Co.1902
f: Notable letterhead from William C. Geraty Co.
g: Letter from Office of the Chief of Ordinance, United States Army - Order forms for artillery and uniform pieces1902
h: Notable letterhead from Murphy's Hotel1903
a: Memorandum of credit from the office of Ginn & Co. Publishers1901
b: Receipts from Ginn & Co. Publishers
c: Notable letterhead from F.L.G.H. & Company, real estate, rental and Insurance1901
d: Standard letter for class failure from Registrars Office1904
e: Notable letterhead from Aetna Insurance Co. of Hartford
f: Notable letterhead from the Florida Hospital for the Insane
g: Notable letterhead from the Grand Rapids Clocks and Mantel Co., English Hall Clocks, a specialty1900
h: Notable letterhead from School Furniture Works1900
a: Notable letterhead from Wm. N. Grubb Insurance1903
b: Letter referencing a strike at the Virginia Passenger & Power Company from a father whose son failed out of Tech1903
c: Advertisement for The Globe-Wernicke membership card index outfits
- box-folder 6 folder: 204
Oversize Gray-Gualthaney
a: Sample membership cards from the Globe-Wernicke Co.
b: Brochure on Globe-Wernicke Co.English.
a: Notable letterhead from Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.1900
b: Notable letterhead from Lowell Model Co., Manufacturers of gasoline engines and attachments1903
c: Letter from Don P. Hasley, State Senator from the 20th Senatorial District
d: Notable letterhead from the Bain Peanut Co.1904
e: J.L. Hammett Company1901
f: Notable letterhead from Hammond Typewriter
g: Notable letterhead from Jefferson Hotel Company1901
h: Notable letterhead from Harman Bros. Whiskey merchants1902
i: Notable letterhead from Harris & Crismond Co
a: 7 letters from the Cuban Educational Association of the United States of America1900
b: Letter from Frank Hart, a Confederate Soldier who lost his leg in the Civil War, who wants to give his son the education he never got1903-07-20
c: Letter regarding additions to V.P.I. Faculty, salaries included1901-07
d: Notable letterhead from R.B. Chaffin & Co. Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Auctioneers
e: Notable letterhead from Hansbrough & Carter Insurance, Real Estate and Loan1900
f: Notable letterhead from Richmond Free Street Fair - List of people involved on the side1900
g: Letter from G.W. Koiner, Commissioner of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, explaining the Farmers' Institutes
h: "Institute Report for the Year ended, June 30, 1904, Queries" a form to fill out
i: Letter with Article Attached titled "Cotton Rushed Up: Honors of the day were with the bears after hard struggle."
j: Notable letterhead from The Henderson-Ames Co., Military & Society Uniforms and Equipments, Regalia & Paraphernalia. Includes sample of white wool cloth1901
k: Check written to Military and Society Uniforms and Equipment
l: 5 Credit memorandums from Henderson-Ames Co.1901
- box 9
Oversize Harrison-Henderson.
a: Questionnaire from the United States Department of Agriculture office of Experiment Stations. Report of the Director of Farmers' Institutes.
b: Letter from a sister to McBryde.
a: Notable letterhead from The Jno. J. Mitchell Co.1903
b: Notable letterhead from the Office of the American Publishers Association1904
c: Notable letterhead from Julius Hines & Son1900, 1904
d: Notable letterhead from L.R. Shepherd & Co.1901
e: Notable letterhead from Hirshberg Hollander & Co.1901
f: Notable letterhead from Tip Top Restaurant
g: Notable letterhead from A. Hoen & Co. Lithographers, Engravers and Printers1903
a: Notable letterhead from Galeridge Institute1901
b: Notable letterhead for Horlicks Food Company
c: Notable letterhead from Wm. H. Horstman Co.1904
d: Two samples of white wool cloth, Columbia and Army Standard from Wm. H. Horstman Co.1904
e: Notable letterhead from Virginia Bridge and Iron Co.1901
f: Notable letterhead from H.B.Howes Crescent Falls herd of pure bred and grade Hereford cattle1902
a: Notable letterhead from the Smith Premier Typewriter Co.1903
b: 5 Letters negotiating a trip to the Charleston Exhibition with the Stonewall Jackson Institute in Abington Virginia, all girls school
c: Letter from the Mississippi Experiment station, 1903 regarding the most economical way of sending circulars with different machinery
a: List of old infirmary equipment
b: Notable letterhead W.P. Ives & Co. Rectifiers and Blenders of old Whiskey1904
c: Notable letterhead from Dental Snuf Company1900
d: Notable letterhead from Bluefield Coal and Coke Co.1903
a: Letter from a company with sample of calligraphy for diplomas1902
b: Notable letterhead from Thomas Kane & Co. Works1902
c: Notable letterhead from Fred Kauffmann, The American Tailor1901
d: Letter from Agriculture College of Utah regarding State money and Legislative actions dealing with funding
e: Notable letterhead from Providence Hospital
f: Notable letterhead from Muphy's Hotel
g: Notable letterhead from The Egg Reporter, a Journal For the Egg Trade
h: Notable letterhead from King Mantel Company1900
i: Advertisement for the N. Klein & Son Co., New England Pressing iron, Chinese Laundry Iron, Chinese Common Sad Iron
j: Notable letterhead from N. Klein & Son, Sunshine Stores, Ranges & Furnaces1901
k: Notable letterhead B. Kuppen Heimer & Co.1902
l: Notable letterhead from The "Oakley" Nelson Co. Virginia1901
a: Notable letterhead from S.A.L. Hotel & Dining Station
b: Letter of recommendation for the nephew of General Beverly H. Robertson of the Confederate States Army1903
c: Letter from Landes Photographers concerning the request from the cadets for a reprint of a picture of McBryde1901
d: Notable letterhead from Levey Bothers & Co. Inc.1900
e: Notable letterhead from The M.C. Lilley & Co., Military & Society Goods.1903
- box-folder 6 folder: 205
a: Letter from Troy Laundry Machinery Co. Ltd. quoting prices for various machines
a: Receipt from The M.C. Lilley & Co.
b: Notable letterhead from The Rich Patch Iron Company1900
c: Notable letterhead from Look & Lincoln Wagons1900
d: Business card for Mr. Lovelock (Judging Cattle)
e: Notable letterhead from The Lutz Company1902
- box-folder 6 folder: 206
a: Miscellaneous correspondence
- box 9
Oversize Lilley-Lyon1901-1904
a: Letter from J.H. Little Missionary, American S.S. Union concerning funding his son's education.
a: Receipts from the Fred Macey Company1900-1901
b: Letter regarding problems with a fake receipt from Mallory
c: Receipt from Norfolk and Western Railway Co.
d: Notable letterhead from J.H. Marsteller1901
e: Pamphlet on illegal Practitioners and Consequences in Virginia
f: Postal Telegraph-Cable sending an application for a free scholarship recommended by State Senator D. Gardiner TylerEnglish.
a: Letters from a worker for the Consular Service, USA in Buenos Aires1901
b: Letter from Consulate D. Mayer about students from Buenos Aires and his son1900
c: Map of the United States of the back of The National Irrigation Association, Letter addresses the National Irrigation Movement and a message from President Roosevelt to Congress
d: Notable letterhead W.N. McAnge & Co.1902
e: Circular of V.P.I., a notice to professors concerning a class attendance
f: Notice of vacancy form from the School and College Bureau
g: Notable letterhead from Castner, Curran and Bullet Sole Agents for Pocahontas Coal1904
h: Notable letterhead from John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.1902
i: Business Card for R.L. Meade, representing Charlottesville Woolen Mills
a: Notable letterhead McGray refrigerator and cold storage Co.1902
b: Mailing card for "The Educational" periodical for the interchange of thought, includes Aim of the magazine and subscription price
c: Telegram from Southern Railway Co.1902
d: Business card for R.L. Meade, representing Charlottesville Woolen Mills
a: Dining hall evaluations by a designated board of students, (cadet captains)
b: Notable letterhead from Chas. R. Linc Company, Druggist and Seedsmen1902
c: Notable letterhead from University College of Medicine, Richmond, VA1901
a: Letter from H.L. Newbold, Captain Artillery Corps to the Inspector General, U.S. Army. A submitted report of an inspection of the Government property at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute1902-05-21
b: Notable letterhead from Monroe Refrigerator Company1900-1901
c: Postal Card from the Montgomery Ward Company receipt of order1904
d: Postal Card with prices for various subscriptions from Moore's Subscription Agency1903
- box-folder 6 folder: 207
a: Report submitted to The Inspector General following an inspection of the government property at V.P.I.
a: Letterhead from Headquarters of the Grand Camp Confederate Veterans1902
b: Notable letterhead from Strother Drug Co.1901
c: Letter referring to the form letter from the registrar's office about class failures
d: Letter including an article titled "The Academy and the Higher Institution, their relation"
e: Notable letterhead from Ed DeMoulin and Bros.1902
a: Notable letterhead from Neostyle Co.1901
b: Notable letterhead from "The Breakers"1902
c: Correspondence with a Students father over an alleged forged check1903
d: Notable letterhead from Nonotuck Silk Company, includes price list1901
e: Notable letterhead from The Nut Shell Publishing Company1901
a: Notable letterhead from Stephen Putney Shoe Company, owners of Battle Axe
b: Statement from Orange Judd Co.1902
c: Letter from the Office of the Chief of Ordnance U.S. Army, concerning the return of bond for corrections as pointed out by Judge Advocate General, USA-V.P.I.
d: Pamphlet form Ordnance Department U.S.A. titled "Regulations, Etc., For the Issue of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores to Colleges and Universities"
e: Invoice of Ordnance Stores amounting to 123.32$ to The Commandant of Cadets, V.P.I. from the Springfield Armory1900-07
a: Notable letterhead from The National Hotel1900
b: Notable letterhead from The Parker Pen Company1902
c: Credit memorandum to Dr. Tagliaferro for 3.07$ from Parker Pen Co.1901
d: Request form submitted by Lewis Payne, Cadet Private in Band Company1902-12
e: Notable letterhead from Adams Bros.-Paynes Co.1903
- box-folder 6 folder: 208
a: Receipt to Book and Uniforms department V.P.I. with note from V.T. Peed
b: Notable letterhead from G. Penn Sons Tobacco Co. Manufacturers1903
c: Notable letterhead from the Pettibone Brothers Manufacturing Company1901
d: Notable letterhead from Judson L. Thomson Manufacturing Company1902
e: Notable letterhead from Massie and Pierce Wholesale Lumber1903
f: Notable letterhead from Ludwici Roofing Tile Co.1902
a: Notable letterhead from Sunset excursions Washington-San Francisco line1903
b: Notable letterhead from Cincinnati's Gibson House and Grand Hotel1903
c: Legal document signed by McBryde for debt of 2$ from the Publishers' Collection Agency, includes statement of Law1901
d: Notable letterhead from Queen and Co. Incorporated Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments1900
a: Notable letterhead from The New St Charles1901
b: Notable Letterhead from Blue Ridge Springs1902
c: Item and price list for Raub and Co. Publishers1901
d: Letter from the Dean of the Administrative Board at Tufts College, Gardner C. Anthony1902
e: Letter from English High School in Providence R.I. about gathering material for a museum used for teaching commercial Geography
f: Advertisement for Reid Copy Holder, A.B. Reid & Co.
a: Notable letterhead from The reliable Incubator and Brooder Co.
b: Notable letterhead from Remington Typewriter1904
c: Business card from Rida bock & Co. New York
d: Prices for military & band equipment
a: Notable letterhead from the Bedford Bulletin, Publishers and Job Printers with circulation for the year 1901-1902 on side of the stationary
b: Letter from a parent regarding the typhoid scare1903-11
c: Notable letterhead from Buena Vista Plaster and Mining Co.1901
d: Advertisement & Letter for Wrights Concert Band
e: Notable letterhead from Seaboard Air Line Railway, includes a map of the Southeast coast and the locations where the train stops
a: Letter from the superintendent of Public schools of Warren Co., G.E. Roy, Front Royal1902
b: Notable letterhead from The Royal Tailors, includes a list of uniforms they make, in the left margin of stationary1903
c: Notable letterhead from The Great Southern Despatch, includes map on the back of the South East Fast freight line and connections
d: Letter from H.H. Royer student seeking retribution for items that were stolen from him1900
e: Letter from the department of education of Puerto Rico about sending boys to school at Blacksburg and the financial aide, free board, and tuition for these students1900
f: Notable letterhead from The Virginia Cattle Food Co.
g: Purchase receipt from the Department of the Interior1903
h: Notable letterhead from Wm. West Co.1901
a: Notable letterhead from Salem Heating Co.1900
b: Letter from the World's Work about V.P.I. as a leading technological school, request to include the school in the publication1900
c: Notable letterhead from the Johnson Grocery Co.1903
a: Notable letterhead from The Prudential Banking and Trust Co.1902
b: Notable letterhead from R.B. Chafin and Co.1900
c: Booklet titled "Some Aspects of the Analyzing and Grading of Iron Ores of the Gogebic Range." by Edward A. Separk1904
a: Notable letterhead from Druggists and Seedsmen Co.
- box-folder 6 folder: 209
Oversize Sheldon-Smidon
a: Business card from architect Walter Jefferson Smith with a letter concerning the erection of a new building on campus
b: Notable letterhead from The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.1903English.
c: Notable letterhead from The Hotel Chick Springs1902
d: Notable letterhead from H.L. Smith1903
e: Notable letterhead from B.D. Smith and Brothers1902
f: Receipt from The Smith-Courtney Co.1900
g: Notable letterhead from Michigan Agricultural College1901
a: Correspondence between Andrew Soule from the University of Tennessee and McBryde about moving to Blacksburg and taking a position, includes details about the house being built for Soule and his wife1904
b: Notable letterhead from Southern Electrician1903
c: Receipts of payment from the Southern Stamp and Stationery Co.1902-1903
d: Notable letterhead from The Southern Industrial News1902
e: Sample of a blank form for keeping records in testing annual legumes, sent by the United States Department of Agriculture1903
f: Notable letterhead from Standard Paper Manufacturing Co.1903English.
g: Notable letterhead from Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co.1903
h: Blank Contracts for South Carolina reports
i: Notable letterhead from Wallace Stebbins and Sons1902
- box 9
Oversize Soule-Stevens.
a: Grass Garden record for annual legumes, Blank form.
a: Telegram sent through Norfolk and Western Railway Company from a conductor in failing health requesting information on a course in telegraphy1903
b: Notable letterhead from Tate Spring East Tennessee, the Carlsbad of America, letterhead includes rates of board
c: Receipt from the Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co. for the printing of the "Bugle 1901"
d: Notable letterhead from the Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co.
a: Notable letterhead from The Western Assurance Co.1901
b: Advertisement from Isaac A. Sheppard & Co. with pictures and prices for a nine plate stove for wood, plain top tailor stove and a round top tailor stove
c: Notable letterhead from Straus Gunst and Company1902
d: Printed review of a book titled "A History of the German Language from the Present Day." by Chas. W. Super
e: Notable letterhead from The Geiser Manufacturing Co.1902
a: Letter from the University of Florida concerning the question of Co-Education in higher institutions, seeking V.P.I.'s opinion1903
b: Notable letterhead Treacy, Morris & Co. Manufacturers1903
c: Series of letters in Spanish from Sates 1900's, from Cuba
d: Notable letterhead from The Office of City Clerk1901
e: Notable letterhead from Wm. H. Horstmann Co.1903
f: Notable letterhead from Hodnett-Chism-Thompson Co. Inc.1903
g: Notable letterhead from The Times1900
a: Notable letterhead from David Bradley Manufacturing Co.1902
b: Notable letterhead from Wings Ellet & Crump Shoe Co.1901
a: Notable letterhead from Valentine's Meat-Juice Co.1901
b: Formal resignation form from Vaughn, a student in poor health
c: Notable letterhead from Southside Foundry & Machine Works1903
d: Letters from the Imperial German Cosul in Richmond, E.K. Veitor1904
a: Notable letterhead from Voghts, Quast and Company importers1901
b: Sample of gray padding from Voghts, Quast and Company
c: Four gray padding samples and one white sample from Voghts, Quast and Company
d: Four samples of blue uniform wool from Uhlig and Company Woolens1902
a: Notable letterhead of Everett Waddey Co.1900-1902
b: Letter including a written statement from student concerning a problem with the class of 1905, including a letter backing up the student1903-04-15
c: Notable letterhead from Wallerstien Produce Co.1902
d: Notable letterhead from the Wall Street Journal about a subscription1902
a: Notable letterhead from A. A. Waterman & Co. for the Lincoln Pen
b: Notable letterhead from Watson & Newell Co. Silver smiths1903
c: Letter from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Agriculture concerning the Quarantine laws1902
d: Notable letterhead from F. Weber & Co.1904
e: Notable letterhead form Fred Van Orman & Co.1900
f: Notable letterhead from James T. White & Co. Publishers1903
- box-folder 6 folder: 210
Oversize Ware-White
a: Notable letterhead from the Knoxville Sentinel1904
b: Notable letterhead from W. J. Whitehurst1902
a: Notable letterhead from J. A. Wilkins Co. Printers1900
b: Letter from the Grand-Camp of Confederate Veterans of Virginia wanting to secure the V.P.I. Cadet Band1902
c: Letter with added paper concerning the credentials for the entrance examination for matriculants at Baltimore Medical College
d: Notable letterhead from Williams Bros. Inc.1901
a: Official notice from the Registrar's Office concerning failures and missing course work1904
b: Notable letterhead from Central Warehouse leaf tobacco
c: 5 Advertisements with photo and description of desks from Everett Waddey Co.
d: Letter from W.E.Wine accepting the position of assistant in drawing1904
a: Notable letterhead from Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo N.Y. U.S.A.1901
b: Notable letterhead from the State of Georgia Senate Chamber, from W.A. Warsham, concerning a position in Chemistry1904
c: Notable letterhead from Eskew, Smith & Cannon Manufacturing Confectioners1904
d: Notable letterhead from E.A. Wright1903
a: Notable letterhead from Corinth Lumber Company1901
b: Notable letterhead from Mount Airy Furniture Company1903
a: Series of Formal applications for employment from the students1901
- box-folder 6 folder: 211
Oversize Applications for employment by students1900-1901
a: Testimonies on the Childrey & Matthews Case, with recommendations for Matthews punishment
b: Notable letterhead from N.R. Bowman and Company, leaf tobacco1902
c: Notable letterhead from Common Council City of Lynchburg1903
d: Letter in regard to the handling of hazing at V.P.I. from a Rector of St. Stephens Church, Randolph Royall Clairborne
e: Pamphlet from University of Wisconsin, "A Circular of Information relating to the Short Course in Agriculture at the University of Wisconsin 1902-1903"
f: Report form the Presidents office concerning three cadets for: "Seriously and Disrespectfully interfering with the Officer of the Day in the discharge of his duty on the Night of April 28th"
g: Report of the students work for term ending January 3, 1903 with a letter from the parents
h: Notable letterhead from Wm. N. Grubb Insurance1903
i: Committee report from the committee appointed by the class of 1904 concerning the Brandenburg Case
j: Notable letterhead from the "Oakly" Nelson County Virginia, Buffalo Station P.O.1902
k: Notable letterhead from U.S. Navy Yard Norfolk, VA1903
l: Notable letterhead from Cranes Nest Coal & Coke Co.1902
- box-folder 6 folder: 212
Oversize Problems, A-K1902-1903
a: A review written by Drinkard about the lawlessness and disorder that was breaking out 1902
a: Letter from a father to the school concerning problems with his son and a misappropriated check
b: Review in the Bristol Cavalier of V.P.I. band1903-02-14
c: Notable letterhead from John E.Rose & Co.1903
d: Statement signed by committee from class1904
e: Evaluation of Mess Hall food1904
a: Letters regarding problems with an auditor refusing payment of accounts made against Crop Pest Commission Funds
a: Notable letterhead from American Trust & Savings Bank
b: Letter from an ex-student who was just named as County Health Officer of Montgomery County
c: Notable letterhead from J.P. Bell Company1905
d: One of the letters referred to in the book titled The First One Hundred Years, McBryde's chapter in the Quotes at the end of the chapter. The quote concerning sending a worm to be identified1905
e: Notable letterhead from Bishop Furniture Co. concerning the recent fire at Science Hall1905
f: Notable letterhead from Virginia Bridge & Iron Co.1905
g: Letter accompanied by a newspaper article titled "Crush Rowdyism Say Educators"
h: Notable letterhead from the Teacher's Co-Operative Association1905
i: Report of vacancy form from the Teacher's Co-Operative Association
- box-folder 6 folder: 213
Bason-Butt, McBryde1905
a: Newspaper article titled: " Crush Rowdyism Say Educators"
a: Various letters of interest concerning an opening position in the Department of Chemistry at Virginia Tech
b: Notable letterhead from the Bugle , V.P.I.1906
c: A request for more information regarding V.P.I. from the Chicago Tribune due to more requests for information to the newspaper1905
d: Notable letterhead from Commercial Envelope and Box Company1905
e: Notable letterhead from W. S. Copeland of the Times Dispatch regarding a student's record, Richmond Virginia1905
f: Telegram from the Western Union Telegraph Company Inc. with conditions and company terms on the back of the telegram1905
- box-folder 6 folder: 214
Calvert-Cunnigham, McBryde1905
a: Notable letterhead from Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.1905
b: Notable letterhead from Eugene Deitzgen Co.1905
c: Cover letter for job as Assistant Professor in Chemistry for 1906, from Mr. Oskar Eikstein1905
d: Letter concerning the Southern Educational Conference April 26-28, Letter from J. Wm. Flinn, South Carolina College
e: Blank advertising contract for Official Southern States School Guide, Forman Co., Publishers1905
f: Various letters concerning the fire at Science Hall
a: Letter from A.B. Guigon Attorney at Law concerning the junior class incident, the Tinsley case1905
b: Enclosed correspondence between Col. Johnson and A.B. Guigon in reference to Guigon's sons record1905
a: Notable letterhead from J. Bumgardner Distilling Company1905
b: Inquiry of the opening position in the Department of Chemistry
c: Brochure for a building, sent to V.P.I. after the destruction of Science Hall. Advertisement reads "College, Sanitarium, Asylum or School Property for sale or lease"
d: Letter from the General Assembly of Georgia concerning two questions regarding expenditures and present values1905
e: Schedule of lectures, Etc., 1905-1906, formal document
- box-folder 6 folder: 215
Hall-Huffard, McBryde1905
a: Pamphlet on Property for sale or lease, possibility of a College, Sanitarium, Asylum or School, located in Washington D.C.
a: Notable letterhead from Lane Brothers Company Contractors, with map on the back1905
a: Notable letterhead from Designers Engravers Printers Consolidated1905
b: Notable letterhead from The N.E. Spessard Co., general department store1905
c: Letter from a detective agency with regard to fires with newspaper articles, business card and references
d: Letter from The School and College Bureau, Chicago, claiming to have a select list of members, requesting that V.P.I. send their list of openings to them for advertisement1905
e: Letter from a parent including actual cut out sections of the Course Catalogue
f: Notable letterhead from The University College of Medicine1905
g: A series of letters from W.G. Melvin, concerning the Junior class incident and the actions taken against the boys
h: Notable letterhead from the American Saving Stamp Co.1905
i: Advertisement for the Northern Neck News, Warsaw, Virginia, the newspaper for Richmond, Lancaster, Westmoreland and Northcumberland counties1905
j: Notable letterhead from The United States Envelope Company1905
k: Letter from W.A. Murrill concerning a lecture he is giving at Tech titled "Cuba and Cuban farming"1905
- box 9
Oversize Mabee-Murrill, McBryde1905English.
a: Newspaper articles advertising a detective who wishes to investigate the fires at V.P.I., piece titled " Some of the Most Important Criminal Cases Worked Successfully by the Maryland Detective Service that Have Appeared in the papers in the Past Two Years.
From Box 4 Folder 136: Albarez-Keeler, Campbell Incoming-Outgoing1906English.
a: Memorandum concerning the sending of an Educational Commission to China, by Edmund J. James, President of the University of Illinois.
a: Notable letterhead from The Parker Pen Company
b: Letter noting problems with the shop report and budget
c: Letter form Virginia Anthracite Coal and Railway Co. concerning the problems with their service to V.P.I. and the winter weather1905
a: Notable letterhead from Hackney Wagon Company Manufacturers1905
b: Notable letterhead from The Republican Publishing Company1905
c: Notable letterhead from Buena Vista Plaster and Mining Company1905
d: Letter from Robertson & Wingfield Attourneys at Law concerning an incident taking place two years prior to the letter and requesting information relating to the case1905
e: Notable letterhead from H.W. Rountree & Brother Trunk and Bag Co.1905
a: Letter including article from the newspaper on an examination for Civil Engineers
b: Notable letterhead from Public Ledger with map on the back1905
c: Notable letterhead from The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.1905
d: Notable letterhead from Ohio State University, wanted a complete set of financial reports of the Land-Grant colleges, established under the act of July 2nd 18621905
a: Letter from T.M.R. Talcott to president McBryde in reference to the article in the Times-Dispatch which discusses the terms under which the Junior class students will be reinstated. An argument over the punishment1905
b: Notable letterhead from Taylor Bros1905
c: Letter from R.H. Tebbs in reference to the insubordination of the Junior class "The Coulter Affair"
d: Letter from the Southern Intelligence Office containing a cut out advertisement for V.P.I.1905
e: Notable letterhead from Underwood & Underwood stereoscopic photographs concerning summer employment of 1500 students1905
a: Letter from S.P. Withers in regard to the Junior class trouble1905
a: Outgoing letter to A.L. Adamson in regard to his son1904
b: Outgoing letter to J.A. Albert concerning some incident of a student leaving campus and being charged with outrageous conduct. Student supported by Dr. McBryde
c: Notable letterhead from The Charlotte Trouser Co.1905
d: Letter to McBryde from Mrs S.H. Anderson about her son's dissatisfaction with V.P.I. accompanied by a sympathetic response form McBryde1904
a: Letter of apology from a student member of the Junior class for his behavior in the Coulter Affair and asking to be reinstated
b: Miscellaneous correspondence from the Dean of Faculty. Many letters referring to the disciplinary action taken by the faculty in the Coulter Affair
a: Miscellaneous correspondence regarding the reinstatement of various students from the Junior class that resigned
a: Miscellaneous correspondence from parents with replies from the Dean of Faculty, referring to: Catalogue requests, Coulter Affair and reinstatement, student records and possible employment
a: Miscellaneous correspondence about: Financial difficulties, reinstatement of students involved in the Coulter Affair, Catalogue requests, A boy McBryde is to look after during his fathers absence on the U.S.S. Buffalo
b: Letter from Flournoy, Sparklin Architechs regarding the recent fire and the need for a new building. Includes a drawn picture of a dormitory building at Washington and Lee University that was an example of their buildings
c: A picture in The Baltimore News of the plans for The Marlborough Apartment Hotel1905
a: Notable letterhead from The Combination Rubbery Mfg. Co1904
b: Miscellaneous correspondence referring to: The reinstatement of members of the Junior class, Requests for information referring to V.P.I., and student records
a: Letter referring to the requirements for entrance into the freshman class1905
b: Various correspondence referring to the reinstatement of students from the Junior class
c: Letter from the University of Arkansas requesting a copy of the rules and regulations at V.P.I. for reference as they revise their set of rules and regulations and wish to compare them
d: Letter from the Commercial Association, renewing their invitation to attend the "Good Road" Meeting1905
e: Advertisement for certificates, includes sample certificates with conditions and important changes of rates, rules and regulations on the back1904
f: Notable letterhead from Tennessee Furniture and Supply Company1904
a: Various letters referring to the reinstatement of students of the Junior class1905
b: Letter to the manager of the Virginia-Tennessee Telephone Company, Pulaski, complaining of the unsatisfactory phone service and the problems Tech is having with their service1905
c: Notable letterhead from G.W. Litz Stock Company1905
a: Notable letterhead from The Citizens Bank1905
b: General Correspondence
c: Letters regarding the reinstatement of members of the Junior class1905
a: General Correspondence
b: Letters concerning the reinstatement of members of the Junior class
a: Letter that references when the name of the college was changed from the Virginia Agricultural & Mechanical College to Virginia Polytechnic Institute
b: Letters in reference to the reinstatement of members the Junior class1905
c: Letter referring to the stance on Prohibition that the County holds with the exception of Radford
d: Notable letterhead from the Hackney Wagon Company1905
a: Correspondence regarding the resignation of the Junior class and the reinstatement of the students. Including a letter that quotes the letter sent by the faculty stating what they expected to be addressed in the letter and what the real problem with this act of insubordination was
b: Notable letterhead from The Hotel Imperial1905
a: Letters in reference to the reinstatement of members of the Junior class1905
b: Letter from the East Orange Gazzette requesting information about Luther D. Martin and his association with V.P.I., includes a newspaper photograph of Luther Martin1905
c: Letter from a student at Emory and Henry College requesting information about Graduate classes at V.P.I.1905
a: Letters in reference to the reinstatement of members of the Junior class1905
b: Letter from McBryde explaining the conditions and guidelines the letter for reinstatement must follow1905
a: Notable letterhead from the Hotel Rennert1905
b: Notable letterhead from the Southern Tobacconist and Modern Farmer1905
c: Three letters from Atlantic and Birmingham Construction Co. asking for character references for students that applied for various jobs1906
d: Notable letterhead from Brown & Bailey Co.1906
e: Letter from a parent concerned with the associations of his son and a concern of another student carrying a gun to school
f: Letter from the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago announcing the death of President William Rainey Harper1906
g: Notable letterhead from The Cox Hat Company1906
a: Notable letterhead from A.B. Dick Company1906
b: Notable letterhead from Eimer & Amend1906
c: Letter asking for reinstatement of a student that was previously expelled
d: Letter from secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Newport News in reference to supporting a bill
a: Letter from Mr. Geckler, from affiliated schools, Georgia School of Technology, including a questionnaire regarding V.P.I.'s dealings with affiliated schools1906
b: Notable letterhead from Stephen Putney Shoe Company1905
c: Notable letterhead from Straton & Bragg Company1905
d: Letter from the University of Georgia asking for information on The Men's Christian Association Building and the University relations with the Y.M.C.A.
e: Letter from Mr. Horsley in regards to the Christian Case
f: Notable letterhead from M.H. Jennings & Son1905
a: Letter from N.T. LaBaume A&I Agent for Norfolk and Western Railway on behalf of the president of N&W Railway, commending Blacksburg for its work and discussing the plans of the president visiting the school1906
b: Notable letterhead from James River Cement Works1905
c: Letter from the United States Senate in reference to a bill introduced to the House of Representatives by Mr. Hull providing that certain colleges be placed on the list as depositories for government publications
d: Invitation from the Trustees and the Faculty of the Maryland Agricultural College for the Semi-Centennial Celebration, March 6, 1906 in College Park, Maryland
e: Notable letterhead from the president's office at Clemson College concerning some bills pending before the General Assembly of South Carolina1905
f: Invitation from Mercer University for the installment of Charles Lee Smith PhD as the president of the University in Macon GeorgiaNovember 24, 1905
g: Announcement of the Inauguration of Dr. Charles Lee Smith as the president of Mercer University in Macon Georgia, November 24, 1905, includes the program of events
a: Two letters in Spanish from Francisco Planas1905
b: Notable letterhead from The Welch Lumber Company1905
c: Notable letterhead from The Park Hotel1905
d: Notable letterhead from The Charleston Hotel Co.1906
e: Notable letterhead from Shenandoah County Building and Loan Association1906
f: Notable letterhead from Straus Gunst & Co1906
- box-folder 6 folder: 216
Palmer-Tuok, Campbell1905-1906
a: Notable letterhead from the Underwood Typewriter Co.English.
a: Letter from the War Department Office of the Chief Engineers about adding V.P.I. on a list in order to follow the regulations in promoting former students to Junior Engineers1906
b: Notable letterhead from the Bugle1906
c: Notable letterhead from The Caxton Co1906
d: Letter to Mr. Dobbins giving permission to have a stand on campus during Commencement, and the conditions under which this was to be permitted
e: Letter concerning sending an Education Commission to China1906
f: Letter to John Goode discussing McBryde's illness and the proceedings at graduation1906
g: Letter from the Beta Theta Pi's looking for information of an old brother of the fraternity1906
h: Memorandum concerning the sending of An Educational Commission to China, Edmund J.James, President of the University of Illinois
a: Letter from the Methodist concerning the V.P.I. advertisement, includes the actual newspaper cutout of the advertisement published1905
b: Notable letterhead from Decatur Chamber of Commerce, with various pictures of Illinois on the back of the letterhead1906
c: Notable letterhead form Southwest Virginia Enterprise1906
- box 9
Oversize Larsen-Wood, Campbell Incoming-outgoing1906English.
a: Letter to Campbell from parent.
a: Requisition orders of the Field Experiments1904
b: Request for Bath tub and Hand Basin for Prof. Vorter's house1904English.
c: Requisition orders of the Department of Uniforms1904
d: Requisition orders of the Department of Virginia Crop Pest Commission1904
e: Requisition orders of the Department of Equipment1904
f: Requisition orders of the Department of Mechanical Engineering1904
g: Requisition orders of the Department of Farm Supplies1905
h: Requisition orders of the Department of Garden and Factory1905
i: Requisition orders of the Department of Books1905
j: Requisition orders of the Department of Military1905
k: Requisition orders of the Department of Agriculture1905
l: Requisition orders of the Department of Laundry1905
m: Requisition orders of the Department of College1905
n: Requisition orders of the Department of General Chemistry1905
o: Requisition orders of the Department of English1905
p: Requisition orders of the Department of Shops1905
a: Requisition order of the Department of Rhetoric1907
b: Requisition orders of the Department of Repairs1907
c: Requisition order of the Department of Farms1907
d: Requisition orders of the Department of Shops1908
e: Requisition orders of the Department of Mess1907
f: Requisition orders of the Department of Garden & Factory1908
g: Requisition orders of the Department of Military1908
h: Requisition orders of the Department of Uniforms1908
i: Requisition orders of the Department of Physics1907
j: Requisition orders of the Department of Office Supplies1907
k: Requisition orders of the Department of Graphics1907
l: Requisition orders of the Department of Postage and Stationery1907
m: Requisition orders of the Department of the Infirmary1907
- box 6 folder: 217
Reports on delinquent or unsatisfactory students1907-1908English.
a: Petition from the class of 1909 to be permitted to wear the present senior uniform instead of changing to the new uniform as planned
b: Requests to leave campus
c: Reports on delinquent students
d: Explanations for absences (official form)
e: Copies of the official letter sent to parents when their son had too many demerits
f: Professors reports
g: Reports sent to the Commandant's office
a: Letter referring to the bad condition of the diploma the student received
b: Various correspondence with Dr McBryde concerning information about V.P.I.
c: Letter from the War Department. Office of the Chief of Engineers acknowledging V.P.I. being added to the approved list of technical schools
d: Letterhead from the Jamestown Exposition requesting a preliminary sketch of the V.P.I. exhibit
e: Letters form the acting president1907
f: Letter discussing the dairy exhibit proposed to the Jamestown Exhibition1907
g: Letters from the State Board of Agriculture and Immigration concerning the plan of re-organization1907
a: University Record , February 1907, "Agriculture" Published quarterly by the University of the State of Florida1907
b: Notable letterhead from the University of the State of Florida with a photograph of the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture1907
c: Business card for Geo. A. Cole, Professor of Agriculture at the University of Arkansas Cole was applying for a position teaching Agronomy at V.P.I.1907
d: Notable letterhead from Commercial Printing Company Incorporated1907
e: Notable letterhead from The Lutheran Orphan Home of the United Synod of the South1906
f: Notable letterhead from Credential Employment Corporation1907
g: Advertisements with photographs of miss Nellie Amber Crossen, entertainer, reader, lecturer in lecture-recitals, popular entertainments and fictional readings. Includes press evaluations and personal endorsements
- box-folder 6 folder: 219
Oversize Clothier-Cuthorell1906-1907English.
a: Letter referring to the trip to Charleston exhibition with the Corps1901-1902
- box 9
Oversize Clothier-Cuthorell1906-1907English.
a: Advertisement with pictures for Miss Nellie Amber Crossen Entertainer, Reader, Lecturer in Lecture- recitals, Popular Entertainments and Fictional Readings.
a: Notable letterhead from Jamestown Exposition includes resolution from the General Council
b: Letters form the House of Representatives about H.R.. 24757 and Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of Virginia, Including the Constitution and By-Laws1908
c: Letter to Mr. J.J. Davis, appointing him instructor in the Department of Modern Languages1906
d: Notable letterhead from Appomattox Trust Company1907
e: Notable letterhead from the Dickey Drug Company1907
f: Casino Technical Night School blue print of tally of students including number of students attending as of Nov. 1, 1906; comparative table of enrollment; percentage data table. Includes letter from the president, C.R. Dooley, explaining the statistics and their significance.
g: Letter referring to the arrangements of Hilcrest1907
h: Letter referring to the newly proposed rule of making four years the required commitment to the military work in the institution1907
a: Letter to J.D. Eggleston about the duties of the president1907
b: Letter from the State Superintendent Public Instruction requesting information of the rules and regulations governing the board at V.P.I.1907
c: Notable letterhead from Ford's Hotel1907
a: Questionnaire from Harvard University St. Paul's Catholic Club with response from V.P.I.
b: Notable letterhead from Franklin County Telephone Co1907
c: Business Card for Fitz-Hugh, Luther Co. for railway equipment1906
d: Correspondence with Catholic family concerning the facilities at Tech & ways to improve them1907
e: Correspondence with Dr. Fletcher about building up the Agricultural side of V.P.I.
f: Notable letterhead from Bridgewater College1907
g: Letter stating exact costs of V.P.I.1906
h: Invitation to visit Hampton Normal and Agriculture Institute during the Jamestown Exposition explain the foundation & management of the institution school for Negro & Indian races.1907
i: Correspondence regarding McBryde's resignation & the open position of presidency.
a: Official V.P.I. explanation from asking to take Stock Management and Practice in Breeding instead of French and Wood Working.1907
b: Letter from Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Office of Passenger Traffic Manager discussing the students fare and a new federal law.1906
c: Notable letterhead from the National Freight Service Association, with the Origin of the National Freight Service Association on the back of the letterhead
d: Letter from the House of Representatives of The United States, Carter Glass
e: Notable letterhead from Grimes Bros. Merchant Millers1907
f: Notable letterhead from Nasseau Orchards1907
a: Notable letterhead from Hammond Typewriter Co.1907
b: Letter from the United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, talking about the creation of a Department of Extension Work at V.P.I., and asking for the advice of the Board of Visitors1907
c: Notable letterhead from Guggenheimer & Co. Inc.1907
d: Letter to the University in reference to the terms of the deed for the Camper property and how the University has failed them1906
e: Notable letterhead from Ingersoll-Rand Company1907
f: Notable letterhead from the State Board of Agriculture and Immigration
a: Letter from the South Park, Methodist Episcopal Church, recommendation for Mr. H.D. Hemenway of the Hartford School of Horticulture, from Elmer A. Dent
b: Letter inviting McBryde to a series of talks given at the Carnegie House to the men who were members of the clubs and to the prospective young voters
c: Lecture schedule for the Home Culture Clubs, course in gardening, H.D. Hemenway, titles, times and subject material of each lecture being given
d: Letter referring to the unsanitary condition of the sewer line between the infirmary and Agriculture Hall1906
e: Notable letterhead from Virginia Pilot Association1907
f: Letter confirming the nomination of Mr. S.M. Herrick as Assistant Chemist of the Experiment station1906
g: Notable letterhead from Army and Navy Department of the International Committee Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)1907
h: Letter discussing the changes that took place in the Geology department1907
i: Letter from Dr. McBryde before his retirement recommending Dr. Holden to the Board of Visitors1907
j: Letter from a parent in reference to the poor food served to the students at Tech and the alternatives, with response from the acting president
k: Letter from McBryde about a boy wishing to resign due to homesickness and Dr. McBryde's advise on the matter including a statement from the president concerning looking after the boy if he stays and making sure he makes friends who encourage him to stay1907
l: Correspondence in regard to the restructuring of the English department, including proposal of possible division of work1907
m: Letter from Iowa State College concerning the expansion at V.P.I. instruction staff, with recommendations1907
n: Correspondence referring to the tents as living quarters for the students1907
a: Letter referring to a short course during the winter break for farmers1907
b: Letter referring to the acceptance of Prof. S.W. Fletcher to be the director of the Experiment Station and professor of Experimental Agriculture, and the work being done there
c: List of military experience from J.S.A. Johnson for Commandant1906
d: Correspondence with the War Department, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Washington, about the ammunition and orders made by V.P.I.1906
e: Letter referring to the Grand Camp of the United Confederate Veterans of Virginia's reunion, and asking for the Cadet military band to play1906
f: Letter referring to the firing of explosives from the barracks, an account of the event1907
g: Notable letterhead from Virginia-Carolina Stave & Lumber Co. Inc.1906
a: Letter from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Public Instruction State Board of Examiners1906
b: Letter referring to Mr. Campers interest in the water rights1907
c: Letter from McBryde recommending Dr. Barringer for promotion into full professorship1907
d: Letter to Dr. McBryde in regard to the fees for representation of the University for the Christian Case1906
e: Letter referring to the Grand Camp of the United Confederate Veterans of Virginia's reunion, and asking for the Cadet military band to play1906
f: Letter referring to the firing of explosives from the barracks, an account of the event1907
g: Notable letterhead from Ardie-Tynes Manufacturing Co.1907
h: Form from the University of Pennsylvania Alumni catalogue committee, 1906, requesting information on Dr. George G. McBryde
a: Notable letterhead from Staunton Military Academy1906
b: Letter from McBryde regarding to work being done in the "Negro interest," reference to work done by McBryde on the subject1907
c: Notable letterhead from Kimball & Rogers Printers1907
d: Notable letterhead from Tidewater Publishing Co.1907
e: Notable letterhead from Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions1906
f: Notable letterhead from Edward's Mining Company1907
g: Notable letterhead from The Stoddard1907
- box-folder 6 folder: 220
a: Notable letterhead from R.A. DePriest, Plumbing and Tinning1906
b: Notable letterhead from The Kavanaugh Bros.1906
c: Notable letterhead from Lane Brothers Company1907
d: Letter from the House of Representative, Washington in response to a letter from McBryde1907
e: Notable letterhead from M.H. Lash1906
f: Inspection and insurance report from the Hartford Steam Boiler, Inspection and Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut, on the condition of the Steam Boiler at V.P.I., inspected on August 16 & 171907
g: Notable letterhead from The Investor's Title, Trust & Realty Co.1906
h: Letter referring to a suit of the Central Manufacturing Company, dealing with Col. Patton before he died
i: Notable letterhead from the M.C. Lilley & Co.1906
j: Notable letterhead from Joseph Dixon Crucible Co.1906
- box-folder 6 folder: 221
Lochicotte-Lueckel, McBryde-Barringer1906-1907English.
a: Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and InsuranceAugust 1907
a: Letter including an abstract of experience from T.O. Mabry, professor of Natural Sciences at Winthrop College, South Carolina1907
b: Notable letterhead from the Southern Bagging Co.
c: Printed statement in regard to the Army Longevity pay which accrued prior to February 24, 1881, sent from Herbert and Micou Attorneys at law
d: Notable letterhead from Ainsle & Martin manufacturers Agents, and Jobbers of1906
e: Notable letterhead from Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company1906
f: Letter form Mr. H.L. Maynard in the House of Representatives in reference to a bill to develop and promote Agriculture and Dairy production in Virginia1907
g: Application and Resume of Dr. Rufus M. Bagg Jr. looking for a job in the Geology department1907
h: Notable letterhead from New River Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Company1907
i: Letter from the School and College Bureau about openings of six jobs in engineering1906
- box-folder 6 folder: 222
Mabey-McCoy, McBryde-Barringer1906-1907
a: Letter from the Board of Visitors accepting his resignation and naming the date for it to take place1906
b: List of discussions at the meeting of the Executive CommitteeSeptemeber 7, 1906
c: Report of the Institution for the current session written April 61904
d: Official note to the Treasurer, concerning the changes in salary
e: Minutes for a meeting of the Board of Visitors1906
f: Report of Appropriations and Expenditures since 1891
- box-folder 6 folder: 218
McBryde MiscellaneousEnglish.
a: Report of appropriations and Expenditures since 1891English.
a: Letters from the faculty in reference to the refrigeration machine
b: Notable letterhead from J.S. Walker Lumber Company1907
c: Letter from the War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs in Washington regarding the 300 vacant teaching positions to be filled in the upcoming spring in the Philippines1907
d: Letter from the War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs in Washington, requesting the names of former students qualified for twenty positions teaching various technical subjects in the Philippines
e: Information letter about a male industrial teacher position for Philippine Service with information concerning the Service and the job included1907
f: Publication from the Government of the Philippine Islands, Department of Instruction, Bureau of Education: A Statement of Organization and Aims Published for General Information1906
g: Notable letterhead from the Hotel Wachapreague, Island House Ocean Front1907
h: Letter from the North Carolina Trust Company, includes sales pitch about guaranteeing loans
i: Notable letterhead from Randolph Macon Academy1907
j: Invitation to the Thomas S. Clarkson Memorial School of Technology, Potsdam, New York, Founders Day CelebrationNovember 13, 1906
k: Letter from Frank Mills, Department of Geology and Biology at St. Lawrence University referring to a vacancy in the geology department at Tech1907English.
l: Notable letterhead from The Miller Allaire Co.1906English.
a: 1905 Original newspaper copy of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute advertisement
b: Notable letterhead from Arkansas Agriculture Experiment Station1906
c: Notable letterhead from the Neostyle Co.1904
d: Letter from the News Leader in Richmond, VA discussing the new rule at V.P.I. forbidding students to correspond with the newspapers
e: Correspondence with a mother whose son received a gun shot wound in the thigh and was under the care of the school surgeon1907
a: Notable letterhead from Stephen Putney Shoe Co.1904
b: Notable letterhead from The Oliver Typewriter Company1906
a: Notable letterhead from the Pacific Era , a Japanese newspaper for the Japanese students at the University1907
b: Letter from the University of Virginia Dean, J.M. Page with question about young men's interest in a liberal education and desire to know the numbers
c: Letter from an alumnus working for Star Electric Company, asking if the school was interested in a fire alarm system1907
d: Letter to a parent with list of expenditures1907
e: Notable letterhead from The National Association of Audubon Societies referring to the protection of wild birds on farms because of their economic value1907
a: Letter from Dr. Newel Perry a former instructor of Mathematics at the University of California seeking possible employment with V.P.I.1908
b: Notable letterhead from Penn and Rison Tobacco1907
c: Correspondence with Charles E. Picot Printing Co. with acceptance of bid by V.P.I. for the printing of the catalogues1907
d: Letter from the Bureau of Education regarding the year end report1907
e: Various correspondence in reference to students being able to work their way through college
f: Letter from the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, with a recommendation for the directorship of the Virginia Experiment Station1907
g: Letter making an offer to Mr. Charles Piper with statement about fighting to build the agriculture school1907
h: Notable letterhead from Poehlmann & Schnepfe Lumber, Coal and Mill Work1906
i: Letter from Norfolk and Western Railway Co. including questions for the University to fill out and return1906
j: Notable letterhead from Suffolk Packing Co. Inc.1907
k: Letter from Secretary of University of Virginia concerning some photographs of V.P.I.1907
l: Letter from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, asking particular questions about the income of the institution during certain years (With reply from V.P.I. a few letters later.)1906
a: 118 formal excuse forms filled out by various students for the year 1907
a: Letters referring to changes in the plumbing for the Dairy Department of the Agricultural building and the costs of the change1906
b: Notable letterhead from The Union Blacking Co. Inc.1906
c: Breakdown of students and their religion as answers to questions posed by the General Secretary, Chas. A. Reese1906
d: Notable letterhead from The United States Wood Preserving Company, Manufacturers of U.S. Wood Blocks1906
e: Correspondence in reference to a possible opening in an instructors position1907
f: Notable letterhead from "The Antlers," at Colorado Springs1906
g: Letter to Mr. F. L. Robeson stating his appointment to instructor in the mathematic department, and discussion of the benefits and salary1906
h: Notable letterhead from the Electric Bank Protection Company1906
i: Letter accompanied with program for the Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College Cadet band concert1906
j: Letter from Mr. Robeson accepting the position and the offer made to him to become a mathematics instructor at V.P.I.1906
a: Letter from the Assistant Secretary for the Department of Agriculture in D.C., recommending the candidate, Professor E.P. Sandsten to succeed Director Soule1907
b: Letter from the Clark Teachers' Agency making recommendations for the open position of Dean and Director of the Virginia College of Agriculture1907
c: Letter from the Maryland Agricultural College with recommendation for E.P. Sandsten for the opening in the Agriculture department at V.P.I.1907
d: Letter referring to a short course and the way to get farmers to attend1907
e: Letter from W.D. Saunders about the exposition and how V.P.I. is doing, also a personal request regarding the poor servant help he and his wife were receiving1907
f: Letter from the Roanoke Industrial and Agricultural Association inviting McBryde to the Great Roanoke Fair (letter included free passes)1906
g: Letter about the Jamestown Exposition that opens April 26, 1907 and closes November 30, 1907 (Notable letterhead)
i: Letter referring to the Second Convention for the Southern Conference on Immigration and Quarantine being issued by the Governor Jno. I. Cox, being held in Nashville1906
j: Letter from Henry E. Shepherd asking for McBryde to promote the sale of his new book titled The Life of General Robert E. Lee1906
k: Notable letterhead from the Southern Planter, the leading agricultural journal of the south1907
l: Letter from The Sherwin-Williams Co. referring to a sample of Medicinal Linseed Oil that was sent to V.P.I. for testing1907
m: Letter to Mr. Stanley Shugert regarding the Honor System at V.P.I.1907
n: Letter and response about waste water runoff onto Mr. Sites property1907
o: Notable letterhead from Mitchell-Powers Hardware Co. Incorporated1907
p: Letter covering the expenses for the trip to Jamestown for the exhibition1907
q: Letter from the president concerning the case of Stolen property from a store room1907
r: Notable letterhead from the Smoot Advertising Agency1906
a: Letter from Mr. Soule after his resignation in regard to receiving money for services rendered1907
b: Letter from A.M. Soule confirming the acceptance of his resignation1907
c: Notable letterhead from the Southern Stamp and Stationary Co.1906
d: Advertisement for rubber stamps for business includes pictures, Watkins-Cottrell Company1909
e: Notable letterhead from the Boston Badge Company1907
f: Complimentary Season ticket to the International Live Stock Exposition accompanied with a business card form Mr. J.A. Spoor1906
g: Letter from C.H. Spooner, President at Norwich University urging president at V.P.I. to call congressmen in protest to a legislation "authorizing the appointment of extra officers in the Army in numbers sufficient to permit the detail of an officer on the active list to each of the 100 schools and colleges throughout the United States"1907
h: Letter concerning the same legislation as stated above from the Wentworth Military academy in Lexington, Mo.1907
i: Notable letterhead from The American Sabbath Union, letter concerning the change in hours of recitations, and urging Sunday to be a day of rest and worship1907
j: Notable letterhead from The Sterling's Pharmacy1906
k: Notable letterhead from The Virginia Bridge & Iron Co.1906
l: Letter from J.A. Stiver including his experience and educational background seeking employment as faculty at V.P.I.1907
m: Letter concerning how the expenses are divided on the trips that the boys at V.P.I. take, in response to a complaint from a parent1907
n: Letter from P.F. Stout seeking employment at V.P.I. in the Languages, includes experience and educational background1906
o: Letter to Gov. Claude A. Swanson in regard to a criminal investigation, letter presents the information on both sides of the case1907
p: Letter from the Virginia Governor Swanson inviting the V.P.I. cadets to be in a parade at the unveiling of the monument dedicated to President Davis in Richmond1907
a: Letter from M.K.Taliaferro, with suggestions on how to run the library so it is more useful1905
b: Notable letterhead from The Decatur Chamber of Commerce with map on the back, and photographs of different buildings
c: Letter in reference to changing the attitude at V.P.I. toward having more respect for agriculture
d: Notable letterhead from the Bugle V.P.I.1907
e: Paper titled, "A Plain Talk on Education." Compliments faculty and the education received at V.P.I. stating that V.P.I. should be a model school in every detail for learning engineering1905
f: Notable official letterhead from the Bugle1907
g: Notable letterhead from the Vermont Farm Machine Co.1906
a: Letter concerning a sales person on campus violating his contract to only sell books1906
b: Letter referring to a woman having Hysterical Paralysis and a discussion of cases in Europe1907
c: Letter to McBryde from F.S.Walker requesting a recommendation for a job as principal of the new State Agricultural College for the Sixth Georgia District1907
d: Letter from G.F. Walters Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department requesting a circular that was sent out regarding the building of Dairy Barns1907
e: Letter from the United States Power Depot, O.B. Witeman Lt. Col.1907
f: Series of letters and circulars concerning ordinances and the War Department
g: Circulars from the War Department office of the Chief of Ordinance pertaining to the "Act to amend Section 1225 of revised statutes, so as to provide for detail of retires officers of the Army and Navy to assist in Military instruction schools."
h: Notable letterhead from the First National Bank1906
i: Notable letterhead from the Northwest Farm and Home, North Yakima, Washington1907
j: Letter to Dr. Barringer from J.B. Watkins in reference to a Horticulture meeting which had a resolution to request the Legislature to amend or repeal the Present Crop Pest Law1907
a: Miscellaneous letters directed to McBryde from parents of students
b: Letter from Mrs. Sykes about son's language classesGeneral
The 3rd quoted letter in the book The first 100 years; a history of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University , by Duncan Lyle Kinnear, 1972.
c: Letter from a mother1903General
The 8th quoted letter in the book The first 100 years; a history of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University , by Duncan Lyle Kinnear, 1972.
d: Letter from a farmer1892General
The 16th quoted letter in the book The first 100 years; a history of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University , by Duncan Lyle Kinnear, 1972.
e: Letter from J.H. Squires in regards to his returning to finish his education after being discharged1904
f: Letter from a former student1903General
The 11th quoted letter in the book The first 100 years; a history of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University , by Duncan Lyle Kinnear, 1972.
The contents of this folder are in folder 223 in box 7 of the McBryde Collection.
- box-folder 6 folder: 223
a: resolution of the Freshman Class December 6, 1899 stating that no single member of the class has been injured or inconvenienced in any way by hazing. Letter written as a result of the a newspaper article written about a boy from Portsmouth who sustained injuries at V.P.I. as a result of hazing and couldn't return.
b: Petition drawn up by the senior class and signed by the representatives from the class of 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, to do everything in their power to uphold the trustees and faculty in their legislation on hazing
c: Letter from the committee appointed by the class of 1903 submit the findings of their investigation of the Brandenburg Case
d: Letter in response to a paragraph written in the Richmond Dispatch about hazing at V.P.I.
e: Copies of letters from a son to his father in reference to hazing
f: A letter from the freshman class titled "A Move in the Right Direction"
g: Petition to the president referring to the "hair cutting incident" and hazing
h: Each class evaluation and decision on the "hair cutting incident"
a: Letter addressed to Barringer from a distant relative, Margaret Miller Webb regarding her son1907
b: Notable letterhead from Weber Steel-Concrete Chimney Co.1907
c: Letter from the Chairman Executive Committee in Athens Georgia asking questions of V.P.I.'s income, size and governmental relations being a Land- Grant college, 1906. Following is a response with all the answers.
d: Letter regarding financial difficulties being the hold-up in fixing the problems with lighting and heat at V.P.I.1907
e: Correspondence with Edgar C. Wiley about the improvement of light, heat and power plant at V.P.I.1907
f: Letter to Mr. A.D. Williams as he was being appointed assistant in Civil Engineering1906
g: Letter concerning the sleeping arrangements made for the cadets for the Jamestown Exposition1907
h: Letter to Mr. H.H.Wilson as he was being given a place as assistant in Civil Engineering, 1906, along with his letter of interest and several letters of recommendation.
i: Notable letterhead from Wing & Son1906
a: Letter to a parent concerning the infirmary fees1907
b: Letter concerning the resignation of Dr. Soule1907
c: Letter to Mr. Wood stating that he had been re-appointed an instructor in biology and horticulture1906
d: Letter to Mr. H. Worthington about his re-appointment to instructor in the modern language department1906
e: Notable letterhead from E.A. Wright1907
a: Letter from a parent about the condition of her son after returning from V.P.I.
b: Letter from a son to his parents with accounts of hazing and abuse
c: Letter from The News Leader about a former students story of hazing and food problems at V.P.I.
d: Letter from Governor Montague about the hazing problem at V.P.I.
e: Resolutions to be adopted by the senior class
f: Petitions from the sophomore and junior class to stop hazing
- box 9
Oversize Bids & Contracts1900-1907English.
a: Advertisement for Printing company and the use of Roman letters.
a: Contract with coal producers
b: Orders and prices for J.P. Bell Company, Publisher, Stationers, Painters and Binders
c: Notable letterhead for The Stone Printing & Mfg. Co.1903
d: Comparison of bids from various companies for catalogue for 1899-1900
e: Notable letterhead from Hammonds Printing Works1900
f: Notable letterhead for The Stone Printing & Manufacturing Co.
g: Notable letterhead for The Moose Bros Company1902
h: Notable letterhead from J.A. Wilkins Printing Company
i: Contract stating that V.P.I. authorizes the construction of a dwelling house on the campus, for the use of Professor John R. Fair
j: A blank contract for V.P.I.
k: Synopses of illustrated lectures by Roberts Harper, F.R.G.S., a choice of seven lectures
l: Notable letterhead from Bernstein Manufacturing Co.
m: Subscription contract for Men of Mark in Virginia (Notable letterhead)
n: Notable letterhead for U.S. Mail Bag Manufacturer1902
o: Specifications submitted by Art Metal Construction Co. for steel shelving and files at V.P.I., submittedMay 1904
p: Contracts for the uniforms
q: Pamphlet/ price list of cotton duck at John Boyle & Co.
r: Notable letterhead for Miller, Bain, Beyer & Co.1901
s: Jobbers price list of Belding Bros. & Co. Silk manufacturers1899