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Preferred Citation
[Description and date of item], [Box/folder number], Carl B. Allen Papers Regarding Early Aviation, A&M 2252, West Virginia and Regional History Center, West Virginia University Libraries, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Aeronautics
- Air Mail -- 1933-1935
- Air Safety Board (1936-1940)
- Airships
- Allen, Carl B.
- America First Committee
- America First Committee
- Autogiros -- Development
- Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943
- Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937
- Ford Air Tour.
- Glenn L. Martin Company
- Glenn L. Martin Company
- Inventors and inventions.
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987
- Postal service
- Rickenbacker, Eddie, 1890-1973
- Tuskegee Institute
- United States - Air Safety Board.
- United States. Army. Air Corps
- United States. Army. Air Corps
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Allen, Carl B.
- Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943
- Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987
- Rickenbacker, Eddie, 1890-1973
Container List
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
April 6, 1918; completion of U.S. School of Military Aeronautics at University of Illinois1918
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
August 2, 1918; Commission as 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Air Service1918
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
May 28, 1919; Commission as 2nd Lieutenant, ROTC, W.V.U.1919
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
June 17, 1919; Letter certificate: earned letter on WVU rifle team1919
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
November 5, 1935; Commission as Captain in Air Corps1935
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
November 12, 1940; Commission as Captain in Air Corps1940
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
November 24, 1945; Certificate of Service, 28 July 1941 to 24 November 19451945
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
January 7, 1946; Form letter of appreciation for "loyal support to our program in war"-- H.H. Arnold, Commanding General, Army Air Force to CBA1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
January 29, 1946; Commission as Colonel in Air Corps1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
March 21, 1946; Certificate of Meritorious Service1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
April 27 1946; Application for purchase of surplus property1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 1
undated; Form certificate from President Harry S. Truman to CBA, extending nation's thanks for services1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
"The Embattled air Reserves," article by CBA which appeared in the Oct. 1929 issue of Aero Digest; re poor conditions for Air Reserves while training at Mitchel field, summer 1929. CBA says that there is a movement on the part of "the rest of the Army to take it out on the Air Corps."1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
Photo of Air Reserve "class" of summer 1929, with CBA, separated to photograph file1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
CBA's notes in preparation of "The Embattled Air Reserves."1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
Sky News, November 15, 1929; story of charges brought against CBA "to consider whether of not Allen has been disloyal to the service" and upcoming trial. Moved to oversize flat storage box1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
Air Corps News, November 28, 1929; "In Defense of Army Air Officers," by E.H. Holterman, Captain, Air Reserve1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
7 December 1929; minutes of a meeting of the Air Reserve Association of the 2nd Corp Area; CBA addressed the meeting about his articles; report that meeting of the Executive Committee voted to inform officers of Mitchel Field that the Association was not in sympathy with the personal remarks in CBA's article1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
10 December 1929; minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Air Reserve Association of the 2nd Corps Area; minutes of meeting not approved because they did not clarify the Executive Committee position on CBA; make it clear that the resolution "was not intended to criticize Lt. Allen as to the article in general but rather to show only that the Executive Committee was not in sympathy with Lt. Allen in his criticisms or personal remarks ... and that Lt. Allen was no writing at the request of the Association ..."1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
21 December 1929; Report of the Inspector General concerning conditions at Mitchel Field1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
2 January 1930; letter from CBA to Major General Hanson E. Ely, Commandant, 2nd Corps Area; defense of his article1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
10 January 1930; letter from Major General Hanson E. Ely to CBA; regarding another article for "Aero Digest" on findings, facts, and conclusions reported by the inspector who investigated conditions at Mitchel Field1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
2 March 1930; letter from CBA to M. G. Harbula; regarding CBA's representing Air Reserve Association, 2nd Corps Area, at USARA meeting1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
15 March 1930; letter Colonel W. K. Naylor, Chief of Staff, HQ, 2nd Corps Area, to CBA; conveying commanding General's [Ely] approval of the 2nd article for "Aero Digest"1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
July 1930; "More About the Reserves," by CBA, "Aero Digest"; findings of investigatory committee and actions taken1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
10 February 1931; schedule for training of Group I and Group II pilots and observers for summer 19311930
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 4
undated; addresses of various military personnel in CBA's handwriting1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5a
1927-1931; Distinguished Flying Cross1927-1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5a
1932; Death of Lt. J. D. Allen1932
- Text Box: 1 Folder: 5a
1933-1935; Air Mail1933-1935
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5a
1934-1935; Howell Inquiry1934-1935
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5b
1934; U.S. Air Supremacy1934
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5b
1934-1937; Air Safety1934-1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5b
1934; Aviation Achievements1934
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5b
1934-1936; Army in Aviation1934-1936
- Mixed Materials Box: 1 Folder: 5b
1937; Private fliers urged to fight move...to restrict use of federal airways1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 2a Folder: 1
April 12, 1928; Letter from Richard E. Byrd to CBA re: CBA's article on Byrd in the World1928
- Mixed Materials Box: 2a Folder: 1
July 6, 1930; Letter from CBA to Charles A. Lindbergh; re: giving a picture of Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. to the press, especially to the yellow journalists.1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 2a Folder: 1
Articles by CBA for the World, ND; "The First Sikorsky" et.al1930-1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 2a Folder: 2
Correspondence between George Washington Carver and CBA re: an article CBA was doing on Carver1924-1925
- Mixed Materials Box: 2a Folder: 2
Notes on George Washington Carver1924-1925
- Mixed Materials Box: 2a Folder: 2
Newspaper Clippings on George Washington Carver1924-1925
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1a
First trans-Pacific flight by Pan-Am's China Clipper press flight, with CBA and other correspondents on board - notes and background; plus actual articles for New York Herald Tribune; October 3 - Noveber 1, 19361936
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1b
First trans-Pacific flight by Pan-Am's China Clipper press flight, with CBA and other correspondents on board - notes and background; plus actual articles for New York Herald Tribune; October 3 - Noveber 1, 19361936
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1c
Notes on articles on Pacific flight, plus background material on "Yankee Clipper" series Trans-Atlantic aircraft1936
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 1d
First trans-Pacific flight by Pan Am's China Clipper press flight, sound recording of public relations event on user copy CD (original sound discs in box 11, folders 1a and 1b)1936
- Mixed Materials Box: 11 Folder: 1a
"Flying Newsmen," a vinyl record of interviews with press members who flew on the first trans-Pacific flight by Pan-Am's China Clipper, sides 1 and 31936
- Mixed Materials Box: 11 Folder: 1b
"Flying Newsmen," a vinyl record of interviews with press members who flew on the first trans-Pacific flight by Pan-Am's China Clipper, sides 2 and 41936
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
September 1926; "The Ford Air Tour"1926
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
December 1926; "Italy Wins Schneider Trophy Race"1926
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
October 1927; " The Seige of Spokane: The Successful 1927 National Air Races"1927
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
November 1927; "The Weather Conditions on My Flight to Germany," by Clarence d. Chamberlain1927
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
October 1928; "Summer Training for the Reserves at Mitchel Field"1928
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
October 1928; "The Tortoise at the Air Races"1928
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
October 1929; "The Embattled Air Reserves"1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
December 1929; "Much Ado at Aberdeen"1929
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 4
November 1930; "A Rumpus Over Records"1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 5
January 7, 1931; "Bravery Vs. Ballyhoo: How America Honors Her Heroes in the Air"1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 5
February 11, 1931; "Our Status in the Air: Does america Lead or Lag in Military Type Planes?"1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 5
March 25, 1931; "Slide Rule Hawks-- Speed Demon"1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 5
January 20, 1932; "Air Chief Foulis-- Pioneer Pilot"1932
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 5
April 1934; "Trouble Aloft!"1934
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
December 1924; "After Six Years," U. S. Air Services1924
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
April 1930; "Sky Road to Cuba," The Sportsman Pilot1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
June 1930; "California Capitulates," The Sportsman Pilot1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
October 1930; "Aviation's Best Bad Year," The Review of Reviews1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
August 1931; "Learning to Fly," Vanity Fair1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
October 1931; "Learning to Fly," Vanity Fair1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
February 1932; "Learning to Fly," Vanity Fair1932
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
May 19, 1937; "Why Do Airliners Crash?," The New Republic1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
December 1937; "Records Shattered at Miami Meet," The Bee-Hive1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6a
December 1940; " Observations on Aerial Defense," Western Flying1940
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
January 1941, "What is the Outlook for Aviation in 1941?" Popular Science1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
April 1941, " America's Air Hitting Power," Popular Science1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
July 1941, "Airplane-Minded Generals," Western Flying1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
July 1941,"Successful West Virginians," The West Virginia Review1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
September 1946, "Republic's Rainbow," Air Transport1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
October 19, 1946; "Case for the Reserves," Collier's1946
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
1949; "Mr. LaFarge's 'Eagle'," The Bee-Hive, book review of Oliver LaFarge's "The Eagle and the Egg."1949
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
September 1958; CBA mentioned and quoted in "Shooting the Breeze," Air Force Magazine1958
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
July 1970; "Getting the Picture," Air Force Magazine1970
- Mixed Materials Box: 3 Folder: 6b
June 1971; "Aviation's Most Colorful Decade," Air Force Magazine, book review of "Oceans, Poles, and Men", by Richard Montague.1971
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1a
March 5, 1937; "The Man Behind Lindbergh" by Williams A. McGarry, Rockefeller Center Weekly1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1a
March 5, 1937; "The Story Behind Lindbergh," same author & magazine1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1a
March 12, 1937; "Lindy Tests the Whirlwind," same author & magazine1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1a
March 19, 1937; "Slim Dopes it Out," same author & magazine1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1a
March 26, 1937; "He Named No Price," same author and magazine1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1b
April 2, 1937; "Northbound Flight," same author & magazine1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1b
April 9, 1937; "He Put It In His Pocket," same author & magazine1937
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1b
August 1940; "Lindbergh today," Scribner's Commentator1940
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1b
December 28, 1940; "The Facts About Lindbergh," Saturday Evening Post1940
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1b
August 1941; "Lindbergh for the Record," Scribner's Commentator1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1c
1954; "How Lindbergh Wrote a Book," Lauren D. Layman, United Aircraft Bee-Hive1954
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1c
1967; "When Lindbergh Went to Paris," Lauren D. Layman1967
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1c
May 1967; "Lindbergh's Flight- Takeoff For Aviation," Lauren D. Layman, Aerospace1967
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1c
1967; "Lindbergh: Ambassador of Flight," Aerospace International1967
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1d
1967; "The Man at Mankind's Elbow," Claude Witze, Aerospace International1967
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1d
1967; "New york-to-Paris... How Lindbergh Did It," J.S. Butz, Jr., Aerospace International1967
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1d
1970; "The Day F.D.R. Tried to Bribe Lindbergh," Pathway1970
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 1d
1971; "The Wartime Lindbergh," Lauren D. Layman and CBA, United Aircraft Bee-Hive1971
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
1939-1940; The Radio Addresses of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh1939-1940
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
June 10, 1940; "Our Drift Toward War"1940
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
April 23, 1941; Address at Manhattan Center Rally1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
May 3, 1941; Address at St. Louis Rally1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
May 10, 1941; Address at Minneapolis1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
May 23, 1941; Address at Madison Square Garden1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
May 29, 1941; Address at Philadelphia Arena1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
August 29, 1941; Address at Oklahoma City1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
September 11, 1941; Address at Des Moines1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
October 3, 1941; Address at Fort Wayne1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
"A Letter to Americans"1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
October 30, 1941; Address at New York1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
February 23, 1942; Letter from Charles A. Lindbergh to Lauren D. Layman, enclosing all the available copies of radio addresses, plus statement made before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Feb 6, 19411942
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 3
CBA's outline of Layman's Lindbergh File1942
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 6
1929; Article by CBA on Lindbergh - difference between Lindbergh the man and Lindbergh the image most people have of him - 19291929
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 6
1930; "To a Lion Cub and Lyin' Whelp," anonymous poem on the birth of Charles A. Lindbergh1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 6
August 1940; "Lindbergh Today," - typewritten copy of article published in Scribner's Commentator1940
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 6
January 5, 1954; Address by Charles Lindbergh at the Institute of of Aeronautical Sciences Honors Night Dinner1954
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 6
1968; CBA answer to Ross's accusations re: book review of "The Last Hero"1968
- Mixed Materials Box: 4 Folder: 6
October 20, 1970; Letter from Madeleine Edmondson to CBA thanking him for his letter re: Charles Lindbergh War Journals, Newsweek1970
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
Air transport has pass through two of its three primary stages.
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
Among those attending this year's National Air Races at Cleveland was a man who did his best to make an airplane pilot out of the present King of England during the World War
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
"Charles Healy Day; The Designer"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
"Controllable Pitch Propellers"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
Early in 1926 America first became directly concerned with the advance of international air transport which, with London, Paris, Berlin, and Amsterdam as its operating base, was rapidly extending great trunk airlines along the trade routes of the world
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
"Interview With Mr. Trippe"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
"Maps and Slots"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7a
Out at Rentschler Field, already famed as one of the aircraft industry's most vital production centers... re: Benny Whelan
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7b
"Out-flying the Air Corps"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7b
"Radio Beacons, Homing Device, etc."
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7b
"Radio Landing Beam"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7b
Showmanship and salesmanship are obnoxious words to the true soldier, imbued with the notion that wars are won by strategy and hard fighting and not by playing to the grandstand
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7b
"Skullduggery on the Skyroads"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7b
"Wing Overshoe"
- Mixed Materials Box: 8b Folder: 7b
The World's correspondent was aboard the Pan American Airways plane which recently opened a regular tri-weekly mail and passenger service over 1,400 miles of the "Lindbergh Trail" through the West Indies
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 3a
November 25, 1935; Eddie Richenbacker to CBA; My dear Carl,...Sincerely, Eddie"
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 3b
August 18, 1969; Clare Booth Luce correspondence
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 4
October 31, 1936; WQR-Herald Tribune High School Radio League
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 4
June 7, 1940; WVU Alumni Luncheon
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 4
December 19, 1940; Town Meeting of the Air, "How Can We Speed Up National Defense?"
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 4
1971; Commencement Address to Moorefield High School
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 5a
Galley proof of Orville Wright biography
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 5a
Monthly statistical reports, Post Office Dept, Air Mail Service1934-1938
- Mixed Materials Box: 9a Folder: 5b
Miscellaneous Press Releases, newspaper clippings
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"The Best News Stories of 1923," ed. by Joseph Anthony; incl. "266 Miles an Hour," by CBA1923
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"The Best News Stories of 1924," ed. by Joseph Anthony; incl. "Meeting the World Flyers," by CBA1924
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"A Happy Landing," "Banquet in Honor of the Commander and Crew of the 'America'," given by the City of New York1924-07-19
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
Brochure of the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the First Successful Airplane Flight, 1903-1925, Kitty Hawk, N.C.1928-12-17
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"America in the Skyways: ZRS-4 Ring Laying"1929-11-07
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"New York World Stylebook"1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"The Story of the Airship," by Hugh Allen1932
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"News Stories of 1933," ed. by Frank Luther Mott; incl. "Lindbergh's New Odyssey," by CBA1933
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"Methods on the Mail Routes: British & American Needs and Tendencies," by Major R. H. Mayo; reprinted from "The Times Trade & Engineering Supplement"1934-01-27
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"Air Commerce Bulletin," vol. 7, no. 41935-10-15
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"Airway to India," Central African Division, Air Transport Command1945
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"The New York Herald Tribune Washington Bureau," New York Herald Tribune1947
- Mixed Materials Box: 10
"Coast to Coast by Plane and Train," illustrated map, Transcontinental Air Transport, Inc.nd.
- Mixed Materials Box: 11 Folder: 1c
Record sleeves and labels for "Flying Newsmen" (from box 3, folder 1)1936
- Mixed Materials Box: 11 Folder: 1d
Proof of Editorial, Vanity Fair, "Outflying the Air Corps" (from box 8b, folder 7a)
- Mixed Materials Box: 11 Folder: 2
The World (from box 2; folder 1) Feb 271931
- Mixed Materials Box: 11 Folder: 3
Sky News (from box 1, folder 4) Nov 151929
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 1
Photostatic copy of "Hot Air About the Pole," by CBA, reprinted from "The Nation" (from box 3, folder 6) April 241926
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 2
5 large pix concerning George Washington Carver article. 1 photo of GWC at an experiments station; 4 photos of the Macon County (Alabama) Agricultural Fair. (from box 2, folder 2)
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
Miscellaneous Certificates (from box 1, folder 3)1929-1970
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
National Aviation Club - CBA elected to full membership1963-07-01
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
"Domain of Phoebus Apollo" - crossed International Date Line on China Clipper - signed by passengers and officers aboard1936-10-10
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
Participated in the National Security Forum held at the War College1960-05-23-1960-05-27
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
"Commemorating the First Transport Helicopter flight on September 6, 1948"- CBA was a passenger1948-09-06
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
United States Navy - Naval Air Training Command...CBA for his patriotic effort in completing the Naval Air Training Command Orientation Course1948-02-25
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
National Aviation Club - June 3, 1918 - Curtiss JN-4D - "in recognition of his trail blazing efforts shall forevermore be known as a Pioneer of Aeronautics"1970-11-19
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
The Society of Airway Pioneers - CBA made an honorary member1960-06-08
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
Commissioned Admiral of the Flagship Fleet, American Airlines1946-05-27
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
TWA Ambassadors Club1956-05-25
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
Martin 2-0-2 Test Crew Member1947-04-10
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
"Empyrean Realm of Jupiter Rex" - crossed the Equator en route from Miami to Buenos Aires1929-01-16
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
"Caroline Men From Mars" - non-stop Honolulu to Chicagond.
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
"Knights of the Bluenose" - flew north of the Arctic Circle1952-09-14
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
Certificate of Appointment to the Air Safety Board - signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt1939-03-15
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
"Los Conquistadores del Cielo" with English translation on back1954-09-14
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 3
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 4
China Clipper Story, New York Herald Tribune (from box 3, folder 1) October 6-251936
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 5
Serialized cop of "The Nine Old Men," by Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen - carried in The New York Post, incomplete February 23 - March 151937
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 5
Organizational Chart of the Air Safety Board (From box 8)
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 6
Material re Newspaper Articles on various subjects by CBA (from box 1, folder 5)
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 7
Material re Round South America Trip; stories by CBA run in the New York World-Telegram, (from box 3, folder 1)1933
- Mixed Materials Box: 12 Folder: 7
Material on Zeppelins and other dirigibles; plus material for CBA article on the comparative merits of the airplane and airship for inter-continental travel, includes letter of 30 December 1935 discussing the same Zeppelin that exploded on 4 March 1936 (from box 3, folder 2)
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 1
Material on the crash of the Hindenburg at Lakehurst, N.J., includes from page of the New York Herald-Tribune with story by CBA covering the crash (from box 3, folder 2)1937-05-06
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
Material National Air Races (from box 3, folder 3) September 3-51938
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
Articles by CBA in the Saturday Evening Post1938-1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Tons Aloft: Test Piloting the Transatlantic Clipper," by Edumnd T. Allen with CBA, Sep 171938
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Air Safety Isn't Luck," by CBA and Martin Sommers, June 11940
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"A Feud-- Between Engines," May 101941
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
Miscellaneous Magazine Articles by CBA (from box 3, folder 6)1931-1949
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Learning to Fly," Vanity Fair, Aug1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Learning to Fly," Vanity Fair, Oct1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Learning to Fly," Vanity Fair, Feb1932
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Sky Road to Cuba," The Sportsman Pilot, April1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"California Capitulates," The Sportsman Pilot, June1930
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Case for the Reserves," Collier's, Oct 191946
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
"Mr. LaFarge's 'Eagle'," The Bee-Hive, book review of Oliver LaFarge's "The Eagle and the Egg"1949
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 2
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
Material on Lindbergh (from box 4)1940-1941
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
"The Facts About Lindbergh," Saturday Evening Post, Dec 281940
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
"The Air Defense of America," May 191940
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
"A Plea for American Independence," Mutual Broadcasting System, Oct 141940
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
Speech at a America First Meeting in Chicago, April 171941
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
Address at the Hollywood Bowl, June 201941
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
Address at San Francisco, July 11941
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
Address at Cleveland, Aug 91941
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
Misc. Newspaper Clipping and Book Reviews re Lindbergh
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 3
- Mixed Materials Box: 13 Folder: 4
Aviation Pages from the New York Herald Tribune (from box 8)
Contains mostly clippings regarding both general contemporary history and aviation history.
- Mixed Materials Box: 14
2 Newspaper Clippings Scrapbooks (contains clippings of articles by CB Allen regarding contemporary general news and aviation news); 1925-1926, 1924-1931
- Mixed Materials Box: 15
2 Newspaper Clippings Scrapbooks (contains clippings of articles by CB Allen regarding contemporary general news and aviation news; one of the clippings regards a plane journey by Allen and his wife, including two original photographs); 1926-1927, 1925-1939
- Mixed Materials Box: 16
1 Newspaper Clipping Scrapbook (contains clippings regarding commercial aviation; also includes a few complete copies of "American Aviation" and "Southern Flight"); 1938-1956