A Guide to the Leesburg Garden Club Collection, 1920-
A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number M 044
Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library208 West Market Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
Phone: (703) 737-7195
Fax: (703) 737-7195
Email: balchlib@leesburgva.gov
URL: http://www.leesburgva.gov/departments/thomas-balch-library/
© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Teckla H. Cox
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
Use Restrictions
Physical characteristics and conditions affect use of some of this material. Photocopying of fragile items not permitted. Special handling of scrapbooks required.
Preferred Citation
Leesburg Garden Club Collection, 1920- (M 044), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Leesburg Garden Club, Loudoun County, VA.
Alternative Form Available
2006.0200, 2010.0101, 2013.0041, 2014.0026
Processing Information
Teckla H. Cox, 7 July 2011; Updated 8 November 2013
Historical Information
The Leesburg Garden Club was founded 9 December 1915 by four women, Mrs. Page (Bessie H.M.) Laughlin (1876-1950), Mrs. John (Frances P.) Gibson(1882-1964), Mrs. J.R.H. (Cora L.) Alexander (1884-1972), and Mrs. William (Norita F.) Martin (1876-1952). Early in 1916 eight additional women were invited to join, and by the end of 1917 there was a total of 22 members. By 2010 membership was limited to 40 active members, 10 associate members (members who for reasons acceptable to the Executive Board can no longer be active but who are entitled to the privileges of the club including voting), one non-resident member and such honorary members as the club and the Executive Board vote to include. Honorary members are people who have benefitted the club to a considerable extent. For example, the husband of a member was made an honorary member because of his work growing and hybridizing lilies which the club entered in many shows and with which it won many ribbons.
The club began as a group who met to read aloud from the works of Charles Dickens (1812-1870). One member mentioned hearing of something called a "garden club" and so Dickens was abandoned in favor of plants. Although named the Leesburg Garden Club, members came from all sections of Loudoun County and in the beginning many of them lived on farms as well as in the Town of Leesburg. Almost all had vegetable gardens, so there was initially as much emphasis on vegetables as on flowers.
On 18 May, 1926 the Leesburg Garden Club became the 14th member of the Garden Club of Virginia (GCV) which had been founded in 1920 with the object of encouraging preservation, conservation, beautification, and restoration in the state. The GCV organized Garden Week in Virginia to earn money for this purpose and in 1929 the Leesburg Garden Club opened two historic houses and made "about $16." Proceeds have increased tremendously and by 2010 the club's gross receipts surpassed $10,000 for Garden Week, which takes place at the end of April each year.
From the beginning the club had a number of civic projects as well as the members' own interests in gardening. Starting in 1917 members supplied fresh vegetables to the local hospital from their own gardens and from a garden which they established on the hospital grounds. They canned produce to provide vegetables for the staff and patients in winter in the days before freezers. This program continued until the early 1940s when the club switched its attention to landscaping at the hospital. Members also planted flowers to cheer up patients. Another early project was to help elementary school children plant flowers and teach them about beautification. This project expanded to become the Highway Development Committee and eventually the Beautification Committee which promotes the aesthetic improvement of Loudoun County and its towns and highways.
The club's concern with county beautification led it to work actively in opposition to the use of billboards. One member, Vinton Liddell Pickens (1900-1993), particularly urged the use of zoning to prevent the construction of billboards. She regularly attended meetings of the Board of Supervisors until the board agreed to appoint a Planning Commission to write a zoning ordinance. Vinton Pickens was the commission's first and longest serving chairman. Through the work of the Leesburg Garden Club, in 1942 Loudoun County became the first rural county in the country to have a zoning ordinance.
In 1985 the club became embroiled in a conflict with Lyndon LaRouche (1922 - ), an extremist political figure. LaRouche moved his headquarters to Loudoun County, and one of his organizations, Campaign Publications, Inc., filed for a variance to change the use of its agriculturally zoned property. The Leesburg Garden Club joined other concerned groups and citizens to protest the request. The Board of Zoning Appeals denied the request in February of 1986, and LaRouche and his supporters targeted those who opposed the variance with media attacks. Leesburg Garden Club members were described by LaRouche in an interview as "these clacking busybodies in this Soviet jellyfish front sitting here in Leesburg oozing out their funny little propaganda making nuisances of themselves."
The Leesburg Garden Club became a non-profit 501c3 organization in 1999 and has continued its civic work in order to maintain that status. The club has worked with Oatlands Plantation and Dodona Manor in preserving and maintaining these historic properties, which are open to the public. Each year it sends a child to Nature Camp where he or she learns the value and interest of nature conservation. A college scholarship is awarded each year to a high school student who will be studying in a horticulture related field. A long established custom has been for the members to meet in December to create wreaths and decorative greens to hang on Leesburg's unique swinging courthouse yard gates and the doors of Thomas Balch Library, the town's history and genealogy library. Other projects undertaken in the past have included encouraging homeowners to beautify their yards by giving them daffodil bulbs, planting dogwood trees in public spaces, and persuading the town of Leesburg to place hanging baskets of flowers on utility poles. The club monitors the county's sign ordinance and works with the county when amendments are necessary; this has happened only twice in the 70 years since it was adopted as part of the zoning ordinance.
The club also is active in gardening activities such as horticulture, flower arranging and flower shows. It takes part in the major GCV shows as well as sponsoring them when its turn comes in the GCV rotation. Members have won statewide awards for their work in conservation, preservation and beautification including, the GCV Massie Medal four times for saving the Broad Run bridge, introducing zoning to the county, for horticultural achievement and for donating trees for the Douglass Community Center "Park for all Ages." The club won the GCV Common Wealth Award for that park, and a member won the GCV deLacy Grey Memorial Medal for her work to protect the natural resources of the commonwealth. 10 members have won the GCV Horticultural Award of Merit.
Scope and Content
The collection contains records of the Leesburg Garden Club and includes directories, histories, minutes, committee reports, annual reports, scrapbooks, GCV information, information on the Leesburg Garden Club's participation in Garden Week in Virginia, photographs, information on the club's part in the adoption of zoning and a sign ordinance in Loudoun County, membership lists and information on the club's 501c3 status and other miscellaneous material.
Early records of the club were lost when the historian died. Consequently, most of the material begins with the1940s although there are a few earlier items including histories and some meeting/yearbooks. Minutes from 1995 and 2007 are also missing. This is an open collection and additional material will be added at least every two years.
The collection includes seven scrapbooks dating from 1948 through part of 2008. The material which would have been placed in a scrapbook during and after 2008 is currently being put into folders for better preservation. Much of the material, especially in the early books, is in very fragile condition. Material which had come loose from pages has been placed in containers with interleaved notations of where those missing pages may be found. Some Garden Week material and yearbooks may also be found in the scrapbooks.
Files on Historic Garden Week note many addresses and locations of houses which may be compared with the Lewis/Edwards Architectural Surveys of Loudoun County, 1971-1983 (M 022), Architectural Surveys of Leesburg, 1971-2001(M 016), and Loudoun County Architectural Surveys, Supplement, 2003 (M 011) for more information on many of the buildings.
Box folder
Related Material
Lewis/Edwards Architectural Surveys of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1971-1983 (M O22); Loudoun County Architectural Surveys Supplement, 2003 (M 011); Leesburg Architectural Surveys, 1971-2001 (M 016), Lyndon LaRouche Collection, 1979-1986 (SC0075), Follow the Green Arrow: The History of the Garden Club of Virginia, 1920-1970, Mrs. James Bland Martin, V REF 635.9 MAR
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Ancestry Library Edition, U.S. Census, Social Security Death Index, www.ancestrylibrary.com (Accessed 19 July 2011).
Blue Ridge Herald , obituary, 21 July 1932.
Blue Ridge Herald , obituary, 26 October 1950.
"A Brief Biography of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.," http://www.larouchepub.com/resume.html (Accessed 21 July 2011).
Find a Grave, www.findagrave.com (Accessed 19 July 2011).
Leesburg Garden Club Collection, 1920 - (M 044), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Loudoun Times Mirror , obituary, 30 July 1964.
The Washington Post , obituary, 13 August 2003.
The Garden Club of Virginia, Follow the Green Arrow: The History of the Garden Club of Virginia, 1920-1970 : Richmond: The Dietz Press, 1970.
Other Finding Aid
Technical Requirements
Other Finding Aid
Ancestry Library Edition, U.S. Census, Social Security Death Index, www.ancestrylibrary.com (Accessed 19 July 2011).
Blue Ridge Herald , obituary, 21 July 1932.
Blue Ridge Herald , obituary, 26 October 1950.
"A Brief Biography of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.," http://www.larouchepub.com/resume.html (Accessed 21 July 2011).
Find a Grave, www.findagrave.com (Accessed 19 July 2011).
Leesburg Garden Club Collection, 1920 - (M 044), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Loudoun Times Mirror , obituary, 30 July 1964.
The Washington Post , obituary, 13 August 2003.
The Garden Club of Virginia, Follow the Green Arrow: The History of the Garden Club of Virginia, 1920-1970 : Richmond: The Dietz Press, 1970.
Contents List
Folder 1: List of Members, 1966-1967
Folder 2: List of Members, 1970-1971, 1971-1971, 1972-1977
Folder 3: Membership Lists, 1993, 1994, 1995
Folder 4: Membership List, 1995
Folder 5: Attendance Records, 1974-1985
Folder 6: Attendance Records, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1990, 1991-1992
Folder 7: Executive Board Minutes, 1956, 1957
Folder 8: Executive Board Minutes, 1959, 1960
Folder 9: Executive Committee (Board) Minutes, 1964
Folder 10: Executive Committee (Board) Minutes, 1965
Folder 11: Executive Board Minutes, 1966, 1967, 1968
Folder 12: Executive Board Minutes, 1970-1971, 1972
Folder 13: Executive Board Minutes, 1973, 1974, 1975
Folder 14: Executive Board Minutes, 1976, 1977, 1978
Folder 15: Executive Board Minutes, 1986, 1987, 1988
Folder 16: Executive Board Minutes, 1989, 1990
Folder 17: Executive Board Minutes, 1991, 1992, 1993
Folder 18: Executive Board Minutes, 1994
Folder 19: Executive Board Minutes, 1995
Folder 20: Executive Board Minutes (wayside stand signage discussion), 1996
Folder 21: Executive Board Minutes, 1997
Folder 22: Executive Board Minutes (discussion of non-profit status), 1998
Folder 23: Membership Profiles (incomplete), 1981
Folder 24: Minutes (August & September only), 1955
Folder 25: Minutes, 1956
Folder 26: Minutes, 1957
Folder 27: Minutes (missing March and July), 1958
Folder 28: Minutes (GCV Rose Show; interstate billboard bill), 1959
Folder 29: Minutes 1960
Folder 30: Minutes (continuation billboard bill discussion) 1961
Folder 31: Minutes (missing January and October; GCV Daffodil Show), 1962
Folder 32: Minutes (missing June; Riverbend Dam threat), 1963
Folder 33: Minutes (Riverbend Dam; Massie Medal citation), 1964
Folder 34: Minutes (missing April), 1965
Folder 35: Minutes, 1966
Folder 36: Minutes (January-September; November; includes preparation for Board of Governors' meeting of GCV), 1967
Folder 37: Minutes (January-March), 1968
Folder 1: Minutes (July-November), 1970
Folder 2: Minutes, 1971
Folder 3: Minutes (March-November), 1972
Folder 4: Minutes (missing January) (includes removal of last billboard), 1973
Folder 5: Minutes (January-August, October, November), 1974
Folder 6: Minutes (missing January, February, May incomplete, August, September), 1975
Folder 7: Minutes (see November membership system proposed change), 1976
Folder 8: Minutes, 1977
Folder 9: Minutes (missing October) (membership system discontinued), 1978
Folder 10: Minutes, 1979
Folder 11: Minutes (GCV of Virginia lily show, duties of Lily Test Chairman), 1980
Folder 12: Minutes, 1981
Folder 13: Minutes (2 sets & summaries April-November) (Common Wealth Award won by club), 1982
Folder 14: Minutes (2 sets), 1983
Folder 15: Minutes (missing November; some duplicates & summaries), 1984
Folder 16: Minutes (2 sets) (William Fitzhugh Rust (1916 - 1991) land donation to Leesburg for park; A.V. Symington (1916 - 2003), 1985
Folder 17: Minutes (2 sets), 1986
Folder 18: Minutes (2 sets), 1987
Folder 19: Minutes (3 sets), 1988
Folder 20: Minutes (3 sets), 1989
Folder 21: Minutes (none for October owing to GCV Board of Governors meeting in Leesburg) (2 copies January & February), 1990
Folder 1: Secretary's information, 2003
Folder 2: Minutes (missing January, July, August, October), 1991
Folder 3: Minutes (missing January), 1992
Folder 4: Minutes (missing May), 1993
Folder 5: Minutes (missing May), 1994
Folder 6: Minutes (missing January, May), 1996
Folder 7: Minutes (missing May), 1997
Folder 8: Minutes (missing April, June, September) (some Treasurer's reports; incorporation of club - 501c3 status), 1998
Folder 9: Minutes (missing June, September-October), 1999
Folder 10: Minutes (includes membership list), 2000
Folder 11: Minutes (includes membership list), 2001
Folder 12: Minutes (includes membership list; GCV Daffodil Show in Leesburg), 2002
Folder 13: Minutes (GCV Daffodil Show 2nd year in Leesburg), 2003
Folder 14: Minutes, 2004
Folder 15: Minutes, 2005
Folder 16: Minutes, 2006
Folder 17: Minutes (July, August, September only), 2008
Folder 18: Minutes (includes Treasurer's reports), 2009
Folder 19: Christmas raffle, 1994
Folder 1: Executive Board: method of voting for new members
Folder 2: Executive Board re: reopening a meeting, what to do if a nominee declines, 2009
Folder 3: Executive Board Minutes, 1999-2006, 2009
Folder 4: Executive Board Minutes, 2010
Folder 5: Membership minutes, 2008
Folder 6: Membership minutes, 2009
Folder 7: Membership minutes, 2010
Folder 8: Membership minutes, 2011
Folder 1: Scrapbook: loose at front of scrapbook change to by-laws 1948, 1948-1955
Folder 2: Scrapbook: page 1 (President's Report 1948, handbook 1947), 1948-1955
Folder 3: Scrapbook: page 4 (handbook 1951), 1948-1955
Folder 4: Scrapbook: page 8 (report of GCV annual meeting of 1948), 1948-1955
Folder 5: Scrapbook: page 9, 1948-1955
Folder 6: Scrapbook: page 10, 1948-1955
Folder 7: Scrapbook: page 12, 1948-1955
Folder 8: Scrapbook: page 14, 1948-1955
Folder 9: Scrapbook: page 18, 1948-1955
Folder 10: Scrapbook: page 19, 1948-1955
Folder 11: Scrapbook: page 20, 1948-1955
Folder 12: Scrapbook: page 21, 1948-1955
Folder 13: Scrapbook: page 23, 1948-1955
Folder 14: Scrapbook: page 24, 1948-1955
Folder 15: Scrapbook: page 40 (herb garden), 1948-1955
Folder 16: Scrapbook: page 45 (trees & shrubs noted by George Washington, GCV Lily Show 1949), 1948-1955
Folder 17: Scrapbook: page 54 (Garden Week 1951), 1948-1955
Folder 18: Scrapbook: page 61, 1948-1955
Folder 19: Scrapbook: page 64 (Garden Week 1951), 1948-1955
Folder 20: Scrapbook: page 87 (dogwood planting), 1948-1955
Folder 21: Scrapbook: page 96 (garden week page 2 of article in book), 1948-1955
Folder 22: Scrapbook: page 104 (lily chairman report 1952), 1948-1955
Folder 23: Scrapbook: page 106, 1948-1955
Folder 24: Scrapbook: page 124 ("Fabulous Facts of Nature"), 1948-1955
Folder 25: Scrapbook: page 132 (Burr Powell Harrison (1911 - 2000) garden, Leesburg), 1948-1955
Folder 26: Scrapbook: page 144, 1948-1955
Folder 27: Scrapbook: page 152 ("Fall in the Garden"), 1948-1955
Folder 28: Scrapbook: page 158 (Rose Show photograph), 1948-1955
Folder 29: Scrapbook: page 162 (p. 2 of "Poisonous Plants"), 1948-1955
Folder 30: Scrapbook: page 166, 1948-1955
Folder 31: Scrapbook: page 167, 1948-1955
Folder 32: Scrapbook: page 172 (proposed officers & amendments to by-laws), 1948-1955
Folder 33: Scrapbook: page 174, 1948-1955
Folder 34: Scrapbook: pages 175, 176, 1948-1955
Folder 35: Scrapbook: page 177, 1948-1955
Folder 36: Scrapbook: page 178 (rose care), 1948-1955
Folder 37: Scrapbook: page 179 (old roses), 1948-1955
Folder 38: Scrapbook: page 180 (chrysanthemums), 1948-1955
Folder 39: Scrapbook: page 181, 1948-1955
Folder 40: Scrapbook: page 182, 1948-1955
Folder 41: Scrapbook: page 183 (Garden Week 1955), 1948-1955
Folder 42: Scrapbook: from back of book (special mid-term election of president), 1948-1955
Folder 43: Scrapbook: loose at back of book (GCV Daffodil Show 1954), 1948-1955
Folder 44: Scrapbook: loose at back of book (City of Fairfax dam on Goose Creek), 1948-1955
Folder 45: Scrapbook: page 14 (Garden Week 1956), 1954-1959
Folder 46: Scrapbook: page 22 Gibson garden, 1954-1959
Folder 47: Scrapbook: page 34 Oak Hill, 1954-1959
Folder 48: Scrapbook: page 35 Locust Hill, 1954-1959
Folder 49: Scrapbook: page 37 Rockland, 1954-1959
Folder 50: Scrapbook: page 46 (end of book) Ellwood, 1954-1959
Folder 51: Scrapbook: page 46 (end of book) Oatlands, 1954-1959
Folder 52: Scrapbook: Garden Week 1959: page 1, 1959
Folder 53: Scrapbook: Garden Week 1959: page 2, 1959
Folder 54: Scrapbook: Garden Week 1959: page 4, 1959
Folder 55: Scrapbook: Garden Week 1959: page 5, 1959
Folder 56: Scrapbook: Garden Week 1959: page 15, 1959
Folder 57: Scrapbook: Garden Week 1959: page 21, 1959
Folder 58: Scrapbook: loose in front of book (plant sale 1976, 1981), 1975-1983
Folder 59: Scrapbook: loose in front of book, 1975-1983
Folder 60: Scrapbook: loose in front of book, 1975-1983
Folder 61: Scrapbook: front of book (Garden Week 1977), 1975-1983
Folder 62: Scrapbook: front of book (Garden Week 1976), 1975-1983
Folder 63: Scrapbook: loose in front of book (Garden Week brochures 1983), 1975-1983
Folder 64: Scrapbook: page 3, 1975-1983
Folder 65: Scrapbook: page 10, 1975-1983
Folder 66: Scrapbook: page 10, 1975-1983
Folder 67: Scrapbook: page 10 (photographs of various projects), 1975-1983
Folder 68: Scrapbook: page 10 (photographs of decorating for Christmas), 1975-1983
Folder 69: Scrapbook: page 14 (preparing for plant sale - photographs), 1975-1983
Folder 70: Scrapbook: page 14 (Common Wealth award), 1975-1983
Folder 71: Scrapbook: page 16 (flower show 1945), 1975-1983
Folder 72: Scrapbook: page 48 (Loudoun Times Mirror garden section 4/19/79), 1975-1983
Folder 73: Scrapbook: page 75 (garden week 1983), 1975-1983
Folder 74: Scrapbook: loose in front of book, 1975-1983
Folder 75: Scrapbook: loose in front of book, 1983-1987
Folder 76: Scrapbook: loose at page 5 (garden week 1985), 1983-1987
Folder 77: Scrapbook: page 13 (photographs of Board of Governors' meeting 1985), 1983-1987
Folder 78: Scrapbook: loose at page 28, 1983-1987
Folder 79: Scrapbook: page 33 (page 1 of 1983 report of historian), 1983-1987
Folder 1: Scrapbook: page 11 (sign ordinance revisions - wayside stands), 1995-1997
Folder 2: Scrapbook: pages 12 & 13 ("A Floral Menu" - recipes using edible flowers), 1995-1997
Folder 3: Scrapbook: pages 14-17 (photographs of edible flowers), 1995-1997
Folder 4: Scrapbook : page 18, 1995-1997
Folder 5: Scrapbook: sign ordinance indictments 1997, 1995-1997
Folder 6: Scrapbook: pages 20, 21, 1995-1997
Folder 7: Scrapbook: Joan Stafford-Allen Williams (1907-2003): article, 1995-1997
Folder 8: Scrapbook: Oatlands greenhouse: article, 1995-1997
Folder 9: Scrapbook: article re weddings of three former presidents, 1995-1997
Folder 10: Scrapbook: see folder 9, 1995-1997
Folder 11: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens for Town of Leesburg in 1995, photographs, page 1, 1995-1997
Folder 12: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs 1995, page 2, 1995-1997
Folder 13: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs, 1995, page 3, 1995-1997
Folder 14: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs, 1995, page 4, 1995-1997
Folder 15: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs, 1995, page 5, 1995-1997
Folder 16: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs, 1995, page 6, 1995-1997
Folder 17: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs, 1995, page 7, 1995-1997
Folder 18: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs, 1995, page 8, 1995-1997
Folder 19: Scrapbook: Making Christmas greens, photographs, 1995, page 9, 1995-1997
Folder 20: Scrapbook: flower show at Virginia Museum of Fine Arts 2007, 1995-1997
Folder 21: Scrapbook: article, Betty Whiting Flemming's (1926 - 2009) death, 2008-2010
Folder 22: Scrapbook: Garden Week 2008, 2008-2010
Folder 23: Scrapbook: Garden Club of Virginia daffodil show 2008, 2008-2010
Folder 24: Scrapbook: illegal signs, 2008-2010
Folder 25: Scrapbook: Betty Flemming's funeral, 2008-2010
Folder 26: Scrapbook: scholarship, 2008-2010
Folder 27: Scrapbook: article "The Modern Garden Club," 21 July 2010, 2008-2010
Folder 28: Scrapbook: GCV Rose Show photographs, 2010, 2008-2010
Folder 29: Scrapbook: article, beginning of sign ordinance and zoning, 2008-2010
Folder 1: Receipts for Garden Week, 1929
Folder 2: Houses open for Garden Week by year & by address/location
Folder 3: Restored gardens financed by Garden Week in Virginia
Folder 4: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1950, 1953, 1956
Folder 5: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1957, 1958, 1959
Folder 6: Garden Week, publicity (Rockland, Belgrove), 1959
Folder 7: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, Garden Week fact sheet, 1960, 1961, 1962
Folder 8: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1963, 1965, 1966
Folder 9: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1967
Folder 10: Garden Week publicity, Oak Hill, Little Oatlands, Woodburn, Cox, Williams, Isaacs, & Crabites houses in Leesburg, 1967
Folder 11: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1968
Folder 12: Garden Week information, Little Oatlands, Oatlands, Oak Hill, Rockland, Oatlands Hamlet, Noland House, Morven Park, 1969
Folder 13: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1969
Folder 14: Garden Week, brochure & ticket, 1969
Folder 15: Garden Week, publicity, Oak Hill, Oatlands, Little Oatlands, Oatlands Hamlet, Noland House, Morven Park, Rockland, 1969
Folder 16: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1970, 1971, 1972
Folder 17: Garden Week brochure, 1971
Folder 18: Garden Week publicity, Woodburn, Oatlands, Little Oatlands, Oatlands Hamlet, Oak Hill, Metzger House (in Leesburg), Chatel House (in Leesburg), Morven Park, 1971
Folder 19: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1973
Folder 20: Garden Week general information, 1973
Folder 21: Garden Week, brochures (3 copies), 1973
Folder 22: Garden Week publicity, Limestone Quarter, Morven Park, Eckles Estate, Hedgeland, Oak Hill, Oatlands, Fletcher garden (in Leesburg), Mills House (in Leesburg), 1973
Folder 23: Garden Week ticket, 1973
Folder 24: Garden Week, Highway Department-signs,
Folder 25: Garden Week, invitations and bus tours, 1973
Folder 26: Garden Week, advertising information, 1973
Folder 27: Garden Week, hostess information, 1973
Folder 28: Garden Week, financial information, 1973
Folder 29: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1974
Folder 30: Garden Week in Virginia, brochures (Middleburg area) (two copies), 1974
Folder 1: Garden Week 1975, publicity (1 of 4): Little Oatlands, Oatlands Hamlet, Oak Hill , Harrison-Trone House (later called Glenfiddich, originally Harrison Hall) in Leesburg, Sage Hill, Cox House in Leesburg, 1975
Folder 2: Garden Week, publicity (2 of 4): Dietz house at 11 Cornwall St. N.W., 1975
Folder 3: Garden Week, publicity (3 of 4), 1975
Folder 4: Garden Week, publicity (4 of 4), 1975
Folder 5: Garden Week, descriptions of houses, 1975
Folder 6: Garden Week, brochure, copy for printer, 1975
Folder 7: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" book, 1975
Folder 8: Garden Week, summary, 1975
Folder 9: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," book, 1977
Folder 10: Garden Week, publicity, correspondence, 1977
Folder 11: Garden Week, brochure, 1977
Folder 12: Garden Week, publicity, printed articles with photographs, 1977
Folder 13: Garden Week, publicity, house descriptions: Little Spring, Oak Hill, Oatlands Hamlet, Little Oatlands, Braddock and Trowbridge houses (both in Leesburg), 1977
Folder 14: Garden Week (Middleburg area, sponsored by Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club with help from Leesburg Garden Club), brochure, 1978
Folder 15: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," booklet, 1979
Folder 16: Garden Week, brochure: Braddock House (In Leesburg), 19 (old street number) West (now northwest) Loudoun St. in Leesburg, 11 West (now northwest) Cornwall St. in Leesburg, Belgrove, Burr Ridge, Oatlands Hamlet, Little Oatlands, Oak Hill, 1979
Folder 17: Garden Week, publicity and house descriptions, 1979
Folder 18: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" booklet, 1980
Folder 19: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" booklet, 1981
Folder 20: Garden Week, ticket, brochures (3 copies): (addresses are old street numbers) Shea house 49 (old street number) West (now northwest) Cornwall St., Conrad house 20 West (now northwest) North St., Rokeby, Oatlands Hamlet, Little Oatlands, Church of our Saviour, Oatlands miller's house, Oat Hill, 1981
Folder 21: Garden Week, publicity and house descriptions, 1981
Folder 22: Garden Week, Little Oatlands-photograph, 1981
Folder 23: Garden Week, hostess list, 1981
Folder 1: Garden Week, Brochures (Fauquier-Loudoun area), 1982
Folder 2: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," booklet, brochures (4 copies), 1983
Folder 3: Garden Week, Information for chairman, 1983
Folder 4: Garden Week, Information about houses (Old Stone Meeting House, Goose Creek Friends Meeting House, Somerset, Lark Rise, Oakland Green, Wenona, Stonecrest), 1983
Folder 5: Garden Week, publicity, 1983
Folder 6: Garden Week, chronology, 1983
Folder 7: Garden Week, correspondence re: invitations and thank-you notes, 1983
Folder 8: Garden Week, Lincoln area: brochures (4 copies), badge, 1985
Folder 9: Garden Week, publicity and photographs, 1985
Folder 10: Garden Week, history of Lincoln area and description of tour, 1985
Folder 11: Garden Week, correspondence (general), 1985
Folder 12: Garden Week, correspondence with GCV, 1985
Folder 13: Garden Week, advertising, 1985
Folder 14: Garden Week, addresses, 1985
Folder 15: Garden Week, letters regarding complimentary tickets, 1985
Folder 16: Garden Week, letter to homeowners, 1985
Folder 17: Garden Week, signs (VDOT), bus tours, box lunches, 1985
Folder 18: Garden Week, expenses, receipts, 1985
Folder 19: Garden Week, "things to remember", 1985
Folder 20: Garden Week, Annual Report, 1985
Folder 1: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun area, ticket, 1986
Folder 2: Garden Week, "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," book, 1987
Folder 3: Garden Week, chairman's report, 1987
Folder 4: Garden Week, brochure and ticket (Oak Hill, Little Oatlands, Oatlands Hamlet, Cox House (10 Cornwall St. N.E.), Rock Spring Farm, McElhinney House (Ayr St. S.W.), Norris House (Loudoun St. S.W.), Westmoreland Davis Equestrian Institute), 1987
Folder 5: Garden Week, advertising and business, 1987
Folder 6: Garden Week, buses and parking, 1987
Folder 7: Garden Week, committees, 1987
Folder 8: Garden Week, houses, staffing, and instructions, 1987
Folder 9: Garden Week, letters about complimentary tickets, 1987
Folder 10: Garden Week, publicity (1 of 2), 1987
Folder 11: Garden Week, publicity (2 of 2), 1987
Folder 12: Garden Week, brochures (4 copies) and advertising, 1989
Folder 13: Garden Week, chairman & committees, 1989
Folder 14: Garden Week, publicity, 1989
Folder 15: Garden Week, houses, Leesburg area, photographs, 1989
Folder 16: Garden Week, complimentary tickets, 1989
Folder 17: Garden Week, correspondence, 1989
Folder 18: Garden Week, financial, 1989
Folder 19: Garden Week, houses, hostesses, 1989
Folder 20: Garden Week, brochure (3 copies) northwest Leesburg, 1991
Folder 21: Garden Week, chairman's report, 1991
Folder 22: Garden Week, complimentary tickets, 1991
Folder 23: Garden Week, committees, 1991
Folder 24: Garden Week, financial, advertising, 1991
Folder 25: Garden Week, hostesses, 1991
Folder 26: Garden Week, instructions to chairman & committees from GCV, 1991
Folder 27: Garden Week, publicity, 1991
Folder 28: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, brochure, 1992
Folder 29: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, statewide guidebook, 1992
Folder 1: Garden Week, brochures, 1993
Folder 2: Garden Week, instructions from the GCV, 1993
Folder 3: Garden Week, chairman and committees, 1993
Folder 4: Garden Week, publicity, 1993
Folder 5: Garden Week, complimentary tickets, 1993
Folder 6: Garden Week, correspondence, 1993
Folder 7: Garden Week, Dodona Manor, 1993
Folder 8: Garden Week, financial, 1993
Folder 9: Garden Week, houses and hostesses, 1993
Folder 10: Garden Week, parking and transportation, directional signs by Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), 1993
Folder 11: Garden Week, signs, 1993
Folder 12: Garden Week, miscellaneous notes, 1993
Folder 13: Garden Week, future, 1993
Folder 14: Garden Week, GCV information, 1995
Folder 15: Garden Week, brochures, ticket, 1995
Folder 16: Garden Week, advertising, 1995
Folder 17: Garden Week, bus tours, 1995
Folder 18: Garden Week, correspondence, 1995
Folder 19: Garden Week, publicity, 1995
Folder 20: Garden Week, financial, insurance, 1995
Folder 21: Garden Week, houses and hostesses (Lincoln area), 1995
Folder 22: Garden Week, schedule and committees, 1995
Folder 23: Garden Week, VDOT signs, parking, 1995
Folder 24: Garden Week, suggestions for future, 1995
Folder 25: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, 1996
Folder 26: Garden Week, GCV information, 1997
Folder 27: Garden Week, brochure, Town of Leesburg, 1997
Folder 28: Garden Week, chronology, 1997
Folder 29: Garden Week, publicity (1 of 2), 1997
Folder 30: Garden Week, publicity (2 of 2), 1997
Folder 31: Garden Week, houses and hostesses, 1997
Folder 32: Garden Week, Ashbaugh house (420 W. Market St.), 1997
Folder 33: Garden Week, Blum house (211 Cornwall St. N.W.), 1997
Folder 34: Garden Week, Cook house (Rock Spring Farm), 1997
Folder 35: Garden Week, Cox house (10 Cornwall St. N.E.), 1997
Folder 36: Garden Week, Devine house (215 Cornwall St. N.W.), 1997
Folder 37: Garden Week, Norris House (Loudoun St. S.W.), 1997
Folder 38: Garden Week, buses, transportation, VDOT, 1997
Folder 39: Garden Week, financial, 1997
Folder 40: Garden Week, ticket, attendance, 1997
Folder 41: Garden Week, chairman's notes and suggestions, 1997
Folder 1: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, "Garden Week in Virginia" GCV book, 1998
Folder 2: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, brochures, 1998
Folder 3: "Garden Week in Virginia," GCV book, 1999
Folder 4: Garden Week, GCV information, 1999
Folder 5: Garden Week, brochures (4 copies), tickets, 1999
Folder 6: Garden Week, chronology, 1999
Folder 7: Garden Week, committees, 1999
Folder 8: Garden Week, correspondence, 1999
Folder 9: Garden Week, hostesses, flowers, insurance, 1999
Folder 10: Garden Week, houses, 1999
Folder 11: Garden Week, publicity (1 of 2) (Route 15 north area), 1999
Folder 12: Garden Week, publicity (2 of 2), 1999
Folder 13: Garden Week, signs (VDOT), 1999
Folder 14: Garden Week, financial, 1999
Folder 15: Garden Week, general suggestions, 1999
Folder 16: "Garden Week in Virginia," GCV book, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, 2000
Folder 17: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, brochure, 2000
Folder 18: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, publicity, 2000
Folder 19: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," GCV book, 2001
Folder 20: Garden Week, brochures (5 copies), tickets, 2001
Folder 21: Garden Week, committees, 2001
Folder 22: Garden Week, publicity (Waterford area), 2001
Folder 23: Garden Week, houses, 2001
Folder 24: Garden Week, hostesses, flowers, 2001
Folder 25: Garden Week, correspondence, 2001
Folder 26: Garden Week, VDOT signs, 2001
Folder 27: Garden Week, financial, 2001
Folder 1: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," GCV book, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Middleburg area, 2002
Folder 2: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," GCV book, 2003
Folder 3: Garden Week Along the Carolina Road brochures, tickets, 2003
Folder 4: Garden Week, publicity, 2003
Folder 5: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," GCV book, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Rectortown area, 2004
Folder 6: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Rectortown area, 2004
Folder 7: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia," GCV book, 2005
Folder 8: Garden Week, Northwest Cornwall St., Leesburg, brochures, 2005
Folder 9: Garden Week, chairman and committees, 2005
Folder 10: Garden Week, N.W. Cornwall St., Leesburg, owners, 2005
Folder 11: Garden Week, Northwest Cornwall St., hostess information, 2005
Folder 12: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, Upperville area, 2006
Folder 13: Garden Week, general information, 2007
Folder 14: Garden Week, brochure and ticket, Lincoln area, 2007
Folder 15: Garden Week, chairman and committees, 2007
Folder 16: Garden Week, publicity, 2007
Folder 17: Garden Week, photographs of houses, 2007
Folder 18: Garden Week, owners, 2007
Folder 19: Garden Week, hostesses, 2007
Folder 20: Garden Week, signs inside houses, 2007
Folder 21: Garden Week, tour groups, 2007
Folder 22: Garden Week, insurance, 2007
Folder 23: Garden Week, financial, 2007
Folder 1: Garden Week, Fauquier-Loudoun Garden Club, brochures, Middleburg area, 2008
Folder 2: Garden Week, brochures, along the Potomac River, 2009
Folder 3: Garden Week, letter re: elimination of Sunday tour, 2010
Folder 4: Garden Week, brochure, Mount Gilead area, 2011
Folder 5: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" GCV book 2013
Folder 6: "Historic Garden Week in Virginia" GCV book 2014
Folder 1: Leesburg Garden Club program, 1920
Folder 2: Leesburg Garden Club programs, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936
Folder 3: Leesburg Garden Club programs, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941
Folder 4: Leesburg Garden Club program, 1941
Folder 5: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949
Folder 6: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1950, 1951
Folder 7: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955
Folder 8: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960
Folder 9: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
Folder 10: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969
Folder 11: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1970, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
Folder 12: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
Folder 13: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997
Folder 14: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002
Folder 15: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 2003, 2004, 2006
Folder 16: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 2007, 2008
Folder 17: Leesburg Garden Club yearbooks, 2009, 2010
Folder 1: GCV Register, 1956-57
Folder 2: GCV Register, 1969-70
Folder 3: GCV Register Supplement, 1987-88
Folder 4: GCV Register, 1992-93
Folder 5: GCV Register Supplement, 1997-98
Folder 6: GCV Register, 2000, 2001
Folder 7: GCV, 2002-2003
Folder 8: GCV, 2004-2005
Folder 9: GCV, 2006-2007
Folder 10: GCV, 2008-09, 2010
Folder 11: GCV Members Handbook, 1983
Folder 12: GCV Annual Meeting, 1995
Folder 13: GCV Annual Meeting, 1996
Folder 14: GCV Annual Meeting, 2000
Folder 15: GCV Annual Meeting, 2001
Folder 16: GCV Annual Meeting, 2004
Folder 17: GCV Annual Meeting, 2006
Folder 18: GCV Board of Governors' Meeting, 1994
Folder 19: GCV Board of Governors' Meeting, 1999
Folder 20: Leesburg Garden Club flower show teams, 2005-2006
Folder 21: GCV Lily Show schedule, GCV Lily Show schedule
Folder 1: GCV presidents of member clubs, 1996-1997
Folder 2: GCV Year in Review, 2008-2009
Folder 3: GCV Year in Review, 1 July 2009-30 September 2010
Folder 4: Styles of Flower Arranging: A Primer 1996, 2006
Folder 1: Iris: Leesburg Garden Club flower
Folder 2: Gift of records to Thomas Balch Library, 2006
Folder 3: Historian: duties, 1999
Folder 4: GCV, Guidelines for Historians, 2006
Folder 5: GCV history
Folder 6: "Follow the Green Arrow" excerpts re: Leesburg Garden Club, 1920-1930, 1970-1995
Folder 7: Leesburg Garden Club history, 1964-March 1965
Folder 8: Leesburg Garden Club history, 1965, March 1969
Folder 9: Leesburg Garden Club history, 1970-1976
Folder 10: Leesburg Garden Club history, 1970-1994
Folder 11: Leesburg Garden Club history, 1982-1984, 1984-1986
Folder 12: Leesburg Garden Club history, 1990, 1991
Folder 13: Leesburg Garden Club history, 1994-2000
Folder 14: Leesburg Garden Club history, 2004, 2005, 2006
Folder 15: Leesburg Garden Club history, 2007, 2008
Folder 16: Historian's annual reports
Folder 17: Schools Beautification, 1938-1960s
Folder 18: Coalition for Loudoun, late 1980s
Folder 19: Awards
Folder 20: Massie Medal winners, 1929-2001
Folder 21: Common Wealth Award, 1982
Folder 22: Flower shows: general information
Folder 23: GCV Flower Show Handbook, 1974
Folder 24: GCV Daffodil Show, Roanoke: photographs, 1977
Folder 25: GCV Lily Show, photographs, 1980
Folder 26: GCV Daffodil Show, Danville: schedule, 1996
Folder 27: GCV Daffodil Show, Leesburg (see also scrapbook 1991-2007), 2002, 2003
Folder 28: Rose Test Chairman's Duties, 1994
Folder 29: "Historic Preservation" with article on Oatlands featuring Joan Stafford-Allen Williams
Folder 30: "Policies, Precedents and General Information"
Folder 31: Belmont, original IBM rezoning, ca. 1960s
Folder 1: By-laws as amended, 11 November 1997
Folder 2: Tree Ordinance committee, report and recommendations to town of Leesburg, 1994
Folder 3: Incorporation and 501c3 tax status, 1999
Folder 3b: Material re Internal Revenue Service filing
Folder 4: Policy Review Committee, 1997
Folder 5: Rust Sanctuary Gardens, 2001
Folder 6: Rust Sanctuary Gardens, photographs, 2001
Folder 7: Proposed Rain Garden at White's Ferry on Rockland property, 2004
Folder 8: Proposal for garden library at Oatlands, 1995
Folder 9: Speakers list, 1994
Folder 10: A member's Horticultural Experiences, 1993
Folder 11: Silent auction
Folder 12: Nature Camp
Folder 13: Notecard sample
Folder 14: "Gardening Without Poisons," 1963
Folder 15: Christmas raffle, 1994
Folder 16: Dirt Roads Tour: Lincoln Community League, 1974
Folder 17: Plant sale, 1975
Folder 18: Information about Agnes Harrison
Folder 19: "A Floral Menu," 1996
Folder 20: Honorary membership
Folder 21: Correspondence
Folder 22: Oak Hill - photographs
Folder 23: Loudoun County Day at Oatlands, 1981
Folder 24: Publications Committee, 1987-1992
Folder 25: Correspondence (donations)
Folder 26: Letter to New Members, 1966
Folder 27: Letter to New Members, 1990s
Folder 28: Sample letters, 1990s
Folder 29: Billboards-History of Zoning Ordinance
Folder 30: Zoning Ordinance-initial adoption
Folder 31: Sign Ordinance and zoning history: Washington Post , 16 April 2000
Folder 32: Signs and zoning: Vinton Pickens' talks, 1966 or 1967
Folder 33: State sign ordinance re: billboards on highways, 1970s-1990s
Folder 34: Sign Ordinance: signs in VDOT right-of-way , 1995
Folder 35: Sign Ordinance: influence of special interest groups
Folder 36: Sign Ordinance: violations, 1987, 1994, 1995
Folder 37: Sign Ordinance: violations, 1994
Folder 38: Sign Ordinance: violations, 1994
Folder 39: Sign Ordinance: violations, 1994
Folder 40: Sign Ordinance: violations, 1996
Folder 41: Sign Ordinance-illegal signs, 2009
Folder 42: Sign Ordinance: report of sign committee, 1994
Folder 43: Proposed Sign Ordinance revisions re: wayside stands, 1996
Folder 44: Loudoun County Sign Ordinance (revised), 1998
Folder 45: Sign Ordinance: including collection of illegal signs, 2008-2011
Folder 46: Sign Ordinance: County and volunteer collection of illegal signs
Folder 47: Sign Ordinance, revised 2011: Loudoun Times Mirror , 6 February 2011
Folder 48: Planting cherry trees on Route 15 South, 1977
Folder 1: Annual Reports, 1963-1964
Folder 2: Annual Reports, 1964-1965
Folder 3: Annual Reports, 1965-1966
Folder 4: Annual Reports, 1966-1967
Folder 5: Annual Reports, 1967-1968
Folder 6: Annual Reports, 1969-1970
Folder 7: Annual Reports, 1970-1971
Folder 8: Annual Reports, 1971-1972
Folder 9: Annual Reports, 1972-1973
Folder 10: Annual Reports, 1973-1974
Folder 11: Annual Reports, 1974-1975
Folder 12: Annual Reports, 1975-1976
Folder 13: Annual Reports, 1977
Folder 14: Annual Reports, March 1978
Folder 15: Photographs, meeting in spring, 1994
Folder 16: Annual Reports, 1996, 1997, 1998
Folder 17: Annual Reports, 1999-2000
Folder 18: Annual Reports, 2000-2001
Folder 19: Annual Reports, 2001-2002
Folder 20: Annual Reports, 2003-2004
Folder 21: Annual Reports, 2003-2004
Folder 22: Annual Reports, 2004-2005
Folder 23: Annual Reports, 2005-2006
Folder 24: Annual Reports, 2006-2007
Folder 25: Annual Reports, 2007-2008
Folder 26: Annual Reports, 2008-2009
Folder 27: Annual Reports, 2009-2010
Folder 1: Garden Club of Virginia Journal, Instructions for submissions
Folder 2: GCV Journals, September 1967, November, December 1978, 1985
Folder 3: GCV Journals, October 1986; March, April 1987; March 1994
Folder 4: GCV Journals, March 1998, September 1998, September 2002, June 2003, September 2003
Folder 5: GCV Journals, June 2006, December 2005
Folder 6: GCV Journals, June, September, December 2007
Folder 7: GCV Journals, June 2008
Folder 8: GCV Journals, March, June, December 2009
Folder 9: GCV Journal, March 2010
Folder 10: GCV Journal, March 2011
Folder 11: Follow the Green Arrow Vol. II, The History of the Garden Club of Virginia , 1997
Folder 1: Exhibits Committee: duties and information, 2002 with 2008 addenda
Folder 2: Exhibit and hostess records, May 1938-April 1947
Folder 3: Exhibits and hostess records, 1947, 1948, 1949
Folder 4: Exhibit ribbons, 1950
Folder 5: Exhibits and hostess records, 1950, 1951
Folder 6: Exhibits and hostess records, 1952, 1953
Folder 7: Exhibits and hostess records, 1954-1955
Folder 8: Exhibits and hostess records, 1956, 1957
Folder 9: Exhibits and hostess records, March 1958
Folder 10: Exhibits and hostess records, March 1959-July 1960
Folder 11: Leesburg Garden Club Daffodil Show, 11 April 1961
Folder 12: Exhibits and hostess records, August 1961-November 1963
Folder 13: Exhibits and hostess records, 1964
Folder 14: Exhibits and hostess records, 1965
Folder 15: Exhibits and hostess records, 1966, 1967
Folder 16: Exhibits and hostess records, 1968
Folder 17: Exhibits and hostess records, 1969
Folder 18: Exhibits and hostess records, 1970
Folder 19: Exhibits and hostess records, 1971
Folder 20: Exhibits and hostess records, 1972
Folder 21: Exhibits and hostess records, January-October 1973
Folder 22: Exhibits and hostess records, 1975
Folder 23: Exhibits and hostess records, 1976
Folder 24: Exhibits and hostess records, 1977 and January, February 1978
Folder 25: Exhibits chairman's annual reports, 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999
Folder 26: Exhibits chairman's annual reports, 2000-2008
Garden Week: negatives, 1997
Garden Week: negatives, 1999
Garden Week: 1999
Slide box 1: Temple Hall, 22 slides
Slide box 2: Sunnyside, 7 slides
Slide box 3: Montresor, 13 slides
Slide box 4: Christ Church, Lucketts, 17 slides; 1 slide of the old Lucketts school
Slide box 5: Rockland (1 of 2), 15 slides
Slide box 6: Rockland (2 of 2), 14 slides
Slide box 7: Daydream, 9 slides
Slide box 8: Noland's Ferry, 21 slides
Slide box 9: Flower arrangements, 11 slides
Slide box 10: Unidentified, interiors and gardens, 20 slides
Folder 1: President's report/calendar, 2008
Folder 2: President's information, 2008 - 2010
Folder 3: Treasurer's report, 2004 mid-year
Folder 4: Budgets, 2005-06, 2006-2007
Folder 5: Budget, 2008
Folder 6: Budget, 2009-2010
Folder 7: Budget, 2010-2011
Folder 8: Budget, 2011-2012
Folder 9: Cash Book, 1963-1967
Folder 10: Cash Book, 1967-1971
Folder 11: Cash Book, 1971-1976
Folder 12: Cash Book, 1976-1987
Folder 13: Check Book Records, 1972-1976
Folder 14: Check Book Records, 1977-1981
Folder 15: Check Book Records, 1981-1982
Folder 16: Check Book Records, 1986-1996
Folder 17: Treasurers' Reports, 1976-1978; 1997-2000
Folder 18: Treasurer Duties, 1997, 1999, 2000
Folder 19: Donations, 2000