A Guide to the Roy Hines Papers, 1972-1974 Hines, Roy, Papers of, 1972-1974 1985-49

A Guide to the Roy Hines Papers, 1972-1974

A Collection in
Special Collections and Archives
Collection Number 1985-49


Johnston Memorial Library, Virginia State University

Special Collections and Archives
Johnston Memorial Library
P.O. Box 9406
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© 2002 By the Board of Visitors of Virginia State University.

Funding: Funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Processed by: Lucious Edwards, Jr.

Special Collections and Archives, Johnston Memorial Library, Virginia State University
Collection number
Roy Hines Papers, 1972-1974
Physical Characteristics
10 items
Roy Hines
Mr. Hines is the youngest person in history to have served on the Petersburg City council. These papers address the issue of the United Virginia Bank making loans to the government of South Africa. Correspondence. Acc. #1985-49

Administrative Information


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Use Restrictions

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Preferred Citation

Roy Hines Papers, 1985-49, Special Collections and Archives, Johnston Memorial Library, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA.

Biographical/Historical Information

Roy "Omowole" Hines was born in Petersburg, Virginia in 1949. He was a graduate of Peabody High School, Class of 1966. Mr. Hines attended Norfolk University and later graduated from Syracuse University, Syracuse New York.

Mr. Hines became interested in politics and in 1972 was elected to a two year term on the Petersburg City council. During his term he worked with the local chapters of the NAACP and SCLC on a number of projects.

Mr. Hines was the founder and organizer of the Up Rising Project Inc. and the wretched of the Earth Homeless Program, Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Hines died June 2, 1998 in Atlanta.

Scope and Content Information

Roy Hines was one of the active citizens of Petersburg during his short life. In 1972 Mr. Hines became the youngest person ever to be elected to the Petersburg City council. His papers although not voluminous provide insight to his consumes regarding both the city and state of African Americans in Petersburg and South Africa in particular.

Series Description

Series I. General Correspondence 1972-1974 Correspondence documenting Mr. Hines efforts to get the City of Petersburg to divest all funds invested or deposited in any bank connected with South Africa.

Series II. Printed. A number of news clippings and other printed matter mostly having to do with South Africa.

Contents List

Series I: General Correspondence
  • Box-folder 1:1
    Correspondence 1973
  • Box-folder 1:2
    Correspondence 1974
Series II: Printed
  • Box-folder 1:3
    People's committee for Justice Newsletter
  • Box-folder 1:4
    News clippings
  • Box-folder 1:5
    Flyer, The United Virginia Bank
  • Box-folder 1:6
    Bank statement, Moody's Bank
  • Box-folder 1:7
    The Nation 1973
  • Box-folder 1:8
    The Frankfurt Documents 1973
  • Box-folder 1:9
    The Corporate Examiner 1973
  • Box-folder 1:10
    The Republic Ministry of Finance 1973