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spcoll@wm.eduUte Schechter, SCRC Staff
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Preferred Citation
M.C. Webb Diary, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
Processing Information
Accessioned and minimally processed in November 2009 by Ute Schechter, Warren E. Burger Archivist.
Scope and Contents
Diary of M.C. Webb of Virginia, 1942 to 1953, titled: ""a line or two a day." M.C. Webb mentions her chores around the house, part-time work in a shop, going to church, singing in a chorus, reading, attending plays and concerts, visiting with friends, and helping with the war efforts. Also mentions correspondence and visits with her son Robert, who was a fighter pilot during World War II. All entries are very shot and often abbreviated.
The following information was provided by the seller and has not been verified at this point: "Robert Webb, the son of M.C. Webb was a staff sergeant in the Army Air Corps. He shot down a German plane and was in 10 raids over Sicily and Italy. He received a medal from the Department of War. He is frequently mentioned in this diary."
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Diaries
- Virginia--Social life and customs--20th century
- Women--Diaries
Significant Places Associated With the Collection
- Virginia--Social life and customs--20th century
Container List
The following description and excerpts were provided by the seller:
"PLACES MENTIONED: Richmond VA, Fredericksburg VA, Lakewood VA, Ashland VA, Orange VA
CONTENT : World War II Related Entries (These entries are in no particular order and there are probably some war-related entries I missed) Collected paper for the Red Cross. Mending for overseas. Letter from Rob at last!- In Italy. Letter from Rob at Wendover Air field Utah. Work on overseas clothes. Letter from Rob. Mustered in. Robert passed exam for Army. "My precious boy Robert left for Camp Lee to become a soldier. Came to say goodbye". Letter from Rob- just graduated as Staff Sergeant. Put up can opener and cut up cans for War scrap. Letter from Rob –in Wyoming. R's diploma received which he sent from Buckley Air field. To"This is the Army" with Ann. Our program packed boxes for London. To Dedication of USO Building My darling Robert has just come- 9 p.m. Robert twice (a.m. & p.m.). To USO Concert by 258th Band. R got back from Newport News (To "Choc Soldier"). Pres Roosevelt died (Apr 12, 1945). Letter from & to Rob –Lake June NC. Robert in his uniform Rob left on bus for camp. Card mailed for Rob to Birmingham Al –Air corp. So tired Card & photo from Robert in air field- Miss Address card from Rob – Fla. Letter from Rob at new place – Buckley Field Colo. Told Mrs & Sgt Webb "goodbye" To Music Club (Army) Guest artists. Made 5 dozen cookies for USO. To USO Concert p.m.-Band. Letter from Rob in parts unknown. Sang at USO. Rob back from Fort Bragg. Blackout 8:30 – 9:00. Trucks in yard – Men hurt. Wrote Col Laprade. Concert at USO by 258 Div band. Dr Reynolds received call to Army. Letter from & to Col LaPrade. Black out. Card from Rob from Africa. Rob in North Africa. To "Yankee Doodle Dandy – good". To see Mrs Bodine – Albert killed in France. V-E Day ! To services at Baptist church (1945). Radio – Japs want Peace (1945). Jap surrender announced – 7 pm 2 Letters from Robert and also 1 from him to M telling of having shot down a German plane & having been on 10 raids over Sicily and Italy. Memorial Service for Major Crawford. Letter to Rob & Mailed him Medal from War Dept. Non-War Entries (Just a few. There are 11 years of entries in this diary) She was in Music Club. Made and froze custard. Wrote letters to Robert. Went to Sunday School and Church. Hired a nurse for M. 16 degrees- busy running fires. Went to the shop. Talked with Dr.R. (a lot) Went to Church supper. Worried over wood. Went to see Richard and the baby. Papers from J.P.Morgan. Worked in back yard. Went to tea. Sent Ida oil lamp. Played Sonata Pathetique at Music club, Bird Airport. Went to Art Class. Registered for Defense. Went to Mrs Mahan's –took fruit. Went to Mrs Valentine's – took fruit. Mending for overseas. Lost her violet pin. Mending for overseas. Had Mr M's stove pipe fixed. To the Men's Oyster Supper at church – fine! . Sang in chorus in Gay 90's costume. To Anne Green's marriage and reception. To Mr Knopf's funeral. Hacked cord of wood. To Prog Office. To Women's Club. Did darning. Parsinage Hotel. Hacked wood. To Jean Blanton's marriage. Rob – long talk – dinner. Made quick fudge. Went to tea at Mrs Boo Elliott's. Everything hanging with ice – trees broken, News of Garnett's death. Work on overseas clothes. To burial at Lakwood 4pm –sad day. Took Mrs Carter Jelly Cream.Find oat of arms (Webb).Letters from Ida and James. Sun! Mr Bird brought five loads wood. Waxed stairway. My first grandson born – 8pm (12-26-1945) A card came from Isabel announcing Richard Shepherd Webb (her grandson). To see Richard –baby. Finished Frenchman's Creek –Daphne Dumarner. Rob's diploma & graduation picture. To luncheon & birthday party at Mrs. E Smoot's. To Richmond Symphony. Card from Ida in Savannah. Fell down the steps and sprained knee. Letter from Rob –in Wyoming. To Conversation Group at Blanche B's. To Valentine Party at Edgehill by Reeds and Hamills. To Ashland.-noon tr (train?). To"This is the Army" with Ann. Miss Gibbs to ask her to play Chopin. Wrote $1000 check for M for Med. Missions. To Chapel with Mrs Rawlings Speaker with slides of South Pole. C took her to concert in Richmond. Enjoying the children. Prayer all day. Went to party at C's where she played the piano and Morris sang. Fell over cable –soft fall. Richmond – shop, dinner, "Three Caballeros (movie). To Halloween party. Charles took lunch here. Mr Taliafero died. Long talk to William. Worked on office for Mr Martin to rent. 70 Ration. To hear Josef Hoffmann. Practice for opera. Did work for tenants. Did not go to shop (not feeling well) – better in p.m. Long lonesome day. To Spiritual Life Class. Home with C. Cooked chicks and eggs for Mrs R. Church twice- new preacher Reverend Forest Mead. Mended clothes for Russians. To "Anna & King of Siam" – good. Pain in the back again. Made cookies. Interviewed apartment applicants. Made potato salad. Wait at meat counter. To Richmond shopping. . Charlie & I to supper at C's. Very tired (buy & trying week). Taught class. Charles on porch. Tripped & fell hard. Helped clean church most of day. Cleaned room in barn. Got up thing for the Russians. Sorted things in barn. Talked to Mrs Pegg on her porch. To Silver tea & concert. Took flowers toms Hamil. Helped at flower show most of day-enjoyed it – but tired!. Took flowers to Mrs J Webb (Foster). . Rainstorm 7 pm –lights out. At William's cottage – Nags Head. Letter to Rob. To Teen Club Concert at Town Hall. Wrote Col Laprade. Had hedge cut. Mr Hicks about horse. Looked for Rob's diploma & at last found it. To pict "How Green is My Valley". To see Bess Coghill. Received check ($10,400) from Dr Roy's estate !! . Maggie Webb. Sunday School & Conf at Hopewell Church all day. Nursed all day – Nurse hunt. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" – did not like. Received $2000 check from Dr Roy's estate. Porch talk. So tired. Nursed M from 11 am to 9 pm. Paid last $2500 on mortgage !!!!. "M signed will – gave me $500 check ". Letter from Robert to M and me. "Lula and Lucille met me in Fred(ericksburg?) and took me to Unionville".Long wait at Safeway. William took her to "TapRoots" in Richmond. Thoughts of Charlie. News of Charlie's evident death. William & I to C's burial in Orange. Robert to say Goodbye before going to Atlantic City. Canned apples. Made pear preserves.Went to Richmond with friends and did a lot of shopping. Planted flowers. Phone talk with Rob."