A Guide to Video Recordings of Supreme Court of Virginia Ceremonies, 1991-2019
A Collection in
Supreme Court of Virginia Archives, Virginia State Law Library
Collection Number SC-0001.
Virginia State Law Library, Supreme Court of Virginia Archives
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Preferred Citation
Video Recordings of Court Ceremonies, 1991-2019, SC-0001, Supreme Court of Virginia Archives, Virginia State Law Library, Richmond.
Acquisition Information
Portions of the collection were transferred to the Virginia State Law Library from the Office of the Executive Secretary, 2005-2019; and the Education Department, 2012. Others were loaned for digital preservation in 2012 and 2013. The video recording of Chief Justice Hassell's investiture as Chief Justice was donated by Community Idea Stations, December 4, 2013.
Biographical/Historical Information
The Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia was created by an act of the new General Assembly in 1779. Its jurisdiction was primarily appellate, and its members were elected by the legislature. The Constitution of 1971 changed the name of the court to its present title of Supreme Court of Virginia.
Justices are elected by a majority vote of both houses of the General Assembly for a term of twelve years. Vacancies on the court occurring between sessions of the General Assembly may be filled by the Governor for a term expiring thirty days after the commencement of the next session of the General Assembly. By statute, the Chief Justice is chosen by a majority vote of the seven justices. The court may designate a retired justice to serve as Senior Justice for a renewable one year term. Senior justices sit with the court during regular sessions hearing writs and sitting on merit cases, especially when an active member of the court is recused from hearing a particular case.
The Court of Appeals of Virginia is the commonwealth’s intermediate appellate court, first constituted in 1985. The court consists of 11 judges and provides appellate review of circuit court decisions in domestic relations matters, traffic infractions and criminal cases except where a sentence of death has been imposed, and decisions of administrative agencies. It also hears appeals of final decisions of the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission.
G. Steven Agee served on the Supreme Court of Appeals from 2003 to 2008, when he was appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Previously, he was a judge on the Court of Appeals of Virginia (2001 to 2003).
Robert N. Baldwin was Executive Secretary for the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1976 to 2005.
David Beach was Clerk of the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1984 to 2003.
Harry L. Carrico (1916-2013) served on the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1961 to 2003 and was chief justice from 1981 to 2003. He took senior status in 2003.
Teresa M. Chafin has served on the Supreme Court of Virginia since 2019. She previously served on the Court of Appeals.
A. Christian Compton (1929-2006) served on the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1975 to 2000.
S. Bernard Goodwyn has served on the Supreme Court of Virginia since 2007.
Leroy Rountree Hassell, Jr., (1955-2011) was appointed to the Supreme Court of Virginia in 1989 and served until his death in 2011. He was elected to a four-year term as chief justice in 2003 and reelected in 2007. He was the first African American to serve as chief justice.
Barbara M. Keenan served on the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1991 to 2010, when she was confirmed as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. She was a judge on the Court of Appeals of Virginia from 1985 to 1991. She was the first woman to serve as circuit and appellate court judge in Virginia.
D. Arthur Kelsey has served on the Supreme Court of Virginia since 2015. He previously served on the Court of Appeals.
Cynthia Dinah Fannon Kinser was appointed to the Supreme Court of Virginia in 1997. She was elected chief justice August 31, 2010, effective February 10, 2010. She is the first woman to serve as chief justice.
Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr. served on the Supreme Court of Appeals from 1995 to 2011, when he took senior status. He was a judge on the Court of Appeals of Virginia from 1985 to 1995.
Elizabeth B. Lacy served on the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1988 to 2007, when she took senior status. She was the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court of Virginia.
Mary B. Malveaux has served on the Court of Appeals of Virginia since 2016.
Kathy Mays was Director of Judicial Planning, Office of the Executive Secretary, from 1982 to 2005.
Elizabeth A. McClanahan was appointed to the Supreme Court of Virginia in 2011. She was a judge on the Court of Appeals of Virginia from 2003 to 2011.
Stephen R. McCullough has served on the Supreme Court of Virginia since 2016. He previously served on the Court of Appeals.
Leroy F. Millette was sworn in as a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia 2008 Aug. 19. He served on the Court of Appeals of Virginia from February 2008 to August 2008.
William C. Mims was elected to the Supreme Court of Virginia March 10, 2010. Previously he was Chief Deputy Attorney General under Attorney General Robert McDonnell, and Attorney General following McDonnell's resignation to campaign for governor.
Mary Grace O'Brien has served on the Court of Appeals of Virginia since 2015.
Cleo Elaine Powell was appointed to the Supreme Court of Virginia in 2011. She served on the Court of Appeals of Virginia from 2008 to 2011. Powell was the first African American woman appointed to an appellate court in Virginia.
Charles S. Russell served on the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1982 to 1991. He returned to the court as a senior justice in 2004.
Roscoe B. Stephenson (1922-2011) served on the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1981 to 1997.
John Charles Thomas served on the Supreme Court of Virginia from 1983 to 1989. He was the youngest person appointed to the court (32) and the first African American to serve on the court.
John Thomas Tucker, III. (1959- ) was Chief Staff Attorney for the Court of Appeals of Virginia from 1990 to 2018.
Scope and Content
The collection contains 35 video recordings of Supreme Court of Virginia and Court of Appeals of Virginia ceremonies, 1991-2019. The ceremonies took place in the courtoom in Richmond, unless otherwise noted.
Investitures and swearing-in ceremonies, 1991-2019, arranged alphabetically by last name:
Investiture of Barbara Milano Keenan as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia in Courtroom 5-E, Fairfax Judicial Center in Fairfax, Virginia, July 2, 1991. There is one video recording of the entire ceremony (43 minutes), Chief Justice Carrico, presiding.
Investiture of Barbara Milano Keenan as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, presented on the television show Law Weekly (60 minutes), a production of the Fairfax County Bar Association, broadcast on the Fairfax County public access television station, FCAC Channel 10. The segments, moderated by Glenn C. Lewis, include highlights of the ceremony and interviews of guests. The ceremony was the first televised session of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Remarks were given by Raymond Diaz, president of the Virginia State Bar, William D. Dolan III, past president of the Virginia State Bar, Governor L. Douglas Wilder, Speaker of the House A.L. Philpott, State Senator Edward M. Holland, State Senator Richard L. Saslow, Retired Judge Arthur W. Sinclair, Virginia Court of Appeals Judge Johanna Fitzpatrick, Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico, and Justice Keenan. The second segment of the recording features host Glenn Lewis interviewing guests Emilie Miller, Virginia State Senator; Fairfax County Commonwealth's Attorney Robert H. Horan, Chief Justice Carrico, William Dolan, Virginia Court of Appeals Judge Charles H. Duff, Raymond Diaz, Judge Sinclair, Judge Richard T. Horan, Justice Keenan, Ann Milano, retired clerk Delores Testerman, Judith Wheat, and Jerry Phillips.
Investiture of Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr. as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia at Olin Hall, Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia, on August 16, 1995 (49 minutes and 30 seconds). Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico, presiding; remarks by George W. Wooten, Judge Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Michael Smith, president of the Virginia State Bar; Delegate C. Richard Cranwell, and Justice Koontz. The invocation and benediction were given by Rev. R. Paul Hendrickson, Chaplain, Roanoke College. The recording also includes clips of local television news coverage of the event (WDBJ News 7 and WSLS News 10).
Investiture of Cynthia Fannon Kinser as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia at Lee High School in Jonesville, Virginia, on July 8, 1997 (1 hours, 32 minutes). Chief Justice Harry Carrico, presided. Remarks were given by Governor George Allen, Senior Judge Glenn Williams of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Virginia, Justice Kinser, and others. The recording includes footage from before and after the ceremony and the reception that followed the ceremony.
Investiture of G. Steven Agee as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, recorded at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia on March 5, 2003 (1 hour, 5 minutes). Chief Justice Hassell, presided. Remarks were given by State Senator Charles Hawkins, Delegate Robert McDonnell, Attorney General Jerry Kilgore, Delegate Lacy Putney, and Justice Agee.
Swearing-in ceremony of Justice Leroy R. Hassell, Sr. as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, on February 1, 2007 (45 seconds), with Justice Barbara M. Keenan administering the oath of office and Chief Justice Hassell's wife, Linda Hassell, holding the Bible.
Investiture of Justice Leroy R. Hassell, Sr. as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia on February 11, 2003 (36 minutes, 41 seconds). The video recording was produced by Craig Keeton, Community Idea Stations, Richmond. Justice Barbara Milano Keenan presided. The invocation and benediction were given by George Martin, and remarks were made by Governor Mark Warner, Speaker of the House of Delegates William Howell, Bernard DiMuro, president of the Virginia State Bar, Colonel George B. Mason, Jr. of the Virginia Capitol Police, Justice Keenan, and Chief Justice Hassell. A transcript of the ceremony is published in 265 Va. vii-xviii.
Investiture of S. Bernard Goodwyn as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia (1 hour and 9 minutes) in the courtroom of the Supreme Court in Richmond on October 18, 2007. Chief Justice Leroy R. Hassell, Sr., presided over the ceremony and the invocation was given by Dr. Sidney R. Smith, Jr. Remarks were made by Chief Justice Hassell, Delegate John A. Cosgrove, Howard Martin, Esquire; Senator Harry B. Blevins, Senator L. Louise Lucas, Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Conrad M. Shumadine, Esquire; Senator Elect Donald McEachin, and Justice Goodwyn. A transcript of the ceremony is published in 274 Va., xxiii-xxxix.
Swearing-in ceremony of S. Bernard Goodwyn as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, 2007 Oct. 10 (12 minutes, 28 seconds), with Chief Justice Hassell administering the oath of office to Goodwyn, who is accompanied by his wife, Sharon Smith Goodwyn, and his two children. Brief remarks were made by Chief Justice Hassell. After the ceremony, Justice Goodwyn was greeted by Senior Justices Elizabeth Lacy and Charles Russell, Executive Secretary Karl Hade, and Patricia Harrington, Clerk.
Investiture of Leroy F. Millette, Jr. as judge on the Court of Appeals (44 minutes, 57 seconds) in Manassas, Virginia on February 22, 2008. Chief Judge William S. Felton, Jr., presiding; remarks by Paul B. Ebert, Prince William County Commonwealth's Attorney; Senator Charles Colgan (presenting commission), William G. Petty, Judge, Court of Appeals of Virginia; Robert J. Zelnick, John D. McGaven, and Justice Millette.
Investiture of Leroy F. Millette, Jr., as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, 2008 Sep. 5 (43 minutes, 20 seconds). Chief Justice Hassell, presiding; invocation by Delegate Robert G. Marshall; remarks by Senator Henry L. Marsh, III; Manuel A. Capsalis, President of the Virginia State Bar; Delegate Jackson H. Miller, Delegate Jennifer L. McClellan, Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Senator Charles J. Colgan, and Justice Millette; benediction, Delegate Ward L. Armstrong. A transcript of the ceremony is published in 276 Virginia Reports, xi-xxii.
Investiture of William C. Mims as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia on April 9, 2010 (1 hour, 11 minutes). Chief Justice Hassell, presiding; invocation, by Stephen R. McCullough; remarks, Senator Thomas K. Norment, Jr., Senator Richard L. Saslaw, Mark E. Rubin, Jon D. Huddleston, on behalf of the statewide bar associations from Virginia; Speaker William J. Howell, Governor Robert F. McDonnell, Courtney M. Malveaux, Judge Dean S. Worcester, Justice Mims, and Attorney General Mark L. Earley. A transcript of the ceremony is published in 279 Virginia Reports, xxv-xlvi.
Investiture of Chief Justice Cynthia D. F. Kinser (47 minutes), February 16, 2011. Justice Donald W. Lemons, presiding; remarks by Governor Robert R. McDonnell, Senior Justice Elizabeth B. Lacy, and Chief Justice Kinser. A transcript of the ceremony is published in 281 Virginia Reports, xi-xxiv.
Investiture of Elizabeth A. McClanahan as a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, September 1, 2011 (46 minutes, 28 seconds). Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser, presiding; invocation by the Reverend Betty C. Reiff; remarks by Retired Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, Johanna L. Fitzpatrick; Senator William C. Wampler, Jr., Delegate Terry G. Kilgore, Governor Robert F. McDonnell, former Attorney General Jerry W. Kilgore, Hon. Joseph P. Johnson, Jr.; benediction by Reverend Walter P. Weikel.
Investiture of Cleo Elaine Powell as a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia on November 17, 2008 (48 minutes, 21 seconds). Chief Judge Walter S. Felton, Jr., presiding; remarks by Senator Henry Marsh, First Lady Anne B. Holton, Governor Tim Kaine, Chief Justice Leroy R. Hassell, Sr. and Judge Powell.
Investiture of Cleo Elaine Powell as a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, 2011, October 21 (1 hour, 18 minutes). Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser presiding.
Investiture of Donald W. Lemons as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, January 8, 2015, (54 minutes, 12 seconds) in the courtroom of the Supreme Court Building in Richmond. Speakers included: Hon. S. Bernard Goodwyn; Hon. William J. Howell, Speaker of the House; Hon. Walter A. Stosch, President Pro Tempore of the Senate; Governor Terry McAuliffe; Hon. Charles S. Russell, Senior Justice, Supreme Court of Virginia; and Kevin E. Martingayle, President Virginia State Bar. The administration of the oath and presentation of the chief justice were performed by S. Bernard Goodwyn with the assistance of Carol D. Lemons. Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons gave closing remarks. The ceremony was recorded by Craig Keeton, Community Idea Stations.
Investiture of D. Arthur Kelsey as justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, on March 6, 2015 (51 minutes, 35 seconds). Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons presiding. Remarks by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment, Delegate Chris Jones, College of William and Mary President W. Taylor Reveley III, and Justice Kelsey.
Investiture of Mary Grace O'Brien as a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, on June 5, 2015 (46 minutes, 56 seconds), at the Prince William County Courthouse. Remarks by John D. Whittington, Allen Newcomb, Delegate Jackson H. Miller, and Judge O’Brien.
Investiture of Wesley G. Russell, Jr. as a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, May 19, 2015 (43 minutes, 59 seconds) in the courtroom of the Supreme Court of Virginia in Richmond. Chief Judge Glen A. Huff, presiding; invocation by Reverend Dr. John Peters; remarks and presentation of the commission, Delegate John M. O'Bannon, III; further remarks, Senator Walter Stosch and former Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II; remarks and administration of the oath of office, Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons; and remarks, Judge Russell.
Investiture of Mary B. Malveaux as a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, September 27, 2016 (35 minutes, 52 seconds) in the Supreme Court of Virginia courtroom in Richmond. Invocation, Bishop Melvin Williams, Jr.; opening remarks, Chief Judge Glen A. Huff; remarks and presentation of the commission, Senator Ryan T. McDougle; remarks, Chief Judge of 14th Judicial Circuit James S. Yoffy; remarks, Theodore L. Breener; motion for qualification, Courtney M. Malveaux; administration of the oath of office, Justice William C. Mims; appointment of the enrobing committee, Dr. Lillie R. Bennett, Dr. Richard L. Bennett, Jr., Jacob M. Malveaux, and Richard R. Malveaux; remarks, Judge Mary Bennett Malveaux; adjournment, Chief Judge Glen A. Huff.
Investiture of Stephen R. McCullough as a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, 2016, May 23 (44 minutes, 54 seconds). Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons presiding.
Investiture of Teresa M. Chafin as a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, 2019, September 6 (31 minutes, 20 seconds), at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon, Virginia. Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons presiding; remarks by retired Justice Elizabeth A. McClanahan, Judge Marla Graff Decker, Delegate Terry Kilgore, Delegate Todd Pillion, Sen. Bill Carrico, the Rev. Tim Brown, and Justice Chafin.
Other Court Ceremonies, 2003-2018, arranged chronologically:
Ceremony commemorating the 225th anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Court of Virginia, 2004 Dec. 9 (41 minutes, 48 seconds). Chief Justice Hassell, presiding; invocation by William G. Broaddus; remarks by Governor Mark Warner, Lieutenant Governor Timothy Kaine, Attorney General Jerry Kilgore, Senator Kenneth Stolle, Chair, Courts of Justice Committee; Speaker of the House J. Morgan Griffith, President of the Virginia State Bar David B. Bobzien, and Chief Justice Hassell.
Perspective, a community affairs program, recorded Jan. 6, 2005. The first segment is an interview of Colonel Steve Flaherty, Virginia State Police, by host Barbara Berlin. The second segment contains video clips of a December 9, 2004 court ceremony commemorating the 225th anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Court of Virginia in 1779, including portions of remarks by Governor Mark Warner and Lieutenant Governor Timothy M. Kaine, interspersed with clips of a previously recorded interview of Chief Justice Hassell by Berlin. Produced by Craig Keeton. Episode #050104.
Retirement ceremony honoring Kathy Mays, Director, Judicial Planning, Office of the Executive Secretary, Richmond, 2005 Mar. 31 (1 hour, 45 minutes, 16 seconds). Executive Secretary Robert N. Baldwin, presiding; remarks by Chief Justice Hassell, Susan Clarke Schaar, Clerk, Senate of Virginia; Mary McQueen, president, National Center for State Courts; Philip V. Anderson, President, Virginia State Bar; Court of Appeals Judge James W. Benton, Judge William Alexander, Lelia Hopper, Kathy Mays, and others.
Portrait presentation ceremony honoring Harry L. Carrico, A. Christian Compton, Roscoe B. Stephenson, and Charles Russell, February 28, 2006 (26 minutes, 8 seconds). Chief Justice Leroy Hassell, presiding. A transcript of the ceremony is published in 271 Virginia Reports, p. ix-xii.
Ceremony commemorating the 230th anniversary of the enactment of Virginia's first constitution, 2006 Nov. 2 (46 minutes, 35 seconds). Chief Justice Hassell, presiding; remarks by Lieutenant Governor William Bolling, Attorney General Robert McDonnell, Speaker of the House of Delegates William Howell, President of the Senate John H. Chichester, Senator Benjamin Lambert, Karen A. Gould, president of the Virginia State Bar, Governor Tim Kaine, and Chief Justice Hassell.
Perspective, a show produced by the Community Idea Stations, Richmond, Virginia (producer: Craig Keeton). The episode originally aired on November 24, 2006 (27 minutes, 14 seconds). It includes an interview of Chief Justice Hassell by Barbara Berlin about the 230th anniversary of the enactment of the Virginia Constitution as well as video clips of the commemorative ceremony on November 2, 2006. Episode #061104.
Ceremony honoring Senior Justice Harry L. Carrico for 50 Years of Service, January 11, 2011 (9 minutes, 57 seconds). Remarks by Senior Justice Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr. and Senior Justice Carrico.
50th Anniversary of Judicial Law Clerks, November 1, 2012 (40 minutes, 39 seconds). Reception commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of judicial law clerks at the Supreme Court of Virginia. Guests were former judicial law clerks from the period 1962 to 2012 and current members of the court. Speakers included Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser, Senior Justice Elizabeth Lacy, former Supreme Court of Virginia law clerks Hon. Richard S. Bray, Hon. John A. Gibney, Jonnie L. Speight, and Melinda Lewis, and Kevin Carson, law clerk for Chief Justice Kinser. Justice Donald W. Lemons presided. The Supreme Court of Virginia was authorized to hire judicial law clerks beginning July 1, 1962. In 2005, each justice was authorized to hire two judicial law clerks.
Memorial Service for Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico, February 1, 2013 at Cannon Memorial Chapel at the University of Richmond. Remarks by William J. Howell, Gerald L. Baliles, David Baldacci, Wendy Collins Perdue, John Gibney, and Charles S. Russell. Includes footage from a video of the life of Chief Justice Carrico. The Rev. Caroline Smith Parkinson, Priest Associate, St. James's Episcopal Church, officiant. The recording was donated by University Communications at the University or Richmond. *The video incorrectly identifies the date of the event as February 1, 2012.
75th Anniversary of the Old Dominion Bar Association (ODBA) on May 28, 2015 (49 minutes, 49 seconds). The Old Dominion Bar Association was organized on April 12, 1942, in Richmond, Va. It was created to confront segregation policies that offended the personal and professional dignity of African American members of the bar, to provide an organization where African American lawyers could associate for personal and professional growth, and to encourage African American lawyers to participate in the Virginia State Bar. Summary: Opening remarks, Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons; remarks, Vinceretta Taylor Chiles, Immediate Past President, Old Dominion Bar Association; remarks, Attorney General Mark R. Herring; presentations, Helivi L. Holland, President, Old Dominion Bar Association; remarks, Governor L. Douglas Wilder; closing remarks, Vinceretta Chiles. Receiving recognition were Retired Justice John Charles Thomas, Linda Hassell on behalf of Chief Justice Leroy Rountree Hassell, Sr., Justice S. Bernard Goodwyn, and Justice Cleo E. Powell.
Special Session Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, June 2, 2015 (47 minutes, 15 seconds). Presiding, Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons; welcome, Chief Judge Glen A. Huff; remarks, Retired Judge Johanna L. Fitzpatrick; remarks, Kevin M. Martingayle, President, Virginia State Bar; remarks, Professor John G. Douglas, University of Richmond Law School.
Employee recognition and John Tucker retirement ceremony, January 30, 2018 (49 minutes). Courtroom ceremony recognizing employees of the Court of Appeals for years of service and Chief Staff Attorney John Tucker on his retirement; remarks by Chief Judge Glen A. Huff, presiding; retired Judges James W. Benton and Larry G. Elder, and Tucker. Receiving service awards were: Nathan Castle, law clerk, Judge Teresa Chafin's chambers (5 years of service to the judiciary), Matt Christison, clerk's assistant (5 years), Sarah Lohman, law clerk, Judge Chafin's chambers (5 years), Erica Parish, law clerk, Judge Chafin's chambers (10 years), Stacie Venable, Clerk's office (10 years), Gloria Marotta, paralegal, Chief Staff Attorney's office (15 years), Justin Shelton, deputy clerk (15 years), Ronald Bacigal, court reporter (15 years), and Michael Escalera, clerk's assistant (20 years).
This collection is composed of 35 video recordings of court ceremonies, including investitures, portrait dedication ceremonies, retirement ceremonies, and other special occasions in the Supreme Court of Virginia and Court of Appeals of Virginia from 1991 through the present.