Inventory of the Garth Family Papers 1798-1872
A Collection in the
Manuscripts and Rare Books Department
Collection Number Mss. 65 G19
Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary
Special CollectionsEarl Gregg Swem Library
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8794
Phone: (757) 221-3090
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© 2000 By the College of William and Mary
Funding: Web version of the finding aid funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Processed by: Madelyn Redd, 1984.
Administrative Information
Restrictions on Access
Collection is open to all researchers.
Publication Rights/ Restrictions on Use
Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any materials, permission must be obtained from the Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, and the holder of the copyright, if not Swem Library.
Preferred Citation
Garth Family Papers, Manuscripts and Rare Books Department, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
Acquisition Information
Purchased: 1259 items, 4/25/1940.
Scope and Content Information
This inventory contains personal correspondence, business correspondence and accounts, receipts, loans and promissory notes, legal documents, tax information, and land records of the Jesse Garth family, Charlottesville, Albemarle Co., Virginia, The majority of the inventory deals with correspondence chiefly from 1800-1854, between family members, mostly the adult children of Jesse and Elizabeth Garth, fl. 1798-1854, especially Lucy E. B. Garth, fl. 1820-1849; Sarah Garth Goodman, fl. 1820-1842; Jesse B. Garth, fl. 1833-1834; and May S. Garth Sumner, fl. 1849-1851, as well as other nephews and family members; and the correspondence, accounts and other documents from business and legal acquaintances in the Richmond and Charlottesville, Va. areas. The subject matter in these letters for the most part pertain to agricultural and business matters, the War of 1812, slavery and emancipation, land transactions and speculation, schools, legal concerns, and family news. Also included in a suicide note dated, 30 June 1835.
OrganizationThis collection is separated into five Series: 1. Correspondence, 2. Financial Records, 3. Legal Records, 4. Miscellaneous Material, 5. Manuscript Volumes.
ArrangementAfter being organized into Series, each Series is then arranged chronologically by date.
Index Terms
- Garth family.
- Agriculture--Southern States.
- Schools--Virginia--Albemarle County.
- Suicide.
- UUnited States--History--War of 1812.
- Albemarle County (Va.)--History.
Family Names:
Geographical Names:
Components List
- Box-folder
Subseries 1: Personal Correspondence, 1811-1857.24 items.
- Box-folder
John Garth, [Scott Co., Kentucky] to "brother" [Jesse Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia], 5 Nov. 1813.4 pages. ALS. Including typescript.
Describes defeat of British in "Canady" and valor of Jo[h]nson's Regiment of mounted militia against the British regulars; tells of cowardice of Proctor [?]; relates death of "Tecomse" [sic][Tecumseh] by severely wounded Col. T. Jo[h]nson; hopes government will now support the war "hart and hand"; sends regards to various friends; Jo[h]nson expected to recover; twenty men lost in the charge; mentions upcoming marriage of Rodes Garth and "Mis Carigan"; asks after his brother, Elijah.
- Box-folder
Winston Garth [Morgan Co., Alabama], to his uncle, Jesse Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 17 July 1819.3 pages. ALS. Including typescript.
Describes prospects in Alabama; things hard as cotton prices down ½; provisions quite expensive; sale of public land continues and will during next year; one of his sons could make fortune with only a few hundred dollars in land; poor health has prevented attention to business; reiterates good potential of area; money could be placed in account with E. Anderson in Richmond; 90 days would be enough time for son to arrive, choose land, and make arrangements; life at first would be rough; sends regards to Jesse and his family and his own mother.
- Box-folder
Isaac and Susannah Dalton, Germantown, North Carolina, to brother [in-law], Jesse Garth, Albemarle Co., Virginia, 25 Jan. 1820.2 pages. ALS.
Inquires about health; glad to receive letter; hopes own crops do well; corn goes for $.60/bushel and pork for $6.00; everything else "dull"; money scarce as time of contraction; inquires if still intends to visit in spring; hard winter since Christmas; looks forward to their visit.
- Box-folder
William C. Clarke, Staunton, Virginia, to Jesse Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 5 May 1820.2 pages. ALS.
Relates information concerning next court date and which session they should plan on attending; requests advice for Adelisa [?] Cooper, young acquaintance who is considering opening a "female school" in the Charlottesville area.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth, Albemarle Co., to William C. Clarke, Staunton, Virginia, 11 May 1[820].1 page. ALS. Incomplete.
In response to his request, has inquired about possible need for a "female school"; explains that there are several in the area.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth, Albemarle [Co.], Virginia, to his brother [in-law], Isaac Dalton, Germanton, [Stokes Co.], North Carolina, 28 Oct. 1820.2 pages. ALS. Including typescript.
Inquiries about family'' health and Isaac'' recovery; compelled to seek a loan as sawmill in need of repairs and unable to raise cash; hopes to recover costs within 3 to 4 weeks of operation; Tho[ma]s Garth will give further explanation; letter will serve as bond and receipt until repayment. Receipt of loan acknowledged in writing by Tho[ma]s Garth. In third hand, both Jesse and T. Garth with notations of $50.00 written.
- Box-folder
W[illi]am Garth, n. p., to his uncle, Jesse Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 7 May 1822.1 page. ALS.
Describes exact measurements for planks needed for roofing materials.
- Box-folder
Isaac and Susan Dalton, Germanton, North Carolina, to brother [in-law] Jesse Garth, Albemarl[e] Co., Virginia, 18 March 1823.1 page. ALS.
Discusses his recovery; inquires about family's health; replies to previous question regarding total loans to Jesse; estimates $971.48; would like repayment but is aware of recent misfortunes; own health compels him to resolve financial matters; is agreeable to suggestion that slaves be repayment.
- Box-folder
Stephan Claton for Isaac Dalton, Germanton, North Carolina, to Jesse Garth, Albemarle Co., Virginia, 22 Dec. 1823.2 pages. ALS.
Realizes own death is near; wants to resolve question of loans as quickly and as easily as possible; if Jesse brings or sends it, money should be in North Carolina bills; if executors call for it, they may demand "the best money" as compensation; doesn't mean to alarm him over either loan or impending death; trusts both will be quickly resolved.
- Box-folder
Pascal J. Garth, Trenton, Kentucky, to his uncle and father-in-law, Jesse Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 20 April 1831.2 pages. ALS.
Trip home took 22 days due to inclement weather, poor health, and a bad axle; he and Lucy are in good health; she has gained weight; hopes all are well; spring in Kentucky is "backwards" as tobacco is planted before corn; tobacco in New Orleans is at $4.00 and rising; corn is $1.25/bushel.
- Box-folder
S. L. Barksdale, [near Charlottesville, Virginia?] to Sarah Ann J. Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, [post 1820-ante 1832?].1 page. ANS.
Gives particulars pertaining to upcoming trip to Richmond; invites Sarah to come.
- Box-folder
Jesse B. and Susan Garth, Morgan Co., Alabama, to parents, Jesse and Elizabeth Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 7 Oct. 1833.2 pages. ALS.
Arrived last night at cousin Winston Garth's; the axeltree broke again; Aunt Unity [?] is ill; had a daughter nine days ago; the doctor doubtful of her recovery; Winston at the land sales; will leave in morning to join him as little time to explore the land before the sale starts on the 22nd; trip took 26 days and cost $38.74, besides swapping horses as mentioned previously; horses are fine; averaged 23 or 24 miles/day; met many old acquaintances on way; met Rowland Gouch near Huntsville, who used to live at the Barracks [?] and knew everybody in Albemarle; corn crops in Virginia surpass those elsewhere; cotton does well in some areas and less well in others.
Including ANS from Susan Garth, Morgan Co., Alabama, to her parents [in-law], Jesse Garth and wife, Charlottesville, Virginia, 7 Oct. 1833, concerning trip; describes Aunt Unity's condition; please pass on news to her own parents; won't write until Jesse B. returns and situation with Aunt Unity resolved. 1p.
- Box-folder
Jesse and Susan Garth, Okachickoma, Yalabusha Co., Mississippi, to parents, Jesse and Elizabeth Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 25 April 1834.3 pages. ALS.
Concerned that has had no reply to letters since left Virginia; disappointed that county site was not at Walker; choice was result of speculation only; unpopularity will end in petition to change it at next legislative meeting; party spirit runs high; strongest party is Constitutional Nullifiers; offered $6.00/acre; had paid $1.50/acre; will soon sell; intends to join Winston Garth in Chickasaw land sale in summer and fall; describes area and its name; extremely wet winter and spring; much livestock drowned and many roads closed; warns brothers not to be partners with William [?] Garth, as he only wants their money and has since caused own trouble with Winston; requests any old accounts be settled and money forwarded; health is good, hopes some will move out to good farm land and horses.
Including ANS from Susan Garth, Okachickoma, Yalabusha Co., Mississippi, to parents [in-law] Jesse Garth and wife, Charlottesville, Virginia, concerning cost of living and decision to teach; thinks have done well for first year; she and sister [?] Polly miss family. 1p.
- Box-folder
James P. Hendison, n. p., to his wife, Minna [?] Hendison, n. p., 30 June 1835.2 pages. ACYS of ALS.
Suicide note copied by Julius A. Harris for Jesse Garth. Letter explains reasons for action-her reaction to his confession of lying about buying paintings prevented him from relating details of lie about buying furniture; never had the money and unable to borrow it from friends or relatives; apologizes for the anguish has caused; her love, generosity and affection are not enough to balance his deception; asks for forgiveness; explains his lies were never intended to be painful or deceptive; he only wanted her to be happy and has sincerely loved her; advises her to ask Mr. Cock to take her and children to Nelson, [Kentucky?] immediately.
- Box-folder
Lucy E. B. Garth, Hadensville, Kentucky, to her parents [in-law], Jesse and Elizabeth Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 17 May 1836.3 pages. ALS.
Empathizes with sister's dental discomforts and gives advice; describes own health; reassures mother [in-law?] about her weight; asks after Sarah; describes baby son, Egbert, and his growth and achievements; describes spring and garden produce; agree would be nice to live closer to family, but accepts the situation; asks parents and siblings to visit.
- Box-folder
Sarah and J. Goodman, n. p., to her parents, Jesse and Elizabeth Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 14 Feb. 1837.2 pages. ALS.
Family recovering from the measles; concerned that brother and his family may move to Florida; sends condolences at slave Johnson's death, little news other than domestic concerns; misses family and hopes to see them but uncertain of when could visit; likens baby daughter Elizabeth to other relatives; asks parents to address next letter to husband, J. Goodman, if they want J. to write them in return.
- Box-folder
Pascal [J.] Garth, Elkton, Kentucky, to his brother-in-law, Thomas G. Garth, Stanardsville, Virginia, 5 Dec[embe]r 1839.
Expresses relief at news that mother-in-law [Elizabeth] is recovering; announces recent birth of daughter; as yet unnamed; relates price of produce; has gotten letter from Uncle Garland that father's estate had finally been settled; asks him to verify the information as a business prospect depends on the amount he'd receive; comments that he hopes Thomas G. is no longer an ardent Jackson-Van Buren adherent; asks that the letter be forwarded to his father-in-law, Jesse Garth.
- Box-folder
J [?] Goodman, n. p., to his parents-in-law, Jesse and Elizabeth Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 17 Aug. 1842.2 pages. ALS.
Describes recent business trip which included stops in New Orleans, Mobile, Selma, Tuscaloosa, Greensboro, Huntsville, and Nashville; relates many failures due to first high land prices than a sharp fall; describes own prospects and estimates own profit; requests Jesse and Uncle Briteberry inquire about possibility of sending his cattle to New York; relates family news.
- Box-folder
D. Wood, Pilgrim's Retreat, Charlottesville, Virginia, to his brother [in-law?], Jesse Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 29 Oct. 1846.2 pages. ALS.
Relates incident of son [?], Sam's accident with hastily loaded wagon of logs and his surprising survival; asks if Jesse has any interest in buying team of mules and gives price he'd consider; inquires after mother and sister [Elizabeth?].
- Box-folder
Pascal [J.] Garth, Elkton, Kentucky, to his uncle and aunt and parents-in-law, Jesse and Elizabeth Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 11 June 1849.2 pages. ALS.
Describes weather and speculates on harvest; describes political excitement over issue of emancipation; explains why he believes it won't pass; asks for news about family friend, May Summer; discusses cholera epidemics; exchanges family news.
- Box-folder
M[ay?] S. Sumner, Holly Springs, Mississippi, to her father, Jesse Garth, Charlottesville, Virginia, 23 Aug. 1851.2 pages. Incomplete.
Discusses plans to visit parents in late fall or early winter; describes crops and estimates profits; expresses concern for brother's salvation.
- Box-folder
- Box-folder
Subseries 2: Business Correspondence, 1811-1852, n.d.
- Box-folder
Business correspondence with various merchants predominately in Richmond and Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as Milton, Bourbon Co., Kentucky, 1811-1829 & n. d.29 items.
Correspondents include: Anderson & Blair; D & E Anderson; Edward Anderson; John Corthrac [?]; Anderson & Woodson; Luther W. George; Anderson, Wookson, & Bigges; Thomas Gilmer; A. F. Bigges; Anderson, Blair, & Anderson; B. Brown, Jr.; and J. Garth. Contents pertain to various concerns, such as prices of commodities, sale of farm produce, tobacco trading, loans, banking matters, accounts with company, establishing a neighborhood school, opening a new store, and payment of accounts.
- Box-folder
Business correspondence with various merchants predominately in Richmond and Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as Hydraulic Mills, Virginia, 1830-1853 & n. d.23 items.
Correspondents include: Blair & Anderson; Beverly Blair; Deane & Edwards; John D. Brown [?]; Charles Brown; Robert Enrastreny [?]; Andrew Sampler [?]; Deane & Brown; B. C. Flannagan; James O. Walters; W. & B. Brown; T. Garth; W. Hatch; and N. N. Wallace. Contents pertain to various concerns, such as accounts with company, tobacco trading, prices of commodities, sale of cattle, land question, fabric patterns and types, arranging delivery of dairy products with neighbor, proposal to burn (for clearing purposes) adjoining lands by a neighbor, information about sale of farm produce, and possible lumbering information.
- Box-folder
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth's promissory notes, loans, and acknowledgments of debts, 1803-1852.115 items.
- Box-folder
Receipts for payments made by either Jesse or Elizabeth Garth, 1799-1819.98 items.
- Box-folder
Receipts for payments made by either Jesse, Elizabeth, or Brightberry Garth, 1820-1829.78 items.
- Box-folder
Receipts for payments made by either Jesse or Elizabeth Garth, 1830-1839.68 items.
- Box-folder
Receipts for payments made by either Jesse or Elizabeth Garth, 1840-1853.121 items.
- Box-folder
Accounts and bills with various creditors, 1800-1809.45 items.
Creditors include: Brown, River, & Co., Brown, Watson, & Co.; William Galt; James Horsley; Richard Bibb; J. Kelly & Co.; and James & Samuel Leitch for such items as paper, a variety of fabrics, sewing accessories, liquor, farmwork, household goods, staples (i. e. coffee, tea, loaf sugar, brown sugar, salt, pepper, spices.), hardware, shoes, a shawl, suspenders, exercise book, New York Reader, and tobacco trade. Family members mentioned are J., John, Jesse and W. Garth.
- Box-folder
Accounts, bills, and lists, with various creditors, 1810-1819.59 items.
Creditors include: R. Anderson, Asa Davey, S. F. Hoy, Branham & Jones, John H. Craven, David Owens, Abraham Johnson, Anderson & Blair, Charles Brown, M. D., James & Samuel Leitch. Items involved included farm labor, building materials and supplies for house, partial total of year's produce, tobacco trade, day work at lumbermill and blacksmithing. Purchases include steel, iron, farm implements, horse furniture, liquor, household goods, staples (i. e. salt, spices, loaf sugar, coffee.), necklace, tortoise comb, glass lens, various types shoes, various fabrics, sewing accessories, gloves, blankets, brass candlesticks, razor, suspenders, dressing glass, china coffee cups, serving bowls, wine glasses, tumblers, and various school books. Family members mentioned include Thomas, Sarah Anne, Polly, "son Jesse", Brightberry B., "Bez'l", Garland, and Jesse Garth.
- Box-folder
Accounts, bill, and lists, with various creditors, 1820-1824.68 items.
Creditors include: Edmund Anderson; John Winn; Kelly & Norris; Jesse Lewis; David Owens; Branham & Bibb; John C. St. John; Anderson, Woodson, & Bigges; Joseph Bishop; George Wolfe; Luther W. George; David Isaacs; George Toole; Joel W. Brown; and G. W. Vaughan. Items involved include: tobacco trade, blacksmithing, labor, house rent, bill of sale for the "Miller Mare", and (apparently) stud service. Purchases include: household goods, hardware, iron, timber, leather and leather goods, liquor, shoes, gloves, sewing accessories, various fabrics, cotton stockings, tea set, staples (i. e. spices, loaf sugar, salt, coffee, tea), cigars, and books (English Reader, Picketts Expositor and Goldsmith's English). Family members mentioned are B., Jesse, W., Thomas (son), Brightberry (son), Thomas G., W. David, and James F. Garth.
- Box-folder
Accounts and bills with various creditors, 1825-1829.49 items.
Creditors include: Anderson, Woodson, & Bigges; John Gay; John Shiflete; Samuel Dumul [?]; Joseph Robinson; M. E. Kelly, N. Barksdale, Dabney Madison; W. Snyder; Jacob C. Lupiton; and Louis Leschot. Items include: iron, tobacco trade, liquor, school board, household goods, hardware, iron, staples (i. e. coffee, tea, loaf sugar, brown sugar, salt, spices), books (Christian's Blackstone, Tate's Digest, Wheaton's Hall's Digested Index, dictionary, copybook, geography and atlas), various fabrics and sewing accessories. Women's account with Jane Isaacs for dresses, bonnets, ostrich feathers, various fabrics, and patterns. Family members include T. G., Lucy E. B., and Mrs. And Mr. Jesse Garth.
- Box-folder
Accounts and bills with various creditors, 1830-1839.87 items.
Creditors include: Burnley; W. Dawson; B. Ficklin & Son; J. C. Lupton; E. Hansbarger; Beverley Blair; B & J Mosely; W. Fellows; E. L. Watson & Co.; Michie & Madison; Timberlake & Magruder; J & S Leicht; and Louis Leschot. Among variety of work, household, and personal items involved are: medical bills, newspaper subscriptions, school books, list of supplies for building a house, materials needed for wedding gown, parasol, whale bones, and lock and bolt. Family members mentioned are: W. Garth, Miss E. Garth, Mrs. E. Garth, Mrs. J. Garth, Jesse Garth, and Jesse Garth "senior".
- Box-folder
Accounts and bills with various creditors, 1840-1849.89 items.
Creditors include: B. Ficklin & Son; W. Garth; J. C. Lupton; Sample & Leitch; W. Dawson; N. Burnley; Charles Brown; M. D.; A. Watson; B. C. Flannagan & Co., G. T. Owens; and Deane & Brown. Among variety of work, household and personal items involved are medical bills, itemized listing of day labor and an order of forks. Family members mentioned are: B. B. Garland, Garland, Mrs. E. B. Garth, Mrs. W. Garth, Elizabeth Garth, J. Garth, and Jesse Garth.
- Box-folder
Accounts and bills with various creditors, 1850-1852.22 items.
Creditors include: Jones & Habban; N. Burnley; B. C. Flannagan & Co.; A. Sample; J. W. Jones; G. T. Owens; Payne & Novis; G. Moore; and Hassan & Boyle. Among variety of work, household, and personal items involved are mousetraps and an engraved head and foot stone. Family members mentioned are: Miss Garth, Miss E. Garth, and Jesse Garth.
- Box-folder
Accounts, bills, and lists, n.d.60 items.
Among the items are: hotel bills, blank cashiers check, bill for stable, bill for 18 sq. house, bill for timber, bill for tobacco, freight and commission, various grocery and/or household supply bills, accounts with D & E Anderson, Weartenbaker, B. Brown, R & H Neilson, A. Woods, and B. C. Flannagan & Co., blacksmithing and hardware bills, and accounts for Mrs. Garth and a Miss Garth, and various fragments. 60 items.
- Box-folder
Subseries 1: Legal documents pertaining to a variety of concerns, 1806-1854.19 items.
Legal documents pertaining to a variety of concerns such as: George Gentry's will; subpoenas; description of trial proceedings; copies of court proceedings; legal advice; guardianship records; a copy of John W. Grover's will, stock certificate for the James River and Kanawha and Co.
- Box-folder
Subseries 2: Garth family slave documents, 1798-1833.14 items.
Predominately bills of sale listing names of sellers, amount paid, date of purchase, and, frequently, slaves' names and/or ages. Also, a note of Jesse and Brightberry Garth as cosigners of loan for Jesse B. Garth. Also a bill of hire for three slaves for a month.
- Box-folder
Subseries 3: Garth family land records, 1812-1843 and n. d.20 items.
Include land deeds, surveys, plats and court hearings.
- Box-folder
Subseries 4: Jesse Garth's tax receipts indicating rate of millage and total due, 1805-1850, and n. d.86 items.
Majority are handwritten, although a number of printed blanks are included. Several paid by Elizabeth Garth.
- Box-folder
Subseries 5: Payments ordered by county and/or superior courts to be made by Jesse Garth, 1818-1844.22 items.
- Box-folder
Miscellaneous documents, n.d.8 items.
Miscellaneous documents involve: a list of boarders compiled for Miss Sarah A. J. Garth (n. d.); an inventory of books (n. d.); a Whig election ticket for 1851; a tanning recipe; a recipe for tomato catsup; a recipe for curing rheumatic pains; and an inventory of "grandmama's things belonging to the house" by Jesse T. [?] Garth.
- Box-folder
Miscellaneous documents within the collection but as yet uncertain of relationship to the Garth family, n.d.8 items.
Miscellaneous documents within the collection but as yet uncertain of relationship to the Garth family include: Henry Mill's 1816 account with Bezaleel Brown; George Williams' accounts with Samuel Leitch, 1824-1829; William Garland's July 1823 fine by the clerk of Albemarle Co.; receipts by Benjamin Brown and John H. Craven; land patent on 1 April 1864 for Christian M. Shafer and C. P. Mathews; 10 April 1868 application for patent generating gas; and agreement to the sale of land on 11 April 1872.
- Box-folder
Subseries 1: Garth family accounts with Samuel and James Leitch, 1808-1839.19 items.
Merchandise includes: hardware, dyestuffs, liquor, household goods, gun powder, staples and groceries, stationery, penknives, sewing accessories, various fabrics, books, an entire set of china, (including serving dishes), parasol, fiddlestrings, various shoes, gloves, beavermitts, gents' gloves, gentleman's stockings, cotton and silk ladies' stockings, raisins and a copy of The Virginia Housewife.
- Box-folder
Subseries 2: Jesse Garth's accounts with various persons, 1822-1852.27 items.
Accounts of various persons include: John R. Jones, Timberlake & Magruder, Beverly Blair, B. & J. Mosley, William W. Via, as well as others which are recorded in account books kept by Jesse Garth.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth's account book, Nov. 1822-March 1825.1 item.
Account book showing debtors as John Benson, George Wolfe, Elijah Brown, David Isaacs, George Tool, [?] Medener, Abe Norris, Mathew Carsy, Samuel Leitch, N. Watson, [?] Coleman, Gennings Maupin, Lowel Brown, and Francis Dyer. Items involved pertain to lumber and/or farm products.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth's accounts with John R. Jones, 1828-1837.3 items.
Accounts are for a wide variety of personal, household, and hardware merchandise, including: buckskin gloves, coal bellows, vest pattern, parasol, and square iron.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth's accounts with Timberlake & Magruder, 1830-1832.5 items.
Accounts are for such items as bran, flour, cotton bales, plaster, freight, and drayage.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth's accounts with Beverley Blair, 1832-1834.4 items.
Accounts pertain to the tobacco trade.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth's accounts with B. & J. Moseley, 1840-1848.6 items.
Accounts are for a variety of household goods; grocery items and sewing and fabric accessories.
- Box-folder
Jesse Garth's accounts with William W. Via, 1843-1852.8 items.
Accounts are for a variety of customized blacksmithing products.
- Box-folder