A Guide to the Marion Circuit, Holston Methodist Conference, Record Book, 1922 - 1926
A Collection in
Special Collections, Kegley Library
Collection Number 2005.6
Special Collections, Kegley Library, Wytheville Community College
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Processed by: Cathy Carlson Reynolds
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to research.
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Preferred Citation
Marion Circuit, Holston Methodist Conference, Record Book, Accession # 2005.6, Special Collections, Kegley Library, Wytheville Community College, Wytheville, VA
Acquisition Information
Donated by William Veselik in 2005.
Scope and Content
The Methodist Church Quarterly Conference Record Book contains quarterly reports filed from September 1922 to September 1926 from churches in the Marion Circuit, Wytheville District, Holston Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Smyth County churches covered in the reports include Davis Mountain Methodist Church, Greenwood Methodist Church, Laurel Spring Methodist Church, Mt. Carmel Methodist Church, Mt. Zion Methodist Church, and Seven Mile Ford Methodist Church.
Information contained includes names of members, narrative report by minister, statistical information, financial information, and religious education informatino. Although each quarterly report varies, the minister's narrative (supplement) usually chronicles pastoral, Sunday School, Epworth League, and other church activities.
The ministers and presiding elders for each report year include: 1922 / 1923, Rev. S. P. Highley, presiding elder, Rev. M. Quesenberry, presiding clergy; 1923 / 1924, Rev. T. J. Eskridge, presiding elder, Rev. M. Quesenberry, presiding clergy; 1924 / 1925, Rev. C. K. Wingo, presiding elder, Rev. Charles E. Painter, presiding clergy; 1925 / 1926, Rev. C. K. Wingo, presiding elder, Rev. Charles E. Painter, presiding clergy.