A Guide to the Oral History Interview of Frederick A. Hodnett, Jr., Supreme Court of Virginia, June 3, 2014
A Collection in the
Supreme Court of Virginia Archives, Virginia State Law Library
Accession Number 00033208
Supreme Court of Virginia Archives, Virginia State Law Library
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Administrative Information
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Preferred Citation
Oral History Interview of Frederick A. Hodnett, Jr., Supreme Court of Virginia, June 3, 2014, Accession number 00035001, Supreme Court of Virginia Archives, Virginia State Law Library, Richmond, Va.
Acquisition Information
The interview was recorded for the Supreme Court of Virginia Archives in June 2014 and accessioned October 6, 2014.
Biographical/Historical Information
The Supreme Court of Virginia Historical Commission was established in 2006 to preserve and promote the history of the court. Oral history interviews of retired Supreme Court of Virginia justices, Court of Appeals of Virginia judges, other individuals associated with the Virginia courts, and civil rights attorneys were begun in 2007. The project is ongoing.
Frederick A. Hodnett, Jr. (b. 1944) began working for the Surpeme Court of Virginia as deputy executive secretary in 1973 and was assistant executive secretary from 1976 to 2006. A native of Abingdon, Virginia, he graduated from the University of Richmond and earned a law degree from the University of Virginia.
Scope and Content
Oral history interview of Frederick A. Hodnett, Jr., by Cassandra Newby-Alexander, Professor of History, Norfolk State University, in the fifth floor conference room at the Supreme Court of Virginia in Richmond, June 3, 2014. Hodnett talks about his family and childhood in Dublin, Virginia, his education at Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Virginia and the University of Richmond, attending law school at the University of Virginia, his military service as a translator during the Vietnam war, and his long career as deputy court administrator. He discusses being hired by Hubert Bennett, executive secretary (court administrator) from 1952 to 1975; working for Robert Baldwin, executive secretary from 1976 to 2005; the changes in the court system with passage of the Court Reoorganization Act that took effect July 1, 1973; his work with judges statewide during his career, and working under Chief Justices Harry L. Carrico and Leroy Hassell, Sr.
Index Terms
- Hodnett, Frederick A., Jr., 1944-.
- Newby-Alexander, Cassandra.
- Oral histories (document genres) -- Virginia.
- Virginia. Supreme Court -- History.