A Guide to the Town of Leesburg Municipal Government Center Hanno Weber and Associates Records, 1985-1997, n.d.
A Collection in
Thomas Balch Library
Collection number M 0214, VC 0083, ART 0012, OMB 029
Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library208 West Market Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
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Email: balchlib@leesburgva.gov
URL: http://www.leesburgva.gov/departments/thomas-balch-library/
© 2017 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Gabrielle Sanchez
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
Use Restrictions
No physical characteristics affect use of this material.
Preferred Citation
Town of Leesburg Municipal Government Center Hanno Weber and Associates Records (M 0124), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Hanno Weber and Associates, Chicago, Illinois.
Processing Information
Gabrielle Sanchez, 25 May 2017
Historical Information
Hanno Weber (born 24 September 1937) is an American architect based in Chicago, Illinois. A graduate of Princeton University, he founded Hanno Weber and Associates (HWA) in 1984. The firm specializes in architecture, interior design, site planning, and urban design.
In 1986, after undertaking an analysis of existing government facilities and downtown parking demand, the Town of Leesburg issued a call for designs for a municipal government center and parking complex. The new combined office building and parking complex would consolidate and expand town services as well as alleviate parking shortages, while blending with the historic scale and context of downtown Leesburg. Over 200 architects submitted entries to the competition. Hanno Weber and Associates' design was awarded the first prize of $10,000 and the design commission. The firm also designed the interior of the building, including furnishings and accessories, and served as project manager for construction of the facility. Construction on the municipal government center began in 1988 and was completed in 1991.
Hanno Weber and Associates' design for the municipal government center won several awards, including Architecture and Urban Design Competition, First Award (1987); AIA Urban Design Award of Excellence (1992); and AIA Chicago Chapter Interior Design Certificate of Merit (1992).
Scope and Content
The collection records Hanno Weber and Associates work as architect, designer, and construction project manager of the Town of Leesburg Municipal Government Center. Included are documents such as correspondence, contracts, invoices, and reports; architectural drawings and sketches; photographs; and material samples.
The collection documents all phases of Hanno Weber and Associates work on the project including the initial design and contest submission; project management and programming; relationships with the Town of Leesburg, subcontractors and consultants; the bidding process; construction itself; dedication of the facility; and HWA's promotion of its work. Whenever possible, materials have been arranged in the order outlined in HWA's Project Index (See M 0124, Box 1, Folder 7) as follows: Project Management and Programming; Client Records; Agencies Records; Consultant Records; Bidding; Contractors Records; Contract Accounting; and Construction Administration. Materials relating to the design competition have been placed at the beginning of the collection, and materials relating to publicity subsequent to the completion of the project have been placed at the end of the collection.
Design competition materials include the design manual and guidelines, Leesburg town plan, HWA's winning entry, and the competition results.
The Project Management and Programming section contains materials documenting management of the construction process. These include meetings of minutes with Town of Leesburg officials, design studies and reports, environmental reports, budgets, schedules, photographs of office interiors (see VC 0083), and product information. This section also contains a large number of architectural drawings, including design sketches, working drawings, and alternate plans. For storage reasons, the majority of these drawings are housed in OMB 029. Please see the Drawings Index for a detailed list of drawings.
The Client Records section contains contracts, correspondence, telephone memoranda, and invoices related to HWA's client, the Town of Leesburg.
The Agencies Records section contains materials related to zoning and building permits.
The Consultant Records section contains contracts, correspondence, and invoices relating to various consultants, including mechanical, electrical, and civil engineers.
The Bidding section contains correspondence, evaluations, and other documents relating to the bidding process for the hiring of a construction general contractor.
The Contractor Records section contains correspondence between the general contractor and HWA, as well as Requests for Information (RFI). In addition, this section contains a large number of architectural shop drawings, samples, and related correspondence. The drawings and samples were submitted for HWA's approval by various subcontractors. HWA assigned a number to each submittal, and HWA's index is available ("Submittals Checklist" M 0124, Box 8, Folder 13 and OMB 029, Box 1, Folder 18). The shop drawings contain numerous notes, comments, and corrections. They are stored folded. The shop drawings and samples have been separated from the related correspondence due to their size and preservation storage needs (See M 0124, Box 20-22 and ART 012).
The Contract Accounting section contains Supplemental Instructions, Requests for Change Orders, Certificates of Payment, and other documents.
The Construction Administration section contains Construction Observation reports by HWA, Town of Leesburg, and an outside contractor, as well as minutes of construction meetings, reports, and punch lists. In addition, this section contains photographs taken by both HWA and professional photographers documenting the construction progress (See VC 0083).
The collection also contains materials, including photographs, related to the municipal government center's dedication ceremony held in March 1991. In addition, there are photographs and slides of the completed exterior and interior of the building and correspondence with vendors and architecture and design publications.
Related Material
Town of Leesburg, Virginia Records, 1813-present, Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA
Leesburg Architectural Surveys 1971-2001 (M 016), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA. Town of Leesburg: Department of Planning, Zoning and Development: (RG 22), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA. Town of Leesburg: Department of Planning, Zoning and Development: Visual Records of Historic Sites (VC RG 22), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA
Historical Postcards, 1900-2008 (VC 0004), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA
Leesburg Opera House Handbill (SC 0012) Thomas Balch Library Leesburg, VA
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Hanno Weber and Associates, www.hannoweber.com, accessed 17 March 2017.
Town of Leesburg Municipal Government Center Hanno Weber and Associates Records (M 124), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Hanno Weber and Associates, www.hannoweber.com, accessed 17 March 2017.
Town of Leesburg Municipal Government Center Hanno Weber and Associates Records (M 124), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Contents List
- Box 1:
Folder 1: Design Competition-"Meeting the Challenge: A Proposal for a Downtown Municipal Government Center-Parking Complex,"5 May 1986
Folder 2: Design Competition-Town Plan,1986
Folder 3: Design Competition-Design Manual,1987
Folder 4: Design Competition-Design Guidelines and Additional Information,1987
Folder 5: Design Competition-Hanno Weber and Associates Drawings,1987
Folder 6: Design Competition-"1987 Design Competition Catalogue,"1987
Folder 7: Project Management and Programming-Project Index,14 August 1987
Folder 8: Project Management and Programming-Project Meeting Minutes,1987-1989
Folder 9: Project Management and Programming-Project Memorandum,1987-1990
Folder 10: Project Management and Programming-Project Budgeting and Estimate,1987-1989
Folder 11: Project Management and Programming-Cost Estimate,15 December 1987
Folder 12: Project Management and Programming-Cost Estimate,6 June 1988
Folder 13: Project Management and Programming-Cost Estimate,23 June 1988
Folder 14: Project Management and Programming-Cost Estimate,5 December 1988
Folder 15: Project Management and Programming-Project Programming,1987-1989
Folder 16: Project Management and Programming-Project Scheduling,1987
Folder 17: Project Management and Programming-Plat of Survey and Topography,1988
Folder 18: Project Management and Programming-Survey Review1989
Folder 19: Project Management and Programming-Soil Borings and Reports,1987-1990
Folder 20: Project Management and Programming-Area Calculations1987-1988
Folder 21: Project Management and Programming-Product Information,1987-1988
- Box 2:
Folder 1: Project Management and Programming-Lawsuits1991-1992
Folder 2: Project Management and Programming-Leesburg Demolition,1985-1990
Folder 3: Project Management and Programming-Structural Engineering,1988
Folder 4: Project Management and Programming-Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing,1988
Folder 5: Project Management and Programming-Task and Drawing List,1988
Folder 6: Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches
Folder 7: Project Management and Programming-Working Design Sketch (WDSK) (1 of 2),1989-1990
Folder 8: Project Management and Programming-Working Design Sketch (WDSK) (2 of 2),1989-1990
Folder 9: Project Management and Programming-Other Sketches (1 of 3),n.d.
Folder 10: Project Management and Programming-Other Sketches (2 of 3),n.d.
Folder 11: Project Management and Programming-Other Sketches (3 of 3),n.d.
Folder 12: Project Management and Programming-Parking Area,1988
Folder 13: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Preliminary Furnishings,1987, n.d.
Folder 14: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Space Planning,1987-1988
Folder 15: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Schedule,1988
Folder 16: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Furnishings Pricing,1988-1991
- Box 3:
Folder 1: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Furnishings Pricing,n.d.
Folder 2: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Furnishings Proposals,1987-1989, n.d.
Folder 3: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Product Catalogs1988, n.d.
Folder 4: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Equipment,1988, n.d.
Folder 5: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Drawings and Sketches
Folder 6: Project Management and Programming-Interiors-Furnishings Sketches,1989, n.d.
Folder 7: Client Records-Contract,1987-1988
Folder 8: Client Records-Correspondence,July 1987-December 1987
Folder 9: Client Records-Correspondence,January 1988-May 1988
Folder 10: Client Records-Correspondence,June 1988-September 1988
- Box 4:
Folder 1: Client Records-Correspondence,October 1988-December 1988
Folder 2: Client Records-Correspondence,January 1989-July 1989
Folder 3: Client Records-Correspondence,August 1989-November 1989
Folder 4: Client Records-Correspondence,December 1989-April 1990
Folder 5: Client Records-Correspondence,May 1990-August 1990
Folder 6: Client Records-Correspondence,September 1990-June 1991
Folder 7: Client Records-Correspondence,July 1991-December 1991
Folder 8: Client Records-Correspondence, 1992-19941992-1994
Folder 9: Client Records-Correspondence with T.J. Rio (Carroll County, MD),1990
Folder 10: Client Records-Telephone Memoranda,1987-1993
- Box 5:
Folder 1: Client Records-Billing,1987-1988
Folder 2: Client Records-Billing,1989-1990
Folder 3: Client Records-Billing,1991-1993
Folder 4: Agencies Records-Code and Zoning Analysis,1988-1990
Folder 5: Agencies Records-Zoning Ordinance,1989
Folder 6: Agencies Records-American National Standards Institute Correspondence,1988
Folder 7: Agencies Records-Subsurface Exploration and Settlement Study,14 August 1990
Folder 8: Agencies Records-Building Permits,1989-1991
Folder 9: Consultant Records-Structural Engineer Contract and Invoices,October 1988-December 1988
Folder 10: Consultant Records-Structural Engineer Correspondence1987-1988
Folder 11: Consultant Records-Structural Engineer Correspondence,1989-1992
- Box 6:
Folder 1: Consultant Records- Mechanical Engineer Contract and Invoices,1987-1992
Folder 2: Consultant Records-Mechanical Engineer Correspondence,1988-1990
Folder 3: Consultant Records-Mechanical Engineer Correspondence,1991-1993
Folder 4: Consultant Records-Electrical Engineer Correspondence,1987-1990
Folder 5: Consultant Records-Civil Engineer Contract and Invoices,1987-1991
Folder 6: Consultant Records-Civil Engineer Correspondence,1987-1989
Folder 7: Consultant Records-Civil Engineer Correspondence,1990-1991
Folder 8: Consultant Records-Acoustics,1988
Folder 9: Consultant Records-Lighting Design,1988
Folder 10: Consultant Records-MEP,1988
Folder 11: Bidding-Purchasing Policy,1987-1989
Folder 12: Bidding-Instructions to Bidders for Procurement Contracts,n.d.
Folder 13: Bidding-Revisions to Contract Documents,1989
Folder 14: Bidding-Correspondence,1987-1992
Folder 15: Bidding-Bidder Questions,1989
- Box 7:
Folder 1: Bidding-General Contractors List,1988-1989
Folder 2: Bidding-Substitutions,1989
Folder 3: Bidding-Interior Bidders1989-1990
Folder 4: Bidding-Furnishing Bidders,1989
Folder 5: Contractor Records-General Contractor Contract and Related Documents-General Contractor,1989
Folder 6: Contractor Records-General Contractor-Construction Manager Correspondence1989
Folder 7: Contractor Records-General Contractor-Construction Manager Correspondence,1990
Folder 8: Contractor Records-General Contractor-Construction Manager Correspondence1991-1993
Folder 9: Contractor Records-Request for Information Log,1989-1991
Folder 10: Contractor Records-Requests for Information (RFI 1-51),May 1989-July 1989
Folder 11: Contractor Records-Requests for Information (RFI 1-51),August 1989-August 1992
- Box 8:
Folder 1: Contractor Records-Requests for Information (RFI 51-100),October 1989-January 1990
Folder 2: Contractor Records-Requests for Information (RFI 51-100),February 1990-April 1990
Folder 3: Contractor Records-Requests for Information (RFI 101-150),April 1990-September 1990
Folder 4: Contractor Records-Requests for Information (RFI 101-150),September 1990-December 1990
Folder 5: Contractor Records-Requests for Information (RFI 151-180),1990-1991
Folder 6: Contractor Records-Contractor Records-General Contractor Telephone Communication,1989-1990
Folder 7: Contractor Records-Furnishings Contractor Correspondence,1990
Folder 8: Contractor Records-Furnishings Contract,1989-1990
Folder 9: Contractor Records-Millwork Contractor Correspondence,1990
Folder 10: Contractor Records-Millwork Contract1989-1990
Folder 11: Contractor Records-Other Contractors,1989-1992
Folder 12: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-Shop Drawing and Sample Record Sheet,1989-1990
Folder 13: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-Submittals Checklist,1989-1992
Folder 14: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-Leesburg Survey,1988
Folder 15: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.2 Excavation,1989-1990
Folder 16: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.4 Pavers,1990-1991
- Box 9:
Folder 1: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.5 Bituminous Paving,1991
Folder 2: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.56 Granular Paving,1991
Folder 3: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.65 Exterior Sewer System,1991
Folder 4: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.7 Irrigation,1990
Folder 5: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.8 Site Furnishings,1990
Folder 6: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.9 Sod and Topsoil,1990
Folder 7: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-2.95 Planting,1991
Folder 8: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-3.1 Concrete Admixtures,1989-1990
Folder 9: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-3.15 Structural Precast Concrete,1990
Folder 10: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-3.15 Structural Precast Concrete,1990-1991
Folder 11: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-3.2 Architectural Precast Concrete (1 of 3),1989
Folder 12: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-3.2 Architectural Precast Concrete (2 of 3),1989-1990
Folder 13: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-3.2 Architectural Precast Concrete (3 of 3),1990
Folder 14: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-3.65 Gypsum Concrete,1990
Folder 15: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-4.1 Unit Masonry,1989-1990
- Box 10:
Folder 1: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-5.1 Steel,1989-1990
Folder 2: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-5.2 Miscellaneous Metals,1989-1990
Folder 3: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-5.2 [sic] Steel Stairs,1989-1990
Folder 4: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-5.3 Metal Decking,1989
Folder 5: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-5.4 Light Gauge Framing,1989-1990
Folder 6: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-5.8 Expansion Joints,1989-1990
Folder 7: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-6.1 Rough Carpentry,1989-1990
Folder 8: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-6.3 Millwork,1989-1990
Folder 9: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.1 Foundation Damp Proofing and Waterproofing,1989
Folder 10: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.15 Fluid Applied Protective Membrane Waterproofing,1989
Folder 11: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.2 Plastic Insulation,1990
Folder 12: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.22 Mineral Insulation1989-1990
Folder 13: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.25 Fireproofing1989-1990
Folder 14: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.5 Protective Membrane Roofing Assembly,1989-1990
Folder 15: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.6 Metal Roofing and Siding,1989-1990
Folder 16: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.72 Roof Accessories,1990
Folder 17: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.8 Metal Framed Skylights,1989-1991
Folder 18: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.82 Unit Skylight,1990
Folder 19: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-7.9 Sealant,1990-1991
Folder 20: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-8.1 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames,1989-1991
Folder 21: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-8.2 Wood Doors,1990
Folder 22: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-8.3 Access Doors,1990
Folder 23: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-8.6 Aluminum Clad Wood Windows,1989
- Box 11:
Folder 1: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-8.7 Finish Hardware,1989-1990
Folder 2: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-8.8 Glass and Glazing,1989-1990
Folder 3: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-8.9 Aluminum Doors,1990-1992
Folder 4: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.0 Cork Board,1990
Folder 5: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.25 Interior Gypsum Board Construction,1989-1991
Folder 6: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.3 Ceramic Tile,1990
Folder 7: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.5 Acoustical Ceiling,1990-1991
Folder 8: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.65 Resilient Flooring,1990
Folder 9: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.68 Broadloom Carpet,1990
Folder 10: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.83 Elastomeric Decking Coating,1989-1991
Folder 11: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.98 Fabric Wall Coverings,1990
Folder 12: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-9.9 Painting,1990-1991
Folder 13: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.1 Directions/Display Cases,1990-1991
Folder 14: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.15 Toilet Partitions,1989-1990
Folder 15: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.2 Aluminum Louvers,1989-1991
Folder 16: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.35 Flag Poles,1989
Folder 17: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.4 Architectural Signage,1989-1991
Folder 18: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.5 Lockers,1989-1990
Folder 19: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.52 Fire Protection Cabinets,1989-1990
Folder 20: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-10.8 Toilet and Bath accessories,1989-1990
Folder 21: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-11.13 Projection Screens,1989
Folder 22: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-11.15 Parking Controls,1990-1991
Folder 23: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-11.16 Dock Bumpers,1989-1990
Folder 24: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-11.46 Kitchen Equipment,1990
Folder 25: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-12.51 Louver Blinds,1990
Folder 26: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-12.68 Foot Grilles,1990
- Box 12:
Folder 1: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-13.04 Cashier Booths,1990-1991
Folder 2: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-14.1 Elevator Layout,1989-1991
Folder 3: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-14.3 Elevator Cab,1989-1991
Folder 4: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-15.4 Plumbing (1 of 2),1989-1990
Folder 5: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-15.4 Plumbing (2 of 2),1989-1990
Folder 6: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-15.5 Fire Protection,1989-1991
Folder 7: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-15.7-8-9 HVAC (1 of 2),1989-1990
Folder 8: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-15.7-8-9 HVAC (2 of 2),1989-1990
- Box 13:
Folder 1: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-16 HVAC (1 of 4),1989-1991
Folder 2: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-16 HVAC (2 of 4),1989-1991
Folder 3: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-16 HVAC (3 of 4),1989-1991
Folder 4: Contractor Records-Architectural Shop Drawings and Samples-16 HVAC (4 of 4),1989-1991
Folder 5: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-Samples and Cut Sheets,1990
Folder 6: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-Accessories,1990-1992
Folder 7: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-Millwork Furnishings Maintenance Instructions,1990
Folder 8: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-12.2 Hardware,1990
Folder 9: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-12.2 Millwork Samples,1990
Folder 10: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-12.2 Millwork Drawings,1990
Folder 11: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-Color and Material Samples,1988-1989, n.d.
Folder 12: Contractor Records-Interior Shop Drawings and Samples-Furnishings Samples,1990
Folder 13: Contract Accounting-Supplemental Instructions,1989-1990
Folder 14: Contract Accounting-Supplemental Instructions-General Furnishings,1990
Folder 15: Contract Accounting-Supplemental Instructions-Millwork Furnishings,1989-1991
Folder 16: Contract Accounting-Requests for Change Order,1989-1991
- Box 14:
Folder 1: Contract Accounting-Request for Change Order Correspondence,June 1989-October 1989
Folder 2: Contract Accounting-Request for Change Order Correspondence,November 1989-July 1990
Folder 3: Contract Accounting-Request for Change Order Correspondence,August 1990-January 1991
Folder 4: Contract Accounting-Request for Change Order Correspondence,February 1991-May 1991
Folder 5: Contract Accounting-Request for Change Order Correspondence,June 1991-July 1991
Folder 6: Contract Accounting-Request for Change Order Correspondence,August 1991-1993
Folder 7: Contract Accounting-Executed Change Orders,1989-1993
Folder 8: Contract Accounting-Requests for Change Order-Furnishings,1990-1991
Folder 9: Contract Accounting-Requests for Change Order-Millwork,1990-1991
Folder 10: Contract Accounting-Time Extension Reports,1989-1991
- Box 15:
Folder 1: Contract Accounting-Certificates of Payment,1989-June 1990
Folder 2: Contract Accounting-Certificates of Payment,July 1990-1991
Folder 3: Contract Accounting-Certificates of Payment,1989-June 1990
Folder 4: Contract Accounting-Certificates of Payment-Furnishings,1989-1992
Folder 5: Contract Accounting-Certificates of Payment-Millwork,1990-1994
Folder 6: Contract Accounting-Certificates of Insurance,1989-1990
Folder 7: Contract Accounting-Guarantee File,1992
Folder 8: Contract Accounting-Transfers to Ownership,1990-1991
Folder 9: Construction Administration-Progress Photographs,1989-1991
Folder 10: Construction Administration-Other Construction Photographs,1989-1991
Folder 11: Construction Administration-Construction Observation Reports,1989-1990
Folder 12: Construction Administration-Construction Observation Reports,1991
Folder 13: Construction Administration-Owner Observation Reports,1990-1991
Folder 14: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #1,7 June 1989
Folder 15: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #2,23 June 1989
Folder 16: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #3,29 June 1989
- Box 16:
Folder 1: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #4,11 July 1989
Folder 2: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #5,31 July 1989
Folder 3: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #6,17 August 1989
Folder 4: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #7,21 August 1989
Folder 5: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #8,29 August 1989
Folder 6: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #9,8 September 1989
Folder 7: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #10,14 September 1989
Folder 8: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #11,22 September 1989
Folder 9: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #12,29 September 1989
Folder 10: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #13,9 October 1989
Folder 11: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #14,13 October 1989
Folder 12: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #15,20 October 1989
Folder 13: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #16,25 October 1989
Folder 14: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #17,3 November 1989
Folder 15: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #18,15 November 1989
Folder 16: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #19,22 November 1989
Folder 17: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #20,28 November 1989
Folder 18: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #21,5 December 1989
Folder 19: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #22,14 December 1989
Folder 20: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #23,23 January 1990
Folder 21: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #24,23 February 1990
- Box 17:
Folder 1: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #25,2 March 1990
Folder 2: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc. #26,22 August 1990
Folder 3: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc.-Parking Garage #1,10 August 1990
Folder 4: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc.-Parking Garage #2,2 October 1990
Folder 5: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc.-Parking Garage #3,27 December 1990
Folder 6: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc.-Parking Garage #4 (Vol. I),14 May 1991
Folder 7: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc.-Parking Garage #4 (Vol. II),14 May 1991
Folder 8: Construction Administration-Report of Construction Observations by CGC, Inc.-Parking Garage #5,7 August 1991
Folder 9: Construction Administration-Minutes of Construction Meetings,1989
- Box 18:
Folder 1: Construction Administration-Minutes of Construction Meetings,1990-1991
Folder 2: Construction Administration-Minutes of Furnishings Meetings,1990-1991
Folder 3: Construction Administration-Minutes of Millwork Meetings,1990-1991
Folder 4: Construction Administration-Structural and Civil Test Reports,1989
Folder 5: Construction Administration-Structural and Civil Test Reports,1990-1991
Folder 6: Construction Administration-Punch List Correspondence,1991
Folder 7: Construction Administration-Punch List No. 1/1A-2 Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing,November 1990-June 1991
Folder 8: Construction Administration-Punch List No. 1-3 General Furnishings,November 1990-August 1991
Folder 9: Construction Administration-Punch List No. 1-1A Interior Finish Review,November 1990-March 1991
Folder 10: Construction Administration-Punch List No. 1 Custom Millwork Furnishings,November 1990
Folder 11: Construction Administration-Punch List No 2-3 Custom Millwork Furnishings,January-November 1991
Folder 12: Construction Administration-Punch List No. 2 Building Exterior,April-July 1991
Folder 13: Construction Administration-Punch List No. 1-2 Construction Engineering,April-July 1991
Folder 14: Construction Administration-Punch List No.1 Structural Engineering,June 1991
Folder 15: Construction Administration-Punch List No. 3 Parking Structure,June 1991
- Box 19:
Folder 1: Construction Administration-Accident Reports,1990
Folder 2: Construction Administration-Certificate of Occupancy and Completion,1990-1993
Folder 3: Publicity-Dedication of Municipal Government Center,1991-1992
Folder 4: Publicity-Correspondence with Vendors re: Photographs,1990-1991
Folder 5: Publicity-Correspondence with Architecture and Design Publications,1990-1993
Folder 6: Publicity-Requests for Photographs and Information,1997
- Box 20: Folded Drawings and Blueprints
Folder 1: Product Information
Folder 2: Working Design Sketch (WDSK)
Folder 3: Other Sketches
Folder 4: Civil Engineer Correspondence
Folder 5: General Contractor/Construction Manager Correspondence
Folder 6: Architectural Shop Drawings-2.2 Excavation
Folder 7: Architectural Shop Drawings-2.7 Irrigation
Folder 8: Architectural Shop Drawings-3.1 Concrete Admixtures
Folder 9: Architectural Shop Drawings-3.2 Architectural Precast Concrete
Folder 10: Architectural Shop Drawings-4.1 Unit Masonry
Folder 11: Architectural Shop Drawings-5.1 Steel
Folder 12: 5.2 Miscellaneous Metals
- Box 21: Folded Drawings and Blueprints
Folder 1: Architectural Shop Drawings-5.2 [sic] Steel Stairs
Folder 2: Architectural Shop Drawings-5.3 Metal Decking
Folder 3: Architectural Shop Drawings-5.4 Light Gauge Framing
Folder 4: Architectural Shop Drawings-6.3 Millwork
Folder 5: Architectural Shop Drawings-7.5 Protective Membrane Roofing Assembly
Folder 6: Architectural Shop Drawings-7.6 Metal Roofing and Siding
Folder 7: Architectural Shop Drawings-7.8 Metal Framed Skylights
Folder 8: Architectural Shop Drawings-7.82 Unit Skylight
Folder 9: Architectural Shop Drawings-8.6 Aluminum Clad Wood Windows
Folder 10: Architectural Shop Drawings-8.9 Aluminum Doors
Folder 11: Architectural Shop Drawings-9.25 Interior Gypsum Board Construction
Folder 12: Architectural Shop Drawings-9.5 Acoustical Ceiling
Folder 13: Architectural Shop Drawings-9.65 Resilient Flooring
Folder 14: Architectural Shop Drawings-10.15 Toilet Partitions
Folder 15: Architectural Shop Drawings-10.2 Aluminum Louvers
Folder 16: Architectural Shop Drawings-10.35 Flag Poles
- Box 22: Folded Drawings and Blueprints
Folder 1: Architectural Shop Drawings-10.4 Architectural Signage
Folder 2: Architectural Shop Drawings-10.8 Toilet and Bath Accessories
Folder 3: Architectural Shop Drawings-11.16 Dock Bumpers
Folder 4: Architectural Shop Drawings-12.68 Foot Grilles
Folder 5: Architectural Shop Drawings-14.3 Elevator Cab
Folder 6: Architectural Shop Drawings-15.4 Plumbing
Folder 7: Architectural Shop Drawings-15.5 Fire Protection
Folder 8: Architectural Shop Drawings-15.7-8-9 HVAC
Folder 9: Architectural Shop Drawings-16 HVAC
Folder 10: Interior Shop Drawings-12.2 Millwork
- Box 1: Photographs
Folder 1: Project Management and Programming-Project Programming1987
VC_0083_0001-VC_0083_0151: Leesburg Government Office Interiors
Folder 2: Contractor Records-Other Contractors1990
VC_0083_0152-VC_0083_0153: Juniper Bushes25 October 1990
Folder 3: Construction Administration-Progress Photographs #1-41, taken by Stewart Brothers Photographers, Inc.29 June 1989-11 July 1990
VC_0083_0154: No. 1 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,29 June 1989
VC_0083_0155: No. 2 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,29 June 1989
VC_0083_0156: No. 3 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northwest,29 June 1989
VC_0083_0157: No. 4 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,29 June 1989
VC_0083_0158: No. 5 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,29 June 1989
VC_0083_0159: No. 6 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,29 June 1989
VC_0083_0160: No. 7 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,27 July 1989
VC_0083_0161: No. 8 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,27 July 1989
VC_0083_0162: No. 9 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northwest,27 July 1989
VC_0083_0163: No. 10 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Southeast,11 September 1989
VC_0083_0164: No. 11 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,11 September 1989
VC_0083_0165: No. 12 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northwest,11 October 1989
VC_0083_0166: No. 13 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,11 October 1989
VC_0083_0167: No. 14 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,11 October 1989
VC_0083_0168: No. 15 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northwest,14 November 1989
VC_0083_0169: No. 16 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,14 November 1989
VC_0083_0170: No. 17 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Southeast,14 November 1989
VC_0083_0171: No. 18 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,13 December 1989
VC_0083_0172: No. 19 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,13 December 1989
VC_0083_0173: No. 20 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,13 December 1989
VC_0083_0174: No. 21 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,16 January 1990
VC_0083_0175: No. 22 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,16 January 1990
VC_0083_0176: No. 23 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,16 January 1990
VC_0083_0177: No. 24 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,13 February 1990
VC_0083_0178: No. 25 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,13 February 1990
VC_0083_0179: No. 26 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,13 February 1990
VC_0083_0180: No. 27 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northwest,14 March 1990
VC_0083_0181: No. 28 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,14 March 1990
VC_0083_0182: No. 29 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Southeast,14 March 1990
VC_0083_0183: No. 30 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,12 April 1990
VC_0083_0184: No. 31 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,12 April 1990
VC_0083_0185: No. 32 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,12 April 1990
VC_0083_0186: No. 33 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,14 May 1990
VC_0083_0187: No. 34 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,14 May 1990
VC_0083_0188: No. 35 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,14 May 1990
VC_0083_0189: No. 36 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,13 June 1990
VC_0083_0190: No. 37 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,13 June 1990
VC_0083_0191: No. 38 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,13 June 1990
VC_0083_0192: No. 39 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,11 July 1990
VC_0083_0193: No. 40 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,11 July 1990
VC_0083_0194: No. 41 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,11 July 1990
Folder 4: Construction Administration- Progress Photographs #42-89, taken by Stewart Brothers Photographers, Inc.,9 August 1990-11 June 1991
VC_0083_0195: No. 42 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,9 August 1990
VC_0083_0196: No. 43 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,9 August 1990
VC_0083_0197: No. 44 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,9 August 1990
VC_0083_0198: No. 45 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,11 September 1990
VC_0083_0199: No. 46 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Southwest,11 September 1990
VC_0083_0200: No. 47 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,11 September 1990
VC_0083_0201: No. 48 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; View Looking Northeast at Parking Garage,9 October 1990
VC_0083_0202: No. 49 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; View Looking Northwest at Parking Garage,9 October 1990
VC_0083_0203: No. 50 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; View Looking Southwest at Parking Garage,9 October 1990
VC_0083_0204: No. 51 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,9 October 1990
VC_0083_0205: No. 52 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Southwest,9 October 1990
VC_0083_0206: No. 53 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,9 October 1990
VC_0083_0207: No. 54 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,7 November 1990
VC_0083_0208: No. 55 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,7 November 1990
VC_0083_0209: No. 56 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,7 November 1990
VC_0083_0210: No. 57 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; Looking South at Parking Garage,7 November 1990
VC_0083_0211: No. 58 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; Looking North at Parking Garage,7 November 1990
VC_0083_0212: No. 59 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; Looking East at Parking Garage,7 November 1990
VC_0083_0213: No. 60 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,7 December 1990
VC_0083_0214: No. 61 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; Courtyard Looking South,7 December 1990
VC_0083_0215: No. 62 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; Parking Garage Looking East,7 December 1990
VC_0083_0216: No. 63 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; Parking Garage Looking North,7 December 1990
VC_0083_0217: No. 64 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,7 December 1990
VC_0083_0218: No. 65 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; Parking Garage Looking West,7 December 1990
VC_0083_0219: No. 66 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,14 January 1991
VC_0083_0220: No. 67 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,14 January 1991
VC_0083_0221: No. 68 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,14 January 1991
VC_0083_0222: No. 69 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,14 January 1991
VC_0083_0223: No. 70 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,6 February 1991
VC_0083_0224: No. 71 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,6 February 1991
VC_0083_0224a: No. 72 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,6 February 1991
VC_0083_0225: No. 73 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,6 February 1991
VC_0083_0226: No. 74 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,8 March 1991
VC_0083_0227: No. 75 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,8 March 1991
VC_0083_0228: No. 76 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,8 March 1991
VC_0083_0229: No. 77 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,8 March 1991
VC_0083_0230: No. 78 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,8 April 1991
VC_0083_0231: No. 79 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Northeast,8 April 1991
VC_0083_0232: No. 80 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Southwest,8 April 1991
VC_0083_0233: No. 81 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking Southeast,8 April 1991
VC_0083_0234: No. 82 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,8 May 1991
VC_0083_0235: No. 83 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,8 May 1991
VC_0083_0236: No. 84 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,8 May 1991
VC_0083_0237: No. 85 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,8 May 1991
VC_0083_0238: No. 86 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking East,10 June 1991
VC_0083_0239: No. 87 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking South,10 June 1991
VC_0083_0240: No. 88 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking West,10 June 1991
VC_0083_0241: No. 89 Leesburg Municipal Government Center; General View Looking North,10 June 1991
Folder 5: Construction Administration-Other Construction Progress Photographs,June 1989-March 1990
VC_0083_00242-VC_0083_0423: Construction Site
Folder 6: Construction Administration-Other Construction Progress Photographs,March 1990-May 1990
VC_0083_00424-VC_0083_0614: Construction Site
Folder 7: Construction Administration-Other Construction Progress Photographs,August 1990-November 1990
VC_0083_0615-VC_0083_0754: Construction Site
Folder 8: Construction Administration-Other Construction Progress Photographs,December 1990-June 1991
VC_0083_0755-VC_0083_0901: Construction Site
Folder 9: Publicity-Dedication of Municipal Government Center,1991-1992
VC_0083_0902-VC_0083_0908: Dedication Event
Folder 10: Publicity-Correspondence with Vendors re: Photographs,1990-1991
VC_0083_0909-VC_0083_0913: Slides-Exterior of Municipal Government Center
Folder 11: Publicity-Correspondence with Architecture and Design Publications,1990-1993
VC_0083-0914-VC_0083_0919: Interior of Municipal Government Center
VC_0083_0920-VC_0083_0922: Hanno Weber and colleagues
VC_0083_0923: Hanno Weber receiving award
- Box 2: Negatives
Folder 1: Project Management and Programming-Project Programming1987
VC_0083_0924-VC_0083_0947: Leesburg Government office interiors
Folder 2: Construction Administration-Other Construction Progress,1989-1991
VC_0083_0948-VC_0083_1174: Construction Site
Folder 3: Publicity-Correspondence with Vendors,1990-1991
VC_0083_1175-VC0083_1176: Interior and Exterior of Municipal Government Center
- Box 1:
Design Competition:
Folder 1: Design Competition-Hanno Weber and Associates Drawings,1987
Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches:
Folder 2: Design Development Sketch (DDSK 7-10, 17-28),9 March 1988
Folder 3: Design Development Sketch (DDSK 30, DDSK 35, DDSK 39-42, DDSK 44-46, DDSK 50-64, DDSK 74),9 March 1988-16 August 1988
Folder 4: Design Development-Town Hall (DD 1-DD 12),6 May 1989
Folder 5: Design Development-Parking Structure (DD 13-DD 26),6 May 1989
Folder 6: Design Development-Structural, Electrical, Plumbing (DD S1-10; DD E1; DD P1),6 May 1989
Folder 7: Parking Spaces, Alternates 1 and 2,n.d.
Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches-Interiors:
Folder 8: Interior Sketch (ISK 1-12),14 November 1988
Folder 9: Design Development Interiors (DDI 1-DDI 3),1 March 1989-12 May 1989
Folder 10: Interiors (I 1-4),2 October 1989-4 June 1990
Folder 11: Furnishings (1-18),15 June 1989
Folder 12: Furnishings (1-29),28 February 1989
Folder 13: Custom Millwork Furnishings (MF 1-56),9 October 1989
Folder 14: Accessories,25 July 1990
Folder 15: Plantings25 July 1990
Folder 16: Art25 July 1990
Folder 17: Three-Dimensional Sketchesn.d.
Architectural Shop Drawings:
Folder 18: Submittals Checklist1989-1992
- Box 2:
Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches:
Folder 1: Design Development Sketch (DDSK 44-46),19 March 1988
Folder 2: Design Development-Town Hall (DD 2-DD5),n.d.
Folder 3: Alternative Sketch (ASK 37-ASK 40),11 February 1988
Folder 4: Life Safety (LS 1-LS 14),18 May 1988
Folder 5: Parking Structure Drawings (Title Page (T 1); Plan Survey (PS 1); Demolition (D 1)),16 January 1989-2 June 1989
Folder 6: Parking Structure Construction Drawings (C 1-9),16 January 1989-2 June 1989
Folder 7: Parking Structure Architecture Drawings (A1-9),16 January 1989
Folder 8: Parking Structure Architecture Drawings (A 10-17),16 January 1989-28 April 1989
Folder 9: Parking Structure Architecture Drawings (A 18-24),16 January 1989-28 April 1989
Folder 10: Parking Structure Structural Drawings (S 1-15),16 January 1989-28 April 1989
Folder 11: Parking Structure Mechanical Drawings (M 1-4),16 January 1989
Folder 12: Parking Structure Electrical Drawings (E 1-11),16 January 1989
Folder 13: Parking Structure Plumbing Drawings (P 1-11),16 January 1989
Project Management and Programming:
Folder 14: Other Sketchesn.d.
Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches-Interiors:
Folder 15: Design Development Interiors (DDI 1-DDI 4),1 March 1989
Folder 16: Millwork Furnishings (MF 1-MF 23),13 September 1989
Folder 17: Millwork Furnishings (MF 24-MF 53),13 September 1989
- Drawer 1:
Design Competition:
Folder 1: Hanno Weber and Associates Drawings,1987
Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches:
Folder 2: Municipal Government Center Design Development Sketch (DDSK 1-6),9 March 1988
Folder 3: Municipal Government Center Design Development Sketch (DDSK 14, 36-38),19 January 1988-9 March 1988
Folder 4: MMunicipal Government Center Design Development Sketch (DDSK 27, DDSK 29, DDSK 31-34, DDSK 43),9 March 1988
Folder 5: Municipal Government Center Design Development Sketch,25 November 1987, n.d.
Folder 6: Municipal Government Center Design Development (DD 7-8, 10, 16),22 February 1988
Folder 7: Municipal Government Center Architecture Drawings (Title Page (T 1); Plan Survey (PS 1); A 1-3),14 December 1989
Folder 8: Municipal Government Center Architecture Drawings (A 4-10),6 February 1989-14 December 1989
Folder 9: Municipal Government Center Architecture Drawings (A 11-16),6 February 1989-28 April 1989
Folder 10: Municipal Government Center Architecture Drawings (A 17-22),6 February 1989-1 May 1989
Folder 11: Municipal Government Center Architecture Drawings (A 23-28),February 1989-1 May 1989
Folder 12: Municipal Government Center Architecture Drawings (A 29-34),6 February 1989-14 December 1989
Folder 13: Municipal Government Center Architecture Drawings (A 35-40),6 February 1989-1 May 1989
- Drawer 2:
Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches:
Folder 1: Parking Structure Architecture Drawings (Title Page (T 1); Plan Survey (PS 1); (A 1-3),6 February 1989-2 June 1990
Folder 2: Parking Structure Architecture Drawings (A 4-10),6 February 1989-28 April 1989
Folder 3: Parking Structure Architecture Drawings (A 11-16),6 February 1989-28 April 1989
Folder 4: Parking Structure Architecture Drawings (A 17-24),6 February 1989-28 April 1989
Folder 5: Alternate Sketch (ASK 1-6),30 July 1987-23 September 1987
Folder 6: Alternate Sketch (ASK 7-13),23 September 1987
Folder 7: Alternate Sketch (ASK 14-19),)23 September 1987
Folder 8: Alternate Sketch (ASK 20-26),)23 September 1987
Folder 9: Alternate Sketch (ASK 27-33),23 September 1987
Folder 10: Alternate Sketch (ASK 34-41),23 September 1987-5 April 1988
Project Management and Programming-Drawings and Sketches-Interiors:
Folder 11: Interior Sketch (ISK 030889 A-B),8 March 1989
Folder 12: Interior (I 1-4),4 June 1990