The collection includes published books and booklets related to Presidents John Tyler and
William Henry Harrison. Some of the titles are written by Presidents Harrison or President
Tyler while others are written about them. The collection includes presidential addresses to
Congress, public lectures, Whig documents, monument dedications, sermons and funeral
Interesting and unique examples include texts in favor of Harrison's presidency,
those against the "Tyler dynasty" and a former Postmaster General who states that "The
ferocity of the Harrison party is equal to their folly." Additional documents include an
1841 census of the Eastern District of the United States with categories for free white
persons, free "colored" persons, and enslaved individuals.
1. Abell, Alexander Gordon. Life of John Tyler, President of the United States
2. An Old Democrat. The Contrast: or, Plain Reasons Why William Henry Harrison should be Elected President of the United States, and Why Martin
Van Buren Should Not be Re-Elected
3. Angier, Joseph. A Eulogy on the Occasion of the Death of William Henry Harrison, Late President of the United States
4. Bacon, Leonard. A Discourse on the Death of William Henry Harrison, President of the United States, Delivered before the Citizens of New Haven,
on the 17th of April, 1841
5. Beard, Reed. The Battle of Tippecanoe. Historical Sketches of the famous field upon which General William Henry Harrison won renown that
aided him in reaching the presidency . Lives of the Prophet and Tecumseh with many interesting incidents of their rise and
overthrow. The campaign of 1888 and Election of General Benjamin Harrison
6. Boston Harrison Club. Harrison Melodies. Original and Selected. Harrison Melodies. Original and Selected.
7. Chitwood, Oliver Perry. John Tyler, Champion of the Old South
8. Christian, George L. John Tyler Address delivered before the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia at Greenway, Charles City, Virginia
on Monday October 17, 1913 at the unveiling of a memorial to mark the birthplace of President Tyler
9. Collins, T.K. & P.G. The Life of Major-General William Henry Harrison
10. Crapol, Edward P. John Tyler, the accidental president
11. Cumming, Hiram. Secret history of the perfidies, intrigues and corruptions of the Tyler dynasty: with the mysteries of Washington City connected
with that vile administration in a series of letters to the ex-acting President
12. Dow, F. J & Co. Pictorial History of Remarkable Events in America. In Four Parts.
13. Eaton, George W. Prof. Eaton's Address, in Hamilton, N.Y., On the Occasion of the Death of William Henry Harrison
14. Ellett, Katherine Tyler. Young John Tyler.
15. Freilinghuysen, Theodore. Report of the Committee of Arrangements of the Common Council of the City of New York, for the Funeral Obsequies in Memory
of William H. Harrision, Late President of the United States: with an Oration
16. Globe Office. Comparison of Mr. Poinsetta plan for the re-organization of the Militia with that of General Harrison, and both with the old
17. Gordon, Armistead C. Monument to John Tyler. Address delivered in Hollywood Cemetery at Richmond, Virginia on October 12, 1915 at the dedication
of the monument erected by the Government to John Tyler, tenth President of the United States.
18. Gordon, Armistead C. John Tyler. Tenth President of the United States. An Address by Armistead C. Gordon at the Dedication, October 12, 1915, of
the Monument Erected by Congress in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA in Memory of President Tyler
19. Hadduck, Charles C. A Discourse Delivered at Hanover, N.H. May 7, 1841, on the Occasion of the Death of William Henry Harrison, Late President
of the United States
20. Hazard, Samuel. United States Commercial and Statistical Register. Volume 4 No. 23. June 9, 1841.
21. Hoffnagle, Warren Miles. The Road to Fame: William Henry Harrison and national policy in the Northwest from Tippecanoe to River Raisin.
22. Hooper, J. J. Congress of the Confederate States. : Proceedings on the announcement of the death of Hon. John Tyler, January 20, 1862
23. House of Representatives. House of Representatives Report no. 485 (27th Congress, 2nd Session). Claims of the State of Virginia
24. Kendall, Amos. Mr. Kendall's Address to the People of the United States, May 1840
25. Kendall, Amos. Kendall's Expositor for 1841: Containing an Epitome of the Proceedings of Congress of the Memorable Extra Session: also, Dissertations
upon Currency, Exchanges, the Tariff, and Other Topics, with a summary of the Current News
26. Knight, Thomas A. Tippecanoe, being the story of the Tippecanoe and Tyler Too! Campaign of 1840
27. Lambert, Oscar Doane. Presidential Politics in the United States 1841-1844
28. Leahy, Christopher J. President Without a Party, The Life of John Tyler
29. Marshall, W. & Co. The Life of William Henry Harrison, the People's Candidate for the Presidency
30. May, Gary. John Tyler
31. McRae, A. S. The Whig Log Cabin at the City of Richmond in 1840
32. Monroe, Dan. The Republican Vision of John Tyler.
33. Moser, Harold D. John Tyler a Bibliography.
34. Peterson, Norma Lois. The Presidencies of William Henry Harrison & John Tyler
35. Poinsett, Joel Roberts. Plan of the Standing Army of 200,000 Men: submitted to Congress by the Secretary of War, and recommended by the President
of the United States
36. Prescott, E. G. A Sermon Delivered Before the Inhabitants of the Town and County of Salem, N.J., on Friday, April 23, 1841. In Commemoration
of William Henry Harrison, Late President of the United States
37. Reed, John. Speech of the Hon. John Reed, of Massachusets on the General Appropriation Bill
38. Rives, William C. Letter from the Hon. William C. Rives, of Virginia
39. Sherman & Co. The Civil Services of William Henry Harrision, with Extracts from his Addresses, Speeches, and Letters, and a Sketch of his
40. Southern Historical Publication Society. Charles City-William Byrd, John Tyler
41. Tyler, Frances Payne Bouknight. A Time of High Cotton. A Personal History of Three Interrelated Plantations. Mulberry Hill, Home of Lt. William Miller Bouknight.
Pine House, Home of Capt. Benjamin Warren Bettis. Sherwood Forest, Home of America's Tenth President, John Tyler
42. Tyler, John. Message from the President of the United States John Tyler
43. Tyler, John. Lecture Delivered Before the Maryland Institute for the Promotion of Mechanic Arts, on Thursday evening March 20, 1855 by
Hon. John Tyler of Va., ex-President of the United States. Subject: "The prominent characters and incidents of our history
from 1812 to 1836
44. Tyler, John. Message from the President of the United States. To the Two Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the First Session of
the 27th Congress, June 1, 1831
45. Tyler, John. Message from the President of the United States, 28th Congress, 1st Session
46. Tyler, John. An Address, Delivered Before the Literary Societies of the University of Virginia, on the Anniversary of the Declaration of
Independence by the State of Virginia
47. Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. John Tyler and Abraham Lincoln. Who was the Dwarf? A reply to a challenge by Lyon Gardiner Tyler
48. Unknown. Proceedings on the Announcement of the Death of Hon. John Tyler, January 20th and 21st, 1862. Published by Order of the Congress
by J. J. Hooper, Secretary
49. Unknown. John Tyler: His History, Character, and Position with a Portrait
50. Weeks, Jordan, & Co. The People's Presidential Candidate; or The Life of William Henry Harrison of Ohio
51. Whig Central Committee of Maryland. Address to the People of Maryland by the Whig Central Committee of the State
52. Whig Party in Virginia. Address of the Whig Convention for the Nomination of Electors, to the People of Virginia
53. Wise, Henry A. Seven decades of the Union. The humanities and materialism illustrated by a memoir of John Tyler
54. Zullman, Daniel. Address delivered in the Tabernacle before the Tippecanoe and other Harrison Associates