A Guide to the Planning, Zoning & Development Department Visual Records of Historic Sites, 1990 - 2004
A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number VC RG22
Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library208 West Market Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
Phone: (703) 737-7195
Fax: (703) 737-7195
Email: balchlib@leesburgva.gov
URL: http://www.leesburgva.gov/departments/thomas-balch-library/
© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Teckla H. Cox
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Open for research.
Use Restrictions
No physical characteristics affect use of this material
Preferred Citation
Town of Leesburg: Department of Planning, Zoning & Development: Visual Records of Historic Sites (VC RG22), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Town of Leesburg, Department of Planning, Zoning & Development
Alternative Form Available
Processing Information
Processed by Teckla H. Cox, 14 June 2007.
Historical Information
The Town of Leesburg Department of Planning, Zoning and Development assists the Town Council in developing land use policy and enforces land use and zoning regulations. There are three divisions within the department: comprehensive planning, current planning, and zoning. Their activities include reviewing development plans, processing zoning and special exception applications, and issuing permits. The department employs an Historic Preservation Planner, who provides assistance to property owners in the Old and Historic District with regard to planning matters.
Scope and Content
This collection is comprised of photographs of historic buildings and sites within and adjacent to the Town of Leesburg. The photographs document changes to existing buildings, buildings demolished for development, and general streetscape photographs of the Old and Historic District documenting its appearance from 1990 to 2004 (with one 1974 photograph). The photographs were taken by the Preservation Planner of the Department of Planning, Zoning & Development of the Town of Leesburg.
77 of the folders contain photographs, some with their negatives; two folders contain maps (the Old & Historic District 2004, and a map of Goshen just outside the town); one folder contains 25 sets of negatives that do not exactly match any other particular folders that are listed separately; one folder is miscellaneous material. There is also a set of plans for the John Janney House at 10 Cornwall St. N.E. in the Historic District.
The buildings photographed are generally identified by address and further information may be accessed in Leesburg Architectural Surveys (M 016) which are listed by address, as well as by the state's identifying number and by the county's tax map numbers.
Related Material
Leesburg Architectural Surveys 1971-2001 (M 016), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Cox, Teckla, retired Loudoun County Planner, 2007.Town of Leesburg, VA, Department of Planning, Zoning and Development, http://www.leesburgva.gov/services/planning/. (accessed 29 Aug 2007).
Town of Leesburg: Department of Planning, Zoning & Development: Visual Records of Historic Sites (RG 22), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Other Finding Aid
Other Finding Aid
Cox, Teckla, retired Loudoun County Planner, 2007.Town of Leesburg, VA, Department of Planning, Zoning and Development, http://www.leesburgva.gov/services/planning/. (accessed 29 Aug 2007).
Town of Leesburg: Department of Planning, Zoning & Development: Visual Records of Historic Sites (RG 22), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Contents List
Folder 1: Ceremonies, 1994-2000
Folder 2: Aerial Photographs with negatives 1996, 2001
Folder 3a: Mighty Midget - documents re: town preservation, renovation & lease, n.d.
Folder 3b: Mighty Midget, n.d.
Folder 4: Negatives1. 1997 Leesburg Corner site before development2. 1997 Cornwall St.; Market St.; Barn behind 107 S King St.3. Moving 6 & 8 Loudoun (Tolbert building) to 108 Church St. SE4. Tolbert building5. Survey photographs S King St., W Market St., Ayr St.6. Blossom & Bloom Y alley beside it7. S King St.; also houses added to Old & Historic District
Folder 5a: Harper stone house - prior to move, moving process, post move
Folder 5b: Harper stone house - prior to move, moving process, post move n.d.
Folder 6: W Market St. prior to addition to historic district, n.d.
Folder 7: S King St. prior to addition to historic district, n.d.
Folder 8: 223 Royal St. (demolished), n.d.
Folder 9: 234 Loudoun St (demolished), n.d.
Folder 10: 206 W Market St. (demolished), n.d.
Folder 11: 13, 15 E Royal (demolished) n.d.
Folder 12: 116 E Market (Glembot smokehouse) (demolished), n.d.
Folder 13: Sycolin Rd., burned house (demolished), n.d.
Folder 14: Ruins of Exeter main house prior to construction of WalMart, n.d.
Folder 15: Lombardy Farm (demolished), n.d.
Folder 1: Exeter overseers house (Walmart site - demolished), n.d.
Folder 2: 107 Royal St., n.d.
Folder 3: Whitmore/Littlejohn house (once part of Exeter), ruin & restoration, n.d.
Folder 4: 7 E. Market S, before renovation, n.d.
Folder 5: 6, 8 Loudoun St. SW (Tolbert building), moved to 108 Church St. SE, n.d.
Folder 6: Tavistock - outbuildings demolished; house now community center, n.d.
Folder 7: Kincaid Farm, n.d.
Folder 8: Outbuilding 109 S King St., n.d.
Folder 9: Houses demolished for court building, 2001
Folder 10: 241 W Market St., ca. 1995
Folder 11: Entrenchment and map, ca. 1995
Folder 12: Goshen map, ca. 1995
Folder 13: Mouth of Goose Creek (now River Creek development), ca. 1995
Folder 14: Shreve house (now Highpoint 1991), ca. 1995
Folder 15: Route 7 at Goose Creek, ca. 1995
Folder 16: Houses demolished for Leesburg Corner, ca. 1995
Folder 17: Laurel Brigade Inn, ca. 1995
Folder 18: Potter's Field, ca. 1995
Folder 19: Waverly, 1997
Folder 20: Stowers Farm, ca. 1995
Folder 21: Demolished house - E Market St., ca. 1995
Folder 22: S King St. - Safeway, ca. 1995
Folder 23: Bypass, ca. 1995
Folder 24: E Market St. near Best Western Hotel, ca. 1995
Folder 25: Linden Hill - outside town on Route 15 S, ca. 1995
Folder 26: Route 7 E outside town limits, ca. 1995
Folder 27: Unidentified, ca. 1995
Folder 28: Route 7 E - Cardinal Park, ca. 1995
Folder 29: Silver Mining Camp, ca. 1995
Folder 30: E Market St. - Douglass School (National Register), & vicinity, ca. 1995
Folder 31: E Market St. General views; includes aerials, ca. 1995
Folder 32: Route 7 E - Carodoc Hall, ca. 1995
Folder 33: Route 7 E - office development, ca. 1995
Folder 34: Map of Historic District - 2004, ca. 1995
Folder 35: Airport, ca. 1995
Folder 36: Looking north on Sycolin Rd., 1990s
Folder 37: Meeting with David Brown, late 1990s
Folder 38: Retail signs in Hilton Head & other cities, ca. 1995
Folder 39: Mount Zion Methodist Church - North St., ca. 1995
Folder 40: Market St., ca. 1995
Folder 1: King St., ca. 1995
Folder 2: Wirt Street, ca. 1995
Folder 3: Loudoun St., ca. 1995
Folder 4: Cornwall St., ca. 1995
Folder 5: Market Station - before construction, ca. 1995
Folder 6: Log cabin on Wirt St., ca. 1995
Folder 7: 6 & 8 Loudoun (Talbot building) before move to Church St., ca. 1995
Folder 8: North St. (Murders Bay), ca. 1995
Folder 9: Liberty St. (Baby St.), ca. 1995
Folder 10: Old Town Office - formerly auto dealership (Buick), ca. 1995
Folder 11: Thomas Balch Library renovation, ca. 1995
Folder 12: Consultants' photos of Leesburg corridor - Routes 7 & 15, ca. 1995
Folder 13: Courthouse lawn dig, ca. 2000
Folder 14: Belmont Forest, ca. 1995
Folder 15: Edwards Ferry Rd., ca. 1995
Folder 16: Barn demolished for Leesburg Commons, ca. 1995
Folder 17: 407 S King St. - demolished outbuilding, ca. 1995
Folder 18: Loudoun Museum tour & presentation ca. 1995
Folder 19: Historic District downtown, 1999
Folder 20: Leesburg Inn - demolished for County Building; now Clerk's Office, ca. 1995
Folder 21: Court buildings, 1974
Folder 22: Inside Leesburg, 1992
Folder 23: Doors & windows, ca. 1995
Folder 24: Sycolin Rd., ca. 1995
Folder 25: Construction County office building, 1990s
Folder 26: Edwards Ferry Rd., ca. 1995
Folder 27: Cornwall and Church St. - demolition of house
Folder 28: 24 W Market St. fire
Folder 29: Miscellaneous, ca. 1995
Folder 30: Negatives, 1990-20011. Greenway2. Route 7 - 19903. 7 E Market St: Raymond Group House; Farm on Route 7/15 bypass4. Stone Harper House; S King St; Church St.; House on Sycolin Rd.5. Aerial photos spring 1997; River Creek; Potomac Station; Goshen; Leesburg Corner6. Historic District 1995; Goshen at River Creek; Potomac Station7. Loudoun St. Victorian; 9 Church St.; porches & doorways8. Route 7 E (town & county)9. Unidentified10. 107 Royal St. SW; 303 & 305 S King St. 199811. Various Old & Historic District12. Peoples Bank (Lightfoot Restaurant) & Courthouse lawn dig13. W Market St; Old & Historic District14. Dodona Manor 199115. Doors & windows; 2 W Market St. 199316. Courthouse Library exhibit March/April 199817. E Market St. 1999 Old & Historic District18. Construction of Harper Stone House April 1996; 241 E Market St19. Flags20. Downtown Leesburg commercial21. Black school house on Union St.; William Johnson house; 50 Edwards Ferry Rd; Chevy Chase Ct.; N King St.22. Historic District 199923. 307, 407 S King St24. S King St. & Edwards Ferry Rd. - 2000-2001 grant projects25. Historic sites in Joint Land Management Area or Urban Growth Area - September 2001
Folder 31: Negatives1. Greenway Farm2. Demolished building, Royal St., King St., Market St.3. Route 15 N4. Edwards Ferry Road 3rd Expansion 19905. Stone House Rt. 15 Bypass6. Harper Stone House7. H-2 Projects8. Glembot Smokehouse W Market Street 19919. Rt. 7 demolished barn10. Stone house Rt. 7, interior 19 King St., outbuilding Liberty St.11. Rt. 7 E12. S King St. 199313. 19 E Market St., 222 W Market, Courthouse Excavation, stone house14. Log house, Loudoun St15. E Market St. 199016. Ida Lee17. Architectural Features18. Plaza St. dedication 199719. Friends of Thomas Balch Library news conference20. Catoctin State park opening 199821. Christmas downtown 199922. Arbor Day tree planning 199923. Loudoun Museum Civil War sign installation
Folder 32: Negatives - old and historic district
Folder 33: Slides - manager's cottage Exeter
Folder 34: CD - grant photos Civil War building survey
Folder 35: CD - Laurel Brigade 2004 renovation
Folder 36: CD - unidentified