A Guide to the Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger, 1931-1932 Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger SC 00109

A Guide to the Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger, 1931-1932

A Collection in
Thomas Balch Library
Collection number SC 00109


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© 2014 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.

Processed by: Laura Christiansen

Thomas Balch Library
Collection number
SC 00109
Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger, 1931-1932
1 Ledger .
Ann Branham
Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger, (1931 -1932) consists of one volume recording individual policies issued and renewed between 1931 and 1932.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

Collection open for research.

Use Restrictions

No physical characteristics affect use of this material.

Preferred Citation

Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger (SC109), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Acquisition Information

Ann Braham

Processing Information

Laura Christiansen, 31 October 2014

Historical Information

The Inter-Southern Life Insurance Company was founded in 1906. Originally formed with the aim of only operating in southern states, Inter-Southern Life grew steadily, building a well-known skyscraper to house its headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky in 1913. Riding a wave of prosperity and increasing popularity for life insurance following World War I, Inter-Southern Life expanded heavily in the 1920s, presenting itself as a “clean, strong, and progressive” company in advertising. Although the company survived the first few years of the Great Depression, by 1932 it was failing financially. Placed into receivership, the Inter-Southern Life Insurance Company’s remaining assets were assumed by Kentucky Home Life in April of that year.

The People’s National Bank of Leesburg (PNB) was established in 1888. PNB headquarters at 13 North King Street in Leesburg was enlarged and renovated in 1905. Designed by Washington D.C. Architect Paul J. Peltz and constructed by Norris Brothers Construction, the building’s façade served as emblem for the Bank appearing on forms, publications, and promotional materials. Expanding its services through-out the twentieth century, PNB offered loans and insurance, established a real estate company, and added a number of branch offices throughout Loudoun County. In 1983, PNB merged with First American Bank of Virginia, which in 1993 was in turn taken over by the First Union National Bank of Virginia, soon becoming part of First Union National Bank, later Wachovia Bank, and finally Wells Fargo Bank.

Scope and Content

Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger, (1931 -1932) consists of one volume recording individual policies issued and renewed between 1931 and 1932. Policy holders are listed by name on a thirteen page alphabetic index at the front of the volume. Dated entries for each policy holder follow listing name, age, policy number and town of residence for each individual insured. Policies were issued by the People’s National Bank of Leesburg, Virginia, and the book was held at the main branch in Leesburg. Included among policy holders are numerous employees of the bank. Page 136 of the ledger features a list of cash taken in for ninety-seven policies at the bank and payments out to the Inter-Southern Life Insurance Company between April and June 1931.

Related Material

People's National Bank Collection, Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.

Sanford, James K., and Robert B. Lancaster. Century One; One Hundred Years of the Life Insurance Company of Virginia. 1971.

Adjunct Descriptive Data


Chicago Tribune 19 April 1932 “Receivers Are Named for Two Risk Companies.” P. 32

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BankFind, “History of The Peoples National Bank of Leesburg (FDIC #: 6866)” www.fdic.gov. (accessed 29 October 2014).

Findling, John E. Louisville. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009, p. 15.

People's National Bank Collection, Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA. NUCMC 48.

People’s National Bank of Leesburg, Commemorative Report. Leesburg, VA, People’s National Bank, 1983.

Smith, Kathryn G, Evelyn D. Causey, and Edna Johnston. Exploring Leesburg: Guide to History and Architecture. Leesburg, Va: Town of Leesburg, 2003.

Technical Requirements



Chicago Tribune 19 April 1932 “Receivers Are Named for Two Risk Companies.” P. 32

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BankFind, “History of The Peoples National Bank of Leesburg (FDIC #: 6866)” www.fdic.gov. (accessed 29 October 2014).

Findling, John E. Louisville. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub, 2009, p. 15.

People's National Bank Collection, Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA. NUCMC 48.

People’s National Bank of Leesburg, Commemorative Report. Leesburg, VA, People’s National Bank, 1983.

Smith, Kathryn G, Evelyn D. Causey, and Edna Johnston. Exploring Leesburg: Guide to History and Architecture. Leesburg, Va: Town of Leesburg, 2003.

Contents List

Folder 1
Folder 1
Inter-Southern Life Insurance Co. Ledger, 1931-1932