.7 Linear Feet, Summary: 8 1/4 in. (2 very long flat storage boxes, 1 3/4 in. each); (1 long flat storage box, 1 1/2 in.);
(1 document case, 2 1/2 in.) (1 item, 3/4 in.)
0.41 Gigabytes, 3 files, formats include .tif and .jpg
West Virginia and Regional History Center / West Virginia University / 1549 University Avenue / P.O. Box 6069 / Morgantown,
WV 26506-6069 / Phone: 304-293-3536 / Fax: 304-293-3981 / URL: https://wvrhc.lib.wvu.edu/
Collection of over 110 panoramic photographs documenting soldiers and military camps, conventions and meetings, West Virginia
University (WVU), businesses, railroads, family reunions, and more. Types of image include group portraits, landscapes, and
building photographs. Conventions and meetings include the WV Delegates to Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Convention,
the 13th Annual Meeting of the WV Dairymen's Association, the Democratic National Convention, the WV State Federation of Labor,
the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), the United Steelworkers of America, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA),
and more. Businesses include the Morgan Shirt Company, the Greenbrier Ore Company, the Libbey-Owens Sheet Glass Company, and
more. These photographs include both original and facsimile materials that are either separated from other collections, or
are not associated with any collection. Some items may be Cirkut photos; a few items are negatives. See Scope and Content
note for contents list.
Permission to publish or reproduce is required from the copyright holder. For more information, please see the Permissions and Copyright page on the West Virginia and Regional History Center website.
Conditions Governing Access
No special access restriction applies.
Researchers may access born digital materials by visiting the link attached to each item or by requesting to view the materials
in person by appointment or remotely by contacting the West Virginia & Regional History Center reference department at https://westvirginia.libanswers.com/wvrhc.
Preferred Citation
[Description and date of item], [Box/folder number], Panoramic Photographs Collection, A&M 4168, West Virginia and Regional
History Center, West Virginia University Libraries, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Collection of over 110 panoramic photographs documenting soldiers and military camps, conventions and meetings, West Virginia
University (WVU), businesses, railroads, family reunions, and more. Types of image include group portraits, landscapes, and
building photographs. Conventions and meetings include the WV Delegates to Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Convention,
the 13th Annual Meeting of the WV Dairymen's Association, the Democratic National Convention, the WV State Federation of Labor,
the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), the United Steelworkers of America, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA),
and more. Businesses include the Morgan Shirt Company, the Greenbrier Ore Company, the Libbey-Owens Sheet Glass Company, and
more. These photographs include both original and facsimile materials that are either separated from other collections, or
are not associated with any collection. Some items may be Cirkut photos; a few items are negatives.
Clubhouse, Hialeah Park, Florida (Miami Jockey Club) (separated from A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959]. Papers)
1938 February 5
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2
Democratic National Convention, Chicago Stadium, Chicago, IL (2 items) (separated from A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959].
1940 July 15
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2
Democratic National Convention, International Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL (separated from A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959].
1952 July 21
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2
Democratic National Convention, Chicago Stadium, Chicago, IL (separated from A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959].
1932 June 27
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2
The Kentucky Democratic Club of Washington, D.C., in honor of Senator Alben W. Barkley and Senator Marvel Mills Logan of Kentucky
(separated from A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959]. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2
Democratic National Convention, Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hon. James A. Farley, Chairman (separated from
A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959]. Papers)
1936 June 23
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2
WV Delegation Caucus, Democratic National Convention, Chicago (separated from A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959].
June 1932
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 2
Democratic National Convention, Houston, TX (separated from A&M 1606, Smith, Clarence Edwin [1885-1959]. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
21st Annual Convention WV State Federation of Labor, Huntington, WV (separated from A&M 1658, West Virginia Labor Federation
AFL-CIO. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
33rd Annual Convention WV State Federation of Labor (separated from A&M 1658, West Virginia Labor Federation AFL-CIO. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
7th Constitutional Convention, United Steelworkers of America, Atlantic City, NJ, 1954/09/20-1954/09/24 (separated from A&M
1658, West Virginia Labor Federation AFL-CIO. Papers)
September 1954
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
1st Constitutional Convention of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Islam Grotto Temple, Pittsburgh, PA, 1938/11/14-1938/11/18
(separated from A&M 1658, West Virginia Labor Federation AFL-CIO. Papers)
November 1938
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
5th Constitutional Convention, United Steelworkers of America, Convention Hall, Atlantic City, NJ, 1950/05/08-1950/05/12 (separated
from A&M 1658, West Virginia Labor Federation AFL-CIO. Papers)
May 1950
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
6th Biennial Convention, United Steelworkers Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Convention Hall, Philadelphia, PA,
1952/05/13-1952/05/17 (separated from A&M 1658, West Virginia Labor Federation AFL-CIO. Papers)
May 1952
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
Republican State Convention, Huntington, WV (separated from A&M 1659, Hallanan, Walter Simms [1890-1962]. Papers)
1922 August 14
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
15th Annual Tax Conference, National Tax Association, Curtis Hotel, Minneapolis, MN (separated from A&M 1659, Hallanan, Walter
Simms [1890-1962]. Papers)
1922 September 19
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
Dedication Class, Scottish Rite Reunion, 1916/10/10-1916/10/13 (separated from A&M 1660, Morgan, Ephraim F. [1869-1950]. Papers)
October 1916
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
Senators of WV, Regular Session (separated from A&M 1660, Morgan, Ephraim F. [1869-1950]. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 3
House of Delegates, Regular Session (separated from A&M 1660, Morgan, Ephraim F. [1869-1950]. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
District 17 United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), Golden Jubilee Convention, Columbus, OH, 1940/01/23-1940/02/01 (separated
from A&M 1698, Bittner, Van Amberg [1885-1949]. Papers)
January 1940
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
5th Constitutional Convention, Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Boston, MA. (separated from A&M 1698, Bittner,
Van Amberg [1885-1949]. Papers)
1942 November 9
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
Members Policy Committee, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland, OH (separated from A&M 1698,
Bittner, Van Amberg [1885-1949]. Papers)
1922 August 7
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
6th Annual Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) Convention, Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, PA (separated from
A&M 1698, Bittner, Van Amberg [1885-1949]. Papers)
1943 November 1
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
1st Constitutional Convention Banquet, United Steelworkers of America, Public Auditorium, Cleveland, OH (separated from A&M
1698, Bittner, Van Amberg [1885-1949]. Papers)
1942 May 20
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
2nd Constitutional Convention, United Steelworkers of America, Cleveland, OH, 1944/05/09-1944/05/13 (separated from A&M 1698,
Bittner, Van Amberg [1885-1949]. Papers)
May 1944
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
City of Clarksburg (original) (separated from A&M 1886, Miller, James H., Judge. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
City of Clarksburg (copy) (separated from A&M 1886, Miller, James H., Judge. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
Bridge, Potomac River at Shepherdstown, WV (separated from A&M 1886, Miller, James H., Judge. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
18th Convention UDC, Clarksburg, WV, Stonewall Jackson's Birthplace (group portrait) (separated from A&M 1886, Miller, James
H., Judge. Papers)
1915 September 29
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
Progressive Miners of America (separated from A&M 2482, Ozanic, Joseph. Papers)
September 1932
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5
Hinkle Farm, Germany Valley, Pendleton County, WV (includes two-page typescript from H.M. Calhoun to Miss Curry, dated 1927,
about the area)
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5
Mt. Hope Mining Extension Class
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5
Coketon, Tucker County, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5
WVU Class Portrait (3 items, and four additional photos that show only part of the full image)
Grand Lodge, Knights of Pithias [Pythias?] and Grand Temple Pithian Sisters, Elkins, WV (separated from A&M 1687, Ladies of
the Maccabees, Progressive Hive No. 8. Morgantown. Papers)
1927 August 31
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1
Copley Heirs Well No. 1, Sand Fork District, Lewis County, WV (separated from A&M 2768, Pietro, James [1873-1956]. Papers)
1900 September 23
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1
Pietro Castle (separated from A&M 2768, Pietro, James [1873-1956]. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1
Pietro Castle (separated from A&M 2768, Pietro, James [1873-1956]. Papers)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1
Unidentified town/countryside (corresponds to the negative with the same title)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1
Sutton, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1
Woodbine Farm or New Woodbine
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 1
William F. Mosser Company, Richwood, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2
Morgan Shirt Company Employees, Morgantown, WV (2 copies)
1939 May 2
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2
New Martinsville, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2
WVU Summer School (2 items, both copies--original is in box 1)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2
Woodburn Circle
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2
Greenbrier Ore Company, No. 1 Pit, Possum Hollow (see also negative)
1940 August 18
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2
Greenbrier Ore Company, view with Marlinton Bottling Company building (see also negative)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 2
Iron Ore Stocked at Marlinton, WV by Greenbrier Ore Company (3 items) (see also negative)
1940 August 10
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
25th Annual Session of The National Association of Teachers in Colored Schools, Institute, WV (by Gravely & Moore) (2 items)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
Morgantown and Kingwood Railroad, Sand mine and Tipple
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
Rodeheaver Lumber Company, Personnel and Equipment, "Marg"-set, Beaver Cr.
1944 August 24
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
West Virginia Northern Railroad #12
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
West Virginia Northern Railroad #8
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
Houston, TX, Birds Eye, Camp Logan
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
Ellington Field, TX (drawing, not photograph)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
First Reunion of Colonel John Evans Descendants (copy)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
First Reunion of Colonel John Evans Descendants (original)
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
American Sheet and Tinplate Company, Sabraton Works, Morgantown, WV
August 1915
Mixed Materials Box: 2 Folder: 3
Monongalia Company Registrants Entrained, Morgantown WV for Camp Lee, VA
1918 June 26
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Hoover Inauguration, Washington, D.C. (separated from A&M 1659, Hallanan, Walter Simms [1890-1962]. Papers)
1929 March 4
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Kilsyth Mining Extension Class, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Scarbro Mining Extension Class, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Glen Jean Mining Extension Class, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Libbey-Owens Sheet Glass Company and Owens Bottle Company, Kanawha City, WV (part one of two)
1924 April 21
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Libbey-Owens Sheet Glass Company and Owens Bottle Company, Kanawha City, WV (part two of two)
1924 April 21
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
WVU Freshmen Class
October 1926
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
WVU Class
1916 December 6
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
WVU Summer School (original--copies are in box 2)
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
16th Weaver-Plum Reunion at Howesville M.E. Church
1939 September 3
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Battalion F, 314 F.A., Camp Lee, VA
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Company M, 7th Training Regiment, Plattsburgh, NY
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Morgantown, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Morgantown, WV
ca. 1890
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1
Morgantown, WV from Monongahela River (another copy is available in oversize folder)
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Meeting of Mine Inspectors Institute of America, Charleston, WV, 1927/05/03-1927/05/05 (photographed on Hawks Nest Rock) (separated
from A&M 1660, Morgan, Ephraim F. [1869-1950]. Papers)
May 1927
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Unidentified (agriculture--men with hand plows)
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
White Reunion
1921 September 8
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
WV Conference Epworth League Institute, Buckhannon, WV, 1912/08/05-1912/08/12
August 1912
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
WV Industrial Union Council CIO, 3rd Annual Convention, Morgantown, WV
July 1940
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Miners Mass Meeting, Fairmont, WV (John L. Lewis speaking)
1935 September 1
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
2nd Reunion of the Harvey Family, Shook Shop Schoolhouse, Bayard, WV
1921 September 3
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Unidentified (group portrait, probably school group)
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Ancient Order of United Workmen (AOUW) Officers and Members of Grand Lodge, Sutton, WV
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
B&O Railroad Tour at Botanic Gardens, Washington, D.C.
1925 June 30
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Nurses, Base Hospital, Camp Gordon, GA
1918 November 2
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Galford Lumber Company, East Northfield, Massachusetts
1909 February 18
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 2
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Reunion, Coopers Rocks, Morgantown, WV (color)
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 3
Unidentified town/countryside (negative--corresponds to the photo with the same title)
Greenbrier Ore Company, view with Marlinton Bottling Company building (negative)
Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 3
Iron Ore Stocked at Marlinton, WV by Greenbrier Ore Company (negative)
1940 August 10
First Catholic Slovak Union of America, Silver Jubilee Convention
0.41 Gigabytes 3 files, including .tif and .jpg formats
circa 1934 September 3-1934 September 8
Conditions Governing Access
Researchers may access born digital materials by visiting the link attached to each item or by requesting to view the materials
in person by appointment or remotely by contacting the West Virginia & Regional History Center reference department at wvrhcref@mail.wvu.edu.
Scope and Contents
Two .tif and one .jpg file, all representing scans of the same original photograph. The West Virginia & Regional History Center
only has a digital copy of this item.