A Guide to the American Legion of Honor, Loudoun Council No. 341 Records, 1880-1897
A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number BV 003
Thomas Balch Library
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© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Emily Hershman
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research
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Physical characteristics and conditions affect use of this material. Photocopying not permitted.
Preferred Citation
American Legion of Honor, Loudoun Council No. 341 Records, 1880-1897 (BV 003), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Gene Chamblin
Alternative Form Available
Processing Information
Formerly catalogued as NUCMC 52
Historical Information
The American Legion, though first collectively established in 1919, existed in local chapters during the late nineteenth century. Its purposes are listed as upholding the U.S. Constitution, maintaining law and order, encouraging patriotism, and promoting the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy.
The local chapter of the American Legion was established in Leesburg as the Loudoun Council on November 19, 1880. The Loudoun Council was particularly concerned with compensation and rehabilitation of veterans; their provisions included death benefits for veterans' family members. The entries in this book are concluded in 1897.
Scope and Content
The records for the American Legion of Honor span the years 1880 to 1897, and are concerned with the actions of the Loudoun chapter, or Loudoun Council, No. 341. The pages are in overall good condition, but the binding is fragile and should be handled carefully. The front flyleaf includes directions for the secretary to use when recording entries. A blank notice of suspension for the secretary is inserted among the back pages. There are a few blank pages at the front and back of the book.
The entries begin with the establishment of the Loudoun Council on November 19, 1880 in Leesburg and list the presiding and previous officers, who include J. H. Alexander (past commander), W.W.Altrey as current commander, J.S.Purdie as vice commander, F.E.Conrad (1847-1900) as orator, and J.B.McCabe (1856-1905) as secretary. Officers are reinstated continually throughout the accounts. The next several entries are concerned with the election of several new members, including Sam L. Moore, Herbert Osburn, J.S. Grissey, and J.F. Elgin (1834-1882). Other succeeding entries list the laws and regulations of the Legion, including that the Council will meet every second and fourth Friday of every month, amount of salaries paid to members, and fees for membership application. The entries record payment for supplies, suspension or absences of various members, applications for membership, and compensation given to families of deceased members. The officers for the concluding entry include G.O.Ferguson (1857-1936) as past commander, C.P. Janney as commander, and S.L.Moore as orator.
The record book for the American Legion of Honor is the only item in this collection.
Related Material
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Rumer, Thomas A. The American Legion: An Official History, 1919-1989. New York, NY: M. Evans & Company, Inc. 1990.
American Legion of Honor, Loudoun Council no.341-1880-1897 (BV 003), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Loudoun Cemetery Database http://www.leesburgva.gov/services/library/cemetery/default.aspx.
Other Finding Aid
Other Finding Aid
Rumer, Thomas A. The American Legion: An Official History, 1919-1989. New York, NY: M. Evans & Company, Inc. 1990.
American Legion of Honor, Loudoun Council no.341-1880-1897 (BV 003), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Loudoun Cemetery Database http://www.leesburgva.gov/services/library/cemetery/default.aspx.