A Guide to the Doman Family Reunion Calendar, 2011
A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number OM 014
Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library208 West Market Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
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URL: http://www.leesburgva.gov/departments/thomas-balch-library/
© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Sarah E. Wycoff
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
Use Restrictions
No physical characteristics affect use of this material.
Preferred Citation
Doman Family Reunion Calendar (OM 014), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Bruce Lemmert, Lovettsville, VA
Alternative Form Available
Processing Information
Sarah E. Wycoff, 15 February 2011
Biographical Information
Bruce Lemmert began genealogy research on his mother's family after he retired in the summer of 2010. He was raised in Frostburg, Maryland and attended Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. He moved to Northern Virginia for his job as a Virginia Game Warden after college, and since then has lived in Loudoun County.
Bruce Lemmert's relatives provided many of the anecdotes while he researched the genealogy for a calendar about his family. Mr. Lemmert also utilized resources at Thomas Balch Library while working on his project. The genealogy research was put in the format of a calendar because it would be an easy way to display the research as well as pictures and would attract a wider audience.
Scope and Content
This collection consists of a 2011 calendar with information about the Doman family including a family genealogy chart, pictures of family members from different times and places and two letters written by Bruce Lemmert.
Related Material
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Doman Family Reunion Calendar (OM 014), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.Lemmert, Bruce. Personal communication, 2011
Other Finding Aid
Technical Requirements
Other Finding Aid
Doman Family Reunion Calendar (OM 014), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.Lemmert, Bruce. Personal communication, 2011