A Guide to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union Collection, 1880-1965
A Collection in
Thomas Balch Library
Collection number M 101
Thomas Balch Library
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© 2014 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Ashley Swartwout
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
Use Restrictions
Physical characteristics and conditions affect use of this material.
Preferred Citation
Woman's Christian Temperance Union Collection (M 101), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA
Alternative Form Available
2004.0001, 2013.0160
Processing Information
Processed by Ashley Swartwout, 1 July 2014
Historical Information
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was founded in November 1878 in Cleveland, Ohio. The organization encouraged abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs as part of its mission of reform. Local chapters of the WCTU were called unions. While unions worked closely with the state and national organizations, they were largely autonomous and could choose to work for reforms that would be most beneficial in their local communities.
Loudoun County was home to several unions of WCTU. The Lincoln WCTU was founded in 1878 (the first local union in Virginia), the Young Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Hamilton in 1894, and the Purcellville WCTU in 1913. All the clubs worked to decrease alcoholism among the people of Loudoun County, and they all promoted the value of temperance to children. The Purcellville WCTU had a special emphasis on teaching children about the dangers of alcohol. The clubs taught children through school textbooks, speech contests, and Sunday school programs. The unions raised money through membership dues and by hosting bazaars and dinners. They used these funds, along with charitable donations, to purchase temperance literature from the National WCTU Publishing House in Evanston, Illinois, and to send members to the Virginia WCTU annual state convention. The unions also actively worked to promote the passage of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the production, transportation, and sale of alcohol. The amendment eventually passed and took effect in 1920, but the women of the WCTU continued their work of discouraging the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The Lincoln WCTU was the most active union in Loudoun County, and it remained active into the 1960s.
Scope and Content
The collection consists of minutes and treasurer's books from the Hamilton, Lincoln, and Purcellville WCTUs, as well as an assortment of documents from the state-wide Virginia WCTU and undated literature from the National WCTU Publishing House. Additionally, the Lincoln WCTU has bank records, processed checks, and used checkbooks.
Related Material
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Ironmonger, Elizabeth Hogg, and Pauline Landrum Phillips. History of The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Virginia and A Glimpse of Seventy-Five Years, 1883-1958. Richmond VA: Cavalier Press, 1958.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union Collection (M 101), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Early History. www.wctu.org/earlyhistory.html (accessed 7 July 2014)
Other Finding Aid
Technical Requirements
Other Finding Aid
Ironmonger, Elizabeth Hogg, and Pauline Landrum Phillips. History of The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Virginia and A Glimpse of Seventy-Five Years, 1883-1958. Richmond VA: Cavalier Press, 1958.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union Collection (M 101), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Early History. www.wctu.org/earlyhistory.html (accessed 7 July 2014)
Contents List
- Box 1
Lincoln WCTU Minutes book, 1906-1913
Lincoln WCTU Treasurer's book, 1910-1916
Lincoln WCTU Treasurer's book, 1910-1916
Lincoln WCTU Treasurer's book, 1922-1940
[Lincoln WCTU] Treasurer's book, 1939-1965
Lincoln WCTU Minutes book, 1880-1887
Purcellville WCTU Minutes book, 1915-1923
Purcellville WCTU Treasurer's book, 1914-1933
Hamilton WCTU Minutes book, 1894-1901
- Box 2
Folder 1: Hamilton WCTU Minutes, 1901
Folder 2: Leesburg Hospital History, 1912
Folder 3: Lincoln WCTU Bank Statements, Checks, and Receipts, 1932-1938
Folder 5: Lincoln WCTU Checkbooks and Receipt Stubs from the Purcellville National Bank, 1938-1965
Folder 5: Lincoln WCTU Checks, 1930-1939
Folder 6: Lincoln WCTU Correspondence, 1913-1964
Folder 7: Lincoln WCTU Financial Papers and Money Receipts, 1936-1960
Folder 8: Lincoln WCTU Minutes, 1908-1911, 1954
Folder 9: National WCTU Publishing House Materials
Folder 10: Sunday School Temperance Program
Folder 11: Virginia WCTU, 1913-1965
Folder 12: WCTU Newspaper Clippings 1940-1953
Folder 13: WCTU Pledge Cards
Folder 14: WCTU Speech Contest Ballot Forms and Awards