Scurlock, Theodocius Joshua Guide to the Theodocius Joshua Scurlock Papers Mss. 81 Scu4

Guide to the Theodocius Joshua Scurlock Papers Mss. 81 Scu4


Special Collections Research Center

Frances M. Pilaro.

Special Collections Research Center
Mss. 81 Scu4
Theodocius Joshua Scurlock Papers 1855-1888
1.00 Linear Feet

Administrative Information

Conditions Governing Use:

Per email communication of June 2012 from the son and daughter-in-law of the donor, Christopher L. Neal and Colleen Stone Neal, to Swem Library copyright was released specifically including the right to make digital copies of the collection.

Before reproducing or quoting from any materials, in whole or in part, permission must be obtained from the Special Collections Research Center, and the holder of the copyright, if not Swem Library.

Conditions Governing Access:

Collection is open to all researchers. Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, such as the Virginia Public Records Act (Code of Virginia. § 42.1-76-91); and the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Code of Virginia § 2.2-3705.5). Confidential material may include, but is not limited to, educational, medical, and personnel records. If sensitive material is found in this collection, please contact a staff member immediately. The disclosure of personally identifiable information pertaining to a living individual may have legal consequences for which the College of William and Mary assumes no responsibility.

Preferred Citation:

Theodocius Joshua Scurlock Papers, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.

Acquisition Information:

Gift from Rosemary Corley Neal, in April 1981.

Processing Information:

Processed by Frances M. Pilaro in 1985.

Biographical Information:

Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock of Texas and Mexico, and graduate of Tulane University.

Scope and Contents

The collection is primarily composed of letters received by Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock (1828-1887), a graduate of Tulane University and a resident of Texas and Mexico, 1855-1888, from family members in Alabama and Texas, and friends in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas. The letters reflect the restlessness of the pre-Civil War years, and the difficulties and disillusionment felt by many people during Reconstruction. The diary included was kept by Scurlock on his journey to Mexico, December 1867-April 1869, in which he gives his impressions of the people he encountered as well as the natural history of the regions he passed through.

Arrangement of Materials:

This collection has been organized into six Series: 1. Letters, 1850-1859

2. Letters, 1860-1869

3. Letters, 1870-1879

4. Letters, 1880-1889

5. Letters, no date

6. Diary

The letters in this collection are arranged into Series by ten year increments, the Subseries are then arranged chronologically into individual years. Not every year produced letters and this is reflected in overall arrangement.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

  • Correspondence
  • Diaries
  • Mexico--Description and travel
  • Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877)
  • Texas--History
  • Texas--History--Civil War
  • United States--Antebellum South--History


Additional information may be found at

Container List

Series 1: Letters
  • id162753
    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162759
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock) Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 January 14
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Glad to have received letter but worried about health; reports brother Dan had left for Irving College; money hard to come by and price for cotton very low; refers to pending lawsuit; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162761
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 March 5
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Worries about health and relates deaths of various towns people; money hard to come by and business bad; other family and town related news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162763
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 April 16
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Crops doing well; received letter from a most "dangerous woman," claiming son hadn't paid a debt; advises him to stay away from this "awful woman"; mentions pending lawsuit referred to as "hooke suit"(?); other family and town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162764
      Augustus Darby, "Lockland" Macon County, Alabama, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 May 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Refers to a favor which "came to hand"; talks about crops and prices; refers to the burning of a foundry in Montgomery, Alabama; many suffering from scarlet fever; mentions the Hook's lawsuit being taken to Supreme Court; other family and town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162765
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 June 12
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Complains about mail system; has not received any letters from son; crops doing very well, especially corn; discusses Hook's lawsuit; relates town "anicdote"; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162766
      Elisa C. Scurlock, "Lockland, Macon County, Alabama, to brother, (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 July 1
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Glad to receive letter after "too months"; crops doing very well; Scarlet fever still "going through neighbourhood"; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162767
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 July 2
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Speaks of fine crops and many deaths from scarlet fever; Hook suit not yet decided; advises to stay away from the "slandering living old devil"who claims he hasn't paid debt; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162768
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 July 13
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Worried that lawyers want evidence from him for Hook's case; advises not to give any at all; reports crops are good except cotton and all are well.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162769
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 July 23
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Reports a retrial for "Hooke's"case and advises that he give no evidence; advises to stay away from "Tom the big baby"; asks him not to mention case in any letters except to her, Mit or Will; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1 id162770
      S.G. Jones, Laplace, Alabama, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 August 17
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Replies to question about health and crops; gives long account about political opinions relating to the "American party", break up of the Whigs and strengthening of Democrats; relates local arrests; business interests shifting; other news about common friends.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163965
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 September 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Disease going around caused by snakes, many deaths; defines Hook's case as divorce case; advises to not give any evidence; case has been given a retrial; worried about Mary's [sister] health; not receiving Texas paper; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163967
      Dan Scurlock, Irving College, to brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 September 15
      Scope and Contents

      Received letter; has severe cold, health at Irving generally good; plans on staying two years; has not rained lately and is very warm; Had sent catalogue, will send another.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163968
      James G. Henderson Binetree P.O. Upshur County, Texas, to (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock) Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 September 24
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Requests help in getting into business as an "averseer."

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163969
      James G. Henderson, Pinetree, Texas, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 October 11
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Inflicted with typhoid, hopes to be well soon; asks that Scurlock take care of some business dealings; received letter from William Harrison giving news of many deaths in Montgomery, County [Alabama]; provides arrangements for moving [to Texas]; family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163971
      Dan Scurlock, Irving College to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      circa 1855 December 2
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Times dull as session ending; has sprained ankle; has received letter from Ma which criticizes his spelling; will try again to send catalogue.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163972
      Lucena Scurlock "Lockland" Macon County, Alabama, to her son Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1855 December 16
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Sends papers on Freeman Divorce case; refers to a petition and preparation of legal papers; other family news.

  • id163973
    Scope and Contents

    Boxes 2-3. 12 items.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163976
      Dan Scurlock, Irving College, to his brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1856 January 8
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Relates how letter had been detoured to mother's house, was "read at home"then sent on to Irving; advises T.J. to settle down and get married; also advises to not travel until decision to make Kansas a state is made; advises to go to Kansas if it becomes a slave state; mentions a planned act of violence by Negroes near Clarksville [Tennessee] on the Cumberlan[d] River; planned to knock us all in the head"and "make themselves free Ladies and Gentleman."; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163977
      Green B. McNiel Philadelphia Neshoba County, Mississippi to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock Pittsburg, Texas
      1856 February 18
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Glad to hear that he is happy, expected him to be "Alabama-sick"[homesick]; has begun farming, finds its hard work; all in good health except mother who has "posey "; other news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163978
      Green B. McNiel, Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Mississippi, to his friend, Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1856 April 26
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Complains in great length that Josh did not stop to visit on his way to Texas; glad to hear his health has improved with the "Minreul wutter"; inquires about a Negro, John, who held freedman's status; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2 id163980
      S. G. Jones, Laplace, Alabama, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Pittsburg, Texas
      1856 May 18
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Relates the marriage of two couples of the area; reports the results of the elections for probate and circuit judge and refers them to their respective parties; have had long dry spell, hasn't been good for the "God of Macon...King cotton"; reports other deaths and gives some family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163983
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1856 June 12
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Bill has gotten married, spends great deal of time telling why he shouldn't have "don[e] the deed"; begs son not to go to Central America because climate not good for health; crops are doing well except cotton; inquires about "Ben's wife"who was lost on a boat which was sunk on 20 April 1856; has hired new help who is young and "don't know much"; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163985
      Dan Scurlock, Irving College to brother, Theodocius Joshua Scurlock Pittsburg, Texas
      1856 June 18
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Gives long philosophical and metaphorical arguments about the importance of good health; compares the "excruciating pain"of the invalid to the "vast freedom"of the healthy; will remain at College for 6 week break in isolation as few students have remained.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163986
      M.D. Brackmon Henderson, Rusk County Texas, to Mr. T. Thetford, Marshall [County, Texas]
      1856 July 20
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Refers to a debt owed by Mr. Scurlock and to Mr. Scurlock's absence at this time; mentions a hired black man in the employ of Mr. Scurlock.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163987
      Mr. [?] Rockmore Henderson, Rusk County, Texas, to Mr. T. Thetford
      1856 October 6
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has not heard or seen [Theodoicus Joshua] Scurlock nor has he been in [Texas]; Has not the funds to pay the debt but will soon; refers to a boy [slave] who "has plenty to eat but nothing to do."

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163988
      Mary Darby, Macon County, Alabama, to her brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1856 October 6
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Pleads with brother to stop his traveling, to buy a home and settle down; claims that hundreds of tears have been shed, thinking he was dead; begs [T.J.] to meet brother Billy in Marshall Texasand stay with him.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163989
      Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Sulphur Springs, Lampassas County, Texas
      1856 October 6
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Glad to receive letter and that he [T.J.] hasn't gone to Nicaragua; sorry to learn he has been "lying on the bed of affliction"; encourages him to go to Marshall County, Texas to meet brother Bill who has just married; sister has been married; sent 2 letters to different addresses; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163992
      R.W. Montgomery, Webberville Travis County, Texas to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1856 November 30
      Scope and Contents

      Rejects Scurlock's proposition to buy his land in Nepsher County; would like $3 an acre; doesn't believe land in that area is selling for less.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3 id163993
      C.A. Laughlin, Austin City, Texas to his friend, Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, New Orleans, Louisiana
      1856 December 15
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Hopes business better for Scurlock than himself; selling out and moving to New Orleans; enjoyed traveling from his town.

  • id163995
    Scope and Contents

    10 items. Box 1 folder 4.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id163996
      C.A. Laughlin, Shreverport, Louisiana, to friend Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1857 March 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has returned to "this city"and plans to say; is pleased by the business prospects; believes could make good profit on investments; likes the amusements of the city.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id163997
      Lucena Scurlock, "Lockland" Macon County, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1857 April 5
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has not received word in 3 months; very cold weather and is affecting the crops; very little corn; money is tight; has bought "a negro"; had poor crop last year; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164001
      S.G. Jones, Cross Keys, Macon County Alabama, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1857 May 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has had a "very cold and backward spring"; 200 deaths since Xmas from measles; brother is talking about joining U.S. Army; Democrats have full ticket for legislature and County offices; many old Whigs have gone Democrat; Democrats only party "able to beat back abolitionists and save our country from ruin"; reports Freeman and Williams lawsuit decided in favor of Williams; other family and town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164003
      Thomas Harbison, Macon County, Alabama, to friend (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1857 June 14
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Relates family is well, brother Dan is home from Tennessee, brother William had measles; will try to visit [T.J.] and that part of country; a few deaths have occurred caused by measles; other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164004
      Town News. Green B. McNiel Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Mississipppi to his friend (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1857 July 16
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Glad to have received letter; sorry Josh didn't come to visit; crops doing badly because of cold spring but should make profit in cotton; voted for Buchanan in election as did Josh.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164005
      Dan Scurlock, Tuskegee, Alabama to his brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1857 August 11
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents In good health; has been trying to find a job; reading law now; married an unnamed woman; crops okay except cotton for which it has been too cold.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164006
      S.G. Jones, "Lockland"Macon County, Alabama to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1857 August 30
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Glad to receive letter and all in good health; American Party has won full representation in both Houses of Congress; describes political antics of both parties concerning "burying"the opponent; crops doing well except cotton because of cold; relationship between Jones family and Scurlocks not on firm ground as a result of daughter Mit's husband; other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164007
      Lucena Scurlock, "Lockland"Macon County, Alabama, to son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1857 September 18
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has not been well but glad to receive letter; crops not very good, cotton getting a high price, about 15 cents; Wishes he could come to visit before she dies; discourages [Josh] to go to Central America as there will be "fighting enuf [sic] to do in your own native land."; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164008
      Dan Scurlock, Tuskegee, Alabama, to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1857 September 30
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has a slight cold; have been several weddings; thinking about going to law school in Tennessee; would like to set up practice in Texas or "other new country,"; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4 id164009
      Thomas S. Cliett, Macon County, Alabama, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Cubahatched P.O., Texas
      1857 November 1
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has the "clap", likes T.J.'s proposition, would like to be doing something; hard times coming on; other family news.

  • id164010
    Scope and Contents

    Box 1 folder 5. 11 items.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164013
      Dan Scurlock, LaPlace, Alabama, to his brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1858 February 5
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Just returned home; has a cold; expenses for trip amounted to $60, Did not need money advanced by T.J.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164014
      William M. Johnston, Marshall, Texas, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1858 February 20
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has on hand $150 belonging to T.J. received through money order; Mr. Barker has paid nothing on debt; sister sends word T.J. must get married.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164015
      G.B. McNiel, Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Mississippi, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1858 March 7
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Misses Josh very much, encourages him to come and visit several times; family is well; has been married; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164016
      Dan Scurlock, "Lockland" Macon County Alabama, to brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1858 April 21
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has received no word since February; refers sarcastically to Cupid and Social Life; reading [law] at home; intends to come to Texas following winter; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164018
      Dan Scurlock, LaPlace, Alabama, to brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1858 May 5
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Describes the fashions of LaPlace and the young ladies; crops doing well, plenty of food; convention meeting in Montgomery, Alabama, to discuss dissolving of nation; court system inefficient and overloaded; other family and town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164019
      G.B. McNiel, Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Mississippi to Friend (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1858 June 2
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Surprised to hear he is studying medicine although thinks he's too old; married a 45 year old man to his first wife, thought that was strange; has been very ill with chills and fever; crops not very good, winter was too wet.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164021
      Dan Scurlock, "Lockland" Macon County, Alabama, to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1858 July 13
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Describes in detail the "examinations"which were attended by all the music lovers; loves young America; still plans to go to Texas to live, would like to practice law there; sister is living in unfortunate situation; encourages him to study medicine; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164022
      N.D. Ward, Marshall, Texas to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1858 July 29
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Requests to have bond signed, money given and note returned, in reference to Hart Conyer.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164023
      N.D. Ward, Marshall, Texas to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1858 August 18
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has received signed note; rejects offer to sell piece of land to a friend because terms are too long for the low price offered.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164024
      Lucena Scurlock, Alabama, to her son (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1858 September 1
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has been ill for 10 days; advises him to not go to New Orleans too early because of Yellow fever; encourages him to write to brother [Dan] to go to law school in Montgomery; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164025
      Dan Scurlock, to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1858 September 1
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents All in good health; have been a few cases of Typhoid fever; crops very good; has been reading [law], feels this year has been a waste, will go back to read [with another lawyer] as before; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5 id164026
      Dan Scurlock, LaPlace, Alabama, to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1859 December 1
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Ma has decided to move to Polk County Texas; requests a small house; this has foiled plans for school, will maybe farm in Texas if can't find a school.

Series 2: Letters and Papers
Scope and Contents

Box: 1-2. 38 items.

  • id164029
    Scope and Contents

    Box 1, folders 6-7. 20 items.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164033
      W. Carrie, Pittsburg [Texas?] to [?]
      1860 February
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Receipt for $287.50 included; speaks of terms of payment; refers to an unknown lawsuit; has a jug of whiskey and no one to drink it with.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164034
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas, to his brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 March 23
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has made business contacts requested; the due bill has come up in court but they cannot collect on it; and other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164035
      Thomas Harbison, Polk County, Texas to friend, Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 May 24
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Land sold to Day and Thompson for $3 an acre; brother William left for Alabama; corn looks good but cotton is small, haven't had rain since 16 of April; other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164036
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock),
      1860 May 31
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Discusses recent emigration to Texas of family and friends from Macon County Alabama; presents some prejudices toward northwesterners; refers to a note coming due; crops good but need rain; refers to the "railroad sensation"in Jefferson which will take some time to settle; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164037
      Thomas Harbison, Polk County Texas, to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 June 22
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Speaks of crops and lack of rain; reports problems with child slave Scurlock left to his brother; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164038
      Dan Scurlock Mt. Pleasant Texas to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 July 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Making preparations from 4th of July Celebration; have had little rain and temperatures have been up to 98 [F.]; has heard of yellow fever in T.J.'s city, advises him to take care of himself; refers to the drinking habits of friends.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164039
      Tobias Gibson Richardson, Louisville, Kentucky to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 July 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Instructions referring to Scurlock moving out of the house he is living in and what the owner expects will be done by Scurlock in upkeep.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164040
      Green B. McNiel, Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Mississippi, to friend (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 July 29
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Family all well; had intended to move to Texas but crops failed, will have to buy corn this year; anxious to see Josh, wants to know why he hasn't married.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164041
      Dan Scurlock Mt. Pleasant Texas to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 August 4
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Weather has been very hot, have had no rain, crops are burning, cotton failing, wonders if Texas is "a fit place for civilized men to live", many Western towns and private homes have been burned because of the abolition movement, "The people are aroused to a sense of their [the abolitionist's] danger", compares it to Harper's Ferry; refers to T.J.'s thesis, suggests the topic of Tetanus, mentions a case of murder Dan is defending; centering on a Negro who contacted tetanus after a severe whipping.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 6 id164042
      William Gardner, Pittsburg, Upshur County Texas to (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 August 24
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Inquires about a note for several hundred dollars that he has heard nothing about, would like to know what happened to it; shows his discontent with Texas, describes it as "this land of contention where belzebub seems to be prime ruler."

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164044
      G.B. McNiel, Philadelphia Neshoba County, Mississippi to friend (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), New Orleans, Louisiana
      1860 August 29
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Sorry to hear [Scurlock's] mother is dissatisfied with her move to Texas, but has heard many are; the drought continues, has traveled to Alabama and 200 miles up Alabama River and found the drought reaches further; friends wanted to look him up in New Orleans; encourages him to come visit; other family and town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164045
      Thomas H. Harbison, Polk County, Texas to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 September 4
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents All in good health, crops are turning out better than expected; has traded land in Tennessee for land in Texas; reports murder of old man by child in Sumpter, South Carolina, in jail waiting trial; coal is scarce, other family and area news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164047
      Dan Scurlock to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 September 4
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Received letter with thesis, contained information they already had, refers to the lawsuit thesis was needed for; finally received rain which rejuvenated crops; health of area has been good, "too much so for the good of the Doctors", refers to murder committed by Jack Taliaferro, includes other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164049
      G.B. McNiel, Philadelphia Neshoba County Mississippi to friend (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 September 21
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Begs "Dosh"to come and visit him, outlines how to get to Philadelphia; all are well, has heard from Scurlock's mother who hates Texas and wants to return to Alabama.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164050
      R.A. Brown, Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 September 9
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Promises to pay what he owes in few weeks.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164051
      Thomas H. Harbison, Polk County, Texas to friend, Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 October 10
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Corn crop better than expected; relates robbery charges against men from Polk County and other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164052
      Bailey Barton, Pittsburg, Upshur County, Texas to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 October 15
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Describes details of common friend's death, also refers vaguely to various other [medical] cases "town is improving, have built a female college and have a Methodist preacher who will convert...the negroes and dogs before they stop", other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164053
      Dan Scurlock, to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1860 October 23
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Gives lengthy opinion of upcoming Presidential election between Douglas and Lincoln and also projection and hopes for house and Senate elections; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164054
      Dan Scurlock Mt. Pleasant Texas to brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1860 November 27
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents "Bad crops, low water and high prices"; will be traveling back to Polk County before Christmas; gives results of Presidential elections; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 7 id164056
      W.W., Corrie, Pittsburg, Texas to Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      circa 1860 December 19
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents All well; friend has stopped drinking; this friend wants to fight when war begins; [Brother] Dan "fixing n to go see Mother; other news.

  • id164058
    Letters and Papers
    Scope and Contents

    Box 2, Folder 1. 2 Items.

    • Mixed Materials Manuscripts Oversize Box 20 Folder: 1 id164062
      Diploma of Medicine for Theodocius Scurlock from Louisiana University Tulane (in Latin)
      1862 March 5
    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id164063
      T.N. Pitts, Pittsburg, Texas to Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1862 September 6
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Hasn't heard from him; corn crops good, leaf worm has injured cotton crops; has decided to study medicine; hopes girlfriend hasn't decided to marry someone else, encourages Scurlock to marry; relates town affairs.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id164066
      M.W. Davis, Livingston, Polk County Texas to friend "Dosh"(Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1866 September 10
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Asks advice on collecting lawyers in Upshur County, has not gotten judgement on claims of Scurlock's; Frank Bensen has eloped with Darby's wife; cotton crops poor.

  • id166229
    Scope and Contents

    14 items. Box 2, folders 1-2.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166232
      Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Texas State Lunatic Asylum, Austin, Texas to Wilson L. Collins
      1867 January 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Expresses his opinion about national politics, predicts a military governor for Texas judging by the acts of the "Vandal Congress," has no faith in "Andrew Johnson the chief of drunkards of the Vandal states." Advises to sue, D.J. Kimball for money he owes; has not heard from Pittsburg and will write a "cuss lettr"if they "do not respond".

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166754
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas, to brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1867 February 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has had to harvest his own cotton because he has no laborers; hired no freedmen because of some fights the previous year; will give up farming and maybe sell rugs with Dr. Hendricks; money is hard to come by; [Brother] Bill just recovering from serious illness; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166755
      Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Austin City, Texas, to brother Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas
      1867 March 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Shows very little faith in the "Vandal n government; questions whether Dan has received the horse he sent; business not very good, advises that one should run business on a cash system; relates he has lost about $200 on a credit based system; had had difficulty with superintendent of Lunatic Asylum, told him what he thought of him and challenged him to a fight, all stemmed from disagreement on treatment of patients; will be leaving soon.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166756
      Dan Scurlock to brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1867 April 7
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Will begin selling rugs, have ordered supply from New Orleans; hopes doing better in city than would have at Asylum; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166757
      Dan Scurlock Mt. Pleasant, Texas to AL[?]
      1867 June 6
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has not heard from brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock) since March; would like any information on him as had heard rumor that he had been killed; selling goods with Dr. Hendricks in "six full stores in Mt. Pleasant".

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166758
      Dan Scurlock to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1867 June 24
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Relates rumors that T.J. is dead and how this rumor came about; Long guilt speech about the death of his mother; never received the horse sent to him; other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166759
      F.C. Swain, Austin, Texas to friend "Sky"[?]
      1867 July 14
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Discusses different medical cases and dental cases; relates deaths of acquaintances; has been very ill.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1 id166761
      G.B. McNiel Philadelphia, Nesoba County Mississippi to friend Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1867 August 2
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Mentions Scurlock has left Austin but not where he's gone; war has ruined him; crops have been good; at home at time of surrender; has begun preaching and serving his God.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2 id166763
      F. Carry C. Swain, Waco, Texas to Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
      1867 August 20
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Have been in city 5 days, very different from Austin; many sick town supporting 10-12 Doctors and many drug stores; has met a gay widow with whom he keeps company.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2 id166764
      C.M. Etheredge [?], Austin, Texas to Dr. (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1867 September 4
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Enquires of a Claiborne Herbert in Columbus, Colorado County; has opened a school but is doing poorly, would appreciate any help Scurlock could give; gives update on doctors from Austin Lunatic Asylum; will be leaving Austin soon.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2 id166765
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant Texas to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1867 September 15
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Has been in poor health; crops have been very poor; war has destroyed the South and the "Southern devils have a hard hand of it after we get through a war in which we lose everything"; will continue in business if can.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2 id166766
      Louis C. Wise, Austin Texas to Dr. (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1867 September 17
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Jobs hard to get in Austin; Doctors from Lunatic Asylum did not do well in private practice, have gone to Georgetown; negro notary has been appointed in Austin, other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2 id166767
      Harry C. Swain, Waco, Texas, to friend "Sky"[?]
      1867 September 21
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Did not make as much in business here as in Bastrop; encourages Sky to join him and "Dock"in Austin; Dock will pay his passage to Austin; 2 deaths from yellow fever; enjoying company of "The widow".

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2 id166770
      Harry Swain, Austin, Texas, to friend "Sky,"
      1867 October 13
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Austin dull place; Gen. Joseph Jones Reynolds has arrived to take over department; Boon has located office, not doing well; City covered with grasshoppers; describes as "damb poor country"; "Better be in Hell without claws".

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166773
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock), Mexico
      1869 October 10
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Describes his plans to get in touch with brother; feels government is in bad condition, "Texas will soon pass through to fiery ordeal of what is denominated reconstruction", expresses his prejudices toward Blacks; begs brother to come back to Texas.

Series 3: Letters
Scope and Contents

6 items. Box 2, folder 3.

  • id166777
    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166781
      W.L. Collins, Jefferson, Texas to Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tuxpan, Mexico
      1870 February 24
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Expresses opinion of government: "I hope it [government] will sink to the latter most pits of Hell."; has been able to collect some relates town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166783
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant Texas to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock)
      1870 May 25
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Waited until Texas was accepted back into the Union; considers this a good gained from reconstruction; claims Negroes will remain in place they should, inferior position; wants to know about Mexico: politics, commercial facilities and social events; encourages him to come back to the U.S.; other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166786
      W.L. Collins, Jefferson, Texas to Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tuxpan Republic of Mexico
      1870 June 25
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Relates local political happenings through reconstruction; and some very strong opinions; thanks for the description of Mexico; sends regards of many people and relates other family and town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166789
      W.L. Collins, Jefferson, Texas to Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tuxpan "Republick"of Mexico
      1870 August 6
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Relates his preconception of Mexico; "hopes to see all Democrats elected"in upcoming elections; other town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166795
      Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tamiahua, Tuxpan, Republic of Mexico to brother [Dan Scurlock]
      1871 January 18
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Does not agree that Democrats have never changed, has been in poor health; is doing well in profession; explains his problems at the Asylum; eating in Mexico is cheap; is studying man; [contains several passages with no meaning].

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166797
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant Texas, to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock) [Fantima, State of Vera Cruz, Mexico]
      1879 May 25
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Hasn't heard from him in 2 months; encourages him to come visit Mt. Pleasant; claims it will be one of the most important small towns when the railroad is built from St. Louis through Texarkana; is now assessing taxes for the county; other family news; includes envelope.

Series 4: Letters
Scope and Contents

16 items. Box 2, folders 3-4

  • id166801
    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166805
      T.J. Eckards and J. Tessier, Tuscpan Mexico to Mr. Teodocio [Theodocius] J. Scurlock, Fantima, Mexico
      1883 August 20
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Received account against Jose Gamundi for $73.88; has placed credit in his name for $73.88.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166829
      Mary M. Harris Mt. Pleasant, Texas to Uncle Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tamiahua, Mexico
      1887 January 24
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Questions why he hasn't come to visit; gives description of herself; relates father's [Dan Scurlock] poor health; gives some town news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3 id166804
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas to brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock),
      1882 March 3
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Wife not well with ovarian tumor; has become partner in goods firm; still county tax assessor; receives 6500 for this job; Mt. Pleasant included on Railroad which begins in St. Louis and will go to the Rio Grande to connect with Mexican rail encourages him to come and visit.

  • id166807
    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166812
      A.M. Boyd, Tuxpan Mexico to Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, M.D., Fantima, Mexico
      1884 June 26
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Refers to securing claims on oil wells and coal mines; expects that there will be a boom in oil lands after Mexican Presidential election; hopes to do some speculating; hopes to settle himself financially for life.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166814
      A.M. Boyd Tuxpan, Mexico to Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Fantima Mexico
      1884 November 5
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Sickness is increasing; has received "Charge of the Vice-consulate property." refers to a matter concerning archives [records of the consulate?], other town news.

  • id166816
    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166820
      Dan Scurlock Mt. Pleasant, Texas to brother Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Fantina, Mexico
      1886 January 22
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Is now working at a bank as a cashier and continues to assess taxes; is living comfortably but still must pay off some debts from Merchandising; family is well and being educated as he would like; refers to the Democratic Victory for Presidency and remarks "that the south is again at the Head of National affairs;" other family news.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166823
      Mary D. Pitts, Milledgeville, Georgia to cousin Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Mexico
      1886 March 14
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Mary D. Pitts, Milledgeville, Georgia to cousin, Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Mexico

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166824
      Claude Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas to his uncle Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tamiahua, Mexico
      1886 March 28
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Gives description of himself: gives family news; describes Mt. Pleasant; asks many questions about Mexico and whether a Doctor could do well there; hopes to study medicine.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166825
      Claude Scurlock Mt. Pleasant, Texas to Uncle Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Mexico
      1886 May 18
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Gives town news; crops look good, had a hail storm nearby; has chosen medicine as a prospective occupation; town working hard to raise money for railroad to town; includes lineage of Scurlock family.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166826
      J. Tessier, Tuscpan Mexico to Mr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tamiaqua Mexico
      1886 October 23
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Acknowledges "carta"[?] and list of goods sent to him; will do all in his power as executor of his will to deliver property safely.

  • id166830
    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166834
      William L. Scurlock, Carrigan, Polk County, Texas to J. Tessier, Tuscpan, Mexico
      1888 April 16
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Questions will of Dr. Theodocius Joshua Scurlock; inquires whether estate was left to brothers individually and was it lawful under Mexican laws; others are trying to come in on will.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166836
      J.Tessier, Tuscpan, Mexico to William J. Scurlock, Corrigan, Polk County, Texas
      1888 May 5
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Not acquainted with Mexican laws but believes the brother [William and Dan] are only benefactors.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166838
      J. Tessier, Tuscpan Mexico to Daniel Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas
      1888 May 14
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents J. Tessier, Tuscpan Mexico to Daniel Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166839
      J. Tessier, Tuscpan Mexico to Daniel Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas
      1888 June 7
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Assures him possessions have been sent; explains that his brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock) did not have a great estate when he died; advises him to contact two friends who knew him; requests a receipt sent to him from [Scurlock's] papers.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166840
      Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Titus County Texas to A. G. Pardue, Agt., Southern Express Co. New Orleans, Louisiana
      1888 June 9
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Inquiring about possessions of deceased brother (Theodocius Joshua Scurlock) which he has not yet received; requests that he make some enquires; refers to his brother's assassination.

    • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 4 id166841
      C.A. Pardue, agt. New Orleans, Louisiana to Dan Scurlock, Mt. Pleasant, Texas
      1888 June 12
      Scope and Contents

      Scope and Contents Informs him goods have arrived, will pay duties and willship as soon as possible.

Series 5: Letters
Scope and Contents

Box 2, folder 5. 3 items.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 5 id166846
    Theodocius Joshua Scurlock, Tuxpan, Mexico to [brother Dan Scurlock ?] Mt. Pleasant, Texas
    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents 6 pages, pages 1 and 2 missing. Discusses the advantages of living outside of the U.S.; shows his bitterness toward U.S. politics, racial problems and how the government is taking care of them; defends Mexico as a better place to live; discourages any immigration. Pages 1 and 2 missing.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 5 id166847
    Lucena Scurlock, Macon County, Alabama, to son, Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
    Scope and Contents

    Fragment ALS. Relates Bill Moore's crime of forgery for 50 bales of cotton and his arrest.

  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 5 id166848
    Mary P. Darby, to her brother Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents Fregment of Begs brother to return to Marshall to comfort Mother and rest of family; relates [sister] 'Mit' has married; also "Beany [?]" was shot dead previous morning.

Series 6: Diary
  • Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 6 id166854
    Diary of Theodocius Joshua Scurlock
    1867 December-1869 April
    Scope and Contents

    Scope and Contents 16 Manuscript volume with typescript copy. Diary of Theodocius Joshua Scurlock containing details of Dr. Scurlock's journey from Texas to Tulango, Mexico; his impressions of the lifestyles of the people he encountered as he traveled south and the novelties he sees and learns about for the first time; and a table of distances traveled, detailed weather reports, and descriptions of the locations and names of towns stayed in. It gives an insight to the questioning nature of Dr. Scurlock and his ability to describe some of the methods of technique he viewed (e.g., medical and spinning). It also contains lists of edible birds and animals, trees for lumber and various fruit trees and vegetables.