A Guide to the James B. Moss, Jr. Diary, 1943-1944
A Collection in
Virginia Military Institute Archives
Collection Number mss 00452
Virginia Military Institute Archives
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Processed by: Virginia Military Institute Archives Staff
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to research.
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Preferred Citation
James B. Moss, Jr. Diary, Accession #mss 00452, Archives, Preston Library, Virginia Military Institute
Acquisition Information
Gift of Janie Moss Harmon
Alternative Form Available
The Moss Diary is available in full-text format on the VMI Archives website at: http://www.vmi.edu/archives/manuscripts/00452/ms00452.asp
Biographical/Historical Information
James B. Moss, Jr. (1924-1998) of Richmond, Virginia entered the VMI in September 1942 as a member of the Class of 1946. Along with many other members of his Class, he soon enlisted in the Army and began active duty in March 1943. Moss started his 26 months of overseas duty in September, 1943, serving with the 15th Field Artillery Observation Battalion and attaining the rank of Sergeant. He participated in a number of critical battles, including Anzio Beachhead, Mt. Camino, and Monte Cassino; his unit saw 554 days of continuous combat operations.
Following the war Moss returned to VMI to finish his education and was awarded a B. S. in Electrical Engineering in June 1950. He was commissioned a 2nd Lt. in the U. S. Army Reserves and returned to active duty during the Korean War. In civilian life, Moss pursued his career as an electrical engineer, serving with Western Electric Co. in missile systems development. Mr. Moss died in 1998, survived by his wife and two children.
Scope and Content
The first entry in the diary is dated September 13, 1943 ---the day his unit departed for overseas duty --- and the last is D-Day, June 6, 1944. During the bulk of this period his unit was in Italy at Anzio Beachhead and vicinity. Moss describes action at Anzio and vicinity, German air attacks, unit casualities, and other events relating to the military campaign.