Washington and Lee University, James G. Leyburn Library Special Collections and Archives
204 W. Washington St.Lexington, VA 24450
URL: http://library.wlu.edu/specialcollections
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The materials from Washington and Lee University Special Collections are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used should be fully credited with the source. Permission for publication of this material, in part or in full, must be secured with the Head of Special Collections.
Preferred Citation
Preferred citation: [Identification of item], Alfred Leyburn Papers, WLU Coll. 0098, Special Collections, Leyburn Library, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA. In some cases the citation format may vary. Please contact Special Collections staff to verify the appropriate format.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gift of Mrs. Marion Junkin in 1979.
Processing Information
Blue sheet prepared by Betty Kondayan (2/11/2003)
Biographical / Historical
Dr. Alfred Leyburn attended Washington College (Va.), 1821-1822; practiced as a physician in Lexington, Va., was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, 1835 – 36, 1838 – 1842, and 1852, was a member of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute, 1839 – 46, and served as rector and member of the Washington College and Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees, 1840-1878.
Scope and Contents
Contains c.55 items, of Dr. Alfred Leyburn and the Leyburn family of Lexington, Va., including 22 letters between Leyburn and his wife, Ann Eliza, 1835-36; patents of Edward J. Leyburn.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Caruthers, William Alexander
- Correspondence
- Junkin, Marion Montague
- Leyburn, Ann Eliza
- Leyburn, Edward J.
- Patents
- Washington and Lee University. Trustees -- : History
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Caruthers, William Alexander
- Bagby, George C.
- Caruthers, Edward
- Caruthers, Louisa
- Craig, W. M.
- Diehl, George West
- Junkin, George, 1798 - 1868
- Junkin, Marion Montague
- Junkin, Mary Leyburn
- Kerr, James
- Lewis, John E.
- Leyburn, Alfred
- Leyburn, Ann Eliza
- Leyburn, Ann Pope
- Leyburn, Edward J.
- Leyburn, George
- Leyburn, John
- Leyburn, Margaret Kerr
- Leyburn, William
- McLean, Levi H.
- Moseley, H. W., Dr.
Container List
McLean writes about concern for Kerr's health, studies, etc. He also mentions their acquaintences and comments on their activities.
This file includes two letters from George Leyburn: one to Ann Eliza, 1832, and one to Alfred, 1832. One letter is from Edward Caruthers to Ann Eliza, 1834, and one is from George C. Bagby to Alred, 1834. The last sent from Canyton, Ky., to Ann Eliza, 1833, but part of the letter is missing and the sender is unidentified.
"M. Jane," most likely Mary Jane (see letter from James) addresses Ann Eliza as "Grandmair" and discusses family and social affairs, weather, and gossip.
"James" is most likely the sister of "M. Jane." He addresses Ann Eliza as "Grandma" and mentions Mary Jane.
Edward discusses his social life, business, food, and Washington College.
Alfred writes about his activities attending the legislature and answers her questions about matters in Lexington. Ann Eliza writes about Alfred coming home for Christmas, the slaves, cooking, social life, and their animals.
William writes of Mrs. Calhoun's activities, his medical work, prices of goods, and business opportunities.
John addresses Ann Eliza as "Mother" and writes of his activities, sermons, etc.
William Caruthers (and his wife Louisa) writes to Ann Eliza about his life and medical practice in Kanawha, Va.
Dr. H.W. Moseley (Ann Eliza's brother-in-law) writes to Alfred about Ann Eliza's health.
William Leyburn writes to his father and step-mother about school, health, and activities.
Edwards writes from Brownsburg about school, etc.
In the first letter, Mary writes from Korea to his sister Margaret about a picnice, friensd, gardens, and her husbands missionary work.The second item is only pages 9-12 of a letter written by Mary Junkin Leyburn from Korea.
Letters include: Part of a letter to Alice ("Aunt Alice" is mentioned in William Leyburn's letter to his father and Ann Leyburn in 1839) not signed, about family and friends Letter written by James to his grandmother, most likely the James who addressed Ann Eliza as "Grandma." He also mentions Alice. A letter to Ann Eliza (before 1837) from a cousin about dress materials she plans to purhcase.
The patent was for improvements in hand trucks or barrows. The file includes a "Brevet D'invention" manuscript about this patent, dated Paris, 10 Nov. 1880.
This file consists of a grant by the Patent Office, London, England, to W. R. Lake of Southampton, for English certificate of a patent for improvement in hand trucks or barrows, patented in U.S.A. and France by Leyburn, with signed statement by Lake of his obtaining this protection.
This file consists of three manuscript statements by Edward J. Leyburn, Fredericksburg, Va., stating that Rev. James P. Smith is his attorney and can dispose of this patent for the German empire and United Kingdom. The documents are certified by a notary.
This file consists of four typewritten pages labelled "Junkin Family Tree" and of eight pages of family records of marriage, births, and deaths. There is also photocopies of these documents.
This file includes four leaves of the newspaper as well as photocopies.
The manuscripts are acouns of the chief events in the family history. Both of the manuscripts are written in the same hand.
This file consists of a notebook containing 113 pages o genealogical notes. There is also an additional 34 pages of manuscript notes on the Caruthers family in a different hand (likely the same hand as the notes on the Leyburn Family in folder 15).