A Guide to the The Nanon Carr Collection, 1940-1970
A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number M 055
Thomas Balch Library
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© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Gloria Marshall Borgrink
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
Use Restrictions
No physical characteristics affect use of this material.
Preferred Citation
The Nanon Carr Collection, 1940-1970 (M055), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
Alternative Form Available
Processing Information
Gloria Marshall Borgrink, 5 October 2011
Biographical Information
Nanon Lucile Carr was a descendant of the Carr family of Virginia. She was born in Osborn, Missouri on 8 June 1897, and was the eldest of three daughters of John Christopher Carr (1876-1944) and Elizabeth Agnes Metcalfe (1878-1962).
She graduated from Cameron Missouri High School in 1914, and earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Missouri in 1918. Ms. Carr worked as a teacher in the Kansas City Public School System from 1923 until her retirement. In 1945, she was awarded a Master of Arts in the Teaching of English Language and Literature from the University of Kansas City.
She had an active interest in genealogy and spent many years researching the Carr and related families. A few of the many family names she researched are: Ball, Brown, Carr, Chinn, Duncan, Fulkerson, Kerr, Livingston, Metcalfe, Musick, Patton, Perkins, Puller, Ridgeway, Strode, Strode, and Winn. Much of the collection consists of correspondence with distant cousins, pedigree charts, and newspaper clippings on the various branches of her family.
Ms. Carr died in San Diego, California, in March 1978. It is unclear whether she left Kansas City upon her retirement or if she moved to California to be near her younger sister, Mary Margaret (Carr) Pochodowicz (1913-1999) who lived in the San Diego area.
Scope and Content
This collection contains of photocopies of research completed by Nanon Carr. It consists mostly of Carr family ancestry as well as collateral lines and is arranged by family name. Also included is correspondence from relatives and friends. Book 1 includes a personal name index. Also available is an Access database that indexes the whole collection by personal name. It is currently available only at the Reference Desk. Please consult library staff for use.
Related Material
The Carr Family of Loudoun County, Virginia compiled by Joseph Julian Carr, 1990, V REF 929.2 CARR; The Carr Family of Loudoun County, Virginia, Including also Our Kerr, Ker, Karr and Carr Antecedents in Ireland, Scotland and England , Version 24 -11 April 1992, by Joseph Julian Carr, V REF 929.2 CARR; The House of Kerr, a History of the Families Kerr, Ker, Karr and Carr for Members in North America , Draft March 25, 1991, by John T. Kerr, Joseph J. Carr, REF 929.2 CARR
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Ancestry Library Edition, Unites States Census, Social Security Death Index, http://ancestrylibrary.com.
Carr, Joseph Julian, ed. The Carr Family of Loudoun County, Virginia . Falls Church, VA: self published, 1990.
Carr, Joseph Julian, ed. The Carr Family of Loudoun County, Virginia, Including also Our Kerr, Ker, Karr and Carr Antecedents in Ireland, Scotland and England (Draft March 25, 1991). Falls Church, VA: self published, 1992.
Carr, Joseph Julian, ed. The House of Kerr, a History of the Families Kerr, Ker, Karr and Carr for Members in North America . Falls Church, VA: self published, 1991.
Nanon Carr Collection, 1940-1970 (M055), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Other Finding Aid
Technical Requirements
Other Finding Aid
Ancestry Library Edition, Unites States Census, Social Security Death Index, http://ancestrylibrary.com.
Carr, Joseph Julian, ed. The Carr Family of Loudoun County, Virginia . Falls Church, VA: self published, 1990.
Carr, Joseph Julian, ed. The Carr Family of Loudoun County, Virginia, Including also Our Kerr, Ker, Karr and Carr Antecedents in Ireland, Scotland and England (Draft March 25, 1991). Falls Church, VA: self published, 1992.
Carr, Joseph Julian, ed. The House of Kerr, a History of the Families Kerr, Ker, Karr and Carr for Members in North America . Falls Church, VA: self published, 1991.
Nanon Carr Collection, 1940-1970 (M055), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Contents List
Folder 1: Book 1, Pages 1-76
Folder 2: Book 1, Pages 77-161
Folder 3: Book 1, Index to Book 1
Folder 4: Book 2, Pages 1-65
Folder 5: Book 2, Pages 66-131
Folder 6: Book 3, Pages 1-61
Folder 7: Book 3, Pages 62-119
Folder 8: Book 4, Pages 1-75
Folder 9: Book 4, Pages 76-144
Folder 10: Book 4, Pages 145-199
Folder 11: Book 5, Pages 1-77
Folder 12: Book 5, Pages 78-142
Folder 1: Book 6, Pages 1-59
Folder 2: Book 6, Pages 60-151
Folder 3: Book 7, Pages 1-66
Folder 4: Book 7, Pages 67-114
Folder 5: Book 8, Pages 1-56
Folder 6: Book 8, Pages 57-122A
Folder 7: Book 8, Pages 123-165
Folder 8: Book 9, Pages 1-69
Folder 9: Book 9, Pages 70-113
Folder 10: Book 9, Pages 114-194
Folder 11: Book 10, Pages 1-49
Folder 12: Book 10, Pages 50-99
Folder 13: Book 10, Pages 100-159
Folder 14: Book 11, Pages 1-78
Folder 15: Book 11, Pages 79-138
Folder 16: Book 11, Pages 139-194
Folder 1: Book 12, Pages 1-58
Folder 2: Book 12, Pages 59-108
Folder 3: Book 12, Pages 109-157
Folder 4: Book 13, Pages 1-53
Folder 5: Book 13, Pages 54-90
Folder 6: Book 13, Pages 91-147
Folder 7: Book 13, Pages 148-212
Folder 8: Book 14, Pages 1-54
Folder 9: Book 14, Pages 55-109
Folder 10: Book 14, Pages 110-165
Folder 11: Book 15, Pages 1-60
Folder 12: Book 15, Pages 61-115
Folder 13: Book 15, Pages 116-169
Folder 14: Book 15, Pages 170-218
Folder 15: Book 16, Pages 1-61
Folder 16: Book 16, Pages 62-110
Folder 17: Book 16, Pages 111-158
Folder 18: Book 16, Pages 159-221
Folder 1: Book 17, Page 1-73
Folder 2: Book 17, Pages 74-120
Folder 3: Book 17, Pages 121-167
Folder 4: Book 18, Pages 1-59
Folder 5: Book 18, Pages 60-109
Folder 6: Book 18, Pages 110-170
Folder 7: Book 18, Pages 171-227
Folder 8: Book 19, Pages 1-67
Folder 9: Book 19, Pages 68-129
Folder 10: Book 19, Pages 130-181
Folder 11: Book 19, Pages 182-229
Folder 12: Book 19, Pages 230-279
Folder 13: Book 20, Pages 1-80
Folder 14: Book 20, Pages 81-173
Folder 15: Book 20, Pages 174-240
Folder 16: Book 20, Pages 241-304A
Folder 1: Book 21, Pages 1-69
Folder 2: Book 21, Pages 70-151
Folder 3: Book 21, Pages 152-212
Folder 4: Book 21, Pages 213-308
Folder 5: Book 22, Pages 1-85
Folder 6: Book 22, Pages 86-137
Folder 7: Book 23, Pages 1-49
Folder 8: Book 23, Pages 50-106
Folder 9: Book 24, Pages 1-54
Folder 10: Book 24, Pages 55-122
Folder 11: Book 24, Pages 123-194
Folder 12: Book 25, Pages 1-137