Inventory of the James A. Bill Papers 1940-2003
A Collection in the
Special Collections Research Center
Accession Number Mss. Acc. 2003.66
Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary
Special CollectionsEarl Gregg Swem Library
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8794
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© 2009 By the College of William and Mary. All rights reserved.
Administrative Information
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Collection is open to all researchers.
Conditions Governing Use
Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any materials, permission must be obtained from the Special Collections Research Center, and the holder of the copyright, if not Swem Library.
Preferred Citation
James A. Bill Papers, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
Acquisition Information
The materials were acquired by Special Collections Research Center from James A. Bill on 11/24/2003.
Processing Information
Processed by Tramia Jackson.
Biographical Note
James A. Bill received his B.A. at Assumption College and his M.A. from Penn State University in 1965. He received his doctorate from Princeton University in 1968 and went on to teach at the University of Texas in 1968. He taught comparative politics and specialized in Middle Eastern Studies. He has also written a number of articles, journals and five books. He joined the Government Department at the College of William and Mary in 1987. He also became the director of the Wendy and Emery Reves Center for International Studies. He retired from the Reves Center in 1998 and continued to teach until 2004. He has written a number of books, most notably The Eagle and the Lion (Yale) a study on Iran-U.S. relations. His book Behind the Scenes in U.S. Foreign Policy (Yale) is also noteworthy.
Scope and Contents
Series 1 contains research information for the Eagle and the Lion, Series 2 contains Book and Article Reviews for works by James Bill (other than Eagle and the Lion), Series 3 contains information on the Iran Contra Affair, Series 4 contains the Collection of Interview Transcripts and Notes, letters and miscellaneous materials (concerning George Ball and Henry Kissinger), Series 5 contains mostly journals, newsletters and brochures concerning Iran and the Middle East, written by James Bill, Series 6 contains miscellaneous materials and documents concerning the Schuman Plan [book by George Ball] and Bilderberg conferences attended by George Ball, Series 7 contains mostly documents, memorandums and letters concerning Bilderberg Meetings from 1956 to 1988, Series 8 contains three books about modern Iran and industry and development, series 9 contains books concerning the statistical surveys and census of Iran, Series 10 contains books authored and co-authored by James A bill, Series 11 contains video tapes concerning Iran, Islam and the Middle East, Series 12 contains dissertations and theses supervised and dedicated to James A. Bill, and Series 13 contains cassette tapes concerning interviews conducted by James A. Bill.
Arrangement of Materials
This collection remains predominantly in its original order. The information is divided by series titled in the original order filed by Prof. Bill. The major sub groups were also put into acid free folders and titled by their original folders. Those folders without titles were organized within the inventory by the context of the information provided.
Index Terms
- College of William and Mary--Reves Center--20th Century
- Ball family.
- Pahlavi family
- Clippings
- Correspondence
- Manuscripts (document genre)
- Iran--1940s
- Iran--1950s
- Ball, George W.(Wildman), 1909-1994
- Kissinger, Henry A. (Alfred), 1923-
- Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, 1919-1980
- Mossadegh, Mohammed, 1882-1967
- United States--Kennedy Administration--Iran--Foreign Policy
- United States--Lyndon B. Johnson--Iran--Foreign Policy
- United States--Truman Administration--Iran--Foreign Policy
Corporate Name:
Family Name:
Genre/Form of Material:
Geographic Name:
Personal Name:
Topical Term:
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Ball, George W.(Wildman), 1909-1994
- Bill, James A.
- Kissinger, Henry A. (Alfred), 1923-
- Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, 1919-1980
- Mossadegh, Mohammed, 1882-1967
Detailed Description of the Collection
Box 1 contains documents and files concerning the chapters 1-2 of The Eagle and the Lion; Iran in the 1940s, papers and files concerning T. Cuyler Young, information on Iran and America from the 1940-1950s; Azerbaijan Issue/President Truman's Ultimatum Question; Americans in Iran; and US Policy toward Iran in 1940s.
Box 2 contains notes, papers, newspaper articles, telegrams, correspondences concerning chapter 3-4 of the eagle and the lion and Iran from 1953-1960; Mussadiq period; Transcript of the End of Empire Documentary; photocopied documents and transcripts concerning National Archives, 1951; Oil industry issue in Iran; Church Hearings; Mussadiq and the coup of 1953; Reviews on Counter Coup written by Kermit Roosevelt; Communist Threat; Correspondences concerning James Bill, Ronald Ferrier, Ian Beer, Dan Wilber, Mark Gasiorowski; John C. Campbell, Professor T. Cuyler Young; Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963; Iran in the news; Department of State Records; handwritten and typed notes on Iran; Journal Articles/Excerpts from Books on Iran; Khrushchev, Kennedy and Iran; Hassan Arsanjani; two letters from T. Cuyler Young to WW Rostow could not be located; Box 3 contains documents, newspapers, letters, pamphlets and magazine articles from 1970-1977;typed and handwritten notes on Chapter 5-6; Lindon B. Johnson Administration, 1963-1967; Cuyler Young correspondences and papers; Iran in Newspapers, Journals, and other publications, Development and Reform in Iran; US Arms Sales to Iran, Kayhan International newspaper; Henry Kissinger, Armin H. Meyer; documents in Farsi; The Shah's Visits to US; US/Iran Military Connections and US Arms Sales; Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Intellectuals; Box 4 contains information for Chapter 7; sources and documents concerning various forms of Energy; Oil/National Iranian Oil Company [NIOC]; Bill Butler; Arms Sales to Iran/Iran's Foreign Policy; Newspapers Iran 1975-1976; Iran's foreign policy, US/Golf war considerations; Sadegh Ghotbzadeh; Carter Administration; Ibrahim Yazdi; General Robert E. Huyser; Black Friday;
Box 5 contains resources for Chapter 9 of Eagle and the Lion; Iranian Western politics; Kissinger and the Rockefellers; Joseph Kraft; Congressional Record Materials: chronologically 1979; Communist threat; hostage situation; Iran in the news; other material for chapter 9; Box 6 includes resources for chapter 10 of Eagle and the Lion; US Embassy interview schedule; British Embassy; Commissary; US Consulate; Invitation Lists for by James Bill; American School in Tehran; IAS [Iran-America Society] - RPIP [Regional Public Improvement Project] - USIS [United States Information Service] (Survey); Murray Smith[?];Notes, Correspondence, Interview Notes for Chapter 10; Booklets; other material concerning chapter 10.
- Sub-Series 1
Chapter 1 of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 1: Chapter 1 of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1
T. Cuyler Young Files and Papers,Subseries 1: T. Cuyler Young Files and Papers
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Articles on the Tudeh party by Iranians + notes on Shinpartus Dr. Tagi [Taqi?] Erani in a Life of Service. A Novel (Tehran: Tudeh-yi-Iran, 1944),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Press Translation Service Alborz College of Teheran- brief summaries of news articles in Iranian press.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Bibliography (pages are stuck together): International Index and Donaldson Studies in Muslim Ethics.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Report #261; Mobayan Les elections; Eskandari; Arzu; and Timeline of government events in Iran 1306-1320 [1927-1937] - including lists of Majlis, laws passed, issues [mainly internal, some foreign], debates, reforms, problems that Iran is facing, etc. These descriptions of government issues and events are accompanied by Journal de Teheran and Ettelaat articles,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
History of Political Events in Iran from September 16, 1941- March 9, 1942.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2
Azerbaijan Issue/ President Truman's Ultimatum Question,Subseries 2: Azerbaijan Issue/ President Truman's Ultimatum Question
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Evolution of Cold War- From Policy to Commitment- excerpt from unspecified book.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Truman Ultimatum to Stalin and the 1946 Azerbaijan Crisis: Fact or Fantasy?: article by James A. Thorpe **stuck together** [in the Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter 4], October 1972 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
A Peripheral View of the Origins of the Cold War: The Crises in Iran, 1941-47 : article by Stephen L. McFarland in Diplomatic History v.4, n.4, Fall 1980 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Notes on parts of K. Tabari dissertation: subjects- Oil in 1940s, Azerbaijan Crisis and Iran 1940s, and Iran 1940s.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Truman Ultimatum to Stalin and the 1946 Azerbaijan Crisis: The Making of a Myth: article by James A. Thorpe in Journal of Politics v. 40, 1978,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Memorandum by Edwin M. Wright to Herbert Fine 8/16/65: Wright personal account of the events as he experienced/remembers them.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
The Cheshire Ultimatum: Truman Message to Stalin in the 1946 Azerbaijan Crisis: article by J. Phillip Rosenberg in Journal of Politics 40 (February 1978).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
United Nations Action: The Iranian Case 1946 : small book by Richard W. Van Wagenen (Carnegie Endowment for the International Peace).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3
Americans in Iran.,Subseries 3: Americans in Iran.
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Lines of Personal and Organizational Conflict: flowchart.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941-1946: book by W. Averell Harriman and Elie Abel (New York: Random House, 1975).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Handwritten Flowchart of Americans connected with Iran.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
"American Advisers in Persia: article by George V. Allen in Department of State Bulletin July 23, 1944 v.XI, n. 265,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Excerpts from Americans in Persia by Arthur C. Millspaugh (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1946).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
"Iran in Wartime": article by John N. Greely, Brigadier General, US Army in National Geographic v. LXXXIV, n. 2 August, 1943.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Notes on T. H. Vail Motter book United States Army in World War II- The Middle Eastern Theatre: The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 1952) [I have presumed that this is the book from which these notes came because it is in Lion and Eagle bibliography and the notes taken make sense that it would be from this book].,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4
US Policy toward Iran in 1940s,Subseries 4: US Policy toward Iran in 1940s
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Excerpts from James F. Schnabel The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff vol. 1 1945-1947 (Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1979).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Excerpts from Kenneth W. Condit The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff vol. 2 1947-1949 (Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1979).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Containment in Iran, 1946: The Shift to Active Policy: article by Richard Pfau in Diplomatic History v.1, n.4 Fall 1977.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Notes on Bruce R. Kuniholm book The Origins of the Cold War in the Near East (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Notes on Documents Book: Y. Alexander: [Possibly from Alexander, Yonah and Allan Nanes, Eds. The United States and Iran (Frederick, MD: Aletheia Books, 1980) This book is in The Lion and the Eagle bibliography].,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Excerpt from Thomas A. Bryson book Seeds of Mideast Crisis: The United States Diplomatic Role in the Middle East During World War II (Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 1981).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
US Military Missions to Iran, 1943-1978: The Political Economy of Military Assistance: article by Thomas M. Ricks in Iranian Studies v. XII, n.3-4 Summer-Autumn 1979.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Notes on the Constitutional Revolution [in Iran] 1905-6 [Probably from A History of the Iran- American Relations by Rahim Rezazadeh Malek.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Poem from A History of the Iran- American Relations by Rahim Rezazadeh Malek.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5
Other Notes Regarding Iran in the 1940s,Subseries 5: Other Notes Regarding Iran in the 1940s
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Notes on the Shah visit to US in 1949.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Letter from Ernie [Earnest R. Ivey] to Jim [James Bill], 1/27/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Notes from interview with George Lenczowski in San Francisco, 11/30/1984 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Handwritten revisions in 1940s Chapter.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Notes from Iranian publications on: some of Mussadeq speeches (translations); book about Qavam; Mussadiq reaction to Millspaugh; collection of articles by Dr. Fatemi.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 1
- Sub-Series 2
Mussadiq Period- Chapter 2 of The Eagle and the Lion- Plus Other 1940s-50s,Subseries 2: Mussadiq Period- Chapter 2 of The Eagle and the Lion- Plus Other 1940s-50s
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1
Transcript of the End of Empire Documentary,Subseries 1: Transcript of the End of Empire Documentary
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Interview with Professor Richard Cottam : American professor of Iranian studies.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Interview with Colonel Stephen Meade: sent to keep Shah in power by Eisenhower; helped convince Princess Ashraf to get Shah to support coup.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Interview with Walter Levy: American oil expert who served in Iran as negotiator between Mussadiq and AIOC concerning nationalization.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Interview with Julian Amery: British, does not believe Iran had legal right to nationalize.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Interview with Averill Harriman: American sent to Iran to aid in negotiations between Mussadiq and Great Britain.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Interview with Henry Byroade: Assistant Secretary of State for Eisenhower.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Interview with Sam Falle: British, at first was sympathetic to Mussadiq nationalization movement.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Interview with [Shapour] Bakhtiar: liberal Iranian, member of National Front.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Interview with Sir Peter Ramsbottom: British, part of Stokes mission.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Interview with George McGhee: Assistant Secretary of State for Truman.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Interview with [?] Rouhani: defends Mussadiq.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Interview with Peter Avery: talented Iranologist [British?]who came to Abadan as a teacher,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2
National Archives- 1951: Photocopied documents,Subseries 2: National Archives- 1951: Photocopied documents
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
The Present State of the Iranian Nation : memo from J. J. Wagner to A. L. Richards 1/11/51: discusses Razmara and the Communist threat in Iran,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
TEHRAN 539 memorandum of The Present State of the Iranian Nation: summary of above memo and concludes that Shah is keystone to Iran government, 1/18/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
From state dept. to Am. Embassy in Tehran: on Time article that offended the Shah, 2/3/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
From Tehran to the Sec. of State (Acheson): on the Time article and Shah reaction, 2/7/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
From Tehran to Sec. of State: Time article mostly bad-mouthed Princess Ashraf- US official refuses to apologize for American journalists, 2/9/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Letter from Joseph J. Wagner to C. Vaughn Ferguson, Jr. (Tehran to Washington): Ashraf unhappy about brother marriage; Crown lands have been sold; Razmara still in power but ineffective, 2/15/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Foreign Service Dispatch [sic] from Tehran to Dept. of State: Princess Fatemeh Pahlavi and her husband are leaving Iran and coming to California, 6/6/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Letter from E. J. Joosten to President Truman: Joosten wanted to know if it was true that the US was sending soldiers to help Iran start army, 6/20/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Letter, reply to Joosten from Grace B. Ruckh (Information Officer, Division of Public Liaison: some military assistance has been sent,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Department of State- telegram from Tehran to Sec. of State: Ashraf and family go to Switzerland; suspected for political reasons, 9/23/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Foreign Service Dispatch from Am. Embassy in Tehran to Dept. of State: Shah speech to Majlis, 9/25/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Assessment of Political Situation Iran: Mussadiq rule; failure of Great Britain; Communist threat in Iran, 10/05/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Telegram from Loy Henderson to SECSTATE: Henderson is American Ambassador to Iran; a summary view of the forces in Iran at this time: who is who, who is strong, who is weak, who is a part or at least susceptible to communist threat, 10/22/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Telegram from Henderson to SECSTATE: On October 30, 1951 high school and University of Tehran students held an organized demonstration in solidarity with Egyptian students to protest GB moves in Egypt, 10/30/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Memorandum of Conversation btw Dr. Ahmad Human, Deputy Minister of Court and Mr. John H. Stutesman, Second Secretary: Dr. Human take on the situation on Iran including the communist threat, Mussadiq- personal qualities and abilities, 11/6/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Telegram from Loy Henderson to SECSTATE Summary of conversation between Kashani and A L Richards, 11/12/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Memorandum of Conversation btw Dr. Ahmad Human and John H. Stutesman: Dr. Human believes that a communist coup detat was possible, 11/27/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Telegram from Loy Henderson to SECSTATE WASH: This describes a conversation between Henderson and Jemal Emami, Majlis Opposition leader, 12/4/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Telegram from Loy Henderson to SECSTATE WASH: Henderson ate dinner with Ala, MinCourt [Hussein Ala, Minister to the Court?], 12/12/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Memorandum of Conversation: Mr. Shahbaz and Mohsen Pezeshpur: Pezeshpur is the leader of the Pan-Iranist Party. He is anti-communist (describes USSR as territorial aggressor), anti-British (describes GB as political aggressor), and anti-US (describes US as economic aggressor)., 12/20/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3
Oil,Subseries 3: Oil
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Memorandum of Conversation- Department of State Iranian Oil Problem: Acheson and George McGhee discuss the complexity of the oil issue in Iran with relation to US with Presidents and CEOs of top American oil companies, 10/10/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Memorandum of Secretary Conversation with President: Acheson proposes that US support GB resolution and push Mussadiq for a 50/50 split, 10/10/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Memorandum of Conversation: Dept. of State: discussion of Iran oil crisis; GB decision to gradually withdraw technicians from Iran; the International Court findings in case between Iran and GB, 7/11/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Memorandum from US Department of the Interior Petroleum Administration for Defense Iranian Oil Problem: Charles Rayner suggestions to solve Iranian oil problem with assumption that Iran does have right to nationalize, 10/22/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
National Intelligence Estimate: The Importance of Iranian and Middle East Oil to Western Europe Under Peacetime Conditions: concludes that West needs Middle East oil- without it there would be major rationing; Iran is necessary but could be lived without,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Department of State Telegram: GB is broke and cannot give up AIOC at present time; GB believes US should support her- rather see Iran go Communist than GB go bankrupt, 11/10/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Some Documents on the Nationalization of the Oil Industry in Iran- Iranian Embassy Washington, DC: text of laws that nationalized and regulated oil industry; grievances of Iran against AIOC [another copy of this is in A Report of the History of the Southern Oil of Iran...]; text of Mussadiq report to Majlis on official recognition of nationalization by GB and AIOC; reply of Head of Iranian delegation to statement made by Harriman on AIOC controversy; letter from Mussadiq to Harriman, 3/20/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
The Text of the Prime Minister Reports to the Majlis on the Developments of Saheb-Gharanieh Oil Conference Submitted at the Session of 30th Mordad, 1330: details the Stokes mission: negotiations between Iran and GB with help of Harriman, 8/22/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
A Report of the History of the Southern Oil of Iran presented by the National Oil Company of Iran to the Hon. Averell Harriman, special envoy of the President of USA: grievances Iran has with AIOC since DArcy concession [same as in Some Documents on Nationalization of Oil Industry...], 8/1/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Text of the Report Submitted by Mussadiq on 11/25/51 Upon Return from US and Egypt 1/4/52 [there are 2 copies of this]: Mussadiq goes to New York to plead Iran case in front of UN Security Council against GB accusations: concerning nationalization of oil, does Iran have right to do it?,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
American Foreign Policy 1950-1955 Basic Documents Vol. II- Department of State December 1957: Section on Iranian Oil Controversy- US role in controversy and info. on Consortium,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Text of Report Submitted by Mussadiq to Majless re: British Technical Staff and Speech to the People in Baharestan Square, 9/27/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Discour de M. Le Docteur Mossadegh sur la Nationalisation du Pétrole en Iran (The Speech of H. E. Dr. Mossadeq? concerning the Nationalization of Petroleum Industry in Iran) 1951: grievances of AIOC,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Minutes of Meeting Held at White House Iranian Oil: discussion of next move in oil crisis of GB, US and Iran govts.; how much US and GB should buy Iran oil for; should Truman and Churchill jointly sign a message to Mussadiq, 8/21/1952 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Prime Minister Reports Tehran: documents concerning the International Court case tried in Hague: GB claimed that Iran nationalization of oil was unfair and would threaten world peace, 10/1952 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
The Speech Delivered by Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq, the Prime Minister at Meeting of the Deputies of the 17th Majlis: discusses economic trouble that Iran is in because GB is not buying its oil, 4/12/1952 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Speech Delivered by Mussadiq at Gathering of American Press: airs grievances with GB about oil and thanks US for support, 3/18/1952 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Memorandum of Conversation- Department of State 10/8/52: Discusses problems between Mussadiq and GB; US needs on proposal of way for Mussadiq to get financial assistance quickly,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
The British Government and the Oil Companies 1912-1924: The Search for an Oil Policy by G. Gareth Jones in Historical Journal 20:3 1977: history of GB oil policy in Iran,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
Reader Bullard. Behind the Oil Dispute. Foreign Affairs. 31 (April, 1953): British view of oil issue in Iran and Mussadiq,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
Monograph on National Security Affairs: Crisis in Iran, 1951: Early US Involvement by Gail Wasserman, Brown University 4/1979 : THESIS: to discover why US felt only way to settle Iran nationalization of oil issue was negotiation,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
Wm. Roger Louis, The British Empire in the Middle East, 1945-1951 (Oxford: Clarenden Press, 1984). Part V, Ch. 3, pp. 622-689: GB opinion on oil nationalization in Iran,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
al-Sharq al-Awsat (Jiddah, Saudi Arabia): Typed note from J. Hitselberger + Saudi Arabian newspaper on Documents from British Foreign Ministry...Iraq 1954- published document of Dulles suggestion that GB should cut share of AIOC to below 50%, 3/5/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
New York Times Oil Role in Iran Traced to Dulles by Edward Cowan: Oil Consortium, 3/29/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
Survey of International Affairs 1954 by: Coral Bell (London: Oxford University Press, 1957): excerpts on oil nationalization and Consortium,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
Survey of International Affairs 1953 by: Peter Calvocoressi (London: Oxford University Press, 1956): political undertakings of Mussadiq; oil issue thru coup and Consortium,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
Letter from John C. Campbell to Professor T. Cuyler Young: about Howard Page comments on consortium negotiation [2 letters], 3/30/1961 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
John M. Blair, The Control of Oil (New York: Vintage Books, 1976).: oil consolidation and concession in 1954; Iran feelings on AIOC,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
Letter from Howard Page to T. Cuyler Young with Enclosure: Page rewrites on Young pages 7-8 and some footnotes on oil, 2/14/1961 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
US Congress, Senate, Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, Committee on Foreign Relations...1974: notes on multinational corps. hearings; notes on Richard Funkhauser background paper; Funkhauser memorandum; Funkhauser lecture The Problem of Near Eastern Oil; Howard Page testimony; info. on AIOC in 1950s,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Church Hearings- 1974: information on the Consortium,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
R.W. Ferrier The History of the British Petroleum Company: The Developing Years vol.1 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982): notes on early period, 1915-1930s,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
K[ennett] Love: Individual Americans had rendered prominent service to Iran... : argues that AIOC issue is what got US involved in Iran,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Joe Stark [?] Middle East Oil and the Energy Crisis (New York: Monthly [?] Review Press, 1975).: notes and excerpt on/from Arthur Krock, Memoirs: Sixty Years on the Firing Line (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, [?]): Americans who were involved in Iran nationalization of oil,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4
Mussadiq and the coup of 1953,Subseries 4: Mussadiq and the coup of 1953
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
The Daftarys- Especially Gholam Reza Khan: notes on the Daftary Family and Mussadiq, 6/28/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Record Group [?] 84 Box 29 1950-1952: 350 Iran (1951-52): Notes and transcriptions of documents on various subjects: interview with Imam Jameh, conversations with Mussadiq, Razmara and Arthur L. Richards, newspaper articles,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Dr. Mossadeq was born in Tehran...: handwritten notes on bio of Mussadiq,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Pamphlet in Farsi with picture of Mussadiq on Cover,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
"Mr. Foreign Service on Mossadegh and Wristonization in Foreign Service Journal November 1980 by John J. Harter: interview with Loy Henderson,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Discussion at the 132nd Meeting of the National Security Council, 2/18/1953 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Iranian Nationalism and American Intervention: A Survey of Recently Declassified US Documents on the Mossadegh Period by: Robert G. Heimerl,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Sephr Zabih, The Mossadegh Era (Chicago, Ill: Lake View Press, 1982),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Gérard de Villiers, The Imperial Shah: An Informal Biography, translated from the French by June P. Wilson and Walter B. Michaels (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1976): notes on the shah, Razmara, Mussadiq, and Kashani,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Iran Times vol. XV No.11: discusses earlier coup plan by GB, 05/31/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
How CIA Orchestrated 53 Coup in Iran in Los Angeles Times by Robert Scheer, 3/29/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Using Diplomatic Cover in Houston Chronicle: intelligence, 12/12/1979 ,
With written notes to the side concerning articles and asking questions about US policy
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Plot to topple Khomeini regime reportedly is thwarted in Iran in Houston Chronicle: Is CIA behind this coup? [Question written beside article], 1/17/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Time article on torture,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
"Carter Urging that Congress Ease Curbs on Covert Actions by CIA in New York Times by Richard Burt, 1/11/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
US- Iran Links Still Strong New York Times, 7/9/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Foreign News- Iran 1953: Montage of Time excerpts 1951-1953: on Mussadiq and Shah; smear campaign against Mussadiq,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Mark Gasiorowski The 1953 Coup DEtat in Iran,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
I have a hard time reconciling US covert activities... [handwritten notes],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Many factors were bringing most Mossadegh downfall [28th Mordad] [presumably Ali Djalal [?] views from accompanying letter],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Letter from Ali [?] Dja lal [?] to Friend: on Mussadiq downfall, 9/23/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
"A Book Held Hostage: book review by Thomas Powers in The Nation, 04/12/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Book Essay: Iran Then and Now: The Mystique of Foreign Power by Edward R. Thomas in Foreign Service Journal, 11/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Book Shelf: Reaping the Whirlwind by Charles Maechling, Jr. in Foreign Service Journal, 11/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Book Notes: Coup or Counter Coup in Iran by Charles Maechling, Jr. in Foreign Service Journal, 12/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
"Counter Who? : book review by David Nalle in Foreign Service Journal, 10/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5
Communist Threat,Subseries 5: Communist Threat
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
Notes for Discussion with Dean Acheson: government document, 7/5/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
What Went Wrong in Iran? in Saturday Evening Post by: Henry F. Grady, Former US Ambassador to Iran, 01/05/1952 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
The Present Situation in Persia in Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society vol. XXXVIII April-July, 1951 parts II/III by M. Philps Price, MP,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
Report on Iran unknown author- Threat of Tudeh Coup,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
Memorandum of Conversation- Department of State: discussion that believes the Shah needs both US and GB support, 7/5/1951 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6
Letters,Subseries 6: Letters
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
Letter from Dr. R[onald] W. Ferrier to James Bill: Ferrier answers question about Henry Grady, 2/25/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
Letter from Ian Beer to James Bill: answer to Bill request of info. On Reverend Digby Bliss Kittermaster ALSO: attached to letter with paper clip are typed notes on lunch with Denis Cadman 12/17/84 about John Cadman ALSO: Letter from James Bill to I.D.S Beer: Bill letter requesting info. on Kittermaster,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
Letter from D[an] N. Wilber to [James] Bill + enclosed attachment of comments from Wilber on Mussadiq period, 2/11/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
Letter from Mark Gasiorowski to James Bill: about conference papers the two have been working on concerning Iran,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
Letter from John C. Campbell to Professor T. Cuyler Young: about Howard Page comments on Consortium negotiation, 3/30/1961 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7
Other Information Re: Chapter Two of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 7: Other Information Re: Chapter Two of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
Iran: Politics and Anti-Americanism in The Nation by Majid Tehranian: explanation of Iran feelings toward America, 10/24/1966 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
Obituary: Sir Reader William Bullard in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London vol. XL Part 1 1977 by Ann K S Lambton,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
Memorandum: a collection of memoranda and foreign service dispatch on the Shah- Memorandum: a collection of memoranda and foreign service dispatch on the Shah, 6/23/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
British in Iran: handwritten outline on British in Iran including how/why Iran turned on America in the end,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
The Reporter Trade by: Joseph and Stewart Alsop (New York: Reynal and Co., 1958): discusses US policy of secrecy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
The Financial Independence of Persia by: Edgar Turlington in Foreign Affairs v. 6, n. 4 July 1928 : on Millspaugh,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
Donald M. Wilber, Contemporary Iran (New York: Frederick A. Proeger, 1963). pp. 82-102: Mussadiq political career,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
Foreign Policy Bulletin Egypt, Iran, and US Diplomacy Blair Bolles, 8/15/1952 ,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 7 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 1
- Sub-Series 3
Notes for Chapter 3 of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 3: Notes for Chapter 3 of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1
SAVAK,Subseries 1: SAVAK
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
The Eyes and Ears of the Shah in The Intelligence Quarterly Vol. 1, No. 4 Feb. 1986 by Earnest R. Oney,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene, April 1983 Vol. 2, No. 2: "The Story Still Untold by Earnest R. Oney is a review of Iran: The Untold Story... by Muhammad Heikal,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene, Feb. 1983 Vol. 2, No. 1: "Tudeh Today- and Tomorrow?" by Earnest Oney is a review of Toward a Modern Iran, Studies in Thought, Politics and Society by Elie Kedourie and Sylvia G. Haim (eds.),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene, June 1985 Vol. 4, No. 3: Secret Police: Types A, B, and C by Earnest Oney is a book review of Secret Police: the Inside Story of a Network of Terror by Thomas Plate and Andrea Darvi,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene, April 1982 Vol. 1, No. 2: Four Analyses of the Iranian Experience by Earnest Oney is a book review of Debacle: The American Failure in Iran by Michael Ledeen and William Lewis; Paved With Good Intentions: The American Experience in Iran by Barry Rubin; Inside the Iranian Revolution by John D. Stempel; and Mission to Iran by William H. Sullivan,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene, Dec. 1984 Vol. 3, No. 6: Murphy Law in the Iranian Desert by Earnest Oney is a book review of Delta Force by Col. Charlie A. Beckwith,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Working Within the System in Seven Days, April 1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Iran Express pg. 8: in Farsi, 4/14/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
The Shah and His Empress Talk About Their Life in Exile, His Illness and Her Dreams: unknown source,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
"The Revolution in Iran: Religion and Politics in a Traditional Society by Earnest Oney 1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
SAVAK Jails Stark Reminder of Shah Rule by Tonathan [sic.] C. Randal [sic] in Washington Post, 12/13/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
By Cozy American Relationship Iranian Secret Police Helped by Jack Anderson with Les Whitten: newspaper article,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Parade, Intelligence Report, pg. 24: cut out article The Shah and SAVAK, 03/11/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Daily Texan p.5 World secret police receive US sanction by Jack Anderson with Les Whitten, 10/26/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
The Nation The SAVAK Documents: interpretation of documents by Reza Baraheni, Iranian poet/novelist who was tortured by SAVAK, 2/23/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Washington Post A1, 7 second of series SAVAK: A Feared and Pervasive Force: The Shah Secret Police: The People Who Knew Everything by Richard T. Sale, 5/9/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Washington Post A1, 8 third of series SAVAK Said at Work in Washington: Iranian Secret Police Agents Strike Fear Among Students, 5/10/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Washington Post A12 fourth of series Army Is the Keystone of Shah Power, 5/11/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Washington Post A10 fifth of series The Shah Americans: In Iran for Beaucoup Bucks, 5/12/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Washington Post A12 sixth and last of series Arms Dealings With US Rub Iranians Awfully Raw: Arms Quarrel Strain US-Iran Ties, 5/13/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Torturers executed after confession [cant make out name of newspaper], 6/25/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Iran Shifts Sports Training to Schools New York Times 8/19 [1976?],
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Princess Ashraf Pahlavi... New York Times 5/22[1976?],
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Preparation for a trip... New York Times 7/24/ [1976?],
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Art, Politics and Torture Chambers in New York Times Magazine by Victor S. Navasky pgs. 10-24, 8/15/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Report to The Subcommittee on International Organizations (US Congress) by Iranian Students Association in the United States (ISAUS) on the Violation of Human Rights in Iran: September, 1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Human Rights in Iran: Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives, 10/26/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Mr. Chairman: Members of the Subcommittee,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Confederation of Iranian Students (CISNU): Statement of Mr. William Wilson for the Press Conference: Report of the Trial of Political Prisoners at Teheran on 30th December 1968 and continuing, 8/1/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Human Rights and American Foreign Policy: The Case of Iran by: Marvin Zonis University of Chicago, Dec. 1977,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
British Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Iran,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
"Iran: Trial Procedures for Political Prisoners Amnesty International first published 8/1972,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Iran: Background Paper- Amnesty International, 3/29/1972 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
The last few pages in this folder are in Farsi (Persian) One of which contains two poems Never and Now- they are translated in English (handwritten) on the back,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2
The Shah Visit to the United States 1954,Subseries 2: The Shah Visit to the United States 1954
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
New York Times Transcript of the President Press Conference on Foreign and Domestic Affairs, 12/16/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
New York Times Address by Shah of Iran to the National Press Club, 12/15/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
The New York Times A Visit from the Shah, 12/15/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
The New York Times Shah Praises US as Visit Here Ends, 2/12/1955 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
The New York Times Shah at Hospital Visits Ill Subject, 2/8/1955 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
The New York Times Eisenhower Welcomes Iranian Rulers to Washington, 12/14/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
The New York Times Iran Shah Asks for Western Aid, 12/15/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3
Freedom of Information Act Material [FOIC] 1955-1960,Subseries 3: Freedom of Information Act Material [FOIC] 1955-1960
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
The Internal Security Position in Iran The report of the Country Team Analysis of the Internal Security Position in Iran,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Memorandum of Conversation by the Secretary of State, Karachi, 03/09/1956 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Memorandum from the Deputy Director of the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs: Washington, on the subject of the Political Situation on Iran, 05/15/1956 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Foreign Service Dispatch: From the American Embassy in Tehran to the Dept. of State in Washington: An Assessment of the Internal Political Situation, 05/07/1960 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 4
United States Policy towards Iran,Subseries 4: United States Policy towards Iran
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Advantageous Alliance: US Relations with Iran 1920-1975 by Robert Paarlberg in Diplomatic Dispute: US Conflict with Iran, Japan and Mexico by Robert L. Paarlberg, ed, Eul Y. Park and Donald L. Wyman 15-53,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
The Middle East and Southern Europe: Report of Senator Hubert H. Humphrey on a Study Mission, 07/01/1957 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Report of the Special Study Mission to the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 05/10/1956 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5
Oil,Subseries 5: Oil
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Text of the Speech of Dr. Ali Amini Ambassador of Iran to the USA Delivered at Luncheon at the Shoreham Hotel. At the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Middle East Institute Middle East, 1/31/1958 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Development Goals: Plans and Prospects Oil and the Economic Development of the Middle East,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Department of State Bulletin Herbert Hoover, Jr., To Study Oil Situation in Iran, 10/26/1953 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Department of State Bulletin Arrangements for Participation in Iranian Oil Consortium, 12/27/1954 ,
[2 copies of this]
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Department of State Bulletin Agreement Between Iran and International Oil Consortium, 8/16/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Fortune The Churning in Middle East Oil, 10/1954 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
Anthony Sampson, The Seven Sisters (New York: Bantam, 1976) Chapter 6: Iran and Democracy,
photocopy of chapter
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
Anthony Sampson, The Seven Sisters (New York: Bantam, 1976) : handwritten notes,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
Christopher T. Rand, Making Democracy Safe for Oil (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1975),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
Henry Longhurst, Adventure in Oil: The Story of British Petroleum (London: Sedgwick and Jackson [?], 1959),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
Charles W. Hamilton, America and Oil in the Middle East (Houston: [?] Publishing Co., 1962),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
Leonard Mosley [?], Power Play: Oil in the Middle East (Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1973),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6
Other Information Re: Chapter Three of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 6: Other Information Re: Chapter Three of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
International Industrial Conference San Francisco A Program for Economic Growth by A. H. Ebtehaj, 09/1961 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
"With Dulles in Iran part V in The Nation vol. 192 pp. 547-551 June 24, 1961: The Coup, Allen Dulles, and how the US back dictatorial, right-wing governments,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
Shah Grabs Reigns of Power and Moves Against Opposition- Three pronged,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
1954-1961 Grayson: timeline of events in Iran during this period,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
1954-1961: list of 22 topics with page numbers from unknown book, some info on SAVAK, Eqbal and Mussadiq trial,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
Department of State Bulletin The Present Situation in Iran by Henry A. Byroade, Asst. Sec. for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs, 12/28/53 ,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 2
- Sub-Series 4
The Kennedy Period, 1961-1963 - Material for Ch 4 of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 4: The Kennedy Period, 1961-1963 - Material for Ch 4 of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 1
Subseries 1:
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Iran in the News,
Newspaper clippings [I have paper clipped them together in two large piles so that none get lost. There are two articles that were continued and the respective parts are clipped together. There is another small pile which Bill had clipped together so I kept those together and separate from the rest.]
Main Topics of the Clippings
- Land Reform
- Election Reform
- Opposition to Reform: Religious, Students, Landowners
- The Earthquakes: September 1, 1962 and October 6, 1962
- Riot of June 5, 1963
- Iran Foreign Policy: Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Kurds
- US Senate Look into Corruption in Iran/ Khaibar
- Editorials Concerning Articles on Iran (by Americans)
- Communist Threat in Iran
- US Aid to Iran
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2
Department of State Records,Subseries 2: Department of State Records
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
Ali Amini (Prime Minister of Iran 1961-1962) Regime,4 items
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 14
Teacher Strike on May 2, 1961/ US Troops Involvement,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 14
The Current Internal Political Situation in Iran, 2/11/1961 ,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 15
Iran and CENTO,9 items
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 16
Economic Problems of Iran/ US Aid,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 16
Shah Apprehension about the Kennedy Administration Not Giving Iran the Military and Economic Aid that Eisenhower Did,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Iran Unilateral Pledge to Prohibit the Basing of Foreign Missiles in Iran to Russia,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
The Stabilization Program,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Iranian Third Five-Year Plan,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
Telegrams concerning VP Johnson visit to Shah 1962,Subseries 1: Telegrams concerning VP Johnson visit to Shah 1962
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
Arrival Statement of Johnson at Tehran, 8/24/1962 ,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
Text of Johnson Toast at Shah Dinner, 8/24/1962 ,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
Telegram Summarizing Shah Dinner,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
Text of Johnson Toast at Prime Minister Dinner, 8/25/1962 ,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
Telegram Summarizing Johnson Trip to Iran,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
Text of Johnson Departure Statement from Tehran, 8/26/1962 ,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3
Notes- Handwritten and Typed on Chapter Four of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 3: Notes- Handwritten and Typed on Chapter Four of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
3 sets of timeline of events in Iran for the years 1961, 1962, 1963 on Aspen-Persepolis Symposium: September 15-19, 1975 Iran: Past, Present and Future letterhead,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Notes in various books (all clipped together by Bill): [E. A.] Bayne [presumably A Persian Kingship in Transition- it is in Eagle and Lion bibliography]; [Donald M.] Wilber, Contemporary Iran; Farmayan in Yarshater [most likely Ehsan Yar-Sharter, Iran Faces the Seventies]; [Rouhollah K.] Ramazani, The Foreign Policy of Iran, 1500-1941; [Barry] Rubin, [most likely Paved With Good Intention: The American Experience and Iran; Peter Avery [most likely Modern Iran],
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
3 small pieces of paper: notes on William O. Douglas, The Court [?]Years 1939-1975,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Notes on T. Cuyler Young Manuscript on years 1944-1953,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Typed notes: Relevant Analyses By Other Observers- Iran: the Us-Iran Bilateral Treaty; US Policy to Iran; Mansur Cabinet; September Election; Arsanjani Resignation; Timeline of Iran Relations with US, USSR, Britain 1958-1962,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4
Papers on Iran,Subseries 4: Papers on Iran
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Iran 1961/62: A Report of the Research and Information Commission of the International Student Conference,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Iran Today Vol. II (4) Serial No. 11 Published by the General Department of Publications and Broadcasting of the Imperial Iranian Government,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Perspectives on US Policy in Iran, unknown author: references that the paper is given at a conference and references Professor T. Cuyler Young- the paper is about the unstable state of Iran and how the gloomy predictions that there will be a revolution have not come true,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
United States Aid and Collaboration: This is a draft of a chapter by unknown author on the United States and military aid ALSO note to Rob about the draft, 06/21/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Bernard I. Blackman Intercultural Communication Patterns of Iranian Students in Public Forums in the US: paper given at 65th Annual Speech Communication Convention in San Antonio, TX November 10-13, 1979: photocopy of paper with corrections ALSO handwritten letter from Bernie to Dr. Bill requesting him to proofread the paper,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Intercultural Communication Patterns of Iranian Students in Public Forums in the US by Bernard I Blackman: This is a printed version of the above paper given at the conference, most likely the final version,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Another copy of Bernard Blackman paper, Intercultural Communication Patterns of Iranian Students in Public Forums in the US ALSO a handwritten note from Bernie to JB thanking him for his help,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Paper that T. Cuyler Young gave to David H. Finnie on why Iran attitude toward the US changed so dramatically in such a short period of time ALSO letter from Finnie to Young commenting on paper,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
John H. Lorentz and John T. Wertime Iranians: paper on Iranian immigrants to the US ALSO outline on Iranians in the United States AND a budget for Lorenzt and Wertime for the time of research and writing,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Mass Communication, Elites and National Systems in the Middle East by Hamid Mowlana: paper from Der Anteil der Massenmdien bei der Herausbildung des Bewusstseins in der sich wandelnden Welt (Internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz),
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5
Journal Articles/Excerpts from Books on Iran,Subseries 5: Journal Articles/Excerpts from Books on Iran
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
"Iran: The Portrait of a US Ally by Michael Parrish in The Minority of One IV, December 1962, 12-13: how the US is supporting a corrupted, dictatorship by backing the Shah,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
Freedom in Iran by Bertrand Russell in The Minority of One VI November 1964, 12-13: uses Iran as case study to define what US means by Free World,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
Iranian Aid Story: New Twists to the Mystery by Fred J. Cook in The Nation Vol. 200, 550-556: study of the hearings by Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee of Government Operations of Khaibar Khan and his allegations of corruption of US aid to Iran,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
Excerpt from John F. Kennedy and the Business Community by Jim F. Heath (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969) : Chapter 12- The Crisis in Foreign Aid: Kennedy reversed policy of Eisenhower and gave much aid for economic development and not so much for military,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
US Military Mission in Iran and Iranian National Interests by L. Alexeyev in International Affairs July 7, 1961, 111-114: an answer to questions about the American Military Mission to Iran: how do Iranians feel about it, why is US doing it, and how does this relate to Iran claim to have friendly relations with Russia,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 5 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 6
Khrushchev, Kennedy and Iran,Subseries 6: Khrushchev, Kennedy and Iran
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 23
Typed letter from Cuy [T. Cuyler Young]: points out Arthur Schlesinger take on the Kennedy/Khrushchev meeting in Vienna in his book A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 23
Photocopied excerpts from Walter Lippman, The Coming Tests [?] With Russia on his interviews with Khrushchev,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 23
A memorandum from Bill to J. Hitselbrer asking Hitselbrer to look up certain statement Khrushchev said about Iran to Lippman,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 6 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 7
Hassan Arsanjani Folder,Subseries 7: Hassan Arsanjani Folder
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 7
Stapled pamphlet in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 7
The Echo of Iran vol. XVII, No. 119 6/1/1969 : this is a daily paper: includes Obituary on Dr. Hassan Arsanjani, the former Minister of Agriculture (1961-1963),
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 7
The Echo of Iran No. 375 3/14/63: The Resignation of Dr. Hassan Arsanjani as Minister of Agriculture,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 7
39 pages in Farsi, photocopied,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 7
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 4 Box 2
- Sub-Series 5
Chapter 5: LBJ 1963-1967,Subseries 5: Chapter 5: LBJ 1963-1967
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1
Cuyler Young: Correspondence and Papers,Subseries 1: Cuyler Young: Correspondence and Papers
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Correspondence between T. Cuyler Young and John C. Campbell, Director of Political Studies [his letterhead is Council on Foreign Relations, INC]: mostly on the state of Young manuscript and the Council Study Group on Iran and the United States and a list of people in the Study Group,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Correspondence with Lt. Col. R S Hosman, Robert Amory, Jr., Deputy Director of CIA, Maj. Gen. H C Donnelly, Maj. Gen. J C Oakes, Lt. Col. Donald H. Humpheries, Lt. Col. Haakon Lindjorn, Lt. Gen. John K. Gerhardt, and Philip E. Mosely, Director of Studies at Council for Foreign Relations on Study Group for Council on Foreign Relations and Hossein,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Letters about Young qualifications to help military operations staff on Iran,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
US-Iranian Relations Since World War II: Economic Considerations- outline AND letter to Dr. Mahdavy about the outline,20 items
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Handwritten dates of Study Group meetings,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Harvard University Seminar by Massoud Barzine 8/1/65 Ahzang: opinion paper of Young speech at seminar- Barzine thinks US should worry about itself before it worries about Iran,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Letters to Jim from Helen Young and Cuyler Young,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Young paper on how Iranian attitude toward US changed so quickly,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Another copy of the paper from above with title page: US Policy in Iran Since World War II with note: Confidential: for seminar in Problems of Contemporary Iran, Harvard University, 17 April 1965,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2
Development and Reform in Iran,Subseries 2: Development and Reform in Iran
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
Annual Report for 1970 for the Inter-Agency Consultative Board by Nessim Shallon, Resident Representative of the UNDP in Iran, 03/31/1971 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
International Development Association/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ International Finance Corporation Office Memorandum To: Files From: M. Fireman Subject: Some Observations on Irrigation in Iran, 1/28/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
International Development Association/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ International Finance Corporation Office Memorandum To: Mr. O. T. W. Price From: Raymond Noronha Subject: The Present State of Land Reform in Iran, 7/9/1973 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
Factors and Considerations for Development of Irrigation in Iran by A. W. Plummer, Water Resource Advisor: USAID/Tehran, 4/27/1966 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
Telegram to Secretary of State from Tehran: Highlights of conversation between Secretary and Shah, mostly on reform program in Iran, 4/29/1963 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3
Iran in the News: Newspaper, Journal and other Publications,Subseries 3: Iran in the News: Newspaper, Journal and other Publications
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
"The Billion- Dollar Mystery by Fred J. Cook in The Nation A Documented Thriller Involving American Foreign Aid, the Shah of Iran, a Desert Chieftain, Swiss Banks, Tapped Wires, Secret Diplomacy and Some Celebrated Americans, 4/12/1965 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
World Business Iran: The White Revolution February 1966 [Time?],
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
US and Iran Celebrate the End of Aid Program New York Times, 11/30/1967 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
"America, Iran and Development in Bamshad no. 5 (6-13 Azer, 1345), p. 42 [by?] Habib: Transcription of article (translated into English, presumably),
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
The Mideast Observer vol.8, No.2 1/15/85 Covey Replaces Kemp : New Mideast Expert at NSC and Senators Predict Shah Demise,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Iran Almanac Chronology of 1970,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Time Iran: A Welcome for Capitalists 5/25/1970 [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 4
Lyndon B. Johnson Documents,Subseries 4: Lyndon B. Johnson Documents
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 7
Packet from LBJ library- copy of handwritten transcriptions of various documents mostly on the Shah visit to US in 1967,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Memorandum for the Vice President from Carl T. Rowan to VP Lyndon B. Johnson + Proposed Statement by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee [Attached to this is a list of documents Bill copied from LBJ Library but the documents are not attached], 6/2/1961 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 9
Telegram from Department of State to American Embassy in Tehran on the Shah visit to US, 6/8/1964 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5
Documents Re: Armin H. Meyer,Subseries 5: Documents Re: Armin H. Meyer
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Draft Press Release: LBJ announced his intention to nominate Meyer as Ambassador to Iran; bio of Meyer,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Letter from Meyer to W W Rostow, 5/28/1966 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Meyer resume,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Office of the White House Press Secretary (Austin, TX): announcement of White House appointment of US delegation to United Nations International Conference on Human Rights in Tehran: Meyer is on list of delegates, 4/19/1968 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Memorandum for the President Subject: Your Diplomatic Appointees in the Near Eastern Area: Lucius Battle replacement of Raymond Hare as Assistant Secretary of State in Charge of Mideast Affairs, includes list of key diplomatic representatives serving in Middle East which includes Meyer as ambassador to Iran, 6/5/1967 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Letter from U. Alexis Johnson to Cyrus R. Vance, Deputy Secretary of Defense: about Shah reaction to Meyer telling him of US proposal for additional military credit sales program, 7/6/1966 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
Two copy lists of what Bill got copied at LBJ Library, includes Meyer stuff,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 6
Farsi Documents,Subseries 6: Farsi Documents
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 10
9 photocopied legal-size pages in Farsi, includes photographs,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 10
Khomeini Letter: in Farsi and handwritten translation in English: on Khomeini exile from Iran,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7
Notes: Handwritten and Typed re: Chapter Five,Subseries 7: Notes: Handwritten and Typed re: Chapter Five
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
1965 Chronology: handwritten,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
1964 Chronology: handwritten,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
Transcription of interview: ?/16/77 Taggasco of Business Week is written in margin: on Iran and the Carter administration,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
16 pages of handwritten notes on various events in Iran between 1963-1970: a lot on students in Iran and trial of 14 intellectuals,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 8
Other Information Re: Chapter Five of The Eagle and The Lion,Subseries 8: Other Information Re: Chapter Five of The Eagle and The Lion
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 12
Church Hearings 1974 : handwritten note on bottom: Under Sec Eugene Rostow puts pressure on Consortium Companies to lift more oil to placate the Shah- this was in March 1968,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 12
The Military and Politics in Iran: The Uneasy Symbiosis by Farhad Kazemi, Dept. of Politics at New York University: paper- turned to page on Defense Budget (Expenditure in Million Rials) 1939-1972 Table,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 12
American Embassy in Tehran Information Subject: Driving in Iran From: Douglas Heck [ From Bill Box III], 11/9/1971 ,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 5 Box 3
- Sub-Series 6
Chapter 6: 1970-1977,Subseries 6: Chapter 6: 1970-1977
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1
US Arms Sales to Iran,Subseries 1: US Arms Sales to Iran
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
Grumman Corp.: There is large amount of documents on the accusations by Iran that the Grumman Corporation stole $28 million from Iran in an arms deal,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 15
Iran Military Spending,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
US Arms Sales to Iran,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
US Arms Sales 1974-1975,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 18
US Arms Sales 1975-1976,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Grumman Still Flies for the Navy, but it is Selling the World by Louis Kraar in Fortune February 1976 p. 79-83, 142, 144, 146,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
US must supply Iran arms, Shah says in Austin American Statesman August 7, 1976,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Intelligence Memorandum: Recent Trends in Iranian Arms Procurement May 1972: CIA documents,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
General in Dispute Over Arms Sales Leaving Pentagon by Bernard Weinraub in New York Times: the general is Lt. Gen Howard M. Fish, 11/24/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
US Firm to Build Spy Base in Iran in Austin American Statesman, 6/1/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
US Teams Train Forces in 34 Lands in New York Times, 2/20/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Ford to Approve Iranian Aid to Pan Am in Austin American Statesman, 2/16/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Arms and the Shah by Michael T. Klare in Perspectives on Iranian Revolution by David Albert,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
US to Sell Iran 160 New Fighters in New York Times, 8/28/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2
Kayhan International: newspaper,Subseries 2: Kayhan International: newspaper
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 20
Issue on April 15, 1971,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 20
Issue on April 8, 1971,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 20
Issue on April 7, 1971,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 20
Issue on April 5, 1971,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 3
Henry Kissinger Documents,Subseries 3: Henry Kissinger Documents
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 3
Department of State: Selected Documents No. 4 US Policy in the Middle East: November 1974- February 1976: US and Iran- Remarks by Secretary Kissinger and Hushang Ansary, Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, after signing the communiqué of the US-Iran Joint Commission and the agreement on technical cooperation AND US and Persian Gulf-Arabian Peninsula,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 3
Kissinger Trip to Teheran in Foreign Report, 8/15/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 3
Henry Last Hurrah? in Time, 8/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 3
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 4
Documents in Farsi,Subseries 4: Documents in Farsi
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Photocopied and stapled pack of pages with rose on first page,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Small book with green cover and picture in front ALSO tucked inside in paper with a poem on it [translated] in English by Ahmad Shamlu. title of the poem: On the Martyrdom of Khosrow Golesorkhi,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Packet of pages stapled and folded in half,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 5
The Shah Visits to US,Subseries 5: The Shah Visits to US
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
October 21-23, 1969: President Nixon and the Shah of Iran Hold Talks at Washington in Department of State Bulletin, 11/10/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
May 15-18, 1975: Department of State Document on the Secretary meeting with the Shah at Blair House: what should be discussed, 05/17/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
Department of State Telegram: Summary of Shah visit to Washington, DC 3/3-4/2/1969: conversations; Kissinger; Eisenhower funeral [from Bill Box III], 4/3/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 5 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6
Information Related to US/Iran Military Connections and US Arms Sales,Subseries 6: Information Related to US/Iran Military Connections and US Arms Sales
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
Iran 1971-1973: Iran Almanac, handwritten notes,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 25
Articles on US Arms Sales to the Middle East: Issue of the Defense Monitor May 1975, Field staff Reports Arms and Advisors: Views form Saudi Arabia and Iran by EA Bayne and Richard O. Collin; The Washington Monthly, transcription of Shah interview 1973,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 26
Fighter Planes: F-14/F-15 Aircraft Folder: handwritten notes, articles from the Christian Science Monitor,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 27
Notes on US Arms Sales to Iran: handwritten notes and copied charts that detail Iran military expenditures by year,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
US Arms Sales to the World,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 29
Other info. re: Military in Iran/US Relations: Letter to Jim from Bill + letter from W F Hickman to Paul Stillwell about navy article; list of Iranians and their military assignments, book reviews; Building a Navy in a Hurry- The US Navy in Iran paper by Thomas F. Green,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 6 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7
More Information Re: Chapter Six of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 7: More Information Re: Chapter Six of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 30
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 30
Multiple copies of pie chart of the Iranian Political Elite and table of the Forty Families: Membership in Majlis and Senate, 1906-1967 from J. A. Bill, Patterns of Elite Politics in Iran,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 30
Handwritten notes in Chapter Six including footnotes ALSO charts of contracts and expenditures by country and notes on limits to using these figures,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 30
Column from Springfield Paper Shah and his Empress Wrapped in Clover, 1/21/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 30
Excerpt from Iran Almanac 1974 on Relations with US,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 30
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31
Air Force Office of Special Investigations Special Report Anti-American Terrorism in Iran and Terrorism Movements in Iran ALSO handwritten letter to Jim from Evrand [?],Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31Series 1: Air Force Office of Special Investigations Special Report Anti-American Terrorism in Iran and Terrorism Movements in Iran ALSO handwritten letter to Jim from Evrand [?]
Article from Echo of Islam on Ayatollah Hussein Ghafari who was killed in prison,Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31Series 2: Article from Echo of Islam on Ayatollah Hussein Ghafari who was killed in prison
Outline of The Iranian Revolution: The Violence of Change with a letter explaining how the author [presumably James Bill] would benefit greatly from a leave of absence from University of Texas to do research,Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31Series 3: Outline of The Iranian Revolution: The Violence of Change with a letter explaining how the author [presumably James Bill] would benefit greatly from a leave of absence from University of Texas to do research
Article Election Dispute Angers Shah New York Times, 10/14/1974 ,Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31Series 4: Article Election Dispute Angers Shah New York Times
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 7 Folder 30
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 8
Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Intellectuals,Subseries 8: Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Intellectuals
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Newspaper articles,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Magazine in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Handwritten transcriptions of editorials,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 6 Box 3
- Sub-Series 7
Chapter 7 of The Eagle and the Lion - Energy,Subseries 7: Chapter 7 of The Eagle and the Lion - Energy
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1
Subseries 1:
Energy: The following starred categories are all part of an unmarked folder put together by Bill, which I have called Energy
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1
Diplomats in Field Dress: Nixon Action Ambassadors by Barry Rubin in The Nation, 6/15/1974 ,
Article not found in a folder
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1
Subseries 1:
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Department of State Airgram: to Dept. of State from AmEmbassy Tehran: Report on Iranian oil, natural gas, and petrochemical industries, 7/14/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Iran: document of Iran energy resources: Oil, gas, and idea of building nuclear plant,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2
Oil/National Iranian Oil Company [NIOC],Subseries 2: Oil/National Iranian Oil Company [NIOC]
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Iran acquires $125m. stake in Occidental Oil in KI [Kayhan International?], 6/22/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Price of Oil cant stay frozen for long: Amouzegar in KI, 2/11/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Iran Agrees with Saudis that Oil Prices Posted by OPEC Will Stay Frozen in 78 in Wall Street Journal,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Road from Caracas leads OPEC - "Where? in KI, 1/10/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Shah, Shifting Stand, Pledges to Oppose Increase in Oil Prices in New York Times, 11/17/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Excerpt Parity Changes in KI: on export price index of oil, 6/15/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Iran pins its faith on secondary oil recovery by Gregory Lima in KI, 10/30/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Cutting back wastage in Iran oil industry by Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani in Kayhan International, 12/20/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
New increases likely in prices of petrol Kayhan International 2/6/1978 [ON BACK OF THIS ARTICLE IS ANOTHER ONE: Energy in Iran and the case for nuclear power Photocopy in Folder 2, Original in Folder 6,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Iran Contracts To Sell More Oil In US for Planes Wall Street Journal, 11/2/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
New deputy Chairman for NIOC in KI, 11/3/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Yeganeh takes over economics, finance ministry Ansary Named to Head NIOC in KI, 12/1/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
NIOC marks another year of outstanding progress in KI, 7/31/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Najmabadi Joins Mehran At NIOC in KI, 2/16/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Stop foot-dragging, Ansary tells oilmen in KI, 3/4/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Abadan refinery is world leader again in KI, 3/19/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
3 copies of National Iranian Oil Company Central Power Structure flowchart,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
4th copy of NIOC Central Power Structure flowchart; list of Principal Officers in NIOC; National Iranian Oil Company Organization Chart; Ansary optimistic on oil firm talks in Kayhan [International], 7/8/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
NIOC to supply 25pc of Brazil crude oil needs in KI, 6/25/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ansary policy for NIOC will spur investment in new industries in KI, 3/13/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
NIOC shapes Iran exploration, production in Oil and Gas Journal, 8/16/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Iran Hits Oil in N. Sea KI, 5/18/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
NIOC to branch out into non-oil projects KI, 3/12/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
NIOC to draw up total mineral map KI, 3/12/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3
Natural Gas,Subseries 3: Natural Gas
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Notes for Japan Trip- Conversation with G. Carameros: 3 pieces to the Kalingas project; opinion of Mossadeghi, 06/02/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Natural gas- a hedge against energy crunch by Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani in Kayhan International, 12/10/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Construction of new IGAT line is on schedule [Kayhan International?], 3/15/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
NIGC plans $2b gas expansion projects KI, 1/13/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4
Petrochemicals,Subseries 4: Petrochemicals
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
$2 billion complex meet in KI 12/20/77: Iran Japan Petrochemical Company; Turning Iran into the land of petrochemicals by Hushang Nemazee in KI 6/20/77; Iran takes another massive step in petrochemicals in Events No. 26 9/23/77; A New Iran raises its towers on Persian Gulf in KI 10/23/77,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Where is the basis for Iran industrialization? by Jagdish Sharma in KI, 4/8/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Building to scale of Asia KI, 3/18/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Shahpur chemical plant capacity raised 250pc KI, 3/19/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
NPC plans to pour $3.5b. into petrochemicals KI, 6/26/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Petrochemicals To Be Nation Biggest Industry Kayhan International, 7/18/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5
Other Forms of Energy/Industrialization: Nuclear Power, Coal, Copper, Steel, etc.,Subseries 5: Other Forms of Energy/Industrialization: Nuclear Power, Coal, Copper, Steel, etc.
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Energy in Iran and the case for nuclear power Kayhan International 2/6/78 [ON BACK OF THIS ARTICLE IS ANOTHER ONE: New increases likely in prices of petrol UNDER GAS HEADING],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Iran steel mills struggle to catch up with demand by Ralph Joseph in K. International, 5/2/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Monarch welcomes major new coal finds KI, 3/15/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Copper complex nearly finished Kayhan International, 1/23/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
To export or not-The industrialist dilemma by Farhad Karani KI, 6/28/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Evolving an action program for housing projects: Timing the Loans in KI, 4/5/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Providing Shah with A-power: France Scores;Iran less likely to pick US for providing new energy by Jim Browning in CSM, 10/12/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2
Bill Butler Folder,Subseries 2: Bill Butler Folder
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
Handwritten notes,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
Aide Memoir from Butler, Chairman Executive Committee, International Commission of Jurists to Amir Abas Hoveyda, Minister of Court, Iran,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
Memorandum on Private Audience with Shah of Iran, 5/30/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
Letter to Butler from William Sullivan, 12/11/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
Memorandum to Shah from Butler- human rights,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
Human Rights in Iran: Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives, 10/26/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3
Arms Sales to Iran/Iran Foreign Policy,Subseries 3: Arms Sales to Iran/Iran Foreign Policy
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1
Arms Sales to Iran,Subseries 1: Arms Sales to Iran
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Iran Cuts Arms Spending by John K. Cooley in CSM,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Strong defense build-up is source of stability for Iran by Abbas Amirie in KI, 10/19/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Despite Huge Outlays, Iran Forces are Short of Security Arms by Drew Middleton in New York Times, 7/14/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
US Offers Iran 10 of its Costliest Radar Planes NYT, 12/16/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Iran Packs a New Punch by Edward Cochran,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Iran Irritated : Shah warns Congress not to stop arms sales or Iran would cut off oil in CSM, 3/16/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Iran May Reduce US Arms Buying by John W. Finney in NYT, 2/4/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Study Finds Iran Dependent on US in Using Weapons by Leslie H. Gelb in NYT, 8/1/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
US Arms Sales to Iran are Seen as Out of Control Wall Street Journal, 8/2/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Shah Cautions US Against Arms Cut by Bernard Gwertzman in NYT, 8/7/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Iran and Britain Plan Arms Deal By Eric Pace in NYT, 8/11/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Iran Said to Put Stress on Barter: Talks on Exchange of US Planes for Oil Reported NYT, 8/12/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Iran + oil + guns by Joseph C. Harsch in CSM, 8/17/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
The Military Buildup in Iran by Ray Vicker in Wall Street Journal, 9/1/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Why US sells arms to the Shah by Alvin J. Cottrell in CSM, 9/15/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
The Department of State News Release Sale of F-16s to Iran: statement by Philip C. Habib, 9/19/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
US arms sales top $13 billion Christian Science Monitor [CSM], 10/4/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
Military buildup key to safeguarding oil KI, 2/27/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
Iran shows way in army aviation by Col. Obel Wells in KI, 5/23/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
Iran Vast Purchases of Weaponry Strain Ability of Country to Absorb It All by Eric Page in NYT, 1/5/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
Arms-sale pattern cited in The Stars and Stripes, 10/8/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
US takes a second look at arms deals with Iran in Events, no. 18, 6/3/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
No Concern Over Iran Arms: Vance by Raji Samghabadi in KI, 5/14/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Arms and the Shah: The Rise and Fall of the Surrogate Strategy by Michael T. Klare in The Progressive August 1979 v.43, n.8,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Prospective Sale of Airborne Warning And Control System (AWACS) Aircraft to Iran: Hearings before the Subcommittees on International Security and Scientific Affairs and on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on International Relations 6/29, 7/19, 7/21 1977,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Small collection of handwritten notes: Program Summary about aircraft purchases by Iran,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2
Iran Foreign Policy,Subseries 2: Iran Foreign Policy
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Modernizing Iran Seeks Dominant Role in Region by Juan de Onis in New York Times,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Egypt and Iran may shift Middle East balance by Joseph Fitchett in CSM, 12/23/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Iran development calls on India: Persian Gulf security blueprinted-South Asia seen as market for exports by Mohan Ram in CSM, 8/21/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Iran: peacekeeper or empire builder? by Russell Brines in CSM, 8/22/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Iranian Navy growing as an Indian Ocean power by Richard Burt in CSM, 8/22/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
The Shah Big Stick by Rowland Evans and Robert Novak in San Juan Star, 11/10/1973 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Shah irked at criticism in US press: Admits 2,000 Iranian Troops Fighting in Oman by Majid Namvar Intercontinental Press, 1/27/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Iran- Self-appointed guardian of the gulf by Dana Adams Schmidt in CSM, 1/29/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Why Shah builds vast military power: Iran leader quest for global security in CSM, 2/12/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Iran Said to Vow Defense of Oman By Eric Pace in New York Times, 2/3/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Iran Flexes its Muscles by Ray Vicker in Wall Street Journal, 7/23/1975 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
Shah of Iran Uses Oman to Train Armed Forces by Eric Pace in New York Times, 1/25/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 3 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4
US Considers War in Middle East,Subseries 4: US Considers War in Middle East
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4 Folder 12
Fire drill for the Carter Doctrine: The Armed Forces Gear Up for Desert War by Michael T. Klare August 1979 in Mother Jones [?],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4 Folder 12
US wary of military solution to oil supply CSM, 7/16/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4 Folder 12
Report Says Risks Would Rule Out US Armed Action in Persian Gulf by Drew Middleton in New York Times, 7/14/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4 Folder 12
US Earmarks Force for Fast Deployment in Mideast by Drew Middleton in New York Times, 4/20/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 4 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 5
Sadegh Ghotbzadeh,Subseries 5: Sadegh Ghotbzadeh
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
4 Years Here Stormy for Ghotbzadeh by Donnel Nunes in Washington Post, 12/13/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
- The State of Iran Today by Sadegh Ghotbzadeh in Georgetown University Courier vol. XI, n. 7 April-May 1963,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6
President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter and Administration,Subseries 6: President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter and Administration
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
First Lady from Plains by Rosalynn Carter (Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1984): Chapter 11: Iran and the Beginning of the End,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
Assessing a Presidency in Time 8/18/1980 [the Carter Presidency Issue],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
The Enigmatic President by Hedley Donovan in Time, 5/6/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
Brzezinski- Activist Seeker of World Order LA Times 1/24/1977 [From Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
Bill Moyers Journal : transcription of Voices on Iran aired 5/1/1980,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
Shahanshah, Carter exchange messages KI, 4/11/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
The Mideast Observer vol. II, no.4 February 15, 1979 + interview with Carter about Shah,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 6 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 7
Ibrahim Yazdi,Subseries 7: Ibrahim Yazdi
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 7 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 7 Folder 15
3 typed short articles from the Information Bank on Yazdi, the Shah contribution to Nixon campaign, and closeness of Shah with Kissinger and other American officials,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 7 Folder 15
Yadzi: Capitalism Kills and Ramadan Bans: Attacking Music and the Press in Time 8/6/197?,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 7 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 7 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 8
General Robert E. Huyser,Subseries 8: General Robert E. Huyser
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 8 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 8 Folder 16
General Denies His Role Was to Usher Out Shah by Howard Silber in Omaha World Herald 8/7/1980; letter from Victor T. Le Vine to Col. John D. Williams on interviewing Gen. Huyser with handwritten note to Bill on bottom,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 8 Folder 16
Huyser says US coup against Shah planned in Iran Times vol. XI no. 35, 11/13/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 8 Folder 16
General Huyser Mission to Iran, January 1979: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives, 6/9/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 8 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 8 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9
Black Friday,Subseries 9: Black Friday
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
Did Carter OK the Shah get tough policy? by Jean Gueyras in The Guardian, 10/15/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
Liberalization the main casualty by Jean Gueyras in The Guardian, 9/17/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
Iran: Carrot and Stick in Newsweek, 9/25/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
Black Friday: Martyrs Square- Sept. 8- Tehran Resistance vol.5 no.7 October 1978,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
It Was Very Close interview with Shah by Paul Martin in Newsweek,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 9 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10
Other Information Re: Chapter 7 of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 10: Other Information Re: Chapter 7 of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 18
Cover in Farsi with US presidential seal and zipper: 5/4/78 memorandum on Iran: Overall US-Iran relations are excellent,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 18
Anti-American Demonstration: Iranian students of Sports University staged demonstration in presence of American wrestlers in Iran [THIS ARTICLE IS ON BACK OF Natural gas- a hedge against energy crunch ARTICLE�"UNDER GAS HEADING],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 18
Iran: Is the Shah Pushing Too Fast? by James Bill in CSM,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 19
Iran: US Foreign Policy and the Tradition of Persian Statecraft in Orbis Vol.23 No.2 Summer 1979 by Adda B. Bozeman pp. 387-402,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 19
Iran Diary, 1980 by Oriana Fallaci in The New Republic vol. 182, no. 19, issue 3409 May 10, 1980,
With note by Bill saying "Good description of Bani-Sadr"
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 19
Who Lost Iran: Revising Revisionist History by Stephen Cohen in [Washington Post?],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 19
William P. Bundy Foreign Policy in the 1980 Campaign Foreign Affairs Fall 1979 11-23 [From Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 19
The Pride and the Fall: Iran 1974-1979 by Anthony Parsons, British Ambassador to Iran (London: Jonathon Cape, 1984) Chapter 7: Retrospect,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 20
Iran Who Who: A, N, F, M,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 20
51 page paper by unknown author on Iran, divided into parts- Part 1: The Iranian Political Elite: An Analytic Profile Part 2: Political Opposition in Iran Part 3: The Future of Iran: Political Alternatives and Economic Policy,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 21
Issue of Kayhan International 4/12/78 with several articles marked by Bill: New emphasis on exports will kick some life into Iranian business; The barren womb of red and black reaction; Princess Slams Chasm Between Rich and Poor; National Unity First Priority- Ansary,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 21
Views and Thoughts Red and Black Colonization in Iran by Ahmad Rashidi Motlaq, translated by Abbass Manafy: transcription of article in English with photocopy of it in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 21
However Slight, an Opposition Does Exist in Iran by Paul Hofman in NYT, 4/2/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 22
Hakim- JB 9/22/1970- Bakeri: one page typed on Susari, Eqbal and Bakeri [notes from interview?],
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 22
Typed note from Jim thanking Jim for diplomatic lists and two sources, 2/1/1985 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 22
Planned amendments to rules of military court KI, 6/16/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 22
M. Montazari Accusations against Bazarzan [?] (CIA!): article in Tehran Mosavar [?] 29 Tir 1358, p. 10: IN FARSI,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 22
- Events of the Year Twelve Months of Transition compiled by Amir Ali Afshar in Kayhan International, 3/20/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 10 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 7 Box 4
- Sub-Series 8
Chapter 9 of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 8: Chapter 9 of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1
Circle of Influence: Chapter 9,Subseries 1: Circle of Influence: Chapter 9
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Lists of Interlocking Directorates,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Pad with handwritten notes on who is in the Circle of Influence and Revisions for Chapter 9/10 [ from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Packet of various documents on William Jackson- the Shah lawyer,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Typed notes on books that concern men who had ties to NIOC, Rockefellers, Chase Bank,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Notes and articles on Former Representative John M. Murphy,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Handwritten notes on Ralph E. Becker and others,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Letter to Bill from John Newton with handwritten notes all around it, 9/12/1986 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Handwritten notes on interview with William Paul,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
The Great American Salon in Newsweek, 7/14/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Letters to Bill from Delphine Blachowicz on Zahedi, gifts and various other things,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Various newspaper clippings on Zahedi connections, Shah and Nixon campaign,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Letters between James Bill and Rosella Howe concerning surveys conducted by Yankelovich, Skelly and White asking American influentials about Iran- Shah is mostly likely the one who paid to have surveys done,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Various newspaper clippings on Marion Javits,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
David Lilienthal Folder: from Bill Box III,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2
Gift List- Mass Media,Subseries 2: Gift List- Mass Media
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
List of Great Britain News Media,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 7
US members of the News Media who received gifts: includes name, address, year received gift and type of gift received, pages 4-14, 16-29,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
US members of the News Media who received gifts: includes name, address, year received gift and type of gift received, pages 32-56,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 9
US members of the News Media who received gifts: includes name, address, year received gift and type of gift received, pages 57-74, 76-82,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 10
US members of the News Media who received gifts: includes name, address, year received gift and type of gift received, pages 83-107,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
US members of the News Media who received gifts: includes name, address, year received gift and type of gift received, pages 108-135,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 12
Handwritten tallies on Mass Media Gift Lists,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 12
Various newspaper clippings on corruption in the press and journalists who took bribes,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3
Social Webs of Influence,Subseries 3: Social Webs of Influence
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
Reza Shah Kabir University,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
New Science Ministry aides in Tehran Journal, 6/20/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
Charter for the Reza Shah Kabir University,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
Handwritten note card of Confidential Ideas,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
List of Board of Trustees of Reza Shah The Great University,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
CVs for Iranian members of the Iran-Harvard Planning Commission,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
List of Functions at RSKU that are to be Performed by an Intermediate,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
Letter from Abdol Hossein Samii to President Bok about the Iran-Harvard,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
Iran- Harvard Planning Commission: outline and info. on it,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
Letter from Samii to Dr. Peter Chase on the Iranian members of the joint commission,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
Basic Assumptions of Harvard RSKU Study,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Newspaper Articles,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Iran gift of $3 million to University of Chicago,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
The Shah 12 visits to Washington,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Shah financial support of the Nixon campaign,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
Shah gives $1/4 million to Hubert Humphrey Foundation (Kissinger named chairman),
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
The Pahlavi Foundation in New York,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Zahedi: Zahedi social life in Washington,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Iranian Folk Dancers in New York,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Romance between Elizabeth Taylor and Zahedi,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Persian Festival in Houston, Texas,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
American Bicentennial/Pahlavi Dynasty 50th anniversary trip to Iran including Elizabeth Taylor,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Gifts given to US officials/journalists by Zahedi (3 articles),
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
Town Talk Busy Minister May Commute by Helicopter (Also Ansary reference) [From Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
Party given by Shah for Nixon,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
The Shah allergy of caviar,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
President Carter dinner for the Shah,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
Party given by Zahedi in NYC attended by Empress Farah,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
Princess Ashraf,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
Party for Princess Ashraf,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
Suprise party for Princess Ashraf,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Empress Farah,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Empress Farah visit to the National Gallery,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Sotheby art sales to Iranians,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Empress Farah trip to US in 1975,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Farah Pahlavi Foundation,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Empress Given Top US Award (Appeal of Conscience Award- 3 articles),
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 19
Kayhan International Town Talk: 10 articles,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4
Kissinger and the Rockefellers,Subseries 4: Kissinger and the Rockefellers
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Asylum for the Shah,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Articles concerning the Shah entry into the US after revolution,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Kissinger role in the Shah entry into US,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Shah plan to buy home in New York City,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
Suit against Science by doctor who examined Shah before he was admitted to US,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
A Matter of Principle by Marvin Stone in US News and World Report 12/17/1979,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Carl Kotchian and corruption in Lockheed Aircraft Corp.,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
List of articles to be obtained,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
What Wrong with Henry Kissinger by Richard Falk in Princeton Alumni Weekly October 1, 1974,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Discussion between Kissinger and Shah about arms, nuclear technology and oil,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
The New Fourth Branch of Government L. Cooper in Manchester Guardian Weekly, 4/22/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Kissinger consulting business- Kissinger Associates,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Kissinger in Reagan cabinet,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Two of the President Men (Kissinger and Alexander Haig) in Time, 4/26/1982 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
The Reluctant Reality of Henry Kissinger by Tom Wicker in Rolling Stone, 02/21/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Transcript of Phil Donahue show with Henry Kissinger as guest,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Review of book The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Kissinger trip to Tehran in the Air Force Three,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Kissinger the Alchemist Bernard D. Nossiter in the Washington Post, 5/27/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
Kissinger and Bill Simon lucrative jobs after serving as Nixon aides,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Chase Manhattan Bank, David Rockefeller, and Kissinger,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
6 handwritten brief descriptions on NYT articles on Rockefeller in 1974, 1976,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
The secret contents of the missing Rockefeller file in Events No. 13, 3/25/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Chase Manhattan Ties to the Shah Dan Morgan in Washington Post, 11/16/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Shah and Rockefeller Planning a Small War to Retake Iran in Spotlight, 12/24/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Rockefeller leaves Chase Manhattan,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
The Change at David Bank in Time, 9/1/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Chase David Rockefeller Discusses The Shah, Politics, Personal Wealth in Wall Street Journal, 3/27/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Hostages for the Chase Manhattan L. J. Davis in Penthouse December 1980,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
Kissinger suit against Penthouse for the article of Rockefeller and Chase Manhattan,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Nelson Rockefeller,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Rockefeller Brothers Fund for philanthropy and research sets up new research on US future- Kissinger will head the study,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller warned yesterday... in NYT, 3/27/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Shahanshah has revealed world energy solution- Rockefeller in Kayhan International, 4/3/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
VP Nelson Rockefeller; The Information Bank: 4 articles in NYT on VP Nelson Rockefeller- his trip and his meeting with Shah on Kish Island,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Rockefeller gives a report on trip by Philip Shabecoff in NYT, 4/23/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Rockefeller Talks With Shah in NYT,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Confidential Country Team Minutes, 5/3/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Nelson Rockefeller plans to meet Shah on Kish Island,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
For Nearly a Generation, Nelson Rockefeller Held the Reins of New York State in NYT, 1/28/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
A Sense of Incompleteness by David Broder in NYT, 1/28/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
An Irrepressible Vitality by Bill Peterson in NYT, 1/28/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Rockefeller Dies of Heart Attack at 70 in New York in Washington Post, 1/27/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Nelson Rockefeller, 41st Vice President, NY Ex-Governor, Art Connoisseur by JY Smith in Washington Post, 1/28/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
Rockefeller is Dead at 70, Vice President Under Ford and Governor for 15 Years by Robert D. McFadden in NYT, 1/27/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 24
Rockefeller Financial Group,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 24
"The Rockefeller Financial Group" by James C. Knowles MSS Modular Publications, INC Module 343, pages 1-59: This module examines...the greatest single concentration of power in our society...the Rockefeller family",
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 24
Typed notes and handwritten notes on interview with John Hayes of Forbes 8/13/86; Creative Financing by Allan Dodds Frank in Forbes 6/2/86- on Ansary and Kissinger,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 25
Fortune 8/14/86 The Rockefellers: End of a Dynasty? Carol J. Loomis [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 4 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5
Joseph Kraft: Syndicated Columnist on Foreign Affairs,Subseries 5: Joseph Kraft: Syndicated Columnist on Foreign Affairs
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5 Folder 26
Collection of newspaper articles on Iran by Kraft,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5 Folder 27
Transcript of talk and question/answer session Kraft gave on Iran and the hostages A Decade of Problems,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5 Folder 27
Article on Kraft by Michael Massing in The Nation May 23, 1981: Great Man, Will Travel,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5 Folder 27
Travels with Joe: Kissinger and Kraft in China in Time, 5/28/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 5 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6
Congressional Record Materials: chronologically 1979,Subseries 6: Congressional Record Materials: chronologically 1979
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
List of each senator or representative that is included in the folder and a brief description of what their records says,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Senator James Baker,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Representative Robert E. Bauman,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. Biaggi,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Harry F. Byrd,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Robert C. Byrd,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. William E. Dannemeyer,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Dole,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Eagleton,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Barry Goldwater,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. George Hansen,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. Harkin,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. James J. Howard,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. Hyde,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. Robert J. Lagomarsino,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep Latta,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. William Lehman,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Long,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. Larry MacDonald,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. George McGovern,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. McKay,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Percy,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. Seiberling,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Rep. Stack,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Stevens,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Tower,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
Sen. Tsongas,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
- Congressional Records and remarks: 9/11/1974, 9/17/1974, 1/25/1979, 2/5/1979, 2/15/1979, 2/22/1979, 2/26/1979, 2/28/1979, 3/8/1979, 3/15/1979,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 29
Congressional Records and remarks: 3/21/1979, 3/22/1979, 4/23/1979, 5/10/1979, 5/10/1979, 5/15/1979, 5/16/1979, 5/29/1979, 7/12/1979, 11/16/1979, 11/26/1979,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 30
Congressional Records and remarks: 11/28/1979, 11/29/1979, 11/30/1979, 12/3/1979, 12/3/1979, 12/3/1979, 12/4/1979, 12/5/1979, 12/11/1979, 12/12/1979, 12/20/1979, 12/20/1979, 12/31/1979, 1/3/1980, 1/3/1980,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 6 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 7
Specter of Communist Threat,Subseries 7: Specter of Communist Threat
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31
Conversation with the Shah on the Persian Mind,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31
Author Arnaud de Borchgrave opinion that US was turning off allies,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31
Who Meddling in Iran? by Robert Moss in The New Republic, 12/2/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 7 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8
Iran Frozen Assets,Subseries 8: Iran Frozen Assets
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
The New Governor of the Bank Markazi, Interview in Geneva in OPEC- Weekly Digest of World Press Organization of the Petroleum Producing Countries, Vienna vol. XI, No. 7, February 1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Emergency Economic Powers: Iran Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives, 3/5/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Iranian Asset Controls: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe and Middle East and on International Economic Policy and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives, 05/08/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Article in Farsi on the removal of Iran money from US banks,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Article on international banking; The Unseemly Squabble over Iran Assets Robert Ball Fortune, 1/28/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
The bill for the hostages paid on the installment plan The Economist, 7/18/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
Various newspaper clippings on the Shah donations, Kissinger, the Empress Farah, Carl T. Rowan, gifts from Iran, Kennedy attack on Shah,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 8 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9
Opinions on Hostage Situation/Iran,Subseries 9: Opinions on Hostage Situation/Iran
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Newspaper Articles,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
List of 10 worst villains in history [Khomeini is a runner-up],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Article on Edward Kennedy outburst about Iran, Shah, and Khomeini,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Avenge the American hostages,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Hope for the destruction of Iran [opinion piece],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Rodeo cowboy, James Owen changes address because his home town, Iraan keeps being pronounced Iran and fans are mad,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Keep America Beautiful- Kill an Iranian! in Johns Hopkins Magazine vol. XXXI no.1,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10
Iran in the News: magazine and newspaper clippings about Iran,Subseries 10: Iran in the News: magazine and newspaper clippings about Iran
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
News on Iran 1978,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Trouble for the Shah by Walter Laqueur in The New Republic, 9/23/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Iran is Restless but not Falling Apart by Leonard J. Davis in Near East Report vol. XXII, No. 39, 9/27/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
US, Short on Intelligence and Tied to the Shah, Decided It Had to Support Him in NYT, 11/15/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
America Nightmare in Iran in US News and World Report, 11/20/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
A Reaction to Rampant Westernization by Jean-Claude Guillebuad in The Guardian, 4/16/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
The Challenges facing the Shah by Anthony McDermott and Andrew Whitley in Financial Times, 5/15/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Mullas in Revolt: Opposition to Shah gaining momentum . . . in Middle East, 7/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Government unfit to stage polls: Sanjabi in Kayhan International, 9/5/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Government must show more agility in responding to opposition charges in Kayhan International, 9/6/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
"Red Tape Frustrating in Kayhan International, 9/6/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
All we need is time- cabinet by Raji Samghabadi in Kayhan International, 9/6/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Voices cry out for justice - Pezshkpour in Kayhan International, 9/13/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Political Problems Mustnt be Forgotten in Kayhan International, 9/25/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
Martial Law can cool fever not cure disease in Kayhan International, 9/26/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Iran Reported as Neutral on OPEC Oil-Price Rise by Clyde H. Farnsworth in NYT, 11/22/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Intelligence director guilty of blunders by William Safire in Austin American Statesman (AAS), 11/25/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
In his own words: Can the Shah of Iran survive? An US Expert has an answer and some surprising reasons interview with Marvin Zonis in People Weekly vol.10, no. 22, 11/27/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
For Iranians, the Mullah Orders are Law by Nicholas Gage in NYT, 12/6/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
"Instead of the Shah, an Islamic Republic in NYT, 12/11/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
US Pressing Shah to Compromise And Set Up Civilian Regime in Iran by Richard Burt in NYT, 11/16/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
The Weekend of Crisis Time Magazine, 12/18/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Religious Leader from Iran says torture made him nearly Deaf NYT, 12/20/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
The Illusion in Iran: Behind US faith in the Shah by Thomas Powers in Commonwealth, 12/22/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
News on Iran 1979,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
Iran New Leaders Vow to Help US Evacuation Nicholas Gage NYT, 2/16/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
Iran: Government in Name Only Kenneth Freed inLos Angeles Times, 2/20/79 [also note to Jim from Roger],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
Iranians at US Embassy Charge Records Show Wide Corruption Ann Crittenden NYT, 3/2/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
What Lies Ahead for Iran, The Middle East and All That Oil by George Lenczowski in The Energy Daily, 4/18/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
Nobody Lost Iran by William A. Dorman and Mansour Farhung in Politics Today May/June 1979,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
The Other Ayatollah Newsweek, 12/24/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
"An Economy on the Verge of Collapse in US News and World Report, 12/3/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
US Builds for a Showdown in US News and World Report, 12/3/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 37
News on Iran 1980-1981,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 37
Listening to the Voices of Iran Charles A Kimball Boston Sunday Globe, 1/27/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 37
Things Were Better Under the Shah Rule Jack Anderson Austin Citizen, 6/19/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 37
After the Shah, No End to the Turmoil in US News and World Report, 8/11/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 37
; A Close-Up Look at the Shah Sweeping Changes in Iran in the 1960s Kenneth B. Platt Idahonian, 9/18/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 37
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Mullahs are the key to freeing the hostages by Amir Taheri in Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/29/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Darcy News in Review in Newsday, 5/4/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Saudi revenue likely to exceed £44bn by Richard Johns in London Financial Times, 5/16/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Carter too involved in Iran crisis, psychiatrist says by Abby Kaighin in Austin American-Statesman, 5/18/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Iran tries to inflame the Saudis by Peter Iseman in Washington Star, 5/18/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
No free agents on foreign affairs by Ivor Owen in London Financial Times, 5/21/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Eight backdate Iran sanctions by John Wyles in London Financial Times, 5/22/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Iranian rank and file proves reluctant to fight war against Kurds by Andrew Whitley in London Financial Times, 5/22/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
US expects stability form Iranian Parliament in Austin American-Statesman, 5/26/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Things were better under Shah rule by Jack Anderson in Austin Citizen, 6/19/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
After the Shah, No end to the turmoil in US News & World Reports, 8/1/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
A close-up look at the Shah Sweeping Changes in Iran in the 1960 by Kenneth B. Platt in Idahonian, 9/18/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Secret study depicts US role in Iran by Scott Armstrong in Austin American-Statesman, 9/19/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
Savage land, ex-hostage says of Iran partial text of interview in San Antonio Express News, 2/1/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 38
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 39
Tehran Times,
September 15, 1982; September 18, 1982; October 4, 1982; [added from Bill Box III] June 28, 1981; June 29, 1981; July 5, 1981; July 6, 1981; July 11, 1981; July 12, 1981; August 11, 1981; August 12, 1981; August 22, 1981; August 23, 1981; September 5, 1981; September 12, 1981; January 1, 1984
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
News of Iran in US Press vol. 1, no. 3, March 1976,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
BBC surprises touch a new low in journalism Kayhan International, 12/15/1977 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
How the Press Defends the Shah: Distorting Iran Inquiry, 11/13/1978 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
The Enemy, Pogo-Style Joe Malone MEED, 12/14/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
Letter for Immediate Release from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran states that despite lies in the media, Iran is united in its efforts,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
Candid Comments in the Galveston Daily News 3/13/80: media coverage of Iranian Crisis,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
Carter Cant Admit Wrongs editorial by Bob Grafton in Austin American Statesman, 2/21/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
Iran by Edward Said in Columbia Journalism Review March/April 1980,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
Yellow Journalism and the Iranian Crisis articles in Focus on Your Community College of the Mainland Texas City, TX May 1980,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
Media Coverage Turned Hostage Crisis into Mock War Eric Michaels Daily Texan, 2/21/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
NBC Spread Iran Propaganda Reed J. Irvine,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
Were your readers ready for Iran? ...and are they prepared for tomorrow headlines? in IPI Report [International Press Institute] vol.31, no.9 September 1982,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
TV and the Hostage Crisis in Perspective article in TV Guide September 21-27 1985,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 40
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Study of Media Coverage of Iran,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Typed summaries of articles on terrorists killed by Iranian police,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
4 men arrested in Iran for death of Mullah (1976),
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Handwritten tallies by year and country of total [news articles on the respective country?] and the percentage,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Handwritten bar graph of references to Iran and the US Presidential elections in Iran 1958-1975,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Handwritten bar graph of news stories concerning Israel,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
4 notebook pages of handwritten brief summaries of newspaper articles on Iran ranging from 1959 to 1973 (mostly in 1961-63) The last page is summaries of Editorials,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Photocopy of bar graph that shows news references to Iran vs. the US Presidential elections with penciled- in bars of news references to Ethiopia,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Typed explanation of table,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Line graph of percentage of New York Times references to Iran, Israel, and Ethiopia from 1958-1975,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
Iran and the World Press by Ken Anderson 5/15/73 (written for Bill class),
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
"A Study of the Coverage of the 1978-79 Iranian Revolution in Four Newspapers" by Robin A. Schuller 12/14/79 + letter to Bill asking for his comments on paper,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 41
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 10 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11
Other Information Re: Chapter Nine of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 11: Other Information Re: Chapter Nine of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 42
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 42
Letter from John Brennan inviting James Bill to conference on Iran and Iraq and Bill response turning down the offer,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 42
Iran Committee for Democratic Action and Human Rights: Letter and timeline for convention on May 22, 1982 in Chicago,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 42
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 43
Companies in Iran,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 43
List of United States Commercial Companies in Tehran, 7/1/1964 ,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 43
Ghosts of US Still Haunting a City in Iran John Kifner NYT: Isfahan, Iran/American compound,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 43
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
Other Articles Regarding Chapter 9,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
Handwritten country chart: lists Middle Eastern countries, their size, population, GNP, head of state, head of state age, and main political parties for 1973-1974,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
Memorandum on Meeting with Secretary of State Dean Rusk in September 1965,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
Unknown author, about testifying against Kheibar Khan who accused Shah of taking bribe from prominent US personalities,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
Excerpt by unknown author and publication- book reviews concerning US policy and CIA in the Middle East,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
Soviet Perceptions of the US : summary of USICA research memorandum,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
Other Articles on People Regarding Chapter 9,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
The Reagan attend party by Tom Jones,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
Mr. and Mrs. Prentis Cobb Hale,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
John J. McCloy,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
Hamilton Jordon,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
George Will,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 46
Don Weadon: Notes on Chapter 9 [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 11 Folder 42
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 8 Box 5
- Sub-Series 9
Chapter 10 of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 9: Chapter 10 of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1
Interview Schedule: US Embassy,Subseries 1: Interview Schedule: US Embassy
These are questions used in the interview, serves as a guide, the answers are handwritten and there are often more extensive notes on the back of the pages They are numbered 1-15
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Blank copy with a few handwritten questions added and statistics from July 10, 1970 of Americans in Iran on back page,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
D. Boerigter 11/25/70: #1,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Price Daw 8/24/70: #2,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Wayne Gludhill [?] 11/19/70: #3,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Tom Green : #4,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Davy [?] Heck 11/15/70: #5,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Tom Hutsen 11/16/70: #6,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Bill Lekfeldt 11/16/70: #7,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Charles McCaskill [McCastill?] 11/14/70 : #8,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Michael Michaud: #9,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Arnie Raphael 7/9/70: #10,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
John Rouse 11/23/70: #11,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Walter Ramsey [?] 11/9/70: #12,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Murray Smith 11/10/70: #13,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Don Toussaint 11/5/70: #14,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
John Washburn : #15,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Herb Ferguson 11/16/70: A,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Walter White 11/23/70: B,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Alan Lester 11/25/70: C,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Colonel Duvall 11/25/70: D,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Richard Sondt [?] 10/17/70: E,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Dennis Shaw 10/29/70: F,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Jeff Lite [?] 11/1/70: G,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
David Hadsen 11/14/70: H,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Stephender [?]: I,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Lou Roth 9/21/70: J,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Roman Lotsberg 8/18/70 K,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Summary of Results for Embassy Interviews,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Photocopied 2 pages about the Department of State Dissent Channel,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2
British Embassy Folder,Subseries 2: British Embassy Folder
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Handwritten notes: British Birthday List 6/13/70; Queen Birthday List (Elizabeth II): Tallies of Iranian government organizations such as Cabinet, the Court, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, etc.; list of names for Court, Undersecretary, Leading Figures and Old Friends, Majlis, Senate, Ministers of Foreign Affairs [Assuming this is list of Iranians invited to Queen Elizabeth birthday party],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Farewell by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. E OBrien and to Meet Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Van Reeven Reception at Royal Teheran Hilton 6/14/70: list of everyone who was there categorized by occupation and includes their position,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Torn page in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
British Embassy Telephone Directory as at July 1970,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
Civil Service Commission: Persian Translation " Translate into English, Time allowed 1 ½ hours; Civil Service Commission: Persian-Higher Standard, Paper 2- Composition, Time Allowed 3 hours: Translate into Persian and write essay in Persian: 4 pages, 3 are different exams May 1963,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3
Commissary Folder,Subseries 3: Commissary Folder
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Legal-size pages with handwritten notes on products such as dog and cat food, deodorant, vodka, soft drinks, etc. with amounts, prices for years 1969-1970: IMPORTS Pistachios can be gotten in Iran-big export,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
2 small pieces of paper with handwritten notes on Toussaint, McCaskill, Michaud, products,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Rate of Exchange is 76.25 Rials to $1.00: chart,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Pages of additions and figures,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
Public Health Precaution to be followed for local use: post in prominent place,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 3 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4
US Consulate Information,Subseries 4: US Consulate Information
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Notebook with green cover- butterfly and words in Farsi: tallies of people: listed by occupation, age and salary,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
Memo from Consulate, E. H. Springer to DCM, Mr. Heck 8/8/70 Subject: Consulate Statistics- enclosed is report from David Boerigter on immigrant visas issued during 1st 6 months of 1970 and report prepared by Mr. Ealum on work of consulate up to January 1970- handwritten note of thanks at bottom with comment that immigrant visa issuance rates are the same as last year (1969). Both the list of immigrant visas issued in Jan. 1970 and the Report on Immigrant Visas is included.,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
US Dept. of State Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs vol. II, no. 30,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
US Dept. of State Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs vol. II, no. 32 11/1/70 Classification Symbols Used in Issuing United States Visas,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 9
Several loose sheets of handwritten notes tucked inside notebook with names of people and their relationship with others,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 9
Fragile collection of notebook pages tied together by string: Handwritten notes mostly on people [govt. officials, elite ?] and their family trees, some transcriptions- poetry, journal-type entries and misc. notes,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 9
Second green-covered notebook with handwritten notes from books on specific Iranians,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Letter to James Bill from Ardeshir Zahedi, Minister of Foreign Affairs 11/24/70: Zahedi thanks him for the talk they had the nice things Bill said about Zahedi,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Bureau of Public Affairs Dept. of State Office of Media Services News Release April 1973: Official Development Assistance and the Developing World,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 4 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5
Invitation Lists: numbered by Bill,Subseries 5: Invitation Lists: numbered by Bill
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
3 handwritten legal-size pages: 26 Invitation Lists 1966-1971 and Contact Lists,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Persons attending the Tehran Investment Seminar 5/17-22/ 70 with attached compliments of card from [?] Greene [?],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
List of Majlis and Senate,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 12
Guest List: Reception for University of Kentucky Basketball Team- American Embassy 8/ 17/? : #1,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 12
Reception at DCM House 11/25/69 for To Say Farewell to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Armitage : #5,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 12
Reception at Ambassador Residence 5/20/70 [perhaps for the Linen Investment Seminar Members] #2,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 12
Reception at American Embassy Karavansara 2/4/70 for To Meet the New Science Attaché and Mrs. Royal T. Wald: # 3,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 12
Reception at DCM house 12/28/69 for In Honor of Ambassador and Mrs. Douglas MacArthur II: #4,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
America Day Reception- Second Asian International Trade Fair at American Pavilion 10/17/69 #6,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
New Year Eve at the Ambassador Residence 12/31/68: #7,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
Reception at the Ambassador Residence 11/25/68 for On the Occasion of the Conference of International American Schools: #8,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
Dinner at the Ambassador Residence 10/27/68 To Meet Senator Edward Long of Missouri: #9,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
Reception at the Ambassador Residence 9/8/68 On the Occasion of the 8th International Conference of Tropical Medicine and Malaria #10,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
Dinner at Ambassador Residence 5/16/68 To Say Farewell to General and Mrs. Jablonsky: #11,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 14
Reception in Honor of Arthur Uphem Pope 4/11/? : #12,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 14
Guest List for Reception to Meet Senator Charles Percy at Ambassador Residence 12/18/67: #14,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 14
Reception at Ambassador Residence 4/22/67 In Honor of Former Vice President Richard M. Nixon and Party : #15,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 15
Reception at Ambassador Residence 7/13/66 In Honor of Professor Ali Pasha Saleh: #16,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 15
Fourth of July Reception at Ambassador Residence 7/4/66: #17,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 15
Reception In Celebration of the Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America at Ambassador Residence 7/4/70: #18,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
Guest List Cocktail-Buffet 8/22/70: # 19,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
Invitation List- Dinner at the LAS Cultural Center in honor of Dr. James Roach: #20,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
Seminar- Dr. Arndt Home 7/14/?: #21,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
Guest List- Reception for Miss Ruth Slencznska 2/19/70: #22,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
Guest List- Lunch 7/16/? Dr. Royal J. Wald- Farewell to Dr. Harold Work: #23,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
Reception Honoring PC Musicians, Professor Wilton Mason and Mr. Daryl Daton 5/30/70: #24,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
New Years Eve at Ambassador Residence 12/31/67: #25,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
Reception 7/19/70 " Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ford, II-Guests of Honor: #26,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6
American School in Tehran,Subseries 6: American School in Tehran
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Photocopy of handwritten list of names,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Junior High 7th period Schedule 1970-71 (1st semester),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Letter/memo to Mrs. Amini from Robert D. Morrow for The Board and Mrs. Thomas regarding Iranian Culture Studies 9/12/70,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Tehran American School Class Registration Packet Grades 7-8,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Tehran American School Class Registration Packet Grades 9-12,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Senior High School 7th Period Schedule 1970-71 (1st Semester),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Letter to Herbert Kress- new member of school Board of Trustees 9/15/70 [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
Commencement Program 5/31/72 [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 18
Student Handbook,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 18
Tehran American School booklet,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 18
Junior-Senior High School Student Handbook of The American School in Tehran,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 6 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7
IAS [Iran-America Society] - RPIP [Regional Public Improvement Project] - USIS [United States Information Service],Subseries 7: IAS [Iran-America Society] - RPIP [Regional Public Improvement Project] - USIS [United States Information Service]
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 19
The Iran-America Society: The Corporate Giving Program of the Iran America Society,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 19
Constitution of the Iran-American Society (As Amended 11/9/64) booklet,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 20
Local Staffing Pattern USIS, Tehran, 4/1/1970 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 20
Unmarked Folder: USIS Iran: Returns from three mailings during period July-October 1970, to Tehran Addresses on our mailing lists; chart of Interest Categories by Audience Group-11/1/70; chart of Audience categories,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 20
Narrative to Accompany FY 1973 Financial Report,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 20
Iran America Society Agenda (Board Meeting of 7/22/70); Minutes of the Board of Director Meeting; List of Board of Directors 1/23/63; IAS Financial Report for June 1970; Notes on Items in the Minutes; IAS Cultural Center Monthly Activities Report for June 1970,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
Audience Categories Chart, 2/2/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
Draft Project Plan-" Iran-America Society Study, 10/22/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
Consultation with James Bill- Agenda, 10/29/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
Audience Categories chart 2/2/1974 (different from other one),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
Special Distribution List, 5/1/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
IAS Iran-American Activities (FY 1974),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
Program Report for June 1974; Membership Report for IAS,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
US Returnee Groups chart; Circulation and Attendance Charts,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
The Iran-American Society FY 1974 Statistical Report,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 22
Print of a painting,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 22
An Exhibition of Coffee-House Paintings: Iran-America Society Tehran, Iran Autumn 1967 booklet,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 23
Summary of Interviews with Bakhshdars- blank form,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 7 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8
Murray Smith- [?] Folder: marked by Bill,Subseries 8: Murray Smith- [?] Folder: marked by Bill
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
ACLU Test Case Wins Right of State Department Employee to Criticize Vietnam Policy,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
US Employees Set an Antiwar Rally by Ben A. Franklin in NYT,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
US Employee Protest Group Worries Nixon Aides by Felix Blair, Jr. in NYT, 5/4/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Federal Employees Vent Opinions by Lucia Moust in Christian Science Monitor, 5/8/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Department of State Memo to Mr. Lyerly from Robert T. Hennemeyer about FSO Murray C. Smith III; Signing of Anti-Vietnam War Petition, 5/10/1968 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Department of State Memo 5/15/68 to Ambassador John M. Steeves from J. Edward Lyerly on FSO Murray C. Smith III; Signing of Anti-Vietnam War Petition,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Dept. of State Memo- letter to Murray Smith from John M. Steeves about Smith signing the anti-war petition,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to E from Murray C. Smith and Edward Lewis asking people to sign the petition 10/15/69; copy of petition (blank),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Unites States Code 1964 Edition Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedures Section 2387: Activities Affecting Armed Forces Generally,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Tom from Murray about Antiwar Petition 10/16/69- only 11 people signed and then one removed name- needed 12 to send it so they didnt,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Alan M. Lester from Smith about petition 10/24/69,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Memo to Murray from Tom- Can the Tabriz-Tehran pouch be used for this petition? 10/26/69,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Tom from Murray on My Talk with Mr. Thatcher, 11/8/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Memo to Murray from Tom about the Petition, 11/15/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Memo to Murray from Tom about petition 11/15/[1969],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Tom from Murray on petition (response to 2nd note), 11/15/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to David Hudson from Smith about mailing of petitions, 11/19/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter from Smith to National Capital Area Civil Liberties Union- asking for help, 11/21/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Walter Kaiser from Smith, 11/26/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Note from Smith to Soloman H. Bostic about mailing of petitions (they were never received), 11/26/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Smith from Howard M Hupe- letters are being reviewed, 12/8/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Nicholas G. Thacher from Smith, 12/9/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Tom from Murray on Pouch Restriction, 12/10/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter from Smith to Lt. Col. Richard Hawley, 12/24/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter from Smith to William A. Bell, 12/31/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Nixon that accompanied the petitions from Smith and John Lewis, 3/21/1970 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter from Smith to the New York Times about the petitions, 3/23/1970 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Smith from Richard Hawley explaining why petitions not delivered, 4/4/1970 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
Letter to Smith from H. Freeman Matthews, Jr. saying the petitions have been received by Nixon, 5/15/1970 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
2 articles by Tom Dowling in Washingtonian on the Murray Smith Affair with notes on the Washingtonian [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9
Publications,Subseries 9: Publications
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 25
2 issues of some magazine in Farsi- actual magazines,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 26
Issue of a magazine in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 27
2 issues of a magazine with glossy cover and newsprint inside in Farsi- lots of pictures,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
Ghosts of ugly Americans stalk Iranian city streets by Brian Jeffers in Houston Post, 3/19/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
Hewitt Stevens of the Bell Helicopter Company has been arrested... in KI, 9/5/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
A Peace Corps Volunteer in Iran by Barkley Moore in Special Report The Bureau of Government and Opinion Research, Dept. of Political Science, Utah State University June 1971,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
The Challenge of Overseas Work by Walter and Louise Kaiser in Phytopathology News vol.2 no.7 July 1968,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
New Envoy to Iran [on Douglas McArthur II] in The Persian Press September 1969 ALSO memo to Ambassador Douglas McArthur II from James Bill concerning Bill project proposal to analyze the Foreign Service, 6/25/1970 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
Communication and Controversy: Thoughts on the Future of Foreign Service Reporting by Michael Michaud in Foreign Service Journal, 10/1969 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
Persian-speaking diplomats Letter to the Editor from Archie M. Bolster,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 29
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 29
Profiles: Eye of the Storm I [on David Dunlop Newsom] in The New Yorker, 6/2/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 29
Profiles: Eye of the Storm II [on David Dunlop Newsom] in The New Yorker, 6/9/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 29
- Profiles: Eye of the Storm III [on David Dunlop Newsom] in The New Yorker, 6/16/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 29
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 30
Contacts of the Opposition A Symposium by the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University ed. Martin F. Herz [1979?],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
Spy Wars v. the Thinking Spy: The Mideast-How the West was Wrong by Daniel Southerland in Christian Science Monitor, 9/26/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
The giant with feet of clay in The Middle East November 1981,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
Secret CIA Iranian Study Revealed in Kayhan International, 7/26/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
Reagan new CIA: secrets slip out by Daniel Southerland in Christian Science Monitor, 12/3/1982 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
The CIA Saddest Secrets by Joseph C. Harsch in CSM, 10/25/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
American Intelligence Loses its Brains by Benjamin Schemmer in Manchester Guardian Weekly, 4/22/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
Shah was suspect: Documents show the CIA was worried by Scott Armstrong [Austin American Statesman],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
Shaking Up the CIA by Tad Szulc in NY Times Magazine 7/29/79: actual article and also a photocopied excerpt,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
The Crisis in Iran: Why the US Ignored a Quarter Century of Warning by Abul Kasim Mansur in Armed Forces Journal International January 1979,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
Ex-Analyst Says CIA Rejected Warning on Shah by Seymour Hersh in NYT, 1/7/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
Is the CIA Analysis Any Good? Yes by Robert M. Gates,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
Failure of Intelligence by Norman Birnbaum The Nation, 1/20/1979 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
Iran: Evaluation of US Intelligence Performance Prior to November 1978 Staff Report Subcommittee on Evaluation Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence US House of Representatives January 1979,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
British Intelligence and Iran in Counterspy vol.6, no. 3 May-June 1982 + Secret CIA Documents on MOSSAD,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Shah Hints at Assurances of Oil Supplies for Israel by Bernard Gwertzman in NYT [2/19/75] + Information Bank summary of article and of another from Wall Street Journal 2/18/75 on US congressmen increasing opposition to US arms sales to Iran,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Israeli says US knew of Arms by Don Oberdorfer in Austin American Statesman, 5/28/1982 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Israel takes credit for 1950s spy coup by Abraham Rabinovich in Christian Science Monitor, 2/10/1982 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Israel spied on US, captured papers say by Scott Armstrong [Austin American Statesman], 2/2/1982 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
Excerpt from Iran: The Untold Story: An Insider Account of America Iranian Adventure and Its Consequences for the Future by Mohamed Heikal (New York: Pantheon Books),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
One page of endnotes from Iran: The Illusion of Power by Robert Graham (New York: St. Martin Press, 1978),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 33
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 34
Vol. 8 pp.47-57: in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 34
Drawing of Shah with American flag on forehead and words in Farsi; Confidential on Iran relationship with Arabic Persian Gulf countries, the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Western Europe,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 34
Letter from Archie Bolster to Bill + memo [from Bills Box III],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 9 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10
Notes, Correspondence, Interview Notes for Chapter 10,Subseries 10: Notes, Correspondence, Interview Notes for Chapter 10
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Letter from Leonard Bushkoff to James Bill 4/14/1983: also writing book on Iran and wants to talk ALSO typed summary of telephone conversation between Bill and Bushkoff on 5/7/1983,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Page of typed notes on several documents, memos and letters,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Typed notes on interview with Harry Snyder Tucson, AR, 1/25/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Typed notes on interview with David Stronach Tucson, AR, 1/25/1981 ,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
Handwritten notes mostly on Michael Michaud + handwritten notes on Ideas for Chapter 10 [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
One page handwritten notes,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
Letter from Philip H. Stoddard to Bill about Chapter 10; draft of 10 missing first page [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 36
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 10 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11
Booklets,Subseries 11: Booklets
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
Book in Farsi: with handwritten transcriptions/translations in English stuck in it,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
p.203: Document no. 1 Meeting and explanation of Mr. Feltman, CIA liaison with Moghadam,[Gen. Nassir Muqaddam] chief of SAVAK, at 12 Sharivar 1357 [1978],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
p.205: Document no. 2 Meeting and Discussion of Mr. Feltman, CIA liaison, with Moghadam, Chief of SAVAK at 9 Aban 1357,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
p. 211: Document no. 3 Meeting and discussion of Moghadam, Chief of SAVAK, with General Tighe in US Embassy with presence of the US Ambassador 8 Azan 1357,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
p.218: Document no.4 Meeting and Discussion of Dr. Bowrie, Assistant Director of CIA with Moghadam Chief of SAVAK 9 of Azan 1357,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
p.224: Appendix no. 2 The approval and support of Shah by American leaders,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 38
American Women Club Tehran, Iran 1966-1967: Telephone and Address Directory,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 39
Basic Facts About Iran American Embassy Tehran, Iran February 1972,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 40
United States Government Telephone Directory Tehran-Iran Agencies January 1967,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 41
United States Government Telephone Directory Tehran-Iran Agencies August 1968,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 42
United States Government Telephone Directory Tehran-Iran January 1970,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 43
United States Government Telephone Directory Tehran-Iran August 1970,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 44
American Business Community in Iran 1973(telephone, address book),
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 45
US Interests in and Policy Toward the Persian Gulf: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on the Near East of the Committee of Foreign Affairs House of Representatives 2/2, 6/7, 8/8, 8/15 1972 [with handwritten note attached to outside: Miller Sisco Bios 136-137, Sisco on Stability of Shah p.99],
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 46
Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University Diplomacy: The Role of the Wife A Symposium, edited by Martin F. Herz 1981,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 11 Folder 37
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 9 Box 6
- Sub-Series 10
Chapter 11 of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 10: Chapter 11 of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1
Subseries 1:
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
Note card which reads: Good A70 [?] notes US in Iran notebook which is attached to 24 photocopied pages of handwritten notes in a notebook which are mainly on Iranians and seem to come from mainly Iranian sources...the last page is handwritten brief summaries/transcriptions/translations of news articles in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
Memo to JB from GR - " comments/notes/suggestions on Chapter 11,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
Page of handwritten notes: just jottings- Policy Outcomes,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
Letter from Ben to Jim with comments on redraft of Chapter 11; letter from Jim to Ben requesting Ben look at the redraft of Chapter 11; and copy of redraft of Chapter 11 with [presumably] Ben handwritten comments in margins,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
Top Secret Meeting between Israel Minister of Defense, Gen. Weizmann and Iran Gen. Toufanian 7/18/77 [from Bill Box III],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 10 Box 6
Box 7 contains book articles and reviews of the works of James Bill; co-authored books; brief writings reviews; interviews; Reviews, Correspondence, Publishing Information on Eagle and Lion; Reviews of the Eagle and the Lion; Publicity, Marketing and Correspondence dealing with Eagle and Lion.
- Sub-Series 1
Book and Article Reviews (Other than The Eagle and the Lion),Subseries 1: Book and Article Reviews (Other than The Eagle and the Lion)
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1
The Politics of Iran Book Reviews,Subseries 1: The Politics of Iran Book Reviews
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Review by E, Burke Inlow in Middle Eastern Forum Fall 1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Review by Nikki R. Keddie in The Journal of Politics vol. 35, 1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Review in Choice, vol. 10, no. 1, 3/22/1973 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Review by G. H. Razi in The Western Political Quarterly, 6/1973 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Review by William Zartman in Comparative Politics vol. 6, no. 3, 4/1974 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Review by William Miller in The Middle East Journal Fall 1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2
Reviews of books co-authored,Subseries 2: Reviews of books co-authored
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1
Reviews of Middle East: Politics and Power written with Leiden,Subseries 1: Reviews of Middle East: Politics and Power written with Leiden
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Review by Frank Tachau in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin vol. 10, no. 2, 5/1/1976 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2
Reviews of Politics in the Middle East written with Leiden,Subseries 2: Reviews of Politics in the Middle East written with Leiden
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Review by Amir H. Ferdows in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin vol. 14, no. 1, 7/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Review by Don Peretz in The American Political Science Review vol. 74, no. 3, 9/1980 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3
Reviews of Mussadiq, Iranian Nationalism and Oil written with Louis,Subseries 3: Reviews of Mussadiq, Iranian Nationalism and Oil written with Louis
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Review by Pierre Metge, in French,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Review in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Review by Bigler in Social and Behavioral Sciences, 4/1989 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Mention in References and Research Book News, 12/1988 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Review by Yapp in Journal of Royal As., 1/1989 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Review by Bangash in Crescent, 4/16-30/1990, newspaper article,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Review by Masoud Kavoossi in Middle East Insight, 1-2/1990, vol 7, no. 1, copy,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Review by Cyrus Arjani in Bulletin: The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 10, no. 7, 1989, copy,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Copies of letter to Reza [Sheikholeslami?] from Bill, 8/6/1990 regards to the anonymous author of a review,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Unsigned letter to the Book Review Editor, 9/3/1990, in regards to Cyrus Arjani review of Musaddiq, Iranian Nationalism and Oil (possibly from Fakhreddin Azimi),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Letter by Ervand Abrahamian to the Book reviewer Editor, 7/20/?, in regards to Cyrus Arjani review of Musaddiq, Iranian Nationalism and Oil,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Short Book review of Neither East nor West: Iran, the Soviet Union and the United States, in Foreign Affairs, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Letter to Fakhreddin Azimi from Bill, 8/10/1990, regards to the issue of the anonymous review author, etc.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Letter to Bill from Fakhreddin Azimi, 7/31/1990, regards to review and latest published book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Letter to Bill from Fakhreddin Azimi, 9/12/1990, regards to Azimi response to the review of Bill work,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Clippings of review by Cyrus Arjani in British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin, vol. 16, no. 2, 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 3
Reviews of Bill various writings,Subseries 3: Reviews of Bill various writings
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Brief review of Bill Article The US Overture to Iran, 1985-1986: An Analysis,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Review of Bill and Springborg The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict by Sheikh Ali in The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 11, no. 4, Summer 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Review of Bill and Stookey Politics & Petroleum: The Middle East and the US, in The Middle East Journal by Richard Erb, no date.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4
Reviews by Bill & Interviews with Bill,Subseries 4: Reviews by Bill & Interviews with Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1
Reviews by Bill,Subseries 1: Reviews by Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Review of From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam in The Muslim World, vol. 76, no. 2, 4/1986,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Review of A Biographical Study of Iranian Modernism by Hamid Algar in The Middle East Journal, vol. 27, no. 4, Fall 1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Learn to Live with Iran interview published in The Virginia Pilot, Section C, 5/1/1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
The Shah Iran: Celebration marked beginning of the end, interview published in Daily Press, 5/15/1988 ,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 4 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 7
- Sub-Series 2
Reviews, Correspondence, Publishing Information The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 2: Reviews, Correspondence, Publishing Information The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1
Reviews of The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 1: Reviews of The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
List of Reviews of The Eagle and the Lion from Yale University Press,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Book Review by Les Cahiers De LOrient, 1988 (In French),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Book Review by Marvin Weinbaum in MESA Bulletin, 1988 (multiple copies),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
Packages of materials accompanying all other major media copies (3 copies) includes advance praises and information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
The Eagle and the Lion Pamphlet on the text with abilities to order a copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Book review by David Bame in Dialogue a magazine of international affairs, March 1988, actual journal and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Book review by Gene Garthwaite, a new HBC selection, April 1988, four sets of review, one copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Book review by William Beeman in Middle East Insight, March/April 1988, actual journal and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
Book review by Scott Pendleton in The Christian Science Monitor, 4/1/1988, actual newspaper article and copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
Book review by David Snider in Library Journal, 4/1/1988, copies of book review and Library Journal contact prior to publishing,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
Book review in Publisher Weekly, 4/8/1988, actual page from journal,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 15
Book review by Robin Wright in Los Angeles Times, 4/17/88, newspaper clipping and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Book review by Amos Perlmutter in The Wall Street Journal, 4/18/1988, newpaper and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
A series of letters between Bill and various editors of the WSJ in response to fallacies in the book review,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Unedited document Amos Perlmutter and Truth: An Analytical Review,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Handwritten notes on Perlmutter,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
Various original articles related to or written by the members of the Wall Street Journal involved in Bill book review and later correspondence,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
Education President Flunks His First Test by David Brooks 11/22/88,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
A set of three articles on the handing over of chairman of Dow Jones & Company to Peter Kann,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
Dow Jones & Co. Names Peter Kann President and Chief Operating Officer 7/19/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
Journalists and Others for Saving the Planet by David Brooks 10/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
The Little Corporal Troops a review by Amos Perlmutter, 8/25/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
A series of letters between Bill and various editors of the WSJ in response to fallacies in the book review,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 18
Book review by Frank Shatz in Virginia Gazette, 4/20/1988, three newpaper clippings, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Book review by Grant Mouser in Virginia Gazette, 4/20/88, article and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 20
Book review by Gaddis Smith in The Boston Globe, 4/24/88, copies of review,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 21
Book review by Maury Maverick in Express-News: San Antonio, 4/24/88, copies of review,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 22
Book review by Barry Rubin in The Washington Times, 4/25/1988, newspaper clipping and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Book review by Jim Hoagland in The Washington Post, 5/1/88, 3 newspaper clippings and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Book review by Jim Hoagland in Stuart, Fl News, 5/1/1988, copy of article,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Book review by Jim Hoagland in Birmingham, Al News, 5/1/1988, copy of article,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Book review by Jim Hoagland in The International Herald Tribune, article, n. d.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Book review in Washington Post Book World, "News in Paperback", copy, 8/6/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 24
Book review by Jerrold D. Green in The News Leader, 5/2/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 25
Book review by Jesse Todd in Daily Press, multiple copies, 5/8/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 26
Book review by Jerry Bauer News and Noteworthy 9/3/1989, newspaper clipping,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 26
The Eagle and the Lion advertisement with reviews, pg 39,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 26
Book review by Fouad Ajami in The New York Times, newspaper and copies, 5/8/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 27
Book review by Robert Lincoln in The Richmond Times Dispatch, article and copies, 5/8/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
US mindset (Shah own) sank Shah International Iran Times, 3/18/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 29
Book Excerpt in the Daily Press, newspaper article, multiple copies, 5/15/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 30
Book review by Andrew Gowers in Financial Times, newspaper and copies, 5/26/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 31
Book review by Steven Matthews in American-Arab Affairs, Summer 1988, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 32
Book review by John Campbell in Foreign Affairs, Summer 1988, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 32
Review of Bill George Ball: Behind the Scenes in US Foreign Policy by David Hendrickson in Foreign Affairs, 5/1997,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Book review by Douglas Streusand in Strategic Review, Summer 1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 34
Book review by Richard Mosk in The Press Enterprise 6/12/1988, newspaper clipping and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 35
Book review by Robert Fisk in The Sunday Tribune, 6/26/1988, newspaper clipping and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 36
Book review by Godfrey Hodgson in The Independent, 7/5/1988, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 37
Book review by Carla Klausner in The Kansas City Star, 7/17/1988, newspaper and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 38
Book review by Thomas DeGredori in Houston Chronicle, 7/10/1988, newspaper and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 39
Book review by Sajid Rizvi in Academic File Database 7/23/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 40
Book review by Dilip Hiro in The Middle East, 8/1988, original and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 41
Book review by Alan Tonelson in The New Republic, 8/1/1988, one copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 42
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 42
Book review by John Cooley in Middle East International, 8/5/1988, original and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 42
Payback: America Long War in the Middle East by John Cooley,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 42
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 43
Book review by Angus Paul in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 8/10/1988, one copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 44
Book review by Fereydoun Hoveyda in Global Affairs, Fall 1988, one copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 45
Book review by Nicholas Thacher in Council Spotlight: Book Notes, September 1988, two originals,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 46
Book review in Arab Book World, 10/1988, one copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 47
Book review in Political International, 11/1988, written in Italian,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 48
Book review by Andrew Kilgore in The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 11/1988, vol 7, no. 7, original journal and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 49
Book review by Haleh Esfandiari in Princeton Alumni Weekly, 11/9/1988, original journal and copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 50
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 50
Book review by Hoyt Purvis in The Dallas Morning News, 5/1/1988, originals and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 50
Book review of The Shah Last Ride by William Shawcross, review by Hoyt Purvis in The Dallas Morning News, 12/25/1988, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 50
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 51
Book Review by Charles Flowerree in The Army Quarterly and Defense Journal, 1/1989, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 52
Book review by Mansour Farhang in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1/1989, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 53
Book review by Shahram Chubin in Survival, 1-2/1989, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 54
Book review by Norman Hannah in Foreign Service Journal, 3/1989, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 55
Book review by Philip Robins in International Affairs, 4/1989, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 56
Book review by Bruce Kuniholm in The International History Review, 5/1989, pages of journal,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 57
Book review by Gary Sick in Social Science Quarterly, 6/1989, journal article clipping,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 58
Book review by Vahe Petrossian in Third World Quarterly, 7/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 59
Book review by Charles MacDonald in CIRA Newsletter, Winter 1989, vol.4, no. 3, complete journal, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 60
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 60
Book review by Syed Farooq Hasnat in Kayhan International, 5/5/1990, original type script, newspaper clippings, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 60
Book review by Syed Farooq Hasnat in The Muslim, 3/30/1990, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 60
Book review by Syed Farooq Hasnat in The Iranian Journal of International Affairs, Spring 1990, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 60
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 61
Book review by Marvis Zonis in Middle East Journal, Winter 1990, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 62
Book review by Said Amir Arjomand in International Journal of Middle East Studies, August 1990, vol. 22, no. 3, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 63
Book review by Mark Lytle in Diplomatic History, Summer 1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 64
Book review by Shahrough Akhavi in American Political Science Review, December 1990, copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 65
Book review by James Akins in The Link, 8/1991, multiple copies of the entire journal, copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 66
Book review in Sage Public Administration Abstracts, clipping and copies, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 67
Book review by Richard Pfau in The Journal of American History, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 68
Book review in Orbis, Summer 1988, page of journal and copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 69
Book review by Magill Book Reviews, n. d.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 70
Book review by Gilbert Jenkins in Energy, Exploration & Exploitation, n. d.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 71
Book review by John Snetsinger in American Historical Review, 4/1990, pages from the journal,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
Other reviews of Eagle and Lion,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
Reedsburg Times-Press, 3/17/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
The Boston Globe, 5/29/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
Bookazine Bulletin, 7/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
Lendehbad: A Review of Iranian Affairs, 7/1988, no. 1,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
Forecast: Somerville, N.J. 8/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
The Washington Post, by J. Y. Smith, 8/18/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
Middle East Report, by Eric Hooglund and Joe Stork 1-2/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
The Christian Science Monitor, by John Haldane, 2/10/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
The Washington Post, by Dilip Hiro, 5/9/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
- Letter from Melvin Freidel to Bill in regards to The Eagle and the Lion,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 72
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 73
Reviews in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 74
Book Reviews of Kail Ellis,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2
Publicity, Marketing and Correspondence dealing with The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 2: Publicity, Marketing and Correspondence dealing with The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1
Publicity for The Eagle and the Lion,Subseries 1: Publicity for The Eagle and the Lion
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
References to The Eagle and the Lion,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
What are you reading this summer? Isthmus, 6/2/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
This Savvy Russian Saw Iran as the Place to Fear International Herald Tribune, John Cooley, 6/22/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
Reedsburg native author new book on Iran Reedsburg Times-Press, 3/17/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
Nest of Spies Herald Tribune, Dilip Hiro, 5/18/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
Scars from Iranian Revolt Linger, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Steven L. Jacques, 2/13/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
Nest of Spies: America Journey to Disaster in Iran, The New Republic, Amir Taheri, 5/15/1989, vol. 200, no. 20,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
The Elementary Structures of Political Life: Rural Development in Pahlavi Iran, Modern Age, Fall 1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
Payback: America Long War in the Middle East, reviewed by Andrew Killgore, The Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs, 2/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
US Foreign Policy and the Shah: Building a Client State in Iran, reviewed by Michael P. Zirinsky, Middle East Journal, vol. 46, Spring 1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Letters between Mehdi Samii and James Bill in regards to Eagle and Lion, more so to two passages in the text referencing Mehdi Samii: handwritten letter from Samii to Bill dated 6/24/1992 and letter in response from Bill to Samii dated 8/3/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Mention of The Eagle and the Lion: The Providence Sunday Journal, 3/6/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Mention of The Eagle and the Lion: The Library Journal, January 1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Letter from Gary Gisselman, Chair of Literary Awards Committee, Wisconsin Library Association informing Bill of Outstanding Achievement Award for The Eagle and the Lion, dated 6/19/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Mention of The Eagle and Lion: Port Folio, 7/11/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Mention of The Eagle and the Lion: Wilson Library Bulletin, 10/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Article: Books by W&M faculty nominated for awards Newport News Press, 11/27/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
"Iran under Khomeini - what about the future?" The Baghdad Observer, 2/27/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
New Haven noses are buried in these books, New Haven Register, 12/27/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
Local Authors well-versed by the volume, The Virginia Gazette, 12/14/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 76
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 75
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2
Marketing and Correspondence (including Yale University Press),Subseries 2: Marketing and Correspondence (including Yale University Press)
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter from Bill to Henry Fryer and Ann Geneva Yale University Press; in regards to book review in Britain, 10/5/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letters to Charles Grench, Yale University Press, from Bill in regards to cost of book, 10/11/1987; marketing and publicity, 11/10/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter to Bill from John Esposito, International Studies at College of the Holy Cross, in regards to reviews and marketing, 10/21/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
A series of letters between Bill and Peter Theroux, regards publicity, book proofs, etc 10/6/1987, 10/13/1987, 10/16/1987, 10/27/1987, 11/2/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Personal Agenda Notes for visit with Yale University Press, 10/28/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Note from Ed? (History Dept, W&M) 10/21/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter from Roger Stafford to Bill, thanks for participating in annual meeting activities at the Arnold Investment Counsel, 10/26/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter to Sarah Clark from Bill, regards to promotions, 11/3/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter from Bob Hardgrave, regards to personal, publicity, visit to Austin, 11/17/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter to David Smith from Bill, regards to Austin visit, 11/21/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter to Chris Palma form Bill, setting up a time for a meeting, 12/7/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
Letter from Bill McCarthy, handwritten and typed, 12/15/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Letter from Tina Weiner to Bill, includes copies of publicity mailings and reimbursing information, 1/4/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
List of contacts and review possibilities, often with comments and explanations,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Set of letters between Bill and Allison Coleman, YUP, in regards to two boxes of envelopes, 2/21/1988, 2/26/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Bill tickler sent to the following: List of publications and contacts, copies of reviews on Yale Book News letterhead,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Letter to Bill from Debra Bozzi with attached packet of advertising information, 4/14/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Review of book: Info file: A Digest of Studies, Surveys and Books, 4/16/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Mention: Boston Globe, New and Recommended 5/1/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Advertisement: The Nation, 5/28/1988, original newspaper,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Letter from Bill to Chuck and Jane, includes mention of review by John Campbell, dated 7/3/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Advertisement: Book World, 7/17/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Letter from Jane Levey (Publicist) to Mr. M. Javadi of the International Iran Times, in regards to published excerpts without permission, 8/6/1988, this appears to be a copy of that letter sent to Bill,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Set of Letters between Bill and Tina Weiner in regards to marketing report, 8/29/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Letter from Charles Grench to Bill, regards to reviews and bookseller stocking habits, 12/11/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
Handwritten note to Bill from Chuck, regards to setting a deadline for revisions, 12/20/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 78
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 79
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 79
Letter from Bill to Tina Weiner, regards the paperback version of the text, 4/30/1989, attached list of those meant to receive a copy of the book,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 79
Letter from Bill to Jane, regards a list of mass media for advertising packets, 7/1/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 79
Set of letters between Tina Weiner from Bill, regards marketing, included are an interview given by Bill to the Hampton/Newport News newspaper and a copy of a speech delivered by Bill Moyers,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 79
Advertisement in The New Republic, 10/16/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 79
Typed description of book and Bill,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 79
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 80
Set of correspondence between Bill and Charles (Chuck) Grench at the Yale University Press, regards publishing, editing, marketing,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 81
Set of correspondence between Bill and Laura Dooley, regards copy editing, etc,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 82
Notes on meeting with Scott Lubeck, regards selection of publishing house, 2/5/1986; Yale Contract Negotiations, letters and contracts between Bill and John Ryden, Charles Grench, Tina Weiner and Scott Lubeck,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 83
Yale University Press book catalogues; 1 Middle Eastern Studies, 3 Political Science,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 84
Yale University Press marketing packets, 4 copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 85
List of Book Signing dates, copy of picture in William and Mary News of book signing in Williamsburg,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 86
Miscellaneous correspondence,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 86
Letter from Naomi Schneider, The University of California Press, regards meeting/visit, 12/9/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 86
Letter from Gene [?] to Bill 9/30/1985, regards visit and contact information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 86
Letter from Robin Wright to Bill 2/26/1986, suggests using Yale Press,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 86
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 87
Correspondence between Bill and Carl Brandt from Brandt and Brandy Literary Agents in New York,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 88
Correspondence between Bill and Charles Beardsley, regards to advice on selecting a publisher,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 89
Correspondence between Bill and Grench, between 1985-1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 77
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 7
Box 8 contains resources and a collection of Iran Information, tapes, interviews, documents, newspaper articles and clippings concerning the Iran-Contra affair and early 1990s; Notes and Articles on Iran, Middle East Production, And Minerals; articles and clippings on contra affair from 1986-2004; 1999 vice president Bush involvement; Iran: Hostage Situation; Iran power, status, money and relations; Correspondence and publications on Iran and human rights issues; Military and arms issues within Iran; Economic and Trade relations in Iran; Full Journals, Papers and Articles; Middle Eastern Issues; U.S. as Offensive and Defensive; Israel and Palestine.
- Sub-Series 1
Information on Iran including the Iran-Contra; Early 1990s,Subseries 1: Information on Iran including the Iran-Contra; Early 1990s
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
Articles on Oil, Inflation, etc in Iran,Subseries 1: Articles on Oil, Inflation, etc in Iran
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
"Another Oil deal fails", Events, 9/26-30, page 9,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Iran - Inflation Spurs General Discontent Intercontinental Press, n.d., p. 1718,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Handwritten note from Pam to Bill,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Iran wont aid Pan Am, n.d. August 1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Wanted: A telephone exchange, copy of Letters to the Editor, no publishing information,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
People must fulfill Monarch wishes, KI, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Growing Pains, Despite its oil money, Iran economy suffers from many shortages, no publisher for article, vol. 57, no. 123, p 1 & 22,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Yankee Executives Learn How to Deal With Iranian Brass, by Edwin Darby, n.d. but was in a folder with 1974 items,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Empress urges more funds for education in sixth plan, n.d., no publishing information,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Iran and Mexico more from strength to strength, by Luis Weckmann,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 2
Articles in Farsi,Subseries 2: Articles in Farsi
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Numerous articles in Farsi,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 3
International Notes,Subseries 3: International Notes
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Handwritten notes by Bill on International Trips made by various countries to Iran primarily between 1947 and 1977, includes both tallies and notebooks of notes,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 4
Iranian Student Publications,Subseries 4: Iranian Student Publications
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Shah of Iran: America Staunchest Ally in the Middle East complied by Iranian Students Association of Northern California, 4/21/1962,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Shah Revolution: Fact or Façade? Published by Iranian Students Association in the United States, 6/1964,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5
Papers on Iran,Subseries 5: Papers on Iran
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Was a democratization possible in Iran? by H.E. Chehabi at Yale University, Paper presented at the IPSA conference in Paris 7/17/1985,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Paper starting with There was a great change in Iranian perceptions of America in the 1950., no further information provided,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Iran case study, n.d., no author provided,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Iran change of Government: The impact upon Iran Electronic Industries, by Ralph George Groves, Adelphi University, Fall 1979,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Monitor correspondent recalls own expulsion from Iran, The Christian Science Monitor, 2/5/1987,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Four Days in an Iran Jail Leaves reporter Seib Baffled as to Why, The Wall Street Journal, 2/10/1987,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
ShiØŒite Islam, by AllÄmah Sayyid Muhammad Å¢abÄÅ£abÄÄ«, Persian Studies Series, State University of New York Press,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
America in Iran by Richard T. Sale, SAIS Review, Winter 1981-1982,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
The Iranian Revolution by Fred Halliday, Political Studies,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Karl Deutsch and Political Science by Peter Calvert, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 6
Interviews,Subseries 6: Interviews
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Interview of John J. McCloy by Paige Mulhollan, Given on 7/8/1969,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Interview of Hubert Humphrey by Joe B. Frantz, Given on 8/17/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Interview of W. Averill Harriman, donated to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 2/4/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7
Correspondence with Bill,Subseries 7: Correspondence with Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7 Folder 8
Letter to Bill from Fereidun Fesharaki, 2/13/1981, regards to a paper on World Oil availability,Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7 Folder 8Series 1: Letter to Bill from Fereidun Fesharaki, 2/13/1981, regards to a paper on World Oil availability
Letter from Bill to Bill Paul, follow up from phone conversation, 8/12/1986,Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7 Folder 8Series 2: Letter from Bill to Bill Paul, follow up from phone conversation, 8/12/1986
Letter from Bill to John Macy, regards to setting up a meeting, 8/21/1983,Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7 Folder 8Series 3: Letter from Bill to John Macy, regards to setting up a meeting, 8/21/1983
Letter to Bill from Max [?], regards to identification of those working against Helms, 9/16/1986,Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7 Folder 8Series 4: Letter to Bill from Max [?], regards to identification of those working against Helms, 9/16/1986
Letter from Bill to Michael [?], regards to obtaining the address of Mark Lytle, etc, 3/3/1989,Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7 Folder 8Series 5: Letter from Bill to Michael [?], regards to obtaining the address of Mark Lytle, etc, 3/3/1989
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 7 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8
Government Documents (copies),Subseries 8: Government Documents (copies)
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8 Folder 9
Ayatollah Shirazi Discusses Limits to Clerical Rule, translation from German, 2/16/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8 Folder 9
Information from a session of the Supreme Defense Council in the presence of Imam Khomeyni, 8/17/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8 Folder 9
A copy of a press release, Uncovered Assassination Plot, published in Tehran on 12/24/1970, attached is a handwritten note to Bill, unsigned,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8 Folder 9
Document regarding the Foreign Factors and Influences, with a focus on US Military assistance programs, marked For Official Use Only, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 8 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 9
Personal Notes,Subseries 9: Personal Notes
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 9 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 9 Folder 10
Information on "Citing Historical Materials",
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 9 Folder 10
Various To-Do lists of people to call and/or write, notes to self,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 9 Folder 10
List of Iranian related materials,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 9 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 9 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 10
Notes on working texts,Subseries 10: Notes on working texts
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 10 Folder 11
Three notebooks and a legal size piece of paper with notes on texts in progress,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 10 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 11
Full Texts,Subseries 11: Full Texts
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 11 Folder 12
A copy of United States Army Special Warfare School: A Survey of the Tribes of Iran, Capt. Robert Hand, 7/22/1963,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 11 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12
Notes and Articles on Iran, Middle East Production, And Minerals,Subseries 12: Notes and Articles on Iran, Middle East Production, And Minerals
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 13
Notes on Iranian construction, costs, etc.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Middle East producers of copper, lead, zinc, nickel,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Morocco closes grip on phosphate market Kayhan International, 8/17/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
US red tape hampers huge Algeria gas sales Kayhan International, 1/26/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Egypt oil output may hit 1m. barrels in 1980 Kayhan International, 2/3/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Arabs boost Jordan potash mine venture Kayhan International, 3/26/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Copper resources may top 850m. tons, Kayhan International, 7/11/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
N. Yemen makes big copper discovery Kayhan International, 8/24/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Phosphate mining: more than ecology, food at stake The Christian Science Monitor, 8/30/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Rabat in phosphate talks, Kayhan International, 10/9/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Iran gets copper group bid Kayhan International, 10/10/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Huge uranium deposit found in Black Sea, Kayhan International, 11/1/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Black Sea uranium unviable Kayhan International, 11/2/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Egypt oil search is a gamble Kayhan International, 11/6/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Iran seventh big copper producer Kayhan International, n.d. ; attached notes,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Rabat set to sign deal of century Kayhan International, 11/13/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Copper finds lift hopes for other minerals, The Times, 11/17/1977,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Paper: Mineral Resources of the Middle East by Soraya Diase, 12/2/1977, Professor Bill student,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Gold reportedly found in Saudi Arabia, CSM, 1/19/1978,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
$9,000 million phosphate deal aims at 30 years co-operation, MEED, 2/10/1978, vol. 22, no. 6,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Morocco Development Report, 2-3/1978, vol. 1, no. 1,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Soviet strength in oil, uranium: CIA debate, and a N. Africa deal, 3/10/1978,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Articles from Economic Intelligence, 6/30/1978,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Arab gas exports under fire, Kayhan International, 7/4/1978,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
N. Yemen in big oil strike, Kayhan International, 9/2/1978,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Lodes of uranium ore in Algeria 8/9/1980,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Mauritania drive on minerals 9/27/1980,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
First Oil, now minerals ; US frets at import growth, Christian Science Monitor, 10/2/1980,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Hot US Intelligence expert joins CIA, Christian Science Monitor, 1/29/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
New offshore discoveries make US phosphate-rich, Christian Science Monitor, 2/25/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Strategic Minerals Are center of new east-west war, The Rising Tide, 5/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Rust in system could turn arms buildup into a big backlog, The Christian Science Monitor, 5/27/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
In Saudi Arabia, another search for The other minerals, Aramco World Magazine, 7-8/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
Major Oil Finds seen likely in mideast, Africa, The Wall Street Journal, 11/23/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Articles from Industrial Minerals,Subseries 1: Articles from Industrial Minerals
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Granges assists phosphate project 10/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
German help on phosphates, 10/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate: Who for Bu Craa? 2/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Bromine and phosphate for Europe, 3/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
"Bu Craa tug-of-war", 3/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
10,000m. tons of phosphate?, 4/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate oversupply despite fertilizer upturn, 7/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
The world phosphate rock institute programme, 1/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate market continues weak, 12/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate rock trade levels, 11/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Ambitious phosphate plans, 7/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate and potash expansion, 4/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
World Phosphate rock institute off the ground, 3/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate market - boom, vacillation & recovery, 11/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
World phosphate producers, 11/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate see-saw, 2/1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Governments and resources, 4/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
1975 and all that, 1/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
Phosphate forecasts, 3/1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Notes on phosphates,Subseries 2: Notes on phosphates
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Phosphate rock The Commodity Data Summaries, 1/1976 with handwritten notes on US imports of phosphates,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Reported reserves of phosphate rock,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Leading world producers of phosphate rock Mineral Yearbook, vol. III, 1974, p 54,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Handwritten notes on Oil in Sinai ME International, 2/1974, p. 22,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Phosphate windfall enriches Arabs 8 days, 1/24/19?,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Afghanistan unsung riches by John Shroder, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
Exploiting Afganistan Foreign Report, 2/4/1982, no. 1714,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 12 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 8
- Sub-Series 2
Iran Contra,Subseries 2: Iran Contra
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
Iran Contra Information,Subseries 1: Iran Contra Information
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1
Articles and Newspaper clippings,Subseries 1: Articles and Newspaper clippings
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1
Articles and clippings from 1986,Subseries 1: Articles and clippings from 1986
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
List of articles entitled Events on November 1986 US Policy towards Iran,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Peres approved idea of Israel as middleman in US-Iran deals, The Jerusalem Post, 11/10/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Israeli reportedly set up first US-Iran arms deal, The Washington Post, 11/19/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
By Reagan About Iran, New York Times, 11/14/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
CIA Curried favor with Khomeini, Exiles, The Washington Post, 11/19/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Iran Says McFarlane tapes show lie, New York Times, 11/29/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
US Employed a sting setup for arms to Iran, New York Times, 11/29/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Israeli sale said allowed by Haig in 81 The Washington Post on 11/29/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Paper: Arms package worth $1 Billion, The Huntsville Times 11/30/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Mystery man at the centre of Iran arms web, The Observer, 11/30/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
London house was HQ for Iran arms deal:, The Sunday Times, 11/30/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Evidence points to big Saudi role in Iranian and Contra Arms Deals New York Times, 11/30/19?,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Day by Day: The US Account of the Investigation, New York Times, 11/30/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Colonel North Lives, New York Times, 11/30/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Transcript of Reagan remarks to his investigative panel, New York Times, 12/2/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
What the president did not know?, The Christian Science Monitor, 12/3/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Israel: America Middleman? Washington Weekly, 12/4/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Spotlight focusing on retired air force general, New Analysis, 12/5/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
The Story so far, New York Times, 12/14/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Iran testimony conflicts, The Christian Science Monitor, 12/19/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Beirut Rag The Nation, 12/20/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Wider Saudi role in Iran deal hinted The Baltimore Sun, 12/22/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Outside Experts on Iran Consulted by staff of New Security Adviser, New York Times, 12/28/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
North probe to steer away from Israel pot, AAS, 12/31/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2
Articles and clippings from 1987,Subseries 2: Articles and clippings from 1987
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Kimche denies advance knowledge of contra, The Washington Jewish Weekly, 1/8/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Israeli officials may testify before Senate, The Jerusalem Post, 1/9/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Contra Diversion plan originated with Israeli, Senate committee told, Washington Post, 1/10/1897,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
McFarlane took cake and bible to Teheran, Ex-CIA man says, New York Times, 1/11/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Israel convinced US to take initiative, The Jerusalem Post, 1/11/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Israelis dismiss suggestion they led US into Iran dealings, New York Times, 1/12/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Israel necessary connection to Iran, Washington Jewish Week, 1/18/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Fraying strands loosen US-Israel love knot, Washington Jewish Week, 1/18/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
False US tips led to a defeat in 1986, Iraq says, New York Times, 1/19/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Senate report says administration ignored warning to pitfalls in arms sales to Iran, New York Times, 1/19/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Iran arms principal admitted payoffs, The Baltimore Sun, 1/19/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
What Ollie North told me before he took the fifth, National Review, 1/30/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Contras are the focus of 7 investigations, New York Times, 1/30/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Report of Senate select panel: establishing a sequence of Iran arms events, New York Times, 2/1/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Huge Illegal deal on arms for Iran was known to US: Private sales are traced, New York Times, 2/2/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Ledeen seems to relish Iran insider role, The Washington Post, 2/2/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Reorganizing the NSC is not enough, The Christian Science Monitor, 2/4/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
McFarlane is hospitalized for an overdose of Valium, New York Times, 2/10/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
US hedges on any Israeli hostage deal, The Christian Science Monitor, 2/11/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Bush says he expressed reservations to key players on Iran-arms policy, Wall Street Journal, 2/13/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
A Blockade of Iran, The Wall Street Journal, 2/13/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Computer at N.S.C. is said to reveal broad operations, New York Times, 2/14/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Casey is termed the mastermind of efforts to supply the Contras, New York Times, 3/25/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Purported Iran envoy offered candidate Reagan deal, aides say, San Jose Mercury News, 4/12/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Reagan aides reportedly held secret talks on hostages in 80, The Huntsville Times, 4/12/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Money trail leads to Secord, San Francisco Examiner, 4/12/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
The wiles of Teheran, New York Times, 8/3/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Walsh, Senate panel want to know why FBI delayed airing Iran arms-sales files, The Wall Street Journal, 4/13/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Moslem leader: Hostages stay until Reagan out, Sheik Reported to Link Reagan and Hostages, New York Times, 1/18/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Numerous articles on one page: New York Times, 5/9/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Courier for North tells of carrying cash for Contras, New York Times, 5/15/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Walk back the cat, New York Times, 5/21/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Mysterious death of Iranian arms dealer under investigation, San Jose Mercury News, 6/13/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Report traces Iran arms deal back to 1980, San Francisco Examiner, 4/25/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Minority report, The Nation, 6/20/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
North allegedly made plan for martial law, Hartford Courant, 7/5/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
North and the government, San Jose Mercury News, 7/5/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
October Surprise by Warren Hinckle in San Francisco Examiner, 7/12/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Reagan 1980 Hostage Deal, L.A. Weekly, 7/10-16/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Arms sellers, Israelis Allege US Tie to early Iran deals, Newsday, 11/22/1987, with a letter to Senator Warren Rudman on the back, dated 7/13/1987 regards to standing up to Ollie North,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Early arms help to Iran: Israel-Iran arms tie known to CIA in 81, San Jose Mercury, 8/9/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Reagan campaign contacts with Iran in 1980 probed, The Miami Herald, 9/28/1987; CIA knew of 1981 of arms deals, The Miami Herald, 8/9/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Uncovering details of the Iran-contra covert operations lobby, The Christian Science Monitor, 10/22/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Letter to Senator Robert Byrd from Glenn McDuffie in regards to weapons trade with Iran and taking action, dated 10/23/1987, enclosures included,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Iran report omissions, San Francisco Examiner, 11/20/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
Israel said to have sold weapons to Iran since 1981 with tacit approval of the Reagan administration, The Wall Street Journal, 11/28/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
The hidden truth about hostages in Iran, Asbury Park Press, 12/28/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3
Articles and clippings from 1988-1989,Subseries 3: Articles and clippings from 1988-1989
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Former CIA agent running covert campaign for Bush, Examiner?, 2/29/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Around Ortega dinner table, Americans talk business, politics, The Christian Science Monitor, 4/7/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
A rerun of Robber Baron ethics, The Washington Spectator, 6/1/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Khomeini still secretly getting US arms, Iranian rebels charge, Los Angeles Times, 6/28/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Burning Bush, San Francisco Examiner, 7/31/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Ex-aide: Ron made Iran deal in 1980, Daily News, 8/26/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
The translation of DER Spiegel article on the October surprise, 9/5/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Anyone care about the cover-up, San Francisco Examiner, 9/18/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Bush link hinted in 1980 hostage talks, San Francisco Examiner, 10/5/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
A release from the California Democratic Council on Bush-Terrorist-Hostage Investigation Demand, 10/8/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Post takes aim at 1980 story, but misses mark; If it October . . . then it time for an Iranian Conspiracy Theory, 10/9/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
In These Times, vol. 12, no. 39, 10/12-18/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
The October Surprise that will not go away, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, 10/13/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Did Bush delay hostages release? Times-Standard, Eureka, California, 10/17/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Bush and the October Surprise, Oakland Tribune, 10/18/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Pre-election hostage release fishy, Charleston (W. Va.) Evening Gazette, 10/19/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
The issue is treason, Oakland Tribune, 10/19/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Reagan-Bush 80 arms deal with Iran charged, Christian Science Monitor, 10/21/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Did Reagan, Bush cut a 1980 Hostage deal?, The Boston Globe, 10/23/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Full pages of Los Angeles Times, 10/25/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Hostage says US is hurting his release, Los Angeles Times, 10/31/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Minority Report, The Nation, 11/14/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
US-Israel Accord said to authorize north-nir operations, The Washington Post, 12/4/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Survivor of Mexican crash reportedly used alias, The Washington Post, 12/4/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Cover-up Agitprop theories, The Washington Post, 2/4/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
Hussein visit leaves US Optimistic, The Christian Science Monitor, 4/25/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
North file fills out a record of bad faith, The Wall Street Journal, 5/10/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4
Articles and clippings from 1990-1991, including trial information related to Iran-Contra Affair,Subseries 4: Articles and clippings from 1990-1991, including trial information related to Iran-Contra Affair
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Trial of Poindexter could shed further light on roles of Bush, Reagan in Iran Contra Affair, The Wall Street Journal, 2/13/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Reagan, on videotape, pleads ignorance of key parts of the Iran-Contra Affair, The Wall Street Journal, 2/23/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Last Laugh, The Washington Post, 2/27/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Why Reagan added little to Iran-Contra, New York Times, 3/2/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Jurors felt testimony by Reagan irrelevant, The Washington Post, 4/8/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Reagan testimony had little impact on decision, Poindexter jurors report¸ The Washington Post, 4/8/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Poindexter convicted of 5 Iran-contra counts, The Washington Post, 4/8/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Selected article from New York Times, 4/29/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Arms funds reportedly diverted, Daily Press, 4/29/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Where George Was, The Washington Post, 6/10/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Poindexter gets 6 months in prison over Iran-Contra, New York Times, 6/12/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Testimony that Bush was told in 1986 of contra supply scheme, New York Times, 7/30/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Ex-CIA agent is convicted in Iran-Contra affair, New York Times, 9/19/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
New allegations implicate Reagan, Christian Science Monitor, 4/19/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Bush had lunch with Potter Stewart, not with Iranians, The Wall Street Journal, 5/8/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
The First Stone: Agent McFarlane, [?] Times, 5/29-6/11/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Secret secrets and open secrets, The Wall Street Journal, 7/3/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Iran-contra prosecutors concentrate on a former CIA task force chief, The Washington Post, 7/7/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
A page of CIA information and articles: New York Times, 7/10/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Getting warm on Iran-contra, The Washington Post, 7/16/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
Gates hearing delayed 2 months, USA Today, 7/17/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5
Articles and clippings from 1992-1993, 1999 including Vice President Bush involvement,Subseries 5: Articles and clippings from 1992-1993, 1999 including Vice President Bush involvement
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Cartoon: The Washington Post, Hang tough - only a little while more to go,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Document from Loiry Publishing House with title of a text: The report of the Vice President involvement in the Iran-contra scandal by William S. Loiry, with where to order the text,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Did he know? The Washington Post Magazine, 8/16/1992, cover + p. 11-14, 23-32,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Reports still link Bush to Iran-contra affair The Christian Science Monitor, 10/8/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Clinton for president, The Virginia Gazette, 10/14/1992, mentions Bush involvement with Iran-Contra,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Bush Bristles at queries on role in Iran Initiative, The Washington Post, 10/14/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
The president unchanged position on Iran-Contra, The Washington Post, 10/15/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Bush didnt know, 10/16/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Iran-Contra document says Bush favored secrecy in hostage affair, New York Times, 10/21/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Iran-Contra data, disclosures shed light on what Bush hasnt told, The Washington Post, 10/22/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
In the loop, The Washington Post, 10/22/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Annals of Government: In the loop: Bush secret mission, The New Yorker Magazine, n. d.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Three pages on Bush pardon of Weinberger and the investigation thus far into the Iran-Contra Affair, The Washington Post, 12/25/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Mr. Bush unpardonable act, The New York Times, 12/25/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Two pages on Bush pardon of Weinberger and the investigation thus far into the Iran-Contra Affair, New York Times, 12/25/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Prosecutor shifts attention to Bush on Iran arms deal, New York Times, 12/26/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
George Milhous Bush, New York Times, 12/28/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
A tale of three counsels New York Times, 12/28/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
The pardon: courage . . . without candor, The Washington Post, 12/30/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Letter from Ronan Doherty to Bill in regards to an article written for the The Flat Hat, dated 12/29/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Trial papers detail lies on Iran Affair, Walsh Says, The Washington Post, 2/9/1993,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
Iran scam report implicates presidents, Daily Press, 12/5/1999,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6
Articles and clippings from 1992-1994 including Iran-Contra Report,Subseries 6: Articles and clippings from 1992-1994 including Iran-Contra Report
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Weinberger told he could face Iran-Contra charges, The Washington Post, 5/17/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Iran-contra: law stumbled on politics, New York Times, 12/28/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Gregg tried to shield Iran-contra file, The Washington Post, 5/16/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Last word on the October surprise?, New York Times, 1/24/1993,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Shultz Aide notes reveal Iran-contra intrigue, The Washington Post, 2/20/1993,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
The Washington Post Magazine, entire publication 4/11/1993, The End of the Affair,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
School for Scandal, Foreign Service Journal, 5/1993,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
An Imperfect spy, The Washington Post Magazine, 5/17/1992, cover + p. 9-18, 25-30,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Back into the loop, The Washington Post, 8/22/1993,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Walsh Iran-contra probe comes to an end as whimper, not bang, Christian Science Monitor, 12/9/1993,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Set of article clippings from New York Times, 1/19/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Iran-contra report castigates Reagan, The Washington Post, 1/19/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Full page on Iran-contra report, The Washington Post, 1/19/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Just say yes: Iran-contra moral for Beleaguered presidents, The Washington Post, 1/30/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
Reagan ex-aide details start of Iran-contra in book, The Washington Post, 9/11/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2
Select Magazine materials,Subseries 2: Select Magazine materials
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 11/17/1986, Cover + p. 12-26: two copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Newsweek, 11/17/1986, Cover + p. 45-54,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 11/24/1986, p. 18-22, 100,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 12/8/1986, Cover + p. 7, 14-22, 27-34, 39, 42,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 12/15/1986, p. 17-24, 29-30, 37-40,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 12/22/1986, cover + p. 14-20, 25-32,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
New York Times Magazine, 1/18/1987, p. 17-22, 52, 55, 60,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Newsweek, 3/2/1987, cover + p. 19-26,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 3/2/1987, p. 11-18,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 3/9/1987, p. 19-24,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Time Magazine, 3/9/1987, p. 31-42,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
New York Times Magazine, 3/22/1987, cover + p. 21-31,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
U.S. News and World Report, 3/30/1987, whole magazine,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
Playboy, 10/1988, p. 71-74, 149-156, with a copy,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2
Iran: Hostage Situation,Subseries 2: Iran: Hostage Situation
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1
Hostage Articles,Subseries 1: Hostage Articles
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Reagan terms hostage situation too sensitive for him to comment, New York Times, 11/3/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
The foundations of a scandal a short paper by Louis Fisher,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Reporter notebook: Tension grips gippers camp New York Times, 10/27/1980; Release of the hostages before election opposed, New York Times, 10/24/1980; Reagan Aides Seek Way to defeat any surprise New York Times, 10/7/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Anitleak campaign with mention of October surprise,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Failed 80 rescue, Contra flights linked, San Jose Mercury News, 12/12/1986; Missing freighter may have been hijacked to Iran, 12/19/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Appellants application for order enlarging time to file petition for rehearing - In the United States court of appeals for the federal circuit,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Congressional Record - Senate, 8/1/1987, S 11586, S 11585, 11587,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Copy of interview with former President Carter on The Larry King Live show, 6/15/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
If It Hosenball, It must be a Straw Man, about Mark Hosenball If it October,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2
Hostage Rescue - Magazines,Subseries 2: Hostage Rescue - Magazines
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
Time, 2/2/1981 The Ordeal Ends,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
Newsweek, 2/2/1981 A day to Remember,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
Free: The Saga of 444 days of rage, hope and heroism American Extra,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
Hostage: The shocking true story of those Americans held captive in Iran for 444 days, 1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
Newsweek, The Iran Rescue Mission: The Untold Story, 7/12/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 2 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3
Audio,Subseries 3: Audio
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 25
Iran-Contra tapes- contains three cassette tapes,Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 25Series 1: Iran-Contra tapes- contains three cassette tapes
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 3 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4
Theories,Subseries 4: Theories
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 26
Package of materials by Fritz Hirschfeld on a Hostage Conspiracy Theory, impart based on Bill findings in The Eagle and the Lion, 2/2/1990 - includes cover letter, summary, introduction, outline, etc,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 27
Summary Fact Sheet by Barbara Honegger, former White House Policy Analyst,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 27
Partial Reporter Transcript of the United States District Court for the District of Colorado, USA vs. Heinreich Ruff, 9/23/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 4 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 8
- Sub-Series 3
Iran Status and relations,Subseries 3: Iran Status and relations
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
Iran Power, money and relations,Subseries 1: Iran Power, money and relations
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1
Articles regarding Iran status and U.S.-Iran relations, etc 1990-1991,Subseries 1: Articles regarding Iran status and U.S.-Iran relations, etc 1990-1991
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Arab gulf states agree to involve Iran in security plans, Christian Science Monitor, 12/27/1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Middle East: Unstable as ever, The Washington Post, 3/1/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran comeback in the gulf, New York Times, 3/10/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
PLO has lost credibility Bush charges, The Washington Post, 3/10/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Bush warns Iran not to pull away regions of Iraq, The Wall Street Journal, 3/14/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran, US edge close - slowly, Daily Press, 3/12/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran, Saudi Arabia agree to restore ties, Daily Press, 3/21/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran expands influence after sidestepping war, The Washington Post, 3/24/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Tehran New world order?, The Washington Post, 3/24/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iranian President Disavows arms aid to the Iraqi rebels, New York Times, 3/28/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Letters: Halabjah, London Review of Books, 4/4/1991, vol. 13, p. 2,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
War scars holy places of Iraqi Shiites, New York Times, 4/27/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran Rafsanjani leads country out of Isolation, The Christian Science Monitor, 4/30/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran looks to Europe to counter US Influence, The Christian Science Monitor, 5/8/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
U.S. asks Prague not to sell weapons to Syria and Iran, New York Times¸ 5/8/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
A U.S. clinic harassed, withdraws from Iran, New York Times, 5/8/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran claims U.S. fired on patrol boat, Daily Press, 5/23/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iranians, Saudis show Islam diversity, The Washington Post, 7/11/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Bush praises Iran for aid in release, The Washington Post, 8/12/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Islamic Jihad statement, Daily Press, 8/13/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Israel seen easing terms for exchange, The Washington Post, 8/14/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Israel demands word on POWs, The Washington Post, 8/15/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran and the gulf crisis, Eastern News, 10/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
In fun-loving Iran, politics and vermin get the big laughs, The Wall Street Journal, 10/1/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Around The Nation: Iranian Prisoner Home, The Washington Post, 10/9/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iranians to withdraw troops from Lebanon, New York Times, 10/13/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iranians predict a hostage release, New York Times, 10/14/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran outlines shift to a free market, The Washington Post, 11/20/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
U.S., Iran nearing deals on funds, Daily Press, 11/21/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Shift by Shiites seen speeding release of hostages, The Washington Post, 11/21/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
U.S. move to halt nuclear technology sales angers Iranians, The Washington Post, 11/22/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
An Ayatollah in exile defends human rights, but doubts are raised about his cause, New York Times, 11/23/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
U.S. to pay Iran $278 Million in arms settlement, The Washington Post, 11/29/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran Majis election in April 1990, Impact International, 12/12/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Switzerland closes embassy in Iran, The Washington Post, 12/30/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Ignoring Tehran Threat, The Washington Post, 3/2/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iranian seems set to oust Hard-liners, New York Times, 3/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
From the back seat in Iran, Murmurs of unrest, New York Times, 4/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Mullahs keep control of Iranian economy with an iron hand, The Wall Street Journal, 5/5/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Leave Iraq alone U.S. tells Iranians, New York Times, 8/25/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran on the Prowl, The Washington Post, 10/14/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
Iran Aggressive stance in the gulf sharpens struggle for dominance, Christian Science Monitor, 10/22/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2
Papers on Iranian Issues,Subseries 2: Papers on Iranian Issues
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
The Rushdies affair and the politics of ambiguity, by James Piscatorial, International Affairs, 66, 4, 1990, p. 767-789,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
The third world in the system of states: acute schizophrenia or growing pains?, by Mohammed Ayoob, International Studies Association, 33, 1989, p. 67-79,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
Conceptual sources of Iranian Behavior toward the Arab world, by Mahmood Sariolghalam,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
A packet of faxes from Ahmad Hadjihossein including translation of a letter from Rafsanjani to Saddam, copies of the front pages of Jumhuri Islamic newspapers, and two foreign ministry statements,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
Iranian Support, n.d., no name, seven pages with footnotes,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 2 Folder 29
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3
Correspondence and publications on Iran and human rights issues,Subseries 3: Correspondence and publications on Iran and human rights issues
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
Iran: Arrests of Loyal Opposition Politicians, News from Middle East Watch, 6/29/1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
Letter to Bill from The Society for the Defense of Justice and Freedom in Iran in regards to a number of people arrested after having sent a letter to the president of the country, included is A note on the background of the signatories of the open letter to the president of Iran,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
A letter from Amnesty International, 12/10/1990, included is a journal publication: Iran violations of human rights, 1987-1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
A United Nations press release Freedom of religion, assembly, minority rights in Iran discussed in human right committee, 7/23/1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
A United Nations press release Human rights committee concludes consideration of Iran report, Overall situation of human rights in Iran no Encouraging, experts say, 7/26/1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
Publication: Amnesty International, Iran victims of human rights violations, November 1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
United Nations General Assembly Agenda Item 114 (c) in the 48th Session: Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Note by the Secretary-General, 11/8/1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
United Nations General Assembly Agenda Item 114 (c) in the 48th Session: Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Addendum, 11/17/1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 3 Folder 30
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4
Military and arms issues within Iran,Subseries 4: Military and arms issues within Iran
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 31
Copy of a paper Comparative Military Capabilities of the Persian Gulf, possibly by a student, given to Bill, n.d. (written after 3/4/1993),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 31
Conventional arms Transfer to the Third World, 1985-1992, CRS report for Congress, by Richard F. Grimmett, 7/19/1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 4 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5
Economic and Trade relations in Iran,Subseries 5: Economic and Trade relations in Iran
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
Iran Business Monitor, October 1993 edition, vol. 2, no. 5, complete journal publication,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
Trade with Iran, Office of The Near East, fax received on 2/5/1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
A List of available documents for the office of the Near East, dated 9/3,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
A chart of exports to Iran from major Trading partners: Germany, Japan, and Italy,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
A table of Leading U.S. Total exports, F.A.S. value 1990-1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
A table of U.S. trade with near east north African Countries 1991-1992, January-May 1992, 1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
The Political economy of Iran oil policy, by Hooshang Amirahmadi,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
Financing trade with Iran, how the deals work, Middle East Executive Reports, 5/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
Magazine: Iran Imports & Exports, 5-6/1993, no. 23,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 5 Folder 32
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6
Reconstruction and Social issues in Iran,Subseries 6: Reconstruction and Social issues in Iran
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1
Full Journals, Papers and Articles,Subseries 1: Full Journals, Papers and Articles
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Full Article: Dynamics of provincial development and disparity in Iran, 1956-1984, by Hooshang Amirahmadi and Farhad Atash, TWPR, 9 (2) 1987,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Full Article: Disasters (reprint), International Disaster Institute,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Complete Journal: Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, January 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Complete Journal: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 13, no. 1, March 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Complete Journal: Middle East Executive Reports, vol. 12, no. 7, July 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Complete Journal: Middle East Executive Reports, vol. 12, no. 9, September 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Complete Journal: Third World Quarterly, vol. 12, no. 1, January 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Article: Economic reconstruction of Iran: costing the was damage, by Hooshang Amirahmadi, TWQ, vol. 12, no. 1, January 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Article: Revolution and economic transition - the Iranian experience, by Hooshang Amirahmadi,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
Article Selection: Iran post-war reconstruction, International Real Estate Journal, 7-8/1991, p. 3, 35-37,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 34
Paper: Iranian economic Reconstruction plan and prospects for its Success, by Hooshang Amirahmadi,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1 Folder 33
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2
Newspaper clippings and articles,Subseries 2: Newspaper clippings and articles
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Outlaw Iran given world bank loan, The Washington Post, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
World bank approves Iran loan, The Washington Post, 3/16/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Iran After Khomeini, Newsday: The Long Island Newspaper, 3/18/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Pragmatic shark of Iran, The Guardian, 4/8/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Two pages of articles pulled from Middle East Executive Reports, p. 9-12, October 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Complete publication: Mideast Report: Politics, Business, Finance, Oil, vol. 24, no. 22, December 15, 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Iran poised for resurgence of Business, The Washington Post, 4/18/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Iran election buoys prospects for business, The Washington Post, 4/18/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Boeing Pact to sell jets to Iran Air, New York Times, 9/30/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
Complete Journal: Iran Business Monitor, vol. 1, no. 2, October 1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
West Upping Technology sales to Iran, The Washington Post, 11/10/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 2 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 6 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 8
- Sub-Series 4
Middle Eastern Issues,Subseries 4: Middle Eastern Issues
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
Turkey,Subseries 1: Turkey
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 36
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 36
Witness to a scene from hell, The Washington Post, David Hoffman, 4/21/1991,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 36
Ozal words to the wise, The Washington Post, Jim Hoagland, 2/4/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 36
Listen to Turkish President Ozal, Daily Press, Georgie Anne Geyer, 2/9/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 36
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1 Folder 36
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2
Tunisia, Morocco, And Saudi Arabia,Subseries 2: Tunisia, Morocco, And Saudi Arabia
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
Saudi King issues decrees to revise governing system, New York Times, Youssef Ibrahim, 3/2/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
Promise of New Era is lagging for Tunisians, Christian Science Monitor, Howard LaFranchi, 11/24/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
Journal: The Tunisian Observer, November-December 1992, vol. 2, no. 1,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
Publication: Tunisia: Heavy sentences after unfair trials, Amnesty International, October 1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
Publication: Morocco: Tazmamert: Official silence and impunity, Amnesty International, November 1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 2 Folder 37
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3
U.S. as Offensive and Defensive,Subseries 3: U.S. as Offensive and Defensive
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
The Gulf War: Daunting Questions for all sides, Commonweal, David OBrien, 2/8/1991, p. 85-86,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
The moral calculus of war: just but unwise, Commonweal, J. Bryan Hehir, 2/22/1991, p. 125-126,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
The world policeman work is never done, Tom Blackburn, 3/1/1991,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
War Reporters debate gulf war press standards, Christian Science Monitor, Keith Henderson, 3/11/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
A neither just nor holy war, Sojourners, Jim Wallis, 4/10/1991, p. 10-13,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Clinton National Security Picks, Christian Science Monitor, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Quayle to chronicle his own odyssey,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Clinton Team Narrowing Policy and People Choices, New York Times, Thomas Friedman, 1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Clintifada: Once lonesome doves challenge hawks on Israel Policy, The Washington Post, Larry Cohler, 12/13/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Clinton security trio, New York Times, Leslie Gelb, 12/20/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Pathfinders of the middle ground, New York Times, Warren Christopher and Leslie Aspin, Jr., 12/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Christopher picked for state, Aspin for Defense, The Washington Post, Ruth Marcus, 12/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Wharton is well-established in foreign policy, education, business & Clinton names defense, foreign policy teams, The Washington Post, 12/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Lake enjoys familiarity with position, Aspin ends long tour as an apprentice, Woolsey: a Washington insider in every way, UN post will complete odyssey for Albright, The Washington Post, 12/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Aspin aid to businesses questioned, New York Times, Michael Gordon, 12/24/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Department of talk . . ., The Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer, 12/25/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Top Foreign policy prospects under study, The Washington Post, John Goshko, 12/30/1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
At the foggy bottom of the barrel, political hacks, The Washington Post, David Corn, 1/10/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Chris and Aspin and Lake, New York Times, Leslie Gelb, 1/24/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Aspin rising star, The Washington Post, Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, 2/5/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Clinton keeping foreign policy on a back burner, New York Times, Thomas Friedman, 2/8/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Gore, adding efficiency study to his portfolio, has carved out a significant role for himself, The Wall Street Journal, Michael Frisby and Barbara Rosewicz, 3/4/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Quantifying America Decline, The Wall Street Journal, William Bennett, 3/15/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
Death from a distance, The Washington Post, Jefferson Morley, 3/28/1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 39
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 3 Folder 38
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4
Israel and Palestine,Subseries 4: Israel and Palestine
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Mosque massacre triggers day of bloodshed, plus other articles, The Washington Post, 2/26/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
West Bank Massacre, Seething hate, a lust for revenge, a gun, and 40 Muslims died, New York Times, 2/28/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Israel sets inquiry in massacre, The Washington Post, David Hoffman, 2/281994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Armed and bold, Hebron killer just walked in, The Washington Post, David Hoffman, 3/1/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Palestinians see a people hatred in a killer deed, New York Times, Youssef Ibrahim, 3/6/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Did he kill the peace?, The Washington Post, 3/6/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Murders spur Israeli soul-searching, San Francisco Examiner, 3/6/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Remembering Kahane, and the woman on the bridge, New York Times, Michael Kaufman, 3/6/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Map: Jewish settlements in the occupied territories,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Get rid of the settlements, New York Times, Sharif Elmusa and Judith Tucker, 3/7/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Testimony raises questions about Hebron massacre, The Washington Post, 3/18/1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
Newspaper section: Style, 3/20/1994, The Washington Post,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 4 Folder 40
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 4 Box 8
Box 9 concerns collections of transcripts of interviews on cassette and notes from 1988- 1992; interviews were conducted by James Bill of George Ball, Ruth Ball, Douglas Ball, Dean Ruck, George McGhee, John Tuthill, David Rockefeller, Lucius Battle, Paul Nitze, George Springsteen, James Schlesinger, Roger L. Stevens, Arthur Hartman; J. Wm. Fulbright, Nicholas Katzenbach, William Bundy, Helen Vahey, Peter Peterson, Donald Lamm, Roger Hilsman, W. Michael Blumenthal, W. W. Rostow ;Box 10 Notes, transcripts, documents, correspondences, magazine and newspaper articles, manuscripts and book manuscripts concerning George Ball; personal information about his family and friends; during Jimmy Carter's Administration; the Gulf and Middle East issues1964-, Ruth Ball's Diary, 1976-1980, concerning Vietnam War; Adlai Stevenson; Richard Nixon's Presidential Policies and His Death; Dean Rusk Articles and Notes; Notes and Interviews of James Bill with George Ball; Box 11 contains interview transcripts, notes, press statements, book reviews, newspaper and magazine articles and clippings created by or concerning Henry Kissinger collected and filed by James Bill; [Henry] Rockefeller, Iran Shah, 1977- 1985; concerning the Middle East; Henry Kissinger and his foreign policy; Chase Manhattan Bank and Iran; correspondences with George Ball [some letters signed by Ball's assistant Karen Vasudeva], John C. Whitehead, Statements by Henry Kissinger concerning the Middle East; articles concerning his character and policies.
- Sub-Series 1
Transcriptions of Interview Tapes,Subseries 1: Transcriptions of Interview Tapes
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1
George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 1: George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
September 14, 1988; Tape 1: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
September 14, 1988; Tape 1: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
September 14, 1988; Tape 2: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
February 17, 1989; Tape 3: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
February 17, 1989; Tape 3: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
February 17, 1989; Tape 4: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
February 17, 1989; Tape 4: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
February 18, 1989; Tape 5: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
February 18, 1989; Tape 5: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 2
Ruth Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 2: Ruth Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 2 Folder 10
February 18, 1989; Tape 6: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 2 Folder 11
February 18, 1989; Tape 6: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 2 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 3
George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 3: George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 3 Folder 12
September 16, 1989; Tape 7: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 3 Folder 13
September 16, 1989; Tape 7: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 3 Folder 14
September 16, 1989; Tape 8: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 3 Folder 15
September 16, 1989; Tape 8: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 3 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 4
Douglas Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 4: Douglas Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 4 Folder 16
September 16, 1989; Tape 9: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 4 Folder 17
September 16, 1989; Tape 9: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 4 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 5
George Ball Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 5: George Ball Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 5 Folder 18
October 14, 1989; Tape 10: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 5 Folder 19
October 14, 1989; Tape 10: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 5 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 6
Dean Ruck Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 6: Dean Ruck Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 6 Folder 20
November 6, 1989; Tape 11: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 6 Folder 21
November 6, 1989; Tape 11: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 6 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 7
George Ball Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 7: George Ball Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 7 Folder 22
January 27, 1990; Tape 12: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 7 Folder 23
January 27, 1990; Tape 12: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 7 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 8
Douglas Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 8: Douglas Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
January 28, 1990; Tape 13: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 8 Folder 25
January 28, 1990; Tape 13: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 8 Folder 26
January 28, 1990; Tape 14: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 8 Folder 27
January 28, 1990; Tape 14: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 8 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 9
George McGhee Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 9: George McGhee Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
February 14, 1990; Tape 15: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 9 Folder 29
February 14, 1990; Tape 15: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 9 Folder 30
February 14, 1990; Tape 16: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 9 Folder 28
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 10
John Tuthill Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 10: John Tuthill Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 10 Folder 31
April 17, 1990; Tape 17: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 10 Folder 32
April 17, 1990; Tape 17: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 10 Folder 31
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 11
David Rockefeller Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 11: David Rockefeller Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 11 Folder 1
November 9, 1990; Tape 18: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 11 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 12
George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 12: George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 12 Folder 34
April 26, 1991, Tape 19: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 12 Folder 34
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 13
Lucius Battle Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 13: Lucius Battle Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 13 Folder 35
August 27, 1991, Tape 20: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 13 Folder 36
August 27, 1991; Tape 20: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 13 Folder 35
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 14
George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 14: George Ball Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 14 Folder 37
September 4, 1991; Tape 21: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 14 Folder 38
September 4, 1991; Tape 21: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 14 Folder 39
September 4, 1991; Tape 22: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 14 Folder 40
October 12, 1991; Tape 23: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 14 Folder 41
October 12, 1991; Tape 23: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 14 Folder 37
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 15
Paul Nitze Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 15: Paul Nitze Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 15 Folder 42
November 12, 1991; Tape 24: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 15 Folder 43
November 12, 1991; Tape 24: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 15 Folder 42
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 16
George Springsteen Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 16: George Springsteen Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 16 Folder 44
November 12, 1991; Tape 25: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 16 Folder 45
November 12, 1991; Tape 25: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 16 Folder 44
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 17
James Schlesinger Interviews, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 17: James Schlesinger Interviews, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 17 Folder 46
November 12, 1991; Tape 26: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 17 Folder 46
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 18
Roger L. Stevens Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 18: Roger L. Stevens Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 18 Folder 47
November 13, 1991; Tape 27: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 18 Folder 48
November 13, 1991; Tape 27: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 18 Folder 47
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 19
Arthur Hartman Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 19: Arthur Hartman Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 19 Folder 49
November 13, 1991; Tape 28: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 19 Folder 50
November 13, 1991; Tape 28: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 19 Folder 49
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 20
J. Wm. Fulbright Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 20: J. Wm. Fulbright Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 20 Folder 51
November 25, 1991; Tape 29: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 20 Folder 52
November 25, 1991; Tape 29: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 20 Folder 51
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 21
George Ball Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 21: George Ball Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 21 Folder 53
December 13, 1991; Tape 30: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 21 Folder 53
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 22
Nicholas Katzenbach Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 22: Nicholas Katzenbach Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 22 Folder 54
December 13, 1991; Tape 31: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 22 Folder 55
December 13, 1991; Tape 31: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 22 Folder 54
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 23
William Bundy Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 23: William Bundy Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 23 Folder 56
December 14, 1991; Tape 32: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 23 Folder 57
December 14, 1991; Tape 32: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 23 Folder 56
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 24
Helen Vahey Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 24: Helen Vahey Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 24 Folder 58
January 7, 1992; Tape 33: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 24 Folder 59
January 7, 1992; Tape 33: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 24 Folder 58
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 25
Peter Peterson Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 25: Peter Peterson Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 25 Folder 60
January 8, 1992; Tape 34: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 25 Folder 61
January 8, 1992; Tape 34: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 25 Folder 62
January 8, 1992; Tape 35: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 25 Folder 60
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 26
Donald Lamm Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 26: Donald Lamm Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 26 Folder 63
January 10, 1992; Tape 36: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 26 Folder 64
January 10, 1992; Tape 36: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 26 Folder 63
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 27
Roger Hilsman Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 27: Roger Hilsman Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 27 Folder 65
January 12, 1992; Tape 37: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 27 Folder 66
January 12, 1992; Tape 37: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 27 Folder 67
January 12, 1992; Tape 38: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 27 Folder 65
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 28
W. Michael Blumenthal Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 28: W. Michael Blumenthal Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 28 Folder 168
January 14, 1992; Tape 39: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 28 Folder 169
January 14, 1992; Tape 39: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 28 Folder 168
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 29
W. W. Rostow Interview, Questioned by James Bill,Subseries 29: W. W. Rostow Interview, Questioned by James Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 29 Folder 70
February 4, 1992; Tape 40: A,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 29 Folder 71
February 4, 1992; Tape 40: B,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 29 Folder 70
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 9
- Sub-Series 2
George Ball Notes,Subseries 2: George Ball Notes
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1
Vietnam Telcon Transcripts and Notes, Government Documents 1964-1966, newspaper articles,Subseries 1: Vietnam Telcon Transcripts and Notes, Government Documents 1964-1966, newspaper articles
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Reston and Ball, 1/28/1964, 5:30 pm, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: McNamara and Ball, 8/3/1964, 9:55 am, 1 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Fulbright and Ball, 8/3/1964, 10:35 am, 1 pgs,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: McNamara and Ball, 8/3/1964, 10:40 am, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Bundy & Ball, 8/3/1964, 4:30 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Lippman & Ball, 8/25/1964, 10:45 am, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Reston & Ball, 8/29/1967, 9:55 am, 3 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Bundy and Ball, 10/8/1964, 2:45 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Forrestal and Ball, 10/8/1964, 2:50 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: MacBundy and Ball, 2/11/1965, 10:45 am, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: The President and Ball, 2/15/1965, 10:00 am, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 2/25/1965, 10:30 am, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Fulbright and Ball, 3/4/1965, 9:35 am, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: MacBundy and Ball, 3/15/1965, 2:45 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Greenfield and Ball, 4/14/1965, 4:45 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 4/24/1965, 9:45 am, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: The President and Ball, 6/14/1965, 8:50 pm, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Greenfield and Ball, 6/18/1965, 12:40 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 6/21/1965, 3:30 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 6/24/1965, 11:30 pm, 1 pg,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Bundy and Ball, 6/26/1965, 3:30 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 7/1/1965, 11:00 am, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Greenfield and Ball, 7/7/1965, 3:15 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Clifford and Ball, 7/23/1965, 7:30 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 8/5/1965, 11:15 am, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Bundy and Ball, 8/6/1965, 8:45 am, 1 pg,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: McNamara and Ball, 10/7/1965, 12:10 pm, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: McNamara and Ball, 11/23/1965, 10:10 am, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Stevenson and Ball, 12/9/1965, 5:00 pm, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: The President and Ball, 12/28/1965, 10:00 pm, 3 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: MacBundy and Ball, 12/29/1965, 9:30 am, 2 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: The President and Ball, 12/30/1965, 11:20 pm, 4 pgs,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Kerr and Ball, 2/22/1966, 9:50 am, 1 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Reston and Ball, 3/1/1966, 10:45 am, 2 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Telcon Transcript: Reston and Ball, 3/22/1966, 5:30 am, 2 pg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Vietnam Tales for Inclusion, two paragraphs taken from a Telcon and cabinet meeting notes,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Ex-Advisor cites problems of presidental power, New York Times, by Joseph Loftus, 9/7/1968,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Typed notes entitled Ball Material to be used???, 2/11/1996,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Article: George Ball speaks out on Vietnam, The Sunday Star, by Crosby Noyes and George Sherman, 6/27/1971,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Article Copy: The Dove who kept cool, New York Times, by C. L. Sulzberger, 3/12/1971,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2
Correspondence between George Ball and President Carter: letters, 1976-1978; Ball foreign policy papers; Meet the Press transcript with Ball as guest,Subseries 2: Correspondence between George Ball and President Carter: letters, 1976-1978; Ball foreign policy papers; Meet the Press transcript with Ball as guest
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy of handwritten letter: Carter to Ball, 5/30/1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy of typed letter: Ball to Carter, 6/9/1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Interview transcript of Gov. Jimmy Carter by Leslie H. Gelb of New York Times, given on 6/24/1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy of typed letter: Ball to Carter, 8/10/1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Document: Why American Foreign Policy Needs Jimmy Carter, 8/10/1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Memorandum with attached Document: To Messrs. Lake and Schaffer, 9/17/1976 from George Ball, with Agenda for conducting and improving United States Relations with Europe attached,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy of typed letter: Ball to Carter, 3/30/1977,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy of typed letter: Ball to Carter, 10/19/1977,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Transcript of Meet the Press, Ball as guest, 4/27/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy of handwritten letter: Carter to Ball, 5/1/1978,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3
Correspondence to and from Ball,Subseries 3: Correspondence to and from Ball
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 1
Letter from Richard Cochran, M.D., handwritten, 4/14/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 2
Letter to Hodding Carter, III, 8/1/1983, article attached For Shame: The US has its own captive nations, 7/28/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 3
Letter to Roy Childs, 9/19/1983, Letter from Roy Childs, 6/16/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 4
Letter to George Kennan, 5/9/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 5
Letter to Paul H. Nitze, 5/10/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 6
Letter to Professor Richard H. Ullman, 7/28/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 7
Letter to Professor Richard H. Ullman, 8/3/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 8
Letter to The Honorable W. Michael Blumenthal, 9/20/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 9
Letter to The Honorable George F. Kennan, 9/29/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 10
Letter to Professor Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. 2/28/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 11
Letter to Richard N. Gardner, Esquire, 9/11/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 12
Letter to The Honorable W. Michael Blumenthal, 7/31/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4
Correspondences between George Ball and Close Friends,Subseries 4: Correspondences between George Ball and Close Friends
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to the Honorable Peter G. Peterson, 11/17/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Honorable McGeorge Bundy, 11/22/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to the Honorable George McGhee, 12/29/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to the Honorable William P. Bundy, 1/25/1978,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to George J. Goodman, 1/31/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to the Honorable Dean Rusk, 2/7/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Fred Plum, MD from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, 2/15/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, on behalf of Mr. Ball, 3/29/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Mr. Roger L. Stevens, 5/10/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Mr. Roger Hislman, 11/1/1989 from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, on behalf of Mr. Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Honorable W. Michael Blumenthal, 12/12/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Mr. Vincent Mai, 12/12/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Letter to Professor Richard Ullman, 12/15/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5
Correspondence between George Ball and Close Friends; correspondence about Gulf and Middle East; correspondence about the health of Ruth Ball, 1990-1991,Subseries 5: Correspondence between George Ball and Close Friends; correspondence about Gulf and Middle East; correspondence about the health of Ruth Ball, 1990-1991
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to His Excellency Helmut Schmidt 1/17/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to Mr. Robert Manning, 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to Mr. Roger Altman, 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to W. Michael Blumenthal, 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to The Honorable Eugene V. Rostow, 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to The Honorable Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to John Chancellor, 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to Robert Manning, 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to The Honorable Adlai Stevenson, III, 1/25/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to The Honorable Charles McC. Mathias, 2/12/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to Professor John Kenneth Galbraith, 2/12/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to Mr. Roger L. Stevens, 2/20/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to Mr. M. S. Wyeth, Jr., from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, sent on behalf of Mr. Ball, 4/4/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Thank you Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rusk, from Ruth Ball (and George Ball), 6/20/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Letter to General Brent Scowcroft about Ball draft article on the Gulf Crisis, 10/23/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Letter to Honorable Robert S. McNamara in reference to his draft article on the Gulf Crisis and Middle East, 11/15/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Letter to Dean Donald Stokes, 5/31/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Letter to Mrs. Suzanne Goodson, from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, on behalf of Mr. Ball, 5/23/1991 with personal testimony request from Mr. Ball, 6/5/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Letter to Mr. Harry Fitzgibbon from Peter. G. Peterson in reference to the health of Ruth Ball, 11/19/1991 with a letter from Fred Plum, M.D in reference to the health of Ruth Ball, 11/13/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6
Correspondences between George Ball and family,Subseries 6: Correspondences between George Ball and family
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Ball handwritten family tree,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Article copy: The Real Money in Paper Money in New York Times, 04/12/1981, in reference to Ball family paper money collection and knowledge.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to Dr. Douglas B. Ball from George Ball, 04/30/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Copy of letter to Ruth and George Ball from Colin Ball (grandson), date unknown,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to Colin Ball from Ruth Ball, 2/12/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to Colin Ball from George Ball, 2/13/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to Stuart S. Ball from George Ball (via Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to George Ball), 2/1/1991 with Letter from Stuart Ball to George Ball 1/30/1991, in reference to the Gulf War,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to Jeannette Ball from George Ball, 12/24/1991 in reference to the health of Ruth Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to George Ball from Eleanor B. Martin, 3/08/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to Jennifer Hausheer, in reference to Ruth Ball health with photocopy of check($500.00) and wedding announcement between Jennifer Hausheer and Douglas Karow, 8/20/1992,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter to Mrs. Dexter L. Jones (Ellie) with photocopy of check ($750.00) 06/03/1993,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7
Correspondences between Ball including Ball Domestic Employees, 1990-1991,Subseries 7: Correspondences between Ball including Ball Domestic Employees, 1990-1991
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Jeannette Ball, in reference to Ruth Ball health, 7/27/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Fax to Robert A. McCabe, via Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, 1/29/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Fritz Gerber in reference to Ruth Ball health, 6/11/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Bruce Hutchinson in reference to Ruth Ball health, 6/17/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letters to Dr. Fred Plum, in reference to Ruth Ball health, 7/17/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Professor and Mrs. John Kenneth Galbraith (Ken and Kitty), in reference to Ruth Ball Health, 8/19/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Peter Peterson,10/03/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Fred Plum, in reference to Ruth Ball health,10/11/1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Edward Cubbison in reference to domestic employees with sponsorship letter for Alfred Ramirez, 5/16/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Letter to Alfred Ramirez, 12/31/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8
George Ball Finance Information,Subseries 8: George Ball Finance Information
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
Letter to Sydney A. Morrell from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, on behalf of George Ball, 3/20/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
Letter to Carin Andresen from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, on behalf of George Ball, 6/11/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
Letter to Douglas B. Ball from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, on behalf of George Ball with list of insurance companies, 7/9/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
Letter to Sandra S. Weiksner, Esquire from Karen Vasudeva, Assistant to Mr. Ball, on behalf of George Ball, 11/9/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
Letter to George Ball from Pete Callaway, Callaway Real Estate Broker, 2/22/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
Letter to George Ball from Theodore S. Peyton, Peyton Associates Realtors, 2/17/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
Letter to George Ball from John T. Henderson Realtors, 3/10/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
New York Notes on Weiksner Meeting about Ball finances, 2/23/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 9
George Ball manuscript: New Book on Fin De Siencle,Subseries 9: George Ball manuscript: New Book on Fin De Siencle
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Manuscript (or a portion of) Ball last book on Fin de Siecle, 5/9/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10
Other Information Referring to George Ball,Subseries 10: Other Information Referring to George Ball
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Testimony of George Ball before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Concerning an Inquiry into the Organization of the Government for the Formulation and Conduct of Foreign Policy, with a Particular Emphasis on the Implications of the End of the Cold War, Washington, DC, 11/6/1991with a copy of a newspaper article: Open Letter to Ed Muskie, by former undersecretary of state in The Washington Post, 5/5/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
[Bill] Questions for Ball 3/12/1993 with handwritten notes,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Excerpt from John Dumbrell The Carter Presidency: A Re-evaluation (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Declassified Files of Telcon, McCloy and Ball, 9/27/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Declassified Files of Telcon, McCloy and Ball,10/4/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Handwritten notes of a timeline between 1980s and 1990s,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Handwritten notes on George Ball tapes,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Excerpt from Bill interview with George Springsteen, 11/12/91,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11
Articles by Ball on Iran and Responses to Ball Articles,Subseries 11: Articles by Ball on Iran and Responses to Ball Articles
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
George Ball in Familiar Mideast Role in Oil Daily, December 8, 1978(?),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
U.S. Envoy in Iran Opposed Decision to Aid Dependents Departures, New York Times, pg 3, December 9, 1978;,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Letter to Delphine Blachowicz 6/6/1979 with letter to George Ball from Delphine Blachowicz, 4/16/1979 concerning Washington Star article.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Iran Revolution Isnt Over Yet: George Ball Reports: The New Peril At The Oil Crossroads with Iran: Khomeini Flag of Convenience No Longer Binds and photo of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Washington Star, 03/15/1979,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Mideast Policy Lessons From Iran: George Ball Reports: The New Peril At the Oil Crossroads Series with Iran: Reliance on Oil States Makes U.S. Policy Vulnerable, The Washington Star 03/17/1979,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Iran Coming Backlash by George Ball, New York Times, 5/27/1979,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
2 Copies of A Violation of Principle by George Ball, with A Disregard of Religion by Mowahid H. Shah, The Washington Post 11/21/1979,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Copy of A Violation of Principle by George Ball in The Washington Post in The Guardian 12/9/1979,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Iran Future is Bleak by George Ball in The Washington Post, 8/19/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Letter to editor of The Washington Post from John W. Limbert on Ball article on Iran 8/25/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12
Letters and Responses from various individuals to George Ball articles and ideas,Subseries 12: Letters and Responses from various individuals to George Ball articles and ideas
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Hand written letter from Solomon (?) Stanger, 2/17/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Handwritten letter from John Ray Lackey, date unknown,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Handwritten letter from Curtis D. Talley(?), date unknown,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from Rabbi Dov Rapaport, 10/5/1985 with copy of Ball response to earlier letter by Rapaport, 12/28/1984 and postcard from Dov Rapaport, 10/7/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from A.H. Sakier, 10/16/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from K.S. Judge, 7/14/1982 with Letter from K.S. Judge to Morris Abram, 7/13/1982 and Christians, Jews and Muhabbaadans: Excerpts from Address Delivered at Temple Emmanu-El, San Francisco, 10/12/1912, second edition, BahaI Publications Committee: Wilmette, Illinois, 1940.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from Bernard Brodsky, with letter to General Sharon(?), (date unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from Eleanor A. Laury, The Partition of North America and Related Historical Trivia, 5/27/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Commentary on: Free to Choose, a television series hosted by Milton Friedman,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter to the American Bible Society, The First Six Hundred Years of The Christian Church",
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Photocopy of two letters to Aroxie Kalayjian from Charles W. Yost, (top)date unknown, (bottom)3/26/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from Aroxie Kalayjian to George Ball, 7/7/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from Shulamit Nardi, on behalf of the president Navon of Israel, 5/24/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from Department of University Relations and Communications to George Ball, 10/31/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter from Bill Moldoff, n.d.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Divert Aid for Israel To Rebuild Lebanon, George W. Ball,(origin and date unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Article Israeli Pilot Tells of Great Effort to Spare Civilians, James Feron, New York Times, (date unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
College Proficiency Examination of European History (AP) pamphlet,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Met Museum Given Major Private Collection by Michael Brenson,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Newspaper Photo of President Reagan endorsing George Deukmejian for Republican Candidate for Governor, New York Times, (date unknown).,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Newspaper Photo Two Boys Rescued After Arizona Downpour, Associated Press, (date unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Book Excerpt, pg. Gibraltar, 11/6/1942(163)-Preparation for Invasion(164),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
News is Hard to Come By on a Soviet Press Tour, John F. Burns, New York Times, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Newspaper Article Chile Vs. Rights, Felice D. Gaer, (origin and date unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Letter to the Editor of New York Times from Jesse Helms, Helms on Prayer and Abortion: I am Ready to Take My Chances, 8/20/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Taxes and Taiwan: Some See a Move to the Left, Hendrick Smith, New York Times, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Richmond Admits Guilt, Quits Congress, (author unknown), New York Times, 8/26/1982 (on back) Richmond, a Wealthy Businessman, First Entered Politics as a Reformer, Maurice Caroll, New York Times, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Chapter and Verse: A Correspondence Corner for Not-So-Famous Lost Words, Harvard Magazine, (date/volume unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13
Letters to Ball Criticizing His Op-Ed Piece on Iran/Lebanon 1982,Subseries 13: Letters to Ball Criticizing His Op-Ed Piece on Iran/Lebanon 1982
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Bernard Gordin, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Former Admirer of George Ball, 8/26/1982 with Divert Aid for Israel to Rebuild Lebanon, New York Times, 8/25/1982(?),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Mrs. Jerry Schneider, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from B. Gutchin, 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Norma Freedman, 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Abraham H. Sakier, 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Leonard Harrison, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Divert Aid for Israel to Rebuild Lebanon, New York Times, 8/25/1982 with Letter titled The Roots of Mein Kampf are in the Bible, author unknown,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Photocopied handwritten letter from Theo. Baumrittw(?), 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Benjamin Greenberg of Benjamin Greenberg Certified Public Accountant, 8/27/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Copy of letter to the editor of New York Times from Joseph Gottfried, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Handwritten letter from E.E. Sheldon M.D, (date unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Handwritten letter from Wolf Saltzman, 8/23/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Typed and handwritten letter from Bernard Brodsky, (date unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Handwritten letter to George Ball,(author unknown), 7/12/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Letter from Hirsh Lazaar Silverman, PhD, 8/29/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14
Letters to Ball Supporting His Op-Ed Piece on Iran/Lebanon 1982,Subseries 14: Letters to Ball Supporting His Op-Ed Piece on Iran/Lebanon 1982
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from Mrs. Earle J. Starkey, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from John L. McClenahan, M.D., 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from Lois Reamy, 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from R. Eugene Curry, 8/24/1982 with an excerpt from Donald Neff, Warriors at Suez, Linden Press/ Simon and Schuster, 1956 and a thank you note to Mr. Ball, 8/27/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from George S. Franklin of The Trilateral Commission (North America), 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from A.J. Meyer of Harvard University Center For Middle Eastern Studies, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from G. E. Kidder Smith, FAIA, 8/27/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from David MacEachron, Japan Society, Inc., 8/27/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Handwritten letter from C. Nolen, 8/31/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from Lois Battle, 8/26/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Handwritten letter from L. Rubin, M.D., 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Handwritten letter from Robert A. MaLecky, 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from Abe Ajay, 8/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Handwritten letter from Kathleen Rough Weller, 8/28/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Letter from Gardner Cowles, 8/10/1982 with copy of An End to U.S. Indulgence of Israel, by George Ball in The Des Moines Register, 8/4/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15
Ruth Ball Diary, 1976-1980,Subseries 15: Ruth Ball Diary, 1976-1980
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Itinerary for European Ball Family Trip, 7/2/1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Trip to Europe with Gail and Children, Ruth Ball Diary, 7/2-28/1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Excerpt from Ruth Ball Diary, 5/25-6/28/?,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Handwritten, Ruth Ball Diary, Vol. 5, pg 57, (entry 65-68) 1976 (cont.),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Handwritten, Ruth Ball Diary, Vol. 6, pg 62, (entry 106-113) 1977(cont.),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Handwritten, Ruth Ball Diary, Vol. 7, pg,65 (entry 130-134), pgs 68-69 (entry 147-157) 1978 (cont.),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Handwritten, Ruth Ball Diary, Vol. 7, pg 76 (entry 199-210-11), 1980 (cont.),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Excerpt from Ruth Ball Diary, (dates unknown),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 16
Ruth Ball Diary, Trip to Provence: May 1979, 8/21/1979,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 17
Copy of Ruth Ball Family History, 12/1/1977- 3/1981, by Ruth Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 17
Christmas Turkey Gift List, 1989, George Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16
Notes on July 21, 1965 Meeting on Vietnam,Subseries 16: Notes on July 21, 1965 Meeting on Vietnam
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Request for Reproduction of Documents, NSC Memos to the President, 2/5/1992 by J.A. Bill with Memorandum for the President: Vietnam Planning at Close of Business, July 19 1965, 8:25 p.m.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Photocopy of Meeting on Vietnam, July 21, 1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Handwritten list of various meeting dates and members, 1966-1968,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Copy of Daily Diary of President Lyndon B. Johnson, 7/21/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Declassified memo to R. McNamara from Vance on Vietnam, seen by Sec. Def. 7/22/1965,,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Dean Rusk Itinerary Schedule for 7/21/1967,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Excerpt from the unpublished manuscript by William P. Bundy during 1969-1972 period concerning Vietnam War decisions, Chapter 27, pg 21-33,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Declassified Excerpt, from memoir of Chester L. Cooper, concerning deployment of troops in Vietnam,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Declassified Memorandum For the President from Horace Busby, concerning impressions on Vietnam Discussion, 7/21/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Declassified Memo. For the President from Horace Busby, concerning Vietnam and the media, 7/21/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Declassified memo to Ambassadors Taylor and Johnson from Undersecretary Nodis concerning military actions in Vietnam, 6/1/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
James A. Bill request for Meetings notes on Vietnam, 7/21/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Declassified document from Chester L. Cooper to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara concerning Vietnam, 7/20/1965 with Declassified documents from Leonard Unger to Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara concerning additional developments to Vietnam and Subsequent Developments, 7/20/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: The President and Ball, 6/22/1965, 10:10 a.m.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Cabinet Room Meeting, 7/21/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Declassified Memorandum for the Record, Meeting on Vietnam, 7/21/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Copy Diary Notes page 325- 331,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
Copy Diary Notes Vol. 7, 1979, p158-164,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 16 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17
Concerning Robert McNamara Book In Retrospect and Vietnam,Subseries 17: Concerning Robert McNamara Book In Retrospect and Vietnam
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Memo to the President from Robert McNamara, 11/1/1967: concerning the war in Vietnam,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
McNamara Vietnam Confessions: We Were Wrong --- Terribly Wrong!, Lt. Col. Robert M. Browman, Ph.D., USAF, ret, Space and Security News, 4/1995, Vol. 12, Number 2, pg 5,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
The Sad Case of Robert McNamara, George Ball, The New York Review of Books, 4/22/1993, Volume XL, Number 8, pg30-36,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Mr. McNamara War, New York Times, ed. Howell Raines,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Book Review: After Long Silence, Stanley Hoffmann, Books, Fall 1995, pg. 550-553: concerning McNamara views on Vietnam,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Handwritten notes Ball Vietnam Arguments with Excerpts from David Halberstam The Best and the Brightest, pgs. 219,234,408,493, 491 and excerpts from other unknown book, The Kennedy Years, unknown author, unknown title, pg 232, The Johnson Years, pg 340, Vietnam Aberration, pg, 408,412, The Decision to Resign, pg 427, The Private Sector, pg 428, From Nixon to Ford to Carter, pg 451.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
McNamara Writes Vietnam Mea Culpa: Memoirs Break Silence on War, Thomas W. Lippman, The Washington Post, 4/9/1995, Pg A19-20,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Vietnam Was Terribly Wrong: McNamara details clumsy war policy, Mike Mokrzyckl, Daily Press, 4/9/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Book Review: Robert McNamara Faces History and Himself on Vietnam: After decades of silence, memoir brings admission: We were wrong, terribly wrong, Leonard Bushkoff, The Christian Science Monitor, 4/17/1995, pg 13,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
The Other Vietnam Memorial, James Carroll, The Boston Globe, pg 15, 4/18/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
McNamara Reopens the Liberals War: Potomac Watch (?), Paul A. Gigot(?), The Wall Street Journal, 4/21/1995, pg A10,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Double Articles: McNamara Tells Truth, Accepts Consequences, David H. Hackworth, and Press, McNamara Shared Same Vision, Richard Harwood, Unknown Newspaper, pg H3, 7/23/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Double Articles: Surreal Surrender In Vietnam: What I Saw in Ford White House, Ron Nessen, The Washington Post, pg C1, C3, 4/23/1995 and McNamara to World: Moi?, Mary McGrory, The Washington Post, pg C1, C5, 4/23/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Book Reviews: Robert McNamara Private War, Peter Braestrup, The Washington Post: Book World, pg 1, 4/23/1995 and Twenty Years After: Marking An Ending, Jeff Stein, The Washington Post: Book World, pg 9, 4/23/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Vietnam After McNamara, William E. Colby, The Washington Post, pgA21, 4/27/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Robert McNamara Mea Cupa: Letters to the Editor, The Washington Post, pg 20, 4/27/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Mr. McNamara Other War, The Washington Post, pg C6, 4/30/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
Book Reviews: Discovering the Quagmire: In the Early 1960, American Journalists in Vietnam Began to Mistrust Their Government. And Visa Versa, H.D.S Greenway, New York Times Book Reviews, 11/19/1995,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 17 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18
Letters of Correspondence between George Ball and Associates 1951-1953,Subseries 18: Letters of Correspondence between George Ball and Associates 1951-1953
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Governor Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 12/11/1951,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 1/5/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Richard F. Babcock, Esq. from George Ball, 2/17/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Harold C. Havighurst from George Ball, 2/21/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Barry Bingham from George Ball, 2/22/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 2/22/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Carl McGowan, Esq. from George Ball, 2/25/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Dr. Leo Doyle from George Ball, 3/12/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 6/29/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to James G. Johnson, Jr., Esq. from George Ball 7/11/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 7/11/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 7/25/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 7/28/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 11/10/1953,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
Letter to Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 8/30/1954,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 18 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19
Personal Correspondence between George Ball and Acquaintances 1956,Subseries 19: Personal Correspondence between George Ball and Acquaintances 1956
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Memorandum on Sugar: concerns US involvement in Cuba,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Mr. Neale Roach from George Ball, 1/9/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to David Rockefeller from George Ball, 1/10/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Mrs. James F. Howard from George Ball, 1/23/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 3/10/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Major Benjamin H. Namm from George Ball, 4/24/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Mr. William Wirtz from George Ball, 5/9/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Ralph K. Ball, Esq. from George Ball, 5/11/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Ralph K. Ball, Esq. from George Ball, 6/5/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Anderson and Sheppard, Ltd. From George Ball, 6/5/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 6/15/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson from George Ball, 6/19/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Mr. Clayton Fritchey from George Ball, 8/29/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Mr. F. deTurckheim with list of names from Miss Florence Roth, Secretary to George Ball, 11/16/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Mr. Irving Jay Fain from George Ball, 11/27/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Letter to Hon. William Benton from George Ball, 12/13/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Telecom Transcript: The President and George Ball, 11/16/1965, 4:45 p.m.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
Telecom Transcript: Adlai Stevenson Jr. and George Ball, 12/2/1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 19 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20
Notes concerning George Ball and Adlai Stevenson,Subseries 20: Notes concerning George Ball and Adlai Stevenson
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 22
Ball, George, The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs, W. W. Norton and Company: 1983, pg 111-151, excerpts concerning Adlai Stevenson and the Campaign of 1956,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 22
Two copies of excerpts from unknown book draft by George Ball concerning Adlai Stevenson and George Ball, 12/12/1965,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 23
Handwritten notes,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 23
Excerpt from unknown book by George Ball, concerning 1952 Presidential Campaign and Adalai Stevenson,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 23
What-If of Adlai Stevenson, by Herbert Mitgang, New York Times, 12/3/1977,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 23
Outline for Bill, James, Political Practitioner and Intellectual Gladiator, from George Ball: Behind the Scenes in U.S. Foreign Policy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 23
Handwritten notes about Adlai Stevenson,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 20 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21
Articles about George Ball and President Richard Nixon Presidential Policies and His Death,Subseries 21: Articles about George Ball and President Richard Nixon Presidential Policies and His Death
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Mr. Nixon, Then and Now: Historical Note, 10/5/1956, 11/12/1959, notes concerning Richard Nixon views on H-Bomb testing,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Kilpatrick, Carroll. But Is Critical on Vietnam: Ball Gives Nixon Good Marks For Foreign Policy Conduct. Paris-Herald Tribune,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Montgomery, William. Ex-Diplomat Speaks Here: Nixon Vietnam Phase-out Is Termed Best Alternative. Albuquerque Journal. 11/15/1969,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Roberts, Chalmers M. President Swatted Wrong Ball. The Washington Post, 7/5/1970,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Diplomatic Staff. Nixon China Initiative Symbolic Diplomacy. The Manchester Guardian. 7/20/1971,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Ball, George. George Ball, Former Under-Secretary of State, on the Role of the White House: Watergate, With New Cleansing Power. The Times, 6/11/1973,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Ball, George. Opinion letter. Newsweek. 8/19/1974,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Excerpt from Morvour, William. Witness. 1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Carter, Dan T. Richard Nixon Still Has Something to Hide. Los Angeles Herald Examiner. 7/25/1988: pg A11,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
R. Beschloss, Michael. Nixon Other Secret Plan: Above All, He Wanted an Honored Place in History. The Washington Post, 5/1/1994: pg C1,C2,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
W. Lippman, Thomas. After the Eulogies: Nixon Critics Recall Vietnam. The Washington Post. 5/1/1994: pg A 11,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Stone, Roger. Nixon on Clinton. New York Times Op-Ed. 4/28/1994: pg A 23,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
President Bill Clinton. Transcript of Clinton Eulogy for Nixon: He Never Gave Up, New York Times: National, 4/28/1994: pg A 20,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Kissinger Tribute to Nixon: One of the Seminal Presidents. New York Times: National. 4/28/1994: pg A 20,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Senator Bob Dole. Senator Dole Remarks on Nixon: He Embodied The Nation Feelings. New York Times: National. 4/28/1994: pg A 20,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
Albert R. Hunt. ONeil, Nixon and the Importance of Roots: Politics and People. The Wall Street Journal, pg A11, 12/29/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 21 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22
Dean Rusk Articles and Notes,Subseries 22: Dean Rusk Articles and Notes
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
Ball, George. Declassified Letter to Honorable Secretary of State Dean Rusk. 5/31/1964: letter and report concerning Vietnam,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
Transcripts: Department of State, Benjamin H. Read To All Contributors to the Committee of Six. 1/24/1969: ...Remarks on behalf of the donors and statements made by the President and the Secretary in honor of Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Mrs. Rusk on June 16, 1969.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
Handwritten Notes: Questions for Dean Rusk with excerpts from David Halberstam, The Best and the Brightest. Random House: New York, 1972.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
Book Review: Roberts, M. Chalmers. Memoirs of a Cold Warrior. The Washington Post: Book World. 6/8/1990: pg 4,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
Pace, Eric. Dean Rusk, Secretary of State in Vietnam War, Is Dead at 85. New York Times. 12/22/1994. Pg A 1, D 18.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
Barnes, Bart. Dean Rusk, Foreign Policy Leader in Divisive 60s, Dies. The Washington Post. 12/22/1994,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
Book Review: Unknown author. Title Unknown. The American Spectator. 8/1989: review on the Ferrell, Robert. Waging Peace And War: Dean Rusk in The Truman, Kennedy, And Johnson Years. Thomas J. Schoenbaum/Simon and Schuster,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 22 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23
Notes and Interviews of James Bill with George Ball,Subseries 23: Notes and Interviews of James Bill with George Ball
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
Rusk, Rich, Tom Schoembaum. Telephone Interview with George Ball, 5/30/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
Rusk, Richard. Telephone Interview with George Ball, 6/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
Tape A7: Rusk, Richard and Tom Schoembaum. Interview with George Ball and Ruth Ball, 10/22/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
Interview with George Ball, 10/14/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
Tape 1: Bill, James. Interview with George Ball, 9/14/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
Handwritten notes: Quotes from George Ball on Dean Rusk and other subjects,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
Handwritten notes: Questions for Dean Rusk, 11/6/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 23 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 10
- Sub-Series 3
Henry Kissinger Files and Notes,Subseries 3: Henry Kissinger Files and Notes
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1
Kissinger, Rockefeller and Shah,Subseries 1: Kissinger, Rockefeller and Shah
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
McGrory, Mary. All Calm at Iranian Haven. The Washington Star,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Caviar on the Hoof Under whelms Henry. Austin American-Statesman. 8/7/1976: pg 1,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Radcliffe, Donnie. It Started With Tears… The Washington Post. 11/17/1977: pg C6.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
"Unity Against the Shah: And Iran Acts Like a Country Without a King. Time. 1/15/1979: pg 26,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
In the U.S., Too: Rage Against Iran Royals. Time. 1/15/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger, Henry. An Interview with Kissinger: Détente Should Not Become a Tranquilizer. Interview Excerpts. Time, 1/15/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger Angered: Warns Against Isolationism. The Austin Citizen. 1/24/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger Blames Iran on Carter. From The Washington Post Service. Austin American-Statesman. 2/9/1979: pg A4,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger Advises U.S. To Heed Lesson of Iran. New York Times. 2/10/1979: pg A 6,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger, Henry. Kissinger Critique (continued). Interview. The Economist. 2/10/1979: pg. 31-36.: Henry Kissinger critical of Carter administration handling of Iran (Two Copies),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
George Ball Rebuts Kissinger. The Washington Post. 2/17/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Ball, George. Kissinger on Iran. The Economist. 2/17/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bloch, Lionel. Kissinger on Russia. The Economist. 2/17/1979.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Ball, George. Kissinger Knows Better. The Washington Post. 2/26/1979: pg. A 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
"Who Lost Iran? The Washington Post. 2/26/1979: pg. A 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger, Henry. The Shah Doubts About Our Real Intentions. Interview. The Washington Post. 2/26/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Copy: Who Lost Iran? The Washington Post. 2/16/1979: pg 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Ball, George W. Kissinger Knows Better. The Washington Post. 2/26/1979: pg. 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger, Henry. The Sha Doubts About Our Real Intentions. The Washington Post. 2/26/1979: pg. 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Gwertzman, Bernard. Carter Emissary Dissuaded Shah From U.S. Exile. New York Times. 4/20/1979: A 1, 12,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Copy: Gwertzman, Bernard. Carter Emissary Dissuaded Shah From U.S. Exile. New York Times. 4/20/1979: pg. A1, 12,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Arrives in Mexico: Kissinger Called Key to Shah New Exile. Austin American Statesmen. 6/11/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kissinger, US Reportedly Aid Shah. Christian Science Monitor. 6/12/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Anderson, Jack. New Pieces in The Iranian Puzzle. The Washington Post. 6/20/1979: pg. 10,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Anderson, Jack. The Kissinger-Rockefeller Connection. The Washington Post. 6/19/1979: pg. B15,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Article Summaries with Anderson, Jack. Shah Threat to Kissinger Revealed. The Washington Post. 7/31/1979: pg. B13,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2
Newspaper articles on Kissinger, Rockefeller and the Shah 1979-1985,Subseries 2: Newspaper articles on Kissinger, Rockefeller and the Shah 1979-1985
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Declassified Document from American Embassy in Tehran to Secretary of State in Washington DC: concerning the Shah Illness,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Newspaper Article Summaries, pg 12 (New York Times. 11/15/1979, 11/11/1979; The Washington Post. 11/11/1979) with: Kissinger Visits Shah. New York Times. 11/11/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Breslin, Jimmy. Power Brokers Sold Carter and Vance: Who Put Out the Welcome Mat for the Shah? Los Angeles Times. 11/14/1979, with 2 copies,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Gwertzman, Bernard. U.S. Decision to Admit the Shah: Key Event in 8 Months of Debate. New York Times. 11/18/1979: pg 1,14,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. We Must Not Submit to Blackmail. Interview. U.S. News and World Report. 11/19/1979: pg. 26-30 with a copy,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Newspaper Article Summaries, pg 8 (Houston Chronicle. 11/25/1979; Chicago Tribune. 11/25/1979; New York Times. 11/23/1979; The Washington Post. 11/19/1979) with Anderson, Jack. Kissinger, Rockefeller [and] Shah: Self Help. The Washington Post. 11/19/1979: pg. B 11,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Cohen, Richard. Rockefeller Keys Open Doors for Sick Shah. The Washington Post. 11/20/1979: pg. C1, 5,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Southerland, Daniel. Iran Crisis: Start of Tougher U.S. Christian Science Monitor. 11/20/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy: Cohen, Richard. Rockefeller Keys Open Doors for Sick Shah. The Washington Post. 11/20/1979: pg. C1, 5,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Simons, Marlise. Mexico, Indifferent to Iran Reaction, Would Accept Shah. The Washington Post. 11/21/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Sargent, Ben. Political cartoon. Austin American-Statesman. 11/21/1979: depicts Kissinger and the Shah,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Williams, Joel. Kissinger Addresses Conference: Predicts Crisis in 80s From Impotent Foreign Policy. Daily Texan. 11/21/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Oberdorfer, Don. The Shah and Washington: The Makings of a Crisis. The Guardian. 11/25/1979 : pg. 17,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
McGrory, Mary. Seems to Be the Principal Agent of Our Mess In Iran. The Washington Star. 11/26/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
McGrory, Mary. Kissinger Surpasses Himself With His Latest Contribution to Our Life. The Washington Star. 11/27/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Lewis, Anthony. Kissinger Seeks Power, Vindication. Daily Texan from New York Times. 11/27/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
…and Mr. Kissinger Mischief. Christian Science Monitor. 11/27/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger on the Controversy Over The Shah. The Washington Post. 11/29/1979: pg A 19,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kaiser, Robert G. Henry Kissinger Rock and Role Balancing Act. The Washington Post. 11/30/1979: pg. A 11,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Handwritten Notes from a National (?) Public Radio: radio show concerning Shah health and Kissinger. 11/30/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
U.S. Asked Him to Help on Iran, Kissinger Says. Houston Chronicle. 11/30/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Matter of the Shah. From Review and Outlook in The Wall Street Journal. 11/30/1979: pg. 20,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger Discusses Iran Crisis: Former Secretary of State Denies Pressuring Carter. Daily Texan. 11/30/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Copy: The Matter of the Shah. From Review and Outlook in The Wall Street Journal. 11/30/1979.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Mexican Conveyed Ruling to Kissinger. New York Times. 12/2/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Newspaper Article Summaries, pg 4 (Christian Science Monitor.12/6/1979; p23), The Washington Post.12/5/1979; p17, 12/1/1979; p 8), New York Times. 12/2/1979; p 31.),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Gillan, Jimi. Kissinger Working Against U.S. Daily Texan. 12/4/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Rockefeller Denies Paying Sha Bill. Daily Texan. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Harsch, Joseph C. The Politics of Crisis. Christian Science Monitor. 12/6/1979: pg 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Rockefeller Reportedly Co-Signed Bill For Shah. Dallas Times Herald. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Washington Whispers: Carter Pulls Punches on Kissinger…A Helping Hand for Ham Jordan…Khomeini Secret Police in U.S.? U.S. News and World Report. 12/10/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Nicholas, George. Shah and Rockefeller Planning a Small War to Retake Iran. Spotlight. 12/24/1979: pg 4-5,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Rouleau, Eric. European Press Hails Hansen. Spotlight. 12/24/1979: pg 6,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
Letters to the Editor of The Washington Post on Mr. Kissinger and the Shah.,Subseries 1: Letters to the Editor of The Washington Post on Mr. Kissinger and the Shah.
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
Moryadas, Virginia and Mary Moryadas. Letter. The Washington Post. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
Lucas, John A. Letter. The Washington Post. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
Newcomb, Elliott S. Letter. The Washington Post. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
Donohue, John J. Letter. The Washington Post. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
Ostrosky, Kathryn. Letter. The Washington Post. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
Edsall, Margaret. Letter. The Washington Post. 12/6/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Kissinger Denies He Had Key Role in Shah Stay. San Diego Tribune. 1/14/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Kissinger Says Carter Right In Admitting Shah. San Diego Tribune (?). 1/14/1980.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Kissinger Sees Potential for Showdown With Iran. Christian Science Monitor. 3/28/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Anderson, Jack. Intelligence Updates on Hot Spots. Galveston Daily News. 4/19/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Kissinger Accused of OPEC Prod. Christian Science Monitor. 5/5/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lesson of Iran. From Intelligence Report in Parade. 5/25/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Bray, Thomas J. 60 Minutes vs. Henry Kissinger. The Wall Street Journal. 6/6/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Janssen, Richard F. Non-U.S. Banks Take Protective Steps After Getting Burned on Loan to Iran. The Wall Street Journal. 9/9/1980: Page 36,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Kissinger: U.S. Through Apologizing. Daily Texan. 11/12/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Wills, Garry. Protect Our Puppet: Super K Talks Tough on Iran. Philadelphia Inquirer. 11/16/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
United Press International. Kissinger Predicts Hostages Freedom. Daily Texan. 11/17/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
New York Times Service. Shah Physician Says Entry into U.S. Wasnt Necessary. Austin American-Statesman. 5/31/1981: page A 7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Copy: Shah Admission to U.S. Is Linked To Misinformation on His Sickness. New York Times. 5/13/1981: page A 1, 17,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Shah Admission to U.S. Is Linked To Misinformation on His Sickness. From New York Times. 5/13/1981: page 1,7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Kissinger Advice Foolish On Hostage Press Parade. Editorial. Austin American-Statesman. 6/24/1985: Page A6,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Garment, Leonard. Mr. McFarlane Visit to Iran. Letter. The Washington Post. 2/11/1989: page A 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Chart: The Kissinger-Rockefeller Campaign For Pahlavi Admission to the U.S. 1978-1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Handwritten notes concerning the Shah entrance into the U.S.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Handwritten notes concerning Kissinger, Rockefeller, Nixon and McCroy,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3
Kissinger Notes and Newspaper Articles concerning the Middle East,Subseries 3: Kissinger Notes and Newspaper Articles concerning the Middle East
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
Gwertzman, Bernard. Reporter Notebook: Kissinger, With Some Fascination Speculates on His Successor. New York Times. 3/17/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
Gwertzman, Bernard. Failure of Kissinger Mideast Mission Traced to Major Miscalculations. New York Times. 4/7/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
Notes for Remarks this afternoon-Sept. 23,1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
Exceprts: Astor, Brooke. Footprints. Doubleday and Company, Inc: New Jersey, New York. 1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
Kissinger, Henry. My Fallen Friend. The Washington Post. 11/12/1995: page C7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
Excerpt: Raised in a Pious Family, Rabin Killer was a Soldier, Scholar. The Washington Post. 11/12/1995: page A 30, 31,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
Hersh, Seymour M. Kissinger and Nixon in the White House. The Atlantic Monthly. 5/1982,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 3 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 4
Suggestions for Kissinger Luncheon Invites,Subseries 4: Suggestions for Kissinger Luncheon Invites
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 4 Folder 6
Suggestions for Kissinger Luncheon Invites, 9/23/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 4 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5
Newspaper Articles concerning Henry Kissinger and his foreign policy,Subseries 5: Newspaper Articles concerning Henry Kissinger and his foreign policy
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Excerpts: Kissinger, Henry A. A World Restored. Grosset and Dunlop. New York. 1964: pg 312-333,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Paper: Henry A. Kissinger Crisis Bargaining Beliefs. Excerpt from an examination of Policy makers and Crisis Bargaining Codes,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Excerpt: Thomas, James C. Jr. Getting Out And Speaking Out. Pg. 49-69,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Letter to Friends of the Archive from Thomas S. Blanton, 10/4/1993: Document of the Month- "Memorandum of Conversation, March 26, 1974 Moscow meeting between Brezhnev and Kissinger,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Ball, George W. Step by Step to Where? Newsweek. 9/15/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Head, Simon. The Hot Deals and Cold Wars of Henry Kissinger. New York Times Magazine. 10/26/1975: pages 13-14,84-88, 90-98,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Henry Successor. The New Republic. 5/8/1976: 5-7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Foreign Policy Debate. New York Times. 4/16/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Milius, Peter. Differing Democrats All Against Kissinger. The Washington Post. 5/20/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Rosenbaum, David E. Democratic Planner Attack Kissinger. New York Times. 5/20/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
Weschsler, James A. Political Time Bombs. New York Post. 5/21/1976: Page 41,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 8
McGrory, Mary. Fire in the Lake. The Washington Post. 11/13/1994: Page C1,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 8
Invitation to Hon. Helmut Schmidt 70th Birthday party to Mr. and Mrs. Ball, invited by Henry A Kissinger and Wife.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 8
Excerpt Article: Ball, George W. Kissinger Paper Peace: How Not to Handle the Middle East.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 8
Schiller, Ulrich. A Concept for Jimmy Carter. George Ball Critical, but not Self-Critical Analysis.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 5 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6
Henry Kissinger-Chase Manhattan Bank and Iran,Subseries 6: Henry Kissinger-Chase Manhattan Bank and Iran
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Paul, Bill. Caveat Leader: Chase Bank and Others Face Court Challenges On Huge Loans to Iran. The Wall Street Journal. 3/28/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Summary of Newspaper Articles involving the admittance of the Shah into the U.S. and Chase Bank Manhattan support of the Shah: Page 10,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Gwertzman, Bernard. U.S. Decision to Admit the Shah: Key Events in 8 Months of Debate. New York Times. 11/18/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Morgan, Dan. Chase Manhattan Ties to the Shah. The Washington Post. 11/16/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Copy: Crittenden, Ann. David Rockefeller Says Aim in Aid To Shah Was Solely Humanitarian. New York Times. 11/17/1979 with a reference to this article,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Original: Crittenden, Ann. David Rockefeller Says Aim in Aid To Shah Was Solely Humanitarian. New York Times. 11/17/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Nicholas, George. Rockefeller Exploiting Iran Crisis at Your Expense. Spotlight. 12/31/1979: pg 14-15,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Ehre, Tracey. Rockefeller Arranged Shah Refuge in Panama: Financier Used Country He Virtually Owns to Cool Public Outrage Over His Role in Provoking the Crisis in Iran, then Resigns. Spotlight. 12/31/1979: pg12-13,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Chase Manhattan Bank Handwritten Notes,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Sampson, Anthony. U.S. Bank React On Hostages. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 11/12/1980: A 15,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Sampson, Anthony. The Rockefellers, The Shah, Kissinger and $340 Million. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 11/9/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Sampson, Anthony. The Moves Behind The Shah Visa. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 11/10/1980: A 17,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Fleming, Stewart. Chase Manhattan-a U.S. Bank On a Fresh Course. Financial Times. 1/30/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Ball, Robert. The Unseemly Squabble Over Iran Assets. Fortune. 1/28/1980: page 60-64,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Excerpt: Krauthammer, Charles. Why We Should Welcome OPEC Collapse: The Oil Bust Panic. The New Republic. 2/21/1983: page 11-21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Fontaine, Andre. A Challenge For Satan. The Guardian. 12/2/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Rouleau, Eric. A Ruthless Economic War Under Way. The Guardian. 12/2/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Salamon, Julie. Banking on Change: Chase After Rockefeller Will Try Fewer Things And Toughen Controls. The Wall Street Journal. 4/13/1981: page 1,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Brummer, Alex. Freezing of Iran Assets Upsets World Banking. The Guardian. 12/9/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Volkman, Earnest. The Dangerous Meddling of David Rockefeller. Penthouse.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Paul, Bill. Caveat Leader: Chase Bank and Others Face Court Challenges On Huge Loans to Iran. The Wall Street Journal. 3/28/1980: Pg 1, 26,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Wright, Claudia. Buried Treasure At Chase Manhattan? Inquiry. 4/7/1980: pgs 12-15,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Winer, Jonathan M. The Iranian Assets Grab. The Nation, 1/17/1981: Page 44-46,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Anderson, Jack. Carter Was Advised Not to Admit Shah. The Washington Post. 12/11/1979: Page E 11,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
Davis, L.J. David Rockefeller Part II: Hostages For the Chase Manhattan. Penthouse. 12/1980: page 76-174,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 6 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7
Newspaper Articles and Book Reviews on Henry Kissinger,Subseries 7: Newspaper Articles and Book Reviews on Henry Kissinger
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Stone, Oliver. Stone Kissinger. Letter to the Editor. The Washington Post. 1/31/1996: Page A 14,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Gerth, Jeff. Rightist Conservatives Keep Eye on Kissinger. New York Times. 1/24/? Page B 6,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Szulc, Tad. How Kissinger Runs Our Other Government. The New York Magazine. 9/30/1974: Page 59-66,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Oberdorfer, Don. Kissinger Hints He Ready for Talks on His Future. The Washington Post. 11/11/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Irvine, Reed J. On Kissinger Story: 60 Minutes Losing Reputation. Austin Citizen. 6/23/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Gwertzman, Bernard. The Folks at Foggy Bottom View Life Without Kissinger. New York Times. 11/9/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Note excerpt from a book: reference to Ball Asserts Kissinger Obnoxious Pressure Preceded Entry of Shah. The Washington Post. 11/26/1979: page A8,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Richards, Bill. Ball Asserts Kissinger Obnoxious Pressure Preceded Entry of Shah. The Washington Post. 11/16/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
Hoffman, Stanley. The Case of Dr. Kissinger. The New York Review of Books. 12/6/1979: Page 14-20,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
Peterson, Peter and George Ball. Interview. 1/8/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
Shawcross, William. Through History with Henry A. Kissinger: A Campaign Biography. Harpers. 11/1980: Page 37-97,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
Walters, Vernon A. In Defense of Henry Kissinger. Letters to the Editor. The Wall Street Journal. 2/5/1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
Rodman, Peter W. In Defense of Henry Kissinger. Letters to the Editor. The Wall Street Journal. 2/5/1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
Handwritten Notes: quotes about Henry Kissinger,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 12
Dutka, Elaine. Kissinger, TNT Squabble Over Upcoming Movie. Daily Press. 9/20/1995,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 12
Kissinger, Henry. What Is the Mission? The Washington Post. 10/22/1995: Page C7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 12
Gerhart, Ann and Annie Groer. Gingrich, at the Foot of Kissinger? The Washington Post. 10/23/1995: page D3,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 7 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8
Letter Correspondences with Henry Kissinger and News Paper Articles,Subseries 8: Letter Correspondences with Henry Kissinger and News Paper Articles
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13
Shawcross, William. Through History with Henry A. Kissinger. Harper. 11/1980: page 35-97,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Request for Reproduction of Documents: Files of George Bundy; James Bill,Subseries 1: Request for Reproduction of Documents: Files of George Bundy; James Bill
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Letter to Henry Kissinger from McGeorge Bundy. 11/14/1965: concerning Foise Story.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Letter to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger 11/10/1965: concerning Foise Story.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Personal and Confidential letter to Clark Clifford from Henry Kissinger 11/10/1965: concerning events that led to Foise Story,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
List of Correspondents at Mr. Zorthian Lunch 11/1/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Buchen, Charlotte. Anguish and Foreign Policy. Arizona Republic.11/9/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Kissinger Denies Saigon Statement. Arizona Republic. 11/9/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to Mr. William Bundy from McGeorge Bundy 11/10/1965; copy of a handwritten letter 11/06/1965?,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to Mr. William Bundy from McGeorge Bundy about Kissinger and Saigon, 11/8/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Letter to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger 11/8/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Letter to Henry Kissinger from McGeorge Bundy, 7/6/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Letter to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger, 6/26/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Personal Document: Conversation with former Chancellor Adenauer, 6/22/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to Henry Kissinger from McGeorge Bundy, 5/27/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger, 5/24/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to Henry Kissinger from McGeorge Bundy, 4/30/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger, 4/13/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to Henry Kissinger from McGeorge Bundy, 4/12/1965,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to Henry Kissinger from McGeorge Bundy, 12/31/1964,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger, 12/29/1964,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger, 11/27/1964,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
Copy of letter to McGeorge Bundy from Henry Kissinger, 7/24/1962,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13 Sub-Series 2
Ball, George W. The Disenchantment with Kissinger. Saturday Review. 6/12/1976: page 20-22.,Subseries 2: Ball, George W. The Disenchantment with Kissinger. Saturday Review. 6/12/1976: page 20-22.
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 8 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9
Newspaper Articles and Notes about Henry Kissinger,Subseries 9: Newspaper Articles and Notes about Henry Kissinger
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
John J. McCloy, Lawyer and Diplomat, Is Dead at 93. New York Times Obituaries. 3/13/1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Reston, James. Henry Kissinger Revenge. New York Times. 2/2/1979: Page A 25,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Pearson, Richard. Statesman and Banker John J. McCloy, 93, Dies. The Washington Post. 3/2/1989: Page B7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Southerland, Daniel. Kissinger Finds Reagan Prudent; Recklessness is Least of His Problems. The Christian Science Monitor. 10/24/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Kissinger, Henry. Hard Choices to Make in the Gulf. The Washington Post. 5/5/1991: Page K7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Seib, Gerald F. Split Between Kissinger and Brezezinski on Iraq Reflects Search for New Foreign-Policy Consensus. The Wall Street Journal. 12/17/1990: Page A 20; Pasztor, Andy. Revising Contracts On A-12 Appears To Be Cheney Goal. The Wall Street Journal. 12/17/1990: Page A 20.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Ehrlichman, John. Kissinger-Nixon: The Oddest Couple: Witness to Power. Miami Herald. 2/12/1982: Page E1, E3,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Mead, Walter Russell. Peace Keepers and Power Brokers. The Washington Post: Book World. 4/3/1994,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Interview 8A with Melissa on George Ball and Henry Kissinger.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Handwritten Notes 1/12/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Handwritten Notes on Don Lamm 1/10/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
Lamm, Donald. Interview.1/10/1992, Donald Lamm on Henry Kissinger and George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 9 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10
Letters of Correspondence Between Henry Kissinger and George Ball, et al.,Subseries 10: Letters of Correspondence Between Henry Kissinger and George Ball, et al.
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Memorandum to John C. Whitehead from Karen Vasudeva (assistant to Mr. Ball), 9/9/1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Memorandum to George Ball from J.P. Du Cane, 11/11/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Document from Managing Director Jeff Kenyon in South Africa: concerning information compiled about Kissinger/Smith package from Rhodesian Member of Parliament, 9/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Memorandum from to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 10/27/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 4/1/1975: concerning U.S. position in the Middle East.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Memorandum from Carol C. Laise, 8/1974: concerning the US and Viet-Nam.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
United States. Bureau of Public Affairs. Department of State Office of Media Services. News Release: Statement by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger Before, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Washington. 6/7/1974: page 1-10.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Martin, Graham. Remarks of Ambassador Graham Martin Before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 7/25/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Kissinger, Henry. Constancy and Strength In U.S. Foreign Policy. The American Legion National Convention. Miami, Florida. 8/20/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to George Ball from Henry Kissinger, 6/20/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 5/31/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to George Ball from Henry Kissinger, 7/20/1972,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to George Ball from Henry Kissinger, 7/10/1972; with three copies,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 3/5/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 6/6/1972,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 5/21/1971,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to George Ball from Henry Kissinger, 5/1971,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 12/16/1970,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 6/25/1970,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 1/8/1970,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Letter to Henry Kissinger from George Ball, 12/18/1969,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
Ball, George. Says George Ball, We Should De-escalate The Importance of Vietnam. New York Times Magazine. 12/21/1969,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 10 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11
Henry Kissinger Statements and Articles Concerning the Middle East,Subseries 11: Henry Kissinger Statements and Articles Concerning the Middle East
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Kissinger Discussion: Report on Discussion between Henry Kissinger and a Group of Jewish Intellectuals, 12/6/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Abu-Sherif, Bassam. Kissinger Crusade Against the Palestinians.4/2/1989: Page C7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Kissinger, Henry. The Path to Peaceful Coexistence in the Middle East. The Washington Post. 8/2/1992: Page C7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Baker, C.B. The Great Rockefeller Energy Hoax Proof - Kissinger & Rockefeller Planned 1973 Mid East War To Permit A Mammoth Oil Price Hike. Youth Action News. 5/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Henry Hegira: A Subtle Private Shuttle. Time. 1/12/1981: Page 31,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Kissinger, Henry. Flashback to 75: Kissinger Tells U.S. Jews: We Wanted the Most Massive Arab Defeat in 73. Forum. 3/1981: Page 32-34,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Ed. Alan M. Tigay. Congress Debates Arms Sales to Arab States. Near East Report. Page 154,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Kissinger, Henry. After Lebanon: A Conversation. Interview. The Economist. 11/13/1982. Page: 27-34.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Kissinger, Henry. If Not Peace, At Least Progress. The Washington Post. 10/31/1991: Page A21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Notes of Kissinger Meeting, 3/31/1975 (typed 4/5/1975) Pages: 1-13,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
Notes of Kissinger Meeting, 3/31/1975 (typed 4/2/1975) Pages: 1-12,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 11 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12
Henry Kissinger Foreign Policy,Subseries 12: Henry Kissinger Foreign Policy
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Knickerbocker, Suzy. Public Relations Firm Signs Up Kissinger As Consultant. New York Daily News,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Keeping Kissinger Secrets. Christian Science Monitor. 3/6/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Drummond, Roscoe. Henry K - Liked and Disliked. The Christian Science Monitor. 12/12/1979 Page 23,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Henry Kissinger The Big Fall. UPI Telephoto. The Daily Texan. 6/9/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
\New York Times Service. Kissinger New Position Keeps Washington Parking Perks In Tow. New York Times. 8/14/1983,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Associated Press. Henry Furious. San Diego Tribune. 1/14/1980; Columnist Kissinger? Parade. 12/6/1981,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Harsch, Joseph C. The Kissinger Problem. The Christian Science Monitor. 1/13/1981,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Achenbach, Joel. Still a Superpower. The Washington Post. 4/11/1994. Page B1.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Berke, Richard L. Prodded By Lobbying Group, G.O.P. Reveals $100,000 Donors. New York Times. 1/24/1989. Page A 16,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Babcock, Charles R. Big Donations Again A Campaign Staple. The Washington Post. 11/17/1988 Page A 20,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Harris, Roy J. Jr. Northrop Chief To Quit Amid Controversy. The Wall Street Journal. 4/21/1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Fowler, Glenn. James Linen 3d, 75, Ex - Publisher Of Time and Time Inc. Head, Dies. New York Times. 2/3/1988,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Solomon, Julie. Kissinger Discusses A Combination With Booz - Allen. The Washington Post. 11/14/1989: Page A24,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Sommer, Mark. Weapons - America Best Export? The Christian Science Monitor. 7/18/1991 Page: 18,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Lewis, Flora. Idiot Delight. 12/13/1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Gomez, H. letter. Walter Scotts Personality Parade. Parade. 7/28/1991: Page 2,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Hirsch, James. Northrop Chairman Will Retire As Chief. New York Times. 4/21/1989: Page D5,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Henry Kissinger Is Named To Revlon Group Board. The Wall Street Journal. 7/24/1989 : Page B8,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Crossette, Barbara. P.O.W. Not Knowingly Left In Indochina, Kissinger Declares. New York Times. 9/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Henry, Kissinger. Excerpts from Kissinger Remarks on War: Congress Undercut Our Ability. New York Times. 9/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Shawcross, William. Dr. Kissinger Goes To War. Harper. 5/1979. Page 39 - 49, 109.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Show #3402. MAC Neil/Lehrer News hour. By Robert MAC Neil, Judy Woodruff. WNET, New York. 11/13/1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Memorandum: From George Van Eron to George Ball,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Kissinger, Henry. Transcript of Press Conference. 6/12/1972,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Oberdorfer, Don. A Kissinger Plan For Central Europe. The Washington Post. 2/12/1989: Page A 36,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Memorandum to Jack F. Bennett, 5/7/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Press Department of State. Address By The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Secretary of State Before The Fourth Ministerial Meeting of the United Nations Conference On Trade And Development. 5/6/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Background on The Secretary Unctad Speech. (2 copies). 5/6/1976; 5/5/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Southerland, Daniel. Kissinger War and Peace. The Christian Science Monitor. 11/2/1979. Page 14 - 15,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Pincus, Walter. Kissinger Says He Had No Role in China Mission. The Washington Post. 12/14/1989 Page A52 - 53,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Fialka, John J. Mr. Kissinger Has Opinions On China And Business Ties. The Wall Street Journal. 9/15/1989: Page 1,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Kissinger, Henry. Détente Should Not Become a Tranquilizer. Interview. Time. 1/15/1979 : Page 29 - 30,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Kissinger, Henry. Kissinger Critique Interview. The Economist. 2/3/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Kissinger, Henry. Be Realistic About Russia. The Washington Post. 1/25/1994: Page A19.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Vowell, Julie. Kissinger Claims Soviet System Weak. Daily Texan. 9/16/1982,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Gamboa, Suzanne. 53 Protesters Jailed, All But One Released. The Daily Texan. 3/23/1984: Page 8; Smith, Robert. Kissinger Incident Evokes 60s Images. Daily Texan. 3/23/1984: Page 8; Photos of Kissinger Protestors. Robertson, Carrie. Daily Texan. 3/23/1984 Page 9,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Guarnero, Ricardo and T.M. Scruggs. Open Letter To Dr. Henry Kissinger. Daily Texan. 3/22/1984: Page 24,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Stockwell, John. Speech Hardly Free. Letter to Editor. Daily Texan. 6/7/1984. Page 2,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Munoz, James T. Interruptions, Arrests Disrupt Kissinger Speech. The Daily Texan. 3/23/1984; McCarthy, Don. Kissinger Stresses Consensus On Foreign Policy At Forum. The Daily Texan. 3/23/1984; McCarthy, Don. UT Group Obeyed rules, Members Say. The Daily Texan. 3/23/1984,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Excerpt from New letter with Handwritten note concerning N.S.C. v. State Department.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Thimmesch, Nick. The Iron Mentor of The Pentagon. Potomac. Page 14+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Will Henry Pay the Price? The Washington Post. 1/28/1994. Page E3,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
The Raw Materials Issue. New York Times. 5/18/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Feuer, Lewis S. Maybe Scipio Remarks to Polybius at Carthage Were Accurate. Kissinger Apparently Agrees. But Consider An Alternative. New York Times. 5/27/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Excerpts From Kissinger Address To Institute In London. New York Times. 6/26/1976: Page 7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Schanberg, Sydney H. The Kissinger Debate. New York Times. Page A23,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Kissinger Joins Board. New York Times. 5/1/1984,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Marder, Murrey. Kissinger Corners The Market As An International Affairs Adviser. The Washington Post. 1/3/1994: Page 2,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Telegram to George Ball and Wife,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Kissinger, Henry. Kissinger Sums Up 74. Interview. Newsweek. 12/30/1974: Page 29 - 32,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
Charts: Why A Bankrupt America?: What Was Once Our Country is Now Their Country!: concerning the range of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission control and influence over the United State government, military and bank system.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 12 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13
Transcripts and Notes and News Paper Articles about Henry Kissinger,Subseries 13: Transcripts and Notes and News Paper Articles about Henry Kissinger
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Stathis, Stephan W. Dr. Kissinger In The Classroom: What The Students Heard. The Christian Science Monitor. 8/22/1979: Page 12 - 13,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Fulbright and Ball, 10/1/1965, 3:45 p.m., pg 6 - 7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Ball and Mann, 10/27/1965, 7:15 p.m., pg.11,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: The Secretary and Ball, 11/1/1965, 11:25 a.m. pg 12,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telecon Transcript: Ball and Fulbright, 11/5/1965, 12:25 p.m. pg 14,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Ball and Bunker, 2/16/1966, 1:30 p.m. 19pg.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telecon Transcript: Ball and McNamara, 10/26/1965, 5:45 p.m. pg 9,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telecon Transcript: Ball and Vance, 2/16/1966, 4:35 p.m. pg 21,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Vance and Ball, 2/16/1966, 4:40 p.m. pg 24,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Vance and Ball, 2/17/1966, 9:50 p.m., pg 26,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telecon Transcript: Greenfield and Ball, 5/1/1965, 12:30 pg 23,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telecon Transcript: McNamara and Ball, 5/23/1965, 1:45 p.m. pg 79,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Vance and Ball, 5/27/1965, 12:55 p.m. pg 90,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Vance and Ball, 5/27/1965, 1:25 p.m. pg 94,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Reborn and Ball, 4/28/1965, 1: 45 p.m., pg 1,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Vance and Ball, 4/29/1965, 2:30 p.m. pg 5,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Helms and Ball, 5/17/1965, 10:20 a.m., pg 45,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Fortas and Ball, 5/18/1965, 10 a.m. pg 55,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: M. Bundy and Mann and Ball, 5/18/1965,10:15 a.m. 56,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Fortas and Ball, 5/18/1965, 10:30 a.m. pg 57,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 5/18/1965, 12:05 p.m. pg 59,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Rusk and Ball, 5/23/1965, 12:15 p.m. pg 77,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Ball and Moyers, 5/23/1965, 12:30 p.m. pg 78,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telecon Transcript: Ball and Moyers, 5/23/1965, 3:05 p.m. pg 81,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 5/25/1965, 4:30 p.m. pg 88,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Mann and Ball, 5/24/1965, 5: 05 p.m. pg 89,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 5/27/1965, 1:05 p.m. pg 92,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Moyers and Ball, 5/27/1965, 1: 40 p.m. pg 95,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: McG. Bundy and Ball, 2/16/1966, 4:35 p.m. pg 22,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Ball and McBundy, 2/16/1966, 4:50 p.m. pg 25,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Telcon Transcript: Rostow and Ball, 6/24/1966, 11:20 a.m. pg 33,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Ball, George W. The Disenchantment With Kissinger. Sunday Review. 6/12/1976 page 20 - 22,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Kissinger, Henry. Persian Gulf Interlude. From Years of Upheaval. Little, Brown and Company. March 1982. Pages 667 - 674,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Kissinger, Henry. Energy Crisis. From Years of Upheaval. Little, Brown and Company. March 1982. Page 886 - 889,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Kissinger, Ansary Sign New Protocol: U.S. Trade Pact Soars To $40b. KI. 8/8/1976: Page 1,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Kalb, Marvin and Bernard Kalb. Kissinger. Little, Brown. Boston. 1974. 24 - 35, 355 - 381.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Kissinger, Henry. Years of Upheaval. Time. 3/1/1982. Page 30+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Hodgson, Godfrey. The Statesman As Celebrity. The Washington Post: Book World. 9/6/1992. 1+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Kakutani, Michiko. A Policy Maker On The Subject He Knows Best. New York Times. 3/28/1994. C16+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Godsell, Geoffrey. Kissinger Memoir - A Literary and Historical Tour De Force. The Christian Science Monitor. 4/9/1982. B5+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Peterson, Bill. Kissinger Day in Court: He Objects. The Washington Post. 10/2/1989. B1+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Patner, Andrew and Ellen Joan Pollock. Hersh Book Didnt Libel Indian Politician. The Wall Street Journal. 10/9/1989. B4,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
Manuel, Bruce. Author Seymour Hersh: Man Behind a Jolting Book on Kissinger. The Christian Science Monitor: Monthly Book Review. 6/24/1983. B1+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 13 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14
Henry Kissinger Press Conferences, Statements and Newspaper Articles, 1972 - 1973,Subseries 14: Henry Kissinger Press Conferences, Statements and Newspaper Articles, 1972 - 1973
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Kissinger In Spring Launches Creative Year of Europe. Freedom and Union. 9 - 12/1973: 2+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Essay on the avoidance of Nuclear War: 1 - 8,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Secretary Kissinger 1973 Year - End Review. News Release by Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State, Office of Media Services.12/27/1973: 1 - 12,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Secretary Kissinger Reviews U.S. - European Relations. New Release Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State, Office of Media Services. Washington DC. 12/12/1973: 1 - 7.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Selb, Leslie H. Nixon Role In Foreign Policy Is Altered; Some Assert Kissinger Is Now in Charge. New York Times. 12/24/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Laqueur, Walter. Kissinger and The Politics of Détente. Commentary. 12/1973: 46 - 50,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Andrews, Walter. Tanks. Article,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Pacem - Terris Conference. Washington, DC. 10/8/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Bureaucracy and Policy. The Washington Post. 1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Book II - On the Debasement of Language,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
United States. Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearing on Nomination of Henry A. Kissinger. 9/19/1973: Hearing to nominate Kissinger to Secretary of State.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
United States Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Nomination of Henry A. Kissinger to be Secretary of State. Hearings held 9/10 - 17/ 1973. Published 10/4/1973. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington: 1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
United States Senate. Committee of Foreign Relations. Nomination of Henry A. Kissinger to be Secretary of State. Hearing held 9/7, 10, 11, and 14/1973. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington: 1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Keatley, Robert. The Theories of Professor Kissinger. The Wall Street Journal. 8/24/1973: 33+; Berger, Barilyn. A Cautious Hope At State. The Washington Post. 8/24/1973: 33+; Reston, James. A Little Good News. New York Times. 8/24/1973; And The Switch At State. Washington Star - News. 8/24/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Friedman, Milton. Henry, Stick To Politics. Newsweek. 3/31/1975: 37,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Finney, John W. Kissinger Revives A Vietnam Aid Plan. New York Times. 3/27/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Ph.D. Press Conference. Office of the White House Press Secretary. The Western White House. 8/23/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Ph.D. Press Conference. Office of the White House Press Secretary. The Briefing Room. 5/3/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger, Henry. Text of Conclusion of Nixon Message. New York Times. 5/4/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Keatley, Robert. Nixon Foreign - Policy Report to Congress To Stress Rising Power of Other Nations. The Wall Street Journal. 5/4/1973,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Ed. Watt, David. Right Message, Wrong Medium. The Financial Times. 4/27/1973 :23,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Kissinger Essay on Domestic and Foreign Policy. Abstract,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish. Isolated America. Foreign Affairs. 10/1972: 1 - 10,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 14 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15
Henry Kissinger Articles and Book Reviews 1977 - 1979,Subseries 15: Henry Kissinger Articles and Book Reviews 1977 - 1979
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Handwritten Note card: Inter - American Economic Affairs, Summer 1977,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Record, Jeffrey. Toward Imbalanced Force Reductions.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Sulzberger, C.L. The Kissinger Phenomenon.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
De Staercke, Andre. Vermeer. Aristotle. Nero. Seneca. Kissinger.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Rosenfeld, Stephen. Kissinger Personal SALT Debate. The Washington Post. 2/9/1979: A17,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger, Henry. The Shah Doubts about Our Real Intentions." The Washington Post. 2/26/1979; Ball, George W. Kissinger Knows Better. The Washington Post. 2/26/1979.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Ball, George. Kissinger On Iran. Letter to Editor. The Economist. 2/17/1979; Bloch, Loren. Kissinger On Russia. Letter to Editor. The Economist. 2/17/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger, Henry. Kissinger Critique (continued). Interview. The Economist. 2/10/1979: 31+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Ball, George. W Letter to the Editor. 2/12/1979: concerning Kissinger articles in The Economist.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Lewis, Anthony. Abroad At Home: Dealing With Terror.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Moss, Robert. When Vietnam Spread Into Cambodia. Daily Telegraph. 1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger, Henry. Statement of the Honorable Henry A. Kissinger with Respect to the Treaty of Strategic Arms Libitation. Committee of Foreign Relations. 7/31/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Gwertzman, Bernard. Kissinger Revival of the Linkage Issue. New York Times. 8/2/1979: A3,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Stern, Laurence. Kissinger Links SALT to Arms Rise. The Washington Post. 8/1/1979: A1 - 12; Kaiser, Robert G. Conditions for Approval Outlined at Senate Hearing. The Washington Post. 8/1/1979: A1 - 12,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Oberdorfer, Don. A Sinai Legacy Gets Troublesome. The Washington Post. 8/17/1979: A1 - 14,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger, Henry. White House Years: Part 2 The Agony of Viet Nam. Time. 10/8/1979: 32+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger, Henry. White House Years: Part 3 Crisis and Confrontation. Time. 10/15/1979: 66+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger, Henry. White House Years. Time. 10/1/1979: 40+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Leonard, John. Books of The Times. 10/16/1979. Book Review,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Saxon, Wolfgang. Kissinger Revised His Book More Than He Reported. New York Times. 10/21/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Jobert, Michel. An, Mr. Kissinger, We Agreed. New York Times. 10/17/1979: A 27,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Original: Jobert, Michel. An, Mr. Kissinger, We Agreed. New York Times. 10/17/1979: A 27,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Reston, James. Hearing It From Henry. New York Times. 10/28/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Modern Guicciardini. The Economist. 11/24/1979. Book Review.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Tuchman, Barbara W. Self - Portrait. New York Times Book Review. 11/11/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger Memoirs. Newsweek Books. 11/12/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Lewis, Anthony. Abroad at Home: Mr. Kissinger Role. New York Times. 11/26/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Greenhouse, Linda. Justices Hear Plea On Kissinger Papers. New York Times. 11/1/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Davidson, Ian. The Incredible Lone Ranger. Financial Times. 11/19/1979: 19,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Wicker, Tom. The Kissinger Campaign. New York Times. 11/23/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Lewis, Anthony. Abroad At Home: Mr. Kissinger Role. New York Times. 11/26/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger On the Controversy Over the Shah. The Washington Post. 11/29/1979:A 19,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kaiser, Robert G. The Amazing Dr.K: Out of Office But Not Out of Power. The New York Post. 11/30/1973: 22,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Kissinger Memoirs Assailed. Soviet World Outlook. 12/15/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Mexicans Conveyed Ruling To Kissinger. New York Times. 12/2/1979,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
Hill, Holly. Brecht Inquiry Into Scientific Responsibility. The Wall Street Journal. 4/7/1973: 17,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 15 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16
Character and Opinion Articles on Henry Kissinger 1980 - 1984,Subseries 16: Character and Opinion Articles on Henry Kissinger 1980 - 1984
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Kissinger, Henry. A Plan to Reshape NATO. Time. 3/5/1984,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Rodman, Peter W. Sideswipe: Kissinger, Shawcross and The Responsibility For Cambodia. The American Spectator. 3/1981,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Ottaway, David B. Shuttled Off: Kissinger, Once Held in Awe by Arabs, Now Finds Himself Held at Arms Length. The Washington Post. 2/3/1981; copy,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Shipler, David K. Kissinger Urges U.S. Post Mideast Force: In Jerusalem, He Calls for Military Presence With Bases in Area, Not 8,000 Miles Away. New York Times. 1/7/1981,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
South Korea Expects to Continue Heavy Borrowing. New York Times.12/22/1980: D7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Excerpts: Kissinger, Henry. Chapter 10: Words and Shadows: Evolution of Middle East Strategy. White House Year. Pgs. 343 - 1506,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Lewis, Anthony. The Kissinger Secret. 6/9/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Kissinger Loophole, Public Runaround. 3/6/1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Van Hollen, Christopher. The Tilt Policy Revisited: Nixon - Kissinger Geopolitics and South Asia. Asian Survey: A Monthly Review of Contemporary Asian Affairs. Vol. XX, No. 4. April 1980. University of California Press. Pgs. 339 - 361.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Aron, Raymond. Kissinger, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Book Reviews. 1980,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
An Interview With Henry Kissinger. Interview. The Wall Street Journal. 1/21/1980: Excerpts with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Copy: An Interview With Henry Kissinger. Interview. The Wall Street Journal. 1/21/1980: Excerpts with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Kissinger, Henry. The Special relationship: I Kept the British Better Informed Than the State Department. Speeches and Statements. The Listener. 5/13/1082,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
Kissinger, Henry. A Unified Western Alliance Could Win a Global Peace. The Washington Post. 6/6/1982.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 16 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17
Henry Kissinger Speeches and Statements, 1974,Subseries 17: Henry Kissinger Speeches and Statements, 1974
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Secretary of State Kissinger before The Senate Finance Committee on The Trade Reform Act. Washington: Department of State, 12/3/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Address before the World Food Conference. Department of State. Rome: 11/5/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Remarks of Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger To The Annual Dinner Of The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation. Department of State. New York. 10/16/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
[Henry] Kissinger October 15, 1974 En - route Rabat - Washington. Off The Record.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Will Age of Interdependence Spur Progress or Disaster? Speech. Department of State Newsletter. 10/1974: 5 - 9,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
United States. Address as Delivered By the Honorable Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State of the United States of America, Before the 29th United Nations General Assembly. Press Release. United States Mission To The United Nations. 9/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Speech before the American Legion National Convention. Department of State. Florida: 8/20/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Secretary Kissinger Statement on U.S. - Soviet Relations. Rpt. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Partial Transcript of an Interview with Kissinger on the State of Western World. New York Times. 10/13/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Statement by The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Secretary of State Before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 9/19/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger Meeting with Reporters - 8th floor, State Department, 9/10/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Press Conference by the Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Secretary of State. Press Release. Department of State. No.32. 8/19/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Secretary Kissinger on The Moscow Summit, SALT. Press Conference. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. 7/3/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Press Conference. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Department of State. No. 27. 7/3/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Press Conference. Secretary of State Kissinger On Nuclear Arms Control, Summit. International Conference Room. Department of State. 6/24/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger: Action Biography. ABC. Ted Koppel. 6/14/1974.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Press Conference by the Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Secretary of State. Department of State. 6/6/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
[Henry] Kissinger: Off The Record. 5/30/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Press Conference. Department of State. No. 15. 3/21/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Abstract: [Henry] Kissinger Essay on Domestic Structure and Foreign policy,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
[Henry] Kissinger - Speeches and Statements,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
Kissinger, Henry. Press Briefing. No. 14. 3/14/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 17 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 18
Henry Kissinger Articles and Policy Affairs 1968 - 1969,Subseries 18: Henry Kissinger Articles and Policy Affairs 1968 - 1969
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 18 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 18 Folder 23
Kissinger, Henry A. The Viet Nam Negotiations. Foreign Affairs. 1/1969: 211 - 234,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 18 Folder 23
Kissinger, Henry. Bureaucracy and Policymaking: The Effects of Insiders and Outsiders on the Policy Process. Pp. 84 - 97. From Kissinger, Henry and Bernard Brodie. Bureaucracy, Politics and Strategy. Security Studies Paper No. 17. Los Angeles: University of California Security Studies Project, 1968. pp. 1 - 14,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 18 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 18 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 19
Henry Kissinger - Establishment Group Meeting 3/31/1975,Subseries 19: Henry Kissinger - Establishment Group Meeting 3/31/1975
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 19 Folder 24
2 Copies: Notes of [Henry] Kissinger Meeting, March 31, 1975 (4/5/1975),
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 19 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20
Henry Kissinger Statements and Articles, 1975 - 1976,Subseries 20: Henry Kissinger Statements and Articles, 1975 - 1976
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger Big Chance: Fortune As Well As Fame. The Village Voice. 11/11/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. White House Press Conference. International Hotel. Office of The White House Press Secretary. 9:20 A.H. 4/6/1976,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Press Statements: Kissinger, Henry. Department of State. Economic Club, Detroit. 11/24/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Morris, Roger. Diplomacy: On the Road to Anachronism.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Rostow, Eugene V. The Foreign Policy Debate. The Wall Street Journal. 9/26/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Reston, James. Where Are You Now, Henry?,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Braden, Tom. The Boyishness of Henry Kissinger. The Los Angeles Times. 9/12/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Brzezinski, Zbigniew. Unmanifest Destiny: Where Do We Go From Here? New York Intelligencer: 51 - 58.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger UN Statement. 9/22/1975: 28 - 55,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Interview with William F. Buckley, Jr. Firing Line. WETA - TV. Arlington. 9/10/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Department of State. Hyatt House, Birmingham, Alabama. 8/14/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Southern Commodity Producers Conference. Jefferson County Civic Center Theatre. Birmingham, Alabama. 8/14/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Department Of State. Hyatt House, Birmingham, Alabama. 8/14/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. American Bar Association Annual Convention. Montreal, Canada. 8/11/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. The Institute of World Affairs University of Wisconsin. Marc Plaza Hotel Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 7/14/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Szulc, Tad. Why Kissinger Time Is Up. New York. 4/14/1975: 35 - 40,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. American Bar Association Annual Convention. In Department of State. The Secretary of State. 8/11/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Press Conference. Muehlebach Hotel. Kansas City, Missouri. 5/13/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Strengthening The World Economic Structure. Kansas City International Relations Council. Missouri. 5/13/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Article/Report: Evans, Robert. Grmyko. RNA 204 - 207,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. The Imperative Of Growth And Cooperation. Ministerial Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Paris, France. In Department of State. The Secretary of State. Washington. 5/28/1975: 1 - 7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. The Challenge Of Peace. St. Louis World Affairs Council. St. Louis, Mo. In Department of State. The Secretary State. Washington. 5/12/1975: 1 - 7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Energy: Toward A New Cooperative Era. Ministerial Level of the International Energy Agency. Paris, France. Department of State. The Secretary. Washington. 5/27/1975: 1 - 7,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Simon, William E. Meeting of the Ministerial Council. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Paris. 5/29/1975: 1 - 13,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. The Challenge of Peace. St. Louis World Affairs Council. St. Louis, Missouri. 5/12/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Gelb, Leslie H. The Kissinger Substance: Power Permits Diplomacy. New York Times. 4/20/1975: E2,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Gwertzman, Bernard. Reporter Notebook: Kissinger, With Some Fascination, Speculates on His Successor. New York Times. 3/17/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Mr. Kissinger Problem. The Wall Street Journal. 3/7/1975: 10,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Excerpts From the Kissinger News Conference. New York Times. 3/27/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Keatley, Robert. Mideast Maneuvering: Back to 69? The Wall Street Journal. 2/19/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Safire, William. The Rabbit Punch. New York Times. 2/3/1975: L25,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Yovel, Yirmiyahu. An Israeli Open Letter To Kissinger. Letter. New York Times. 2/13/1975: L33,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Lewis, Anthony. Mr. Kissinger War: II. New York Times. 2/13/1975: L33,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Midgley, John. Linkage Revisited. The Economist: A 27,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Press Conference. The Secretary of State. Washington. 1/28/1975:1 - 8,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
3 Copies: Ball, George. Letter to Henry Kissinger. 4/1/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. National Radio and Television. ABC, CBS and NBC Radio. Washington. 3/26/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. A New National Partnership. Los Angeles World Affairs Council. Century Plaza Hotel. Los Angeles, CA. 1/24/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Energy: The Necessity of Decision. The National Press Club. Washington. 2/3/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Kissinger, Henry. Interview with Business Week. Department of State. 1/2/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
Benn Two - way Bet. The Economist. 1/4/1975,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 20 Folder 25
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21
Henry Kissinger Newspaper Articles Concerning His Character and Policies, 1974,Subseries 21: Henry Kissinger Newspaper Articles Concerning His Character and Policies, 1974
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Berger, Marilyn. Secret Deal Over SALT Seen Routine. The Washington Post.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Marder, Murrey. Kissinger Briefs Hill Unit on Cyprus. The Washington Post. 8/23/1974: A16,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Chace, James. The Balance - of - Power and Cowboy Theories and a Dirty Little Secret. New York Times Book Review. 8/25/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Hoffman, Stanley. Man For All Seasons. Book World, The Washington Post. 8/18/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
A Too-Special Relationship. Time.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Holbrooke, Richard. Henry Kissinger Is: Brilliant, Amoral, A Hero, Devious, All of the Above. Outlook, The Washington Post. 9/15/1974: B 1,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Marder, Murrey and Marilyn Berger. Kissinger in Congress. The Washington Post. 10/6/1974: A1+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Article: He Still Needed. Economist. 10/19/1974: 13 - 14,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Article: Ravenal, Earl C. The New Vietnam Debate.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Zorza, Victor. Toward A Global System. The Washington Post. 10/29/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Szulc, Tad. How Kissinger Runs Our Other Government. New York Magazine. 9/30/1974: 59 - 65,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Hughes, Thomas L. Getting on with The Nation Business: II. Foreign Policy: Men or Measures? The Atlantic Monthly. 10/1974: 48 - 60,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Gannon, James and Richard Janssen. Kissinger Petroleum - Crisis Strategy Faces Skepticism at Home and Abroad. The Wall Street Journal. 11/22/1974: 40,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Quote from Henry Kissinger Article of Henry Kissinger.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Lewis, Anthony. Triumph and Skepticism. New York Times. 12/9/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Zorza, Victor. Kissinger Global Scenario. The Washington Post. 1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
I Do Not Love Thee, Dr. K. Newsweek. 10/28/1974.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Goldberg, Hirsh M. In Search of The Real Henry Kissinger. Times of Israel and World Jewish Review: 15 - 24,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
McCardle, Dorothy. William Safire New Book: Debunking The Foreign Policy Skills of Kissinger Under Nixon. The Washington Post. 12/29/1974.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Marder, Murrey. Challenging Kissinger Second Hat. The Washington Post. 12/31/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Brandon, Henry. Kissinger Strength-And New Weakness. New York Times. 11/29/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Kamm, Henry. Kissinger Role in Mideast Evokes Anti - Israeli Mood Among Greeks. New York Times. 12/29/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Sampson, Anthony. On the Frontier of Democracy. The Washington Post.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Alsop, Joseph. The Choice At the Summit. The Los Angeles Times. 6/24/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Le Monde. Dear Henry. Editorial. 7/24/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Gwertzman, Bernard. Arab - Israeli Talks Are Reported Put Off To Late Fall to Allow for Consultations. New York Times. 6/22/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Berger, Marilyn. Secret Deal Over SALT Seen Routine. The Washington Post.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Kissinger article by [Murrey] Marder and [Marilyn] Berger. August 20.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Brown, W.P. United States. Department of State. In T.V./Radio Highlights - Evening - Aug. 20 - Morning - Aug. 21. 8/21/1974.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Redmont, Bernard. Wellington Also Was At Waterloo. Group W News. Paris. 8/20/1974.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Szulc, Tad. Kissinger Seen Erring on Mideast. The International Herald Tribune.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Article: Evans and Novak. Too Much For Henry.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Article: Gelb, Leslie H. The Kissinger Stewardship.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Szulc, Tad. Is He Indispensable? Answers to the Kissinger Riddle. New York Magazine. 7/1/1974:34 - 40,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Newspaper Article: Reston, James. The Quiet Potomac.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Newspaper Article: Lewis, Anthony. Kissinger on Balance.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Rosenthall, Ben. Can Quote Him(?) 10/3/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Barber, Stephen. Kissinger Five Points To Beat Energy Crisis.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Lewis, Flora. Kissinger Looks To Public Debate on Moscow Ties. New York Times.7/7/1974: 1+,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Brustein, Robert. Media Exploit Celebrities Exploit Media Exploit Celebrities Exploit. News Theater. New York Times Magazine. 6/16/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Kalb, Marvin and Bernard Kalb. Twenty Days in October: Kissinger Triumph Began in Trauma. New York Times Magazine. 6/23/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Geyelin, Philip. Speech. Woman National Democratic Club.6/ 13/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Gwertzman, Bernard. Kissinger Fears Peril in Mideast Looks to Geneva. New York Times. 3/26?,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
Excerpts from book and Kissinger, Henry. The Troubled Partnership. McGraw Hill: New York. 1965. Pg. 233 - 236,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 21 Folder 26
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22
Henry Kissinger Statements and Remarks 1974,Subseries 22: Henry Kissinger Statements and Remarks 1974
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Kissinger, Henry. Interview with Ted Koppel: Concerning International Policy and various topics,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Handwritten Notes,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Photocopied Notes,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Article by Jenkins, Kempton. 10/3/1974: Concerning character and international policies of Henry Kissinger.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Article by McCloskey, Robert. 10/4/1974? : Concerning the character and policies of Henry Kissinger.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Eagleburger, Lawrence - Interview with Marder and Berger. 10/4/1974: 1 - 5,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Kissinger to Group Meeting. 3/15/1974: 1 - 2,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Sonnenfeldt, Article. 3/21/1974: Concerning Henry Kissinger policies and statements toward events concerning international states.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Statements from Ray Garthoff, former member of the SALT delegation: 6/27/1974: Kissinger and Russian delegations over the limitation of weapons.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Richard Solomon and NSC. 3/26/1974: Statements and opinion of Richard Solomon on the NSC and Henry Kissinger.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Springsteen, 3/28/1974: Statements concerning the policies and character of Henry Kissinger in office: 1 - 8,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Michael Sterner, Country Director for Egypt: 3/28/1974,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Themes Through out the Interviews,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Jenkins, Kempton: Deputy Asst. Secretary for Congressional Relations. 3/27/1974.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Bundy, George. Review for Henry Kissinger, Years of Upheaval for Book World, The Washington Post. 3/11/1982,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Bundy, McGeorge. Vietnam, Watergate and Presidential Powers. 398 - 407: Remarks from Henry Kissinger, on Vietnam, Watergate, etc.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
Doonesbury Comic strips about Henry Kissinger and his health and spreads in Time Magazine.,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 22 Folder 27
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 11
Box 12 Various Journals and Newsletters in English and Farsi concerning Iran and Iranian-American relations, 1986-1995[?];Box 13 Various magazine articles, journals and brochures collected and written by James Bill; concerning Middle East; William and Mary Reeves Center; Box 14 Contains the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 1989-2000; Box 14A contains the American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences; Box 15 contains the MERIP Report [Middle East Research and Information Project and Middle East Report Journal]; Box 15A contains the MERIP Report [Middle East Research and Information Project and Middle East Report Journal]; Box 16 contains the Middle East Insight [International Insight Magazine]; Box 17 contains the Middle East Insight Magazine and Newspaper Chronology 1981 on Iran; Box 18 contains the Iran Times Newspaper, January 2001-December 2002; Box 19 contains the Iran Times Newspaper, January 2003- November 2003; Box 20 contains the Iran Times Newspaper, January 1997- November 1998; Box 21 contains the Iran Times Newspaper, January 1999- November 2000; Box 22 contains the Crescent International Newsmagazine: Islamic Movement, January 2001-June 2003; Box 23 contains the Crescent International Newsmagazine: Islamic Movement, June 2000-January 1992; Box 24 contains the Crescent International Newsmagazine: Islamic Movement, December 1991- September 1982; Box 25 contains the ASAD document published by the Iranian Students responsible for the take over of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran[ Farsi/ English].
- Sub-Series 1
Journals and Newsletters on Middle Eastern Issues including Iran,Subseries 1: Journals and Newsletters on Middle Eastern Issues including Iran
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1
MESA Newsletters,Subseries 1: MESA Newsletters
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
MESA Newsletter. University of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona. Vol.16. No. 4. November 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
MESA Newsletter. University of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona. Vol. 17. No.1. Feb. 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
MESA Newsletter. University of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona. Vol. 16. No.1. Feb. 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
MESA Newsletter. University of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona. Vol. 15. No. 2. May 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
MESA Newsletter. University of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona. Vol. 14. No. 3. Aug. 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2
Society of Iranian Studies Newsletters 1987 - 1995,Subseries 2: Society of Iranian Studies Newsletters 1987 - 1995
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
S.I.S. Newsletter: A Publication of the Society for Iranian Studies. Vol. 19. No. 3. Autumn 1987,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 20. No.1. Winter/Spring 1988.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 20. No. 2. Spring/Summer 1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 20. No. 3. Fall 1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 21. No. 1. Winter 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 21. No. 2. Spring/Summer 1989.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 21. No. 3. Fall 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 22. No. 1. Winter 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 22. No. 2. Spring/Summer 1990.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Society for Iranian Studies Newsletter. Vol. 22. No. 3. Fall 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
SIS News: The Newsletter of the Society for Iranian Studies. Vol. 23. No. 1. Fall 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
S.I.S. News: The Newsletter of the Society for Iranian Studies. Vol. 22. No. 2. Spring 1991.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
S.I.S. News: The Newsletter of the Society for Iranian Studies. Vol. 24. No.1. Fall 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
S.I.S. News: The Newsletter of the Society for Iranian Studies. Vol. 23. No. 2. Spring 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
SIS News: The Newsletter of the Society for Iranian Studies. Vol. 25. No. 1. Summer 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
SIS News: The Newsletter of the Society for Iranian Studies. Vol. 25. No. 2. Winter 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Memorandum from the Society for Iranian Studies: concerning S.I.S. Conference. 11/1/1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3
SERMIESS (Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Seminar) Newsletters 1989 - 1994,Subseries 3: SERMIESS (Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Seminar) Newsletters 1989 - 1994
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 11. No. 2. Spring 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Memorandum from John Parcels to SERMEISS members. Subject: Fall Meeting, etc.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 10. No. 2. Spring 1993o SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 10. No. 2. Spring 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 6. No. 1. Fall 1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Memorandum from Ronald A. Messier, to SERMIESS members. Subject: Season Greetings, newsletter, and dues,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Dues Sheet,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Letter to SERMIESS members concerning fall meeting. 8/27/1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Reservation Form,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Map to Valle Crucis Mission School Conference Center,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol 6. No. 2. Spring 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 7. No. 1. Fall 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Program for Spring Meeting with map on the back,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Memorandum from SERMIESS from Ron Messier to Members. Subject: Several Items of Business. 1/26/1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 7. No. 2. Spring 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Letter from James Bill. 10/26/1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Memorandum from Ron Messier to SERMIESS members. Subject: fall meeting. 8/17/1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Program for Fall Meeting. 9/28 - 30/1990. Valle Cruis, NC.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Letter from Don Reid to James Bill. 4/16/1990: Invitation to SERMIESS fall meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Memorandum from James Bill. 9/3/1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Reservation form for SERMIESS meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Ellen - Fairbanks Bodman (film consultant), Ron Bartholomew (no print manager). Middle East and Islamic World Filmography 1990. Nonprint Materials Collection. R.B. House Library, University of North Carolina.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Information sheet for SERMIESS Newsletter: Signed by James Bill in affiliation with Reeves Center for International Relations at the College of William and Mary,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Map to Valle Cruis Mission School Conference Center,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Pamphlet: Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Seminar. SERMIESS. Middle Tennessee State University: Murfreesboro, TN,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Memorandum from Ron Messier to SERMEISS Members. Subject: Spring Meeting, etc. 2/8/1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Program outline Spring 1991: 4/12 - 14 at Savannah, Georgia,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS map to Armstrong State College in Savannah, Georgia,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 8. No. 1. Fall 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Application form,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS invoice. 2/8/1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Memorandum from John Parcels to SERMIESS members. Subject: Spring meeting, etc.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Program for Spring Meeting. 3/19 - 21/1993. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Map of Hampton Roads Area,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
SERMIESS Newsletter. Vol. 10. No. 1. Fall 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4
U.S. Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations 1993 - 1995,Subseries 4: U.S. Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations 1993 - 1995
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 3, No. 1. January 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 2, No. 5. June - July 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 2, No. 3. March 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 2, No. 4. April - May 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 2, No. 3. March 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 2, No. 2. February 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 2, No. 1. January 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 1, No. 9. December 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5
U.S. Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations 1993,Subseries 5: U.S. Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations 1993
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Two Copies: U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 1, No. 8. November 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Two Copies: U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 1, No. 7. October 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 1, No. 5. August 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
U.S. - Iran Review: Forum on American - Iranian Relations. Vol. 1, No. 2. May 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 6
United Nations Report,Subseries 6: United Nations Report
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
Letter from Secretary - General to the President of the Security Council. 12/24/1991: Letter concerns the publication of the second and final report the United Nations endeavor to study the country reconstruction efforts and needs after conflict between Iran and Iraq.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
United Nations. Secretary General. Security Council. Report. 12/24/1991: Report compiled with aid of United Nations members on Iran and Iraq reconstruction: 1 - 58,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
United Nations. Secretary General. Security Council. Report. 12/24/1991: Further Report on the UN team visiting the Islamic Republic of Iran to study the reconstruction effort: 1 - 119,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 7
Rights in Iraq,Subseries 7: Rights in Iraq
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Rights. Vol. 1, No. 2. Winter 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Rights. Vol. 1, No. 1. Fall 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 8
NAMAH 1994,Subseries 8: NAMAH 1994
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
NAMAH. Vol. 2, No. 2. Summer 1994.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
NAMAH. Vol. 2, No. 1. Spring 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9
MENAS Associates Iran Focus: Monthly News and Analysis of Economic, Political and Financial Developments in Iran 1988 - 1991,Subseries 9: MENAS Associates Iran Focus: Monthly News and Analysis of Economic, Political and Financial Developments in Iran 1988 - 1991
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 4, No. 11. December 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 4, No. 10. November 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 4, No. 2. February 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 4, No. 1. January 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 2, No. 8. September 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 2, No. 2. February 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 2, No. 1. February 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 2, No. 1. January 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
Iran Focus. Vol. 1, No. 3. December 1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10
Iran Business Monitor 1994 - 1995,Subseries 10: Iran Business Monitor 1994 - 1995
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Iran Business Monitor. Vol. 4, No. 8. August 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Iran Business Monitor. Vol. 4, No. 7. July 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Iran Business Monitor. Vol. 4, No. 6. June 1995: two copies,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Iran Business Monitor. Vol. 4, No. 5. May 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Iran Business Monitor. Vol. 4, No. 4. April 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
Iran Business Monitor. Vol. 3, No. 7. July 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 10 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11
Echo of Islam 1986,Subseries 11: Echo of Islam 1986
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
…Victory is Ours. Echo of Islam. Vol. 6, No. 5. Sept., Oct. 1986 (Safar 1407),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Hajj: The Ultimate Uprising. Echo of Islam. Vol. 6, No. 4. August 1986 (Muharram 1407),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Desecrating Sacred Quds. Echo of Islam. Vol. 6, No. 3. July 1986 (Shawwal 1406),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Journey of Light. Echo of Islam. Vol. 6, No. 1. April - May 1986 (Shaban 1406),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
Geneva Conference: Dividing The World. Echo of Islam. Vol. 5, No. 6. Dec. - Jan. 1986 (Rabiul - Thani 1406),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 11 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12
Echo of Islam 1984,Subseries 12: Echo of Islam 1984
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Four Years of Imposed War. Echo of Islam. Vol. 4, No. 4. Sept./ Oct. 1984 (Muharram 1405),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Shoot Out Over the Persian Gulf. Echo of Islam. Vol. 4, No. 3. July/Aug. 1984,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Echo of Islam. Vol. 4, No. 1. Mar./Apr. 1984,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
Lebanese Muslim Combatants: When The Gun is the Only Solution. Echo of Islam. Vol. 4, No. 2. Apr./May 1984,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 12 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13
Echo of Islam 1992 - 1993,Subseries 13: Echo of Islam 1992 - 1993
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Palestinian Nation: A Restless Volcano. Echo of Islam. Year 8, Serial No. 81,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
The Rebirth of Islam. Echo of Islam. No. 102 May 1993.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
The People Glorious Presence in Scene. Echo of Islam. No. 104, February 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Integration: A Common Need, A Divergent Response. Echo of Islam. June 1992. No. 96,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
Golden Policies of IMF in Developing Countries. Echo of Islam. No. 93, March 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 13 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14
Echo of Iran Index and Journals 1991,Subseries 14: Echo of Iran Index and Journals 1991
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
1991: The Echo of Iran Index (issues 1 - 12):1 - 11,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 354, No. 12 (47). December 1991:1 - 36,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
Handwritten Note November 30, 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 354, No. 11(46). November 1991: 1 - 30,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 354, No. 5 (40). May 1991, with handwritten notes on the cover:1 - 30,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 354, No. 3 (38). February 1991: 2 - 30,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 355, No. 2 (37) February 1991: 1 - 30,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 14 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15
Echo of Iran Journals 1990 - 1991,Subseries 15: Echo of Iran Journals 1990 - 1991
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 355, No. 1 (36). January 1991: 1 - 30,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 343, No. 35. December 1990: 1 - 30,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
The Echo of Iran: An Independent and Objective Review of Iranian Affairs. Vol. 353, No. 34. November 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 353, No. 33. October 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 352, No. 31. July 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Handwritten note from J. Behrouz (?) requesting subscription of The Echo of Iran at William and Mary and paper written by James Bill.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 353, No. 30. June 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
Letter from James Bill asking for subscription to The Echo of Iran and wishing recipient a Happy New Year,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 352, No. 25. January 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 15 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16
Echo of Iran 1993,Subseries 16: Echo of Iran 1993
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
1993: The Echo of Iran Index,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 68. October 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 70. December 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 69. November 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 66. July 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 65. June 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 64. May 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 16 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17
Echo of Iran 1993/1992,Subseries 17: Echo of Iran 1993/1992
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 63. April 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 62. March 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 61. February 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 41, No. 60. January 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
1992: The Echo of Iran Index,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 40, No. 12(59). December 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 40, No. 11(58). November 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 17 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 18
Echo of Iran 1992,Subseries 18: Echo of Iran 1992
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 18 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19
Echo of Iran 1994/1995,Subseries 19: Echo of Iran 1994/1995
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 83. February 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 82. January 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 77. July 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 76. June 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 75. May 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 74. April 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 73. March 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 72. February 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
The Echo of Iran. Vol. 42, No. 71. January 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 19 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20
Dialogue Newsletter Published by the Public Affairs Committee of Shia Muslims,Subseries 20: Dialogue Newsletter Published by the Public Affairs Committee of Shia Muslims
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. October 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. September 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. August 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. June 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. May 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. April 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. March 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. February 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. December 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. January 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Islam Beyond Cultural Distortions. Dialogue. September 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. August 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. July 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. May 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. April 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. March 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. February 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. January 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. December 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. November 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. October 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. September 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. August 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. July 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. June 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. May 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
US - Iran Review. April 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. June 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. April 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. March 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. February 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
2 Copies: Dialogue. January 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. December 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. November 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. October 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. September 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. August 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. July 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. June 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. May 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. December/January 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
Dialogue. November 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 20 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21
Daily Report,Subseries 21: Daily Report
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report Supplement: Near East and South Asia. Iran: Majles Sessions, Election Results. 6/29/1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report: Near East and South Asia. 6/28/1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report Supplement: Near East and South Asia. Iran: Jun Majles Sessions. 7/23/1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report Supplement: Near East and South Asia. Iran: 20 - 29 Jan Majles Sessions: 2/28/1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report Supplement: Near East and South Asia. Iran: Majles Sessions. 1/31/1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report Supplement: Near East and South Asia. Iran: Majiles Sessions. 9/29/1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report Supplement: Near East and South Asia. Iran: Democratic Kurdistan Party Official Interviewed. 9/17/1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Daily Report Supplement: Near East and South Asia. Iran: 9 April - 2 June 1991 Majiles Sessions. 7/9/1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 21 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22
CIRA (Center for Iranian Research and Analysis) Newsletter 1990 - 1995,Subseries 22: CIRA (Center for Iranian Research and Analysis) Newsletter 1990 - 1995
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 10, No. 2. Winter 1995,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 9, No. 3. Summer 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 9, No. 2. Winter 1994,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 8, No. 1 - 2. Fall 1992/Winter 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 9, No. 1. Fall 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 7, No. 1 - 2. Fall 1991/Winter 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 6, No. 3. Spring/Summer 1991,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 6, No. 1. Fall 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 5, No. 3. Spring/Summer 1990,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 22 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23
CIRA (Center for Iranian Research and Analysis) Newsletter 1987 - 1989,Subseries 23: CIRA (Center for Iranian Research and Analysis) Newsletter 1987 - 1989
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 4, No. 3. Winter 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 5, No. 2. Fall 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 5, No. 1. Spring/Summer 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 3, No. 3. Winter 1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 4, No. 2. Fall 1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 4, No. 1. Spring/Summer 1988,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
CIRA Newsletter. Vol. 3, No. 2. Fall 1987,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 23 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24
Arabia Monitor,Subseries 24: Arabia Monitor
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 8. August 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 7. July 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 5. May 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 6. June 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 4. April 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 3. March 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 2. February 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 2, No. 1. January 1993,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
2 Copies: Arabia Monitor. Vol. 1, No. 7. August 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 1, No. 6. July 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol.1, No. 4/5. May - June 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
Arabia Monitor. Vol. 1, No. 2/3. March - April 1992,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 24 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 12
- Sub-Series 2
Articles written By James Bill,Subseries 2: Articles written By James Bill
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1
Journals with Articles written by James Bill,Subseries 1: Journals with Articles written by James Bill
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
The Politics of Extremism in Iran. Current History: A World Affairs Journal. January, 1982: 9+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
The Challenge of Change: Petroleum and Planning in the Middle East. ed. Alice Taylor. Focus from The American Geographic Society. Vol. 22, No. 1. September 1971:1+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bill, James and John Alden Williams. Shii Islam and Roman Catholicism: A Comparative Analysis. New Catholic World. November/December 1988: 274,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Power Politics and Shiism. Harvard International Review. Vol. 6, No. 7. May/June 1984:14+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
The New Iran: Relations With Its Neighbors and the United States. Asian Update. The Asian Society. August 1991.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Islam: Misunderstood Throughout The World. The Fountain. January/March 2001: 30+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
William and Mary Alumni Magazine. Alumni Association. Spring/Summer 2003,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2
Articles written by James Bill,Subseries 2: Articles written by James Bill
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Iran and the United States: A Clash of Hegemonies. Middle East Report. No. 212, Vol. 29, No. 3. Fall 1999: 44+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Iran: The Prodigal Returns. World Monitor: The Christian Science Monitor Monthly. Vol. 2, No. 3. March 1989: 64+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Prospering Persia: Modern Mecca. Finance: The Magazine of Money. Vol. 93, No. 1. January 1975: 21+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Bill, James and Dr. Carl Leiden. The Rebirth of Islam. Ashland Now. Vol. 3, No. 2. Summer 1979: 8,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
The Unfinished Revolution in Iran. International Insight. Vol. 2, No. 1. November/December, 1981: 6+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 3
Middle East Insight Magazine with Articles by James Bill,Subseries 3: Middle East Insight Magazine with Articles by James Bill
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Bill, James. Introduction. Ed. Amirahbadi, Hooshang and James Bill. The Clinton Administration and the Future of U.S. - Iran Relations. Sponsored by Middle East Insight Magazine. 14 January 1993.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
The U.S. and the Mythology of the Iranian Revolution. Middle East Insight. Vol. 5, No. 2. 1987: 12+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
Islam, Politics, and Shiism in the Gulf. Middle East Insight. Vol. 3, No. 3. 1984: 3+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 3 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 4
Middle East Insight Magazine with Articles by James Bill,Subseries 4: Middle East Insight Magazine with Articles by James Bill
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Roots of Rage: The Islamic Carpet and Its Fringe. Middle East Insight. Vol. 16, No. 5. November/December 2001: 11+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Middle East Insight. Vol. 15, No. 6. November/December 2000: James Bill is a Contributing Editor,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
Untangling The Web. Middle East Insight. Vol. 13, No. 3. March/April 1998: 21+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 4 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 5
Iranian Studies Journal: Journal of the Society for Iranian Studies with Articles by James Bill et al.,Subseries 5: Iranian Studies Journal: Journal of the Society for Iranian Studies with Articles by James Bill et al.
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Bill, James and Marvin Zonis. Classes, Elites and Iranian Politics: An Exchange. Iranian Studies. Vol. 8, No. 3. Summer 1975.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
Khodadad Farmanfarmaian: The Social Sciences and Problems of Development. Iranian Studies. Vol. 9, No. 4. Autumn 1976,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 5 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 6
Iranian Studies Journal: Journal of the Society for Iranian Studies with Articles by James Bill, et al.,Subseries 6: Iranian Studies Journal: Journal of the Society for Iranian Studies with Articles by James Bill, et al.
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
The Politics of Student Alienation: The Case of Iran. Iranian Studies. Vol. 2, No. 1. Winter 1969: 8+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
The American Analysis of Iranian Politics. Iranian Studies. Vol. 10, No. 3. Summer 1977: 164+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 6 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7
Journal Article Reprints by James Bill and William and Mary Emery Reeves Center for International Studies Brochures,Subseries 7: Journal Article Reprints by James Bill and William and Mary Emery Reeves Center for International Studies Brochures
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Resurgent Islam In the Persian Gulf. Foreign Affairs. No. 63107. Fall 1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Class Analysis and the Dialectics of Modernization in the Middle East. Reprinted from International Journal of Middle East Studies. Cambridge University Press: 1972. 417 - 434,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Modernization and Reform From Above: The Case of Iran. Reprinted from The Journal of Politics. Vol. 32, No. 1. February 1970: 19+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
The Politics of Incoherence: The United States and the Middle East. Reprinted from The Middle East Journal. Vol. 56, No. 4. Autumn 2002: 562+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
The Social and Economic Foundations of Power in Contemporary Iran. Reprinted from The Middle East Journal. Autumn 1963: 400+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
The Study of Middle East Politics, 1946 - 1996: A Stocktaking. Reprinted from The Middle East Journal. Vol. 50, No. 4. Autumn 1996.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
The Plasticity of Informal Politics: The Case of Iran. Reprinted from The Middle East Journal. Spring 1973: 131+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Power and Religion in Revolutionary Iran. Reprinted from The Middle East Journal. Vol. 36, No. 1. Winter 1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Iran and the Crisis of 78. Reprinted from Foreign Affairs: An American Quarterly Review. Winter 1978 - 79,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
Populist Islam and U.S. Foreign Policy. SAIS Review: A Journal of International Affairs. Vol. 9, No. 1. Winter - Spring 1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
2 Copies: Bringing The World to William and Mary. Wendy and Emery Reeves Center for International Studies. 1987 - 1998: James Bill was the Director for International Studies.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 7 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 8
Comparative Politics Quarterly and the Middle East Policy Quarterly with Articles by James Bill,Subseries 8: Comparative Politics Quarterly and the Middle East Policy Quarterly with Articles by James Bill
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
The Military and Modernization in the Middle East. Comparative Politics. Vol. 2, No. 1. October 1969: 41+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
The Politics of Hegemony: The United States and Iran. Middle East Policy. Vol. 8, No. 3. September 2001: 89+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 8 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 9
Journal of Arab Affairs Articles and Book Excerpt by James Bill,Subseries 9: Journal of Arab Affairs Articles and Book Excerpt by James Bill
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
The Arab World and the Challenge of Iran. Journal of Arab Affairs. Vol. 2, No. 1. October 1982: 29+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
The Shah, The Ayatollah and the U.S. Headline Series. Foreign Policy Association, Inc: New York. From The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American - Iranian Relations. Yale University Press. 1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 9 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 13
- Sub-Series 3
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 2000 - 1989,Subseries 3: Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 2000 - 1989
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 2000 - 1989,Subseries 1: Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 2000 - 1989
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Vol. 19, No. 2. March 2000,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Vol. 19, No. 1. January/February 2000,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Vol. 18, No. 8. December 1999,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Vol. 18, No. 7. October/November 1999,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Vol. 18, No. 6. September 1999,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Vol. 18, No. 5. July/August 1999,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Vol. 18, No. 4. June 1999,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Vol. 18, No. 3. April/May 1999,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Vol. 18, No. 2. March 1999,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Vol. 17, No. 8. December 1998,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Vol. 17, No. 5. July/ August 1998,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Vol. 17, No. 4. May/ June 1998,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Vol. 17, No. 3. April 1998,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Vol. 17, No. 2. March 1998,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Vol. 16, No. 5. January/ February 1998,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
Vol. 16, No. 4. December 1997,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
Vol. 16, No. 3. October/November 1997,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
Vol. 16, No. 2. August/ September 1997,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Vol. 16, No. 1. July/June 1997,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Vol. 15, No. 8. April/May 1997,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Vol. 15, No. 7. March 1997,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Vol. 15, No. 5. November/December 1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Vol. 15, No. 4. October 1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Vol. 15, No. 3. August/September 1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
Vol. 15, No. 1. May/ June 1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
[2 Copies] Vol. 14, No. 8. April 1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
2 Copies: Vol. 14, No. 6. January 1996,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Vol. 14, No. 5. December 1995,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Vol. 14, No. 5. December 1995,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Vol. 14, No. 4. October/ November 1995,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Vol. 14, No. 1. June 1995,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Vol. 13, No. 6. March 1995,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Vol. 13, No. 4. November/December 1994,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Vol. 12, No. 4. November/ December 1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
Vol. 11, No. 9. April/May 1993,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
Vol. 11, No. 1. June 1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
Vol. 10, No. 7. February 1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
Vol. 10, No. 6. December 1991/January 1992,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
[2 Copies] Vol. 10, No. 5. November 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 15
Vol. 10, No. 4. October 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 15
Vol. 10, No. 3. August/ September 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 15
Vol. 10, No. 2. July 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Vol. 10, No. 1. May/June 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Vol. 9, No. 10. March 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
Vol. 9, No. 9. February 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
Vol. 9, No. 8. January 1991,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
Vol. 9, No. 7. December 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
Vol. 9, No. 6. November 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 18
Vol. 9, No. 5. October 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 18
Vol. 9, No. 4. September 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 18
Vol. 9, No. 3. July/August 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Vol. 9, No. 2. June 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Vol. 9, No. 1. May 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
Vol. 8, No. 12. April 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 20
Vol. 8, No. 11. March 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 20
Vol. 8, No. 10. February 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 20
Vol. 8, No. 9. January 1990,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 21
Vol. 8, No. 8. December 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 21
Vol. 8, No. 7. November 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 21
Vol. 8, No. 6. October 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 22
Vol. 8, No. 5. September 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 22
Vol. 8, No. 4. August 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 22
Vol. 8, No. 3. July 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Vol. 8, No. 2. June 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Vol. 8, No. 1. May 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
Vol. 7, No. 12. April 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 24
Vol. 7, No. 11. March 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 24
Vol. 7, No. 10. February 1989,
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 3 Box 14
- Sub-Series 4
The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences,Subseries 4: The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14
This is actually box 14A
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1
The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences,Subseries 1: The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Vol. 18, No. 4. Fall 2001,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Vol. 18, No. 3. Summer 2001,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 3
Vol. 18, No. 2. Spring 2001,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 4
Vol. 11, No. 3. Fall 1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 5
Vol. 11, No. 2. Summer 1994,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 6
Vol. 10, No. 1. Spring 1993,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Vol. 9, No. 1. Spring 1992,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Cumulative Index: 1:1 - 7:3 (1985 - 1991),
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
Vol. 8, No. 3. December 1991,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 9
Vol. 7, No. 1. March 1990,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 10
Vol. 3, No. 1. September 1986,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 11
Vol. 2, No. 1. July 1985,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 12
Vol. 1, No. 1. Spring 1984,
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 4 Box 14
- Sub-Series 5
MERIP Report: The Middle East Research and Information Project and (Middle East Report),Subseries 5: MERIP Report: The Middle East Research and Information Project and (Middle East Report)
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP Report): actual documents,Subseries 1: Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP Report): actual documents
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 136/137 Vol. 15, No. 8/9. October - December 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 135 Vol. 15, No.7. September 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 134 Vol. 15, No.6. July - August 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 133 Vol. 15, No. 5. June 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 132 Vol. 15, No. 4. May 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 131 Vol. 15, No. 3. March - April 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 130 Vol. 15, No. 2. February 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 129 Vol. 14, No. 1. January 1985,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 128 Vol. 14, No. 9. November - December 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 127 Vol. 14, No. 8. October 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 125/126 Vol. 14, No. 6/7 July - September 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 124 Vol. 14, No. 5. June 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 123 Vol. 14, No. 4. May 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 122 Vol. 14, No. 3. March/April 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 121 Vol. 14, No. 2. February 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 120 Vol. 14, No. 1. January 1984,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 119 Vol. 13, No. 9. November - December 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 118 Vol. 13, No. 8. October 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 117 Vol. 13, No. 7. September 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 116 Vol. 13, No. 6. July - August 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 115 Vol. 13, No. 5. June 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 114 Vol. 13, No. 4. May 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 113 Vol. 13, No. 3. March - April 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 112 Vol. 13, No. 2. February 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 111 Vol. 13, No. 1. January 1983,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 110 Vol. 12, No. 9. November - December 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 108/109 Vol. 12, No. 6&7 September - October 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 107 Vol. 12, No. 6. July - August 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 106 Vol. 12, No. 5. June 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 105 Vol. 12, No. 4. May 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 104 Vol. 12, No. 3. May - April 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 103 Vol. 12, No. 2. February 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 102 Vol. 12, No. 1. January 1982,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 100/101 Vol. 11, No. 8 - 9, October - December 1981,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 99 Vol. 11, No. 7. September 1981,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 98 Vol. 11, No. 6. July - August 1981,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 97 Vol. 11, No. 5. June 1981,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 93 Vol. 11, No. 1. January 1981,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 92 Vol. 10, No. 9. November - December 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 91 Vol. 10, No. 8. October 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 90 Vol. 10, No. 7. September 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 89 Vol. 10, No. 6. August 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 88 Vol. 10, No. 5. June 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 87 Vol. 10, No. 4. May 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 86 Vol. 10, No. 3. March/April 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 85 Vol. 10, No. 2. February 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 84 Vol. 10, No. 1. January 1980,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 83 Vol. 9, No. 10. December 1979,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 82 Vol. 9, No. 9. November 1979,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 81. Vol. 9, No. 8. October 1979,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 80. Vol. 9, No. 7. September 1979,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 78. Vol. 9, No. 6. June 1979,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 77. Vol. 9, No. 4. May 1979,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 74. Vol. 9. No. 1. January 1979,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 71. Vol. 8. No. 8. October 1978,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
Abrahamian, Ervan. Iran: The Political Challenge. No. 69, Vol. 8, No. 6. July - August 1978,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
[2 Copies]No. 69. Vol. 8, No. 6. July - August 1978,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 68. Vol. 8, No. 5. June 1978,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 43,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
No. 38.,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
[2 Copies] No. 18,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
Index Vol. 1 - 10, No. 1 - 92. 1971 - 1980 Compiled and Edited by Jim Paul,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
Middle East Report MERIP: Actual Documents,Subseries 2: Middle East Report MERIP: Actual Documents
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 138 Vol. 16, No. 1. January - February 1986,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 139 Vol. 16, No. 2. March - April 1986,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 140 Vol. 16, No. 3. May - June 1986,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 141 Vol. 16, No. 4. July - August. 1986,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 142 Vol. 16, No. 5. September - October 1986,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 143 Vol. 16, No. 6. November - December 1986,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 144 Vol. 17, No. 1. January - February 1987,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 145 Vol. 17, No. 2. March - April 1987,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 146 Vol. 17, No. 3. May - June 1987,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 147 Vol. 17, No. 4. July - August 1987,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 148 Vol. 17, No. 5. September - October 1987,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 149 Vol. 17, No. 6. November - December 1987,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 150 Vol.18, No. 1. January - February 1988,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 151 Vol. 18, No. 2. March - April 1988,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 152 Vol. 18, No. 3. May - June 1988,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 153 Vol. 18, No. 4. July - August 1988,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 154 Vol. 18, No. 5. September - October 1988,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
No. 155 Vol. 18, No. 6. November - December 1988,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115
This is actually box 15A.
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
Middle East Report MERIP: Actual Documents,Subseries 1: Middle East Report MERIP: Actual Documents
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 156 Vol. 19, No. 1. January - February 1989,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 157 Vol. 19, No. 2. March - April 1989,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 158 Vol. 19, No. 3. May - June 1989,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 159 Vol. 19, No. 4. July - August 1989,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 160 Vol. 19, No. 5. September - October 1989,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 161 Vol. 19, No. 6. November - December 1989,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 162 Vol. 20, No. 1. January - February 1990,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 163 Vol. 20, No. 2. March - April 1990,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 164 - 165 Vol. 20, No. 3. May - August 1990,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 166 Vol. 20, No. 4. September - October 1990,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 167 Vol. 20, No. 5. November - December 1990,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 168 Vol. 21, No. 1. January/February 1991,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 169 Vol. 21, No. 2. March/April 1991,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 170 Vol. 21, No. 3. May/ June 1991,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 171 Vol. 21, No. 4. July/August 1991,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 173 Vol. 21, No. 6. November/December 1991,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 174 Vol. 22, No. 1. January/February 1992,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 175 Vol. 22, No. 2. March/April 1992,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 176 Vol. 22, No. 3. May/June 1992,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 177 Vol. 22, No. 4. July/ August 1992,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 178 Vol. 22, No. 5. September/October 1992,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 179 Vol. 22, No. 6. November/December 1992,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 180 Vol. 23, No. 1. January/February 1993,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 181 Vol. 23, No. 2. March/April 1993,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 182 Vol. 23, No. 3. May/June 1993,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 183 Vol. 23, No. 4. July/August 1993,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 184 Vol. 23, No. 5. September/October 1993,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 185 Vol. 23, No. 6. November/December 1993,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 186 Vol. 24, No. 1. January/February 1994,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 187/188 Vol. 24, No. 2, 3. March/April - May/June 1994,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 189 Vol. 24. No. 4. July/August 1994,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 190 Vol. 24, No. 5. September/October 1994,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 191 Vol. 24, No. 6. November/December 1994,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 192 Vol. 25, No. 1. January/February 1995,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 193 Vol. 25, No. 2. March/April 1995,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 196 Vol. 25, No. 5. September - October 1995,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 197 Vol. 25, No. 6. November - December 1995,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 198 Vol. 26, No. 1. January - March 1996,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 199 Vol. 26, No. 2. April - June 1996,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 200 Vol. 26, No. 3. July - September 1996,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 201 Vol. 26, No. 4. October - December 1996,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 202 Vol. 27, No. 1. Winter 1997,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 204 Vol. 27, No. 3. July - September 1997,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 205 Vol. 27, No. 4. October - December 1997,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 206 Vol. 28, No. 1. Spring 1998,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 208 Vol. 28, No. 3. Fall 1998,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 209 Vol. 28, No. 4. Winter 1998,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 211 Vol. 29, No. 2. Summer 1999,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 212 Vol. 29, No. 3. Fall 1999,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 213 Vol. 29, No. 4. Winter 1999,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 214 Vol. 30, No. 1. Spring 2000,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 216 Vol. 30, No. 3. Fall 2000,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 218 Vol. 31, No. 1. Spring 2001,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 219 Vol. 31, No. 2. Summer 2001,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 220 Vol. 31, No. 3. Fall 2001,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 221 Vol. 31, No. 4. Winter 2001,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 222 Vol. 32, No. 1. Spring 2002,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 224 Vol. 32, No. 3. Fall 2002,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 225 Vol. 32, No. 4. Winter 2002,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 226 Vol. 33, No. 1. Spring 2003,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 227 Vol. 33, No. 2. Summer 2003,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
No. 228 Vol. 33, No. 3. Fall 2003,
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 5 Box 115 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 5 Box 15
- Sub-Series 6
Middle East Insight Magazine,Subseries 6: Middle East Insight Magazine
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16
Middle East Insight Special Edition 1995,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16
Middle East Insight 15th Anniversary 1980 - 1995,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Middle East Insight Magazine: Actual Documents,Subseries 1: Middle East Insight Magazine: Actual Documents
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 17, No. 1. January - February 2002,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 16, No. 3. June - July 2001,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 16, No. 2. April - May 2001,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 16, No. 1. January - February 2001,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 15, No. 4. July - August 2000,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 15, No. 3. May - June 2000,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 15, No. 2. March - April 2000,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 15, No. 1. January - February 2000,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 14, No. 6. November - December 1999,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 14, No. 5. September - October 1999,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 14, No. 3. May - June 1999,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 14, No. 2. March - April 1999,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 14, No. 1. January - February 1999,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 13, No. 6. November - December 1998,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 13, No. 5. September - October 1998,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 13, No. 4. May - June 1998,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 13, No. 2. January - February 1998,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 13, No. 1. November - December 1997,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 12, No. 6. September - December (Special Issue) 1996,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 12, No. 3. March - April 1996,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 12, No. 2. January - February 1996,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 11, No. 6 (Special Issue)1995,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 11, No. 5. 1995,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 11, No. 4. May - June 1995,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 11, No. 2. January - February 1995,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 10, No. 6. September - October 1994,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 10, No. 4/5. May - August 1994,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 10, No. 3. March - April 1994,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 10, No. 2. January - February 1994,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 10, No. 1. November - December 1993,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 9, No. 5. July - August 1993,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 9, No. 4. May - June 1993,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 9, No. 3. March - April 1993,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 9, No. 2. 1993,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 9. No. 1.1992,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 8, No. 6. July - October 1992,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 8, No. 5. May - June 1992,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 8, No. 3. January - February 1992,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 8, No. 1. July/August 1991,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 7, No. 6. May - June 1991,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 7, No. 5. 1990,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 7, No. 4. 1990,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 7, No. 1. January - February 1990,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 6, No. 6. November - December 1989,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 6, No. 5. Spring 1989,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 6, No. 4. Winter 1989,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 6, No. 3. Fall 1988,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Middle East Insight continued,Subseries 1: Middle East Insight continued
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 6, No. 1 - 2. Summer 1988,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 5, No. 6. March - April1988[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 5, No. 5. January - February 1988,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 5, No. 4. November - December 1987,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 5, No. 3. August - September 1987,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 5, No. 1. January - February 1987,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 4, No. 6. 1986,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 4, No. 4/5 1986,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 4, No. 3. 1985,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 4, No. 2. 1985,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 4, No. 1. 1985,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 3, No. 6. 1984,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 3, No. 5. 1984,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 3, No. 4. 1984,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 3, No. 2. 1983,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 2, No. 6. March - April 1983,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 2, No. 5. January - February 1983,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 2, No. 3. May 1982,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 2, No. 2. January - February 1982,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 2, No. 1. November - December 1981[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
Graham - Brown, Sarah and Chris Toensing. Why Another War? A Backgrounder on the Iraq Crisis". Middle East Research and Information Project. October 2002,
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 6 Box 17 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 6 Box 16
- Sub-Series 7
Newspaper Chronology 1981 on Iran,Subseries 7: Newspaper Chronology 1981 on Iran
- Sub-Series 7 Box 17
- Sub-Series 7 Box 17
Newspaper Chronology on Iran in 1981,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 17
Newspaper Chronology on Iran in 1974 - 1977,
- Sub-Series 7 Box 17
- Sub-Series 7 Box 17
- Sub-Series 8
Iran Times: January 2001 - December 2002,Subseries 8: Iran Times: January 2001 - December 2002
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18
Iran Times International Calendar [in Arabic],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
Volume 32,Subseries 1: Volume 32
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 42, 12/27/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 41, 12/20/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 40, 12/3/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 39, 12/6/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 38, 11/29/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 37, 11/22/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 36, 11/15/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 35, 11/8/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 34, 11/1/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 33, 10/25/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 32, 10/18/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 32, 10/11/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 30, 10/04/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 28, 9/28/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 29, 9/27/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 27, 9/13/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 26, 9/6/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 25, 8/30/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 24, 8/23/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 23, 8/16/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 22, 8/9/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 21, 8/2/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 20, 8/26/ 2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 19, 7/19/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 18, 7/12/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 17, 7/ 5/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 16, 6/28/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 15, 6/21/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 14, 6/14/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 12, 5/31/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 11, 5/24/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 10, 5/17/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 9, 5/10, 2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 8, 5/3/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 7, 4/26/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 6, 4/19/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 5, 4/12/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 4, 4/5/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 3, 3/29/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 2, 3/22/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 1, 3/15/2002[in English],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
No. 1, 3/15/2002[in Arabic],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
Volume 31,Subseries 2: Volume 31
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 52, 3/8/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 51, 3/1/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 50, 2/22/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 49, 2/15/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 48, 2/8/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 47, 2/1/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 46, 1/25/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 45, 1/18/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 44, 1/11/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 43, 1/4/2002,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 42, 12/28/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 41, 12/21/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 40, 12/14/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 39, 12/7/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 38, 11/30/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 37, 11/23/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 36, 11/16/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 35, 11/9/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 34, 11/2/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 33, 10/26/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 32, 10/19/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 31, 10/12/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 30, 10/05/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 29, 9/28/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 28, 9/21/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 27, 9/14/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 26, 9/7/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 25, 8/31/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 24, 8/24/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 23, 8/17/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 22, 8/10/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 21, 8/3/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 20, 7/27/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 19, 7/20/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 18, 7/31/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 17, 7/6/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 16, 6/29/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 15, 6/22/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 14, 6/15/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 13, 6/8/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 12, 6/01/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 11, 5/25/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 10, 5/18/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 9, 5/11/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 8, 5/4/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 7, 4/27/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 6, 4/20/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 5, 4/13/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 4, 4/6/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 3, 3/30/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 2, 3/23/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 1, 3/16/2001 [in Arabic],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
No. 1, 3/16/2001[in English],
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
Volume 30,Subseries 3: Volume 30
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 52, 3/9/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 51, 3/2/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 50, 2/23/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 49, 2/16/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 48, 2/9/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 47, 2/2/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 46, 1/26/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 45, 1/19/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 44, 1/12/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
No. 43, 1/5/2001,
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18 Sub-Series 3
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18
- Sub-Series 8 Box 18
- Sub-Series 9
Iran Times: January 2003 - November 2003,Subseries 9: Iran Times: January 2003 - November 2003
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19
Daily Press Television Guide. 9/30/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
Volume 33,Subseries 1: Volume 33
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 35. 11/14/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 34. 11/7/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 33. 10/7/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 32. 10/24/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 30. 10/10/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 29. 10/3/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 28. 9/26/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 27. 9/19/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 25. 9/5/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 26. 9/12/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 24. 8/29/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 23. 8/22/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 22. 8/15/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 21. 8/8/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 20. 8/1/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 18. 7/18/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 19. 7/25/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 17. 7/11/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 16. 7/4/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 15. 6/27/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 14. 6/20/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 13. 6/13/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 12. 6/6/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 11. 5/30/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 10. 5/23/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 9. 5/16/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 8. 5/9/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 7. 5/2/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 6. 4/27/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 5. 4/18/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 4. 4/11/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 3. 4/4/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 2. 3/28/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
No. 1. 3/21/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
Volume 32,Subseries 2: Volume 32
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 53. 3/14/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 52. 3/7/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 51. 2/28/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 50. 2/21/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 49. 2/14/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 47. 1/31/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 46. 1/24/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 45. 1/17/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 44. 1/10/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
No. 43. 1/3/2003,
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19
- Sub-Series 9 Box 19
- Sub-Series 10
Iran Times: January 1997 - December 1998,Subseries 10: Iran Times: January 1997 - December 1998
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
Volume 28,Subseries 1: Volume 28
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 41. 12/25/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 40. 12/18/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 39. 12/11/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 38. 12/4/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 37. 11/27/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 36. 11/20/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 35. 11/13/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 34. 11/6/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 33. 10/30/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 32. 10/23/1998[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 31. 10/16/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 30. 10/9/1998[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 29. 10/2/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 28. 9/25/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 27. 9/18/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 26. 9/11/1998[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 25. 9/4/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 24. 8/28/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 23. 8/21/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 22. 8/14/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 21. 8/7/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 20. 7/31/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 19. 7/24/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 18. 7/17/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 17. 7/10/1998[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 15. 6/26/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 14. 6/19/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 13. 6/12/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 12. 6/5/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 11. 5/29/1998[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 10. 5/22/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 9. 5/15/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 8. 5/8/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 7. 5/1/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 6. 4/24/1998[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 5. 4/17/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 4. 4/10/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 3. 4/3/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 2. 3/27/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
No. 1. 3/20/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
Volume 27,Subseries 2: Volume 27
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 52. 3/13/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 51. 3/6/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 50. 2/27/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 49. 2/20/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 48. 2/13/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 47. 2/6/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 46. 1/30/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 45. 1/23/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 44. 1/16/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 43. 1/9/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 42. 1/2/1998,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 41. 12/26/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 40. 12/19/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 39. 12/12/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 38. 12/5/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 37. 11/28/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 36. 11/21/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 35. 11/14/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 34. 11/7/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 33. 10/31/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 32. 10/24/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 31. 10/17/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 30. 10/10/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 29. 10/3/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 28. 9/26/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 27. 9/19/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 28. 9/12/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 25. 9/5/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 24. 8/29/1997[in Arabic],
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 23. 8/22/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 21. 8/8/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 20. 8/1/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 19. 7/25/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 18. 7/18/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 17. 7/4/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 15. 6/27/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 14. 6/20/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 13. 6/13/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 12. 6/6/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 11. 5/30/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 10. 5/23/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 9. 5/16/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 8. 5/9/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 7. 5/2/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 6. 4/25/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 5. 4/18/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 4. 4/11/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 3. 4/4/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 2. 3/28/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
No. 1. 3/21/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
Volume 26,Subseries 3: Volume 26
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 53. 3/14/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 52. 3/7/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 51. 2/28/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 50. 2/21/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 49. 2/14/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 48. 2/7/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 47. 1/31/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 46. 1/24/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 45. 1/17/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
No. 44. 1/10/1997,
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 3
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 10 Box 20
- Sub-Series 11
Iran Times: January 1999 - December 2000,Subseries 11: Iran Times: January 1999 - December 2000
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
Volume 30,Subseries 1: Volume 30
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 42. 12/29/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 41. 12/22/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 40. 12/15/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 39. 12/8/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 38. 12/1/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 37. 11/24/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 36. 11/17/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 35. 11/10/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 34. 11/3/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 33. 10/27/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 32. 10/20/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 31. 10/13/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 30. 10/6/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 29. 9/29/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 28. 9/22/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 27. 9/15/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 26. 9/8/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 25. 9/1/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 24. 8/25/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 23. 8/18/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 22. 8/11/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 21. 8/4/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 20. 7/28/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 19. 7/21/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 18. 7/14/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 17. 7/7/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 16. 6/30/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 15. 6/23/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 14. 6/16/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 13. 6/9/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 12. 6/2/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 11. 5/26/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 10. 5/19/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 9. 5/12/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 8. 5/5/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 7. 4/28/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 6. 4/21/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 5. 4/14/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 4. 4/7/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 3. 3/31/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 2. 3/24/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 1. 3/17/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
No. 1. 3/17/2000[in Arabic],
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
Volume 29,Subseries 2: Volume 29
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 52. 3/10/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 51. 3/3/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 50. 2/25/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 49. 2/18/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 48. 2/11/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 47. 2/4/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 46. 1/28/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 45. 1/21/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 44. 1/14/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 43. 1/7/2000,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 42. 12/31/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 41. 12/24/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 40. 12/17/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 39. 12/10/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 38. 12/3/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 37. 11/26/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 36. 11/19/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 35. 11/12/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 34. 11/5/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 33. 10/29/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 32. 10/22/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 31. 10/15/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 30. 10/8/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 29. 10/1/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 28. 9/4/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 27. 9/17/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 26. 9/10/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 25. 9/3/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 24. 8/27/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 23. 8/20/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 22. 8/13/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 21. 8/6/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 20. 7/30/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 19. 7/23/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 18. 7/16/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 17. 7/9/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 16. 7/2/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 15. 6/25/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 14. 6/18/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 13. 6/11/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 12. 6/4/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 11. 5/28/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 10. 5/21/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 9. 5/14/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 8. 5/7/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 7. 4/30/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 6. 4/23/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 5. 4/16/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 4. 4/9/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 3. 4/2/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 2. 3/26/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
No. 1. 3/19/1999[2 Copies in Arabic],
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
Volume 28,Subseries 3: Volume 28
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 52. 3/12/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 51. 3/5/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 50. 3/26/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 49. 2/19/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 48. 2/12/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 47. 2/5/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 46. 2/29/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 45. 1/22/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 44. 1/15/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 43. 1/8/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
No. 42. 1/1/1999,
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 3
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 11 Box 21
- Sub-Series 12
Crescent International: January 2001 - June 2003,Subseries 12: Crescent International: January 2001 - June 2003
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
Volume 32,Subseries 1: Volume 32
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 11 8/16 - 31/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 10 8/1 - 15/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 9 7/16 - 31/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 8 7/1 - 15/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 7 6/16 - 30/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 6 6/1 - 15/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 5 6/16 - 31/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 4 5/1 - 15/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 3 4/16 - 30/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
No. 2 4/1 - 15/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
Volume 31,Subseries 2: Volume 31
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 24 3/1 - 15/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 23 2/16 - 18/2003,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 19 12/16 - 31/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 18 12/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 17 11/16 - 30/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 16 11/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 15 10/16 - 31/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 14 10/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 13 9/16 - 30/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 11 8/16 - 31/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 10 8/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 9 7/16 - 31/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 8 7/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 7 6/16 - 30/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 6 6/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 5 5/16 - 31/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 4 5/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 3 4/16 - 30/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 2 4/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
No. 1 3/16 - 31/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
Volume 30,Subseries 3: Volume 30
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 24 3/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 23 2/16 - 28/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 22 2/1 - 15/2002,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 19 12/16 - 31/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 18 12/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No.17 11/16 - 30/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No.16 11/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No.15 10/16 - 31/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 14 10/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 13 9/16 - 30/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 12 9/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 11 8/16 - 31/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 10 8/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 8 7/16 - 31/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 8 7/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 6 6/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 5 5/16 - 31/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 4 5/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 3 4/16 - 30/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 2 4/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
No. 1 3/16 - 31/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 3
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 4
Volume 29,Subseries 4: Volume 29
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 4
No. 24 3/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 4
No. 23 2/16 - 28/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 4
No. 22 2/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 4
No. 20 1/1 - 15/2001,
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 4
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 12 Box 22
- Sub-Series 13
Crescent International Newsmagazine: June 2000 - January 1992,Subseries 13: Crescent International Newsmagazine: June 2000 - January 1992
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
Volume 29,Subseries 1: Volume 29
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 7. 6/15 - 30/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 3. 4/15 - 30/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
Volume 28,Subseries 2: Volume 28
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 23. 2/16 - 29/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/2000,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 17. 11/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 14. 9/16 - 30/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 3. 4/ 16 - 30/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
Volume 27,Subseries 3: Volume 27
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1999,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1998 [Eid Milad un - Nabi Special],
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1998 [ Special Hajj Issue],
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 3
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
Volume 26,Subseries 4: Volume 26
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 24. 3/16 - 31/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1998,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 4
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
Volume 25,Subseries 5: Volume 25
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1997,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 4. 5/1 - 16/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 5
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
Volume 24,Subseries 6: Volume 24
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 23. 2/16 - 29/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1996,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 6
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
Volume 23,Subseries 7: Volume 23
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1995,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 17. 11/18 - 30/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 7
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
Volume 22,Subseries 8: Volume 22
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1994,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 8
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
Volume 21,Subseries 9: Volume 21
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1993,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No.7. 6/16 - 30/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 9
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 10
Volume 20,Subseries 10: Volume 20
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 10
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 10
No. 23. 2/16 - 29/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 10
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 10
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 10
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1992,
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 10
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 13 Box 23
- Sub-Series 14
Crescent International Newsmagazine Dec. 1991 - Sept. 1982,Subseries 14: Crescent International Newsmagazine Dec. 1991 - Sept. 1982
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
Volume 20,Subseries 1: Volume 20
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
Volume 19,Subseries 2: Volume 19
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1991,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1990[excerpt],
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 2
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
Volume 18,Subseries 3: Volume 18
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 22. 1/16 - 31/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 21. 1/1 - 15/1990,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 20. 12/16 - 31/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 19. 12/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 18. 11/16 - 30/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 17. 11/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 16. 10/16 - 31/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 13. 10/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 12. 9/16 - 30/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 11. 8/15 - 31/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 5. 5/15 - 31/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 3
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
Volume 17,Subseries 4: Volume 17
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 23. 3/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 22. 2/16 - 28/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 21. 2/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 20. 1/16 - 31/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 19. 1/1 - 15/1989,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 18. 12/16 - 31/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 17. 12/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 16. 11/16 - 30/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 15. 11/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 4
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
Volume 16,Subseries 5: Volume 16
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1988,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 5
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
Volume 15,Subseries 6: Volume 15
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1987,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 6
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
Volume 14,Subseries 7: Volume 14
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1986,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 7
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
Volume 13,Subseries 8: Volume 13
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1985,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 12. 9/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 8
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
Volume 12,Subseries 9: Volume 12
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 23. 2/16 - 29/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1984,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 13. 9/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 11. 8/16 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 10. 8/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 9. 7/16 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 8. 7/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 7. 6/16 - 30/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 6. 6/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 5. 5/16 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 4. 5/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 3. 4/16 - 30/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 2. 4/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
No. 1. 3/16 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 9
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
Volume 11,Subseries 10: Volume 11
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 24. 3/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 23. 2/16 - 28/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 22. 2/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 21. 1/16 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 20. 1/1 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 19. 12/16 - 31/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 18. 12/1 - 15/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 17. 11/16 - 30/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 16. 11/1 - 15/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 15. 10/16 - 31/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 14. 10/1 - 15/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No. 13. 9/16 - 30/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
No.12. 9/1 - 15/1982,
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 10
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 14 Box 24
- Sub-Series 15
Collection of Documents (ASAD) Published By the Iranian Students Who Took Over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran,Subseries 15: Collection of Documents (ASAD) Published By the Iranian Students Who Took Over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran
- Sub-Series 15 Box 25
- Sub-Series 15 Box 25 Sub-Series 1
Documents From The U.S. Espionage Den,Subseries 1: Documents From The U.S. Espionage Den
- Sub-Series 15 Box 25 Sub-Series 1
47 Volumes: In English and Farsi,
- Sub-Series 15 Box 25 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 15 Box 25 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 15 Box 25
Box 26 contains memorandums, letters, journal articles, newspaper articles, invitations, minutes, agendas and essays concerning the Schuman plan and Bilderberg Group 1956-1973.
- Sub-Series 1
Schuman Plan Documents,Subseries 1: Schuman Plan Documents
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1
Yale Law Journal Article and Documents concerning the Schuman Plan,Subseries 1: Yale Law Journal Article and Documents concerning the Schuman Plan
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to George Ball. Paris. 7/31/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bowie, Robert R. Memorandum to George Ball. Harvard Law School: Massachusetts. 2/15/1952: concerning article on Schuman Plan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Memorandum to Robert Bowie. 1/30/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Memorandum to Robert Bowie. 12/29/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Excerpt from book: “Chapter 14: The Community’s Responsibility for Preventing Private Interference in the Market.”,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Draft of “The Schuman Plan Treaty and American Anti - Trust Laws by George Ball and Adam Yarmolinsky.,
With handwritten notes and typed additions to draft: edited
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Draft: Ball, George and Adam Yarmolinsky. “The Schuman Plan and the Sherman Act.”,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Abelman, M.A. Memorandum to *Morrie: 1/30/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Maril, Mcdoanld*. Memorandum to Adam Yarmolinsky. 12/19/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Memorandum to Joseph Goldstein. 12/17/1951: concerning Schuman Plan article.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Goldstein, Joseph. Memorandum to Adam Yarmolinsky. 10/30/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Goldstein, Joseph. Memorandum to Adam Yarmolinsky. 10/1/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Durkee, William P. Letter to George Ball. 1/3/1951:concerning article,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Moore, Richard H. Letter to William Willard Wirtz. 2/11/1952: concerning the role of private groups in Schuman Plan.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Donovan, William J. Letter to Adam Yarmolinsky. 1/4/1952: thank you letter for article in Revue Parlementaire.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Memorandum to William Donovan. 12/31/1951: concerning article in Revue Parlementaire,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Memorandum concerning Atlantic Monthly article by General William Donovan. 11/8/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Donovan, William J. “The Schuman Plan: A Blow to Monopoly.”1 - 16.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Yarmolinsky. “Cleargolaw Washington”: Opinion of Schuman Plan and its European implications.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Untitled Draft document concerning the Clarence Randal article “European Steel: Monopoly in the Making,” featured in Atlantic Monthly.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Ball, George. Memorandum to Richard Moore? 12/5/1951: Concerning Belgian Publication of William Donovan Article,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Memorandum to George Ball. 11/13/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Ball, George. Telegram to Adam Yarmolinsky. 11/13/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Memorandum to George Ball. 11/6/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Letter to General William Donovan. 11/5/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Letter to George Ball. 11/5/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Ball, George. Telegram to Yarmolinsky. 11/1/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Johnson? Letter to George Ball. 10/31/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Letter to George Ball. 10/30/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2
Materials, Memorandum and Letters concerning Schuman Plan Book by George Ball,Subseries 2: Materials, Memorandum and Letters concerning Schuman Plan Book by George Ball
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Donovan, William J. “The Shuman Plan: A Blow to Monopoly.” From Atlantic Monthly. 2/1952. Pages 58 - 61.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Donnavan, Gal. “A Propos Du Plan Shuman: Controverse Americaine.” Revue Parlementaire. Libral Opinion: Libre Belgique. 3 - 8. [in French/Spanish, Copy],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ball, George. Letter to Clarence B. Randall. 9/29/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Randall, Clarence. Letter to George Ball. 9/24/1951: concerning Schuman Plan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. “The Schuman Plan: A Peaceful Revolution.” Harvard Law School Forum. 10/22/19523,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Schedule of Belgian Iron and Steel Works. [in French?], 6/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Schedule of Belgian Iron and Steel Works. [in French?], 6/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Schedule of Belgian Iron and Steel Works. [in French?], 6/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum to George Ball. 6/23/1953: Schuman Plan 317,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
“The proposal for an information program for the European coal and steam co Company.”,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Vernon, Raymond. Letter concerning George Ball. 7/4/1953,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to Mr. Webster? 5/29/1953,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ball, George. Letter to Ferdinand Kuhn. 2/24/1953,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Letter from A. Coppe. Letter to Jean L. Blondeel. 2/3/1953[in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Letter to M. Jean. Monnet. 2/2/1953,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to George Ball. 1/28/1953: Re. European Coal and Steel Community.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
“Proposal For An Information Program For The European Coal and Steel Community.” 1/1953,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to Jean Blondeel. 1/23/1953: Schuman Plan Book - #3217.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Letter to Ernest C. Steefel. 1/9/1953,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Steefel, Ernest C. Letter to Mr. Lipson. 1/6/1953,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Schuman Plan Purpose. 12/30/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum to George Ball. 12/5/1952: Schuman Plan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Helmont, J. Van. Letter to George Ball. 10/2/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Letter to Paul A. Freund. 9/23/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Clarence? Letter to George Ball. 8/11/19652,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to George Ball. 7/24/1952.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to George Ball. 7/17/1952.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
From Ernsteefel. Telegram to “Cleargolaw, Ball etc,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to George Ball. 7/17/1952: Shuman Plan Book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean. Memorandum to George Ball. 6/16/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
“Le Vote Du Plan Schuman.” Libre Belgique.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum to George Ball. 6/6/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Donnavan, Gal. “A Propos Du Plan Schuman: Controverse Americaine.” Librese Opinions: Libre Belgique [French; Copy],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Letter to Eric Larrabee. 6/4/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Letter to Adam Yarmolinsky from Harper’s Magazine. 5/29/1952: Concerning George Ball’s The Schuman Plan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Statistical report to Jacques Van Helmont. 5/16/1952 [ 2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Steefel, Earnest C. Letter to George Ball.5/13/1952: concerning the Schuman Plan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lipson, Leon. Memorandum to George Ball. 5/12/1952: editing Schuman Plan Book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Note to George Ball, 5/7/1952: concerning Shuman Plan.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Randall, Clarence B. Letter to George Ball. 4/16/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Report on Saarland Europeanization. 4/12/1952[Draft],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Hulley, John. Letter to Leon Lipson. 4/3/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lispson, Leon. Memorandum to George Ball. 3/18/1952: Concerning Hallstein Conference at Georgetown [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Memo/note to John Hulley. 3/19/1952.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
David, Opal D. Letter to George Ball. 3/17/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Notes on Talk on Schuman Plan. 3/8/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Lucey, Francis E. Letter to George Ball. 3/7/1952: concerning Conference at Georgetown on Schuman Plan.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Bowie, Robert R. Letter to George Ball. 3/7/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Steefel, Earnest. Letter to Leon Lipson and Adam Yarmolinsky. 2/28/1952: concerning German press report and reactions to Schuman Plan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Yarmolinksy, Adam. Letter to Ernest C. Steefel. 2/23/1952 [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Barnard, Robert C. Memorandum to George Ball. 2/12/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum for George Ball. 1/28/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Steefel, Earnest. Letter to George Ball. 1/22/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Statement By Secretary of State Dean Acheson. Department of State.1/11/1952: concerning German ratification of the Schuman Plan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ball, George. Memorandum to Adam Yarmolinsky.1/28/1952,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Yarmolinsky, Adam. Letter to Robert Bowie. 12/29/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum to George Ball. 12/19/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Molodovsky, Victor. Letter to George Ball. 12/13/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Moore, Richard H. Memorandum to George Ball. 12/12/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ball, George. Memorandum to Jean Blondeel. 12/11/1951: bibliography list,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. Letter to Jean Duvieusart. 11/30/1951[in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum to George Ball. 11/19/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Hook, Charles R. Letter to William J. Donovan. 11/20/1951: concerning article “European Steel: Monopoly in the Making,” by Donovan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Krekeler, Heinz L. Letter to Clarence B. Randell. 11/3/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Letter to Clarence B. Randell. 10/19/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Dennis, Samuel J. Letter to Leon Lipson. 10/24/1951.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Helmont, J. Van. Letter to George Ball. 10/18/1951[in French],
With French newspaper clipping “Liberalisme et dirigisme” [highlighted]
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Notes concerning the Schuman Plan Book[Handwritten notes],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Memorandum Re: Discussion of Schuman Plan During Senate Debates on the Mutual Security Bill (H.R. 5113). 9/4/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Moore, Richard H. Memorandum to George Ball. 8/22/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Moore, H. Richard. Letter to Eugene V. Rostow. 8/22/1951.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum for George Ball. 8/13/1951: handwritten note from Leon Lipson,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Memorandum Re Discussion of Schuman Plan During Senate Debates on The Mutual Security Bill (H.R.5113). 9/4/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Hasbrouck, Jan. “Monnet Sees Europe Doomed Unless Economy Is Integrated.”[unknown newspaper source and date.],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Blondeel, Jean L. Memorandum for George Ball. 8/28/1952.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Gordon, Margaret E. Letter to Hardy C. Dillard. 8/14/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Dillard, Hardy C. Letter to Margaret Gordon. 8/9/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Gordon, Margaret E. Memorandum to George Ball. 8/7/1951: Biographical Material for Schuman Plan Book.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Gordon, Margaret E. Letter to Hardy C. Dillard. 8/6/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Memorandum to Richard Moore. 8/2/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Extract of The Spirit of a Man Compiled by Robert Bridges. [in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Victor Molodovsky. 7/23/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Molodovsky, Victor. Letter to George Ball. 7/18/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter for Johnston Avery. 6/10/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Avery, Johnston. Letter for George Ball. 6/4/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Allen, Frederick L. Letter to George Ball. 5/25/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Frederick L. Allen. 5/22/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Allen, Frederick L. Letter to George Ball. 5/21/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard. Telegram to George Ball. 5/8/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Frederick Allen. 5/6/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Lipson, Leon. Letter to Ernest C. Steefel. 4/30/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Steefel, Earnest C. Letter to George Ball. 4/27/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard H. Memorandum to George Ball. 4/26/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard H. Memorandum for George Ball. 4/11/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Wylie, Craig. Letter to George W. Ball. 4/10/1951: Houghton Mifflin Company publishers; concerning Ball’s Book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George W. Letter to Craig Wylie. 4/8/1951: concerning book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Memorandum for Richard Moore. 4/8/1951: concerning book material,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Wylie, Craig. Letter to George Ball. 4/2/1951: concerning book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Telegram for Richard Moore. 4/2/1951: book material,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Gemp, H. Letter to George Ball. 3/28/1951: Concerning Schuman plan news - clippings,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to J. Kenneth Galbraith. 3/27/1951: concerning Schuman plan book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Craig Wylie. 3/27/1951: concerning Schuman plan book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Wylie, Craig. Letter to George Ball. 3/23/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Gaither, Rowan. Letter to George Ball. 3/26/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Jean Monnet. 3/23/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
New York Herald Tribune writer. Letter to George Ball. 3/22/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard. Memorandum to George Ball. 3/21/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Telegram to George Ball. 3/20/1951[in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Rowan Gaither. 3/16/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to John Howard. 3/16/1951[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Barnard, Robert. Memorandum to George Ball. 3/14/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Letter to Robert Fletcher. 3/5/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Robert Fletcher. 2/20/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Fletcher, Robert. Letter to George Ball. 2/16/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Telegram to Richard Moore. 1/29/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Letter to George Ball. 1/22/1951: Harper and Brothers Publishing; concerning book.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Walter Lipman. 1/13/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to John Fischer. 1/13/1951,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Letter to George Ball. 1/11/1951: Harper and Brothers Publishing,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Memorandum for Richard Moore. 1/13/1951: Monnet Advice,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard. Memorandum to George Ball. 12/29/1950: Monnet Advice,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard. Memorandum to George Ball. 12/28/1950: Monnet Advice,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Schuman Plan Chronology,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to John K. Mallory. 12/27/1950: concerning status of American Steel Industry; information from other organizations,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Mallory, John? Memorandum to George Ball. 12/21/1950: Ferguson Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Mallory, John. Letter to Heinrich Kronstein. 12/21/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Memorandum to John Mallory. 12/21/1950: requesting report from Kronstein,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Stein, Harold? Letter to George Ball. 12/20/1950: editorial comments on Ball’s Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard. Telegram to George Ball. 1/16/1951: Schuman Plan book,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Telegram to Richard Moore. 12/27/1950: Requesting item concerning December 9th draft treaty.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard. Memorandum to George Ball. 12/14/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Fowler Hamilton. 12/27/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to Walter Lippmann. 12/27/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to John K. Mallory. 12/27/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George? Letter Herold Stein. 12/27/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Richard, Moore. Telegram George Ball. 12/20/?,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George? Letter to Walter Lippman. 12/18/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Ball, George. Letter to M. Jean Monnet. 12/18/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
Moore, Richard. Telegram to George Ball. 12/16/1950,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 5
Purpose Statement and information for Schuman Plan Book [Copy],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3
Schuman Plan 1956 - 1957,Subseries 3: Schuman Plan 1956 - 1957
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Aron, Raymond. The Actual Cause of the Tension Between Europe and the United States. Confidential Report; concerning Anti - American sentiment in Europe,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Baron, Paul. Czechoslovakia and International Problems: Confidential Report; concerning Czechoslovakia in and world politics,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Becu, Omer. The European Worker and Conditions In Eastern Europe: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Djilas, Milovan. The Storm In Eastern Europe. 1/1957 From New Leader. 11/19/1956,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Fanfani, Amintore. An Analysis of the Lines of Action to be Pursued Vis - à - vis Eastern Europe and a Study of a Possible Modification of Policy: Confidential Report.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Gordon, Lincoln. Political and Economic Institutions of the Western Community: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Healey, Denis. The Diplomacy of Liberation: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Healey, Denis. Nationalism and Neutralism in the Western Community: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Kissinger, Henry. Las Repercussions du Progres Technique en Matiere D’armements Sur La Strategie et La Diplomatie Tant Nationales Que Collectives: Confidential Report[ in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
Maudling, Reginald. The Impact of Technological Progress in Armaments on Strategy and Diplomacy, Both National and Collective: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26
Box 26 contains memorandums, letters, journal articles, newspaper articles, invitations, minutes, agendas and essays concerning the Schuman plan and Bilderberg Group 1956-1973; Box 27 contains letters, minutes, articles, agendas, invitations, memorandums, essays concerning the Bilderberg Group and Steering Conferences, 1980-1988.
- Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Group 1956 - 1973,Subseries 1: Bilderberg Group 1956 - 1973
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Group and Schuman Plan Material 1956 - 1957,Subseries 1: Bilderberg Group and Schuman Plan Material 1956 - 1957
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
McGhee, George C. Soviet Goals, Policies and Tactics in the Middle East: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Ollenhauer, Erich. The Problem of German Reunification: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Quaroni, Pietro. Review of Events Since the Last Bilderberg Conference in May, 1956,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Quaroni, Pietro. Are Existing Political and Economic Mechanisms Adequate to Anticipate, Avoid and Resolve Differences Within the Western Community? [Confidential Report].,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Roberts, Henry L. American Policies Toward Eastern Europe: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Von Brentano, Heinrich. “Is the Soviet Union the Only Great Power Which Can Offer Germany Re - Unification?” [Confidential Report].,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Non - Military Co - Operation in NATO: Text of the Report of the Committee of Three. NATO Letter: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Special Supplement. Vol. 5, no.1. 1/1/1957,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Revelations Between the United States and Europe: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Fifth Bilderberg Conference: Notes by the Secretariat on the Document of the Problem of Eastern Europe.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Some Results of Economic Planning in Poland. Extracts from Mr. Gomulka’s speech to the [eighth] Plenum of the PZPR (Polish Communist Party) Central Committee on October 20, 1956.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
Aspects of the Hungarian Revolution: Papers prepared by various leaders of the uprising - members of the Hungarian Revolutionary Council set up recently under the chairmanship of Mrs. Anna Kethly, General Kiraly and Mr. Kovago: Confidential Report.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
The Middle East - Some Economic Data and Observations: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
The Problem of Helping the Underdeveloped Territories: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
A Conference Proposal for German Unification. Foreign Policy Research Institution of University of Pennsylvania. 1/3/1957,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2
Bilderberg Group Conference 1959,Subseries 2: Bilderberg Group Conference 1959
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
Bilderberg Group: Summary of Discussions. Enlarged Steering Committee Meeting. De Bilderberg Hotel, the Netherlands. 1/17 - 19/1959: Confidential,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
Bilderberg Group: Summary of Discussions. Steering Committee Meeting. Knokke - Le Zoute, Belgium. 3/21 - 22/1959: Confidential,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
Bilderberg Group: Preliminary Report. Buxton Conference. 9/13 - 15/1958: Confidential,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
Bilderberg Group: Provisional Summary of Discussions. Yesilkoy Conference. 9/18 - 20/1959: Confidential,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
Joseph E. Johnson: President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [business card],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 2 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3
Bilderberg Group 1962,Subseries 3: Bilderberg Group 1962
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
Handwritten Notes from Bilderberg Meeting 3/29 - 31/1963,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
List of Participants at Bilderberg Meeting at Saltsjobaden Conference May 18 - 20, 1962. 3/17/1962: Confidential,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
Ball, George. The Development of Atlantic Partnership. Bilderberg Meeting. The German Society for Foreign Affairs. Bonn, Germany. 4/2/1962,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
Bilderberg Meetings: List of Participants. Saltsjobaden, 1962,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
Ball, George. Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President. 5/28/1962: Confidential,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
Quelques Considerations sur les Conditions Economiques de la Construction Atlantique [in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
Lamping, Arnold. Letter to George Ball. 4/4/1962,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
Handwritten notes,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 3 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4
Bilderberg Group 1966,Subseries 4: Bilderberg Group 1966
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Department of States Airgram: Confidential; concerning conversation with Jean Lecanuet,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Memorandum of Conversation. Paris February 3, 1966; concerning Jean Lecanuet - former Presidential Candidate.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Puhan, Alfred. Memorandum to Mr. Springsteen. 3/22/1966: Subject: Congressman Holifieki; Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to the American Participants in the 1966 Bilderberg Meeting. 3/8/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations. The Atlantic Alliance Basic Issues. Committee Report.89th Congress, 2nd session.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Forward of Atlantic Treaty Assembly, 7/26/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Committee on NATO of the Atlantic Council of the United States. Are Changes in the North Atlantic Treaty Necessary or Desirable? 7/26/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Funkhouser, Richard. Letter to Robert Anderson. 2/21/1966: Counselor of Embassy letter to Deputy Director in the Department of State; concerning Bilderberg Conference attendees.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Notes for NATO Presentation at Bilderberg.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Information for [Bilderberg] Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
George Ball Bilderberg Conference travel arrangements,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
John McCarthy Travel Arrangements,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Meyrson travel arrangements,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Schedule for Mr. Ball’s European Trip 3/22/1966: Bilderberg Conference.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Bowie, Robert. Should NATO Be Reorganized, And If So, How? Bilderberg Meetings March 1966: Confidential Report,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Tinbergen, J. The Future of World Economic Relations, Especially Between Industrial and Developing Countries. January 1966.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Notes from Bilderberg meetings,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants at Wiesbaden Conference March 25 - 27, 1966.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Lamping, Arnold T. Letter. 10/20/1966: Bilderberg Speeches,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Speech of Mr. Woods at the Weisberg Conference,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Speech of Prof. Mason at the Weisberg Conference,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Speech of Mr. Bell at the Weisberg Conference.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Steering Committee Meeting Agenda. Soestdijk Palace October 9, 1966.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
E.H. Van Der Beugal. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee of Bilderberg. 8/1966[ 2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
E.H. Van Der Beugel. Letter to the Member of the Steering Committee of Bilderberg. 8/10/1966: reading notification,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Johnson, Joseph. Letter to the American Participants of the 1966 Bilderberg Meeting.2/25/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
Rockefeller, David. International Industrial Conference. Stanford Research Institute and National Industrial Conference Board. 9/13 - 17/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 4 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5
Bilderberg Group 1967 Cambridge, England. March 31 - April 2,Subseries 5: Bilderberg Group 1967 Cambridge, England. March 31 - April 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meetings. List of Participants at Cambridge Conference March 31 - April 2 1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants at Cambridge Conference. March 31 - April 2, 1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Greetings card from Joseph E. Johnson to Secretary General of the United States.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Letter from Arnold T. Lamping, 5/2/1967: Confidential Letter; concerning Bilderberg Steering Meeting in Cambridge England.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee. March 31 - April 2, 1967; List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Notes about the meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to George Ball. 11/16/1967: concerning Bilderberg invitation to David Kircher,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Ball, George. Letter to Joseph E. Johnson. 11/15/1967: concerning Bilderberg invitation to David Kircher.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph. Letter to George Ball. 11/9/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Lamping, Arnold T. Letter to George Ball. 11/2/1967: concerning Minutes of the Steering Committee meeting at Soestdjik Place, 10/8/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting Held at Soestdjik Palace.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Meeting of the American Members of Bilderberg Steering Committee; availability to meetings,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to the American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee: Meeting of American members prior to 8 October Steering Committee Meeting at Soestdijk.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Van der Beugel, E. H. Letter to Members of the Steering Committee. 9/5/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Lamping, Arnold T. Letter to George Ball [to the Members of the Steering Committee]. 8/30/1967: concerning the date of the next Bilderberg conference for 10/8/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Lamping, Arnold. Letter to George Ball [to the Members of the Steering Committee]. 8/23/1967: Notification of the next Bilderberg Conference Meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph. Letter to The American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. 8/21/1967: 1968 Bilderberg Meeting and Meeting in American Members of the Steering Committee,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Lamping, Arnold. Letter to George Ball [to the Members of the Steering Committee]. 8/2/1967: Meeting notification,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Tharp, Martha Sue. Letter to Joan McCarthy. 7/24/1967: acceptance of Mr. Ball’s absence from honor party.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Assistant to George Ball? Letter to Martha Tharp [Assistant to Joseph Johnson]. 7/8/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph. Letter to The American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. 7/13/1967: Dinner in honor of HRH Prince Bernhard, the Biltmore, Monday 25 September.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Letter to Eva Popper. 4/27/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Popper, Eva. Letter to Joan McCarthy. 4/24/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meetings. Final List of Participants Arranged By Country. Cambridge Conference. 3/31 - 4/1,2/ 1 - 7.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Hoffman, Stanley. Atlantic Cooperation: Yesterday and Tomorrow. Bilderberg Meeting. 3/31 - 4/2/1967. Agenda Item I.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Compliments of Joseph E. Johnson Card.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Letter from Lamping, Arnold T. 5/5/1967.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. David Rockefeller’s Summary of Discussion Which Took Place at The Bilderberg Conference. Cambridge, England. 3/31/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Cambridge, England. Information For Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Notes. Suggestions by Kurt Becker for Discussion Points on the Paper of Mr. Summer.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
St. John’s College Cambridge. Plan of The Buildings.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Discussion Points,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Handwritten. [On the] Unity of Europe,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Sommer, Theo. Prospects For Atlantic Cooperation. Ad Agenda Item I.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Moore, Walden. Letter to George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Declaration of Atlantic Unity. Statement of Interdependence.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Declaration of Atlantic Unity. Signers of the “Statement of Interdependence.”,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Declaration of Atlantic Unity. Balance Sheet.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Prince of Netherlands. Invitation to Bilderberg Meeting to George Ball. 1/1967. Accepted 2/2/1967; Agenda included.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. 3/8/1967.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Suggested Points of Discussion By Professor Stanley Hoffman.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to American Participants in the Bilderberg Meeting at St. John’s College, Cambridge. 3/9/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Popper, Eva. Letter to American Participants in the 1967 Bilderberg Meeting. Subject: Travel Arrangements. 2/27/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Schedule of Flights Between New York/Washington and London,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Note to George Ball: Concerning travel plans,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Letter to George Ball. March 7.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Nogueira, Franco. Letter to George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Notice to Participants. Cambridge, England. 3/31 - 4/2/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Popper, Eva [Assistant to Mr. Johnson] Letter to American Participants of the 1967 Bilderberg Meeting. Documents for the Cambridge Meeting. 2/27/1967.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Lamping, Arnold. Letter to the Participants of the Cambridge Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Cambridge Conference. Provisional List of Participants. 3/31 - 4/2/1967.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Ball, George. Letter to Dr. Alberto Franco Noguera. 3/11/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Ball, George. Letter to Arnold T. Lamping. 3/7/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Telegram to Lamping. 3/3/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Telegram to Lamping from George Ball. 2/24/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Telegram to George Ball from Lamping. 2/20/1967,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Personal Assistant to George Ball. Letter to Arnold Lamping. 12/15/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Ball, George. Letter to Vasco Vieira Garin. 12/13/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee: American Participants in 1967 Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Americans Who Have Accepted Invitation to 1967 Bilderberg Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Notepad from Bilderberg Meeting. Cambridge, England. 1967.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Popper, Eva. Letter to Joan McCarthy. 11/14/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to the American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee: American Participants in 1967 Meeting. 11/10/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Suggested Invitation List for 1967 Bilderberg Meeting [American],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Lamping, Arnold. Letter to George Ball. 10/25/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee. Soestdijk Palace. 10/9/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
List of Individuals Under Consideration As Possible American Participants for 1967 Bilderberg Meeting [American],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
Garin, Vasco Vieira. Letter to George Ball.12/16/1966,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 5 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6
Bilderberg Conference 1964: Williamsburg, Virginia. March 20 - 21,Subseries 6: Bilderberg Conference 1964: Williamsburg, Virginia. March 20 - 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to American Participants in the Bilderberg Meeting. Topics for Discussion at Bilderberg Meeting. 3/12/1964,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Bilderberg Meeting Williamsburg, Virginia 3/20 - 22/1964. Topics for Discussion.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Points to be Discussed Under “Economic” Item on Agenda,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Monetary Cooperation In The Western World,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
E.H. van der Beugel. Letter to His Royal Highness.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
The State of The Atlantic Alliance.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Envelope. Bilderberg Meetings Villa D’Este, Italia,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
State of the Alliance [copy],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Popper, Eva. Letter to George Ball. 3/6/1963,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Bilderberg Meeting. 3/29 - 31/1963. List of Participants As of March 1, 1963.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Popper, Eva. Letter to American Participants in the March 1963 Bilderberg Meeting. Travel Arrangements to and from the Meeting. 2/20/1963,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Air Line Schedules: New York - Nice and Return,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Ball, George. Letter to Bourke B. Hickenlooper. 4/12/1963,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
Bilderberg Meetings. Cannes, 3/1963: Countries and Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 6 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7
Bilderberg Conference 1968: Mont Tremblant, Canada. April 26 - 28.,Subseries 7: Bilderberg Conference 1968: Mont Tremblant, Canada. April 26 - 28.
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Bilderberg Meeting. Mont Tremblant Conference. April 26 - 28, 1968. Final List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Vahey, Helen. Letter to George Ball. 4/25/1968,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Bilderberg Meeting. Mont Tremblant. April 26 - 28, 1968. Notice to Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. 4/10/1968,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Lamping, Arnold. Letter to Participants of the Mont Tremblant Meeting. 4/2/1968,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Dr. Hartung, Henri. The Internationalization of Business: The Social Aspect. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/26 - 28/1968.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to George Ball. 4/1/1968,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Bilderberg Meeting. Mont Tremblant Conference. 4/26 - 28/1968. Provisional List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Bilderberg Meeting. Mont Tremblant Conference. 4/26 - 28/1968. Provisional List of Participants. [by Country].,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Lowenthal, Richard. What Is Happening to Détente? Relations Between the West and the Communist Countries. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/26 - 28/1968[2 copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Ball, George. Some Implications of the World Company. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/26 - 28/1968. [2 copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Fouchier, Jacques de. The Internationalization of Business. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/26 - 28/1968 [2 copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Dr. Hurting, Henri. The Internationalization of Business: The Social Aspect. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/26 - 28/1968 [2 copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Schedule and Notes Important,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Travel Form,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Mont Tremblant Lodge Map,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
Meeting Date of Steering Committee,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 7 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8
Bilderberg Conference 1965: Villa D’Este Conference. April 2 - 4, 1965,Subseries 8: Bilderberg Conference 1965: Villa D’Este Conference. April 2 - 4, 1965
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Notes. March 1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Remarks. Bilderberg, Ville D’Este April 3, 1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meetings. Ville D’Este Conference. April 2 - 4, 1965. List of Participants [By Country],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Addendum. Reuss, Henry. United States.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Comments of Van Lennep’s “Monetary Cooperation in the Western World.”,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Monetary Cooperation in the Western World.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Daily Press Analysis. Press Office. American Embassy, Paris. 3/30/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Tyler, William R. Letter to the Under Secretary. Reply to Letter from Ernst Van Der Beugel. 3/23/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Ball, George. Letter to Ernest. H. Van Der Beugel.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
E. H. Van Der Beugel? Letter to George Ball. 2/26/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Open Letter to the Netherlands Minister for Foreign Affairs. 3/2/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Anderson, Robert. Memorandum to S/S - EX - Mr. Hedberg. Request for Transportation. 3/23/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Hedberg, John V. Memorandum to Mr. Robert Anderson. Possible Use And Cost of A MATS Aircraft to Transport Under Secretary Ball from Paris, France, to Milan, Italy. 3/17/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Anderson, Robert. Letter to Francis E. Meloy, Jr. 3/19/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Anderson, Robert. Letter to Earl T. Crain. 3/19/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Popper, Eva. Letter to Jacquelyn M. Taylor. 3/23/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Popper, Eva. Letter to Jacquelyn M. Taylor. 3/22/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Popper, Eva. Letter to Wilma G. E. Bax. 3/22/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Taylor, Jacquelyn. Letter to Eva Popper. 3/18/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Popper, Eva. Letter to American Participants in the April 1965 Bilderberg Meeting. Travel Arrangements to and from the Villa D’Este. 2/19/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Air Line Schedule: New York - Milan and Return,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Ball, George. Joseph E. Johnson. 2/17/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Johnson, Joseph E. Personal Letter to George Ball. 2/15/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Crain. Telegram to Anderson. 3/26/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Villa D’Este 4/1 - 4/1965. Notice of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Johnson, Joseph E. Card,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Villa D’Este Conference. 4/2 - 4/1965. List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Letter to American Participants in the Bilderberg Meeting. 3/30/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Comments on Van Lennep Draft,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
U.S. Capital In the U.S. Balance of Payments,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
U.S. Private Investment Abroad, Capital Flows and Income Remitted, 1960 - 64,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Extrait de la declaration de Monsieur Robert Marjolin, Vice - President de la Commission. De la Communaute Economique Europeene, devant le Parlement Europeen, le 23 mars 1965, sur certaines questions monetaires. [in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
McGhee, George C. Memorandum for the Secretayr and the Under Secretary. Bilderberg Meeting Rome, January 10, 1965. 1/11/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Handwritten Notes: Check on Lippman’s Past Mistakes (?) at Bilderberg Meeting. Ville D’Este - Italia, 2 – 4 April 1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Handwritten Notes at Meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meetings Documents Notice.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meetings. Documents Notice: Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Reinhardt. Telegram: Names of Principle American Participants. 3/19/1965,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Villa D’Este Conference. 4/2 - 4/1965. Provisional List of Participants.[by Country],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 8 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9
Bilderberg Conference 1969: Marienlyst Conference. May 9 - 11, 1969.,Subseries 9: Bilderberg Conference 1969: Marienlyst Conference. May 9 - 11, 1969.
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Bilderberg Meeting. Marienlyst Conference. 5/9 - 11/1969. Final List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Handwritten Notes,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Duchene, Francois. The Two and The Many: Speculations on East - West Policy. Bilderberg Meetings. 5/9 - 11/1969,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Mrs. Roy, N. Le. Letter to the Participants of The Marienlyst (Elsinore) Meeting. March 1969.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Handwritten Notes,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Marienlyst. Principle List of Drinks May 1969.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Bell, Daniel. Sources of Instability in the United States. Bilderberg Conference.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Important Hotel Information and Services,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Hulbert, Richard W. Letter to James Glanville. 5/6/1969,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Memorandum: Concerning antitrust aspects of relations between several corporations. 5/5/1969[2 copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Folder. Handwritten notes on inside cover.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Keniston, Kenneth. You Have to Grow Up In Scarsdale to Know How Bad Things Really Are. New York Times Magazine. 4/27/1969.27+,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Bilderberg Meeting. 5/9 - 11/1969. Notice of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Tharp, Mary Sue. Letter to George Ball. 4/30/1969,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Tharp, Mary Sue. Letter to U.S. Participants in the 1969 Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Tharp, Mary Sue. Letter to George Ball. 4/21/1969,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Dahredorf, Ralf. Sources of Political Conflict in Developed Societies. Bilderberg Meeting. 5/9 - 11/1969.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Alphabetical List of Participants (With Room Numbers),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Travel Form,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Agenda [English and French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Dahrendorf, Palf. Discussion Points Relating to paper Sources of Conflict In Western Societies.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Bilderberg Conference. Bell, Daniel Paper. Questions for Discussion.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Professor Pesmazoglu note,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
Pesmazoglu, John. A Very Short Note On “Elements of Instability in Western Society.” [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 9 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10
Bilderberg Conference 1970: Bad Ragaz Conference. April 17 - 19, 1970,Subseries 10: Bilderberg Conference 1970: Bad Ragaz Conference. April 17 - 19, 1970
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Alphabetical List of Participants(with room numbers),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Allison, Graham T. Young Americans’ Attitudes Towards Foreign Policy For the 1970s. Bilderberg Meetings. 4/17 - 19/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Kaiser, Karl. Priorities in Foreign Policy. Bilderberg Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Addendum 2: Changes in the Final List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Addendum 1: Changes in the final list of participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Final List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Kaiser, Karl. Priorities in Foreign Policy. Part 2: Trends and Problems on the European Scene. Questions for Discussion. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/17 - 19/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Agenda [English and French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Short Price List of Beverages.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Important Hotel Information and Services,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Telegram to Earnest H. Van Der Beugel. 8/6/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
De Rothschild, Edmond. Letter to Ernest H. Van Der Beugel. 5/15/1970.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Sir. Bennett, Frederic. Letter to Ernest H. Van Der Beugel. [previously handwritten],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Muskie, Edmund S. Letter to George Ball. 2/22/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Bendetsen, Karl R. Letter to Joseph E. Johnson. 2/16/1971.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to Karl Bendetsen. 2/9/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Johnson, Joseph. George Ball. Meeting of U.S. Members. 8/23/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
1971 Bilderberg Meeting. Agenda summary.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 8/17/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Letter to E. H. Van Der Beugel. 9/25/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
A.G.S. Griffin. Letter to E. H. Van Der Beugel. 5/25/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Letter E. H. Van Der Beugel. Theme for the Next Bilderberg Meeting. 9/20/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Translated Part of a letter from Mr. Kohnstamm to Mr. Van Der Beugel,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Reischauer, Edwin O. Spotlight On Japan,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Stone, Shepard. Letter to Joseph E. Johnson. 9/29/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Stone, Shepard. Letter to E. H. Van Der Beugel. 9/28/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Hall, Ivan. The Japanese At Aspen—Some Reflections. 8/3/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 9/17/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Correspondent. Students Back Professor. June 6.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Agenda. Steering Committee Meeting. Soestdijk Palace. 10/18/1970. 11 am,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Johnson, Joseph E. Memorandum to U.S. Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. Subject: 10/18/1970 Meeting of Bilderberg Steering Committee.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee. Soestdijk Palace. 10/18/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 10 Folder 16
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11
Bilderberg Papers (George Ball) Bad Ragaz, Switzerland April 17 - 19, 1970,Subseries 11: Bilderberg Papers (George Ball) Bad Ragaz, Switzerland April 17 - 19, 1970
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Departure Travel Information for George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
The Prince of Netherlands. Invitation to George Ball: concerning Bilderberg Meeting. Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. April 17 - 19, 1970, Agenda,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Ball, George. Letter to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. 2/9/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to U.S. Participants at Bilderberg Meeting.10/28/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Van Der Beugel, E.H. Letter to Members of the Steering Committee. May 1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Minutes of 2 Meetings of the Steering Committee on April 16 and 19 1970 at Bad Ragaz.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 10/14/1969,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee at Soestdijk Palace on October 8. 1969,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Letter to George Ball. 3/23/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Van Der Beugel, E.H. Letter to Joseph E. Johnson. 3/10/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Le Roy, N. Letter to Participants of the Bad Ragaz Conference. 4/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Faure, Edgar. Transformations in Society and the Re - planning of Education. Bilderberg Meeting 4/17 - 19/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Perkins, James A. The University and Society. Bilderberg Meeting 4/17 - 19/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Sir. Ashby, Eric. The Future Function of the University of Our Society. Bilderberg 4/17 - 19/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Bilderberg Meeting. Bad Ragaz Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. 4/17 - 19/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Le Roy, N. Letter to the U.S. Participants of the Bad Ragaz Conference. 3/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Participants of the Bad Ragaz Conference. 3/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 11 Folder 17
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12
Bilderberg Conference 1971,Subseries 12: Bilderberg Conference 1971
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 12/14/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Terkelsen, Terkel M. Letter to N. le Roy. 12/2/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Terkelsen, Terkel M. Letter to N. le Roy. 12/10/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Suggestions for International Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Stone, Shepard. Letter to E.H. Van Der Beugel. 12/2/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Nuri, M. Letter to E. H. Van Der Beugel. 12/3/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 12/28/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Baumgartner, Wilfred. Letter to E. Van der Beugel. 12/13/1971 [in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Letter to Nell Le Roy. 12/16/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
V. Umbricht. Letter to E.H. van der Beugel. 12/21/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Letter to E.H. Van der Beugel. 12/16/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 11/30/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Agenda. Steering Committee Meeting. Soestdijk Palace. 1/14/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 12/3/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Suggestions for the Participants From the U.K. 12/29/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Ghiusano, Vittorino. Letter to Prof. Ernst H. van der Beugel. 12/21/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
List of Suggested Italian participants in the Conference,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 1/3/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Letter to Prof. Dr. E. H. van der Beugel. 5/13/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Birgi, M. Nuri. Letter to Professor Ernst van der Beugel. 6/24/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le. Roy, N. Letter to E. H. van der Beugel? 10/26/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee at Soestdijk Palace. 10/24/1971.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Van der Beugel, E. H. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 11/4/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le Roy, N. Letter. 10/15/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Rothschild, Baron de. Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 10/13/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Ball, George. Telegram to Earnest Van Der Beugel. 10/18/1971 [3 Copies + Hard Copy],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Wolff von Ameronge. Letter to Ernst van der Beugel. 10/4/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Hoegh, Leif. Letter to Prof. Dr. E. H. van der Beugel. 10/8/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Post it to George Ball from Joseph Thomas,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Von Brentano, Michael? Letter to Joseph Thomas. 10/11/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 11/22/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. Woodstock Conference. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Calder, Gordon S. Japanese Interest Rates. Memo. 10/30/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants. Woodstock Conference. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Ball, George. Letter to Prince Bernhard. 3/23/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Prince of the Netherlands. Invitation to George Ball. 1/1971; to attend Woodstock Conference,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Agenda enclosed,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Minutes of 2 Meetings of the Steering Committee on 4/22, 25/1971 at Woodstock. 5/4/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Letters to the Members of the Steering Committee. 5/12/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Parker, Dori. Memorandum to the U.S. Participants at 1971 Bilderberg Meeting in Woodstock, Vermont.4/10/1971; Final List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
List of Participants at Woodstock Conference 1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Notes for Reply to Denis Healey Bilderberg 1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Typed Notes concerning Soviet Unions hold on its Satellite Countries [2 copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Parker, Dori. Memo to Helen Vahey. 4/1/1971; 1971 Bilderberg Meeting paper by Denis Healey on agenda item #2,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Healey, Denis. The Nixon Doctrine and the Future of Europe.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Parker, Dori. Letter to George Ball. 4/2/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Healey, Denis. The Nixon Doctrine and the Future of Europe. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Hartley, Anthony. Europe Between The Superpowers. Reprinted from Foreign Affairs. January 1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Bilderberg Meeting Seating Chart.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. Woodstock Conference. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Parker, Dori (assistant to Joseph E. Johnson). Memorandum to U.S. Member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. 4/16/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Whiting, Allen S. U.S. Policy in South East Asia. Purdue University: 3/11/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
Hamilton, Fowler. Letter to George Ball. 3/18/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
H.B.C. Memorandum to Fowler Hamilton. 3/8/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Confidential Report by George M. Merten. 2/27/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Memorandum. Concerning West German Government,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. Woodstock Conference. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Draft of Bilderberg Meeting Paper 1971; concerning Nixon Doctrine,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Lodeesen, John. Brezhnev Doctrine - The Long View. The Economist. 10/24/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Documentation. Various Topics. Pg. 22 - 29,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Healey, Denis. Deluded Strategies in the Twilight of the Cold War. Bilderberg Meetings. Woodstock Conference.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Hauge, Gabriel. Rewriting the Social Contract. Bilderberg/ Woodstock. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Parker, Dori. Memorandum to George Ball. 4/12/1971; 1971 Bilderberg Meeting, Woodstock, Vermont. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Agnelli, Giovanni. The Contribution of Business in Dealing with Current Problems Of Social Instability. Bilderberg Meeting. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to Adlai E. Stevens III. 2/9/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
1971 Bilderberg Meeting. Brief Summary of Agenda suggestions. 9/17/1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Parker, Dori. Memorandum to the U.S. Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee; Bilderberg Steering Committee Meeting. 1/30/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Le Roy, N. Letter. 2/8/1971; concerning the minutes of the Steering Committee Meeting 1/30/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Bilderberg Meetings. Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee. Soestdijk Palace. 1/30/1971.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Letter to George Ball concerning the U.S. members of the Bilderberg Conference. 1/8/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. Woodstock Conference. 4/23 - 25/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 19
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 12 Folder 18
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13
Bilderberg Conference 1972,Subseries 13: Bilderberg Conference 1972
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meeting. Alphabetical List of Participants With Room Numbers.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meetings. Ladies’ Programme,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meetings. List of Participants. Knokke Conference. May 1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Participants of the Knokke Conference. 5/4/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants. Knokke Conference. May 1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meetings. Final List of Participants. Knokke Conference. 4/21 - 23/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg. Provisional List of Participants. [United States],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Pamphlet. Bilderberg Meetings. Knokke, Belgium. 4/21 - 23/1972; Programs,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Getchell, Charles W. Jr. Letter to George Ball,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Ball, George. Letter to Charles Getchell. 8/8/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Van der Beugel, E. H. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 6/28/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meeting. Notes on Bilderberg Meetings. 6/28/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 7/6/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Excerpt from Joseph E. Johnson to Ernst H. van der Beugel. 6/29/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Culver, John C. Letter to Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. 5/26/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Prince Bernard of the Netherlands? Letter to John S. Culver. 6/9/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Van der Beugel, E. H. Letter to John C. Culver. 6/6/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
John C. Culver Business Card.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Culver, John C. Letter to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. 5/26/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Handwritten Notes [on back] typed topics on China/Japanese relations. 2/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Handwritten Notes[on back] typed topics on China/Japan/U.S. relations,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Handwritten Notes,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Report on Japanese/ Chinese relations,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meetings. Important information and services of Hotel,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meetings. Alphabetical List of Participants with Room numbers.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meetings. Final List of Participants. Knokke Conference. 4/21 - 23/1972.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meeting Notes 1972 [handwritten],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Bilderberg Meeting Notes [handwritten],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
Draft concerning Nixon and Japanese - American Relations [2 typed copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 13 Folder 20
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14
Bilderberg Conference 1972: Knokke, April 21 - 23,Subseries 14: Bilderberg Conference 1972: Knokke, April 21 - 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Van Der Beugel, Earnest H. and Max Kohnstamm. Western Europe and America in the Seventies. Bilderberg Meeting Knokke. 4/21 - 23/1972. [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Hon. Buchan, Alastair. Power Relationships in the Far East: A European View. Bilderberg Meeting Knokke. 4/21 - 23/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Participants of the Knokke Meeting. 3/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Participants of the Knokke Conference. 5/4/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Bilderberg Meetings. List of Participants. Knokke Conference. 5/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Provisional List of Participants. [United States],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. Knokke Conference. 4/21 - 23/1972.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Van Der Beugel, E. H. Letter to George Ball. 3/17/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Letter to George Ball. 3/21/1972; concerning Ball’s Bilderberg paper,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
Blumenthal, W. Michael. “Economic Issues Between Industrialized Countries For the Seventies.” Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Hon. Buchan, Alastair. Power Relationships in the Far East: European View. Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Johnson, Joseph. Letter to the U.S. Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. 2/22/1972; concerning Travel to Knokke, Belgium,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Ball, George. Letter to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. 3/21/1972[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
The Prince of the Netherlands. Invitation to George Ball. 1/1972; Invite to Knokke - le Zoute, Belgium Conference,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Ball, George? Letter to Walter F. Mondale. 2/16/1972; concerning Bilderberg Group[ 3 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Ball, George. Letter to Edmund S. Muskie. 2/2/1971; concerning Bilderberg Group,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Heinz, H. J. II. Note to George Ball. 11/16/1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Heinz, H. J. Letter to David Rockefeller, George Ball, Arthur Dean, Emilio Colado. 11/16/1971; concerning Ford Foundation Grant,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
Suggestions for Belgian Participants [Bilderberg Meeting],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 22
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 14 Folder 21
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15
Bilderberg Conference 1973: Sweden, May 11 - 13,Subseries 15: Bilderberg Conference 1973: Sweden, May 11 - 13
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bilderberg Meeting Members at Saltsjobaden 5/21/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Dean, Arthur H. Memorandum to Ernst van der Beugel. 12/28/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Van Der Beugel, E.H. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee. 10/29/1973.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Participants of the Saltsjobaden Conference. 5/21/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bilderberg meeting list of participants in Saltsjobaden, 5/21/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bilderberg meeting list of participants of the Saltsjobaden Conference on 5/11 - 13/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 12/4/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Le Roy, N. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee. 12/6/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee. Soestdijk Palace. 10/14/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Wolff von Amerongen, Otto. Letter to Ernest van der Beugel. 9/17/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Van der Beugel, E.H. Letter to the members of the steering committee. 9/18/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Le Roy, N. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee. 9/18/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Agenda of the Steering Committee at Soestdijk Palace. 10/14/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Hoegh, Leif. Letter to E.H. van der Beugel. 9/28/1973: concerning to Agenda of the Megeve Meeting 1974,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 9/5/1973: concerning the subject of the Bilderberg meeting.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Et D’Oppuern, Snoy Baron. Letter to Ernest van der Beugel. 9/12/1973. [in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Letter to Johnson, Joseph E. 9/27/1973: concerning subject of the Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Roll, Eric. Letter to E.H. van der Beugel. 10/1/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Notes on interaction of United States and Europe; foreign policy ideas.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bilderberg Agenda,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bilderberg Meetings, Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 5/11 - 13/1973, Notice to Participants,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Agnelli, Giovanni. Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 9/14/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bennett, F. M. Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 9/20/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
“Kissinger Drops Sweden Stop,” The Washington Post. 5/4/1973. A20,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 8/18/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Letter to E.H. van der Beugel. 8/2/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Van der Beugel, E. H. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 5/18/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Minutes of the 2 Meetings of the Steering Committee at Saltsjobaden on 10 May and 13 May 1973, 5/18/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
“Kissinger Drops Sweden Stop,” The Washington Post. 5/4/1973. A 20,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bilderberg Meetings Saltsjobaden Conference. List of Participants. 5/11 - 13/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Joseph H. Johnson Note Card.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Johnson, Joseph E. Letter to the American Participants of the 1973 Bilderberg Meeting. 4/5/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Participants of the Saltsjobaden Meeting. 3/29/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Vahey, Helen. Telegram copy to “Wire Room.” 5/9/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Vahey, Helen. Telegram Copy to Sea Hotel, Saltsjobaden. 5/9/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Memorandum: Conversation between Joseph E. Johnson and Ernst van der Beugel in The Hague by Telephone on May 2, 1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
Bilderberg Meeting Saltsjobaden Meeting Members. 5/21/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le, Roy N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 3/26/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Note to George W. Ball: concerning the participants of the Steering Committee. 2/22/1973 [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Van der Beugel, E. H. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 4/25/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Vab der Beugel, E. H. Letter to George Ball. 4/16/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 1/23/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee at Soestdijk Palace. 1/21/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Prince of the Netherlands. Invitation to George Ball. 2/1973: Agenda inside,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Ball, George. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. 2/12/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Van Der Beugel, Earnest H. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 12/20/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Bilderberg Meeting. Agenda of Steering Committee Meeting. Soestdijk Palace. 1/21/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Bilderberg Meeting. Names of the American Proposed for Participation in the Salsjobaden Conference, 5/10 - 13/1973. 1/8/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 1/8/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Van der Beugel, Ernst H. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 1/2/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Bilderberg Meeting. Saltsjobaden Conference. Suggestions for the Participants of the U.K. 1/5/1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Johnson, Joseph. Letter to George Ball, et al. 1/8/1973: concerning the Bilderberg Steering Committee.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Van der Beugel, E. H. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 12/15/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 11/30/1972: concerning the Bilderberg Participants of 1973,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Janssen, Daniel. Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 12/4/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le Roy, N. Letter to a member of the Bilderberg Meeting. 9/28/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Bilderberg Meeting. Agenda. Steering Committee Meeting. Soestdijk Palace. 10/21/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 6/22/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 7/11/1972?,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Hoegh, Leif. Letter to E. H. van Beugel. 8/2/1972: concerning Bilderberg Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
From a letter from Shephard Stone of 8/16/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Perkins, James A. Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 8/16/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Baron Snoy et d’Oppuers. Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 9/11/1972. [in French],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Johnson, Joseph. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 9/28/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Note on Bilderberg Meetings. 6/28/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Culver, John. Letter to the Prince of the Netherlands. 5/26/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Letter from Joseph E. Johnson to Ernst H. van der Beugel.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
E. H. van der Beugel. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 11/22/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Suggestions for Participation of the Netherlands. 11/23/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 11/8/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Letter to E. H. van der Beugel. 11/14/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
van der Beugel. The Members of the Steering Committee. 11/14/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 10/31/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the two meetings of the Steering Committee. Soestdijk Palace. 10/21 - 22/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Saturday Afternoon Session. Discussion of the General Aspects of the Bilderberg Meetings.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Sunday Morning Sessions. Agenda and working Papers.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Bilderberg meeting. Agenda of the Steering Committee Meeting. Soestdijk Palace. 10/21/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le Roy, N. Letter. 9/28/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Minutes of two Meetings of the Steering Committee on April 20 and April 23 at Knokke. 5/2/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le Roy, N. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee Meeting. 5/2/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Vahey, Helen. Letter to N. le Roy. 10/16/1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
Le Roy, N. Letter to member of the Bilderberg Meeting. 9/28/1972: concerning next meeting,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 24
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 15 Folder 23
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 26
- Sub-Series 2
Bilderberg Group Meetings and Steering Conferences 1980 - 1988,Subseries 2: Bilderberg Group Meetings and Steering Conferences 1980 - 1988
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Group 1980: Aachen, Germany April 17 - 20,Subseries 1: Bilderberg Group 1980: Aachen, Germany April 17 - 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Finney, Paul B. Letter to the U.S. Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Committee. 12/8/1980: concerning Progress Report, 1981 Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Candidates for Bilderberg Meeting, Burgenstock, Switzerland, 5/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee. Palais Schwarzenberg, Vienna, 10/31 - 11/1/1980. 11/26/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Geographical Distribution of Participants 1981 Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Preliminary Program Outline, 1981 Meetings,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Getchell, Charles. Note for the members of the Steering Committee. 10/31/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Benneett, Jack. An Economic Subject for Bilderberg 1981. 10/29/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Herrhausen, Alfred. Bilderberg: Steering Committee, 31, 10 - 2, 11, 80, Vienna,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne (Bilderberg secretariat) Letter to the Steering Committee. 11/18/1980: concerning Autumn 1981 Steering Committee Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee who do not attend the Vienna meeting. 10/13/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Steering Committee. 11/26/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bertram, Christoph. The Second Age of Bilderberg. 10/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Steering Committee. 9/22/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Vahey, Helen T. (assistant to George Ball). Wire to Ann Hoogendoorn. 9/10/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Telegram to George Ball. 10/9/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Notes on Address of Hotel in Palais Schwarzenberg,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Halberstadt, Victor and Paul Finney. Letter to the Steering Committee. 9/5/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Note concerning Bilderberg schedule (in brief),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Minutes of the Meeting Held By the New Steering Committee. Aachen Fed. Rep. of Germany on April 17, 1980.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Duration of Membership of Steering Committee. 9/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Members of the Steering Committee. 9/5/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Members Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Number and Breakdown of Participants “Aachen Meeting” (April 1980),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
The Procedural Suggestions for Consideration by the Steering Committee.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Topics and Authors Workings - Papers 1970 - 1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 8/26/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the members of the Advisory Group: concerning Bilderberg Secretariat. 8/10/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Address - List of Members of Steering Committee. 7/1980: European Members,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Muller, Charles W. Memorandum to George Ball, H. J. Heinz II, David Rockefeller. 6/11/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
List of Bilderberg Alumni,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Muller, Charles. Letter to George Ball. 6/6/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Alumni Funding Letter,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bilderberg II Group - 10/17/1979,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Letter to Francis Sutton (Deputy Vice President, International Division) 6/3/1980: Concerning Bilderberg Meetings [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Van der Beuren, Ernest H (?) Letter to George Ball. 5/1/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Arnold, Carol. Letter to the U. S. and Canadian Participants of the Aachen Conference. 4/30/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bilderberg Meeting. Final List with addresses of Participants. Aacehn Conference. 4/18 - 20/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
MacDonald, H. Ian. Economic Relations Between North America and Europe. For Bilderberg Meetings, 4/18 - 20/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Treverton, Gregory F. New Threats and Old Allies: Prospects for the Security of Europe and America. For Bilderberg Meeting, Aachen Conference. 4/17 - 20/1980.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Kiep, Walther Leisler. Working Paper: Energy Policy, Monetary Policy, Foreign Trade and Payments: Relations Between Europe and the United States of America. For Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Participants of the Aachen Conference. 3/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Provisional List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Muller, Charles. Letter to the Participants in the 1980 Bilderberg Meeting Aachen, Germany. 3/26/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Dinner - Guests on Sunday, April 20, 1980 at 18.30 hrs. Soestdijk Palace. 3/5/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Vahey, Helen. Letter to Anne Hoogendoorn. 3/5/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Hoogendoorn, Anne. 3/5/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Muller, Charles. Memorandum to the Officers of the AFB, Inc. 2/26/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Proxy signed by H. J. Heinz II, 3/9/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc. Financial Report. 12/31/1979.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Letter to Lord Home of the Hirsel Chairman of the Bilderberg Meetings. 2/7/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bilderberg Meeting Invitation to George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Bundy, William. Letter to George Ball. 1/21/1980,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2
Bilderberg Group 1981,Subseries 2: Bilderberg Group 1981
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
International Steering Committee. Invitation to George Ball.: concerning dinner honoring Walter Scheel on 10/29/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/28/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Bilderberg Meeting. Agenda. Steering Committee Meeting. 10/30/1981. Westbury Hotel, New York,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee at Burgenstock, Switzerland on Thursday, May 14, 1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Eliot, Ted and Andrew Knight and Ted Sommer. Letter to Secretary - General.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
With Compliments Note,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 7/1/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Members of the Steering Committee. 7/1/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Members of the Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 6/15/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee at Burgenstock, Switzerland on Thursday, May 14, 1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Bilderberg Meeting. Cancellations Notified After Dispatch of Provisional List of Participants of Steering Committee on April 8.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
With Compliments note,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the European Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 6/3/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Finney, Paul. Letter to George Ball. 5/27/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Finley, Murray H. Letter to George Ball. 5/21/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. Letter to Peter Macadam. 5/20/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. Letter to Alastair G. Frame. 5/20/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Scheel, Walter. Letter to George Ball. 5/20/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Note: concerning compliments from the Office of the President of the Commission of the European Communities.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Prepared by Thorn, Gaston E. Obstacles to the Effective Coordination of Western Policies. For Bilderberg Meeting 5/14 - 17/1981 Lucerne, Switzerland.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Wire to Charles Muller. 5/12/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Questions presented by Dr. Alfred Herrhausen,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Questions presented by Hon. Denis W. Healey,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. Obstacle to the Effective Coordination of Western Policies. 3/24/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Prepared by: Hon. Toon, Malcolm. Dealing with the Soviet Union in the 1980’s. for Bilderberg Meeting, 5/14 - 17/1981. Lucerne, Switzerland.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Prepared by: Stein, Herbert Dr. Economic Problems of the Industrial Democracies: A View for the United States. For Bilderberg Meeting, 5/14 - 17/1981. Lucerne, Switzerland.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Prepared by: George Ball. Obstacles to the Effective Coordination of Western Policies. For Bilderberg Meeting. 5/14 - 17/1981. Lucerne, Switzerland.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Prepared by: Herrhausen, Alfred Dr. How Can the Western Economies Put Their House in Order? For the Bilderberg Meeting, 5/14 - 17/1981. Lucerne, Switzerland.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Prepared by: Hon. Denis W. Healey. R[u]ssia and the West in the Eighties. For Bilderberg Meeting, 5/14 - 17/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Koester, Mary E. Wire to George Ball. 5/12/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Bilderberg Meeting. Burgenstock, Switzerland 5/15 - 17/1981: Plane and arrival schedule,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Transport arrangements,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Koester, Mary E. Wire to Ritz Hotel, Paris France. 5/13/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George W. Wire to Stockholm Sweden. Attn: Mr. Bernt L. Junggren.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Koester, Mary. Wire to George Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Koester, Mary. Wire to George Ball. 4/28/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Scheel, Walter. Invitation to George Ball. 2/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Halberstadt, Victor. Letter to the authors of Working Papers for the Burgenstock Conference. 4/27/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional List of Participants. 4/27/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Bundy, Walter. Letter to George Ball. 4/23/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Steering Committee. 4/22/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Steering Committee Meeting Agenda. Burgenstock. 5/14/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Provisional Timetable,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Chair persons,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Koester, Mary. Wire to Anne Hoogendoor and Victor Halberstadt. 4/21/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Guardsman Travel Agency Inc. Invoice for George Ball. 4/17/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Halberstadt, Victor. Letter to George Ball. 4/10/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Halberstadt, Victor and Paul Finney. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/16/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Getchell, Charles. Letter to Victor Halberstadt. 3/26/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Note From Charles Getchell’s Letter to the Steering Committee during the Vienna Meeting (10/31/1980),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Muller, Charles. Letter to U.S. and Canadian Participants in the Bilderberg Meeting at Burgenstock, 5/1981. 5/23/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Provisional List of Participants. 5/16/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. Letter to Walter Scheel. 3/21/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Heinz, Henry J. II. Letter to David T. Schiff. 3/11/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Schiff, David T. Letter to Henry J. Heinz II. 3/3/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Finney, Paul B. Letter to George Ball. 2/25/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Halberstadt, Victor and Paul Finney. Letter to Steering Committee. 2/18/1981: program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Finney, Paul. Letter to the American Members of the International Steering Committee. 1/26/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Summary Agenda 1/23/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Giamatti, Bartlett A. Letter to Paul B. Finney. 1/16/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Finney, Paul B. Letter to George Ball. 1/5/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Eliot, Theodore L. Letter to the American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. 12/9/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Address - List Members of the Steering Committee. 10/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Scheel, Walter. Letter to Theodore L. Eliot Jr. 11/23/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Provisional Agenda - Sandefjord Conference. 5/14 - 16/1982: Topic: “Tension in European - American Relations”,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Sadefjord Conference - 5/14 - 16/1982. Invited Participants 12/9/1982.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Addresses Members Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Bilderberg Meeting compliments. 11/25/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/28/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Steering Committee Meeting. Agenda. 10/30/1981. Westbury Hotel, New York.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee. Burgenstock, Switzerland. 3/14/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Eliot, Ted, Andrew Knight and Ted Sommer. 6/4/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Proposal for Graphical Distribution of Participants 1982 Meeting. Burgenstock 1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Suggested Topics and Authors for Norway Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 11/16/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Minutes of the Meeting Held by the Steering Committee. New York. USA. 10/30/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Itinerary. Mr. and Mrs. George Ball. 4/20/1981 - 5/18/1981.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Revised 3/25/1981 and sent to P. Finney,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ball, George. Obstacles to the Effective Coordination of Western Policies. 3/24/1981[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Scheel, Walter. Letter to George Ball. 5/20/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Kelly, Bernard. Telegraph Copy to George Ball. 4/28/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. 3/27/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Halberstadt, Victor. Paul B. Finney. Letter to the authors of Working papers for the Burgenstock Conference. 4/27/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Halberstadt, Victor and Paul Finney. Letter to the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/22/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Steering Committee Meeting. Agenda. Burgenstock. 5/14/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Provisional Timetable,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Hurford, Lee. Letter to Charles Muller. 6/16/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ball, George. Obstacles to the Effective Coordination of Western Policies. 6/16/1981 [Revised by Charles Muller],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Koester, Mary. Cable to the Hague (Netherlands) concerning Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Bilderberg Meeting Arrival plan for George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Ball, George. Letter to Walter Scheel. 3/21/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Bilderberg Meetings. Notice to Participants. Burgenstock, Switzerland. 5/15 - 17/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Scheel, Walter. Invitation to George Ball. 2/1981: concerning Lucerne, Switzerland Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Heinz, Henry. Letter to David T. Schiff. 3/11/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Finney, Paul B. Letter to George Ball. 2/25/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Finney, Paul. Letter to the American Members of the International Steering Committee. 1/26/1981:Concerning Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Summary Agenda as of 1/23/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Giamatti, Bartletti A. Letter to Paul B. Finney. 1/16/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
Finney, Paul. Letter to George Ball. 1/5/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 3
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3
Bilderberg Group, Steering Committee and Articles and Publicity in 1982,Subseries 3: Bilderberg Group, Steering Committee and Articles and Publicity in 1982
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
George Ball, Itinerary. London, Brussels. 10/19 - 24/1982: Bilderberg Meeting Highlighted.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Bilderberg Meetings. Address - List of Members of the Steering Committee and Members of Advisory Group. 10/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Bilderberg Meetings. Steering Committee Meeting Participants. Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 1982. 10/21/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Hoogendoor, Anne. Letter to the International Steering Committee. 5/19/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Final List of Participants. Sandefjord, Norway. 5/14 - 16/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Secretariat of the Meeting address and conference address, 1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Provisional Agenda. Sandefjord Conference. 5/14 - 16/1982: Topic: “Tension in European - American Relations”,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Primary Program 1982 Conference. 3/16/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Heinz, H. J. Letter to George Ball. 8/30/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Check written by George Ball. To American Friends of Bilderberg for $3,000. 11/26/1982 [Copy],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Peterson, Peter. Letter to Henry J. Heinz II.10/ 29/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Receipt for $2500 to American Friends of Bilderberg Group. 10/25/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Heinz, H. J. Address [copy of letter],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Hurfor, Lee. ( Assistant to George Ball) Telegraph to Anne Hoogendoorn. 10/6/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the International Steering Committee. 5/19/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Members of the Steering Committee. 7/1/1981,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Members of the Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Ball, George. Memo to “Mary” 6/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Duisenberg, W. F. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 4/16/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Estimated Costs for the financial years 1982/1985 (Dutch Guilders),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Proposed contributions for the financial years 1982/1985 (Dutch Gulders),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Travel Card for Norway Conference. George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Invitation to George Ball. 3/3/1982: concerning Sanderjord, Norway Conference.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to George Ball. 5/19/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Hurford, Lee. Telegraph to Park Hotel in Sanderjord, Norway.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Secretariat of the Meeting. Correspondences address and conference address,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Preliminary Program for 1982 Conference. 3/16/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Provisional Agenda. Sandefjord Conference. 5/14 - 16/1982.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to the U.S. Members of the International Steering Committee and Members of the Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Steering Committee Meeting. Agenda. Park Hotel. 5/13/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Provisional Timetable,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Provisional Agenda,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Changes in and Composition of Membership of Steering Committee,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Travel Card for George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Hurford, Lee. Telegram to Anne Walford (secretary to Mr. Luind) 5/04/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Minutes of the Meeting held by the Steering Committee. Sandefjord, Norway. 5/13/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Note from Mary to George Ball: concerning Bilderberg Meeting location,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Scanticon - Princeton, Conference and Hotel Center Brochure,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Travel Card for George Ball to Norway Conference,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Eliot, Theodore L. Letter to the American Members of the Bilderberg Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/27/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Possible U.S. Participants. Montebello Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Notes [Handwritten]: Hilton International, Brussells,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 11/9/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Hilton International. 10/23/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Speech at Bilderberg Meeting. 10/23/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
List of dinner invites to Baron Lamberts. 10/22/1982. [in French],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Tentative List of American Invites to Montebello Meeting. 10/23/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Tentative List of American Invites to Montebello Meeting cont.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Tentative Outline for Topics and Authors: Overall Topic: Trade, Aid, Politics and the Atlantic Alliance,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Program. Steering Committee. 10/22/1982. Brussels,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
List of Suggested Names for Participants 1983 Conference by Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/19/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Possible U.S. Participants. Montebello Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to the Steering Committee. 9/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
List of Confirmed Attendees Brussels Meeting. 9/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Agenda. Steering Committee Meeting. Hilton Hotel on 10/23/1982. 9/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Sandefjord, Norway. 5/13/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Report to the Steering Committee Bilderberg from a Sub - Committee struck to scrutinize the proceedings at the Sandefjord meeting on May 14 - 16, 1982, and to recommend any changes in procedures. 7/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to the Steering Committee. 9/15/1982: Tentative Program 1983 Conference.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Tentative Outline for Topics and Authors: Overall Topic: Trade, Aid, Politics and the Atlantic Alliance.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Eliot, Ted. Letter to the Steering Committee. 9/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
List of Confirmed attendees Brussels Meeting. 9/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Agenda. Steering Committee Meeting. Hilton Hotel. 10/23/1982.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Sandefjord, Norway. 5/13/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to the Steering Committee. 9/15/1982: Tentative Program 1983 Conference.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Tentative outline for topics and authors.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Report to the Steering Committee Bilderberg from a sub - Committee struck to scrutinize the proceedings on 5/14 - 16/1982. Sandefjord. 7/15/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Geographical Distribution of Participants in 1983 Meeting. Sandefjord Meeting 1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
Karpel, Craig S. The Gnomes of Bilderberg. from Penthouse.145+,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 3 Folder 4
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4
Bilderberg Meeting, Steering Committee 1983,Subseries 4: Bilderberg Meeting, Steering Committee 1983
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Ted. Letter to the Participants in the 1983 Bilderberg Conference [2 Copies].,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Bilderberg Conference. Preliminary Program. 1/15/1983[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Greetings Note from The Hague (Netherlands),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Halberstadt, Victor. Letter to Helmut Schmidt. 11/12/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Ted. Letter to the American Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 11/1/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
American Committee Invitation List,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Anne Hoogendoorn. 10/18/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Ted. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Council Members. 11/1/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
1984 Bilderberg Invitation List (those who have not attended Meetings before.),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to David Kearns. 11/2/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Autumn in Geneva,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Jordan, Vernon E. Briefing. Bilderberg Steering Committee Meeting. Eindhoven (the Netherlands). 10/15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to the U.S. Participants of Saltsjobaden Meeting. 3/5/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Thoughts on the U.S. and Europe. 1/4/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to the Members of the U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 2/3/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional Program 1984 Conference. Saltsjobaden (Sweden), 5/11 - 13/1984. 1/17/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Provisional List of Participants. Saltsjobaden Conference. 5/11 - 13/1984. 1/24/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Bilderberg Meetings. Compliments from the Secretariat. 1983,
Meetings of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Hotel Cocagne, Eindhoven. 10/15/1983.,Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5Series 1: Meetings of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Hotel Cocagne, Eindhoven. 10/15/1983.
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Dekker, W. Letter to George Ball. 8/8/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to the Steering Committee and Advisory Group: concerning Eindhoven Meeting. 10/14 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Muller, Charles. Letter to George Ball. 6/16/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Donahue, Thomas. Medium Term Prospects for Growth in the World Economy: The Prospects of Full Employment. Bilderberg Conference. 5/12 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
General Information. Le Chateau Montebello. Quebec, Canada. 5/13 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Final List with Addresses of Participants. Le Chateau Montebello, Canada. 5/13 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Leber, George, Alois Mertes. Letter to His Excellency the Archbishop John Robert Roach. 3/14/1983.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Alphabetical List of Participants with Room Numbers. Montebello. 5/12 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Maps of Le Chateau Montebello,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Bilderberg Meeting. Programme.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Departures from Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam. 10/16/1983.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Steering Committee Meeting. Hotel De Cocagne, Eindhoven.10/15/1983.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Guest List for dinner party hosted by Dr. W. Dekker. 10/14/1983.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Agenda. Steering Committee Meeting. Hotel De Cocagne, Eindhoven. 10/15/1983.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Bilderberg Topics List,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/20/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
First Thoughts about 1984 Conference Program.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Bennett, Jack and Sten Gustafsson and Andrew Knight. Report on the Montebello Meeting to the Bilderberg Steering Committee.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Invitation to George Ball. 10/15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Hoogendorn, Anne. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/29/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Hurford, Lee G. Letter to Victor Halberstadt. 9/19/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
George Ball. Travel Advisory Form. Bilderberg Steering Committee Meeting. 10/14/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Ted. Letter to George Ball. 9/1/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Ted. Letter to George Ball. 9/8/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Eliot, Ted. Letter to the Members of the U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Council. 8/26/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Hawley, Philip. List of Committees by Industry and Awards,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Bilderberg Meeting. Geographical Distribution of Participants 1984 Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Cancellations to Montebello Conference. 5/13 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Changes in Steering Committee Membership,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Hawley, Philip. List of Committees by Industry and Awards,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
List of Participants of Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Le Chateau Montebello, Canada. 5/12/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Draft - Agenda. Steering Committee Meetings. Hotel De Cocagne, Eindhoven. 10/15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Le Chateau Montebello, Canada. 5/12/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 4 Folder 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5
Bilderberg Meetings 1983,Subseries 5: Bilderberg Meetings 1983
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
George Ball Itinerary for 5/12 - 31/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meeting. Chateau Montebello, Canada. 5/12 - 15/1983: Arrival and Departure flight information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Agenda. Chateau Montebello, Canada. 5/12 - 15/1983: Provisional Agenda as of 4/28/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Note to George Ball. Handwritten Note from Hoogendoorn?,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Provisional List of Participants. Montebello Conference. 4/18/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Travel Advisory Form. Bilderberg Meeting. Le Chateau, Montebello Canada. 5/13 - 15/1983: George Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Notes from Bilderberg meeting [Handwritten],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Agenda. Steering Committee. Chateau Montebello Canada. 5/12/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee. Hilton International Hotel, Brussels. 10/23/1982: compiled 11/5/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Changes in the Steering Committee.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Hoogendorn, Anne (on behalf of Wim Duisenburg, Honorary Treasurer). Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 4/15/1983: Financial Results and Estimates,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Estimated Costs for the Financial Years 1983/1986. Steering Committee. 5/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Eliot, Ted. Letter to the American Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 11/1/10982: information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
American Steering Committee Invitation List,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bialer, Seweryn. The Soviet Union and the West in the 1980s: Containment, Détente or Confrontation. Bilderberg Conference 1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bialer, Seweryn. The Andropov succession.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Saturday Morning Session [program]: Medium Term Prospects for Growth in the World Economy, the future of world trade.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meeting Notes[Handwritten],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Lamfalussy, Alexandre. Saturday Afternoon Session [Program]: Medium Term Prospects for Growth in the World Economy, The West banking System and the International Debt Situation: Facts, History, Prospects and issues. Bilderberg Meetings 1983.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Center for International Business discussion schedule. 3 pgs,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Flight Travel schedule for 1983 Bilderberg Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Conference Arrival Schedule Outline,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Provisional List of Participants.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
General Information. 4 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Arnold, Carol [for T. E. Eliot, Honorary Secretary - General for the U.S.] Memorandum to U. S. Participants in the 1983 Bilderberg Meetings, Chateau Montebello, Canada,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Arnold, Carol. Letter to the U.S. participants in 1983 Bilderberg Meeting. 4/26/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Travel Arrangements for Bilderberg [meeting, 1983],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Hoogendorn, Anne [Secretariat]. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 4/18/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional List of Participants. Montebello Conference. 5/13 - 15/1983: prepared 4/18/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Notes on Bilderberg Meeting [Handwritten] 3/22/1983?,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Travel Advisory Form for Bilderberg Meeting. For George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Arnold, Carol [American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc.] Letter to the American Participants in the 1983 Bilderberg Meeting at Chateau Montebello, Canada. 3/25/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Eliot, Ted. Letter to the U.S. Participants in Bilderberg Meeting at Chateau Montebello. 3/9/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional List of Participants. Montebello Conference. 3/3/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 5 Folder 6
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6
Bilderberg Meetings, 1984,Subseries 6: Bilderberg Meetings, 1984
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bilderberg Meetings. Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee. 5/10/1984. Grand Hotel, Saltsjobaden, Sweden.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Knight, Andrew and John Sainsbury. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 5/12/1984: London Steering Committee Meeting, 10/5/1984.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bilderberg Meetings. Notice to Participants [General Information]. Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 5/11 - 13/1984.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bilderberg Meetings. Agenda. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. Grand Hotel, Sweden. 5/10/1984 [2 pages],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional Program 1984 Conference. Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 5/11 - 13/1984: compiled 2/22/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Provisional List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Article: Russia Turns Inwards. Financial Times.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional List of Participants Saltsjobaden Conference. 5/11 - 13/1984: as of 4/19/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bilderberg Meetings. Final List of Participants and Seating Locations. Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to the U.S. and Canadian Participants in the Saltsjobaden Meeting. 4/30/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Eliot, T. L. Letter to the U.S. participants in the 1984 Bilderberg Meeting. 4/19/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional List of Participants Saltsjobaden Conference. 5/11 - 13/1984. 8 pgs.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Muller, Charles. Letter to the U.S. Participants in the Bilderberg Meeting. Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 5/11 - 13/1984: written 2/28/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to the U.S. participants Saltsjobaden Meeting. 3/5/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Thoughts on the U.S. and Europe. 1/4/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Bertram, Christoph. The State of Arms Control Negotiations. Bilderberg Meetings. Friday Afternoon Session: Conference held 5/11 - 14/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Healey, W. Western Power and the Middle East: A Case Study in Atlantic Relationships. Bilderberg Meeting. Friday Afternoon Session: 5/11 - 14/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Rouleau, Eric. The West, the Gulf and the Iraqi - Iranian War. Bilderberg Meeting. Saltsjobaden, Sweden: 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Sisco, Joseph J. Outlook for Middle East and Gulf: A case Study in Atlantic Relationships. Bilderberg Conference. Saltsjobaden, Sweden: 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Heseltine, Michael. The State of Arms Control Negotiations. Bilderberg Meetings. Saltsjobaden, Sweden: 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Geldens, Max. Future Employment Trends in the Industrialized Democracies. Bilderberg Meetings. Saltsjobaden, Sweden: 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Rivlin, Alice M. The Outlook fro the Economy and Employments in the United States. Bilderberg Meetings. Saltsjobaden, Sweden: 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
Martinez, Miguel Angel. The Inter - Parliamentary Union, The West and the Third World; a case study: Central America. Bilderberg Meetings. Saltsjobaden, Sweden: 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Folder Notes [Handwritten, 2 pgs],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meetings. Participants. Steering Committee. Hotel Intercontinental, London. 10/5/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Seating Arrangement,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to George Ball. 6/6/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/9/1984: Tentative Program 1985 Conference.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
First Thoughts about 1985 Conference Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
General Observations About 1985 Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Hoogendoorn, Anne. Letter to George Ball. 9/4/1984: London Steering Committee Meeting, 10/5/1984 at the Hotel Intercontinental,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meetings. Steering Committee Meeting Agenda. Intercontinental Hotel, London: 10/5/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Geographical Distributions: participation 1985 Meeting Westchester.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Report on the Saltsjobaden Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meetings. Minutes of the Meeting of Steering Committee. Grand Hotel, Saltsjobaden (Sweden): 5/10/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Hoogendorn, Anne and Charles W. Muller. Pamphlet. Bilderberg Conference. 1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meetings. Participants of Steering Committee Meeting. Hotel Intercontinental, London: 10/5/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meeting. Final List with Addresses of Participants. Sandefjord, Norway: 5/14 - 16/1982,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meeting. Final List with Address of Participants. Saltsjobaden, Sweden: 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meeting. Final List with Address of Participants. Le Chateau Montebello, Canada: 5/13 - 15/1983,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Eliot, Theodore. Letter to the Members of the U.S. Steering Committee, January 3, 1984 and Advisory Group: Bilderberg 1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional Program 1984 Conference. Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 5/11 - 13/1984: 1/17/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meetings. Provisional List of Participants Saltsjobaden Conference. 5/11 - 13/1984: 1/24/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Travel Advisory Form for George Ball: Bilderberg Conference on 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Note on George Ball Comments.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Excerpt from George Washington’s Farewell Address,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Copy of Travel Advisory Form for George Ball: Bilderberg Conference on 5/11 - 13/1984.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
Bilderberg Meetings. Notice to Participants. Saltsjobaden, Sweden. 5/11 - 13/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 8
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 6 Folder 7
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7
Bilderberg Meeting and Steering Committee Meetings of 1985,Subseries 7: Bilderberg Meeting and Steering Committee Meetings of 1985
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Bilderberg Meetings. Steering Committee/ Advisory Group. Address List. 10/1985; instructions post it on the cover,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
1985 Bilderberg Meeting Contributions List,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Memorandum to U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 11/14/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Minutes to the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group on 10/18/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Memorandum to the U.S. Steering Committee Members. 10/30/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Memorandum to the U.S. Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group. 11/8/1985; note,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Bilderberg Steering Committee/ Advisory Group. Address List. 10/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/30/1985; concerning topics of meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
First Thoughts about 1986 Conference Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
General Observations about 1986 Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Oort, Coen J. Letter to the Chairman and Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/27/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Estimated Costs for the Financial Years 1985/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Proposal for 10% across - the - board increase in national contributions,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 8/23/1985; letter especially written to George Ball concerning meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Minutes of a Special meeting of the Steering Committee 5/10/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Steering Committee Meeting Agenda 10/18/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Groups. 5/9/1985 in Arrow Westchester, New York.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Halberstadt, Victor and Ted Eliot. Letter to the Members of the Steering committee and Advisory Group. 8/23/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Steering Committee Meeting Agenda for 10/18/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 5/9/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Steering committee. 5/10/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Urquijo, Jaime Carvajai, Andrew Knight and Winston Lord and Lord Roll of Ipsden. Letter to the Bilderberg Steering Group: Subject: Reflections on the 1985 Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Members of Participants and Geographical Distribution over Countries.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Tage Anderson Information. 5/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Conrad M. Black information. Updated 8/2/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee Members. 6/21/1985; concerning minutes of the Steering Committee meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group on 5/9/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Hoogendorn, Anne. Letter to George W. Ball. 6/19/1985; concerning retirement of the Bilderberg Secretary,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Eliot, Theodore L. Jr. Letter to the U. S. Steering Committee Members. 6/12/1985; concerning meeting dates.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee/ Advisory Group. 2/25/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Draft Program 1985 Conference: Prospects for the Atlantic World. 2/15/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Provisional List of Participants. 2/15/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Hurford, Lee G. (Assistant to George Ball) Letter to Charles Muller. 2/27/1985; concerning Bill contribution to Anne Hoogendorn,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. and European Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group. 2/25/1985; concerning Anne Hoogendorn,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. and European Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group. 1/23/1985; concerning Anne Hoogendorn,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Hoogendorn, Anne. Letter to the European and Canadian members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/15/1984; Bilderberg meeting minutes; forward from Theodore L. Eliot Jr.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Minutes from the Meeting. Pg 2 - 4,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Duration of Membership of Steering Committee. Informal Guidelines,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
von Staden, Berndt. Are Europe and the United States of America Drifting Apart?; address on the occasion of a dinner during the Rohe Group 1984 - 1987 Strategic Plan Review Meetings on August 12/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Eliot, Theodore L. Jr. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group. 10/30/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Draft Program 1985 Conference. 10/22/1984,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Dates to Remember,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Davignon, Etienne. Operating the Alliance. Bilderberg Conference May 1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Yeo, Edwin H. III. Comments on the “Debt Problem.” Bilderberg Conference May 1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Yeo, Edwin H. III. How Should The West Deal With Developing Countries? Bilderberg Conference May 1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Stein, Herbert. The American Economic “Miracle.” Bilderberg Conference May 1985.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Dahrendorf, Ralf. Divergent Social and Economic Trends in the Atlantic World. Bilderberg Conference May 1985.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Lord Lever of Manchester. How Should the West Deal With Developing Countries? Bilderberg Conference May 1985.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
D’ Encausse, Helene Carrere. How Should the West Deal With The Soviet Union? Bilderberg Conference May 1985.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Kaiser, Karl. How Should the West Deal with the Soviet Bloc? Bilderberg Conference May 1985.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Bilderberg Meeting. Final List of Participants. Rye Brook, New York. 5/10 - 12/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Draft Program 1985 Conference: Prospects for the Atlantic World,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Niels Norlund. 4/30/1985; 3 post it notes,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/23/1985; specifically George Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 7 Folder 9
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8
Bilderberg Meeting and Steering Committee Meetings in 1986,Subseries 8: Bilderberg Meeting and Steering Committee Meetings in 1986
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meeting office relocation announcement; 6/22/1988 to Amsterdam in The Netherlands,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Macdonald, Donald S. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group, Bilderberg Meetings. 10/1/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Steering and Advisory Group Meeting. Dinner Attendance List. 10/1/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Halberstadt, Victor. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/31/1986; post it note,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group members. 4/24/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Agenda for Bilderberg Meeting on 4/25 - 27/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Ten Asbroek, Saskia (Executive Secretary for Bilderberg Meetings) Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 1/21/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Ten Asbroek, Sasakia. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering committee and Advisory Group. 11/7/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Saskia ten Asbroek. 10/3/1986,
Contact information,Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10Series 1: Contact information
Ten Asbroek, Saskia. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group,Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10Series 2: Ten Asbroek, Saskia. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Ten Asbroek, Saskia. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 5/7/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Ten Asbroek, Saskia. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/19/1986; concerning agenda, annexes for 10/17 meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Agenda. Bilderberg Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/17/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group for 4/24/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Number of Participants and Geographical Distribution Over Countries,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
First Thoughts About 1987 Conference Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
General Observations About 1987 Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to H. J. Heinz II. 9/4/1986; concerning Bilderberg donation, with copy of check for $3000,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Heinz, H. J. II. Letter to George Ball. 7/22/1986; concerning Bilderberg support,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meetings. Address List for Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 11/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/17/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Halberstadt, Victor. Letter to George Ball. 1/17/1986; concerning 1986 Bilderberg Conference.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Preliminary Program. Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Provisional List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Lord Roll of Ipsden. Invitation for George Ball. 12/12/1985; concerning Bilderberg conference 1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/26/1986; concerning Bilderberg Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Brady, Nicholas, Thierry de Montbrial, Mario Monti. Letter to the Steering committee and Advisory Group of Bilderberg Meetings.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the Meetings of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/24/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meeting. Notice to Participants. Gleneagles, Scotland. 4/25 - 27/1986; General Information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Westchester County Airport Aero Services information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Jenkins, Simon. Confronting Apartheid. Bilderberg Meetings April 25 - 27 1986; 2 post its attached; [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Hormats, Robert D. The World Economy: Debt, Currency Disorder, Protectionism, and Uneven Growth. Fragments from Presentation to the Bilderberg Conference at Gleneagles Scotland. 4/25 - 27/1986[2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Travel Advisory Form for George Ball [original/copy],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Horelick, Arnold L. The Soviet under Gorbachev: Foreign Policy Implications. Bilderberg Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Muller, Charles W. U. S. Bilderberg Meeting Participants. 3/3/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Muller, Charles W. 1986 Meeting Participants. 1/31/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Fact Sheet for Participants (Bilderberg),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 3/26/1986; Bilderberg Meeting 10/18/1985,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Agenda for Steering Committee and Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Muller, Charles W. Memorandum to the 1986 Meeting Participants. 4/4/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Addendum to the Provisional List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional Program. As of 2/25/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. As of 2/25/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Asbrpek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the Meeting. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/17/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 8 Folder 10
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9
Bilderberg Meeting, 1987,Subseries 9: Bilderberg Meeting, 1987
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Federal Express Receipt to George Ball; Bilderberg 1987 - 1988 List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering committee and Advisory Group. 12/8/1987; Bilderberg Meeting Interalpen Hotel Tyrol, Austria 6/2 - 5/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Provisional Program; subject: The Western Alliance in a Changing Global Order. 12/8/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
List of Invites. 12/8/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter Jack F. Bennett. 9/18/1987; concerns donation with copy of check to American Friends of Bilderberg for $3000.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the Members of the Steering committee and Advisory Group. 9/4/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
George Ball Contact Information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 6/10/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 5/18/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Foster, John S. Jr. Arms Reductions, Ballistic Missile Defense, and Strategic Stability: United States and Europe. Bilderberg Meeting 4/24 - 26/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Chafee, John H. Note to George Ball. 7/28/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting Note [Handwritten],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Eliot, Theodore L. Jr. Memorandum to the U.S. Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group. 1/21/1987; Bilderberg Meeting 1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Invites to 1987 Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Muller, Charles W. Letter to 1987 Bilderberg Participants. 1/19/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Fact - Sheet for Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 8/19/1986,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
List of Bilderberg Participants; Liste De Personalities Francaises Qui Ont Ete Associees Aux Reunions Bilderberg[in French],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Alphabetical List of Participants with Addresses. Villa D’Este, Italy. 4/24 - 26/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Halberstadt, Victor. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 5/29/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 3/25/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Agenda for Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/23/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Oort, Conrad J. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 3/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Estimated costs for the financial years 1987/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Annual National Contributions,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Egon Bahr. Paper concerning the Soviet Union. For Bilderberg Meeting 4/24/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Secretariat Contact Information. Bilderberg 1987 [2 Copies,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Haschek, Helmut H. Hopes or Illusions? On Gatt Negotiations. Bilderberg 1987.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Yellow Hexagon with “B” on the front with string attached,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional Program for 1987 Bilderberg Meeting. As of 10/31/1986.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Eliot, Theodore L. Letter to the American Members of the International Steering Committee. 3/13/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Notice to Participants. Villa D’Este, Italy. 4/24 - 26/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Muller, Charles W. Letter to 1987 Bilderberg Meeting Participants. 2/24/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional Programme. As of 2/18/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. As 2/18/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional List of Participants. As of 4/3/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Muller, Charles W. Letter to U.S. Participants 1987 Bilderberg Meeting. 4/6/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Provisional Programme. As of 4/3/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Lord Roll of Ipsden. Invitation to George Ball; Bilderberg Meeting April 24 - 26, 1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 1/19/1987; Bilderberg Meeting 4/24 - 26/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Provisional Progamme. As of 1/19/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
List of Participants. 1/19/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting Note[handwritten],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting Note[handwritten],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Eliot, Theodore L. Note to the U.S. Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting. Eliot, Theodore L. Note to the U.S. Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. Memorandum to the Session Moderators. 4/23/1987; copy to Members of the Steering committee and Advisory Group, subject: Session Organization,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meetings 1987. Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/23/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meetings 1987. Final List of Participants. 4/24 - 26/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting Notes [Handwritten],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Eliot, Theodore Jr. and Victor Halberstadt. Letter to the Participants in the 1987 Bilderberg Meeting. 4/24/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting 1987. Changes and Cancellations; 4/24 - 26/1987 Meeting [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Invites to 1987 [Bilderberg] Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting Notes [Handwritten],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Invites to 1987 Meeting: Names and Countries only,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting 1987. General Information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Eliot, Theodore L. Jr. Memorandum to the Participants in the 1987 Bilderberg Meeting. 4/24/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Rockefeller, David. The Role of the Public Sector in Growth: Outline of Discussion for the Session on the Public Sector and Economic Growth. Bilderberg Meeting 1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting 1987. General Procedure for Participating in Plenary Discussions.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting 1987. Alphabetical List of Participants with Room Numbers.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting 1987. General Information.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
Bilderberg Meeting 1987 Seating Chart,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Bilderberg Meetings. Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group 1987. Invitation List. [Telegram],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Abroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 8/21/1987: Bilderberg Steering Committee and Advisory Group 1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Minutes of the Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Number of Participants and Geographical Distribution Over Countries,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
[3 Copies] Eliot, Theodore L. Jr. Memorandum to the U.S. Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group. 9/10/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Suggested U.S. Candidates for 1988 Conference; [Handwritten notes on back],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Steering Committee and Advisory Group 1987. List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/11/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Androsch, Hannes, Conrad M Black, James D Wofensohn. Assessment Report of the Villa D’Este Conference 1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Saskia ten Asbroek. 8/31/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 8/17/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Halberstadt, Victor. Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/18/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Halberstadt, Victor. Telegram to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/15/1987 [2 Copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 8/21/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Steering Committee and Advisory Group 1987. Agenda.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 1987. Minutes of the Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Saskia ten Asbroek. 8/31/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/11/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Androsch, Hannes, Conrad Black, James D. Wofensohn. Assessment Report of Villa D’Este Conference 1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
Invitation List,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 12
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 9 Folder 11
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10
Bilderberg Meeting 1988,Subseries 10: Bilderberg Meeting 1988
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Halberstadt, Victor. Note to all members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/14/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/19/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Suggested Invites for 1989 Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/7/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Knight, Andrew. Letter to George Ball. 7/18/1988; concerning Bilderberg meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Jack F. Bennett. 9/2/1988; note concerning Bilderberg Meeting donations with a copy of a check for $2000 to the American Friends of Bilderberg.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Bennett, Jack F. Letter to the George Ball. 8/23/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 8/15/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
George Ball Contact Information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Prof. V. Halberstadt Contact information [in German?],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/4/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Lord Roll of Ipsden. Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 3/16/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Halberstadt, Victor. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 3/1/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Eliot, Theodore L. Jr. Memorandum to the U.S. Steering Committee Members and Advisory Group. 11/29/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Suggested Invitees to Bilderberg 1991,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Banck, Maja (executive secretary of Bilderberg). Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 11/16/1990,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/1/1987; A proposed Agenda for the June 1988 Meeting.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
American Express Invoice to George Ball for Airline Travel,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Bilderberg Flight Information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/22/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Minutes of the Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Halberstadt, Victor. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group: concerning Agenda and the composition for the Steering Committee,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Biography of Mr. Marc Ladreit De Lacherriere,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Oort, Conrad J. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee. 4/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Estimated Costs for the Financial Years 1988/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Annual National Contributions,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the Participants in the 1988 Bilderberg Meeting at the Interalpen - Hotel Tyrol in Austria from June 2 through 5. 5/10/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Provisional Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Provisional List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Herrhausen, Alfred. Some Ideas On How To Solve The Debt Crisis,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. To the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/6/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Revised Provisional Agenda - 4/5,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Provisional Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the participants in the 1988 Bilderberg Meeting at the Interalpen - Hotel Tyrol in Austria from June 2 through 5. 5/10/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/22/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Bilderberg Meeting 1988 at Interalpen Hotel Tyrol, Austria: Provisional Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Note [Handwritten]: concerning George Ball and a list of Bilderberg Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Federal Express invoice from George Ball to Diemet Kastner and Saskia Asbroek,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Muller, Charles W. Letter to the U.S. Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 2/11/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Saskia ten Asbroek. 5/19/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Copy of “Who’s Who in America” biography information on George Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Travel Advisory Form for George Ball [ 3 copies],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Invoice/Itinerary from American Express to George Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
General Information on Bilderberg Meeting 1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Contact information of Bilderberg Secretary,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
[2 Copies] Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 1/26/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Bilderberg Interalpen Hotel Tyrol, Austria. 6/2 - 5/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Provisional Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Provisional List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Fact Sheet For Participants (1987),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Letter members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 12/8/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Provisional Program,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
List of Invitees,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Lord Roll of Ipsden. 12/11/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Lord Roll of Ipsden. Invitation to George Ball,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Bilderberg Meeting Interalpen Hotel Tyrol, Austria. 6/2 - 5/1988: Provisional Program (as of 10/21/1987),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Interalpen Hotel Tyrol, Bill to (George Ball),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
Bilderberg Meeting Interalpen Hotel Tyrol, Austria. 6/2 - 5/1988: Provisional List of Participants (as 3/30/1988),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
American Airlines In - Flight Sales Credit Card Charge Form. 6/5/1988. Visa. To George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 10 Folder 13
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11
Bilderberg Meeting 1988 - Austria, June 2 – 5,Subseries 11: Bilderberg Meeting 1988 - Austria, June 2 – 5
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Asbroek, Saskia te. Letter to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 6/10/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting Minutes of the Meeting Steering Committee and Advisory Group.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Note to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 6/3/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Notice to Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. General Information,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Agenda,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. List of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Profiles of Participants,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. General Procedure for Participants in Plenary Discussions,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting Seating Chart,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Interalpen - Hotel Tyrol map,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Alphabetical List of Participants with Room Numbers,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Kohl, Herr Helmut (Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany). Address. Bilderberg Conference. 6/3/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Joint Statement Between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Issued Following Meetings in Moscow, USSR. 5/29 - 6/1/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Sick, Gary. [Working Paper],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Sick, Gary G. Issues in the Iran - Iraq War. Bilderberg Meeting 1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Herrhausen, Alfred. [Working Paper],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Herrhausen, Alfred. Some Ideas of How to Solve the Debt Crisis. Bilderberg Meeting 1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Heisbourg, Francois. [Working Paper],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Hapsburg, Francois. The Future Defense of Europe. Bilderberg Meeting 1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting. Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. Agenda,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. Letter to the members of the Steering committee and Advisory Group. 4/6/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Revised Provisional Agenda (as of 4/5),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Halberstadt, Victor. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 4/22/1988: Re Agenda 5, Composition of the Steering Committee,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Biography of Mr. Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Oort, Conrad. Memorandum to the Members of the Steering Committee. 4/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Estimated Costs for the Financial Years 1988/1989,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Annual National Contributions,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/2/1987,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting 1988. Provisional Program (as of 5/10/1988),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting 1988. Provisional List of Participants (as of 5/10/1988),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting 1988. Profiles of Participants (as of 5/30/1988): handwritten notes on the back,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Note to George Ball. 6/3/1988; also addressed to Ali Bozer, James Craig, Karen Elliott House, Oliver Roy and Gary G. Sick.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Handwritten Notes,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting 1988. Profiles of Participants (continued),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting Handwritten Notes,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting 1988 Participants and country list,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting 1988. Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. List of Attendees,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Handwritten Notes; Bilderberg Meeting Seating Chart,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Handwritten Notes (front and back),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Bilderberg Meeting Notes (notepad) [2],
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Wriston, Walter B. Remarks. Bilderberg. 6/3/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
Excerpt with The Latin American Debt Story: 64 Numbers from the IMF(pg 272 or 202),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 11 Folder 14
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12
Bilderberg Meeting 1988: Portugal, Nov. 11 - 20,Subseries 12: Bilderberg Meeting 1988: Portugal, Nov. 11 - 20
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Bilderberg Meeting. Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Eliot, Ted and Victor Halberstadt. Letter to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 11/1/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Vasudeva, Karen. Letter to Saskia ten Asbroek. 9/19/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
President of the Portuguese Republic. Invitation to the Palace of Queluz to George Ball.,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 10/4/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Minutes of the Meeting,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Evaluation of the meeting held at Interalpen, Austria (6/2 - 5/1988),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Number of Participants and geographical distribution over countries (1988 - 89),
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Asbroek, Saskia ten. Memorandum to the members of the Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 9/7/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Travel Information Answer Sheet,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
Eliot, Theodore L. Jr. Memorandum to the American Members of the International Steering Committee and Advisory Group. 6/24/1988,
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 12 Folder 15
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 2 Box 27
Box 28 contains books concerning Iran oil Industry and development; Era of Construction, 3 Volume Set; the Dynamics of Change; Aramco and Its World.
- Box 28
- Box 28
Ed. Vasal - e - Shemirani, Alireza. The Era of Construction (A Narrative of Eight Years of Construction During the Presidency of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani). Vol 1. Nashr –e-Kelid: 1997.,
- Box 28
Public Relations Office of the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations. Letter to James Bill. 8/7/1998,
- Box 28
- Box 28
Ed. Vasal - e - Shemirani, Alireza. The Era of Construction (A Narrative of Eight Years of Construction During the Presidency of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani.) Vol 2. Nashr - e - Kelid: 1997,
- Box 28
Ed. Vasal - e - Shemirani, Alireza. The Era of Construction (A Narrative of Eight Years of Construction During the Presidency of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani.) Vol 3. Nashr - e - Kelid: 1997,
- Box 28
Fabun, Don. The Dynamics of Change. Edition 3. Prentice - Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: September 1968.,
- Box 28
Aramco and Its World (Shrink Wrapped),
- Box 28
Brown Paper Bag,
- Box 28
Box 29 contains Iran Census and Statistical Survey books [Farsai and English], 1956, 1966, 1967.
- Box 29
- Box 29
Plan Organization. Iran Statistical Centre. National Census of Populations and Housing: November 1966. Demographical, Social and Economic Characteristics of the Population, Advance Sample Data for Total Country, Urban and Rural. Bulletin No. 3. May, 1967 [in Farsai and English],
- Box 29
Ministry of Interior. National and Province Statistics of the First Census of Iran: Nov. 1956. Social and Economic Characterizes of the Inhabitants of Iran and the Census Provinces. Vol 2. June 1962 [in English and Farsai],
- Box 29
Plan Organization. Iranian Statistical Centre. National Census of Population and Housing: November 1966. Vol. 10. Tehran Shahrestan. Aug. 1967 [in English and Farsai],
- Box 29
Jahangiri, Mohsen. Mohyi Al - din Ibn ‘Arabi: The Distinguished figure of Islamic Mysticism. 4th Ed. Tehran University Press: 1996 [in Farsai],
- Box 29
Iranian Statistical and Mathematical Information (?)[In Farsai],
7 books.
- Box 29
Box 30 contains books authored and co-authored by James A. Bill
- Box 30
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Robert Springborg. Politics in the Middle East. 4th Ed. Harper Collins College Publishers, New York: 1994,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Robert Springborg. Politics in the Middle East. 3rd Ed. Harper Collins Publishers, New York:1990,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Carl Leiden. Politics in the Middle East. 2nd Ed. Little, Brown and Company, Canada: 1984,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Carl Leiden. Politics in the Middle East. Little, Brown and Company, Canada: 1979, 1974,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Robert Springborg. Politics in the Middle East. 5th Ed. Longman, New York:1999,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. “The Military and Modernization in the Middle East.” The Dynamics of Modernization and Social Change: A Reader. Ed. George S. Masannat. Goodyear Publishing Company: 1973,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. “U.S. Foreign Policy and Iran: A System of Reinforced Failure.” American Foreign Policy in an Uncertain World. Ed. David P. Forsythe. University of Nebraska Press: 1984,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. “The Lion Gone Bad.” Authoritarian Regimes in Transition. Ed. Hans Binnendijk. Department of State Publication:1987,
- Box 30
George B. Lambrakis et all. “U.S. Embassy Reporting.” Authoritarian Regimes in Transition. Ed. Hans Binnendijk. Department of State Publications: 1987,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and William G. Miller. “Understanding Political Development.” Authoritarian Regimes in Transition. Ed. Hans. Binnendijk. Department of State Publications: 1987.,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Robert L. Hardgrave, Jr. Comparative Politics: the Quest for Theory. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company: 1973,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American - Iranian Relations. Yale University Press: 1988,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Robert W. Stookey. Politics and Petroleum: The Middle East and the United States. King’s Court Communications: 1975,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. George Ball: Behind the Scenes in U.S. Foreign Policy. Yale University Press: 1997,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. “The U.S. Overture to Iran, 1985 - 1986.” Neither East nor West: Iran, the Soviet Union and the United States. Yale University: 1990,
- Box 30
Bill, James A. and Carl Leiden. The Middle East: Politics and Power. Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston:1974,
- Box 30
Box 31 contains video tapes concerning Iran, Islam and the Middle East.
- Box 31
- Box 31
Islam National Issues: News Conference. Videocassette. Purdue University Public Affairs Video Archives. 02/03/1994,
- Box 31
Ball, George. The River Club. Videocassette. 1/23/1990,
- Box 31
Iran Through The Passage of Time. Videocassette. 1996,
- Box 31
Chomsky, Noam. The New World Order: Latin American and The Middle East. Videocassette. Dialogue Productions and MAB Productions; made for the Jewish Committee on the Middle East,
- Box 31
Parade by the Elite Units of The National Liberation Army of Iran. Videocassette. Reviewed by Massoud Rajavi; Mr. Massoud Rajavi, Leader of the Iranian Resistance,
- Box 31
Islam: A Pictorial Essay in Four Parts. Videocassette. The Islamic Texts Society,
- Box 31
Intifada Conference November 8, 1989. Videocassette; Pennsylvania State - Bangesa, Blitzer, Finlalstein, Jenko.,
- Box 31
Ball, George, Henry Kissinger and Gulf (?). Videocassette. 11/13/1990,
- Box 31
Intifada, Danger and Rage. Videocassette,
- Box 31
Arabia: Sound, Sea and Sky. Eye of the Camel. Videocassette. F.F. and McKinnon Film: 1990,
- Box 31
Between the Lines. Videocassette; About Iran,
- Box 31
Box 32-33 contains dissertations and theses supervised and/or dedicated to James A. Bill.
- Sub-Series 1
Dissertations and Theses Dedicated to, and Supervised by James A. Bill,Subseries 1: Dissertations and Theses Dedicated to, and Supervised by James A. Bill
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Fishman, Robert. “Class Inequalities and Problems of Change in Advanced Industrial - Capitalist Societies.” PH.D Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1975,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Al - Hasso, Nazar Tawfik. “Administrative Politics in the Middle East: The Case of Monarchial Iraq.” PH.D Diss. U of Texas at Austin, 1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Sadrieh, Abol - Hasan. “The Politics of the Religious and Secular Intelligentsia in Iran: A Review of the Political Thought of Ahmad Kasravi, Jalal Al Ahmad and Ali Shariati.” Report. U of Texas at Austin, 1985.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Johnson, Jerald Arthur. “Professionals and Public Service.” Thesis. U. of Texas at Austin, 1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Kitrinos, Robert Warren. “Soviet Policy Toward[s] Revolutionary Iran: The First Two Years.” Thesis. U. of Texas at Austin, 1982,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Tikriti, Mwafaq Haded. “Elites, Administration, and Public Policy: A Comparative Study of Republican Regimes in Iraq, 1958 - 1976.” PH.D Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Stookey, Robert Wilson. “Political Change in Yemen and Study of Values and Legitimacy.” PH.D Diss. U. Texas at Austin, 1972; not signed by James Bill,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Lorentz, John H. “Modernization and Political Change in Nineteenth - Century Iran: The Role of Amir Kabir.” Diss. U. of Princeton, 1974,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Megateli, Abderrahmane. “Petroleum Policies and National Oil Companies: A Comparative Study of Investment Policies with Emphasis on Exploration of Sonatrach (Algeria), NIOC (Iran) and Pemex (Mexico), 1970 - 1975.” Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1978,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Daoudi, Mohammed S. “The Politactics of International Cartels: Economic Illusions, Political Realities, and OPEC.” Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1984,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Anurugsa, Panomporn. “Political Integration Policy in Thailand: The Case of the Malay Muslim Minority.” Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1984,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Koenig, Edna Louise. “The Nation Building of Tanzania: An Interaction Approach.” Thesis. U. of Texas at Austin, 1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Natto, Ibrahim Abbas. “Local Administration in Mecca.” Thesis. U. of Texas at Austin, 1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Lutz, James Michael. “Military and Civilian Regimes in Sub - Saharan Africa Comparisons, Differences, and Similarities.” Thesis. U. of Texas at Austin, 1972,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Howell, Robert E. “Student Political Protest in Japan: Possible Causes and Implications.” Thesis. U. of Texas at Austin, 1970,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Al - Ghabra, Shafeeq N. “Palestinians in Kuwait: The Family and Politics of Survival.” Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1987,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Brunson, Yvonne Marie. “An Assessment of Saudi Arabia’s Endeavor to Modernize, In the Context of Declining Oil Revenues and Islamic Fundamentalism.” Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1985,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
Sonn, Ho Chul. “A Comparative Study of Social Revolutions: China and Vietnam.” Diss. U. of Texas at Austin, 1982,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 33
- Sub-Series 1 Box 32
Contains cassette tapes concerning interviews conducted by James Bill of various people, 1988-1993, including George Ball, Robert Schaetzel, W. W. Rostow, Michael Blumenthal, Roger Hilsman, Donald Lamm, Peter Peterson, Helen Vahey, William Bundy, Nicholas Katzenbach, J. Wm. Fulbright, Arthur Hartman, Roger L. Stevens, James Schlesinger, George Springsteen, Paul Nitze, Douglas Ball, Lucius Battle, David Rockefeller, John Tuthill, George McGhee, Dean Rusk, and Ruth Ball.
- Box 34
- Box 34 Sub-Series 1
Interview # 1: September 14, 1988,Subseries 1: Interview # 1: September 14, 1988
- Box 34 Sub-Series 1
Tape 1: A, B - George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 1
Tape 2: A - George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 1
- Box 34 Sub-Series 2
Interview # 2: February 17, 1989,Subseries 2: Interview # 2: February 17, 1989
- Box 34 Sub-Series 2
Tape 3:A,B - George Ball, Douglas Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 2
Tape 4:A, B – George Ball, Douglas Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 2
- Box 34 Sub-Series 3
Interview # 3: February 18, 1989,Subseries 3: Interview # 3: February 18, 1989
- Box 34 Sub-Series 3
Tape 5: A - George Ball, Douglas Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 3
Tape 5:B - George Ball, Ruth Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 3
Tape 6:A - Ruth Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 3
Tape 6:B - Ruth Ball, George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 3
- Box 34 Sub-Series 4
Interview # 4: September 16, 1989,Subseries 4: Interview # 4: September 16, 1989
Tape 7: A,B - George Ball,Box 34 Sub-Series 4Series 1: Tape 7: A,B - George Ball
Tape 8: A,B - George Ball,Box 34 Sub-Series 4Series 2: Tape 8: A,B - George Ball
Tape 9: A,B - Douglas Ball,Box 34 Sub-Series 4Series 3: Tape 9: A,B - Douglas Ball
- Box 34 Sub-Series 5
Interview # 5: October 14, 1989,Subseries 5: Interview # 5: October 14, 1989
- Box 34 Sub-Series 5
Tape 10:A,B - George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 5
- Box 34 Sub-Series 6
Interview # 6: November 6, 1989,Subseries 6: Interview # 6: November 6, 1989
- Box 34 Sub-Series 6
Tape 11: A,B - Dean Rusk,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 6
- Box 34 Sub-Series 7
Interview # 7: January 27, 1990,Subseries 7: Interview # 7: January 27, 1990
Tape 12:A, B - George Ball,Box 34 Sub-Series 7Series 1: Tape 12:A, B - George Ball
- Box 34 Sub-Series 8
Interview # 8: January 28, 1990,Subseries 8: Interview # 8: January 28, 1990
- Box 34 Sub-Series 8
Tape 13: A, B - Douglas Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 8
Tape 14: A, B - Douglas Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 8
- Box 34 Sub-Series 9
Interview # 9: February 14, 1990,Subseries 9: Interview # 9: February 14, 1990
- Box 34 Sub-Series 9
Tape 15: A, B - George McGhee,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 9
Tape 16: A - George McGhee,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 9
- Box 34 Sub-Series 10
Interview # 10: April 17, 1990,Subseries 10: Interview # 10: April 17, 1990
- Box 34 Sub-Series 10
Tape 17: A, B - Amb. John Tuthill,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 10
- Box 34 Sub-Series 11
Interview # 11: November 9, 1990,Subseries 11: Interview # 11: November 9, 1990
- Box 34 Sub-Series 11
Tape 18: A - David Rockefeller,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 11
- Box 34 Sub-Series 12
Interview # 12: April 26, 1991,Subseries 12: Interview # 12: April 26, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 12
Tape 19: A - George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 12
- Box 34 Sub-Series 13
Interview # 13: August 27, 1991,Subseries 13: Interview # 13: August 27, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 13
Tape 20: A, B - Amb. Lucius Battle,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 13
- Box 34 Sub-Series 14
Interview # 14: September 4, 1991,Subseries 14: Interview # 14: September 4, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 14
Tape 21: A,B - George Ball, Douglas Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 14
Tape 22: A - George Ball, Douglas Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 14
- Box 34 Sub-Series 15
Interview # 15: October 12, 1991,Subseries 15: Interview # 15: October 12, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 15
Tape 23: A, B - George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 15
- Box 34 Sub-Series 16
Interview # 16: November 12, 1991,Subseries 16: Interview # 16: November 12, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 16
Tape 24: A, B - Paul Nitze,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 16
- Box 34 Sub-Series 17
Interview # 17: November 12, 1991,Subseries 17: Interview # 17: November 12, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 17
Tape 25: A, B - George Springsteen,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 17
- Box 34 Sub-Series 18
Interview # 18: November 12, 1991,Subseries 18: Interview # 18: November 12, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 18
Tape 26: A - James Schlesinger; Commentary on the Three 11/12/91 Interviews,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 18
- Box 34 Sub-Series 19
Interview # 19: November 13, 1991,Subseries 19: Interview # 19: November 13, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 19
Tape 27: B – Roger L. Stevens,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 19
Tape 27: A - Roger L. Steves/Commentary,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 19
- Box 34 Sub-Series 20
Interview # 20: November 13, 1991,Subseries 20: Interview # 20: November 13, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 20
Tape 28: A, B - Arthur Hartman,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 20
- Box 34 Sub-Series 21
Interview # 21: November 25, 1991,Subseries 21: Interview # 21: November 25, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 21
Tape 29: A - Sen. J. Wm. Fulbright,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 21
Tape 29: B - Sen. J. Wm. Fulbright/ Commentary,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 21
- Box 34 Sub-Series 22
Interview # 22: December 13, 1991,Subseries 22: Interview # 22: December 13, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 22
Tape 30: A - George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 22
- Box 34 Sub-Series 23
Interview # 23: December 13, 1991,Subseries 23: Interview # 23: December 13, 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 23
Tape 31: A, B - Nicholas Katzenbac,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 23
- Box 34 Sub-Series 24
Interview # 24: December 1991,Subseries 24: Interview # 24: December 1991
- Box 34 Sub-Series 24
Tape 32: A, B - William Bundy,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 24
- Box 34 Sub-Series 25
Interview # 25: January 7, 1992,Subseries 25: Interview # 25: January 7, 1992
- Box 34 Sub-Series 25
Tape 33: A, B - Helen Vahey,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 25
- Box 34 Sub-Series 26
Interview # 26: January 8, 1992,Subseries 26: Interview # 26: January 8, 1992
- Box 34 Sub-Series 26
Tape 34: A, B - Peter Peterson,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 26
Tape 35: A - Peter Peterson,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 26
- Box 34 Sub-Series 27
Interview # 27: January 10, 1992,Subseries 27: Interview # 27: January 10, 1992
- Box 34 Sub-Series 27
Tape 36: A, B - Donald Lamm,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 27
- Box 34 Sub-Series 28
Interview # 28: January 12, 1992,Subseries 28: Interview # 28: January 12, 1992
- Box 34 Sub-Series 28
Tape 37: A, B - Roger Hilsman,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 28
Tape 38: A - Roger Hilsman,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 28
- Box 34 Sub-Series 29
Interview # 29: January 14, 1992,Subseries 29: Interview # 29: January 14, 1992
- Box 34 Sub-Series 30
Interview # 30: February 4, 1992,Subseries 30: Interview # 30: February 4, 1992
- Box 34 Sub-Series 30
Tape 40: A, B - W. W. Rostow,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 30
- Box 34 Sub-Series 31
Interview # 31: February 11, 1992,Subseries 31: Interview # 31: February 11, 1992
- Box 34 Sub-Series 31
Tape 41: A, B - Robert Schaetzel,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 31
- Box 34 Sub-Series 32
Interview # 32: March 12, 1993,Subseries 32: Interview # 32: March 12, 1993
- Box 34 Sub-Series 32
Tape 42: A, B - George Ball,
- Box 34 Sub-Series 32
- Box 34 Sub-Series 1
- Box 35
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings and Conference Books, 27 books from 1954 - 1988,Subseries 1: Bilderberg Meetings and Conference Books, 27 books from 1954 - 1988
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Conference. May 29th – 31st, 1954,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Barbizon Conference. March 18th – 20th, 1955,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Garmish - Partenkirchen Conference. September 23 - 25, 1955,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Fiuggi Conference. October 4 - 6, 1957,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Group. St. Simons Island Conference. February 15 - 17, 1957,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Group. Buxton Conference. September 13 - 15, 1958,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Group. Yesilkoy Conference. September 18 - 20, 1959,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Villa D’este Conference. April 2 - 4, 1965,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Wiesbaden Conference. March 25 - 27, 1966,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Cambridge Conference. 31 March – 2 April, 1967,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Marienlyst Conference. 9 - 11 May 1969,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Bad Ragaz. 17, 18 and 19 April 1970. Notice for Participants,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Bad Ragaz. 17 - 19 April 1970 [5 copies],
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. The Hague. List of Participants. August 1970 [3 copies],
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Woodstock Conference. 23 - 25 April 1971,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Knokee Conference. 21 - 23 April 1972,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Saltsjobaden Conference. 11 - 13 May 1973 [2 copies],
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Burgenstock Conference. 15 - 17 May 1981,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Chateau Montebello Conference. 13 - 15 May 1983,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. Telfs - Buchen Conference. 3 - 5 June 1988,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. List of Participants. August 1970,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. List of Participants. August 1970,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Bilderberg Meetings. List of Participants. March 1970 [pamphlet],
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1
Foreign Relations Reports and Papers of and Concerning Henry Kissinger,Subseries 1: Foreign Relations Reports and Papers of and Concerning Henry Kissinger
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Kissinger and Foreign Relations Reports, 1974,Subseries 1: Kissinger and Foreign Relations Reports, 1974
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Sonnefeldt, April 2, 1974 (no attribution),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Sisco, Joseph J., March 27, 1974 (background),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Rodman, Peter., National Security Council, March 29, 1974 (not attribution – very skittish),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
McCloskey, Robert., March 25, 1974 (background),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Lord, Winston., March 23, 1974,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Rush, Kenneth. Deputy Secretary of State. In two meetings, March 27 and 28, 1974,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Unknown author. March 25, 1974,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
Unknown author. Reflection on Henry Kissinger’s actions.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1 Folder 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2
Coorespondences between George Ball and Henry Kissinger,Subseries 2: Coorespondences between George Ball and Henry Kissinger
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. To Henry Kissinger. November 18, 1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. December 6, 1976,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. September 27, 1974 [memorandum],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. March 29, 1973 [memorandum],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. May 21, 1971,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Richards, Bill. “Ball Asserts Kissinger’s ‘Obnoxious’ Pressure Preceded Entry of Shah.” The Washington Post. 26 Nov. 1979,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. “Letters: Kissinger on Iran.” The Economist. 17 Feb. 1979,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. December 11, 1968,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Lewis, Anthony. “Mr. Kissinger’s Role.” New York Times. 26 Nov. 1979,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Falk, Richard. “Carter’s Courtier: Brzezinski: Looking out for #1.” The Nation. 27 Sept. 1980.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Nickel, Herman. “Why ‘Zbig’ is Not Quite on Top of the World.” Fortune. 23 April 1979 pp. 71 - 75,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Peterson, Peter. To David Rockefeller. July 16, 1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Draft of a letter to David [surname unknown]. August 10, 1981 – written on header “to Peterson 8/10/1981,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. June 5, 1985,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. To Henry Kissinger. February 14, 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. March 21, 1989,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Ball, George. To Henry Kissinger. June 11, 1985,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hewitt, Don (executive producer of NBC). To George Ball. [date unknown],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Hewitt, Don. To Henry Kissinger. April 30, 1980,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To William Leonard. May 6, 1980 [10 pages],
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To Dan Rather. May 1, 1980,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To George Ball. November 2, 1986,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Kissinger, Henry. To Bill Leanord. May 9, 1980,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
Leonard, Bill. To Henry Kissinger. May 16, 1980,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 2 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3
Newspapers, magazine articles and essays concerning Kissinger and Iran.,Subseries 3: Newspapers, magazine articles and essays concerning Kissinger and Iran.
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Ball, George. “Scathing Re - examination Leave Kissinger Tarnished, but not Demolished.” The Christian Science Monitor. 2 Sept. 1983 B5,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Mcgrory, Mary. “Who Wants the Shah Here?: Dr. K has it both ways.” New York Post. 27 November 1979,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Copy: McGrory, Mary. “Carter may replace Sullivan to signal ‘new start’ in Iran.” New York Post. 20 February 1979,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Burt, Richard. “U.S. Strategy on Iran Stirs a Fierce Debate.” New York Times. 12 January 1979. A.3,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Gwertzman, Bernard. “Stresses a Trip Would Be Temporary, but Return Is Viewed as Difficult.” New York Times. 9 January 1979. A. 1. glued onto paper,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Essay: “Iran’s Current Problems and Needs as they Confront the United States: Economic, Social, Intellectual and Moral Concerns” General Introduction.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
“Showdown for the Shah.” Newsweek. 20 November 1978. p. 58 - 68. Glued onto paper.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
“Human Rights Policy Behind Unrest - Kissinger.” Keyhan International. 4 November 1978. p.1,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Hersh, Seymour M. “Brzezinski Is Said to Have Rejected Warnings About Problem in Iran.” New York Times. 21 December 1978. A.1,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Schmidt, Dana Adams. “New CIA Tale: Kurd Leader Was Secretely Flown to U.S.” Christian Science Monitor. 3 November 1975. p. 3.,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Clarity, James F. “Iran’s Help to Kurds Fighting Iraq Includes Arm(s).” New York Times. 11 October 12 (Copy),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Schmidt, Dana Adams. “Iranian aid vital to Kurds.” The Christian Science Monitor. 12 December 1974. p. 4,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
“Shah Says Ancient Differences With Iraq Are Over.” 8 March 1975. (Copy).,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
“Iraq - Iran Accord and Impact on Gulf.” The Arab World Weekly. 15 March 1975. p. 5 - 9. (Copy),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Namvar, Majid. “Iranian Stalinists Hail Shah’s Betrayal of Kurds.” Intercontinental Press. 22 January 1975. (Copy),
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Lieber, Robert J. “Costs of Amorality: A ‘Political Science Lecture’.” Commentary: Harper’s. p. 77 - 78,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
Personal Message. Henry Kissinger to Hon. George Ball. September 29,,
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 3 Folder 2
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35 Sub-Series 1
- Sub-Series 1 Box 35
- Box 35
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
International Iran Times Newspapers 2004-2007,Subseries 1: International Iran Times Newspapers 2004-2007
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 13, 16 June 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 14, 23 June 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 11, 2 June 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 12, 9 June 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 16, 7 June 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 15, 30 June 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 17, 14 July 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 21, 11 Aug. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 18, 21 June 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 22, 18 Aug. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 20, 4 Aug. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 27, 22 Sept. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 26, 15 Sept. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 23, 25 Aug. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 24, 1 Sept. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 25, 8 Sept 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 44, 19 Sept. 2007,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 45, 26 Sept. 2007,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 43, 12 Jan. 2007,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 42, 5 Jan. 2007,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 40, 22 Dec. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 28, 29 Sept 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 29, 6 Oct. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 30, 13 Oct. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 34, 10 Nov. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 33, 3 Nov. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 32, 27 Oct. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 39, 10 Dec. 2004,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 35, 17 Nov. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 38, 3 Dece. 2004,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 37, 26 Nov. 2004,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 36, 19 Nov. 2004,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 36, 24 Nov. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 38, 8 Dec. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 37, 1 Dec. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 39, 15 Dec. 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 19, 28 July 2006,
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
- Box 35 Sub-Series 1
- Box 36
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
International Iran Times 2004 - 2006,Subseries 1: International Iran Times 2004 - 2006
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 51, 4 March 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 52, 11 March 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 1, 25 March 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 2, 1 April 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 3, 8 April 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 4, 15 April 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 5, 22 April 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 6, 29 April 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 7, 6 May 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 8, 13 May 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 11, 28 May, 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 12, 4 June 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 13, 11 June 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 14, 18 June 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 15, 25 June 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 16, 2 July 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 17, 9 July 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 18, 16 July 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 19, 23 July 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 21, 6 Aug. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 22, 13 Aug. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 23, 20 Aug. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 24, 27 Aug. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 25, 3 Sept. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 27, 17 Sept. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 29, 1 Oct. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 30, 8 Oct. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 32, 22 Oct. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 31, 15 Oct. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 33, 29 Oct. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 34, 5 Nov. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 35, 12 Nov. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 26, 10 Sept. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 28, 24 Sept. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 40, 17 Dec. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 41, 24 Dec 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 42, 31 Dec. 2004,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 43, 7 Jan. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 44, 14 Jan. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 46, 28 Jan. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 45, 21 Jan. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 47, 4 Feb. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 48, 11 Feb. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 49, 18 Feb. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 34, no. 50, 25 Feb. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 9, 20 May, 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 10, 27 May 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 16, 8 July 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 17, 15 July 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 18, 22 July 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 19, 29 July 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 20, 5 Aug. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 21, 12 Aug. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 22, 19 Aug. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 23, 26 Aug. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 24, 2 Sept. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 25, 9 Sept. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 26, 16 Sept. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 27, 23 Sept. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 28, 30 Sept. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 29, 7 Oct. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 30, 14 Oct. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 31, 21 Oct. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 32, 28 Oct. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 33, 4 Nov. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 34, 11 Nov. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 35, 18 Nov. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 36, 25 Nov. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 37, 2 Dec. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 38, 9 Dec. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 39, 16 Dec. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 41, 30 Dec. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 40, 23 Dec. 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 43, 13 Jan. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 42, 6 Jan. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 44, 20 Jan. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 45, 27 Jan. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 12, 10 June 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 11, 3 June 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 14, 24 June 2005,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 47, 10 Feb. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 46, 3 Feb. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 50, 3 March 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 51, 10 March 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 48, 17 Feb. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 52, 17 March, 2006 [in farsi],
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 1, 24 March 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 52, 17 March 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 3, 17 April 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 2, 31 March 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 4, 14 Friday 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 5, 21 April 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 7, 5 May, 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 6, 28 April 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 8, 12 May 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 36, no. 9, 19 May 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 49, 24 Feb. 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
Vol. 35, no. 10, 26 May 2006,
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1
- Box 36 Sub-Series 2
Century Club Luncheon Files, 1990 – 1988,Subseries 2: Century Club Luncheon Files, 1990 – 1988
- Box 36 Sub-Series 3
Princeton University – George Ball Collection,Subseries 3: Princeton University – George Ball Collection
- Box 36 Sub-Series 4
Bilderberg Photos – 1993,Subseries 4: Bilderberg Photos – 1993
- Box 36 Sub-Series 5
Lloyd Cutler Coorespondances,Subseries 5: Lloyd Cutler Coorespondances
- Box 36 Sub-Series 6
George Ball Authored Articles on Free Trade,Subseries 6: George Ball Authored Articles on Free Trade
- Box 36 Sub-Series 7
Bilderberg Meeting Notices and Topic Information,Subseries 7: Bilderberg Meeting Notices and Topic Information
- Box 36 Sub-Series 8
Schuman Plan Documents/Analysis and Explanations (In French),Subseries 8: Schuman Plan Documents/Analysis and Explanations (In French)
- Box 36 Sub-Series 9
George Ball Coorespondance Copies, 1951,Subseries 9: George Ball Coorespondance Copies, 1951
- Box 36 Sub-Series 10
Newspaper Articles Concerning David Rockefeller,Subseries 10: Newspaper Articles Concerning David Rockefeller
- Box 36 Sub-Series 11
James Bill Coorespondances and Miscellanious Bilderberg Documents,Subseries 11: James Bill Coorespondances and Miscellanious Bilderberg Documents
- Box 36 Sub-Series 12
Materials Concerning James Bill’s work on George Ball,Subseries 12: Materials Concerning James Bill’s work on George Ball
- Box 36 Sub-Series 13
Newspapers, and Materials Concerning Bilderberg Meetings and George Ball,Subseries 13: Newspapers, and Materials Concerning Bilderberg Meetings and George Ball
- Box 36 Sub-Series 1