Inventory of the Anatole and Vladimir Kalichevsky Papers, 1871-1955
A Collection in the
Manuscripts and Rare Books Department
Collection Number Mss. 2002 K34
Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary
Special CollectionsEarl Gregg Swem Library
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8794
Phone: (757) 221-3090
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© 2003 By the College of William and Mary
Processed by: Special Collections Staff
Administrative Information
Restrictions on Access
Collection is open to all researchers.
Publication Rights/Restrictions on Use
Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any materials, permission must be obtained from the Director of Manuscripts and Rare Books, and the holder of the copyright, if not Swem Library.
Preferred Citation
Anatole and Vladimir Kalichevsky Papers, Manuscripts and Rare Books Department, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Kira K. Berry, of Williamsburg, 2001 and 2002, their granddaughter and daughter, respectively.
Biographical/Historical Information
Anatole Kalichevsky (March 28, 1870-April 3, 1937) was a
career military officer in the White Army of Russia where he
rose to the rank of Major General. He was also a court officer
of the last of the Czars. He was exiled from Russia in 1921
and arrived in America that year via Yokohama. When he lived
in New York he was active in Russian army veterans
associations. He had one son Vladimir. Anatole was born in
Tiflis, Georgia and died in Woodbury, New Jersey.
Vladimir Kalichevsky (April 9, 1895-February, 1958)
[death date from Social Security Death Index and WorldCat] was
the only son of Russian Major General Anatole Kalichevsky. In
the 1930s he lived in Elizabeth, New Jersey and Woodbury, New
Jersey. He also lived in Beaumont, Texas.
Scope and Content Information
This small collection, 1871-1955, primarily in Russian, documents the military career of Russian Major General Anatole Kalichevsky (1870-1937) and the travel diaries of his son, Vladimir Kalichevsky (1895- 1958), a petroleum engineer who spent most of his career in Texas and northern New Jersey. Examples of items relating to Anatole are his service record, military orders, his diplomatic passport, and his New York Times obituary. Vladimir, a graduate of the California Institute of Technology, wrote several books on petroleum engineering, three of which are in the collection. The diaries cover the years 1902-1955 and refer to tourist attractions throughout the United States and Europe as well as academic lectures attended while traveling. Also included are family photographs and Russian orders and badges awarded to Anatole. All documents are in Russian unless otherwise indicated.
Controlled Access Terms
- Badges-Russia
- Diaries
- Generals-Russia
--Kalichevsky, Anatole (1870-1937)
--Kalivchevsky, Vladimir (1895- 1958)
--Koltchak, Alexander - Military decorations
- Passports
- Petroleum engineering
- Petroleum engineers-20th century
- Russia (Territory under White Armies 1918-1920)-Officers-Military and Personal papers
- Russia. Armia-medals, badges, decorations, etc.
- Russia. Armiia-officers-military and personal papers-19th-20th centuries
- Russian military officers-20th century
- Russian émigrés- U.S.
- Soviet Union-History-Revolution, 1917-1921
- Travel diaries-U.S.-20th century
- White Army of Russia
- World War, 1914-1918
Contents List
- Folder 1
St. Petersburg. Anatole's father petitions the government for a birth certificate for his son. 10 November 1871.DS
- Folder 2
Report card as a student in the Seventh Class of a cadet corps in Tiflis, Georgia. 14 September 1887.PDS
- Folder 3
Appointment to teach tactics and military history at the Nikolevsky Academy. 4 June 1899.PDS
- Folder 4
Complete service record. 1893-1902. 23 March 1905PDS
- Folder 5
Certificate for award of a medal issued to mark the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812-1814. 27 August 1913PDS
- Folder 6
Receipt for purchase of cemetery plot in Smolensk. Cost 361 rubles. 31 October 1914PDS
- Folder 7
Fire insurance certificate issued by the Petrograd Insurance Company for the period April 19, 1917-April 19, 1918. Premium of 8,800 ruples. 19 April 1917[printed form completed in manuscript]
- Folder 8
Order to serve as chief of the Evacuation and War-Prisoners Department. 6 July 1917TDS
- Folder 9
Diplomatic passport in Russian and French. Includes Anatole's photograph. Last transaction is November 7, 1921. 22 September 1917[printed form with manuscript and typed entries]
- Folder
Certificate in English, signed by the Russian Charge d'Affaires in Denmark, stating that Anatole is the Chief of the Evacuation and War-Prisoners Department of the former Russian General Staff. He is journeying to Omsk to join the staff of the Supreme Regent of Russia, Admiral [Alexander] Koltchak. On letterhead of the Legation de Russie, Copenhague. 30 January 1919TDS
- Folder
Abbreviated service record. Issued in Copenhagen. 1 February 1919TDS
- Folder
Order issued in Omsk assigning Anatole to the signer's command. 27 September 1919TDS
- Folder
Exerpt from an order issued in Omsk by the Commander-in-Chief of the General Staff assigning Anatole to the General Staff. 5 October 1919TDS
- Folder
Copy from a copy of an order issued at Omsk by the Chief-of-Staff and Commander-in Chief of the Eastern Front giving Anatole the right of the Commander of the Undivided Army. 20 October 1919TDS
- Folder
U.S. Immigration Form 228-"Declaration of Alien About to Depart for the United States". Yokohama, Japan. Approved by the American Consulate General's Office in Yokohama, November 7, 1921. 29 July 1921PDS
- Folder
Certificate stating that Anatole was wounded in May 1915 in a battle near Strei in East Gallicia. In English. 9 July 1930TDS
- Folder
Another certificate confirming wounding in May 1915. 16 August 1930TDS
- Folder
Anatoles's obituary, New York Times , 4 April 1937, page 11, column 3. An undated typescript made in 2001 4 April 1937TD
- Folder
Brief biographical sketch for the period 1870-1919 signed by the Russian Military Attache in Denmark. Undated but probably 1917In English. CyTDS Artifacts
- Folder
Order of St. Stanislaus Second Class and Imperial Order of St. Anne and five other unidentified badges awarded to Anatole.
- Folder
Diaries 1902-September 1931 and October 1931-December 3, 1955
In Russian through 1920, Russian and English,1921-1931, and English post 1931.They detail his extensive travels in America as a petroleum engineer. He was the author of several books, ( a list appears in folder 22) three of which, Petroleum Refining with Chemicals (1956), Modern Methods of Refining Lubricating Oils (1938) and The Amazing Petroleum Industry (1943) were removed and transferred to the Rare Book collection. He died in Woodbury, New Jersey.
- Folder
List of books written by Vladimir from WorldCat.
- Folder
Old Family Photographs from an album
- Folder
Loose Photographs
- Folder
Photographs from album, snap shots 1917-1921
- Folder
Dispatch bag
- Folder
Letters in Russian, written from Elizabeth New Jersey, in an unknown hand (Vladimir?)and signed "Boba" 25 October 1929 and 26 October 1929