Inventory of the Baytop-Fitzhugh Papers 1840-1866
A Collection in the
Manuscripts and Rare Books Department
Collection Number Mss. 86S B34
Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary
Special CollectionsEarl Gregg Swem Library
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8794
Phone: (757) 221-3090
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© 2002 By the College of William and Mary
Funding: Web version of the finding aid funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Processed by: Lisa Lea and Elizabeth Engelken, 1989.
Administrative Information
Restrictions on Access
Collection is open to all researchers.
Publication Rights/Restrictions on Use
Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any materials, permission must be obtained from the Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, and the holder of the copyright, if not Swem Library.
Preferred Citation
Baytop-Fitzhugh Papers, Manuscripts and Rare Books Department, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
Acquisition Information
Acc. No. 86-36; Gift: 60 items, 09/24/1986.
Scope and Content Information
The inventory includes letters, 1851-1861, and accounts, 1840-1866, of Rufus King Fitzhugh and his wife Henrietta Ellen (Baytop) Fitzhugh of Stanardsville, Greene County, Virginia. Most letters to Henrietta are from her mother Lucy Taliaferro (Catlett) Baytop, and her sisters Rowena, Lucy Ann, and Eugenia, all of Springfield, Gloucester County, Virginia. Also includes letters from her sister-in-law Mary F. Fitzhugh of Fredericksburg, Virginia. These letters relate various aspects of nineteenth century farm life, such as men and women's separate responsibilities on the farm, illnesses and treatments, childbirth and its complications, and social activities. There are comments on slaves, tensions between the slave states and the federal government and the abolitionists, and the eventual Civil War. Letters to Rufus King Fitzhugh are generally from business associates or his brother George Fitzhugh, of Port Royal, Virginia. Both his letters and business accounts offer insight into his affairs, such as land speculation, mining for coal, slaves as investments, as well as deeds, receipts of purchase and payment of property, and tax receipts. An undated item records his property in Jackson County, Arkansas that was destroyed by the Union Army.
OrganizationThis collection has been organized into 2 series. Series 1 contains letters and Series 2 contains accounts and receipts.
ArrangementThis collection is arranged into series and then chronologically.
Index Terms
- Baytop family.
- Fitzhugh family.
- Marriage-Virginia-Gloucester County.
- Slavery-Virginia-History-19th century.
- Gloucester County (Va.)- History-17th century.
- Gloucester County (Va.)-History- 19th century.
- Gloucester County (Va.)-History-18th century.
Family Names:
Significant Places Associated With the Collection
- Gloucester County (Va.)- History-17th century.
- Gloucester County (Va.)-History- 19th century.
- Gloucester County (Va.)-History-18th century.
Contents List
- Folder 1
Letters, 1851-1852.13 items.
- Folder
John Williams, Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] to Rufus K[ing] Fitzhugh Esq. Springhill, Stanardsville, Green[e] Co., Virginia, 25 March 1851.2 pages. ALS.
A "last effort" will be made to earn some profit from the copper mine at Stony Man which has been " worthless;" seeks Fitzhughs advice on where Mrs. Williams can board while he is at the mine; and the availability of "Blasting powder" in the area.
Including TCy. 1 page.
- Folder
Mary F. F[itzhugh], Belmont, [Hampton, Virginia] to Mrs. Rufus Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Green[e] County, Virginia. 6 May [18]51.2 pages. ALS.
News of family and friends; tells of excitement about making a "missionary quilt for Mr. Payne our African Missionary" with neighborhood women and girls; gladly accepts invitation to visit "next summer" if Ma's health and spirits are good; invites Hettie to visit.
Including TCy. 1 page.
- Folder
J[ames] Baytop, Springfield, [Gloucester County, Virginia] to "My Dr Children," Stanardsville, Green[e] C[oun]ty, Virginia, 30 July 1851.1 page. ALS.
Family will travel to Gordesville; physical ailments bothering him and his wife.
Including TCy pf ALS. 1 page.
Including ALS from L[ucy] T[aliaferro] Baytop, n.p., to Hetty [Henrietta] Baytop, n.p., concerning health of family; travel plans; hot, dry weather, and its effects on their crops. 1 page.
Including TCy of ALS.
Including ALS from "Bunn" Baytop, to Hetty [Henrietta] Baytop, n.p., n.d., concerning "Kit's" travels to King and Queen, [County, Virginia] and his efforts to find a wife; went to an Indian concert and saw five Indians who were descendants of the Black Hawk and Oscola [tribes]; Indians showed them "the manners and customs of the Oregon Indians;" saw the Rocky Mountains, the Columbia River; and a prairie which was on fire; went crabbing; Cousin Sarah T. [of Hampton, Virginia] has two beaux and dances every night in Old Point, [Hampton, Virginia?]. 1 page.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
Rowena [Baytop], Springfield, [Gloucester County, Virginia] to Hetty [Henrietta Fitzhugh], n.p., 9 December 1851.1 page. Including TCy of ALS.
Describes parties, with dinner and dancing, of the Christmas season; festivities are over and "we are all at work again;" hopes for an invitation to Miss Ann Martin's wedding; Mr. Sinclair is selling Wilson Creek to pay off his debts; is encouraging "father" to go to Texas.
Including ALS from L[ucy] Baytop, Springfield, [Gloucester, Virginia?] to "My dear Child," [Henrietta Fitzhugh], n.p., n.d., detailing the food and decorations of the Christmas parties; everyone is sick as a result of the hectic schedule of parties and bad weather; slaughtered 16 hogs and 1 cow; longs for past Christmases when the children were young; related family news; asks if "Mr. F[itzhugh]" moves to Texas, "beg him to try to get Mr. Baytop in the notion too." 1 page.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
Geo[rge] Fitzhugh, n.p. to Rufus [Fitzhugh], n.p., 20 December 1851.1 page. ALS.
$80-owed for "interest paid Catlett" is needed; farm is beginning to reap profits; land is expensive and "Belmont" would bring $4500.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
Mary Indiana Winborn Baytop, "Springfield," [Gloucester County, Virginia] to Hetty [E. Fitzhugh], n.p., 28 December [1851].2 pages. ALS.
Christmas has passed and work must resume; "great deal of sickness in the county, colds and pleurisys are very prevalent."
Including ALS from L[ucy] T[aliaferro] Baytop, n.p. to Hetty [Fitzhugh], 30 December [18]51. Concerning division of Concord Negroes which will bring $250. 2 pages. ALS.
Including TCy of ALSs. 2 pages.
- Folder
Sallie Champe Fitzhugh, Port Royal, [Virginia] to "my dearest uncle," n.p., 30 January [18]52.3 pages. ALS.
Hopes to encourage uncle to visit; Papa is expecting him and Aunt Ona to visit in the spring; gossip about weddings.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
L[ucy] A. Baytop, n.p. to Hetty [Fitzhugh], Gloucester, [Virginia], 17 February 1852.3 pages. ALS.
News of family and friends; the young minister from Bellmeys, preached before a great crowd; Judy [?] had a baby which died a month after birth of unknown causes, is depressed; Mr. Baytop is busy farming and studying to prepare for the ministry.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
L[ucy] T[aliaferro] Baytop, Springfield, [Gloucester County, Virginia] to "my dear child," Hetty Fitzhugh, [Standardsville], Green[e] County, Virginia, 20 April [18]52.3 pages. ALS.
Circuit court is in session and "Thit is summoned as a witness"; father and Mr. Sinclair are going to Washington to see about getting Mr. Sinclair's claim allowed; describes fuss electing persons for different offices as clerk commissioner of the revenue, constable sheriff & c.; "the guinea people have brought out Jefferson Stubbs for clerk and it is thought he will stand a very good chance to be elected.
Including TCy of ALS. 2 pages.
- Folder
[?], Woodside, to Mrs. Hetty [E. Fitzhugh, Standardsvill[e], Greene County, Virginia], 24 April 1852.2 pages. AL.
Father and Mr. Sinclair were in Washington; "Father has given up all hope of his military claim."
Including TCy of AL. 1 page.
- Folder
L[ucy] T[aliaferro] Baytop, Springfield, [Gloucester County, Virginia] to Hetty [Fitzhugh], n.p., 5 October [18]52.3 pages. ALS.
Reports sicknesses of Rowena, Eugenia, and Lucy Ann; Lucy [Ann] left to visit Tom Taliaferro and then to travel to Wilson's Creek; reports news about births, visits, farm business of friends; comments on the treatment of "Bob" [a slave?], who "has a better master this year."
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
Including ALS from Rowena [Baytop], n.p., n.d. to Hetty [Fitzhugh], n.p. telling of her sickness and wight loss; "Cousin Lucy and Bun" were travelling to Baltimore and "Eugey is very anxious to go with them"; invites them to visit this winter. 1 page.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
Eugy [Eugenia Baytop], Springfield, [Gloucester County, Virginia] to Hettie [Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Greene County, Virginia], 4 November 1852.3 pages. ALS.
Hettie's trip to visit should not be postponed until February; had travelled to Baltimore, but cannot describe it adequately "from the pen of so ignorant a creature as myself"; there are many gentlemen available for marriage; Pa has gone to sell a dozen turkeys to Mr. Folk; Lucy's baby is "one of the sweetest babies you ever saw."
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
L[ucy] A[nn] Baytop, [Springfield], Gloucester [County, Virginia] to Hetty Fitzhugh], Stanardsville, Green[e] County, Virginia, 10 December 1852.3 pages. ALS.
Pressures of work and business have kept her from writing; reports marriages of "Cousin Tom Field and his bride Miss Davis"; Mr. Shackelfor and Miss Hester Rowe; "Sister" has had another baby boy, as did Aunt Fanny, Martha Waller, and Clara [?]; Clara has a "riseing breast," and "the horses could not go out of a walk for fear of the jar to her breast...Dr. Jones stays with her to attend her"; her brother is in the Sonora mine in California and doing well [mining for gold]; looks forward to her visit this winter.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
- Folder 2
Letters, 1853-1861 and n.d.12 items.
- Folder
A. G. G[?], Christiansburg, [Virginia] to Rufus K. Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Green[e] County, Virginia, 27 August 1853.1 page. ALS.
Has surveyed land tracts of 100,000 acres and 40,000 acres near which there is coal; encourages Fitzhugh to buy land; expects to be in Charlottesville, [Virginia] by Friday; asks him to send his horse to Charlottesville.
- Folder
A. G. G[?], Madison, Virginia To Rufus K. Fitzhugh, n.p., 9 October 1855.2 pages. ALS.
Admonishes Fitzhugh for not keeping his word on a business deal involving the purchase of land.
- Folder
A. G. G[?], Madison, [Virginia] to Rufus K. Fitzhugh, n.p., October 1855.1 page. ALS.
Complains of Fitzhugh not sending a deed on the "Hettick" [?] land which he had promised to do.
- Folder
L[ucy] A[nn] Baytop, Gloucester [County, Virginia] to Hetty [Fitzhugh], Stanardsville, [Greene County], Virginia, 4 April 1857.2 pages. ALS.
Is busy making soap, tending geese and fowl; Mr. Rose and Dr. Williams are going to the Worlds Fair; news about births and deaths and visits of family and friends; a camp meeting is being organized and the date will be announced at the quarterly meeting.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
Including ALS from T. C. Baytop, n.p., n.d. to "Hetty] Fitzhugh, n.p. telling her that her friends inquire about her well being; has planted corn and will plant marl soon; has planted watermelon for the camp meeting; Brook [a slave?] "is the most industrious fellows we have." 1 page Including TCy of ALS.
- Folder
Edgar Macon, Richmond, [Virginia] to R[ufus] K[ing] Fitzhugh, [Stanardsville, Greene County, Virginia], 20 July 1858.1 page. ALS.
Acknowledges receipt of check for $1,000.00; sends deposit slips from the Farmers Bank and the Planters Savings Bank; quotes prices for manufacturing tobacco; "Millers are anxious" to buy wheat stock.
Including TCy of ALS.
- Folder
Geo[rge] Fitzhugh, Port Royal, [Virginia] to Rufus [K. Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Greene County, Virginia], 1 October 1858.1 page. ALS.
Acknowledges receipt for a check of $50.00; is writing for DeBows Review and can "make a fortune by my pen"; planning visit for following year; transfers "title and interest" in estate of Haywood Foote to Rufus K. Fitzhugh.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
James W. Shields, Christiansburg, [Virginia] to Scott [?], 15 April 1859.3 pages. ALS.
Letter has caused "no little trouble"; Grayson Estate sale pending; Crocket Farms may be sold and is an "active farm in perfect order in every respect"; description of land.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
L[ucy] T[aliaferro] Baytop, Springfield, [Gloucester County, Virginia] to Hetty [Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Greene County, Virginia], 25 March 1860.2 pages. ALS.
Has been sick with a "congestion of wind"; relates loss of a slave girl who died from burns sustained in a fire; elaborates on struggle between Mr. Booth and Mr. Sinclair establishing ownership and value of the slave girl; comments, "disunion War or abject submission. I am a wonder to myself how I stand so well, once the mere talk of an insurrection would fill me with terror, now we have a white war and a servile one to dread..."
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
Lucy Stubbs, Valley Front, [Virginia] to Hetty [Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Virginia], 19 March [18]61.4 pages. ALS.
Unexpected snow storm has killed the fruit; "since Virginia has acted so ridiculously I almost wish that I could forsake her borders..." "The Old Dominion is endeavoring to throw off the galling yoke of Old Lincoln"; secession is impending; "abolitionists certainly can't flourish among us"; Rufus Fitzhugh is considering moving to Arkansas; mother has finished her quilting; cold weather and quilting should never go together; news of family and friends.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
Mary F. F[itzhugh], [Fredericksburg, Virginia] to Rufus K. Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Green[e] County, Virginia, 19 February [?].1 page. ALS.
Arrival in Fredericksburg has been harried; invites him and family to visit; their mother's health is bad - lists symptoms and treatments by Dr. Wallace.
Including TCy of AlS. 1 page.
- Folder
Mary F. Fitzhugh, Fredericksburg, Virginia To Hettie Fitzhugh, [Standardsville, Greene County, Virginia], 30 December [?].3 pages. ALS.
Friends and family have made them feel welcome; inquiries about Cousin Mary's "delicate health"; Ma's heath has improved; does not know if their income will support them; lists costs for rent and food.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder
"Bun" [Baytop], Springfield, Virginia To Mrs. Hetty [Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Greene County, Virginia], December [?].3 pages. ALS.
Party given in honor of Tom Field and his bride; accident with carriage left them in a muddy ditch; Christmas festivities.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
Including ALS from J[ames] C. Baytop, n.p. to Hetty [Fitzhugh], n.p., n.d. thanking her and Rufus Fitzhugh for recommending him to Mr. Taliaferro; will wait to make a decision until Taliaferro sends him an offer. 1 page.
Including TCy of ALS.
- Folder
- Folder 3
Account of Rufus K. Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, [Virginia] with W[illia]m H. Guns and Co., [Stanardsville, Virginia?], 2 July 1840.2 pages. D.
For the purchase of foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, clothing and housewares.
Including TCy of D. 2 pages.
- Folder 3
Accounts, 21 December 1840-January 1866.14 pages. D.
On foodstuffs, farming supplies and equipment charged by Rufus Fitzhugh; notes borrowing money signed by Lucinda Fitzhugh, Geo[rge] Fitzhugh and Rufus Fitzhugh; receipt for purchase of a small child's coffin; receipt of payment on loans of cash and also on the use of slaves.
Including TCy of D. 4 pages.
- Folder 3
Accounts and receipts of Mr. R[ufus] K[ing] Fitzhugh, 13 April 1843-19 May 1859.5 pages. D.
For the purchase of shrubbery, trees and bee hives.
- Folder 3
Annual tax receipts of Rufus K[ing] Fitzhugh, 1845-1865.11 pages. D.
Paid to the Sheriff of Greene County for land, slaves; horses, county and parish levies.
- Folder 3
Receipt of payment by R[ufus] K[ing] F[itzhugh], 14 January 1852-4 January 1854.2 pages. D.
For $70.00; receipt of payment by Rufus K[ing] Fitzhugh for $30.22 1/4; receipt of payment by R[ufus K[ing] Fitzhugh for $90.00.
Including TCy of D. 1 page.
- Folder 3
Account of Thomas Carpenter, dec[ease]d, 22 April 1852.1 page. D.
For lodging and meals as settled by John Weaver, Adm[inistrator].
Including TCy of D. 1 page.
- Folder 3
Accounts of R[ufus] K[ing] Fitzhugh, guardian of the Children of Mary Ann Conway, October 1852-1 January 1853.2 pages. D.
Including TCy of D. 2 pages.
- Folder 3
Receipt of Rufus K. Fitzhugh for bonds from the estate of Verlinda T. Conway, dec[ease]d as distributed by Battalie F. T. Conway, 4 January 1853.1 page. D.
Including TCy of D. 1 page.
- Folder 3
Receipts of R[ufus] K[ing] Fitzhugh, 21 April 1856-15 March 1858.2 pages. D.
For furnishings and carriage accessories bought in Richmond, [Virginia] and New York [N.Y.].
- Folder 3
Account of R[ufus] K[ing] Fitzhugh with Gibbons and Mitchell, 15 May 1860-19 January 1861.2 pages. D.
For material, hardware, clothing, school books, and candy.
Including TCy of D. 1 page.
- Folder 3
"A list of R[ufus] K[ing] Fitzhugh, Jackson County, Arkansas, n.d.3 pages. D.
Of propherty [sic] destroyed and taken off by the Federat[e]d Army commanded by Gen. Curtis"; list includes "seven Negro men," the house, farm animals, tools, and crops.
Including TCy of D. 1 page.
- Folder 3
Lucie [Baytop, Springfield, Gloucester County, Virginia] to "my dear sister," [Hetty Fitzhugh, Stanardsville, Greene County, Virginia], n.d.2 pages. ALS.
Sends recipe for salting butter and preserving eggs; congratulates her on birth of son; looks forward to seeing her.
Including TCy of ALS. 1 page.
- Folder 3
Receipt [of Rufus K. Fitzhugh], n.d.1 page. D.
For the purchase of trees, shrubbery and flowers.