A Guide to the Town of Hamilton Town Council Meeting Minutes, 1875-1960
A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number M 060
Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library208 West Market Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
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URL: http://www.leesburgva.gov/departments/thomas-balch-library/
© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Sarah E Wycoff
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
Use Restrictions
No physical characteristics affect use of this material.
Preferred Citation
Town of Hamilton Town Council Meeting Minutes, 1875-1960 (M060), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Donna Norton, Hamilton, VA
Alternative Form Available
Digital copy on 3 CDs
Processing Information
Sarah E Wycoff, 21 January 2011
Historical Information
Hamilton, Virginia is a small town located roughly seven miles from Leesburg, Virginia. Hamilton was founded around 1750 and initially named Harmony. The town's name was changed to Hamilton's Store in 1826 and shortened to Hamilton in December 1835. On 18 February 1875, the General Assembly approved an act incorporating the Town of Hamilton, which had the second largest population in Loudoun County next to Leesburg. The first mayor was John H. Hughes (18 June 1813-14 September 1893) and the first councilmen included J.B. Franklin (1840-18 May 1892), recorder, Jefferson Milbourn (6 June 1815-30 May 1882), sergeant, Dr. J.D. Harman (1 January 1840-1 March 1878), John H. Wiley (6 January1823-28 March 1884), T.H. Vandeventer (1 May 1844-11 August 1926), S.B. Mercier (15 May 1848-26 December 1929), Richard McFarland (n.d.) and Thomas Schooley (25 November 1824-02 January 1893). Town ordinances were adopted 12 March 1875 that included provisions for tax collection, upkeep of streets, and managing livestock kept by townspeople.
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries Hamilton became popular as a tourist destination for people in Washington, D.C., who came by train in the summer. A fire in 1926 destroyed businesses and houses in town, reducing accommodations and attractions for visitors. Even after rebuilding, tourism in Hamilton declined, hastened by the advent of automobiles which allowed people to choose other destinations. Present day Hamilton is mostly residential.
Scope and Content
This collection consists of transcribed minutes of the Town of Hamilton's town council meetings on three cds and printouts. The minutes are dated between 1875 and 1960 with a gap between 1898 and 1921. Topics of the minutes include maintenance of roads and sidewalks, ordinances dealing with farm animals and their maintenance, permits (building and traveling festivals), sanitation, finances, and services (water, trash removal). The transcription also includes information on the specific information about council meetings such as attendance records, locations and resignations.
Box folder
Related Material
Snippets of Hamilton's Past by Donna Norton (V REF 975.528 NOR) and Recollections of Hamilton by Donna Norton (V REF 975.528 NOR)
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Ancestry Library Edition, United States Census, United States Census and Voter Lists, http://www.ancestrylibrary.com (Accessed 21 January 2011).
Day, Donna Norton Hamilton. Recollections of Hamilton . Hamilton, VA: 2003.
Loudoun Cemetery Database. http://www.leesburgva.gov/index.aspx?page=940 (Accessed 21 January 2011).
Norton, Donna. Snippets of Hamilton's Past . Hamilton, Va.: Donna Norton, 2002.
Town of Hamilton Town Council Meeting Minutes, 1875-1960 (M060), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Van Deventer, Chrsitobelle. The Van Deventer Family . Columbia, Ms: E.W. Stephens Co: 1943, 101.
Other Finding Aid
Technical Requirements
Electronic media required for alternative format
Other Finding Aid
Ancestry Library Edition, United States Census, United States Census and Voter Lists, http://www.ancestrylibrary.com (Accessed 21 January 2011).
Day, Donna Norton Hamilton. Recollections of Hamilton . Hamilton, VA: 2003.
Loudoun Cemetery Database. http://www.leesburgva.gov/index.aspx?page=940 (Accessed 21 January 2011).
Norton, Donna. Snippets of Hamilton's Past . Hamilton, Va.: Donna Norton, 2002.
Town of Hamilton Town Council Meeting Minutes, 1875-1960 (M060), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Van Deventer, Chrsitobelle. The Van Deventer Family . Columbia, Ms: E.W. Stephens Co: 1943, 101.