A Guide to the Baylor Family Papers, 1662-1962
A Collection in
the Virginia Historical Society
Collection Number Mss1 B3445 e
Virginia Historical Society
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Funding: Web version of the finding aid funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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Administrative Information
Collection is open for research.
Use Restrictions
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Preferred Citation
Baylor Family Papers, 1662-1962 (Mss1 B3445 e FA2), Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va.
Acquisition Information
Deposited by Mrs. Wythe Davis Bowe, Jr., Chance, Va., in 1982 and 1983. Accessioned 22 June 1984. Title to the collection transferred to Mrs. Isabella B. Hite, Loretta, Va., and deposit confirmed, 11 December 1997.
Biographical/Historical Information
Baylor and Waring families of Essex County, Va. Represented are Robert Payne Waring (1775-1844) of "Edenetta" and "Kinloch," planter and merchant; his son-in-law, Richard Baylor (1803-1862); Richard's sons, Robert Payne Baylor (1840-1872), Richard Baylor (1849-1914), and Henry Latan頂aylor (1853-1930); and grandson Richard (1883-1953).
Scope and Content Information
This collection is devoted almost entirely to records of the acquisition of land by the Baylor and Waring families of Essex County, Virginia, and the subsequent development and use of these lands for agricultural purposes. The land and farming records span several generations over three centuries, but have been divided by generation where appropriate. Consequently, records concerning "Kinloch" in Essex County, or "Sandy Point" in Charles City County, for instance, will appear under several different headings. Researchers should read this description and the guide which follows thoroughly before embarking on an examination of these papers in order to be aware of the several locations of related records. The summary description highlights some of the most important aspects of the collection, while the guide provides a thorough, though not exhaustive, listing of materials.
The earliest records in the collection are primarily land records of the Baylor, Payne and Waring families, including an opinion of the celebrated attorney Benjamin Watkins Leigh (1781-1849) concerning the estate of Robert Payne Waring (1746-1799). For a full listing, see guide. Also of interest is a larger ledger kept by merchant Mordecai Booth (ca.1703-1775) in Yorktown, 1746-1752, which includes information on the ship "Mermaid". Other early family members for whom a few records are available in this collection include Robert Baylor, father of Richard Baylor (1803-1862), and William Waring, a Revolutionary War officer and uncle of Robert Payne Waring (1775-1844).
Robert Payne Waring (1775-1844) is the first major figure for whom substantial material exists in this collection. Waring's diaries generally concern planting, harvesting, and weather, although random references are found to religion and his church activities. The diaries are bound with copies of David Richardson's Virginia & Carolina Almanac for the appropriate years. Among his correspondence is one particularly interesting letter from Episcopal clergyman Stephen Higginson Tyng (1800-1855). Waring's accounts cover personal expenses and plantation operations; one account book, 1815-1818, appears to concern the operation of a mercantile firm with Bevin Dandridge Pitts (d.1860?). Among the collected land records are materials tracing the title to "Port Micou," (including legal opinions of Benjamin Watkins Leigh and John Tyler [folder 3] and a tract called simply "William Taylor's Place" (later "Cavanaugh's"), a part of the Port Micou-Kinloch consolidated tract in later years. For a summary of the title histories to Call Number Waring's various tracts see the notes of Richard Baylor in the folder marked "estate materials" (Box 3)
Robert Payne Waring (d.1838), son of the above, died young, and his father handled many matters regarding his estate. For "Glencairn," the younger Waring's residence in Essex County, see the deed in Box 3 filed with the father's miscellaneous land records.
Richard Baylor (1803-1862) purchased the "Kinloch" estate and built his mansion there in the 1840s. For the design and construction of the home see his correspondence with Robert Cary Long (1810-1849), Baltimore architect, and the folder on "Kinloch" in Box 6, which includes architectural drawings. Baylor purchased the "Sandy Point" estate in Charles City County from Robert Buckner Bolling (1805-1881) in the 1850s and his cousin Thomas Gregory Baylor (1815-1864) served there several years as manager. Again, see correspondence and the appropriate folders in Box 6. Other important correspondents include Thomas Gregory Baylor (1837-1890), U. S. ordnance officer at Fortress Monroe, Va., and Robert Selden Garnett (1789-1840), sending a printed message concerning Bevin Dandridge Pitts and Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter (1809- 1887). Many letters from neighbors and acquaintances concern the purchase and welfare of Negro slaves; these are supplemented by a folder in Box 6 covering slave purchases.
Materials of the Old Dominion Steamboat Company, in which Baylor was a stockholder, include correspondence of officers with Baylor, stock certificates, reports, and other records. Materials concerning agricultural societies include an address by Richard Baylor as president of one such local unit (the Agricultural Society of Essex County?) and membership certificates for himself and family in the Virginia State Agricultural Society. Box 6 also includes a photocopy of the St. Anne's Parish vestry minute book, 1787-1857, kept in part by Baylor as secretary. Estate materials include legal opinions of Arthur Alexander Morson (1801-1864), records concerning "Sandy Point," Charles City County, and guardian accounts for minor children of Richard Baylor kept by Robert Payne Baylor (1840-1872).
Materials relating to William Balor (1805-1895) consist of diplomas.
Robert Payne Baylor's correspondence includes lengthy exchanges with Robert William Baylor (b.1841) concerning saw mill operations at "Sandy Point," and Richard Walke (1840-1901) concerning the estate of Richard Baylor. Most of Robert Payne Baylor's correspondence, accounts, bonds and miscellany concern farming operations at "Greenfield," "Kinloch," "Marl Bank," "Port Tobago" ("Port Tobacco") in Essex County, and "Sandy Point" in Charles City County. They include records of the sale to or confiscation by Confederate Officials of agricultural produce.
Richard Baylor (1849-1914), brother of the above, had extensive correspondence with his younger brother Henry Latan駠Baylor (1853-1930) as farm manager at "Kinloch" and owner of "Edenetta" in Essex County, his son Richard Baylor (1883-1953), lawyer Richard Walke, and Henry Waring, as farm manager at "Sandy Point," Charles City County. Most of his papers also relate to farm operations and management, including laborers contracts, wage records, blacksmiths' accounts and account books kept by Alexander Tunstall Brooke (1855-1927) at "Marl Bank," Essex County.
In 1920 "Kinloch" was sold. Materials concerning the sale may be found in the "estate" folder of Isabella Thorburn (McIntosh) Baylor, wife of Richard Baylor (1849-1914), in Box 21. Among Henry Latan駠Baylor's papers are records of a lawsuit instituted in Essex County Circuit Court in 1921 to establish title to the "Kinloch" estate. Then follow folders of a few items each for Richard Baylor's sisters.
Richard Baylor (1883-1953) is the last major figure represented in the collection. After the sale of "Kinloch," he continued agricultural operations at Marl Bank Farms, near Iraville. His account books include payroll information for workers at "Kinloch," "Marl Bank," and "Port Micou."
Also included are miscellaneous family materials, including correspondence, legal records, newspaper clippings, genealogical materials, and printed materials.
The papers of the Baylor Family are arranged into nineteen series by individual and further subdivided by material type where necessary.
Index Terms:
- Agriculture.
- Batlor, Robert Payne, 1840-1872.
- Baylor family.
- Baylor, Henry Latane, 1853- 1930.
- Baylor, Richard, 1803- 1862.
- Baylor, Richard, 1849-1914.
- Baylor, Richard, 1883- 1953.
- Edenetta (Essex County, Va.)
- Essex County (Va.) -- History.
- Farm management.
- Kinloch (Essex County, Va.)
- Old Dominion Steamboat Company.
- Plantation life -- Virginia.
- Plantations -- Virginia -- Charles City County.
- Plantations -- Virginia -- Essex County.
- Sandy Point (Charles City County, Va.)
- Steamboat lines -- Virginia.
- Waring family.
- Waring, Robert Payne, 1775-1844.
Contents List
Ledger, 1746-1752, kept in Yorktown, Va.
Deed, 1783, for land in Essec County, Va.; opinion, 1833, of Benjamin Watkins Leigh concerning Waring's estate.
Marriage bond; account; lawsuit; will; estate.
Letters, 1777-1814; accounts, 1804-1815; bond; notes on land owned by Waring, 1806; will.
- Box 1
Subseries 6.1 1830-1843
Diaries, 1830-1831, 1834, 1836; correspondence, 1809-1843.
- Box 2
Subseries 6.2 1807-1843
Account books, 1811-1815, 1815-1818, 1836-1837; loose accounts, 1807-1843.
- Box 3
Subseries 6.3 1662-1847
Personal bonds; agreement; deed to Robert Payne Waring (d.1838) for slaves and other personal property; affidavit concerning "Fox Hunter" (horse); materials concerning the estate of Thomas Robinson Waring (d.1795); land records, 1662-1847, concerning "Port Micou" (3 folders), "William Taylor's Place," and other tracts in Essex co., Va.; estate materials.
Correspondence, 1820-1835; accounts; bonds; lawsuits.
- Box 4
Subseries 8.1
Correspondence, 1825-1862.
- Box 5
Subseries 8.2
Account books, 1832-1862, 1854-1862, 1857-1871, 1859-1874; loose accounts, 1848-1862; commonplace books, 1844-1859, 1847-1859, 1859-1871; bonds.
- Box 6
Subseries 8.3
Materials, 1823-1828, concerning Baylor's qualification to practice law in Virginia; records, 1840-1857, concerning the purchase of slaves; land and plantation records concerning "Sandy Point," Charles City County, "Gwynfield" and "Kinloch," Essex County, and other farms and tracts in Virginia; materials, 185-1860, concerning the Old Dominion Steamboat Co.; agricultural societies; St. Anne's Parish vestry minutes, 1787-1857; miscellany.
- Box 7
Subseries 8.4
Estate materials, 1862-1895.
- Box 10-12
Subseries 11.1
Correspondence, 1867-1914.
- Box 13
Subseries 11.2
Account books, 1871-1872, 1872-1881 (3 v.), 1893, 1902, 1908-1911.
- Box 13
Subseries 11.3
Accounts, 1872-1914.
- Box 19
Subseries 11.5
Check stub books, 1872-1914 (8 v., various banks); passbooks, 1872-1890 (4 v., various banks).
- Box 20
Subseries 11.5
Farm records for "Kinloch" and "Marl Bank," Essex County, Va.
- Box 21
Subseries 11.6
Farm records for "Port Micou" and "Port Tobacco"; shipping records (bills of lading) for agricultural produce, farm equipment and personal property; miscellany; estate materials.
Letters, 1902, to Richard Baylor, Jr.; accounts, 1881-1915; estate, 1918-1922.
Letters, 1891-1915; accounts, 1871-1914; broadside; sale of "Edenetta," and other farms in Essex County, Va.; lawsuit, 1921, concerning title to "Kinloch."
- Box 22-23
Subseries 18.1
Correspondence, 1902-1948.
- Box 23
Subseries 18.2
Account books (10 v.), 1905?-1925.
- Box 24-26
Subseries 18.3
Accounts, 1907-1928; check stub books, 1919-1928.
- Box 27
Subseries 18.4
Miscellany including livestock inventories, 1906-1949, Marl Bank Farms, "Kinloch," and "Port Micou."