A Guide to the Carl Davis Papers, 1992-1942
A Collection in
Special Collections, Kegley Library
Collection Number 2007.3
Special Collections, Kegley Library, Wytheville Community College
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Processed by: Cathy Carlson Reynolds
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
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Preferred Citation
Carl Davis Papers, Mss. Collection 2007.3, Kegley Library, Wytheville Community College, Wytheville, VA
Acquisition Information
Donated by Marjorie Stone, great niece of Carl Davis, in June 2007.
Biographical Information
Carl Brown Davis, son of Smyth County farmer George W. Davis and Ella B. Sprinkle, was born 28 February 1888. His siblings included George S. Davis of Atkins, C. Emmett Davis of Rural Retreat, Ruth Davis, and Bessie Davis Long. He married Elizabeth Preston Eversole, daughter of dentist E. C. Eversole and Elizabeth Preston Eversole, sometime after 1920. They had a son Robert C. Davis.
Davis ran a farm and dog breeding business in Groseclose, Smyth County, Virginia. His wife Elizabeth Eversole Davis raised chickens to supplement their income.
Davis died 16 September 1960 and Elizabeth Davis died 30 November 1970. They are both buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Rural Retreat, Virginia.
Scope and Content
The Papers consist of two series. Series I, Correspondence (1924-1942, undated) includes letters between Carl Davis and clients interested in purchasing beagles and collies and farm agents and livestock marketers regarding market conditions and prices for sheep, lambs, cattle, and hogs. Also included are letters to Elizabeth Eversole regarding her poultry business.
Series II, Agricultural Records (1922-1942, undated) consists of financial statements, flyers, brochures, livestock market reports, and other records regarding livestock farming and poultry and dog breeding. Also included are several advertisements from department stores, drug stores, and farming companies.
Contents List
Folder 1. Correspondence. 1924-1925.4 items.
Correspondents include J. J. Cozart of Farmers Warehouse, Inc.; Levison Brothers Company, Bristol, Virginia; Mrs. V. B. Mast, Sugar Grove, North Carolina; and Jose J. Gautier Sr., Micajah, West Virginia. Topics include burley tobacco, return of shoes, order of turkey hens and request for bourbon red gobbler, and request for two bourbon red turkey hens.
- Folder 2. Correspondence. April - July 1927.8 items.
Correspondents include R. B. Watts, Belmont, North Carolina; Mary A. Crockett, Wytheville, Virginia; Clarence L. Pickard, Cooperative Extension Agent, Blacksburg, Virginia; George D. Chapman Jr., Isle of Wight, Virginia; P. E. Bird, Cooperative Extension Agent, Marion, Virginia; Millard Altizer, Henlawson, West Virginia; and Amos Thompson, Livestock Co-operative Marketing Association, Riner, Virginia. Topics include purebred white collie puppy, Blue English beagle puppy, beagle puppies, farm account books, ton hog litter contest sponsored by Smyth County Fair Association, and order for lambs.
Folder 3. Correspondence. August - October 1927.9 items.
Correspondents include Amos Thompson, Livestock Co-operative Marketing Association, Riner, Virginia; H. T. Mozeley, Mozeley Groceries, Toccoa, Georgia; H. B. Staley, Marion Virginia; Joe Jackson, Doran, Virginia; E. G. Gonganecher, Smithburg, Maryland; W. E. Pulley, Zuni, Virginia; Charlie Cole, Ward, West Virginia; and W. S. Crigger, Marion, Virginia. Topics include shipping lambs and hogs, beagles, buckwheat, blue English beagles, turkey marketing, Llewellyn setter puppies, and pasture leasing.
Folder 4. Correspondence. November - December 1928.3 items.
Correspondents include John A. Miller, Live Stock Commission Merchant, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Amos Thompson, Livestock Co-operative Marketing Association, Riner, Virginia. Topics include livestock prices, cattle sold to Davis, and error in billing for hog shipment.
Folder 5. Correspondence. January - 2 May 1929.7 items.
Correspondents include William S. Brodrick, Norfolk, Virginia; Amos Thompson, Livestock Co-operative Marketing Association, Riner, Virginia; and Hugh S. Mason, Myers & Houseman, Live Stock Commission Merchants, Jersey City, New Jersey. Topics include check for Ray Groseclose and lower price for lambs.
Folder 7. Correspondence. June - August 1929.7 items.
Correspondents include Hugh S. Mason, Myers & Houseman, Live Stock Commission Merchants, jersey City, New Jersey; Amos Thompson, Livestock Co-operative Marketing Association; and A. H. Morgan, East Radford, Virginia. Topics include lamb shipment, price of lambs, booklet on setters and hounds, and beagles.
Folder 8. Correspondence. 1938, 1942, undated.3 items.
Correspondents include Chattanooga Valley Kennel Club, Elizabeth Eversole Davis, Local Chairman, Smyth County, Virginia Tuberculosis Association; and Rev. W. R. Brown, Rural Retreat, Virginia. Topics include information on exhibition for Chattanooga Valley Kennel Club dog show, sale of Christmas seals, and funds for Marion College, Marion, Virginia.
Folder 1. Agricultural Records. Dog and Kennel Records. 1929, 19373 items.
Contents include contract between American Railway Express Company and Davis for transportation of bird dog to Norfolk; 1937 premium list for Roanoke Kennel Club dog show; and 1937 entry form for Roanoke Kennel Club show.
Folder 2. Agricultural Records. Jelliffe, Wright & Company. 1927.4 items.
Contents include market reports for livestock (cattle, calves, lambs, hogs) from Jelliffe, Wright and Company, Wholesale Commission Merchants, New York, New York. Dates include 7 September 1927, 3 October 1927, 17 October 1927, and 24 October 1927.
Folder 3. Agricultural Records. Kerns Commission Company. 1927, 1931.5 items.
Contents include market reports regarding livestock (cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, lambs) from Kerns Commission Company, Live Stock Commission, New York, New York. Dates include 24 August 1927, 5 October 1927, 10 October 1927, 26 October 1927, and 20 July 1931.
Folder 4. Agricultural Records. Lancaster Live Stock News. 1928.1 item.
Contents include newspaper, Lancaster Live Stock News dated 10 January 1928.
Folder 5. Agricultural Records. Myers & Houseman, Southwest Virginia Co-operative Exchange, and Livestock Co-operative Marketing Association. 1922, 1925, 1927.6 items.
Contents include account statements from Myers & Houseman, Live Stock Commission Merchants and Southwest Virginia Co-operative Exchange, Inc. Also included is a report of the Livestock Co-operative Marketing Association for May-September 1925.
Folder 6. Agricultural Records. Smith's Chickagrams and Mr. Gazoogle Breeding Calculator. 1927, 1928.3 items.
Contents include newsletter for poultry industry, Smith's Chickagrams , dated December 1927 and advertisement for Smith Incubator Company dated 1927. Also included is a volvelle, wheel, for calculating poultry breeding labeled "Mr. Gazoogle, the Farmer's Breeding Calculator. "
Folder 7. Agricultural Records. Advertising Flyers. 1922, 1925, 1928, 1929.5 items.
Contents include 1929 Montgomery Ward tire and auto supply catalog and a Mark C. Bane Department Store, Pulaski, Virginia, flyer dated 1925. Also included is an 1922 Texas Drug Store flyer from Gammon-Humphrey store in Rural Retreat, Virginia and a flyer for Rogers Fur Company, St. Louis, Missouri dated January 1928. A brochure from the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles giving traffic and driver regulations dated 1929 is also included.
Folder 8. Agricultural Records. Advertising Flyers. Undated.6 items.
Contents include flyers for AA Quality Fertilizers from American Agricultural Chemical Company; Plymouth Twine; H. B. Staley Company flour, Marion, Virginia; R. L. Kellery and J. B. Richardson, cattle auctioneers, Chilhowie, Virginia; and Blue Grass Hardware Company, Rural Retreat, Virginia for the "Range Eternal."