A Guide to the Sam Legard Photograph Collection, 1958-2007 Sam Legard Photograph Collection VC 0037

A Guide to the Sam Legard Photograph Collection, 1958-2007

A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number VC 0037


Thomas Balch Library

Thomas Balch Library
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© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.

Processed by: Megan Arlett, Donna Jamison, and Elizabeth Preston

Thomas Balch Library
Collection number
VC 0037
Sam Legard Photograph Collection 1958-2007
Physical Characteristics
Sam Legard, Leesburg, VA.
The collection is composed primarily of aerial photographs of Loudoun County. Most of the photographs are in color and measure 5 x 7 inches, though there are other sizes as well. In some cases, the negatives are also included. The photographs concentrate on new construction and areas slated for development and were often used to establish insurance policies and settle claims.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Collection open for research.

Use Restrictions

Visual materials may require special handling. This collection is stored off-site. Advance notice is required to retrieve records. Please contact reference staff to make arrangements.

Preferred Citation

Sam Legard Photograph Collection, 1958-2007 (VC 0037) Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Acquisition Information

Sam Legard, Leesburg, VA.

Alternative Form Available



2009.0019; 2009.0023; 2009.0026; 2009.0045

Processing Information

Megan Arlett, Donna Jamison, and Elizabeth Preston, 25 September 2013

Biographical Information

Sam Legard is the son of Samuel Campbell Legard (1898-1981) and Edith Potts Legard (1897-1960). He was born and spent much of his early life in the Hillsboro area of Loudoun County. As a young man Legard worked on his father's farm. He began selling insurance in the 1950s and operated as an independent insurance agent in Leesburg until he retired. His insurance agency, Sam Legard Insurance, still operates. Legard also explored interests in flying and photography. He combined flying and photography with his professional work as an insurance salesman by taking aerial photographs of areas to be insured and damages covered by policies. He was employed at various times by the Town of Leesburg and Loudoun County to photograph areas of development.

Scope and Content

The collection is composed primarily of aerial photographs of Loudoun County. Most of the photographs are in color and measure 5 x 7 inches, though there are other sizes as well. In some cases, the negatives are also included. The photographs concentrate on new construction and areas slated for development and were often used to establish insurance policies and settle claims. Legard stored them in three-ring binders arranged by job. This arrangement has been preserved, and there is no item level indexing available. The folder titles are taken from the names Legard assigned each job.


Box: folder

Adjunct Descriptive Data


AncestryLibrary.com. 1940 United States Census. www.ancestrylibrary.com (accessed 10 May 2013).

Loudoun Times-Mirror. "S. Campbell Legard, Well-Known Farmer." 3 December 1981.

Location of Originals

This collection is stored off-site. Advance notice is required to retrieve records. Please contact reference staff to make arrangements.

Other Finding Aid

Past Perfect catalogue records

Other Finding Aid

Past Perfect catalogue records


AncestryLibrary.com. 1940 United States Census. www.ancestrylibrary.com (accessed 10 May 2013).

Loudoun Times-Mirror. "S. Campbell Legard, Well-Known Farmer." 3 December 1981.

Contents List

Box 1
  • Folder 1: Loudoun County Government Center Groundbreaking Ceremony, Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 2: Leesburg and Luck Stone Quarry, 2001
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 5: Ball's Bluff, Big Springs, Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 6: Leesburg from ground, 1994
  • Folder 7: Toll Road Leesburg, 1994
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 1994
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 10: Evergreen Rd. High School Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 13: Airport, Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 14: New High School and Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 16: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 17: Rt. 7 and Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 18: Ball's Bluff and Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 19: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 20: Near Dulles Toll Road and Near Mary Ford's Bridge, Leesburg, 2001
Box 2
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 10: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 13: Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 16: Leesburg, 1997
Box 3
  • Folder 1: Unidentified, n.d.
  • Folder 2: Unidentified, 1993
  • Folder 3: Carol Laycock, Hamilton, 1999
  • Folder 4: Jeff Fraker Home, Tom DuRant Home, Mullholland Home, 704 Homes on Canby Lane, Hamilton, n.d.
  • Folder 5: Purcellville and Hamilton, 2003
  • Folder 6: Near Rt. 9, 1 mile east of E. Peacock Farm, Wheatland, n.d.
  • Folder 7: Unidentified, n.d.
  • Folder 8: Loudoun Orchard Rd. area, 2003
  • Folder 9: Madican Rt. 9, 2002, 2004
  • Folder 10: Spotts Rt. 9, 2004
  • Folder 11: 1 mile NE of Rt. 9 and 287, Wheatland, n.d.
  • Folder 12: Bill and Sally Oblas, 2001
  • Folder 13: Beacon Hill, Drum Heller, Plane Crash, 2004
  • Folder 14: Hamilton, 1996, 2004, 2006, 2008
  • Folder 15: Rt. 9 and 704 area Hamilton, n.d.
  • Folder 16: Lansdowne Area, 1997
  • Folder 17: Ashburn, n.d.
  • Folder 18: Whites Ferry Rd. Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 19: Spring Wood, n.d.
  • Folder 20: Franklin Park (Personal Note "Sally Keifer" enclosed), 1997
  • Folder 21: 4-H Fair, 1997
  • Folder 22: Next to Beacon Hill at Rt. 7, Next to Clark's Gap, 1996
  • Folder 23: Sam Welch 704 Farm, 1996
  • Folder 24: C. Stowers Waterford, 1996
  • Folder 25: Bazaco, R. J. Legard, 1996
  • Folder 26: Broadview, 1996
  • Folder 27: Ebenezer Church, Neersville; Mt. Olivet, Lovettsville; Rehobeth Church, Lovettsville, n.d.
  • Folder 28: George Fitzwater, 1996
  • Folder 29: Sim Cotton, 1996
  • Folder 30: Beacon Hill, 1996
  • Folder 31: Short Hill, Mt. Hillsboro, 1996
  • Folder 32: Birch Hollow, Hillsboro, 1996
  • Folder 33: Morven Park, Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 34: Mt. Fire, Rt. 601 (N), near Tower, 1996
  • Folder 35: Bill Oblas, Roland Adamison, 1996
  • Folder 36: Rt. 9 and 690 Hillsboro; Herb Pearson Farm, Leesburg; Water tower, 1996
  • Folder 37: Catoctin Circle, Leesburg, n.d.
  • Folder 38: 4-H, 1996
  • Folder 39: Catoctin Stud., Waterford, 2000
  • Folder 40: Firestone, Catoctin Stud., 2000
  • Folder 41: Photographs by Pam Hoovey. Middleburg area, Rowley, Carter, Aldie Mills, next to Little Oatlands at 15 S Church, 1996
  • Folder 42: Ed Mongomery farm, Hillsboro, 1996
  • Folder 43: Ayrshire Farm, 2000
  • Folder 44: Loudoun Hospital Benefit, 2000
Box 4
  • Folder 1: (WAS) C.Y. Halls Farm, Hamilton, 2002
  • Folder 2: Layton's, 1997
  • Folder 3: Larry Johnston, Hillsboro, 1999
  • Folder 4: Dr. Joe and Donna Rogers, 2004
  • Folder 5: Lovettsville, 1994
  • Folder 6: Lovettsville; Brunswick, also Potomac River; East, MD; Georges Mill, Lovettsvill; Rt 287 Lovettsville, 2003
  • Folder 7: George's Mill, Lovettsville, 2004
  • Folder 8: Loudoun Hospital Center Dedication (Pamphlet), 1997
  • Folder 9: Hospital, Lansdowne, 2002, 2003
  • Folder 10: Hospital, Hughes Center, Lansdowne, 2004
  • Folder 11: Lucketts, 1992, 2004
Box 5
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 2: Hospital, Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 4: Auto accident at Davis Ave. and S King St., Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 5: Ashburn Ruritan meeting at ANMC, 2000
  • Folder 6: Raspberry Falls, 2000
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 8: Toll Brothers, Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 9: Methodist Church, Rt. 621, Evergreen Rd., Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 10: Hospital, Lansdowne, 2000
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 13: Air photos, 1988
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, 2004
Box 6
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 1997, 1998
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 10: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 13: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 16: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 17: Leesburg, 1999
  • Folder 18: Leesburg, 1999
Box 7
  • Folder 1: Round Hill, 1992
  • Folder 2: Rod Huebers, Round Hill, 2002
  • Folder 3: Round Hill, 2008
  • Folder 4: Round Hill, Stoneleigh Golf, 2000
  • Folder 5: New John Deere, 2003; Dr. Towes area, Round Hill looking S, 2006
  • Folder 6: Round Hill, 2000
  • Folder 7: Hot air ballons, Round Hill, 2001
  • Folder 8: Round Hill, 1996
  • Folder 9: Round Hill, 2001
  • Folder 10: Purcellville, 2004
  • Folder 11: Round Hill n.d.
  • Folder 12: Unidentified, 2004
  • Folder 13: Purcellville; Carver School; Brown Farm; Pott's Dogwood Farm, 2006
  • Folder 14: H. Ralph Field's, Purcellville, 2000
  • Folder 15: Purcellville, Home School Building, 1991
  • Folder 16: Unidentified, 1991
  • Folder 17: Dick Wrights Farm, Purcellville, 2000
  • Folder 18: Franklin Park, Purcellville, 2000, 2003, 2006
  • Folder 19: Purcellville, 2003
  • Folder 20: On old Hillen Dale Farm, C Wilson Farm, 2003
  • Folder 21: 4-H, 1992
  • Folder 22: 4-H Fair Grounds, 2004
  • Folder 23: 4-H, 2005
  • Folder 24: Unidentified, n.d.
  • Folder 25: Inova Loudoun Hospital, Leesburg, with CD, 2006
  • Folder 26: Inova Loudoun Hospital, Lansdowne area with CD, 2008
  • Folder 27: Leesburg, Lansdowne, 2008
  • Folder 28: Lansdowne Hospital area, 2008
  • Folder 29: Morven Park, 2008
  • Folder 30: Unidentified miscellaneous, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997
  • Folder 31: Deb Welsh, Evergreen Rd., Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 32: Leesburg; Ben and Ruth Epperson; Paris, 2000
  • Folder 33: 4-H Grounds, Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 34: Shenstone, Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 35: Unidentified, 2000
  • Folder 36: Land Fill, 2000
  • Folder 37: Bud Greenfield Farm, N on 15 from Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 38: Bud Greenfield, N on Rt 15 from Leesburg, at Lime Stone Creek, 2000
  • Folder 39: Thrifty Car Rental, Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 40: Miscellaneous, 1996,1997
Box 8
  • Folder 1: Leesburg; Purcellville, about 1995; Greenway, 1995; New golf course Ross old landing strip, 1995; horse races, n.d.
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 3: Leesburg; River Creek, 1996
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, Potomac Station, 1996; Leesburg, taken by Pam Hovey, Sam Legard, 1996
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 7: Beacon Hill, Shenstone, 2001, 2002
Box 9
  • Folder 1: Crosstrails, next to airport, Leesburg; School in Round Hill; Landfill south of Leesburg; Saratoga, Legacy, Rt. 9 W of Hillsboro, 2006
  • Folder 2: Hospital area, Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 3: Saratoga Project, Legacy Homes, Hillsboro; Bob Legard, Morrisonville, 2006
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 5: N Waterford, Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, Lansdowne area; Hospital, Lansdowne area, 2006
  • Folder 7: Lansdowne area, 2003
  • Folder 8: Hamilton Fire Station; Round Hill; Purcellville, 2004
  • Folder 9: Purcellville; Round Hill, 2004
  • Folder 10: Loudoun Orchard's area 704; Round Hill, 2005
  • Folder 11: Karen Cooper, Round Hill, 2005
  • Folder 12: Unidentified large photos (Leesburg housing development), 2004
Box 10
  • Folder 1: Unidentified hospital, ferry, 1980-1990
  • Folder 2: Schools on N end of Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 3: Greenway, airport area, Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 5: Leesburg airport, hospital, Lansdowne schools, Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 6: Costco, Kohls, Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 7: Lansdowne, 2004
  • Folder 8: Hospital, Lansdowne area, 2004
  • Folder 9: Hughs Center, Lansdowne area, 2004
  • Folder 10: Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 11: Across from Rolling Acres, Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 2003
  • Folder 13: Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 2004
Box 11
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 1988
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 1988
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 1988
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 10: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 13: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 14: Leesburg and Morven Park Dog Show, 2002
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 16: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 17: Leesburg and Potomac River, 2002
  • Folder 18: Leesburg, 2002
Box 12
  • Folder 1: Goose Creek fire; Allen Studio, Middleburg; Jim Wakeham; Leesburg; Unidentified from Allen Studio; Contact Sheets, 1976-1979
  • Folder 2: Leesburg area (black and white contact prints), 1962; unidentified 1976, 1977 and n.d
  • Folder 3: Unidentified, n.d.; Unidentified, 1964; Leesburg, 1982 and 1985; Contact Sheets
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 5: Lansdowne hospital, 2006
  • Folder 6: Berryville; Leesburg, Lovetteville; Purcellville, 2006
  • Folder 7: Berryville; Leesburg; Purcellville, 2006
  • Folder 8: Purcellville, Leesburg, and Round Hill, 2006
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, Purcellville, Berryville, Lucketts, Lovettsville, 2006
  • Folder 10: Hamilton, Neersville, Hillsborough, and Purcellville, CD and negatives, 2008
  • Folder 11: Purcellville, Berryville, and Hamilton, 2008
Box 13
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 2004
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 1994, 1995, 2001, and 2004
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2004
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 1996
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 1996
Box 14
  • Folder 1: Round Hill, Wheatland Farm, 2004
  • Folder 2: Safety Center, Hamilton, Purcellville, Round Hill, 2004
  • Folder 3: 2.5 miles W of Round Hill, on N side of Rt. 7, 2003
  • Folder 4: Round Hill, 2005
  • Folder 5: Round Hill, 1997
  • Folder 6: Round Hill, 1989
  • Folder 7: Round Hill, 2004
  • Folder 8: Round Hill, 2003
  • Folder 9: Round Hill, 2002
  • Folder 10: Round Hill, 2000
  • Folder 11: S on Rt. 719, Round Hill, area, 1999
  • Folder 12: New subdivision .5 mile W of Round Hill on N side of Rt. 7, Round Hill, 1995
  • Folder 13: Round Hill, 2006
  • Folder 14: Round Hill, 2004
  • Folder 15: Wood Grove and Round Hill, 2004
  • Folder 16: Round Hill, 2003
  • Folder 17: Purcellville, 2001
  • Folder 18: Bill and Joyce Hibbles, Purcellville, 2001
  • Folder 19: School near Hamilton and Purcellville, 2001
  • Folder 20: Purcellville, 2001
  • Folder 21: Field's Farm, Purcellville, 2006
Box 16
  • Folder 1: Hospital Awards, 2002
  • Folder 2: Loudoun Hospital Awards Program, 2002
  • Folder 3: Loudoun Hospital (Hearing), 2002
  • Folder 4: Loudoun Hospital, 2002
  • Folder 5: Loudoun Hospital area, 2002
  • Folder 6: Lansdowne Hospital, 2002
  • Folder 7: Loudoun Hospital Awards, 2002
  • Folder 8: Motorola Air, 1996
  • Folder 9: Motorola Air, 1996
  • Folder 10: Cornwall Pavilion, Lutheran Church, Leesburg, 2007
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 2007
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 13: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 16: Leesburg, 2002
  • Folder 17: Dry Mill Rd. and Leesburg, 2002
Box 17
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, Contact Sheets and Proofs from Allen Studio and Camera Shop, Middleburg, 1959-1960
  • Folder 2: Photo by Stanley Wortman, Sam Legard, pilot, Contact Sheets, 1964
  • Folder 3: Contact Sheets, Unidentified, 1965 and 1969; West Boxwell, 1968
  • Folder 4: Contact Sheets, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974 and 1975
  • Folder 5: Middleburg, Berryville, Hillsboro, Purcellville, 2008
  • Folder 6: Berryville, Purcellville, Leesburg, Middleburg, and Lucketts, 2008
  • Folder 7: Philomont, 2002 and 2006; Linda Lawson (?) 1999; Rita Walstast, Editor, Loudoun Book, 2002
  • Folder 8: Bill and Polly Harrison; Hamilton, 1999
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1988, 2004 and 2008
  • Folder 10: Clarks Gap, 1999; Goose Creek, 2002; 2000 Town of Leesburg Water Quality Report; Karen Title Co., Leesburg, 1999; Reese Clarks Gap, Leesburg, 2000; Lansdowne, 2004
  • Folder 11: Purcellville, 1984, 1999, 2002, 2003 and 2006
  • Folder 12: Round Hill, 1995, 1998, and 1999; Fox Farm, Round Hill, 1999; Dr. Towe 1999
  • Folder 13: Franklin Park; Round Hill, 2000 and 2005
Box 18
  • Folder 1: Hamilton, 1999 and 2000; Dr. Olsers (Clarks Gap?), 1998; Sam Brown Farm, 2000; Bobby Brown Farm, 1998
  • Folder 2: Wheatland, 1998; Mt. Gilead (Dr. Oliver), 2001; Hamilton, 2004
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, Purcellville, Hamilton, Round Hill, 2006
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 2002 and 2003
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 2003
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 2003
  • Folder 8: Leesburg; Kohl's, Target, Costco, 2004
  • Folder 9: Hospital and Lansdowne; Leesburg, April, 2004
Box 19
  • Folder 1: Purcellville, 2006
  • Folder 2: Purcellville, 2005
  • Folder 3: Round Hill, Hamilton, Purcellville, 2005
  • Folder 4: Robert Pitts, Karen Cooper, Purcellville, 2002
  • Folder 5: Purcellville, 2002
  • Folder 6: Purcellville, 2003
  • Folder 7: Negatives of Purcellville, Negatives of Leesburg, Negatives of Hamilton, 2003
  • Folder 8: Franklin Park and Purcellville, 2003
  • Folder 9: Water Treatment Plant, Purcellville, 2000
  • Folder 10: Purcellville, 2000
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, and Greenway Toll Road, 1995
Box 20
  • Folder 1: Ferry, Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 4: Leesburg Airport, Leesburg, 1993
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 1997
  • Folder 6: Walmart, Leesburg, 1993
  • Folder 7: Food Lion, Leesburg, 1993
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 1993
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 10: Leesburg, 1990
Box 21
  • Folder 1: Goose Creek, East; Lansdowne, 2001
  • Folder 2: Dog Show, Morven Park, 1999
  • Folder 3: Lansdowne, 1999
  • Folder 4: Dutch Co., Ashburn, 1999
  • Folder 5: River Creek, Leesburg 1999
  • Folder 6: Lansdowne Hospital, 1999
  • Folder 7: Lansdowne Area, 1999
  • Folder 8: Lansdowne Area, 2006
  • Folder 9: River Creek, Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 10: Lansdowne Hospital, GW, BioTech, NTSB, 2003
  • Folder 11: Lansdowne Hospital and Lansdowne Area, 2003
  • Folder 12: Lansdowne Area, 2002
  • Folder 13: Lansdowne Hospital, 1997
  • Folder 14: Lansdowne Hospital, 1997
  • Folder 15: Lansdowne Hospital, 1997
  • Folder 16: Lansdowne Hospital, 1997
  • Folder 17: Lansdowne Hospital Area, 2000
  • Folder 18: River Creek, 2000
  • Folder 19: Lansdowne Hospital Area, 2007
  • Folder 20: Lansdowne Hospital Area, 2007
  • Folder 21: Hospital, Lansdowne, 2002
  • Folder 22: Lansdowne Area, 2000
  • Folder 23: Loudoun Hospital Area, 2002
Box 22
  • Folder 1: Cumberland, MD Airport; Richard Bechtold, Sam Legard; Berryville, 2007
  • Folder 2: Winchester, 2007
  • Folder 3: Purcellville, 2007
  • Folder 4: Berryville, 2007
  • Folder 5: Berryville, Winchester, Purcellville, Leesburg, (Goose Creek Area), 2007
  • Folder 6: Richard Bechtold, Martinsburg; Dr. Timberlake's New Office and Winchester and Winchester Airport, 2007
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 2007
  • Folder 8: Berryville, 2007
  • Folder 9: Inova, Loudoun County, 2007
  • Folder 10: Unknown
  • Folder 11: Local Farms: Wheatland; Harrison (Bill & Polly); Hutchinson (Larry & Betty); Miller (Bill & Carol), Rogers, Howard; Pearson (Herb & Shirley); Turner, Woody; Layton, Tom; Ballard, Kent; Bazaco, Dr; Waterford, Hillsboro, n.d.
  • Folder 12: Local Farms: Webb, B.J.; Manning; Compher; 4H Grounds; Shotwell, Spotts, n.d.
  • Folder 13: Purcellville, n.d.
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, Thrifty Auto Rental, 2000
  • Folder 15: 4-H (Loudoun County ), 1998
  • Folder 16: Raspberry Falls, 1998
  • Folder 17: River Creek, 1998
  • Folder 18: Leisure World, 1998
  • Folder 19: Leesburg Christian School (Fire), 1998
  • Folder 20: Shenstone, Leesburg, 2000
Box 23
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 2: Purcellville, 2006
  • Folder 3: East of Goose Creek; Lansdowne, 2003
  • Folder 4: Woodburn Estates, 2004
  • Folder 5: Mark Caldwell, Fred Minter, Dan Spotts, 2004
  • Folder 6: Round Hill, Purcellville, Hamilton, 2004
  • Folder 7: Near Wheatland, 2004
  • Folder 8: Grace Keenan, Roger Zurn and Beacon Hill, Waterford, 2004
  • Folder 9: Hillsboro, 1995, 1998, 2002-2004
  • Folder 10: Hillsboro Area, n.d.
  • Folder 11: Hillsboro Area, n.d.
  • Folder 12: S C Legard Farm, Hillsboro, 1998, 2000
  • Folder 13: Short Hill, 1999
  • Folder 14: Bill Kren's Airfield (Rt 9), 2000
  • Folder 15: Wayne Hardy Farm, 2002
  • Folder 16: Hillsboro Area, n.d.
  • Folder 17: Hamilton Ruritan (Flyers, Members List, Photos of H and W), n.d.
  • Folder 18: Leesburg, 2007
  • Folder 19: Purcellville, 2007
  • Folder 20: Middleburg, 2007
  • Folder 21: Berryville, 2007
  • Folder 22: Clark County , Stevens City, 2007
Box 24
  • Folder 1: County Government Center, Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 3: Raspberry Falls Gold Course, Morven Park, Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 4: South end of Airport, Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 5: Purcellville, 1991
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1991
Box 25
  • Folder 1: Purcellville, 1998
  • Folder 2: Point of Rocks, MD; Lucketts; Raspberry Falls Golf Course, 2005
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 4: 4-H Grounds, Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 5: Hamilton Ruritan Club, Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 2005
  • Folder 7: Across from Beacon Hill, Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 8: Beacon Hill, 2000
  • Folder 9: Beacon Hill, 1999
  • Folder 10: Beacon Hill, Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 11: Beacon Hill, 2000
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 1990
  • Folder 13: Tom Donohoe, Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 16: Leesburg, 1990
  • Folder 17: Leesburg, 2003
  • Folder 18: Beacon Hill, 2000
  • Folder 19: Purcellville, 1989
  • Folder 20: Franklin Park, Purcellville, 1998
  • Folder 21: Purcellville, 2005
  • Folder 22: Purcellville, 2006
  • Folder 23: Cockerill Farm, Purcellville, 2005
  • Folder 24: Purcellville, 2007
Box 26
  • Folder 1: Purcellville, 1996
  • Folder 2: Purcellville, 1996
  • Folder 3: Purcellville, 1996-1997
  • Folder 4: Purcellville, 1997
  • Folder 5: Purcellville, 1997
  • Folder 6: Purcellville, 2001
  • Folder 7: Purcellville, 2003
  • Folder 8: Purcellville, 2003
  • Folder 9: Purcellville, 2003
  • Folder 10: Leesburg, 2005, 2006
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 2005, 2006
  • Folder 12: Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 13: Leesburg, 2006
  • Folder 14: Leesburg, 2006
Box 27
  • Folder 1: 4-H Front Royal, 2003
  • Folder 2: 4-H Fair (Contact sheet from Shenandoah Photographics, Inc. also includes photo with two men), 2003
  • Folder 3: 4-H Fairgrounds and Fair, August 1999
  • Folder 4: 4-H Fairgrounds, 2000
  • Folder 5: 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003
  • Folder 6: 70th birthday party for Frank Keesling, October 20, 2001
  • Folder 7: 4-H Fair, 2002
  • Folder 9: "Jackson Kiss a Pig!" at the Loudoun County 4-H Fair, 2001
  • Folder 8: 4-H, 2002
  • Folder 9: 4-H, 1999
  • Folder 10: 4-H Grounds, 1993
  • Folder 11: 4-H Grounds, 1965, 1974, 1980
  • Folder 12: Unidentified miscellaneous, n.d.
  • Folder 13: Leesburg North on 15 near Limestone Creek, 1988
  • Folder 14: Bill and Polly Harrison, Mt. Gilead, 1997
  • Folder 15: Loudoun Landfill, 1997
  • Folder 16: Lansdowne, 1995
  • Folder 17: Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 18: Unidentified, 1988, 1990
  • Folder 19: Leesburg United Methodist Church handouts, 1988
  • Folder 20: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 21: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 22: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 23: Unidentified, 1989
  • Folder 24: Frostburg, MD airport, F Lakes, Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 25: Allan and Nancy (Legard Morggie's?) Negatives. Morggies dress for Karen's wedding, August 20, 1989
  • Folder 26: Lot under development, Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 27: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 28: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 29: Leesburg, 1989
  • Folder 30: Unidentified, 1989
  • Folder 31: Lovettsville, 2001
  • Folder 32: Unidentified, 2008
  • Folder 33: Lovettsville, 2008
  • Folder 34: Householder, R.D. David Douglason, Costco Mgr., Lovettsville, 2004
  • Folder 35: Lovettsville, 2000
  • Folder 36: George's Mill, 2000
  • Folder 37: Hickman Farm, Lovettsville, 1996
  • Folder 38: Lovettsville, 1996
  • Folder 39: Stock's Farm, Lovettsville, 1999
  • Folder 40: Round Hill, Rt. 719 North, 2001
  • Folder 41: Round Hill, 1999
Box 28
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 1991
  • Folder 2: Country Club, Leesburg, 1990
  • Folder 3: White's Ferry, Leesburg Hospital, Leesburg, 1990
  • Folder 4: Woodlea Manor, Leesburg, 1990
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 1990
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1990
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 1988
  • Folder 8: Woodlea Manor, Leesburg, 1988
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 1988
Box 29
  • Folder 1: Miller Drive, Leesburg, 1993
  • Folder 2: Purcellville, 2004
  • Folder 3: Purcellville, 2004
  • Folder 4: Berryville, 2007
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 2007
  • Folder 6: Route 9 and Old Waterford Rd., 2007
  • Folder 7: 4-H Grounds, Leesburg, 2007
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 2007
  • Folder 9: Ralph Fields Jr. Farm, Purcellville, 2000
  • Folder 10: Purcellville, 2000
  • Folder 11: Purcellville, 2000
  • Folder 12: Purcellville, 1999
  • Folder 13: Purcellville, 1999
Box 31
  • Folder 1: Raspberry Falls Golf Course, 1995, 1996
  • Folder 2: Raspberry Falls Golf Course, 1996
  • Folder 3: Raspberry Falls Golf Course, 1996
  • Folder 4: Purcellville, Round Hill, Franklin Park, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2005
  • Folder 5: Round Hill, Bill Kelley Farm, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2002
  • Folder 6: White's Ferry, 1996
  • Folder 7: Unidentified, 1996
  • Folder 8: Unidentified, 1996
  • Folder 9: Goose Creek, 1996
  • Folder 10: Old Ashburn school, 1996
  • Folder 11: Unidentified, 1996
  • Folder 12: Oatlands, 1996
  • Folder 13: Bill and Polly Harrison, 1996
  • Folder 14: Lowe's Island, 1996
  • Folder 15: River Creek, 1996
  • Folder 16: Unidentified, 1996. Black and white image from 1962
  • Folder 17: Purcellville, (photos and CD), 2008
Box 32
  • Folder 1: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 2: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 3: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 2000
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1995
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 2001
  • Folder 8: Lansdowne and Inova Loudoun Hospital, 1995
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, St. John's Church, and Woodlea, 1995
  • Folder 10: Leesburg and Morven Park, 1995
  • Folder 11: Greenway, 1995
  • Folder 12: Leesburg (includes car and airplane accidents), 1993
Box 33
  • Folder 1: Franklin Park and Purcellville, 1998-1999
  • Folder 2: Franklin Park and Purcellville, 2000-2002
  • Folder 3: Purcellville, 2003-2004
  • Folder 4: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 5: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 6: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 7: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 8: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 9: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 10: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 11: Leesburg, 1992
  • Folder 12: Leesburg and Lipscomb Farm, 1992
  • Folder 13: Leesburg, 1998
  • Foler 14: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 16: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 17: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 18: Leesburg, 1998
  • Folder 19: Leesburg, 1999
Box 34
  • Folder 1: Beacon Hill, 1999
  • Folder 2: Church, 1988
  • Folder 3: Waterford, 1999
  • Folder 4: Paeonian Springs, 1999
  • Folder 5: Godfrey, 1999
  • Folder 6: Unknown, 1999
  • Folder 7: Waterford Fair, 1999
  • Folder 8: Waterford, 1993
  • Folder 9: Waterford, 1998
  • Folder 10: Lovettsville, Milltown Stocks Farm, 1999
  • Folder 11: Animal Shelter on Rt. 9, 1999
  • Folder 12: Firestone, Waterford, 1999
  • Folder 13: Hamilton, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2006
  • Folder 14: Lovettsville, Morrisonville, 1997
  • Folder 15: Leesburg, 1969, 1979, 1958, 1987, 1992
  • Folder 16: Round Hill Villages, 2001
  • Folder 17: Safety Center, Hamilton, 2004
  • Folder 18: Route 7 Bypass between Hamilton and Purcellville, 1999
  • Folder 19: Hamilton, 2001
  • Folder 20: School Site between Hamilton and Purcellville, 2001
  • Folder 21: Beacon Hill, Hamilton, 2001
  • Folder 22: Sam Brown's Farm and Hamilton, 2002
  • Folder 23: Hamilton, 2002
  • Folder 24: Hamilton, 1989-1990
  • Folder 25: Hamilton, 2002
  • Folder 26: Hamilton, 2003
  • Folder 27: Hamilton, 2004
  • Folder 28: Hamilton, 2004