Special Collections Research Center
spcoll@wm.eduChristina R. Luers, CA
Administrative Information
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Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any materials, permission must be obtained from the Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, and the holder of the copyright, if not Swem Library.
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to all researchers. Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, such as the Virginia Public Records Act (Code of Virginia. § 42.1-76-91); and the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Code of Virginia § 2.2-3705.5). Confidential material may include, but is not limited to, educational, medical, and personnel records. If sensitive material is found in this collection, please contact a staff member immediately. The disclosure of personally identifiable information pertaining to a living individual may have legal consequences for which the College of William and Mary assumes no responsibility.
Preferred Citation:
First Night Williamsburg Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gift of the First Night Williamsburg Board and John Austin, through the Williamsburg Historic Records Association.
Scope and Contents
Programs, newspaper articles, brochures, pins, and badges relating to First Night, a family friendly New Year's Eve celebration hosted by the Greater Williamsburg Regional Tourism Alliance which features numerous local musicians, fireworks, and family activities.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Community-based organizations
- Musicians
- New Year
Container List
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248192
First Night Williamsburg 2009
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248191
First Night Williamsburg 2009
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248190
First Night Williasmburg 2009
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248194
First Night Williamsburg 2010
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248196
First Night 2009 Photos
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248197
First Night 2008 Program
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248204
First Night Performers 2005-2006
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248202
First Night Performer Evaluations
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248199
2012 First Night Photos
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248200
First Night Williamsburg 2013, Jan-Dec 2012
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248201
First Night 2015
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248205
First Night Performers 2007-2008
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248206
First Night 2008
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248207
First Night 2008
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248208
2008 First Night
- Computer Disks Box: 4 Audio CD: 1002248209
Volunteer Files
- Computer Disks Box: 4 object: 1002251462
First Night USB
- Computer Disks Box: 4 object: 1002248210
First Night 2013-2016 USB
A sound block and gavel engraved with "First Night Williamsburg" and a candle design. The other side of the gavel reads " Presented by Bette Crossen." The set is in a green box with a clear plastic top that has writing on it in gold colored lettering. The top reads "Director's Gavel Set, with Sound Block and Engraving Band." There is a sticker on the plastic top with the address and phone number for Fleming's Engraving and Awards Inc.
One certificate, and one nomination. The certificate was presented to First Night of Williamsburg, Inc. from the Greater Williamsburg Association for Volunteer Administration (GWAVA), it was signed by the GWAVA President Barbara A. Sugarman in 1998. The nomination is a 2003 Cruikshank Nomination for the First Night of Williamsburg given by United Way of Greater Williamsburg and signed by 2002 Board President Sheldon M. Franck.