A Guide to Loudoun County Historical Society Records, 1954 - 2012
A Collection in the
Thomas Balch Library
Collection Number M 111, VC 0071, AV 0012
Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library208 West Market Street
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
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© 2017 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Donna Jamison
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection open for research.
Use Restrictions
No physical characteristics affect use of this material.
Preferred Citation
Loudoun County Historical Society Records, 1954 - 2012 (M 0111), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
Loudoun County Historical Society, Leesburg, VA and Alexandra S. Gressitt, Purcellville, VA
Alternative Form Available
2004. 0001, 2004.0023, 2004.0151, 2005.0099, 2012.0013, 2010.0029, 2017.0047
Processing Information
Donna Jamison, 28 March 2017
Historical Information
The Loudoun Historical Society was established in 1956. Founding member, J. V. Nichols (1871-1970), stated that the mission of the Society should be a concerted effort to identify and preserve the historical records of Loudoun County. In addition, the founding members envisioned a Society that would sponsor educational programs for the public; publish and promote original historical research; and encourage donations of historical materials to ensure their availability for future generations.
The public response to the new organization was enthusiastic. In the first year, the Society attracted 235 members many who attended popular lectures and tours of historical interest. The Society produced a publication, The Bulletin of the Loudoun County Historical Society containing original research on subjects related to Loudoun County history. Volumes were published in the years 1957-1976, 1997, and 2001-2011. Historical Society Secretary John Lewis (1930-2013) who took charge of editing and marketing The Bulletin, also maintained an extensive correspondence on the subjects of genealogy and other historical topics with the many who wrote inquiries to the Society.
General membership meetings were discontinued in 1976, and the organization was on hiatus until 2001. In 2001 renewed interest in the organization lead to the resumption of the publication of The Bulletin. Occasional lectures were also offered to the general public after 2001. As of 2012, the Society remains inactive.
Scope and Content
The collection consists of administrative records of the Loudoun County Historical Society. Included are the Society's original founding documents: the Constitution, Mission Statement and By-Laws as well as Minutes of Board of Directors and General Membership meetings 1956 to 1976. General Correspondence files covering both internal and external correspondence are arranged chronologically. Letters from prominent individuals such as Lady Bird Johnson (1912-2007) appear in these files. Additional correspondence files include the letters, memoranda, and marketing efforts specifically pertaining to the publication of The Bulletin . Some original, published or unpublished, manuscripts submitted for The Bulletin are available. For preservation, newspaper clippings have been photocopied and originals discarded. Photographs of the Society's early officers are stored separately as VC 0071. VHS tapes have been digitized and are stored separately as AV 0012.
The Society collected manuscripts and other documents relating to Loudoun County history. Some of these materials were donated to Thomas Balch Library and have been processed as separate collections. Processed collections include: Loudoun Valley Academy Collection (SC 0037), Nichols/Moore Land Indenture (SC 0070), Elijah V. White's Ball's Bluff Address-1887 (SC 0023), Lincoln High School Collection, 1911-1941, (SC 0015), Norris and Sons Account Book (BV 005), Nichols/Moore Land Indenture, 1851 (SC 0070), Land Grant-Lord Fairfax to Richard Brown, 1741 (OM 009), Mediterranean Pass for Rising Sun, 1819-1924 (SC 0009), Alexander McIntyre/William Moore Land Indenture, 1840 (OM 0029), Leesburg Opera House Handbill (SC 0012) Miskel's Farm, 1863 (SC 0032), Yardley Taylor Surveying Notebook, 1832-1884 (M 036), William Moore Land Plat, 1851 (SC 0080), Springwood Select Home School for Young Ladies, 1866 (SC 0019), Waterford News (SC0014), Taylor Family Papers, 1817-1872 (SC 0097), Woman's Christian Temperance Union Collection (M 101), Moore/Gibson Land Indenture, 1853 (SC 0074).
Box: folder
Related Material
Loudoun County Historical Society (Loudoun County, Va.). 2000. The Bulletin of the Loudoun County Historical Society. Leesburg, VA: Loudoun County Historical Society [V REF 975.528 LOU]. Phillips, John T. 1998. The Bulletin of the Historical Society of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1957-1976. Leesburg, VA: Goose Creek Productions [V REF 975.528 LOU]
Adjunct Descriptive Data
Loudoun County Historical Society Records, 1954 - 2008 (M 0111), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Other Finding Aid
Past Perfect catalogue records
Technical Requirements
Electronic media
Other Finding Aid
Past Perfect catalogue records
Loudoun County Historical Society Records, 1954 - 2008 (M 0111), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Contents List
- Box 1
Constitution, Articles of Confederation, Charter
Mission Statement
Board of Directors
Board of Directors Minutes, 1954-1960
Board of Directors Minutes, 1961-1975
Board of Directors Minutes, 2002-2004
Board of Directors Minutes, 2005-2008
General Membership Meeting Minutes, 1954-1960
General Membership Meeting Minutes, 1962-1976
Thomas Balch Library Deeds of Gift, 2004-2005
Proposal for Dedicated Room at Thomas Balch Library
Proposed Research Projects
Correspondence, 1959-1960
Correspondence, 1961-1962
Correspondence, 1963-1966
- Box 2
Correspondence, 1968-1969
Correspondence, 1971
Correspondence, January-June 1972
Correspondence, July-December 1972
Correspondence, 1973
Correspondence, January-June 1974
Correspondence, July-December 1974
Correspondence, 1975-1976
Correspondence, 1998-2008
Correspondence relating to The Bulletin 1964-1969
Correspondence relating to The Bulletin January-June 1975
Correspondence relating to The Bulletin July-December 1975
Correspondence relating to The Bulletin 1976, 2004
John Lewis Personal Correspondence [Non-Historical Society]
Oral History Interviews, 2005
- Box 3
Publication Committee Records
Published Manuscripts [1 of 4]
Published Manuscripts [2 of 4]
Published Manuscripts [3 of 4]
Published Manuscripts [4 of 4]
Unpublished Manuscripts [1 of 2]
Unpublished Manuscripts [2 of 2]
The Bulletin of the Historical Society of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1957-1976. 1997
The Bulletin of the Historical Society of Loudoun County, Virginia,, Second Series, V. 1, 1997
- Box 4
The Bulletin of the Historical Society, 2004
The Bulletin of the Historical Society, 2005
The Bulletin of the Historical Society, 2006
The Bulletin of the Historical Society, 2007
The Bulletin of the Historical Society, 2008-2009
The Bulletin of the Historical Society, 2010
The Bulletin of the Historical Society , 2011
The Bulletin of the Historical Society 2012
Other Historical Societies in Virginia
Miscellaneous Notes and Ephemera
Newspaper Clippings 1892, 1918, 1959-1975
- Box
vc_0171_001 Huntington Harris, Maria A. Copeland, W. Emory Plaster, Picture taken on tour by Loudoun County Historical Society to Longwood Gardens and Winterthur Garden, 19 June 1963.
vc_0171_0002 [Unidentified Man]
vc_0171_0003 [Postcard] "The Little Brown Church in the Vale, Nashua, Iowa"
vc_0171_001 [Unidentified Woman]
vc_0171_001 vc_0171_0005 John G. Lewis, December 1971
vc_0171_0006 Loudoun County Historical Society Documents Committee, John G. Lewis, Mrs. Carruthers, Mr. Edward M. Chamberlin, Mr. Carl F. Greth
vc_0171_0007 Oversized Membership Sign [wrapped on shelf]
- Box
"Loudoun Historical Society: John Divine" [VHS Tape] 1 November 1996
"Battle of Hamilton: Joe Rogers, Howard Rogers, Terry Shana, John Rowles" [VHS Tape] 28 October 2000
"Dr. Charles Poland: Loudoun Post Civil War Era" [VHS Tape] 28 January 2001