A Guide to the Frederick Douglass Elementary School Living History Interviews and Dedication Collection, 2011-2012 Frederick Douglass Elementary School Living History Interviews and Dedication Collection M 080

A Guide to the Frederick Douglass Elementary School Living History Interviews and Dedication Collection, 2011-2012

A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number M 080


Thomas Balch Library

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© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.

Processed by: Molly Chamblin

Thomas Balch Library
Collection number
M 080
Frederick Douglass Elementary School Living History Interviews and Dedication Collection 2011-2012
Physical Characteristics
Loudoun County Public Schools and George Mason University Department of African and African American Studies
This collection consists of transcripts of twelve oral history interviews conducted by Loudoun County Public Schools and the Department of African and African American Studies at George Mason University during 2011 and 2012. The transcripts are arranged alphabetically by interviewee name. Also included is a program from the ceremony dedicating the new Frederick Douglass Elementary School, as well as a brick from the original school building. There are master copies of the oral histories, as well as use copies, and a copy of the dedication video. The use copies may be viewed at the reference desk with a portable DVD player provided by the library. This collection is a combination of oral, written and objects histories from the Frederick Douglass Elementary School that provides information on the Loudoun County Public School system during and after segregation

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Collection open for research.

Use Restrictions

No physical characteristics affect use of this material.

Preferred Citation

Frederick Douglass Elementary School Living History Interviews and Dedication Collection, 2011-2012, (M 080), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Acquisition Information

Loudoun County Public Schools and George Mason University Department of African and African American Studies

Alternative Form Available


Processing Information

Molly Chamblin, 17 December 2012

Historical Information

Frederick Douglass Elementary School, built in 1958 to educate African American students during segregation in Loudoun County, was the only elementary school for African Americans until 1968 when Loudoun County schools fully integrated. It continued to serve as an integrated elementary school until 1982. From 1982-2001 the site was used as a community center where programs like Head Start and special education programs were held. After 2001 the building did not hold classes, programs, or activities, but was used for school board offices and storage. In 2010 Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) began considering demolishing the original school structure. The decision was a controversial one, and the public school system, with encouragement from community members and organizations, commissioned several reports on the school's history and architectural significance. LCPS ultimately decided to tear down the school building, but to name the replacement elementary school Frederick Douglass.

As part of an effort to preserve the history of Frederick Douglass Elementary School for the Leesburg community, LCPS worked with several community-wide organizations including the Black History Committee of the Friends of Thomas Balch Library, the Town of Leesburg's Planning and Zoning Department, and the Department of African and African American Studies at George Mason University, to record oral histories with students, teachers, and administrators of Frederick Douglass Elementary School. They interviewed twelve members of the community in 2011 and 2012. Some of the interviewees attended or worked at the school during segregation, while some were involved with the school much later. One of the interviewees is Fred Drummond, principal of the school from the time it opened in 1958 until the school integrated in 1968. The interviewees discuss life in Leesburg over the years, their love for the school, and its importance to Leesburg, especially the African American community. LCPS then used the oral histories to create a video commemorating the original Frederick Douglass Elementary School and to create a permanent display at the new school. The video was shown at the dedication of the new Frederick Douglass Elementary School on 11 October 2012.

Scope and Content

This collection consists of transcripts of twelve oral history interviews conducted by Loudoun County Public Schools and the Department of African and African American Studies at George Mason University during 2011 and 2012. The transcripts are arranged alphabetically by interviewee name. Also included is a program from the ceremony dedicating the new Frederick Douglass Elementary School, as well as a brick from the original school building. There are master copies of the oral histories, as well as use copies, and a copy of the dedication video. The use copies may be viewed at the reference desk with a portable DVD player provided by the library. This collection is a combination of oral, written and objects histories from the Frederick Douglass Elementary School that provides information on the Loudoun County Public School system during and after segregation.



Related Material

Evelyn D. Causey and Julia Claypool. Desegregation in Loudoun County Public Schools, 1954-1970 . Washington, DC: History Matters, 2010. V REF 379.263 CAU Kimberly A. Snyder. Phase I Archeological Investigations of the +/- 9.28 Acre Douglass Support Center Property, Leesburg, VA . Gainesville, VA: Thunderbird Archeology, 2010. V REF 975.528 SNY; Research Materials Regarding Decision to Replace Frederick Douglass Elementary School (M 073) Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Adjunct Descriptive Data


Causey, Evelyn D. and Julia Claypool. Desegregation in Loudoun County Public Schools, 1954-1970 . Washington, DC: History Matters, 2010.

Frederick Douglass Elementary School Living History Interviews and Dedication Collction, 2011-2012 (M 080), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Research Materials Regarding Decision to Replace Frederick Douglass Elementary School (M 073) Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Snyder, Kimberly A. Phase I Archeological Investigations of the +/- 9.28 Acre Douglass Support Center Property, Leesburg, VA. Gainesville, VA: Thunderbird Archeology, 2010.

Teacher's Register for Virginia Public Schools, Broad Run Magisterial District, Colored School #A, 1886-1894 (SC 0058), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Other Finding Aid

Oral Histories Database

Technical Requirements

DVD player, available at reference desk

Other Finding Aid

Oral Histories Database


Causey, Evelyn D. and Julia Claypool. Desegregation in Loudoun County Public Schools, 1954-1970 . Washington, DC: History Matters, 2010.

Frederick Douglass Elementary School Living History Interviews and Dedication Collction, 2011-2012 (M 080), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Research Materials Regarding Decision to Replace Frederick Douglass Elementary School (M 073) Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Snyder, Kimberly A. Phase I Archeological Investigations of the +/- 9.28 Acre Douglass Support Center Property, Leesburg, VA. Gainesville, VA: Thunderbird Archeology, 2010.

Teacher's Register for Virginia Public Schools, Broad Run Magisterial District, Colored School #A, 1886-1894 (SC 0058), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Contents List

Box 1
  • Folder 1: Anderson, Amy, transcript
  • Folder 2: Bunch, Phyllis, transcript
  • Folder 3: Drummond, Fred, transcript
  • Folder 4: Evans, Gertrude, transcript
  • Folder 5: Green, Helen, transcript
  • Folder 6: Jackson, Lawrence, transcript
  • Folder 7: Johnson, Geraline, transcript
  • Folder 8: Lee, Carolyn, transcript
  • Folder 9: Manthos, Christopher, transcript
  • Folder 10: Moore, Richard, transcript
  • Folder 11: Smith, Darryl, transcript
  • Folder 12: Wiley, Carla, transcript
  • Folder 13: Dedication program, 11 October 2012
Box 2
  • Brick from original Frederick Douglass Elementary School
Box 3
  • Use copies DVDs
  • Dedication DVD
  • Master copies of DVDs