A Guide to the Papers of the Prince Edward County Free School 1963-1967
A Collection in
Special Collections and Archives
Collection Number 1969-38
Johnston Memorial Library, Virginia State University
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© 2005 By the Board of Visitors of Virginia State University. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Special Collections and Archives Staff
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to research.
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions.
Preferred Citation
[A Guide To The Papers of The Prince Edward County Free School], Accession #[1969-38 ], Special Collections and Archives, Johnston Memorial Library, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA.
Acquisition Information
A gift from the Prince Edward County Free School Board of Trustees
Biographical/Historical Information
The small south side county of Prince Edward had by 1963 become both a natural and international embarrassment. The county was one of five locales, which came to be called Brown v. The Board of Education Topeca, Kansas.The State of Virginia responded to the Supreme Court decision with what came to be called massive resistance.
In 1959 the Supreme Court of Virginia struck down Virginia's massive resistance laws. Public school systems throughout Virginia began to implement various programs to comply with the 1954 decision, the county of Prince Edward opted to close all public schools to prevent integration.
From 1959 until 1964, there were no public schools operating in Prince Edward County. In 1963 the Kennedy administration (mainly Robert Kennedy) brought the power of the Federal Government into the debacle in Prince Edward County.
The Federal Government and the United States Justice Department came to an agreement with the State of Virginia to reopen the Prince Edward County Public Schools as soon as possible. It became apparent very quickly that the previous four years had taken a heavy toll on both school facilities and students.
Because of the absence of public education, it was thought that a transitional school was neccessary until the public schools would reopen. The Free School was a result of cooperation between the Prince Edward County Public School and the Free School Association, which was formed in the summer of 1963. For a period of one year, the Prince Edward County Free School Board of Trustees took the place of the Prince Edward County School Board.
According to "The Story of the Prince Edward County Free School" "A former Governor of Virginia, Colgate W. Darden, Jr., served as chairman of a six-man, biracial board of trustees composed of leading educators of the state who were to govern the new system's program. The other trustees who agreed to serve at the request of Governeor Harrison were Dr. Fred C. Cole, President of Washington and Lee University; Dr. Robert P. Daniel, President of Virginia State College; Dr. Thomas H. Henderson, President of Virginia Union University; Dr. Earl H, McClenney, President of St. Pauls College, and Dr. F.D.G. Ribble, retired dean of the University of Virginia Law School. A New York Educator, Dr. Neil V. Sullivan, who had attained success with the most modern educational methods including non-graded instruction, was employed as school superintendent." The Board of Trustees were able to raise more than one million dollars to support the Free School Association during it's existance. The Free School was in existance for only one year 1964-1965.
Scope and Content
The Prince Edward County (VA) Free School Association Papers document one aspect of Virginia's Massive Resistance to public school integration. Minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records, teachers and student records, vividly show the damage done to the African American Community during the time frame 1959-1963.
Series Description
Series I. Board of Trustees Minutes, Correspondence and Governance 1963-1967 Boxes # 1-3
Sub-Series A. Minutes Box # 1 The mission of the Free School Association was to begin the restoration of a public school educational system in Prince Edward County Virginia. The Minutes document their efforts to acquire funds, equipment, and the approval of a curriculum.
Sub-Series B. Correspondence Boxes # 1-3 Correspondence of the Board of Trustees with State, Federal Officials, members of the board, and various individuals not directly connected to the Free School Association.
Series II. The Office of the Treasurer/Secretary Boxes # 4-7 The Treasurer was a member of the board of trustees. And in that position was responsible for: The Budget, Expenditures, Payroll Development, and all donated and loaned equipment.
Series III. Office of the Business Manager Boxes # 8-17B The Business Manager was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the free school. Included in this series are several boxes of cancelled checks.
Series IV. Office of the Superintendent Boxes # 18-29 Dr. Neil Sullivan was selected as the superintendent of the Free School Association because of his experience with a non-graded school system.
Sub-Series A. Memo's and Correspondence Boxes# 18-19 -Administrative memos and correspondence. Arranged Chronologically
Sub-Series B. Correspondence Boxes # 20-22 General Correspondence, Arranged Chronologically.
Sub-Series C. Correspondence by folder heading Boxes # 23-24 Correspondence maintained by folder heading, arranged alphabetically and then chronologically within the folder.
Sub-Series D. Personal Files Boxes # 25-27 Correspondence, Resumes of prospective employees of the Free School Association
Sub-Series E. Exit Interviews Box # 28 Views of personnel regarding their experience working in the free school, included are some of their recommendations for improvement as observed by them.
Sub-Series F. Student Evaluation Box # 29 Student views of their experience in the Free School. Comments concern instruction, facilities, and their thoughts on the future.
Series V. Administrative Offices of the Free School system Boxes # 30-33
Sub-Series A. The Principals Office Boxes # 30-31 The organization of the Free School System was divided into four administrative groups. The largest numbers of students were assigned to the high school. Office Correspondence maintained by the Principal, is arranged by alphabet and then chronologically within the folder. Correspondence addresses a wide range of topics, employment, administrative problems, and the problems of running a high school on a day-to-day basis.
Sub-Series B. Department Correspondence Box # 32 Correspondence and reports from the other administrative units in the Prince Edward County Free School System.
Sub-Series C. Department Reports Box # 33 Most of the units were required to submit a final report for thier units at the end of the school year. This subseries documents the activities of those departments for the school year 1965 to 1965.
Series VI. Literary Box # 33A
Sub-Series A. Reports Box # 33A These reports were generated to inform those involved with the status of the free school. Amongst the reports is a final report issued by the superintendent. In addition there are also a number of progress reports from both the office of the superintendent and some of the other programs being provided at The Prince Edward County Free School.
Sub-Series B. Speeches Box # 33A Neil Sullivan and others were called upon to speak before a number of associations and groups concerning the progress of the free school.
Sub-Series C. Writings Box # 33A Policy Manuals for the Prince Edward County Free School, and several school divisions outside of Virginia.
Series VII. Office of Pupil Personnel Boxes # 34-48 Four years without a public education system devastated the African American school aged population. In order to asset the damage and effect some change the office of Pupil Personnel Services was established. The director of Pupil Personnel Services coordinated the following departments: Guidance, Health, Psychological and social work services.
Sub-Series A. Correspondence Boxes # 34-35 Correspondence with heads of the units reporting to the director of student personnel.
Sub-Series B. Lunch, Daily Reports Boxes # 36-41A Applications for free lunch, menu's for each day
Sub-Series C. Absentees Box # 42 These were required statistics maintained for the state. list of each student's attendance.
Sub-Series D. Attendance Boxes # 43-45 list of each student's attendance. These were required statistics maintained for the state.
Sub-Series E. School Monthly Reports Box # 46 Required by the state of Virginia. Average daily attendance and absentees.
Sub-Series F. Transportation, Students Box # 47 It was estimated that over 1,000 students would need transportation to and from school each day. Included in this sub-series are: bus drivers reports, maintenance records.
Sub-Series G. Special Education Box # 47 Primarily test scores used to place students in Special Education Courses. Arranged by grade and alphabetically.
Sub-Series H. Clothing Box # 48 Applicants from families for clothing assistance, arranged in alphabetical order.Restricted.
Series VIII. Teachers Records Boxes # 49-53
Sub-Series A. Grade Sheets Box # 49
Sub-Series B. Grade Books Boxes # 50-52
Sub-Series C. Text Books Box # 53
Sub-Series D. Summer Recreational Schedules Box # 53
Series VIV. Student Records Boxes # 54-63 Restricted
Sub-Series A. Pupil Registration Cards Boxes # 54-59
Sub-series B. Standardized test Boxes # 60-62
Sub-Series C. Transcripts Boxes 63-106
Series X. Photographs Box # 107
Sub-Series A. Admin Photographs of instructors and administratorsistrative Staff Box # 107
Sub-Series B. Robert Kennedy's visit to Prince Edward County Box # 107 Photographs of the program held in Prince Edward County attended by the Attorney General.
Series XI. Printed Boxes # 107-109
Sub-Series A. Yearbooks Box # 107 The Eagle
Sub-Series B. Newsletters Box # 107 The Moton Eagle The Branch # 2 Informer vol 1-4
Sub-Series C. The Story of Prince Edward Free School Box # 107 A publication commissioned by the Free School in 1964
Sub-Series D. Programs Box # 108 Plays, programs, and other events sponsored by the Free School Association, local P.T.A and The library club.
Sub-Series E. Prince Edward County Pamphlet Box # 108 Pamphlet printed by the Washington Post No Date
Sub-Series F. News clippings Box # 108 Clippings from various newspapers and magazines concerning Prince Edward County.
Sub-Series G. Office Supplies Box # 109 Envelopes, Stationary used by the Prince Edward County Free School
Contents List
- Sub-Series A.: Minutes
The mission of the Free School Association was to begin the restoration of a public school educational system in Prince Edward County Virginia. The Minutes document their efforts to acquire funds, equipment, and the approval of a curriculum.
- Box-folder 1:1
Minutes: Minutes Aug 17, 1963
- Box-folder 1:2
Minutes: Minutes Aug 24, 1963
- Box-folder 1:3
Minutes: Minutes Aug 27, 1963
- Box-folder 1:4
Minutes: Minutes Sept. 7, 1963
- Box-folder 1:5
Minutes: Minutes Sept. 14, 1963
- Box-folder 1:6
Minutes: Minutes Oct. 19, 1963
- Box-folder 1:7
Minutes: Minutes Dec. 7, 1963
- Box-folder 1:8
Proposed By-Laws: Proposed By-Laws August 1963
- Box-folder 1:9
Proposal for Support: Proposal for Support Aug-Nov 1963
- Box-folder 1:1
- Sub-Series B.: Correspondence
Correspondence of the Board of Trustees with State, Federal Officials, members of the board, and various individuals not directly connected to the Free School Association.
- Box-folder 1:10
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence March - July 1963
- Box-folder 1:11
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Aug 1, 1963
- Box-folder 1:12
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Sept. 1-16, 1963
- Box-folder 1:13
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Sept. 17-20, 1963
- Box-folder 1:14
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Sept. 23-26, 1963
- Box-folder 1:15
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Sept. 26-30, 1963
- Box-folder 1:16
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Oct. 1, 1963
- Box-folder 1:17
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Oct. 11, 1963
- Box-folder 1:18
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Oct. 21-31, 1963
- Box-folder 2:1
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Nov 1-10, 1963
- Box-folder 2:2
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Nov 11-20, 1963
- Box-folder 2:3
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Nov 21-30, 1963
- Box-folder 2:4
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Dec 1-10, 1963
- Box-folder 2:5
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Dec 11-31, 1963
- Box-folder 2:6
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Jan 1-16, 1964
- Box-folder 2:7
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Jan 16-31, 1964
- Box-folder 2:8
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Feb 1964
- Box-folder 2:9
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Feb 1964
- Box-folder 2:10
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence March 2-10, 1964
- Box-folder 2:11
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence March 16-26, 1964
- Box-folder 2:12
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence April 1964
- Box-folder 2:13
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence May 1964
- Box-folder 2:14
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence June 1964
- Box-folder 2:15
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence July 1964
- Box-folder 3:1
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Aug 1964
- Box-folder 3:2
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Sept 1-15 1964
- Box-folder 3:3
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Sept 16-30 1964
- Box-folder 3:4
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence October 1964
- Box-folder 3:5
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence November 1964
- Box-folder 3:6
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence December 1964
- Box-folder 3:7
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence January 1965
- Box-folder 3:8
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence February 1965
- Box-folder 3:9
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence March 1965
- Box-folder 3:10
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence April 1965
- Box-folder 3:11
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence May 1965
- Box-folder 3:12
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence June 1965
- Box-folder 3:13
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence August-December 1965
- Box-folder 3:14
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence Sept 1966
- Box-folder 3:15
Free School Correspondence: Free School Correspondence No Date
- Box-folder 1:10
The Treasurer was a member of the board of trustees. And in that position was responsible for: The Budget, Expenditures, Payroll Development, and all donated and loaned equipment.
- Box-folder 4:1
Ribble-Board of Trustees: Ribble-Board of Trustees 1963-1964
- Box-folder 4:2
Governor Darden: Governor Darden 1963
- Box-folder 4:3
Governor Darden: Governor Darden 1964
- Box-folder 4:4
Progress Report: Progress Report 1963
- Box-folder 4:5
Progress Report (draft): Progress Report (draft) 1/1/1964
- Box-folder 4:6
Progress Report: Progress Report 1/8/1964
- Box-folder 4:7
Memo's to Trustees: Memo's to Trustees Oct-Nov 1963
- Box-folder 4:8
Memo's to Trustees: Memo's to Trustees December 1963
- Box-folder 4:9
Trustees: Trustees January-April 1964
- Box-folder 4:10
Memo's: Memo's April 1964
- Box-folder 4:11
Memo's: Memo's No Date
- Box-folder 4:12
Attorney Generals Visit, Arraignments: Attorney Generals Visit, Arraignments May 1964
- Box-folder 4a:1
Prince Edward Free School Association: Prince Edward Free School Association 1963
- Box-folder 4a:2
Prince Edward Free School Association Payroll: Prince Edward Free School Association Payroll 1964
- Box-folder 4a:3
Prince Edward School Association Teachers: Prince Edward School Association Teachers No Date
- Box-folder 4a:4
Prince Edward Free School Association Calender: Prince Edward Free School Association Calender Jan-April 1963
- Box-folder 4a:5
Legal Documents, Deeds and Leases: Legal Documents, Deeds and Leases 1963
- Box-folder 4a:5a
Amendment to Lease: Amendment to Lease
- Box-folder 4a:6
Budget Expenditures: Budget Expenditures 1964
- Box-folder 4a:7
Donated and Loaned: Donated and Loaned 1964
- Box-folder 4a:8
Prince Edward Free School Association List of Contributions: Prince Edward Free School Association List of Contributions 1963
- Box-folder 4a:9
Prince Edward Free School Association Insurance Correspondence: Prince Edward Free School Association Insurance Correspondence 1963-1964
- Box-folder 4a:10
Budget and Expenditures: Budget and Expenditures 1963
- Box-folder 4a:11
Proposal for support: Proposal for support 1963
- Box-folder 4a:12
Internal Revenue Service (Artificial): Internal Revenue Service (Artificial) 1963
- Box-folder 4a:13
Prince Edward Free School Association National Bank and Trust Company: Prince Edward Free School Association National Bank and Trust Company No Date
- Box-folder 4a:14
List of Contributors: List of Contributors No Date
- Box-folder 4a:15
Prince Edward Free School Association Payroll Account: Prince Edward Free School Association Payroll Account 1963
- Box-folder 4a:16
Prince Edward Free School Association Bonds: Prince Edward Free School Association Bonds 1964
- Box-folder 4a:17
Library Report: Library Report 1963
- Box-folder 4a:18
Prince Edward Free School Association Insurance: Prince Edward Free School Association Insurance 1964
- Box-folder 4a:19
Prince Edward Free School Association Riggs National Bank: Prince Edward Free School Association Riggs National Bank 1964
- Box-folder 4a:20
Prince Edward Free School Association: Prince Edward Free School Association 1964
- Box-folder 4a:21
Prince Edward Free School Association Accounting: Prince Edward Free School Association Accounting 1964
- Box-folder 4a:22
Working Papers Financial: Working Papers Financial 1963-1964
- Box-folder 4a:23
Memorandum Tax Exempt Status: Memorandum Tax Exempt Status n. d.
- Box-folder 4a:24
Prince Edward Free School Association Deed of Lease: Prince Edward Free School Association Deed of Lease 1963
- Box-folder 4a:25
Contracts: Contracts 1964
- Box-folder 4a:26
Prince Edward Free School Bylaws: Prince Edward Free School Bylaws n.d.
- Box-folder 4a:27
Mussleman, Robert: Mussleman, Robert 1963-1964
- Box-folder 5:1
Payroll Working Papers: Payroll Working Papers n.d.
- Box-folder 5:2
Invoices - Mussleman: Invoices - Mussleman n.d.
- Box-folder 5:3
Invoices - Mussleman: Invoices - Mussleman n.d.
- Box-folder 5:4
Account Analysis: Account Analysis n.d.
- Box-folder 5:4a
Account Analysis: Account Analysis n.d.
- Box-folder 5:5
Inventory R. R. Moton High: Inventory R. R. Moton High 9-20-63
- Box-folder 5:6
Bus Reports: Bus Reports n.d.
- Box-folder 5:7
Cafeteria Working Papers: Cafeteria Working Papers n.d.
- Box-folder 5:8
Budget Working Papers: Budget Working Papers n.d.
- Box-folder n.d.
Inventory: Inventory n.d.
- Box-folder 5:10
Inventory: Inventory n.d.
- Box-folder 6:1
Inventory Worsham: Inventory Worsham August 1964
- Box-folder 6:2
Inventory Moton: Inventory Moton August 1964
- Box-folder 6:3
Inventory Moton: Inventory Moton 1964
- Box-folder 6:4
Payroll Information: Payroll Information 1963-1964
- Box-folder 6:5
Payroll Information: Payroll Information 1964
- Box-folder 6:6
Payroll Information: Payroll Information February 1964
- Box-folder 6:7
Estimated Budget: Estimated Budget 1963-1964
- Box-folder 6:8
Inventory Worsham: Inventory Worsham
- Box-folder 6:9
Working Papers: Working Papers
- Box-folder 6:10
Trial Balances: Trial Balances
- Box-folder 6:11
Inventory Branch: Inventory Branch
- Box-folder 6:12
Inventory Branch: Inventory Branch
- Box-folder 6:13
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
- Box-folder 7:1
Addresses Employees: Addresses Employees N.D.
- Box-folder 7:2
Adjustment Invoices & Correspondence: Adjustment Invoices & Correspondence N.D.
- Box-folder 7:3
Applicants: Applicants N.D.
- Box-folder 7:4
Applicants Summer Sessions: Applicants Summer Sessions N.D.
- Box-folder 7:5
Athletic Games: Athletic Games N.D.
- Box-folder 7:6
Auto and Pick up Reports: Auto and Pick up Reports N.D.
- Box-folder 7:7
Field Trips: Field Trips Nov 1963-April 1964
- Box-folder 7:8
Field Trips: Field Trips May 1964-July 1964
- Box-folder 7:9
General Correspondence: General Correspondence Jan 1964
- Box-folder 7:10
Insurance: Insurance 1963, 1964
- Box-folder 7:11
Insurance: Insurance 1963
- Box-folder 7:12
Insurance: Insurance 1964
- Box-folder 7:13
Insurance Coverage: Insurance Coverage 1964
- Box-folder 7:14
Correspondence: Correspondence Sept 1963
- Box-folder 7:15
Correspondence: Correspondence Oct-Nov 1963
- Box-folder 7:16
Story of the Free School: Story of the Free School April 1964
- Box-folder 7:17
The Virginia Retirement System: The Virginia Retirement System 1964
The Business Manager was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the free school. Included in this series are several boxes of cancelled checks.
- Box-folder 8:1
Bids: Bids Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 8:2
Bills: Bills Oct-Nov 1963
- Box-folder 8:3
Bids: Bids 1964
- Box-folder 8:4
Budget Forms: Budget Forms
- Box-folder 8:5
Budget and Expenditures: Budget and Expenditures December 31, 1963
- Box-folder 8:6
Budget Expenditures: Budget Expenditures February 29, 1964
- Box-folder 8:7
Budget Expenditures: Budget Expenditures April 30, 1964
- Box-folder 8:8
Budget and Expenditures: Budget and Expenditures May 31, 1964
- Box-folder 8:9
Budget and Expenditures: Budget and Expenditures May 31, 1964
- Box-folder 8:10
Budget Expenditures: Budget Expenditures July 27, 1964
- Box-folder 8:11
Business Account: Tax Exemption Cont.: Business Account: Tax Exemption Cont. Feb 1964
- Box-folder 8:12
Bus Drivers: Bus Drivers n.d.
- Box-folder 8:13
Bus Information: Bus Information n.d.
- Box-folder 8:14
Certificate of Title: Certificate of Title n.d.
- Box-folder 8:15
Directory: Directory 1963-1964
- Box-folder 8:16
Donated Property: Donated Property 1963-1964
- Box-folder 8:17
Donated and Loaned Property: Donated and Loaned Property 1964
- Box-folder 8:18
Equipment: Equipment
- Box-folder 8:19
Exemption Certificates: Exemption Certificates
- Box-folder 8:20
Exemption Certificates: Exemption Certificates
- Box-folder 8:21
Gas-Oil Reports: Gas-Oil Reports
- Folder box-folder: 8:22
Diplomas and Invitations: Diplomas and Invitations 1964
- Box-folder 8:23
Graduating Class: Graduating Class 1964
- Box-folder 8:24
Housing (white): Housing (white)
- Box-folder 8:25
Industrial Arts (Supplies and Material) Requisition: Industrial Arts (Supplies and Material) Requisition
- Box-folder 9:1
Insurance: Insurance 1963-1965
- Box-folder 9:2
Insurance Policies: Insurance Policies 1963-1964
- Box-folder 9:3
Insurance Accident Forms: Insurance Accident Forms 1963
- Box-folder 9:4
Inventory Directions: Inventory Directions 1963
- Box-folder 9:5
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid May-August 1963
- Box-folder 9:6
Invoice Paid: Invoice Paid September 1963
- Box-folder 9:7
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid October 1963
- Box-folder 9:8
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid November 1963
- Box-folder 9:9
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid Dec 1963
- Box-folder 9:10
Invoices: Invoices Dec 1963
- Box-folder 9:11
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid December 1963
- Box-folder 10:1
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid Jan 1964
- Box-folder 10:2
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid Jan 1964
- Box-folder 10:3
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid Jan 1964
- Box-folder 10:4
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid January 1964
- Box-folder 10:5
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid January 1964
- Box-folder 10:6
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid February 1964
- Box-folder 10:7
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid February 1964
- Box-folder 10:8
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid February 1964
- Box-folder 10:9
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid March 1964
- Box-folder 10:10
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid March 1964
- Box-folder 11:1
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid March 1964
- Box-folder 11:2
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid March 1964
- Box-folder 11:3
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid March 1964
- Box-folder 11:4
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid April 1964
- Box-folder 11:5
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid April 1964
- Box-folder 11:6
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid May 1964
- Box-folder 11:7
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid May 1964
- Box-folder 11:8
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid May 1964
- Box-folder 11:9
Invoices Paid: Invoices Paid No Date
- Box-folder 12:1
PNB Cafeteria: PNB Cafeteria April-June 1964
- Box-folder 12:2
PNB Cafeteria: PNB Cafeteria July 1964
- Box-folder 12:3
PNB Cafeteria: PNB Cafeteria August 1964
- Box-folder 12:4
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies April 1964
- Box-folder 12:5
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies May 1964
- Box-folder 12:6
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies Aug 1964
- Box-folder 12:7
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies Sept 1964
- Box-folder 12:8
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies July 1964
- Box-folder 12:9
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies July 1964
- Box-folder 12:10
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies July 1964
- Box-folder 12:11
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies August 1964
- Box-folder 12:12
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies August 1964
- Box-folder 12:13
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies August 1964
- Box-folder 12:14
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies Sept 1964
- Box-folder 12:15
School Building Supplies: School Building Supplies Sept 1964
- Box-folder 13:1
Office Supplies: Office Supplies
- Box-folder 13:2
Office Supplies: Office Supplies
- Box-folder 13:3
Personnel & Salaries through: Personnel & Salaries through Dec 31, 1963
- Box-folder 13:4
Personnel & Salaries through: Personnel & Salaries through June 22-Aug 6
- Box-folder 13:5
Professional Staff: Professional Staff
- Box-folder 13:6
Requisitions: Requisitions
- Box-folder 13:7
Record of Telephone Calls: Record of Telephone Calls
- Box-folder 13:8
Paid Drivers Reports: Paid Drivers Reports
- Box-folder 13:9
School Bus Enrollment Report: School Bus Enrollment Report
- Box-folder 13:10
School Bus Schedule: School Bus Schedule
- Box-folder 13:11
Sports Equipment (materials and supplies): Sports Equipment (materials and supplies)
- Box-folder 13:12
State & Federal Exemption letter: State & Federal Exemption letter n.d.
- Box-folder 13:13
Statement of Account: Statement of Account Nov 30, 1963
- Box-folder 13:14
Teachers Rooster: Teachers Rooster 1964
- Box-folder 13:15
Trail Balance: Trail Balance Nov 30, 1963
- Box-folder 13:16
Utilities: Utilities
- Box-folder 13:17
Donated & Loaned Property: Donated & Loaned Property 1964
- Box-folder 14:1
Payroll Books: Payroll Books
- Box-folder 15:1
Payroll Books: Payroll Books
- Box-folder 16:1
Payroll Books: Payroll Books
- Box-folder 17:1
Payroll Books: Payroll Books
Dr. Neil Sullivan was selected as the superintendent of the Free School Association because of his experience with a non-graded school system.
- Sub-Series A: Administrative Memo's and Correspondence
Administrative memos and correspondence. Arranged Chronologically
- Box-folder 18:1
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan Sept-Nov 1963
- Box-folder 18:2
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan December 1963
- Box-folder January 1964
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan January 1964
- Box-folder 18:4
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan February 1964
- Box-folder 18:5
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan March 1964
- Box-folder 18:6
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan April 1963
- Box-folder 18:7
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan May 1964
- Box-folder 18:8
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan June, August 1964
- Box-folder 18:9
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan No Date
- Box-folder 18:10
Memo's Sullivan: Memo's Sullivan No Date
- Box-folder 19:1
Correspondence Sullivan: Correspondence Sullivan June-Aug 1963
- Box-folder 19:2
Correspondence Sullivan: Correspondence Sullivan Aug 27-31 '63
- Box-folder 19:3
Correspondence Sullivan: Correspondence Sullivan Sept 1963
- Box-folder 19:4
Correspondence Sullivan: Correspondence Sullivan Oct-Dec '63
- Box-folder 19:5
Correspondence Sullivan: Correspondence Sullivan Jan-Feb '64
- Box-folder 19:6
Correspondence Sullivan: Correspondence Sullivan 1964
- Box-folder 19:7
Correspondence Sullivan: Correspondence Sullivan n.d.
- Box-folder 19:8
Correspondence: Correspondence March 1964
- Box-folder 19:9
Correspondence: Correspondence April 1964
- Box-folder 19:10
Correspondence: Correspondence May 1964
- Box-folder 19:11
July-August: July-August 1965
- Box-folder 19:12
Bulletins # 1-10: Bulletins # 1-10
- Box-folder 19:13
Bulletins # 11-20: Bulletins # 11-20
- Box-folder 19:14
Bulletins # 21-25: Bulletins # 21-25
- Box-folder 19:15
School Calender: School Calender 1963-1964
- Box-folder 18:1
- Sub-Series B.: Correspondence
General Correspondence, Arranged Chronologically.
- Box-folder 20:1
Correspondence B: Correspondence B August-October 1963
- Box-folder 20:2
Correspondence B: Correspondence B November 1963
- Box-folder 20:3
Correspondence C: Correspondence C September 1963
- Box-folder 20:4
Correspondence D: Correspondence D November-December 1963
- Box-folder 20:5
Correspondence E: Correspondence E Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:6
Correspondence F: Correspondence F Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:7
Correspondence G: Correspondence G Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:8
Correspondence H: Correspondence H Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:9
Correspondence J: Correspondence J Oct-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:10
Correspondence K: Correspondence K Aug-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:11
Correspondence L: Correspondence L Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:12
Correspondence M: Correspondence M Nov-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:13
Correspondence N: Correspondence N Sept-Nov 1963
- Box-folder 20:14
Correspondence O: Correspondence O Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:15
Correspondence P: Correspondence P Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:16
Correspondence R: Correspondence R Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:17
Correspondence S: Correspondence S 1959
- Box-folder 20:18
Correspondence S: Correspondence S Aug-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:19
Correspondence T: Correspondence T Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:20
Correspondence T: Correspondence T Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:21
Correspondence W: Correspondence W Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 20:22
Correspondence Y: Correspondence Y Sept-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 21:1
Correspondence A: Correspondence A January 1964
- Box-folder 21:2
Correspondence A: Correspondence A February 1964
- Box-folder 21:3
Correspondence A: Correspondence A March-April 1964
- Box-folder 21:4
Correspondence A: Correspondence A May-June 1964
- Box-folder 21:5
Correspondence A: Correspondence A July-Aug 1964
- Box-folder 21:6
Correspondence C: Correspondence C Jan-July 1964
- Box-folder 21:7
Correspondence D: Correspondence D Jan-March 1964
- Box-folder 21:8
Correspondence D: Correspondence D April-May 1964
- Box-folder 21:8
Correspondence E: Correspondence E Feb-March 1964
- Box-folder 21:10
Correspondence F: Correspondence F Jan-Oct 1964
- Box-folder 21:11
Correspondence G: Correspondence G Jan-April 1964
- Box-folder 21:12
Correspondence G: Correspondence G May-Sept 1964
- Box-folder 21:13
Correspondence H: Correspondence H Jan- March 1964
- Box-folder 21:14
Correspondence H: Correspondence H April-Oct 1964
- Box-folder 21:15
Correspondence J: Correspondence J Jan-Sept 1964
- Box-folder 22:1
Correspondence K: Correspondence K Jan-July 1964
Correspondence L: Correspondence L Jan-June 1964
- Box-folder 22:3
Correspondence M: Correspondence M Jan-March 1964
- Box-folder 22:4
Correspondence M: Correspondence M April-Aug 1964
- Box-folder 22:5
Correspondence Mc: Correspondence Mc Jan-May 1964
- Box-folder 22:6
Correspondence Mc: Correspondence Mc April-Sept 1964
- Box-folder 22:7
Correspondence N: Correspondence N Jan- Sept 1964
- Box-folder 22:8
Correspondence P: Correspondence P Jan-Feb 1964
- Box-folder 22:9
Correspondence O: Correspondence O Jan-May 1964
- Box-folder 22:10
Correspondence P: Correspondence P Jan-July 1964
- Box-folder 22:11
Correspondence R: Correspondence R Jan-March 1964
- Box-folder 22:12
Correspondence Q: Correspondence Q 1964
- Box-folder 22:13
Correspondence S: Correspondence S Jan-April 1964
- Box-folder 22:14
Correspondence S: Correspondence S May-Sept 1964
- Box-folder 22:15
Correspondence T: Correspondence T Jan-Sept 1964
- Box-folder 22:16
Correspondence U: Correspondence U Jan-Aug 1964
- Box-folder 22:17
Correspondence V: Correspondence V 1964
- Box-folder 22:18
Correspondence W: Correspondence W Jan-March 1964
- Box-folder 22:19
Correspondence W: Correspondence W April-Aug 1964
- Box-folder 22:10
Correspondence Y: Correspondence Y Jan-Aug 1964
- Box-folder 20:1
- Sub-Series C.: Correspondence By Folder Heading
Correspondence maintained by folder heading, arranged alphabetically and then chronologically within the folder.
- Box-folder 23:1
American Friends Service Committee: American Friends Service Committee 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:2
Bank Application Forms: Bank Application Forms 1964
- Box-folder 23:3
Berkeley Correspondence: Berkeley Correspondence May 1964
- Box-folder 23:4
Berkeley: Berkeley 1964
- Box-folder 23:5
Berkeley: Berkeley June 1964
- Box-folder 23:6
Book Companies: Book Companies 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:7
Calender: Calender
- Box-folder 23:8
Editor- Farmville Herald: Editor- Farmville Herald 1964
- Box-folder 23:9
Field Expense Report: Field Expense Report
- Box-folder 23:10
Mrs. Farmer: Mrs. Farmer 1964
- Box-folder 23:11
Harmon Sydney: Harmon Sydney 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:12
Vanden Heuvel, William: Vanden Heuvel, William 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:13
Kendrick, S.A.: Kendrick, S.A. 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:14
Letters from students Art and Design: Letters from students Art and Design 1963
- Box-folder 23:15
Marsh, M.C.: Marsh, M.C. 1964
- Box-folder 23:16
Maynard, Thomas request: Maynard, Thomas request 1964
- Box-folder 23:17
Memorial Service JFK: Memorial Service JFK
- Box-folder 23:18
Metzenbaum, Howard: Metzenbaum, Howard 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:19
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
- Box-folder 23:20
National Education Association: National Education Association 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:21
Pavlat, Gladys: Pavlat, Gladys
- Box-folder 23:22
People That Handle Money: People That Handle Money
- Box-folder 23:23
Picot, J.R.: Picot, J.R.
- Box-folder 23:24
Saletan, Alberta: Saletan, Alberta 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:25
Scholarships Grants: Scholarships Grants
- Box-folder 23:26
N.V. Sullivan- Personal: N.V. Sullivan- Personal 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:27
Sullivan- surplus material: Sullivan- surplus material 1963-1964
- Box-folder 24:1
Bonded Vehicle Agreement: Bonded Vehicle Agreement
- Box-folder 24:2
John Theanor: John Theanor 1963-1964
- Box-folder 24:3
Salaries: Salaries
- Box-folder 24:4
Social Security and Va Taxes: Social Security and Va Taxes
- Box-folder 24:5
Transfer Status: Transfer Status
- Box-folder 24:6
Surplus: Surplus
- Box-folder 24:7
Surplus (Warehouse Invoices): Surplus (Warehouse Invoices) 1963-1964
- Box-folder 24:8
Vocational Agriculture: Vocational Agriculture
- Box-folder 24:9
Van Raekel, Byron: Van Raekel, Byron 1963
- Box-folder 24:10
Wheatly School: Wheatly School 1963-1964
- Box-folder 23:1
- Sub-Series D: Personal Files
Resumes of prospective employees of the Free School Association
- Box-folder 25:1
Teacher Application: Teacher Application
- Box-folder 25:2
Teacher Application D-M: Teacher Application D-M
- Box-folder 25:3
Teacher Application No-Z: Teacher Application No-Z
- Box-folder 25:4
Teacher Confidential: Teacher Confidential References
- Box-folder 25:5
Christine Irvine, Secretary: Christine Irvine, Secretary
- Box-folder 25:6
Allen, Vera J.- Mary Branch #2: Allen, Vera J.- Mary Branch #2
- Box-folder 25:7
Anderson, Marion M.B. # 2: Anderson, Marion M.B. # 2
- Box-folder 25:8
Barley, Etta Rose: Barley, Etta Rose
- Box-folder 25:9
Barnes, Alva D.: Barnes, Alva D.
- Box-folder 25:10
Barnhill, Josephine V.: Barnhill, Josephine V.
- Box-folder 25:11
Barnes, Katherine W. - Moton: Barnes, Katherine W. - Moton
- Box-folder 25:12
Bellamy, Norieka- Worsham: Bellamy, Norieka- Worsham
- Box-folder 25:13
Bland, Lemuel C.- Moton: Bland, Lemuel C.- Moton
- Box-folder 25:14
Brown, Carolyn R.- M.B. #1: Brown, Carolyn R.- M.B. #1
- Box-folder 25:15
Burke, Nelson- Worsham: Burke, Nelson- Worsham
- Box-folder 25:16
Chandler, C.E.: Chandler, C.E.
- Box-folder 25:17
Coley, H.E.- M.B. # 2: Coley, H.E.- M.B. # 2
- Box-folder 25:18
Connelly, Mary Virginia- Moton: Connelly, Mary Virginia- Moton
- Box-folder 25:29
Cooley, James B- Moton: Cooley, James B- Moton
- Box-folder 25:20
Cuffee, Clarence- Moton: Cuffee, Clarence- Moton
- Box-folder 25:21
Curtis, James W.: Curtis, James W.
- Box-folder 25:22
Cutler, Evelyn B.- M.B # 1: Cutler, Evelyn B.- M.B # 1
- Box-folder 25:23
Darden, Mary M.- Branch # 2: Darden, Mary M.- Branch # 2
- Box-folder 25:24
DeMoss, Joseph D.: DeMoss, Joseph D.
- Box-folder 25:25
Dennis, Marion W.- Worsham: Dennis, Marion W.- Worsham
- Box-folder 25:26
Dudley, Arthur: Dudley, Arthur
- Box-folder 25:27
Dudley, Letha: Dudley, Letha
- Box-folder 25:28
Edgerton, Wilbert Delana- Moton: Edgerton, Wilbert Delana- Moton
- Box-folder 25:29
Farrish, Demetris L. - M.B. # 1: Farrish, Demetris L. - M.B. # 1
- Box-folder 25:30
Ferguson, Anna E.: Ferguson, Anna E.
- Box-folder 25:31
Franklin, Patsy C.: Franklin, Patsy C.
- Box-folder 25:32
Gwens, Emory: Gwens, Emory
- Box-folder 25:33
Griffin, Adelaide P.: Griffin, Adelaide P.
- Box-folder 25:34
Gordon, Doris- M.B. # 2: Gordon, Doris- M.B. # 2
- Box-folder 25:35
Hall, Freddie L. - Special Teacher: Hall, Freddie L. - Special Teacher
- Box-folder 25:36
Harding, Charlotte E.: Harding, Charlotte E.
- Box-folder 25:37
Harris, William L.: Harris, William L.
- Box-folder 25:38
Hartman, Sheila- M.B. # 1: Hartman, Sheila- M.B. # 1
- Box-folder 25:39
Herndon, Ernestine- M.B. # 1: Herndon, Ernestine- M.B. # 1
- Box-folder 26:1
Holman: Holman
- Box-folder 26:2
Hoover: Hoover
- Box-folder 26:3
Hosley: Hosley
- Box-folder 26:4
Hubbard: Hubbard
- Box-folder 26:5
Jarrell, Charles: Jarrell, Charles
- Box-folder 26:6
Jeffreys, Vivian W.: Jeffreys, Vivian W.
- Box-folder 26:7
Jenkins, Emma: Jenkins, Emma
- Box-folder 26:8
Jiggette, Zypher Jones: Jiggette, Zypher Jones
- Box-folder 26:9
Johnson, Carrie Willis: Johnson, Carrie Willis
- Box-folder 26:10
Johnson, Celestine H.: Johnson, Celestine H.
- Box-folder 26:11
Johnson, Norris: Johnson, Norris
- Box-folder 26:12
Johnson, Oretha M.: Johnson, Oretha M.
- Box-folder 26:13
Johnson, Ruby: Johnson, Ruby
- Box-folder 26:14
Johnson, William E.: Johnson, William E.
- Box-folder 26:15
Jones, Duane J. -Moton High School: Jones, Duane J. -Moton High School
- Box-folder 26:16
Jones, Gertrude: Jones, Gertrude
- Box-folder 26:17
Kelly, Alice - Worsham: Kelly, Alice - Worsham
- Box-folder 26:18
Kelly, Douglas Lee: Kelly, Douglas Lee
- Box-folder 26:19
Leatherberry, Flossie Moran: Leatherberry, Flossie Moran
- Box-folder 26:20
Lee, Catherine: Lee, Catherine
- Box-folder 26:21
Lyte, Evelyn Joyce -Moton: Lyte, Evelyn Joyce -Moton
- Box-folder 26:22
Madison, Mary W.: Madison, Mary W.
- Box-folder 26:23
Mayfield, Thomas- Moton: Mayfield, Thomas- Moton
- Box-folder 26:25
McClure, Ellen Louise- Branch # 2: McClure, Ellen Louise- Branch # 2
- Box-folder 26:26
McCown, Beulah- Branch # 1: McCown, Beulah- Branch # 1
- Box-folder 26:27
McKinney, John Wesley: McKinney, John Wesley
- Box-folder 26:28
McPherson, Ethelyn Holden- Branch # 1: McPherson, Ethelyn Holden- Branch # 1
- Box-folder 26:29
Merewether, Diane Genevieve- Moton High School: Merewether, Diane Genevieve- Moton High School
- Box-folder 26:30
McLean, Leila - Worsham: McLean, Leila - Worsham
- Box-folder 26:31
Mielke, Phylliss- Mary E. Branch # 2: Mielke, Phylliss- Mary E. Branch # 2
- Box-folder 26:32
Mitchell, Beatrice N. - Moton: Mitchell, Beatrice N. - Moton
- Box-folder 26:33
Mitchell, Grafton: Mitchell, Grafton
- Box-folder 26:34
Mizzell, Iannie S.: Mizzell, Iannie S.
- Box-folder 26:35
Monroe, Adele- Moton Clerical: Monroe, Adele- Moton Clerical
- Box-folder 26:36
Moore, Ella B. - Moton Cafeteria: Moore, Ella B. - Moton Cafeteria
- Box-folder 26:37
Morgan, Barbara Jeannette- Moton High School: Morgan, Barbara Jeannette- Moton High School
- Box-folder 26:38
Morris, Mamie C.R.: Morris, Mamie C.R.
- Box-folder 26:39
Morton, Alton: Morton, Alton
- Box-folder 26:40
Nimmo, Melvia Hunter: Nimmo, Melvia Hunter
- Box-folder 26:41
Packer, Woodrow- Moton: Packer, Woodrow- Moton
- Box-folder 26:42
Page, Yvonne A.: Page, Yvonne A.
- Box-folder 26:43
Poseur, Roberta S.: Poseur, Roberta S.
- Box-folder 26:44
Pena, Marjorie- Moton: Pena, Marjorie- Moton
- Box-folder 26:45
Pena, Robert Joseph- Moton High School: Pena, Robert Joseph- Moton High School
- Box-folder 26:46
Pollard, Barbara Bell: Pollard, Barbara Bell
- Box-folder 26:47
Pruden, Famie S. - Moton High School: Pruden, Famie S. - Moton High School
- Box-folder 27:1
Edgerton, Wilbert D. - Moton: Edgerton, Wilbert D. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:2
Ragland, James F Jr. - Moton: Ragland, James F Jr. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:3
Rawlins, Sylvia M. _ Mary E. Branch # 2: Rawlins, Sylvia M. _ Mary E. Branch # 2
- Box-folder 27:4
Raynor, Mary G.- Mary E. Branch # 2: Raynor, Mary G.- Mary E. Branch # 2
- Box-folder 27:5
Ricks, Hannah B. - Worsham: Ricks, Hannah B. - Worsham
- Box-folder 27:6
Roberts, Francis - Worsham: Roberts, Francis - Worsham
- Box-folder 27:7
Samuel, Avista- Moton: Samuel, Avista- Moton
- Box-folder 27:8
Satow, Hannah C. - Mary E. Branch # 1: Satow, Hannah C. - Mary E. Branch # 1
- Box-folder 27:9
Saunders, Judith Ann- Moton: Saunders, Judith Ann- Moton
- Box-folder 27:10
Shipp, Madge E. - Moton: Shipp, Madge E. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:11
Smith, Lonnese Jr.: Smith, Lonnese Jr.
- Box-folder 27:12
Sullivan, Martha R. - Worsham: Sullivan, Martha R. - Worsham
- Box-folder 27:13
Taylor, Ervin J. - Moton: Taylor, Ervin J. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:14
Tennant, Elizabeth- Worsham: Tennant, Elizabeth- Worsham
- Box-folder 27:15
Thompson, Edna C.: Thompson, Edna C.
- Box-folder 27:16
Thompson, Samuel Ray: Thompson, Samuel Ray
- Box-folder 27:17
Tignor, Aliva B.- Branch # 1: Tignor, Aliva B.- Branch # 1
- Box-folder 27:18
Tillman, Helen W. - Mary E. Branch # 1: Tillman, Helen W. - Mary E. Branch # 1
- Box-folder 27:20
Turner,Virginia S.: Turner,Virginia S.
- Box-folder 27:21
Tyson, Dana Katherine - Worsham: Tyson, Dana Katherine - Worsham
- Box-folder 27:22
Van Bens, Albert D.- Moton: Van Bens, Albert D.- Moton
- Box-folder 27:23
Wacker, Phyllis G.: Wacker, Phyllis G.
- Box-folder 27:24
Wagstaff, Carolyn - Mary E. Branch # 1: Wagstaff, Carolyn - Mary E. Branch # 1
- Box-folder 27:25
Walton, Mary B. - Mary E. Branch # 2: Walton, Mary B. - Mary E. Branch # 2
- Box-folder 27:26
Walton, William W.: Walton, William W.
- Box-folder 27:27
Watson, Harold L. - Moton: Watson, Harold L. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:28
Watson, Willie Mae- Mary E. Branch # 2: Watson, Willie Mae- Mary E. Branch # 2
- Box-folder 27:29
Weitzenfield, Julian S. - Moton: Weitzenfield, Julian S. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:30
Welchell, Brond R. - Moton: Welchell, Brond R. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:31
White, James A. - Worsham: White, James A. - Worsham
- Box-folder 27:32
Whittaker, Katharine W. - Moton High School: Whittaker, Katharine W. - Moton High School
- Box-folder 27:33
Wiggins, James A. - Worsham: Wiggins, James A. - Worsham
- Box-folder 27:34
Wilkerson, Louise- Mary E. Branch E. Branch #1: Wilkerson, Louise- Mary E. Branch E. Branch #1
- Box-folder 27:35
Williams, Evelyn F. - School Nurse: Williams, Evelyn F. - School Nurse
- Box-folder 27:36
Williams, Gloria T.- Moton: Williams, Gloria T.- Moton
- Box-folder 27:37
Williams, James- Mary E. Branch # 1: Williams, James- Mary E. Branch # 1
- Box-folder 27:38
Wiley, Esther L. - Moton: Wiley, Esther L. - Moton
- Box-folder 27:39
Wilkins, Julia- Moton: Wilkins, Julia- Moton
- Box-folder 27:40
Wilson, Ethel W.: Wilson, Ethel W.
- Box-folder 27:41
Womack, Flossie I. - Mary E. Branch: Womack, Flossie I. - Mary E. Branch
- Box-folder 27:42
Womack, Ophelia: Womack, Ophelia
- Box-folder 25:1
- Sub-Series E.: Exit Interviews
Views of personnel regarding their experience working in the free school, included are some of their recommendations for improvement as observed by them.
- Box-folder 28:1
Exit Question- Future Addresser of B#1, B#2, Worsham, and Moton (1): Exit Question- Future Addresser of B#1, B#2, Worsham, and Moton (1)
- Box-folder 28:2
Exit Question- Future Addresser of B #1, B#2, Worsham, and Moton (2): Exit Question- Future Addresser of B #1, B#2, Worsham, and Moton (2)
- Box-folder 28:3
Exit- Housing (white): Exit- Housing (white)
- Box-folder 28:4
Exite Question 1964 (1): Exite Question 1964 (1)
- Box-folder 28:5
Exit Question 1964 (2): Exit Question 1964 (2)
- Box-folder 28:6
Exit Question 1964 (3): Exit Question 1964 (3)
- Box-folder 28:7
Exit Questions Robert Moton 1964 (1): Exit Questions Robert Moton 1964 (1)
- Box-folder 28:8
Exit Question Robert Moton (2): Exit Question Robert Moton (2)
- Box-folder 28:9
Exit Question Br #2: Exit Question Br #2
- Box-folder 28:1
- Sub-Series F.: Student Evaluations
Student views of their experience in the Free School. Comments concern instruction, facilities, and their thoughts on the future.
- Box-folder 29:1
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Oct 7, 1963
- Box-folder 29:2
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Oct 7, 1963
- Box-folder 29:3
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Oct 7, 963
- Box-folder 29:4
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Nov 7, 1963
- Box-folder 29:5
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Nov 7, 1963
- Box-folder 29:6
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Nov 7, 1963
- Box-folder 29:7
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Nov 7, 1963
- Box-folder 29:8
Student Evaluation: Student Evaluation Nov 7, 1963
- Box-folder 29:9
Student Reaction Report: Student Reaction Report
- Box-folder 29:1
- Sub-Series A: The Principals Office
The organization of the Free School System was divided into four administrative groups. The largest numbers of students were assigned to the high school. Office Correspondence maintained by the Principal, is arranged by alphabet and then chronologically within the folder. Correspondence addresses a wide range of topics, employment, administrative problems, and the problems of running a high school on a day-to-day basis.
- Box-folder 30:1
American Education Week: American Education Week November 1963
- Box-folder 30:2
Audio-Visual Aids: Audio-Visual Aids 1963-1964
- Box-folder 30:3
Absentee: Absentee Oct 1963
- Box-folder 30:4
Absentee: Absentee Nov 1963
- Box-folder 30:5
Absentee: Absentee Dec 1963
- Box-folder 30:6
Absentee: Absentee Jan 1963
- Box-folder 30:8
Absentees: Absentees April 1963
- Box-folder 30:9
Absentee: Absentee March 1963
- Box-folder 30:10
Absentee: Absentee May 1963
- Box-folder 30:11
Absentee: Absentee June 1963
- Box-folder 30:12
Absentee: Absentee July 1963
- Box-folder 30:13
Absentee: Absentee Aug 1963
- Box-folder 30:14
Assembly Programs: Assembly Programs Nov 1963-June 1964
- Box-folder 30:15
Books: Books 1963-1964
- Box-folder 30:16
Business Management Office: Business Management Office Nov-Dec 1963- Feb 1964
- Box-folder 30:17
Business Management Office- Cooley Office Moton: Business Management Office- Cooley Office Moton
- Box-folder 30:18
Class Enrollment: Class Enrollment
- Box-folder 30:19
Clothing: Clothing
- Box-folder 30:20
Conference Expenses Cooley: Conference Expenses Cooley 1964
- Box-folder 30:21
Cooley-Sullivan Correspondence: Cooley-Sullivan Correspondence Jan 3, 1964- March 1964
- Box-folder 30:22
Cooley-Sullivan Correspondence: Cooley-Sullivan Correspondence April-May 1964
- Box-folder 30:23
Cooley-Sullivan Correspondence: Cooley-Sullivan Correspondence June-July 1964
- Box-folder 30:24
Correspondence (Parents): Correspondence (Parents) 1964
- Box-folder 30:25
Correspondence Confidential: Correspondence Confidential 1964
- Box-folder 30:26
Correspondence Miscellaneous: Correspondence Miscellaneous 1964
- Box-folder 30:27
General Correspondence (R.R.Moton): General Correspondence (R.R.Moton) 1964
- Box-folder 31:1
Memo's from Mr. J.B. Cooley: Memo's from Mr. J.B. Cooley
- Box-folder 31:2
Correspondence- Mr. Thomas L. Maynard Assistant Principal: Correspondence- Mr. Thomas L. Maynard Assistant Principal
- Box-folder 31:3
Teachers Sheets: Teachers Sheets
- Box-folder 31:4
Correspondence A: Correspondence A 1964
- Box-folder 31:5
Correspondence B: Correspondence B 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:6
Correspondence C: Correspondence C 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:7
Correspondence D: Correspondence D 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:8
Correspondence E: Correspondence E 31:8
- Box-folder 31:9
Correspondence F: Correspondence F 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:10
Correspondence G: Correspondence G 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:11
Correspondence H: Correspondence H 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:12
Correspondence J: Correspondence J 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:13
Correspondence K: Correspondence K 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:8
Correspondence L: Correspondence L 1963
- Box-folder 31:15
Correspondence M: Correspondence M 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:16
Correspondence Mc: Correspondence Mc 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:17
Correspondence N: Correspondence N 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:18
Correspondence P: Correspondence P 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:19
Correspondence Q: Correspondence Q 1964
- Box-folder 31:20
Correspondence R: Correspondence R 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:21
Correspondence S: Correspondence S 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:22
Correspondence T: Correspondence T 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:23
Correspondence U: Correspondence U 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:24
Correspondence V: Correspondence V 1964
- Box-folder 31:25
Correspondence W: Correspondence W 1963-1964
- Box-folder 31:26
Correspondence XYZ: Correspondence XYZ 1963
- Box-folder 31:27
Substitute Teachers: Substitute Teachers
- Box-folder 31:28
Teachers Schedules and Room Assignments (Cooley): Teachers Schedules and Room Assignments (Cooley)
- Box-folder 30:1
- Sub-Series B: Department Correspondence
Correspondence and reports from the other administrative units in the Prince Edward County Free School System.
- Box-folder 32:1
Education: Education 1963
- Box-folder 32:2
Faculty Breakdown: Faculty Breakdown 1964
- Box-folder 32:3
Field Trip: Field Trip 1964
- Box-folder 32:4
Field Trip Expense: Field Trip Expense 1964
- Box-folder 32:5
Field Trip Special: Field Trip Special 1963-1964
- Box-folder 32:6
Field Trip Special: Field Trip Special
- Box-folder 32:7
First Nine Weeks Grading Period: First Nine Weeks Grading Period
- Box-folder 32:8
Freight Bill: Freight Bill 1963
- Box-folder 32:9
Grading Scale: Grading Scale
- Box-folder 32:10
Guidance Counselor- R.R. Moton: Guidance Counselor- R.R. Moton
- Box-folder 32:11
Holly Knoll Leadership Retreat: Holly Knoll Leadership Retreat 1966-1967
- Box-folder 32:12
Honor Roll: Honor Roll
- Box-folder 32:13
Housing Commencement and Conference: Housing Commencement and Conference 1964-1965
- Box-folder 32:14
Inform others on Teachers Confidential: Inform others on Teachers Confidential 1964
- Box-folder 32:15
Library: Library 1963-1964
- Box-folder 32:16
Library: Library 1964
- Box-folder 32:17
Library: Library 1964
- Box-folder 32:18
Locker Assignment: Locker Assignment
- Box-folder 32:19
Memo's: Memo's 1964
- Box-folder 32:20
Memo's: Memo's 1963-1964
- Box-folder 32:12
Menu's: Menu's 1964
- Box-folder 32:22
Physical Education: Physical Education 1963
- Box-folder 32:23
Prince Edward Free School Association: Prince Edward Free School Association 1963-1964
- Box-folder 32:24
Publishing Companies: Publishing Companies 1964
- Box-folder 32:25
Student Evaluation Reaction Report: Student Evaluation Reaction Report 1963
- Box-folder 32:26
Substitute Teachers: Substitute Teachers
- Box-folder 32:27
Teachers Schedules and Room Assignments: Teachers Schedules and Room Assignments
- Box-folder 32:1
- Sub-Series C: Department Reports
Most of the units were required to submit a final report for thier units at the end of the school year. This subseries documents the activities of those departments for the school year 1965 to 1965.
- Box-folder 33:1
Annual Report on Speech Hearing: Annual Report on Speech Hearing
- Box-folder 33:2
Clinical Statistical Reports: Clinical Statistical Reports
- Box-folder 33:3
Final Annual Report: Final Annual Report
- Box-folder 33:4
Health Committee Reports: Health Committee Reports
- Box-folder 33:5
Dr. Kendrick's Report: Dr. Kendrick's Report
- Box-folder 33:6
R.R. Moton Roster: R.R. Moton Roster
- Box-folder 33:7
Preliminary Annual Report: Preliminary Annual Report
- Box-folder 33:8
Purchase Order: Purchase Order
- Box-folder 33:9
Scholarships and Loans: Scholarships and Loans
- Box-folder 33:10
School Nurse/Health Reports: School Nurse/Health Reports
- Box-folder 33:11
School Nurse/Health Reports: School Nurse/ Health Reports
- Box-folder 33:12
School Philosophy: School Philosophy
- Box-folder 33:13
State Board on Education: State Board on Education
- Box-folder 33:14
Student Listing and Correspondence: Student Listing and Correspondence
- Box-folder 33:15
Students Listing and Correspondence: Students Listing and Correspondence
- Box-folder 33:16
Summer Reports: Summer Reports
- Box-folder 33:17
Summer School drop Out: Summer School drop Out 1964
- Box-folder 33:18
Suspension and Expulsions: Suspension and Expulsions
- Box-folder 33:19
Teachers: Teachers
- Box-folder 33:20
Teacher Absence: Teacher Absence
- Box-folder 33:21
Teachers Addresses: Teachers Addresses
- Box-folder 33:22
Teachers Monthly Report to Principal: Teachers Monthly Report to Principal
- Box-folder 33:23
Teachers of 9-12 year old groups: Teachers of 9-12 year old groups
- Box-folder 33:24
Teaching Units: Teaching Units
- Box-folder 33:25
Townsend, Wallace: Townsend, Wallace
- Box-folder 33:26
Virginia's Teachers Classification: Virginia's Teachers Classification
- Box-folder 33:27
Virginian 20th Century: Virginian 20th Century
- Box-folder 33:28
Walton, William (other materials): Walton, William (other materials)
- Box-folder 33:1
- Sub-Series A: Reports
These reports were generated to inform those involved with the status of the free school. Amongst the reports is a final report issued by the superintendent. In addition there are also a number of progress reports from both the office of the superintendent and some of the other programs being provided at The Prince Edward County Free School.
- Box-folder 33A:1
Progress Report: Progress Report November 1964
- Box-folder 33A:2
Progress Report: Progress Report January 1st, 1964
- Box-folder 33A:3
Progress Report: Progress Report August 6, 1964
- Box-folder 33A:4
Progress Report- Art: Progress Report- Art
- Box-folder 33A:5
Progress Report- Science: Progress Report- Science
- Box-folder 33A:7
Progress Report- Transportation: Progress Report- Transportation
- Box-folder 33A:8
Progress Report- Special Report: Progress Report- Special Report
- Box-folder 33A:9
Progress Report- Music: Progress Report- Music
- Box-folder 33A:10
After School Activities- Field Trip: After School Activities- Field Trip
- Box-folder 33A:11
Final Progress Report: Final Progress Report August 6, 1964
- Box-folder 33A:1
- Sub-Series B: Speeches
Neil Sullivan and others were called upon to speak before a number of associations and groups concerning the progress of the free school.
- Box-folder 33A:12
Sullivan Speech- VTA Convention: Sullivan Speech- VTA Convention November 1, 1963
- Box-folder 33A:13
Sullivan Speech- VFPT Annual Convention: Sullivan Speech- VFPT Annual Convention December 7, 1963
- Box-folder 33A:14
Sullivan Speech-Memorial For John Fitzgerald Kennedy: Sullivan Speech-Memorial For John Fitzgerald Kennedy December 13, 1963
- Box-folder 33A:15
Sullivan Speech- The NAACP Annual Convention: Sullivan Speech- The NAACP Annual Convention June 26, 1964
- Box-folder 33A: 16
Sullivan Speech- The ATA National Convention: Sullivan Speech- The ATA National Convention July 28, 1964
- Box-folder 33A: 17
Sullivan Speech- The VTA: Sullivan Speech- The VTA April 11, 1964
- Box-folder 33A:18
Sullivan Speech- N.C.S.P.S.: Sullivan Speech- N.C.S.P.S. May 18, 1964
- Box-folder 33A:19
Sullivan Speech- No Date No Place of Presentation: Sullivan Speech- No Date No Place of Presentation
- Box-folder 33A:20
Dudley Speech: Dudley Speech May 31st, 1964
- Box-folder 33A:21
Paper-Clarence Cuffee: Paper-Clarence Cuffee
- Box-folder 33A:12
- Sub-Series C: Writings
Policy Manuals for the Prince Edward County Free School, and several school divisions outside of Virginia.
- Box-folder 33A:22
Willie Mae Watson About Prince Edward: Willie Mae Watson "About Prince Edward" February 1964
- Box-folder 33:23
Sullivan-Operations Manua: Sullivan-Operations Manual
Sullivan- Manual For Teachers: Sullivan- Manual For Teachers 1962-1963
Sullivan- Handbook for Teachers: Sullivan- Handbook for Teachers 1963
- Box-folder 33A:22
Policy Manuals for the Prince Edward County Free School, and several school divisions outside of Virginia.
- Sub-Series A: Correspondence
- Box-folder 34:1
Audio Visual Correspondence: Audio Visual Correspondence 1963
- Box-folder 34:2
Audio Visual Correspondence: Audio Visual Correspondence 1964
- Box-folder 34:3
Audio Visual Meeting Memo's: Audio Visual Meeting Memo's
- Box-folder 34:4
Curriculum Guidelines: Curriculum Guidelines
- Box-folder 34:5
Guidelines for curriculum development: Guidelines for curriculum development
- Box-folder 34:6
Curriculum Notes # 1: Curriculum Notes # 1
- Box-folder 34:7
Guidance: Guidance
- Box-folder 34:8
Transcripts Needed (Guidance): Transcripts Needed (Guidance)
- Box-folder 34:9
Survey's of 1953,1954,1958-1959 Guidance: Survey's of 1953,1954,1958-1959 Guidance
- Box-folder 34:10
Students in Danger of failing for the year (Guidance): Students in Danger of failing for the year (Guidance)
- Box-folder 34:11
Curriculum Notes- Miss Watson: Curriculum Notes- Miss Watson
- Box-folder 34:12
Memo's from Miss W.M.Watson: Memo's from Miss W.M.Watson
- Box-folder 34:13
Information on Standardized Tests (Guidance): Information on Standardized Tests (Guidance)
- Box-folder 34:14
Confidential Financial Statements (Guidance): Confidential Financial Statements (Guidance)
- Box-folder 34:15
Speech and Hearing Therapy: Speech and Hearing Therapy
- Box-folder 34:16
Vocational Education: Vocational Education
- Box-folder 34:17
Health: Health
- Box-folder 35:1
Form 942 a: Form 942 a
- Box-folder 35:2
Form Accumulated Contribution: Form Accumulated Contribution
- Box-folder 35:3
Forms Certificate of Teachers Absences: Forms Certificate of Teachers Absences
- Box-folder 35:4
Check Out Sheets: Check Out Sheets
- Box-folder 35:5
Grade Placement: Grade Placement
- Box-folder 35:6
Memo's from Dudley: Memo's from Dudley
- Box-folder 35:7
Correspondence, Absence Reports, etc: Correspondence, Absence Reports, etc
- Box-folder 35:8
Correspondence-Arthur Dudley Pupil Personnel Director: Correspondence-Arthur Dudley Pupil Personnel Director
- Box-folder 35:9
Otis Scores: Otis Scores
- Box-folder 35:10
Travel Requisition: Travel Requisition
- Box-folder 35:11
The Virginia Retirement System: The Virginia Retirement System Oct 1963- Dec
- Box-folder 35:12
Virginia Retirement System: Virginia Retirement System
- Box-folder 35:13
Virginia Retirement System: Virginia Retirement System
- Box-folder 35:14
The Virginia Supplement Retirement System: The Virginia Supplement Retirement System Sept 1963
- Box-folder 34:1
- Sub-Series B: Lunch Daily Reports
- Box-folder 36:1
Application For Secondary Data Sheets: Application For Secondary Data Sheets
- Box-folder 36:2
Form Fo-5 Monthly Summary Sheets for Cafeteria Programs: Form Fo-5 Monthly Summary Sheets for Cafeteria Programs
- Box-folder 36:3
Cafeteria Daily Reports: Cafeteria Daily Reports 4-13-1964
- Box-folder 36:4
Inventory: Inventory
- Box-folder 36:5
Menu's: Menu's
- Box-folder 36:6
National School Lunch Program and Special Milk Program Information: National School Lunch Program and Special Milk Program Information
- Box-folder 36:7
Week of September 16th-20th: Week of September 16th-20th
- Box-folder 36:8
Monday Sept 3rd, 1963: Monday Sept 3rd, 1963
- Box-folder 36:9
Tuesday Sept 24th, 1963: Tuesday Sept 24th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:10
Wednesday Sept 25th, 1963: Wednesday Sept 25th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:11
Thursday Sept 26th, 1963: Thursday Sept 26th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:12
Friday Sept 27th, 1963: Friday Sept 27th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:13
Monday Sept 30th, 9163: Monday Sept 30th, 9163
- Box-folder 36:14
Tuesday October 1st, 1963: Tuesday October 1st, 1963
- Box-folder 36:15
Wednesday October 2nd, 1963: Wednesday October 2nd, 1963
- Box-folder 36:16
Thursday October 3rd, 1963: Thursday October 3rd, 1963
- Box-folder 36:17
Friday October 4th, 1963: Friday October 4th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:18
Monday October 7th, 1963: Monday October 7th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:19
Tuesday October 8th, 1963: Tuesday October 8th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:20
Wednesday October 9th 1963: Wednesday October 9th 1963
- Box-folder 36:21
Thursday October 10th, 1963: Thursday October 10th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:22
Friday Oct 11th, 1963: Friday Oct 11th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:23
Monday October 14th, 1963: Monday October 14th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:24
Tuesday October 15th, 1963: Tuesday October 15th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:25
Wednesday October 16th, 1963: Wednesday October 16th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:26
Thursday October 17th, 1963: Thursday October 17th, 1963
- Box-folder 36:27
Friday October 18th, 1963: Friday October 18th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:1
Monday October 21, 1963: Monday October 21, 1963
- Box-folder 37:2
Tuesday October 22, 1963: Tuesday October 22, 1963
- Box-folder 37:3
Wednesday October 23rd, 1964: Wednesday October 23rd, 1964
- Box-folder 37:4
Thursday October 24th, 1963: Thursday October 24th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:5
Friday October 25th, 1963: Friday October 25th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:6
Monday October 26th, 1963: Monday October 26th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:7
Tuesday October 29th, 1963: Tuesday October 29th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:8
Wednesday October 30th, 1963: Wednesday October 30th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:9
Thursday October 31st, 1963: Thursday October 31st, 1963
- Box-folder 37:10
Monday Nov 4th, 1963: Monday Nov 4th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:11
Tuesday Nov 5th, 1963: Tuesday Nov 5th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:12
Wednesday Nov 6th, 1963: Wednesday Nov 6th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:13
Thursday Nov 7th, 1963: Thursday Nov 7th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:14
Friday Nov 8th, 1963: Friday Nov 8th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:15
Monday Nov 11th, 1963: Monday Nov 11th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:16
Tuesday Nov 12th, 1963: Tuesday Nov 12th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:17
Wednesday Nov 13th, 1963: Wednesday Nov 13th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:18
Thursday Nov 14th, 1963: Thursday Nov 14th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:19
Friday Nov 15th, 1963: Friday Nov 15th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:20
Monday Nov 18th, 1963: Monday Nov 18th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:21
Tuesday Nov 19th, 1963: Tuesday Nov 19th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:22
Wednesday Nov 20th, 1963: Wednesday Nov 20th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:23
Thursday Nov 21st, 1963: Thursday Nov 21st, 1963
- Box-folder 37:24
Friday Nov 22nd, 1963: Friday Nov 22nd, 1963
- Box-folder 37:25
Tuesday Nov 26th, 1963: Tuesday Nov 26th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:26
Monday Dec 2nd, 1963: Monday Dec 2nd, 1963
- Box-folder 37:27
Tuesday Dec 3rd, 1963: Tuesday Dec 3rd, 1963
- Box-folder 37:28
Wednesday Dec 4th, 1963: Wednesday Dec 4th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:29
Thursday Dec 5th, 1963: Thursday Dec 5th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:30
Friday Dec 6th, 1963: Friday Dec 6th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:31
Monday Dec 9th, 1963: Monday Dec 9th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:32
Tuesday Dec 10th, 1963: Tuesday Dec 10th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:33
Wednesday Dec 11th, 1963: Wednesday Dec 11th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:34
Thursday Dec 12th, 1963: Thursday Dec 12th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:35
Friday Dec 13th, 1963: Friday Dec 13th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:36
Monday Dec 16th, 1963: Monday Dec 16th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:37
Tuesday Dec 17th, 1963: Tuesday Dec 17th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:38
Wednesday Dec 18th, 1963: Wednesday Dec 18th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:39
Thursday Dec 19th, 1963: Thursday Dec 19th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:40
Monday Jan 6th, 1964: Monday Jan 6th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:41
Tuesday Jan 7th, 1964: Tuesday Jan 7th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:42
Wednesday Jan 18th, 1964: Wednesday Jan 18th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:43
Thursday Jan 9th, 1963: Thursday Jan 9th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:44
Friday Jan 10th, 1963: Friday Jan 10th, 1963
- Box-folder 37:45
Friday Jan 17th, 1964: Friday Jan 17th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:46
Monday Jan 20th, 1964: Monday Jan 20th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:47
Tuesday Jan 21st, 1964: Tuesday Jan 21st, 1964
- Box-folder 37:48
Wednesday Jan 22nd, 1964: Wednesday Jan 22nd, 1964
- Box-folder 37:49
Thursday Jan 23rd, 1964: Thursday Jan 23rd, 1964
- Box-folder 37:50
Friday Jan 24th, 1964: Friday Jan 24th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:51
Monday Jan 27th, 1964: Monday Jan 27th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:52
Tuesday Jan 28th, 1964: Tuesday Jan 28th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:53
Wednesday Jan 29th, 1964: Wednesday Jan 29th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:54
Cafeteria Daily Records Week Ending 9/20/1963-12/20/1963: Cafeteria Daily Records Week Ending 9/20/1963-12/20/1963
- Box-folder 37:55
Tuesday Feb 3rd, 1964: Tuesday Feb 3rd, 1964
- Box-folder 37:56
Wednesday Feb 4th, 1964: Wednesday Feb 4th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:57
Thursday Feb 5th, 1964: Thursday Feb 5th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:58
Thursday Feb 6th, 1964: Thursday Feb 6th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:59
Friday Feb 7th, 1964: Friday Feb 7th, 1964
- Box-folder 37:60
Monday Feb 10th, 1964: Monday Feb 10th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:1
Tuesday Feb 11th, 1964: Tuesday Feb 11th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:2
Thursday Feb 13th, 1964: Thursday Feb 13th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:3
Friday Feb 14th, 1964: Friday Feb 14th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:4
Monday Feb 17th, 1964: Monday Feb 17th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:5
Tuesday Feb 18th, 1964: Tuesday Feb 18th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:6
Wednesday Feb 19, 1964: Wednesday Feb 19, 1964
- Box-folder 38:7
Thursday Feb 20th, 1964: Thursday Feb 20th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:8
Friday Feb 21st, 1964: Friday Feb 21st, 1964
- Box-folder 38:9
Monday Feb 24th, 1964: Monday Feb 24th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:10
Tuesday Feb 25th, 1964: Tuesday Feb 25th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:11
Wednesday Feb 26th, 1964: Wednesday Feb 26th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:12
Thursday Feb 27, 1964: Thursday Feb 27, 1964
- Box-folder 38:13
Friday Feb 28th, 1964: Friday Feb 28th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:14
Monday March 2nd, 1964: Monday March 2nd, 1964
- Box-folder 38:15
Tuesday March 3rd, 1964: Tuesday March 3rd, 1964
- Box-folder 38:16
Wednesday March 3rd, 1964: Wednesday March 3rd, 1964
- Box-folder 38:17
Thursday March 5th, 1964: Thursday March 5th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:18
Friday March 6th, 1964: Friday March 6th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:19
Monday March 9th, 1964: Monday March 9th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:20
Tuesday March 10th, 1964: Tuesday March 10th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:21
Wednesday March 11th, 1964: Wednesday March 11th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:22
Thursday March 12th, 1964: Thursday March 12th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:23
Friday MArch 13th, 1964: Friday MArch 13th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:24
Monday March 16th, 1964: Monday March 16th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:25
Tuesday March 17th, 1964: Tuesday March 17th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:26
Wednesday March 18th, 1964: Wednesday March 18th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:27
Thursday March 19th, 1964: Thursday March 19th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:28
Friday March 20th, 1964: Friday March 20th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:29
Monday March 23rd, 1964: Monday March 23rd, 1964
- Box-folder 38:30
Tuesday March 24th, 1964: Tuesday March 24th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:31
Wednesday March 25th, 1964: Wednesday March 25th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:32
Thursday March 26th, 1964: Thursday March 26th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:33
Friday March 27th, 1964: Friday March 27th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:34
Wednesday April 1st, 1964: Wednesday April 1st, 1964
- Box-folder 38:35
Thursday April 2nd, 1964: Thursday April 2nd, 1964
- Box-folder 38:36
Friday April 3rd, 1964: Friday April 3rd, 1964
- Box-folder 38:37
Monday April 6, 1964: Monday April 6, 1964
- Box-folder 38:38
Tuesday April 7, 1964: Tuesday April 7, 1964
- Box-folder 38:39
Wednesday April 8th, 1964: Wednesday April 8th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:40
Thursday April 9th, 1964: Thursday April 9th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:41
Friday April 10th, 1964: Friday April 10th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:42
Monday April 13th, 1964: Monday April 13th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:43
Tuesday April 14, 1964: Tuesday April 14, 1964
- Box-folder 38:44
Wednesday April 15, 1964: Wednesday April 15, 1964
- Box-folder 38:45
Thursday April 16th, 1964: Thursday April 16th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:46
Friday April 17th, 1964: Friday April 17th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:47
Monday April 20th, 1964: Monday April 20th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:48
Tuesday April 21st, 1964: Tuesday April 21st, 1964
- Box-folder 38:49
Wednesday April 22, 1964: Wednesday April 22, 1964
- Box-folder 38:50
Thursday April 23rd, 1964: Thursday April 23rd, 1964
- Box-folder 38:51
Friday April 24th, 1964: Friday April 24th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:52
Monday April 27th, 1964: Monday April 27th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:53
Tuesday April 28th, 1964: Tuesday April 28th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:54
Wednesday April 29th, 1964: Wednesday April 29th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:55
Thursday April 30th, 1964: Thursday April 30th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:56
Friday May 1st, 1964: Friday May 1st, 1964
- Box-folder 38:57
Monday May 4th, 1964: Monday May 4th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:58
Tuesday May 5th, 1964: Tuesday May 5th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:59
Wednesday May 6th, 1964: Wednesday May 6th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:60
Thursday May 7th, 1964: Thursday May 7th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:61
Friday May 8th, 1964: Friday May 8th, 1964
- Box-folder 38:62
Monday May 11th, 1964: Monday May 11th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:1
Tuesday May 12th, 1964: Tuesday May 12th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:2
Wednesday May 13th, 1964: Wednesday May 13th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:3
Thursday May 14th, 1964: Thursday May 14th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:4
Friday May 15th, 1964: Friday May 15th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:5
Monday May 18th, 1964: Monday May 18th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:6
Tuesday May 19th, 1964: Tuesday May 19th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:7
Wednesday May 20th, 1964: Wednesday May 20th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:8
Thursday May 21st, 1964: Thursday May 21st, 1964
- Box-folder 39:9
Friday May 22nd, 1964: Friday May 22nd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:10
Monday May 25th, 1964: Monday May 25th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:11
Tuesday May 26th, 1964: Tuesday May 26th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:12
Wednesday May 27th, 1964: Wednesday May 27th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:13
Thursday May 28th, 1964: Thursday May 28th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:14
Friday May 29th, 1964: Friday May 29th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:15
Monday June 1st, 1964: Monday June 1st, 1964
- Box-folder 39:16
Tuesday June 2nd, 1964: Tuesday June 2nd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:17
Wednesday June 3rd, 1964: Wednesday June 3rd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:18
Thursday June 4th, 1964: Thursday June 4th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:19
Friday June 6th, 1964: Friday June 6th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:20
Monday June 8th, 1964: Monday June 8th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:21
Tuesday June 9th, 1964: Tuesday June 9th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:22
Wednesday June 10th, 1964: Wednesday June 10th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:23
Thursday June 11th, 1964: Thursday June 11th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:24
Friday June 12th, 1964: Friday June 12th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:25
Tuesday June 23rd, 1964: Tuesday June 23rd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:26
Wednesday June 24th, 1964: Wednesday June 24th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:27
Thursday June 25th, 1964: Thursday June 25th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:28
Friday June 26th, 1964: Friday June 26th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:29
Monday June 29th, 1964: Monday June 29th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:30
Tuesday June 30th, 1964: Tuesday June 30th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:31
Wednesday July 1st, 1964: Wednesday July 1st, 1964
- Box-folder 39:32
Thursday July 2nd, 1964: Thursday July 2nd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:33
Friday July 3rd, 1964: Friday July 3rd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:34
Monday July 6th, 1964: Monday July 6th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:35
Tuesday July 7th, 1964: Tuesday July 7th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:36
Wednesday July 8th, 1964: Wednesday July 8th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:37
Thursday July 9th, 1964: Thursday July 9th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:38
Friday July 10th, 1964: Friday July 10th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:39
Monday July 13th, 1964: Monday July 13th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:40
Tuesday July 14th, 1964: Tuesday July 14th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:41
Wednesday July 15th, 1964: Wednesday July 15th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:42
Thursday July 16th, 1964: Thursday July 16th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:43
Friday July 17th, 1964: Friday July 17th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:44
Monday July 20th, 1964: Monday July 20th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:45
Tuesday July 21st, 1964: Tuesday July 21st, 1964
- Box-folder 39:46
Wednesday July 22nd, 1964: Wednesday July 22nd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:47
Thursday July 23rd, 1964: Thursday July 23rd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:48
Friday July 24th, 1964: Friday July 24th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:49
Monday July 27th, 1964: Monday July 27th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:50
Tuesday July 28th, 1964: Tuesday July 28th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:51
Thursday July 29th, 1964: Thursday July 29th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:52
Thursday July 30th, 1964: Thursday July 30th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:53
Friday July 31st, 1964: Friday July 31st, 1964
- Box-folder 39:54
Monday August 3rd, 1964: Monday August 3rd, 1964
- Box-folder 39:55
Tuesday August 4th, 1964: Tuesday August 4th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:56
Wednesday August 5th, 1964: Wednesday August 5th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:57
Thursday August 6th, 1964: Thursday August 6th, 1964
- Box-folder 39:58
Paychecks: Paychecks
- Box-folder 40:1
Free Lunch Students: Free Lunch Students 1963 and No Date
- Box-folder 40:2
Free Lunch Students Summer: Free Lunch Students Summer Session 1964
- Box-folder 40:3
Free Lunch Applications A: Free Lunch Applications "A"
- Box-folder 40:4
Free Lunch Applications A: Free Lunch Applications "A"
- Box-folder 40:5
Free Lunch Applications B: Free Lunch Applications "B"
- Box-folder 40:6
Free Lunch Applications B: Free Lunch Applications "B"
- Box-folder 40:7
Free Lunch Applications C: Free Lunch Applications "C"
- Box-folder 40:8
Free Lunch Applications C: Free Lunch Applications "C"
- Box-folder 40:9
Free Lunch Application D: Free Lunch Application "D"
- Box-folder 40:10
Free Lunch Application E: Free Lunch Students "E"
- Box-folder 40:11
Free Lunch Applications F: Free Lunch Applications "F"
- Box-folder 40:12
Free Lunch Applications G: Free Lunch Applications "G"
- Box-folder 40:13
Free Lunch Applications H: Free Lunch Applications "H"
- Box-folder 40:14
Free Lunch Applications H: Free Lunch Applications "H"
- Box-folder 40:15
Free Lunch Applications H-I: Free Lunch Applications "H-I"
- Box-folder 41:1
Free Lunch Appilications J: Free Lunch Students "J"
- Box-folder 41:2
Free Lunch Applications J: Free Lunch Applications "J"
- Box-folder 41:3
Free Lunch Applications K-L: Free Lunch Applications "K-L"
- Box-folder 41:4
Free Lunch Applications L: Free Lunch Applications "L"
- Box-folder 41:5
Free Lunch Applications M: Free Lunch Applications "M"
- Box-folder 41:6
Free Lunch Applications M: Free Lunch Applications "M"
- Box-folder 41:7
Free Lunch Applications N-O: Free Lunch Applications "N-O"
- Box-folder 41:8
Free Lunch Application P: Free Lunch Application "P"
- Box-folder 41:9
Free Lunch Application P: Free Lunch Application "P"
- Box-folder 41:10
Free Lunch Applications R: Free Lunch Applications "R"
- Box-folder 41:11
Free Lunch Applications R: Free Lunch Applications "R"
- Box-folder 41:12
Free Lunch Applications S: Free Lunch Applications "S"
- Box-folder 41:13
Free Lunch Applications S: Free Lunch Applications "S"
- Box-folder 41:14
Free Lunch Applications S: Free Lunch Applications "S"
- Box-folder 41:15
Free Lunch Applications S: Free Lunch Applications "S"
- Box-folder 41A:1
Free Lunch Applications T: Free Lunch Applications "T"
- Box-folder 41A:2
Free Lunch Applications T: Free Lunch Applications "T"
- Box-folder 41A:3
Free Lunch Applications U: Free Lunch Applications "U"
- Box-folder 41A:4
Free Lunch Applications V: Free Lunch Applications "V"
- Box-folder 41A:5
Free Lunch Applications W: Free Lunch Applications "W"
- Box-folder 41A:6
Free Lunch Applications W: Free Lunch Applications "W"
- Box-folder 41A:7
Free Lunch Applications W: Free Lunch Applications "W"
- Box-folder 41A:8
Free Lunch Applications W: Free Lunch Applications "W"
- Box-folder 41A:9
Free Lunch Applications W: Free Lunch Applications "W"
- Box-folder 36:1
- Sub-Series C: Absentee Sheets
- Box-folder 42:1
Absentee Sheets: Absentee Sheets 3/10-4/10
- Box-folder 42:2
Absentee Reports: Absentee Reports Prior to November 16th
- Box-folder 42:3
Absentee Reports: Absentee Reports Prior to October 15th
- Box-folder 42:4
Absentee Reports: Absentee Reports Prior to December 15th
- Box-folder 42:5
Absentee Report: Absentee Report February 10th
- Box-folder 42:6
Absentee Reports: Absentee Reports April 10th-MAy 10th
- Box-folder 42:7
Absentee Reports: Absentee Reports 5/10-6/10
- Box-folder 42:8
Teachers Summer Session: Teachers Summer Session
- Box-folder 42:9
Absentees Summer Session: Absentees Summer Session
- Box-folder 42:10
Check Out Sheets and Summer Sessions: Check Out Sheets and Summer Sessions
- Box-folder 42:11
Final Check Out Sheets: Final Check Out Sheets
- Box-folder 42:12
Absentee Reports: Absentee Reports Prior to Jan 15th
- Box-folder 42:13
Contacts: Contacts
- Box-folder 42:14
Active Medical Services: Active Medical Services
- Box-folder 42:15
Attendance: Attendance
- Box-folder 42:16
Absentee Report: Absentee Report
- Box-folder 42:17
Bus Repairs Needed: Bus Repairs Needed
- Box-folder 42:18
School Car Mileage Report: School Car Mileage Report
- Box-folder 42:1
- Sub-Series D: School Attendance
list of each student's attendance. These were required statistics maintained for the state.
- Box-folder 43:1
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:2
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:3
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:4
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:5
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:6
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:7
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:8
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:9
School Attendance: School Attendance
- Box-folder 43:10
School Attendance: School Attendance
- Box-folder 43:11
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 43:12
School Attendance: School Attendance
- Box-folder 43:13
School Attendance: School Attendance
- Box-folder 43:14
School Attendance: School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:1
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:2
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:3
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:4
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:5
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward Attendance
- Box-folder 44:6
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance
- Box-folder 44:7
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:8
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance
- Box-folder 44:9
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:10
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:11
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:12
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:13
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:14
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:15
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:16
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:17
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:18
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance 1963-1964
- Box-folder 44:19
Prince Edward School Attendance: Prince Edward School Attendance
- Box-folder 44:20
Annual Report: Annual Report 1962
- Box-folder 44:21
Schedule of Afternoon Activities: Schedule of Afternoon Activities 1963-1964
- Box-folder 45:1
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance Sept-Oct 1963
- Box-folder 45:2
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance Nov-Dec 1963
- Box-folder 45:3
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance January 1964
- Box-folder 45:4
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance February 1964
- Box-folder 45:5
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance March 1964
- Box-folder 45:6
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance April 1964
- Box-folder 45:7
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance May 1964
- Box-folder 45:8
Daily Attendance: Daily Attendance (Saturdays) Jan-May 1964
- Box-folder 45:9
School Membership: School Membership 1964
- Box-folder 45:10
Dentists: Dentists 1964
- Box-folder 45:11
Recreational: Recreational 1964
- Box-folder 45:12
Daily Attendance Report (Summer Session): Daily Attendance Report (Summer Session) 1964
- Box-folder 45:13
Field Trips: Field Trips
- Box-folder 45:14
Safety Patrol: Safety Patrol
- Box-folder 45:15
Notes: Parents, Teachers, Doctors: Notes: Parents, Teachers, Doctors
- Box-folder 45:16
Grading Scale, Grade Placement: Grading Scale, Grade Placement 1963-1965
- Box-folder 45:17
The Program of Studies: The Program of Studies
- Box-folder 45:18
Vocational Training Center: Vocational Training Center 1964
- Box-folder 45:19
Referrals for Absentee Children: Referrals for Absentee Children 1964
- Box-folder 45:20
Drop Outs: Drop Outs
- Box-folder 43:1
- Sub-Series E: Monthly Reports
Required by the state of Virginia. Average daily attendance and absentees.
- Box-folder 46:1
Prince Edward Free School Association Special Reports: Prince Edward Free School Association Special Reports 1963-1964
- Box-folder 46:2
Teachers Monthly Reports: Teachers Monthly Reports 1963-1964
- Box-folder 46:3
Procter and Gamble: Procter and Gamble
- Box-folder 46:4
Requisitions: Requisitions Jan-June 1964
- Box-folder 46:5
Monthly Reports Branch #1: Monthly Reports Branch #1 Oct 1963-Jan 1964
- Box-folder 46:6
Monthly Reports Branch #1: Monthly Reports Branch #1 Oct 1963- March 1964
- Box-folder 46:7
Monthly Reports Branch #1: Monthly Reports Branch # 1 April-June 1964
- Box-folder 46:8
Monthly Reports # 2: Monthly Reports # 2 Jan-June 1964
- Box-folder 46:9
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports September 1963
- Box-folder 46:10
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports October 1963
- Box-folder 46:11
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports November 1963
- Box-folder 46:12
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports December 1963
- Box-folder 46:13
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports Jan 1964
- Box-folder 46:14
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports February 1964
- Box-folder 46:15
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports March 1964
- Box-folder 46:16
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports April 1964
- Box-folder 46:17
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports May 1964
- Box-folder 46:18
Monthly Reports: Monthly Reports June 1964
- Box-folder 46:1
- Sub-Series F: Transportation
It was estimated that over 1,000 students would need transportation to and from school each day. Included in this sub-series are: bus drivers reports, maintenance records.
- Box-folder 47:1
Reports of Pupils Transported: Reports of Pupils Transported Feb 1963-Jan 1964
- Box-folder 47:2
Reports of Pupils Transported: Reports of Pupil Transported Feb 1964- July 1964
- Box-folder 47:3
Reports of Pupils Transported: Report of Pupils Transported Sept 1963-March 1964
- Box-folder 47:4
Reports of Pupils Transported: Reports of Pupils Transported Dec 1963- March 1964
- Box-folder 47:5
Reports of Pupils Transported: Reports of Pupils Transported Sept 1963- may 1964
- Box-folder 47:6
Reports of Pupils Transported: Reports of Pupils Transported R.R. Moton
- Box-folder 47:7
Reports of Pupils Transported: Reports of Pupils Transported
- Box-folder 47:1
- Sub-Series G: Special Education
Primarily test scores used to place students in Special Education Courses. Arranged by grade and alphabetically.
- Box-folder 47:8
Students Recommended for Special Education: Students Recommended for Special Education 1964
- Box-folder 47:9
Test Forms Age 6: Test Forms Age 6
- Box-folder 47:10
Test Forms age 7 A-P: Test Forms age 7 A-P
- Box-folder 47:11
Test Forms age 7 R-W: Test Forms age 7 R-W
- Box-folder 47:12
Test Forms Age 8: Test Forms Age 8
- Box-folder 47:13
Test Forms age 9 A-Q: Test Forms age 9 A-Q
- Box-folder 47:14
Test Forms age 9 N-W: Test Forms age 9 N-W
- Box-folder 47:15
Test Forms age 10: Test Forms age 10
- Box-folder 47:16
Test Forms age 11: Test Forms age 11
- Box-folder 47:17
Prince Edward County List of Student drop outs and absentee: Prince Edward County List of Student drop outs and absentee
- Box-folder 47:18
Prince Edward County List of Student drop outs and absentee: Prince Edward County List of Student Drop Outs and Absentee 1963-1964
- Box-folder 48:1
Applications by Alphabet: A: Applications by Alphabet: A
- Box-folder 48:2
Applications by Alphabet: B: Applications by Alphabet: B
- Box-folder 48:3
Applications by Alphabet: C: Applications by Alphabet: C
- Box-folder 48:4
Applications by Alphabet: D: Applications by Alphabet: D
- Box-folder 48:5
Applications by Alphabet: E: Applications by Alphabet: E
- Box-folder 48:6
Applications by Alphabet: F: Applications by Alphabet: F
- Box-folder 48:7
Applications by Alphabet: G: Applications by Alphabet: G
- Box-folder 48:8
Applications by Alphabet: H: Applications by Alphabet: H
- Box-folder 48:9
Applications by Alphabet: J: Applications by Alphabet: J
- Box-folder 48:10
Applications by Alphabet: M: Applications by Alphabet: M
- Box-folder 48:11
Applications by Alphabet: O: Applications by Alphabet: O
- Box-folder 48:12
Applications by Alphabet: P: Applications by Alphabet: P
- Box-folder 48:13
Applications by Alphabet: R: Applications by Alphabet: R
- Box-folder 48:14
Applications by Alphabet: S: Applications by Alphabet: S
- Box-folder 48:15
Applications by Alphabet: T: Applications by Alphabet: T
- Box-folder 48:16
Applications by Alphabet: W: Applications by Alphabet: W
- Box-folder 48:17
Applications by Alphabet: A: Applications by Alphabet: A 48:17
- Box-folder 47:8
Four years without a public education system devastated the African American school aged population. In order to asset the damage and effect some change the office of Pupil Personnel Services was established. The director of Pupil Personnel Services coordinated the following departments: Guidance, Health, Psychological and social work services.
- Sub-Series A: Grade Sheets
Final grade sheets from the Prince Edward County Free School teaching faculty. Restricted
- Box-folder 49:1
Daily Roll: Daily Roll
- Box-folder 49:2
Grade Sheet Connelly: Grade Sheet Connelly
- Box-folder 49:3
Grade Sheet Cuffee: Grade Sheet Cuffee
- Box-folder 49:4
Grade Sheets Forest: Grade Sheets Forest
- Box-folder 49:5
Grade Sheet Hosley: Grade Sheet Hosley
- Box-folder 49:6
Grade Sheet Jones, D: Grade Sheet Jones, D
- Box-folder 49:7
Grade Sheet Jones: Grade Sheet Jones
- Box-folder 49:8
Grade Sheet Johnson, C.W.: Grade Sheet Johnson, C.W.
- Box-folder 49:9
Grade Sheets Johnson, H.C.: Grade Sheets Johnson, H.C.
- Box-folder 49:10
Grade Sheet Parker: Grade Sheet Parker
- Box-folder 49:11
Grade Sheet Franklin: Grade Sheet Franklin
- Box-folder 49:12
Grade Sheet Ms. Pollard: Grade Sheet Ms. Pollard
- Box-folder 49:13
Grade Sheet Ms. Munson: Grade Sheet Ms. Munson
- Box-folder 49:14
Grade Sheet DeMoss: Grade Sheet DeMoss
- Box-folder 49:15
Lemuel Bland: Lemuel Bland
- Box-folder 49:16
Grade Sheet Lyle: Grade Sheet Lyle
- Box-folder 49:17
Morgan: Morgan
- Box-folder 49:18
Grade Sheets Saunders J.A.: Grade Sheets Saunders J.A.
- Box-folder 49:19
Grade Sheets Taylor: Grade Sheets Taylor
- Box-folder 49:20
H.L. Watson: H.L. Watson
- Box-folder 49:21
Whelhel: Whelhel
- Box-folder 49:22
Weitzenfold, J.S.: Weitzenfold, J.S.
- Box-folder 49:23
Whitaker: Whitaker
- Box-folder 49:24
Mrs. Williams: Mrs. Williams
- Box-folder 49:25
Van Bans Grade Sheets: Van Bans Grade Sheets
- Box-folder 49:1
- Sub-Series B: Grade Books
Grade books maintained by the teaching faculty of the Prince Edward Free School Association. Restricted
- Box 50-52
Grade Books: Grade Books
- Box 50-52
- Sub-Series C: Text Books
Book files used by the teachers in the Free School. There are also included list of recommended books for certain subjects. Arranged by grade level.
- Box-folder 53:1
Books:Recommended for Home Economics Education: Books:Recommended for Home Economics Education
- Box-folder 53:2
Books: Grade 7: Books: Grade 7
- Box-folder 53:3
Books: Grade 8: Books: Grade 8
- Box-folder 53:4
Books: Grade 10: Books: Grade 10
- Box-folder 53:5
Books: Grade 12: Books: Grade 12
- Box-folder 53:6
Books: Grade 12: Books: Grade 12
- Box-folder 53:1
- Sub-Series D: Summer Session
The schools and grounds were made available for students to use during the summer months when they were not in school. This sub-series documents those people who were assigned or agreed to work as supervisors for this program.
- Box-folder 53:7
Summer Session Worsham: Summer Session Worsham
- Box-folder 53:8
Summer Recreation Schedule: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:9
Summer Recreation Schedule: Summer Recreation Schedule
- Box-folder 53:10
Summer Recreational Schedule Worsham: Summer Recreational Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:11
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Worsham
- Box-folder 53:12
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:13
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:14
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:15
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:16
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:17
Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:18
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:19
Summer Recreation Worsham: Summer Recreation Schedule Worsham
- Box-folder 53:7
- Box 54-59
Sub-Series A: Pupil Registration CardsName, age, and addresses of the students who registered for the Free School in September 1963.Restricted
- Box 63-106
Sub-Series B: Standardized Test
Gates reading survey, the Stanford Achievement, The Wechsler Intelligence Scale, The Chuazz nonverbal standardized (Student from Michigan State) Administrated Stanford and Metropolitan Test).Restrictions apply
Student Transcripts: Student Transcripts
- Box 63-106
Sub-Series C: Transcripts
Student enrolled in the Prince Edward County Free School from 1963-1964. Restrictions Apply
Documents printed by the Prince Edward County Free School Association. There are also a number of other items which were collected by the Free School Administrators.
- Box 107
Sub-Series A: YearbooksThe Eagle
- Box 107
Sub-Series B: NewslettersThe Moton Eagle, The Branch Informer (2)
- Sub-Series C: Programs and Bulletins
- Box-folder 108:1
Program: Memorial Service John F. Kennedy: Program: Memorial Service John F. Kennedy
- Box-folder 108:2
Program: Robert Kennedy: Program: Robert Kennedy
- Box-folder 108:3
Branch # 1: Branch # 1 1963
- Box-folder 108:4
Program: The Library Club: Program: The Library Club
- Box-folder 108:5
Programs: 1963-1964: Programs: 1963-1964
- Box-folder 108:6
Program: Commencement Robert R. Moton: Program: Commencement Robert R. Moton 1964
- Box-folder 108:7
Program: Testimonial Neel v. Sullivan: Program: Testimonial Neel v. Sullivan
- Box-folder 108:1
- Box 108
Sub-Series D: News Clippings
- Box 109
Sub-Series E: Office Supplies